The Mark Of The Dragon - (RP)

Vulcan looked concerned as he saw Flower's hand. A sort of magic that the woman couldnt touch perphaps thought vulcan as he looked at flower. He looked at her hand seeing the injury as he pulled fourth a silk hankerchief from his pocket. This silk was known as celestial silk, a silk that could heal almost any external injury with time. The man placed the silk upon her hand rubbing it against her hand for a moment, the silk would sting at first but once removed the silk would heal the injury showing no signs of a burn. Vulcan smiled looking at her "All better now" the man replied as he placed the magic flags within his belt once more. "So have you heard there is another dragon?"
Flower looked at her hand. "Yes, thank you...sometimes my light does that to me...I guess unlike people who weld fire my body can not handle the intense light...anyways I thought I heard a commotion...maybe it's anger that we killed it's mate." she said lookin up at him with a smile. Then she frowned sighing. She whispered something in a known tongue. She looked back at him. (lol she speaking in an old elf language. She grew up in the forest after all) she looked at him. "Shall we do something about it?" she asked. "I could always use more landlord is merciless." she sighed.
Vulcan pulled the celestial silk within his pocket with a sigh of relief seeing flower was alright. Vulcan turned his head in the direction of the dragon crashed down "Yea were going after it" he grabbed flower's hand moving for the stable. There were a few horses for sale there, gathering what little coin Vulcan had within his pockets he paid the stable keep for two horses. Unknowing how long the dragon would be down vulcan knew he had to get there quickly. Earlier when the demigod battled the dragon it kept coming back at vulcan with rage. Knowing this was all the more reason to get to the dragon before it became air born once more. Vulcan climbed upon the first horse while ocasionally turning to the area where the dragon crashed down. Waiting for Flower to get upon her horse Vulcan waited until pulling the reigns of the hide and quickly galloping towards the dragon. Vulcan made sure not to avoid major roads staying away from most town folk and keeping a great deal of distance between himself and the Girl who he stole the flags from.
Flower was serprised when he yet again pulled her along. She looked at him and then smiled as she got onto her horse and grabed the rings making her horse speed off towards Vulcan. She lowered herself a bit as she followed him and made her horse run faster. Her hair blowing behind her. She was a great rider and listened careful to any hints of her horse's needs to slow down. She pulled out her sword as they neared the mighty beast. She looked at Vulcan and then breathed in deep trying to calm herself before he beast. Flower had much fear...but she could overcome it as she learned to.
-The sun shined brightly hanging within the summers sky as a man proceeded towards a small village. It had been a long journey since Reiko left his village. The man was hired to kill a certain target. This target possesed a very powerful ability that many hadnt seen before. Reiko was asked to bring him back alive if he could. But if that wasnt possible they would take his corpse. But little did Reiko know that there were dragons within the town. Passing by he saw a merchant wheeling his way out of town. This merchant spoke of dragons and legends that reiko simply discarded. He couldnt believe that people in this area spoke of such tall tales. Once in town he saw the village people acting strange, then in the sky he couldnt believe his eyes. A dragon, the very beast he didnt believe in actually existed. A woman toook a bow shooting it out of the sky, but it didnt look to be dead. Soon the girl began to rally the village people to hunt the dragon. Only few stood to accept while others stood in silence. Reiko was one to test his abilities, although he had a mission, he thought it could wait. "Ill accept, i will hunt the dragon with you"-
Vulcans horse galloped forwards as the two made there way to the end of the village. The horses hooves troted on with vulcan's hair swaying in the wind. The man looked in the sky with his eyes wide open. A winged beast lie in the sky moving closer to the village, but this was no red dragon like the one the girl shot down with a bow. This was a grey dragon its size was nearly double of the red dragon. It had large horns crimson eyes an fairly large talons and claws. Quickly Vulcan had to think, was he going to hunt the red dragon or deal with this new grey dragon. The man knew that there was a group being assembled to hunt the red dragon so maybed they would be able to stop it from getting to the village. With a sigh vulcan pulled the reigns of the horse heading towards the grey dragon.

