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Fantasy The Marysue Fest (Always Accepting!)


The Forgettor

*deep breath* Okay. I’m calm now. Now send those CS! SEND IT.
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nameamae: omega sunshine overdrive ultra hypr meme friend of god's son's daughter's neighbor's wife

??: 6664269420911

pwers: shoots fireballs out of his eyes, can stop time for 10000 miles,


he is so handsom everyone sees him will fire pants!111! he will eat all the pants


he is wen he go to girl girl say "o u stud" and he say "o i stud" and he turn into unicorn and go flying


he was born as a fetus then his mom die then his dad die then he die then his dad revive and then his dad die and the parents keep dying and they don't stop dying
and they don't stop dying and they don't stop dying and they don't stop dying and they don't stop dying and they don't stop dying and they don't stop dying and they don't stop dying and they don't stop dying and they don't stop dying and they don't stop dying and they don't stop dying Fed to the rules and I hit the ground runnin'.

Didn't make sense not to live for fun,

Your brain gets smart, but your head gets dumb.

So much to do so much to see,

So what's wrong with takin' the back streets.

You'll never know if you don't go,

You'll never shine if you don't glow...

Hey now, you're an allstar,

Get your game on go play.

Hey now you're a rock star get your show on,

Get paid. (all that glitters is gold)

Only shooting stars break the mold.

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she da cutast of da qties. she can never not be da qtie. if she ish not da qtie, she will kill EVERYONE AND ENSLAVE THEIR SOULS"





cute things




heakthy shit


She appears to be a normal martial artist except she dresses like a druidess mad scientist, her eyes glows with arcane power and her hair is sah blu and has a look to it, but secretly she is actually a half-meme demon child thing.She is a scientific experiment gone wrong who is also rumored to be a demi-goddess and she will fight her enemies with the power to summon a rabid army of fanboys or to eat vampires.Her friends and enemies call her MEME GODDESS OF DA PLUNAATHer constant companion is a amorous ancient demon who is also her superior officer.Her favored weapon is a bio-mechanical freezing sniper rifle which made from the bones of her slain foes. Da workld almost died when she left hell because they couldnt handle da aweshumness of her beauty. Boys dropped and dies becush they love her so much and everyone gave her cookies and made her miss universe and shit. She stopped a metor with her bare hands, barely using her ice powahs and threw it into the sun.






Her rifle made of the bones of her fallen emenies

And dis ting yaaaay

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ok since im gm i dont ned 2 put in my own cs ull al wil see dem in te rp!!!

But since I'm so nice, I'm doing so anyways. REMEMBER TO LOCK UP THOSE INNER GRAMMAR NAZIS EVERYONE.

Kawaii Neko-chan



kawaii neko-chan


foRever 16!!!


girl lol


angel demon cat goddess of goddesses of rainbows and all that shit


sugar and sugar only


sweet shy cute adorable did i say sweet kawaii nekoness desuUUUSAUDUASUASUSUSUSUSUSUS


sugar sweets kawaii kitties cute bad ass boys and princesses


ppl who r men 2 hurr


heals revives ((more powahs shown in da rp)

Dis is ofc a work in progress and this is art

my byotful art <//333333​
NAame: snoow blazeshadow kurasaki

Age: 12


Powers: hee has control over shadows. Looking into his eyes kills you. He can make black flames, which cannot be put out ever. He has the powers of wolverwine and superman, with no weaknesses. His swords are made out of black steel, which can cut anything and is indistrucable.

Bio: Snow is half demon, and he killed his parent when he wsa born, because he iss half demon. He is also half cat and half vampire. He was raised by Uncle bem, but one day assassins came and killed everyone on the continet. They killed them to try to kill snoow, but he iss half demon, half cat, and half vampire, so he killed all the assasssins that tried to kill him By ripping their hearts out and eating them (because hee isi half demon and half vampire) He then went to go get revenge and killed all the asssains in the world. The people made him king of the contentent that he lived on. He went into hell to meet his father, hwo is satan. He kills him and becomes king of hell, and leader of the deomn army. Now he goes to highschool.

