The Mark Of The Dragon - (RP)

Flower suddenly saw the man going to attack Vulcan. She ran at him and then jumped grabbing the sword's blades. They cut her hands but she didn't care. Her blood rain down her arms. "Ugh....I really have to stop doing that....stupid...I react without thinking." She said her hair over her eyes. "Excuse me sir...but...that was not the 'monster.' you so claim who did this. In fact me and him just got here." She said still shaking from the shock. "Please excuse my manor...I am...a bit shaken up...he is help I promise you." She looked at him. She smiled at him.
Grinning wickedly, Xin'dreth Heaved her newfound wealth up on her shoulder as she sheathed her nodachi in a scabbard she had hastily strapped around her midsection. She looked down at the her disemboweled victims with apathy, this once thriving town now reduced mutilated corpses, their Terrified screams forever etched into their lifeless faces..

"No reason to stay here" she thought as she spat on the ground. She needed to find another home...So she began walking in no particular direction, but stopped dead when she heard voices resounding from just a few feet away...

She inched her self to the edge of the derelict building she'd just finished looting to get a closer look. From this prospective she could only see too people, one attacking another. "Like lambs to the slaughter.." she growled, dropping her bag and moving so they could see her.
Surreal looked about her and frowned. The other guy was gone. Maybe Hiro was still here. She called out Hiro's name, hoping the woman would answer back. Surreal wasn't sure what a pregant dragon full of eggs meant, but she knew right off the bat that it wasn't good. With a worried frown, Surreal looked at the eviscerated dragon, the film covering the underdeveloped eggs shining in the waning sunlight.

((I might create another character..perhaps an evil one? I dunno. We need more antagonists though.))
(This is why you don't spawn a dragon at the beginning of the story...

You just killed three dragons effortlessly, what can possibly challenge you now?)
((I was thinking the same thing. If dragons are supposed the be these all-powerful creatures that are the bane of people's existence, how is it that almost everyone's killed at least one?))
-Reiko pulled back his blades with a grim look on his face. Striking a innocent woman was something that the assassin never liked, back when he was younger he was ordered to kill innocent people. Although Reiko hated his past, it wasnt even about killing, hurting another who he wasnt paid to kill bothered him. After all reiko only took assignment against targets that could defend themselves. Blood trickled down the blade of his claymores as he looked at the woman with bloodly hands and then at the dragon look alike behind her. "Im sorry young lady" Then suddenly Reiko heard foot steps behind him, he turned his attention to see the bloody killer in his pressence. There was no mistaking it, the stench of blood radiated from the figure whom stood before him. With a explosion of speed Reiko ran forwards at the killer with his swords raised and ready to strike. "Youll paid for the blood you spilled" Reiko would run towards the killer then throw one of the claymore's at Estillum. This claymore would launch forwards with great momentum from the speed reiko was already traveling at combined with the force he could throw. This throw would be aimed for the neck of the killer while reiko followed up the attack with a slash aimed for the neck once within striking range.-

(OOc: Well theres something much more sinister brewing, ive been talking to Vulcan. And were just getting to the peak of action trust me!!!)
Hiro haru followed up to surreal looking at what she stumbled across. She gasped seeing the eggs that surreal found, walking up to her she drew her katana while stepping forwards. Her foot pressed onto an egg splatting it into the grounds. The eqq squished spewing out onto the womans boots. "We have to destroy these eggs... we cant have any dragons hatch." Hiro said taking her katana and slicing it at the eggs. One by one she began taking out the eggs preventing them from hatching. Once she was finished with the eggs she turned away looking at surreal. "Tell me surreal, do you know of the legend of the Dragon of darkness?"

Shocked, the ashen creature lurched quickly to the side in a feeble attempt to evade the blade speeding towards her. But she was too late, and the edge of the blade slid through shoulder, sending a trail of dark blood whipping through the air; In that same second the assassin rocketed towards her with inhuman speed, raising his remaining blade horizontally beside him, poised to strike. She hastily whipped her jagged nodachi from her stolen scabbard and held it vertically in front of her. The assassin's blade bounced violently off of hers, sending red-hot sparks flying through the air in every direction. Xin'dreth cringed beneath the blow and jumped back to distance herself from the assassin, seemingly unaware that she'd been injured.

"Whats this?" She chuckled "An actual challenge?"

She grinned wickedly, exposing her pointed teeth.

Surreal nodded and helped Hiro dispatch the remaining eggs. When they were done, Hiro turned to her and asked if she knew about the legend of the Dragon of Darkness. Surreal frowned.

"The name sounds familiar, but no, why? Should I know?" She asked, wiping the residue off her sword before sheathing it. The name had an eerily familiar ring to it, but she simply couldn't place where she'd heard it from.
-The assasin grinned seeing blood fall into the dirt below from his target. His feet spread across while he pulled his claymore infront of his body. The mans eyes glared at the creature as the skies above began to crack. A black cloud formed high above the village with sparks begging to fill the sky. Suddenly rain drops began to fall upon the village as a loud thud filled the sky. Lightning ripped down from the heavens hitting the ground far from the village as the assassin stared down its target. His eyes cold while he steadied his body for the next assualt, once more he began to run. Although this time he used another frontal assualt style, once getting close to estillium he would slide his right foot forwards kicking up dirt at estillium's eyes. Right after sliding forwards Reiko would leap into the air about eight feet with booth hands upon his claymore swining downwards at the killers head with great momentum behind his blade.-
Flower looked at the creater as the man she stopped from attacking Vulcan began attacking the real murder. She looked at her hands as they healed. "Try this on for size." She whispered to herself and then began creating a light ball. She was use to doing this so it would no hinder on her strangth as much as tricking the dragon did. She threw the light at Xin'dreth. The light if it hit her would either burn her or blind her for a bit. Flower was mosting an attacker but could do defense just as well. She was best with a partner probably why she like to stay with Vulcan, if she could she would help this new stranger. She took a deep breath and tried to keep the light on course for the deadly being.
Xin'dreth stared unblinkingly as the dirt stuck fast to her eyes; stepping one foot back to brace herself, she watched as Reiko lunched himself into the air and lifted her nodachi horizontally above her to parry it.The force of the blow knocking her to one knee.