The demigod would have to leave the red dragon to those in town. Now was the matter of getting that dragon out of the sky, vulcan had a few ideas to get the dragon down although a few werent to logical. Pulling the reigns tighter the horse galloped faster "Flower stay back" Said vulcan as the horse began to move faster and faster. The demigod reached for his katana at his left side, he drew the sword with his horse getting closer to the grey dragon. Turning the blade the man aimed his sword like a lance at the dragon. Then once in range vulcan threw his sword upwards at the dragon, the sword hit the dragon and bounced of its scales. With a terrible roar the dragon focused its attention at vulcan. With a thrust of its wings the dragon swooped down at vulcan while the man's horse began to panic.

Vulcan jumped off his horse as the dragon came into striking range. Within mid air jump vulcan drew his sword the Dragon slayer striking it down at the grey dragon. At the last minute the dragon moved its course of direction while whiping its tail at Vulcan. The man continued to swing as he cut the tip of the grey dragons tail off. The Grey dragon roared with a flap of its wings as it came down to the soil below landing with hate in its eyes. Its nostrils flared with smoke pouring out as it opened its mouth slightly showing its jaws. Its tail whiped cracking against the earth with blood pouring out the end. It appeared to be smarter than the last dragon form what vulcan could tell. Vulcan slid his feet apart as he lifted up his heavy broad sword the dragon slayer. His eyes stared right into the dragons holding his sword firm.
FLower became alarmed but she looked at Vulcan, she stopped her horse and then got off of it. She looked at it and then looked at Vulcan. She grabbed her sword and then watched the beast. She looked and then headed to the side. She ran to get behind the creature. She flickered sparks of different colors around the dragon to try and confuse it. She ran fast trying hard to keep the lights flickering around the dragon. It was hard to do. She hid behind a tree breathing hard, it was taking a lot of energy to use her magic from so far away. She looked out seeing the dragon's reaction. She put her hands together and then closed her eyes. Calm....calm down. She opened her eyes and then grabbed her sword. She looked for a weak spot on the mightly beast. Personaly she didn't care what Vulcan said.
With the beast staring off at vulcan he stood, he could see it was still a little confused from the lights flower shinned at it. The man slid his feet apart once more as he clutched his Dragon Slayer sword. The man began running at the dragon as the beast took to the skies. Turning to flower but for a second the man spoke "Flower can you light him up again" Asked vulcan before racing for the dragon again. The man would hold his sword up high waiting to get the perfect strike at the dragon. But once the dragon came down again its jaws opened spewing out not flames but smoke. A giant cloud of smoke pressed against vulcan as his eyes began to tear, vulcan raised his sword infront of him to block the smoke while still running forwards but just as he came into range of the dragon, the beast raised its claws at vulcan. With a swing from its clawed armed the beast sent vulcan flying back several feet. His sword flung from his hand several feet away as well.

The Dragon once again was upon the ground just a few feet away from vulcan as the beast growled with its claws ripping into the ground. Standing up vulcan reached out, there was his sword. The katana he threw just a minute ago, luckily it was within his reach. Stumbling up Vulcan gripped the katana as he stared into the eyes of the beast. Holding his sword dragon scales once more formed around his body covering the man in black scales. At that moment he could tell the dragon had a confused but angry look on its face. "Flower now would be great" The man yelled right before pressing off his right foot launching at the dragon while the dragon also moved towards him. His katana was aimed at the dragons throat , vulcan knew he couldnt penetrate the dragons throat without a distraction. But he was hoping that flower could blind it so that he could get a shot at it without the dragon blocking.
Flower looks out and then runs out. She blasted the beast's right in its eyes. She had blinded him. She ran and quickly climbed a tree. She was so fast and graceful. She blasted the dragon again. She watched as it rubs its eyes roaring in confustion and anger. Flower stayed on a tall branch trying to keep her light going around it. She swallowed finding it very hard. She looked at the beast and then jumped as its tail bashed into the tree. She landed and went into a roll. She looked up at the angry beast. Its eye sight had come back to quickly. Flower didn't know how, the dragon bolted for her. Flower grabbed Vucan's other sword that had been thrown, it was in reach of her. She slashed the dragon and then jumped. She ran up the dragons head and then blasted the beast's eyes directly. She threw the Dragon Slayer sword to Vulcan.
Vulcan slashed the dragons throat as Flower blinded him. His katana hit the dragon scale barely causing a trickle of blood to come out, this dragon was far from normal vulcan thought. Not only did this dragon spew smoke but its under belly was just as tough as its top side. But as it was blinded it brushed past vulcan. Vulcan cursed under his breath seeing the dragon had not been defeated and the confusion was wearing off. But then the dragon went for flower as it crashed into a tree, "shit" said vulcan as he grabbed his katana and ran for the dragon. But as the dragon crashed flower had rolled out of its way and she had Vulcan's sword.The man threw his katana to the side while running. He opened his hand grabbing the Dragon Slayer with a tight grip. It was now or never Vulcan though seeing how she had blinded the dragon once more.