Edgy name from hell: Jaxon (because adding an X makes it cooler.)

Teh ultimate timey thing: 17

Powahs from Mary-sue land: Can call in teh nem of Lenny to curse or bless all teh peoplez


Weaponz: A gigantic sword that can shoot fireballz while also being super edgy in teh name of Lenny


Bio: When he was three a mysterious man came to his house and killed his parents for no reason, he just did it because Mary Sue logic. From then on he dedicated his life to swordplay, surpassing his teacher by the age of six. When he was seven he went on a massacre of a nearby village because of some unknown reason. When he finished teh massacre he felt nu regruts whersover. In fact, he walked away from the village in a super cool movie way as it exploded. When he reached the age of 14 he suddenly got perfectly defined abs without even working out. When he reached 17 he got to Mary Sue land n' shit.


Dislieks: John Cena and Rick Astley. Peple who r mean

Lieks: Swords n shit
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DISCLAIMER\Author's Note: Well, we are meant to make Mary Sues, but I DO understand if this is too OP. And if it is, then let me know and I'll fix it xD .

: The God-Emperor

Nicknames\Aliases: Master of Masters of Mastered Masterful Mastery, Glorious Golden God, but friends call him 'Big E'

Race: Glorious Golden God of Mary Sues, Domination and Omnipotence.

Age: Badass, but appears 18.

Appearance: He is buff, tall and has abs. Of course, if he wishes that can change.


Equipment: (He doesn't really need it, as he is Omnipotent. He just uses it for shits and giggles.)

  • Armor - It's so golden that when he walks into a foreign country the economy crashes immidieately. (except it's impossible, because he owns all countries) Protects from all types of damage. Cannot by taken off by an outside force.
  • Sword of Omnicide - Can kill anything in one hit. It cannot be taken out of his hand.
  • Super-klaw 5000000 - He uses it to scratch his back, when out of armor.
  • Cape of Badassery - +9781517266788999799999919919110100101001010111001000010010101992419 Badass. It also enchants the Sword of Omnicide with badass flames.
  • Halo of Endless Doom - +96172177671267671726712681628176712681826127677676767767676886969690214014 Holy Damage and +95958167612766812698564089678789633456979685479856478934 Holy Protection


  • Omnipotence - Omnipotence (from Latin: Omni Potens: "all power") is the ability to be almighty in every sense and aspect. The user can achieve and do absolutely anything without any limit or condition, including the conceptually impossible and logically impossible, like "bigger than infinity" or "making a squared circle".

    Omniarch - Rule all things.
  • Omnicompetence - Handle all situations or matters.

    Hypercompetence - Be absolutely skilled in every possible field.

[*]Omnifarious - Take on any and all existing forms, shapes, varieties, or kinds.

[*]Omnificence - Create anything and everything from nothing.

[*]Omnilingualism - Decipher and speak any language.

[*]Omnilock - Exist outside of everything.

  • Freedom - Be absolute free of any boundaries, even from destiny.

[*]Omnipresence - Be everywhere in existence at once.

[*]Omniscience - Know everything and anything.

  • Enlightenment - Possess full comprehension of the omniverse.
  • Omni-Senses - Possess senses enhanced to omniversal scale.

Personality: The God-Emperor is a loving, caring and charismatic person. Most people can feel really weak around him. Not due to his powers, but rather because of how sheer badass he is. He has a very peculiar manner of gentle speech, and loves animals, especially: humans. He can do anything, but does not use this power too often, as it's boring.

Backstory: The God-Emperor existed. The end.

