The Misfits [Inactive]

Lets go grab a bite to eat or whatever you want. He said almost right after she said what now. He always had something on his mind to do. There never was a real dull moment with Kaylen if you knew him good enough. He wasn't the sort of person to be bored and/or boring.
"Well, I wanted ice cream." Gemma began to walk towards downtown, getting a little ways ahead of Kaylen. Other people would go back and forth saying whatever you want, whatever you want, but Kaylen and Gemma were different than other people. Thinking of this, Gemma remembered how much she despised labels. She thought they were nothing more than a couple words summing up an amazing person. And the words were never accurate, only ugly words. Words that are opposite of what they should be. Gemma liked her label though, Misfit, it fit her, no pun intended. It reminded her of one of her favorite childhood movies, Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer, she recalled mentally. The Island of Misfit Toys was Gemma's anthem as she used to say.
Kaylen nodded and followed her, looking at the back of her head and pretty hair flowing. Ice cream sounds great. He said, putting his hands in his pockets and following her, strutting down the street. He didn't mind how he acted or the way his personality flowed into a conversation he just wanted to be himself without the bullies needing to make a rude comment or laugh at something that he does. It was hard for him to say something in class mostly because he was in a class with at least 2 jocks.
"Yes!" Gemma cheered excitedly, turning around momentarily to smile brightly at Kaylen. She playfully blew a kiss at Kaylen, laughing lightly. Gemma could be a really fun person to be around, it's just, people only judged her because she wasn't super-skinny, didn't have blond hair, and was quiet and reserved, instead of sociable and catty. Kaylen was the only person beside her dads who she could truly be herself around, and she loved it.
Kaylen pretended to catch the kiss and shove it in his pocket. He winked at her and let his steps get bigger, so he could walk alongside her. His feet were in coordination with hers, so he looked down at them. He had his high tops on while she had her little shoes on. Compared to his foot size she was a lot smaller, he noticed. Obviously he liked to focus on the little things in life because the bigger things were created by all the little things.
Gemma smiled, and as they fell into step, stared down at her sneakers, blushing slightly. Looking back up, she smiled at Kaylen, then gasped, a sly smirk playing on her lips. "I don't even have a nickname for you!" Stifling a laugh, she began to list possible nicknames to him, "Kay, Kaybear.." she ran out of ideas, and pouted, crinkling her nose up in thought. "Okay, I ran out."
He laughed a bit. He bit his lip and rubbed the back of his neck. That was only two possible ideas, Gem. He admitted, smirking.

She was funny. She thought of the most random things yet made it something fun. Nicknames though, Kaylen didn't have many besides weirdo and loser. The bullies should've had better comebacks then those although. Kaylen's grandmother had better disses than those.
She laughed and punched his shoulder lightly. Gemma couldn't hurt a flea. 'Unless of course, that flea is the jock from earlier,' she thought to herself. "Well, you know, I try." They came upon the ice cream place, and Gemma skipped to the window, smiling at the attendant. "Hmm...I'll get a chocolate-vanilla swirl please," Gemma trailed off after ordering, a subtle gesture commonly used around the world meaning it's the next person's turn to order.
Kaylen watched her walk towards cashier after ordering her ice cream but he turned his attention to the worker and looked down at the ice cream types. Mocha and Mint Chocolate Chip. He said, kindly. He walked away from the ice cream display window and went towards Gemma. A bit enthusiastic there, you sure you want sugar? He teased her.
"Oh hush, I'm fine." Gemma waved her hand, dismissing it. She giggled, and then gasped for the second time today. "Ugh! I just...giggled." Her eyes grew wide, as she covered her mouth. "I'm a prep now," she mocked, throwing her hair over her shoulder and scoffing. She closed her eyes, turning her nose up, but opened her right eye to peek out at Kaylen every now and then.
Kaylen stared at her for a minute, trying not to laugh. He leaned against the fence that divided the line from the chairs which seated the happy customers. He ate his ice cream contently while eating his ice cream. Uh oh. I guess I can't talk to you now. Misfits hate preps. He grinned and slid past her in line, walking away but barely leaving the line.
Grabbing her ice cream, Gemma was hot on his heels, appearing beside him again and saying, "I guess you're right. But just so you know, you'll," she pointed an accusing finger, grinning, "will be the one missing me." She pointed to herself, ever so often licking her ice cream. She swiped a finger past the side of his ice cream, putting it in her mouth, and then smiling. "Yum."
He grinned looking at her eat her ice cream like an actress trying to lure in an actor on a movie would. This moment reminded him of a romantic movie, at the beginning. Maybe about 20 minutes into the movie but he had no idea why he compared it to that. Nothing romantic was happening between them..Or did he not see the signs.

Kaylen licked the side of Gemma's ice cream and raised an eyebrow. Yup that is good. He hopped the fence with one hand planted on it and hung over the side, near her.
She scoffed, saying, "Excuse you," laughing and leaning against the fence, looking at him.

Gemma watched him, smiling. She thought of this book she had once read, where two lovers first realized they liked each other at an ice cream parlor. She thought of having romantic gestures with Kaylen, and smiled, her cheeks adapting a pink tint, but as quickly as it had come, Gemma dismissed it, refusing to think of it. 'It's weird, and he probably doesn't even feel the same way.' She thought harshly to herself.
Kaylen grinned and shrugged. I bet I'm excused. He laughed a bit under his breath and sat on the fence, Gemma being to his left side as he satisfyingly ate his ice cream. He honestly didn't mind her being close to him, he liked it. Possibly more then she did but he still liked the closeness of them. What's on your mind. I see your thinking face. He tries to mock the face and fails.
Gemma's face flushed of color as he asked her this and she quickly tried to make the question go away, "Nothing. Really." She wouldn't tell him, she couldn't. She could feel her shoulder pressed up against his thigh, and chewed on her bottom lip. She tried to stop making faces, and obviously showing emotion, but it was a bit hard, considering she tended to be emotional, and Kaylen could read her well.
Kaylen looked into her eyes, switching between both eyes. You're lying. He tilted his face up. HAH, Now tell me what you're thinking, sister. He said looking down with a weird face. He made a weird smile, purposely trying to look scrunched up. He tilted his head to the side and looked at her chew her bottom lip. He nudged her with his shoulder and winked. Tell me what's on your pretty little mind.
Gemma laughed, and doubled over from laughing before standing up right again to wipe her eyes. "Nothing," she held out the 'g', averting her eyes from his, looking in all other directions. "And it was like, super stupid anyways so, yeah." She shrugged, and thought about how he said her pretty little mind, but remembered that was a saying and once again dismissed it. Finishing her ice cream, she threw the napkin in the trash and resumed her original spot, next to Kaylen, leaning up against the fence.
He swung his legs over the fence and came near her, grabbing both her shoulders into his hands, gently. I won't let this slide. You were pretty deep into that thought, tell me! He grinned lifting her over his shoulder and carrying her out of the ice cream place bringing her to the front. I'll give you 10 seconds to tell me. He placed her down and leaned against a wall, checking his wrist as if checking a watch.
"Hey-" Gemma protested as he picked her up, but he put her down, and she shut her mouth. Grinning, she kept her mouth closed, tapping her foot and humming. She started mouthing, 10, 9, 8, 7 at him, grinning triumphantly as if she had just crossed the finish line, which she felt she had currently, considering the circumstances.
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