The man ran up the dragons body with his sword held upon his shoulder. His muscles tightened preparing himself for a full force strike, with each step he ran faster climbing the dragons body. Until he was on its upper back, vulcan thrusted his blade down while jumping to the side. The Dragon Slayed cut through the back of the Dragon's neck while vulcan used his body weight to pull down the sword causing the dragon's head to roll. The demigod fell to the ground rolling off to the side while holding the Dragon Slayer. He remained upon the ground as the headless dragon behind him collapsed. The man wiped the blood from his sword as he placed the sword on his back. Then standing up the man walked towards the dragon picking up the katana he threw and placing it within its scabbard.

"There is something very weird going on here"
Hiro looked upon this man and nodded. She rode her horse out of town towards the red dragon's location. Her forces she put together werent very vast but hopefully they would get the job done. Once outside the viillage she saw the dragon in the distance, it was on the ground torching everything in its path. All around the dirt road in the distance it burned the meddow and wild life that wasnt already scortched from earlier. The woman stopped waiting for the others.

"is Everyone ready she asked"
Flower jumped off the dead beast and looked at Vulcan with a nod. Just then the poor girl fell to her knees. She had over done herself. Her hands were burnt yet again. "Ugh....not do that." She said with a weak smile at Vulcan. "Using so much....of my power that is." She said overly exhausted. She looked at her hands. She slowly healed them with her light. However it was taking long because Flower was to tired to really release to much of her light. She looked up at the sky. She closed her eyes, she went very quiet. She was soaking in the light all around her to help her gain more energy. She looked at Vulcan. "I'm sorry....I was using...the light around me to help me out." She said still tired. "I don't use my power to tires me...I really am sorry."
-Reiko met up with Hiro stopping for just a moment seeing the path was sent in flames. With lighting like speed the man dashed forwards towards the flames. Right before he entered these flames he slid, creating dirt to be flung upwards. This dirt rose putting of the flames that lied in front of the dragon. But this man didn't stop and wait for the group to unite to fight the dragon. On his way to the village earlier he heard rumors of not only a dragon but a man slaying a dragon. Reiko wanted nothing more for being known as a master assassin, and what had more glory then killing a dragon though reiko. With his feet running for the dragon he pounded on the ground with great speed while not making even the slightest of sound. Running full speed Reiko knew that the dragon's right eye had been hit by an arrow, and being a assassin he knew to exploit that weakness. Reaching behind his back the man had two kodachi blades, which were basically short katanas. He drew one in each hand right before getting close to the dragon. With a single pounce of the ground Reiko entered the sky. -

- The man landed on the dragons back using its blind spot and soundless speed to his advantage. Coming down from the sky reiko pressed booth blades forwards into the neck of the dragon. One blade cracked in half from the dragons scales being like armor. But his second blade was lucky enough to break through the scale, sticking in the neck of the dragon. Unfortunately the blade only barely grazed its flesh, but once it felt the attack the dragon whipped backwards knocking Reiko off his back. Then again the red dragon was in the sky heading towards the village once more. A smile was on Reiko's face as he opened his hand aimed at the sky.
"Gotcha" A bolt of lighting came crashing down as it hit the dragon. Precisely it hit the kodachi sword that was in the back of its neck, causing the dragon to be electricuted and temporarily paralyzed although it was temporary. Reiko stood up and began to run towards the dragon once more although the party would surely get there before he did since now the dragon was close to the village.-
The demi god sighed as his scales receeded and his skin turned back to normal. Vulcan moved to flower seeing if she was alright when she dropped to her knees. Looking back at flower he smiled at the young woman."Dont be sorry, you were really brave out there, and you really helped me alot. Thank you for everything.." Vulcan saw his horse move closer to him, he grab its reins and walked him over towards flower where he pulled of a silver canteen filled with water. Then the man would hand over the canteen to flower asking if drinking water would help. Then in the corner of Vulcan's eye he saw the red dragon in the sky above heading towards the village. The man sighed gripping his dragon slayer that was on his back "O no" he replied seeing the dragon get closer to the village. But then a lightning bolt crashed down at the dragon causing him to crash down once more. "What is going on today" said vulcan with disbelief in what was happening around this village today. Not just one but three dragons, and three magic fans? What was going on?
Flower looked at Vulcan and then stood up again. She looked at the red dragon and then lowered her head. She pushed her hand through her hair. She looked at Vulcan, he looked confused. She looked at him. "Shall we do something that one?" she asked standing up. She was trying to show that she was ok but she still was very tired. Flower however didn't care. Killing off the past dragon and making sure that the village was going to be ok was more important to her.
Vulcan stood watching the dragon from a distance seeing members from the town fight the dragon. "No this isnt my battle, its up to them to fight this one" said the demigod as he got upon his horse."Although i wouldnt mind watching this battle". Said vulcan as he pulled the reigns of his horse as it slowly moved towards the site of the red dragon.
Flower looked at him and then walked away, she grabbed her own horse and then gently pulled it along following Vulcan. She looked at him and then checked him over for any injuries. Her hands were healed, a good moon soak tonight should take care of any left over weakness. She certainly needed to train more with her light. She looked around and then back a Vulcan. She smiled to herself happy to have someone to talk to.