Family: Has 18 sons and 2 daughters. His children are not even close to getting 0,00000001% as much power as him, but they can still destroy and melt planets with laser eyes, and do lots of stuff. They go by the following names:

  1. Sanguinius - His most liked, favoured and loved son. Sanguinius has angel wings, and is beatiful. Rules over 92616 planets. The most powerful, great and beatiful of his sons. The God-Emperor favours him. Sanguinius rules over nigh limitless legions of immortal angels.
  2. Horus - His most disliked, and hated son. Horus is an ugly asshole, and douchebag. Rules over 2, ugly moons. He has 3 servants known as Bob, Rob and Grob.
  3. Leman Russ - Also known as the Wolf King of Fenris. He rules over 512 planets. Really manly, but has a soft heart for pugs, puppies and dogs. He has a legion of much, much, much, much weaker clones that he calls the Space Corgis.
  4. Chocolat - One of his two daughters. She is beatiful, young and often brawls with Leman Russ for fun. Loves Chocolate. She governs 758 planets made out of chocolate. She has 96912 factories that produce Chocolate-soldiers for her.
  5. Ferrus Manus - He's kindof a douche to be honest, but in the end he actually cares about his people and he's lawful. Rules over 421 planets. Has 69101 legions each made up of 999999999 Death-Robots.
  6. Fulgrim - Very arrogant. The Emperor dislikes him. Fulgrim is constantly trying to get a more fabulous haircut than his father, but fails horribly as it's impossible. Rules over 666 planets, and he commands 666 legions of 666666666 soldiers that look like the number "6" but with arms, legs, eyes and weapons.
  7. Vulkan - Likes crafting artifacts that can obliterate solar systems. Really cheerful lad. He crafted Ferrus' Death-Robots as a birthday gift. He has red eyes that can shoot out waffles. Has 99999 giant death-robots, much more powerful than Ferrus'.
  8. Rogal Dorn - Rules over one, big, expansive planet that is nearly unbreachable. He doesn't have an army, but has turrets absolutely everywhere. His planet is unbreachable (except for the Emperor, of course) and he loves making fortifications and playing strategy games.
  9. Roboute Guilliman - Seen as a disgrace. His Father pranked him, and glued him to a toilet with glue so powerful that even Roboute can't remove it. As a result; he lost control of his planets and control of his soldiers long ago.
  10. Magnus the Red - A powerful mage that can throw curses and cats at people. Really hates Leman Russ for unknown reasons.
  11. Lion El' Johnson - Hates Leman Russ for unknown reasons. Commands over 666 hells and has 666 legions of Dark Demons.
  12. Perturabo - Hates everything. Really edgy, and salty. The Emperor likes to kick him around from time to time, just for the heck of it.
  13. Mortarion - Has daddy issues.
  14. Lorgar - Worships his father 24\7, and is the pope of a whole community that worships his father.
  15. Jaghatai Khan - Likes to eat Chocolat's soldiers because they taste good. Always rides on a motorbike, in a black leather vest and has sunglassess.
  16. Konrad Curze - He stole Vulkan's pants as a prank, and was punished by his Father with a curse; Konrad is stuck in the body of a raven for all eternity, and can't get out of it no matter what he does. Despite that; he is still very powerful.
  17. Angron - Seems to be eternally mad, angry and triggered by everything. The Emperor keeps him in a cage, to ensure that the multiverse is safe.
  18. Corvus Corax - Is the opposite of Angron. Always polite, nice and delicate. Very popular with ladies. Rules over a dimension of warnicorns. His Father's 2nd favourite.
  19. Alpharius - Lies really often. Likes to cosplay as Omegan. Omegaon's twin.
  20. Omegan - The other daughter. Likes to cosplay as Alpharius. Alpharius' twin.
Birdsie said:
DISCLAIMER\Author's Note: Well, we are meant to make Mary Sues, but I DO understand if this is too OP. And if it is, then let me know and I'll fix it xD .

: The God-Emperor

Nicknames\Aliases: Master of Masters of Mastered Masterful Mastery, Glorious Golden God, but friends call him 'Big E'

Race: Glorious Golden God of Mary Sues, Domination and Omnipotence.

Age: Badass, but appears 18.

Appearance: He is buff, tall and has abs. Of course, if he wishes that can change.