The rain grew heavier with every passing second, washing the caked blood and dirt off Xin'dreth and the derelict buildings.

"You think you can hit me again, fool?" She bellowed.

Just then, Flowers ball of light smashed into Xin'dreth's visage, smacking her back-first into the ground and searing her badly. She screamed in agony and clawed franticly at her face, being a creature of darkness the light burned her fervently. She rolled back and lept to her feet brandishing her nodachi clumsily, still holding the scabbed half of her face.

"I'll KILL you!"

She sprinted towards flower, kicking mud up into the air behind her. She held her sword in both hands above and behind her, striking quickly and heavily towards Flower.
The man's eyes widened seeing flower block the strike from the assassin, the man was so quick on his feet he hadnt event heard a sound from such a foe. Looking at the blood drip from the ground vulcan was enraged but that rage was quickly subsided seeing the culprit of the killings arise. Immediately the assasin went for the killer while vulcan turned to see if flower was alright. But as he turned she quickly got involved using her light magic to blind the killer. But that only angered it, the killer soon turned its attention on her sprinting towards flower. Vulcan stepped in front of her with a crimson glare in his eyes. His blood began to boil seeing this monster who slain all who stood in his path, and now it was going for a good friend of vulcans. The demigods nostrils flared with smoke bering out of them before breathing in. "Your plan might have been perfect, but one had one flaw. YOU WENT AND PISSED ME OFF!" Vulcan exhaled with flames spewing out from his mouth at the killer, these flames exploded with speed and force capable of incasing Xindreth's entire body with flames.
Flower looked as the killer ran for her. She was about the block when Vulcan jumped into the killer's path. She looked at Vulcan and then jumped forward blasting light out making the flames brighter, but only brighter now more powerful for Flower could not control the furry of the flames. She landed on her feet and then grabbed her sword. She had to save her energy so she wasn't going to use her light to much in this fight. She looked at Vulcan for a quick second. She looked at the flames and then at the assassin. Three against one, hopefully that would be enough to bring this thing down. Rage suddenly filled her eyes thinking about her beloved town being stuck down by such a beast.
As the flames receded a large black mass became visible. A spiraling mass of writhing black tentacles that enveloped Xin'dreth. and when they receded she was nowhere to be found.
Flower looks at Vulcan and then at where the creature was. Even though she appeared to be gone Flower didn't calm one bit. She still was tense and nervous, checking out the surrounding area before looking back at Vulcan. She wasn't about to relax either, something about that thing, whatever it was had bothered her very much. What was worse....the entire village was in a bloody mess. This made Flower even more on edge, hating to look around.
-Reiko jumped upwards on top of a building with the flames of vulcan moving towards him. Seeing how the killer had dissapeared the assassin began to gather his weapons. Reiko didnt know if this killer was waiting in the shadows or if the killer was retreating for now. It didnt matter because sooner or later this monster would show its ugly face again. And at that time the monster would surely be put to death if not by Reiko then by Vulcan. Once Reiko had booth claymore's he walked over to the man with dragon scales and fire. This man was by far interesting, not only by his abilities but he had a rather unique sword as well.-

"And just who are you suppose to be? you look like a dragon and you breath fire like a dragon. From where i come from if one quacks like duck and looks like a duck... its a duck. So what are you?"
Hiro looked at surreal with the rest of the dragon eggs being slain, Her eyes glared with a cold glance at the spuashed creatures. Blood and slime were on the heels of her boots. She lifted up her boots wiping them on the ground removing the ooze from her boots.

"Its a terrible dragon of legends. The legend says that a god of fire will come and summoun a storm of dragons. Once these dragons rise its said they will search for and devour magical sources. Once the dragons find the magical sources the dragon of the darkness will rise. Once risen the dragon will engulf the world in darkness. I cant let that happen."

Haru felt a disturbance in the air above as the skys began to roll black. The storm was on the rise once more just like earlier when the lighting bolt hit the dragon. Hiro turned around looking at the town as she got up on her horse.
"I think something is going on in the town, cmon lets go" Hiro said as she pulled the reigns of her horse and hurried into town.
Surreal frowned while Hiro told her the story. She managed to get her beast under control before mounting it and heading back to the town with Hiro. When they reached the town, Surreal couldn't help but gasp at the gruesome sight. It was like looking at a sea of red, an ocean of blood and other unrecognizable chunks that might have been people. She covered her mouth and nose with the back of her hand and closed her eyes, trying to unsee what she had just seen. Opening her eys again, small tears edged in the corners of her eyes and her breathing hitched. So many people. She looked to the stall where the man had sold her the gauntlets and found a part of his upper torso leaning against the stand. Her eyes went wide and she gently ran her fingers across the gloves. Thgey had been the last thing the man had sold, well not sold, he had given them to her. That made her cry harder, the tears flowing freely now down her face, her breathing slightly erratic. Dear gods.

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