She pushed her hair back behind her ear and then looked at the red dragon. It was amazing that three dragons would show up in one day around her known home. She slowly entered her thoughts, her tiredness slowly showing in the way she walked.
Riding forwards the man saw three warriors gathered to fight the beast although vulcan was interested in who had lightning abilities. Looking he saw the girl he stole the magic flags from which he knew didnt have lightning after all she could have used it earlier instead of shooting an arrow. Which left two possibilities it was either the man in armor or the other woman. Either way Vulcan would soon see who was the strongest of the group. With a excitment he watched while being ready incase the group couldnt fight of the dragon he would step in. Turning to flower he ask "are you alright flower"
Flower was thinking to herself. She wondered about why the dragons were here, in the first place she wondered why the first one they killed was here. Did they anger the other two? Certainly now Flower was worried. She would have no where else to go if this town was distroyed. She would have to flee into the forest once again. Such a lonely time, she didn't ever want to go back. It was torment there...and dangerous. She learned to speak with elves but still, it was very loney...after her family was murdered. That was still unsolved of why and who did it.

She was shaken from her thoughts when Vulcan asked if she was ok. Should she tell him she was still weak from her display of light back there with the dragon? She did not want to appear weak so she decided not to. She gave him a bright smile. "Of course I am." She said keeping her smile.
Hiro Haru moved as quick as she could to the dragon seeing this warrior fight the dragon and sent it out of the sky just like she had done. But he was much stronger than Hiro, He had the power of lightning on his side. The woman pulled her horse back stopping it a few feet from the dragon. It lied on the ground not moving even an inch. Slowly Hiro moved closer to make sure the red dragon wasnt faking being hurt. With a simple kick, she hit the dragon but it didnt even move slightly. Hiro jumped on its back seeing the blade lodged into its neck. This sword wasn't as long as her katana so she pulled out the blade throwing it to the side. Then she grabbed her own katana taking it out of the blade holder. Hiro held the sword above her head in a stabbing stance aiming the blade for the hole that puncture the dragon's neck earlier. Winds began to spin around Hiro's sword until the woman struck down at the dragons neck. With force the entire blade struck into the dragons throat with blood splashing outwards. With the dragon being not able to move it slowly bled to death. Hiro got off the dragon walking over to the front pulling out the arrow from its eye. She turned to the others with a smile "We got him" said Hiro as she raised her sword into the sky.
((Sorry guys, I've been out of town for a while. Had to go to a funeral. Umm, since the dragon is about...I dunno...I'll come up with something.))

Surreal had told Hiro what her name was and had followed the woman out, a man had joined them but she didn't know his name. Before Surreal could even move or think of a way of attack, the man attacked the dragon, using lighting to aid him. Surreal froze, shocked (no pun intended). He could use magic as well. Surreal watched intently, gripping her sword tightly in her right hand as Hiro attacked the dragon then. She watched as the woman used wind to cut into the dragon, making it bleed out. Within moments the ground around them was an ocean of blood.