Equipment: (He doesn't really need it, as he is Omnipotent. He just uses it for shits and giggles.)

  • Armor - It's so golden that when he walks into a foreign country the economy crashes immidieately. (except it's impossible, because he owns all countries) Protects from all types of damage. Cannot by taken off by an outside force.
  • Sword of Omnicide - Can kill anything in one hit. It cannot be taken out of his hand.
  • Super-klaw 5000000 - He uses it to scratch his back, when out of armor.
  • Cape of Badassery - +9781517266788999799999919919110100101001010111001000010010101992419 Badass. It also enchants the Sword of Omnicide with badass flames.
  • Halo of Endless Doom - +96172177671267671726712681628176712681826127677676767767676886969690214014 Holy Damage and +95958167612766812698564089678789633456979685479856478934 Holy Protection


  • Omnipotence - Omnipotence (from Latin: Omni Potens: "all power") is the ability to be almighty in every sense and aspect. The user can achieve and do absolutely anything without any limit or condition, including the conceptually impossible and logically impossible, like "bigger than infinity" or "making a squared circle".

    Omniarch - Rule all things.
  • Omnicompetence - Handle all situations or matters.

    Hypercompetence - Be absolutely skilled in every possible field.

[*]Omnifarious - Take on any and all existing forms, shapes, varieties, or kinds.

[*]Omnificence - Create anything and everything from nothing.

[*]Omnilingualism - Decipher and speak any language.

[*]Omnilock - Exist outside of everything.

  • Freedom - Be absolute free of any boundaries, even from destiny.

[*]Omnipresence - Be everywhere in existence at once.

[*]Omniscience - Know everything and anything.

  • Enlightenment - Possess full comprehension of the omniverse.
  • Omni-Senses - Possess senses enhanced to omniversal scale.

Personality: The God-Emperor is a loving, caring and charismatic person. Most people can feel really weak around him. Not due to his powers, but rather because of how sheer badass he is. He has a very peculiar manner of gentle speech, and loves animals, especially: humans. He can do anything, but does not use this power too often, as it's boring.

Backstory: The God-Emperor existed. The end.

Family: Has 18 sons and 2 daughters. His children are not even close to getting 0,00000001% as much power as him, but they can still destroy and melt planets with laser eyes, and do lots of stuff. They go by the following names:

  1. Sanguinius - His most liked, favoured and loved son. Sanguinius has angel wings, and is beatiful. Rules over 92616 planets. The most powerful, great and beatiful of his sons. The God-Emperor favours him. Sanguinius rules over nigh limitless legions of immortal angels.
  2. Horus - His most disliked, and hated son. Horus is an ugly asshole, and douchebag. Rules over 2, ugly moons. He has 3 servants known as Bob, Rob and Grob.
  3. Leman Russ - Also known as the Wolf King of Fenris. He rules over 512 planets. Really manly, but has a soft heart for pugs, puppies and dogs. He has a legion of much, much, much, much weaker clones that he calls the Space Corgis.
  4. Chocolat - One of his two daughters. She is beatiful, young and often brawls with Leman Russ for fun. Loves Chocolate. She governs 758 planets made out of chocolate. She has 96912 factories that produce Chocolate-soldiers for her.
  5. Ferrus Manus - He's kindof a douche to be honest, but in the end he actually cares about his people and he's lawful. Rules over 421 planets. Has 69101 legions each made up of 999999999 Death-Robots.
  6. Fulgrim - Very arrogant. The Emperor dislikes him. Fulgrim is constantly trying to get a more fabulous haircut than his father, but fails horribly as it's impossible. Rules over 666 planets, and he commands 666 legions of 666666666 soldiers that look like the number "6" but with arms, legs, eyes and weapons.
  7. Vulkan - Likes crafting artifacts that can obliterate solar systems. Really cheerful lad. He crafted Ferrus' Death-Robots as a birthday gift. He has red eyes that can shoot out waffles. Has 99999 giant death-robots, much more powerful than Ferrus'.
  8. Rogal Dorn - Rules over one, big, expansive planet that is nearly unbreachable. He doesn't have an army, but has turrets absolutely everywhere. His planet is unbreachable (except for the Emperor, of course) and he loves making fortifications and playing strategy games.
  9. Roboute Guilliman - Seen as a disgrace. His Father pranked him, and glued him to a toilet with glue so powerful that even Roboute can't remove it. As a result; he lost control of his planets and control of his soldiers long ago.
  10. Magnus the Red - A powerful mage that can throw curses and cats at people. Really hates Leman Russ for unknown reasons.
  11. Lion El' Johnson - Hates Leman Russ for unknown reasons. Commands over 666 hells and has 666 legions of Dark Demons.
  12. Perturabo - Hates everything. Really edgy, and salty. The Emperor likes to kick him around from time to time, just for the heck of it.
  13. Mortarion - Has daddy issues.
  14. Lorgar - Worships his father 24\7, and is the pope of a whole community that worships his father.
  15. Jaghatai Khan - Likes to eat Chocolat's soldiers because they taste good. Always rides on a motorbike, in a black leather vest and has sunglassess.
  16. Konrad Curze - He stole Vulkan's pants as a prank, and was punished by his Father with a curse; Konrad is stuck in the body of a raven for all eternity, and can't get out of it no matter what he does. Despite that; he is still very powerful.
  17. Angron - Seems to be eternally mad, angry and triggered by everything. The Emperor keeps him in a cage, to ensure that the multiverse is safe.
  18. Corvus Corax - Is the opposite of Angron. Always polite, nice and delicate. Very popular with ladies. Rules over a dimension of warnicorns. His Father's 2nd favourite.
  19. Alpharius - Lies really often. Likes to cosplay as Omegan. Omegaon's twin.
  20. Omegan - The other daughter. Likes to cosplay as Alpharius. Alpharius' twin.
I love you.
[QUOTE="P r i n c e s s]



she da cutast of da qties. she can never not be da qtie. if she ish not da qtie, she will kill EVERYONE AND ENSLAVE THEIR SOULS"





cute things




heakthy shit


She appears to be a normal martial artist except she dresses like a druidess mad scientist, her eyes glows with arcane power and her hair is sah blu and has a look to it, but secretly she is actually a half-meme demon child thing.She is a scientific experiment gone wrong who is also rumored to be a demi-goddess and she will fight her enemies with the power to summon a rabid army of fanboys or to eat vampires.Her friends and enemies call her MEME GODDESS OF DA PLUNAATHer constant companion is a amorous ancient demon who is also her superior officer.Her favored weapon is a bio-mechanical freezing sniper rifle which made from the bones of her slain foes. Da workld almost died when she left hell because they couldnt handle da aweshumness of her beauty. Boys dropped and dies becush they love her so much and everyone gave her cookies and made her miss universe and shit. She stopped a metor with her bare hands, barely using her ice powahs and threw it into the sun.






Her rifle made of the bones of her fallen emenies

And dis ting yaaaay

Now, now. Let's try to keep the chatting in the OOC. Xp I want to see the beautiful OCs.
Name: The Dark Lord

Nicknames: His Greatness, King of the Dead, The Earthshaker, Deaths Shadow, King of The Underworld

Powers: Complete control over anything having to do with the Earth, control over the dead, illusion inducement.

Height: 6'0"


Appearance: He's charismatic in his own, dark way. He has perfect abs.

Weapon: A sword made out of one of the Keys of Death, it can raise the dead, command ghosts and it can send mortals to The Underworld with one touch.
Name: Gary Stu

Age: What is that? Is that some sort of...FLAW?

Powers: Omnipotent. He is the personification of OP-ness.

Appearance: He can change at will. Enjoys taking the look of Vladimir Putin.

Likes: Everything.

Dislikes: Everything.

Weapons: Everything.

Abilities: Everything.