Surreal wasn't surprised in the least. It was only natural that so much blood come from such a large creature. What did surprise her however was the color of the blood. It was a silvery color, but in the light it refracted colors, like a raindrop, or a diamond. Very pretty, but it didn't smell very good, smelled sickly sweet. Surreal waded through the calf deep blood to the large beast and poked its side with the tip of her sword. She was shocked when the tip slid through the dragon's flesh like butter. Pulling the sword out, Surreal examined it and whistled.

She knew her sword was sharp, but that sharp? No way. Shaking her head, she sheathed her weapon and walked around the large dragon, getting a closer look. When she came to the belly area, she noticed large lumps toward the lower abdomen, closer to the legs. Frowning, Surreal laid her hand on the large, flat scales and pushed. Something moved inside. She pulled her hand back, and acting on impulse, unsheathed her sword and sliced open the dragons belly. Out fell a large, steaming mass of organs. The smell made Surreal gag and she covered the lower half of her face with her arm.

"Ungh." She shook her head and made her way to the lower part, where she had felt something move. Using the blunt end of her blade, she pushed around some of the intestines and gasped, then choked. There in front of her was probably a hundred or so underdeveloped eggs, about the size of a melon.

"Hey!" She shouted to the others. "Come quick! I think I found something!" She turned away from the eggs, searching for Hiro and the other man.
Meanwhile back in town;

The town ran red with the townspeople's blood, their disemboweled corpses scattered about, and their organs spread haphazardly upon the sanguine-stained hovels. Xin'dreth stood in the middle of the chaos, covered in blood and marching gleefully along, dragging a huge blood-stained leather sack behind her.

"What fools." she muttered. grinning to her self..

Vulcan sighed smiled seeing how the town banded together and slayed the other dragon. With a smile on his face he pulled the reigns of his horse heading into the village. But something was terribly terribly wrong. Vulcan got off his horse looking at the empty town drenched in blood. Pools of blood were everywhere within the village. Something had killed many if not everyone within this village. Jumping off his horse vulcan stood with dragon scales spreading across his body covering his skin. The man knew that a large creature hadnt attacked the village otherwise there would be more damage, so this thing that attacked the village had to be some sort of assassin like creature. Vulcan stood grabbing the hilt of his katana with his right hand while holding the scabbard with his left. The man looked around the village when a young boy came running out. Vulcan stepped infront of him with the boy screaming louder. The demigod receeded the scales on his face saying "Hey hey its alright, im here to help. Tell me what happened" replied Vulcan. "It waz a girl, but she waz a monzter zir" said the boy. Vulcan told the boy to run behind him to were flower was. Vulcan stood in the center of twon as he yelled "Come out monster and fight. You like blood... come get mine!" Vulcan yelled with the dragon scales forming around his face once more.
Flower thinks silently to herself. You couldn't tell I was lieing? Dimigods....stupid gods in general. She sighed being left on her own again. She shrugged and then grabbed the horse walking into town. She looked around suddenly her eyes widen. She swallows, was terrible. She saw Vulcan and then ran to him frightened suddenly. She closed her eyes. Calm...calm it only b-blood. She opened her eyes managing to calm a bit. "A....a monster?" She whispered silently having no clue. "Vulcan..." She said a bit shaky. "Something is very wrong....what is happening today?" She asked her hands shaking but she tries to stop them. I'm....I'm so useless!
-Reiko ran back to town to tell the people of the good news, the dragon had been slain. But he only returned to see chaos afoot. Blood now filled the town with pieces of organs and dismembered body parts lying in every corner. Reiko was far to familiar with the smell and look of blood and organs. But to this degree of mass murder, no one could be trained to be familiar with this much blood. The town seemed empty at least but two figures stood in the terrible mess. A man who looked like a dragon with two swords, a large sword and a long thin sword. Reiko had lost booth of his weapons within his fight with the dragon, so running full speed Reiko moved through town. He was simply looking for any weapon he could find, after all if everyone was dead he could find a abandoned merchant stand. With a wide grin reiko had found a stand, he found two claymore swords. With a flick of his wrist he tested the blades, they were a bit heavy for his style but they would have to due. Running full speed once more reiko confronted the man who looked like a dragon aiming his claymore for the head of the man. It was weird, this man wasnt soaked in the blood of anyone, but he looked like a monster capable of doing such evil. "You will die for what you have done monster" said Reiko running towards vulcan with full speed that was surely nothing the man had ever seen before. Rissing booth blades above his head he would strike down at vulcan.

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