Everything: Everything.
Name: Pyrosanical McFag Ablo

Age: Unknown

Species: Meme God

Height/Weight: 6'1", 150 lbs

Likes: Memes, Furries, MLP, Cringe, YouTube, Reddit, 4chan, Anime and moar

Dislikes: Nothing

Power Level: Infinite

Weapons: Meme Gun; Shoots stale memes at others, their staleness so stale it kills them.


Calling of the Memes!

He literally calls upon memes to come and aid him in real life. The Dinkster being one of the most powerful

Sadness: Makes others see how sad Pyrosanical is and immediately kills them from a cringe overload

Blaze it up: Pyrosanical "blazes it up" making others see how pathetic he is, causing them to leave him alone.

Mob Mentality: He can call upon his followers and minions to attack you with internet slang, making you want to end your life.

Some other stuff, I don't know yet, god.

Bio: Pyrosanical is your normal meme god, he has been around for ages, before the Earth was even around. Since the dawn of 2000, Pyrosanical has stayed on the shit planet known as Earth, where he has blessed them with memes and much more cringe. Nowadays he just goes around and messes with humans and stuff. He even has his own youtube channel called Pyrocynical, the best god damn channel on YouTube.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-3_15-41-47.jpeg.add418b865ed2956d6a0630a0451aeb3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148294" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-3_15-41-47.jpeg.add418b865ed2956d6a0630a0451aeb3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(God I hate this CS. End my suffering plz?)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-3_15-41-28.jpeg.653b9930f31ea9d7cadef0e82a89a833.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="148293" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-3_15-41-28.jpeg.653b9930f31ea9d7cadef0e82a89a833.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2016-8-3_15-41-28.jpeg
    11.6 KB · Views: 1
  • upload_2016-8-3_15-41-47.jpeg
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[QUOTE="The Dinkster]Name: Pyrosanical McFag Ablo
Age: Unknown

Species: Meme God

Height/Weight: 6'1", 150 lbs

Likes: Memes, Furries, MLP, Cringe, YouTube, Reddit, 4chan, Anime and moar

Dislikes: Nothing

Power Level: Infinite

Weapons: Meme Gun; Shoots stale memes at others, their staleness so stale it kills them.


Calling of the Memes!

He literally calls upon memes to come and aid him in real life. The Dinkster being one of the most powerful

Sadness: Makes others see how sad Pyrosanical is and immediately kills them from a cringe overload

Some other stuff, I don't know yet, god.

Bio: Pyrosanical is your normal meme god, he has been around for ages, before the Earth was even around. Since the dawn of 2000, Pyrosanical has stayed on the shit planet known as Earth, where he has blessed them with memes and much more cringe. Nowadays he just goes around and messes with humans and stuff. He even has his own youtube channel called Pyrocynical, the best god damn channel on YouTube.


View attachment 327834

(God I hate this CS. End my suffering plz?)

I love you mom.

But really, I <3 Pyrocynical xD . Please, kill me. End my suffering. Slit my wrist. Just do it.
You see guys, I'm educated. My grammar will be perfect.

You see, I can throw away all my character making skills, but I will never forgo my grammar!

Name: Raven Corvidae Sh'ade Blacknesstar Macabre

Age: 16. Duh.

Species: Half-dragon, half-basilisk, quarter-raven, eighth-demon, two-thirds-SCP-682, one-fifth-darkness elemental, seventh-fifths goddess, ninety-nine-eightieths-reaper, nine-tenths titan, six hundred sixty six-sevenths embodiment of death, one-ninth-pure evil, one thousand nine hundred eleven-sevenths pure angstiness vampire

Hair Color: Atramentous. Of course, I used a thesaurus.

Eye Color: Crimson. Not red, crimson.

Skin color: Spectrally pale

Disclaimer: Hair, skin and eye color must be described with at least two metaphors or similes anytime they are mentioned. Anything less is an insult to my character, and therefore to my honor.

Weight: 111 pounds

Height: 5'5

Appearance: Well, first, she has curves in all the right places. OK, I got that over with. Her face is more beautiful than the night sky. Like, when you're in the middle of an empty field and can see all the stars. Speaking of stars, her eyes are like all of them put together. But better, obviously. Oh, and her clothing is all atramentous, just like her eyes. Yes, I will use that word every post. It makes me sound smart.

Disclaimer: Actually, I demand at least four metaphors whenever my character is mentioned. And at least two words that have more than 5 syllables.

Personality: She's super depressed, because those kinds of characters are cool. She has a really lugubrious backstory (see below). Yes, I used a thesaurus again. Obviously, Raven brings it up at every possible moment. Oh, and she has an (even more more evil) split personality.

Powers: She has control over all dark magic, and can summon any demon. She can shapeshift into whatever the plot demands. Her regeneration is so fast, she can survive anything. She can kill with a touch. She can destroy entire universes by blinking. She's really good at using fancy words incorrectly.

Weaknesses: Uh, her backstory is so depressing, it covers for all the weaknesses. I swear.

Backstory (a short summary): She was an orphan, and lived on the streets since the beginning of her memory. But then she was adopted by a family of super awesome powerful dark magicians, and they taught her everything they knew. Naturally, Raven was a prodigy, and mastered the dark arts at the age of 8 months. But her happiness wouldn't last long! Even awesomer dragons of darkness slew her entire family! And Raven was completely and utterly traumatized by this! Raven would hate dragons forever! Then, Raven was kidnapped by evil demons, and forced to be their slave, but they soon realized her potential. Raven became the ruler of hell in several days, but then she got bored. So she left. She had almost reached her first birthday, at this point. In the next several days, she would alternate saving the world and destroying it...

And then the God of All Dragons revealed that Raven was his daughter...

[insert 15 more years of awesome adventures, that somehow explains her species, because I'm getting bored]
Hydreinoid said:
You see guys, I'm educated. My grammar will be perfect.
You see, I can throw away all my character making skills, but I will never forgo my grammar!

Name: Raven Corvidae Sh'ade Blacknesstar Macabre

Age: 16. Duh.

Species: Half-dragon, half-basilisk, quarter-raven, eighth-demon, two-thirds-SCP-682, one-fifth-darkness elemental, seventh-fifths goddess, ninety-nine-eightieths-reaper, nine-tenths titan, six hundred sixty six-sevenths embodiment of death, one-ninth-pure evil, one thousand nine hundred eleven-sevenths pure angstiness vampire

Hair Color: Atramentous. Of course, I used a thesaurus.

Eye Color: Crimson. Not red, crimson.

Skin color: Spectrally pale

Disclaimer: Hair, skin and eye color must be described with at least two metaphors or similes anytime they are mentioned. Anything less is an insult to my character, and therefore to my honor.

Weight: 111 pounds

Height: 5'5

Appearance: Well, first, she has curves in all the right places. OK, I got that over with. Her face is more beautiful than the night sky. Like, when you're in the middle of an empty field and can see all the stars. Speaking of stars, her eyes are like all of them put together. But better, obviously. Oh, and her clothing is all atramentous, just like her eyes. Yes, I will use that word every post. It makes me sound smart.

Disclaimer: Actually, I demand at least four metaphors whenever my character is mentioned. And at least two words that have more than 5 syllables.

Personality: She's super depressed, because those kinds of characters are cool. She has a really lugubrious backstory (see below). Yes, I used a thesaurus again. Obviously, Raven brings it up at every possible moment. Oh, and she has an (even more more evil) split personality.

Powers: She has control over all dark magic, and can summon any demon. She can shapeshift into whatever the plot demands. Her regeneration is so fast, she can survive anything. She can kill with a touch. She can destroy entire universes by blinking. She's really good at using fancy words incorrectly.

Weaknesses: Uh, her backstory is so depressing, it covers for all the weaknesses. I swear.

Backstory (a short summary): She was an orphan, and lived on the streets since the beginning of her memory. But then she was adopted by a family of super awesome powerful dark magicians, and they taught her everything they knew. Naturally, Raven was a prodigy, and mastered the dark arts at the age of 8 months. But her happiness wouldn't last long! Even awesomer dragons of darkness slew her entire family! And Raven was completely and utterly traumatized by this! Raven would hate dragons forever! Then, Raven was kidnapped by evil demons, and forced to be their slave, but they soon realized her potential. Raven became the ruler of hell in several days, but then she got bored. So she left. She had almost reached her first birthday, at this point. In the next several days, she would alternate saving the world and destroying it...

And then the God of All Dragons revealed that Raven was his daughter...

[insert 15 more years of awesome adventures, that somehow explains her species, because I'm getting bored]



My grammar wasn't perfect! I think there's a fragment in there somewhere. Dont lock me up, please.

Hah! I missed an apostrophe there. Now you can't accuse me of nothing.


"Ooh, my lovely students, it's time for math, nyaaa!"



Teacher-sama, ofc


Nobody knows...


Female duh


Cat... human... teacher... hybrid??


Everything and anything I decide she can do because I am the madman who created this unholy, monstrous RP.

Everything that a teacher can do to make her students suffer. Who are her students? Everybody in the world that isn't her because you are an uneducated beast who knows nothing.

Her eyes change upon her emotions. Isn't that normal for everyone????

Sexy ladeh powahs 2 btw


Everyone loves her

the world exploded

she continually makes new worlds

the end

..............................what are you looking at???


wtf is this she's perfect

Ii thought I made it clear everyone loved her forever and ever ever ever ever ever

ps: everyone neds 2 listen 2 hur ok​
Seijiki said:

hm? oki den

nayme: eden

niknaymez:aphrodite, hera

apurence: purfct!!!!!11!!one!!! she is lyke teh defnishun of byooti and perfcchun o meh fujin gash. an speekin of fuj she alwys smelz lyke it, unles she wans to smel lyke flowerz or vanila she can smel lyke anything she wans!!!!!!1!!! also she can tern into a pone at will, annny typ of pone, a unicern ot peggy or botth!!!!! <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/myAvatar.png.3188a9281c0a5ff4cabe0bdc621c4572.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149033" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/myAvatar.png.3188a9281c0a5ff4cabe0bdc621c4572.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/purfctpone.png.ce344dd6c28b834dd36f33ae541d9ab3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149034" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/purfctpone.png.ce344dd6c28b834dd36f33ae541d9ab3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

poerz: everthim o mah fujin gash. ise, fyre, erth, sykik, fly, majic, evrythim. anythim she wans!!!!1111!!!!

lykz: teh colr pnk, rainbws, moosic, sunshyne, ise creem, an evrythim hapy. ( :) )

dslykes: [media]

ayj: sistenn

pursnolty: she iz prfct an hapy an nyce an byootful but she hatz guyz bu dat's it an she mite be evul but THAS NOT A PROBLM IZ IT

byoo: she iz dautr of Aphrodite das y shes byootifl shes alwys livd on Olympus but hr momm wanded her two get a ejoocayshun so heer she iz at dis skool an its gon be fun!!!!!11!!!one1!!!!!



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Nem: Hetler: Ged edeten

Ege: Egen es net Hetler. Hetler es net egen.

Epperence: Hetler mesteche: releded

Speces: Sheper-umezing-ged-slesh-hemen-slesh teh persunifecetion ev emezenness persunified irlzzzzz!!!!1!1!1!1!!!1

Pesenelity: Whai es des uven en epten???????!???!??? Hes brellent persenelity!!!1!!1!!!!!!!1!!11!!!

Baio: Ye knuw hes pest. Nao u mest knuw whet heppen wen ded. Teh Derk Lerd med hem even mer perful den hemsulf

Poawer: Enefen fer plert convernernce

Gunder: gai lel

(Ps. I'm so sorry. I hate myself too)

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