The Mark Of The Dragon - (RP)

Ryo heard a voice as he moved away. He whisked around and let loose a streak of black fire before turning back around and walking away. The problem with Ryo's fire, is that it burned until it had consumed everything he had directed to and there was a second purpose, the fire hid his scent. Whatever had been near his flame better pray that it not caught fire or it would be in for some serious pain. However, Ryo for the most part was human. There were small parts of him that weren't. Like that inhuman speed of his. He was possibly one of the fastest creatures to grace the planet. He continued to smoke his cigarette and was well on his merry way. Whatever had followed him would have a hard time keeping up and if what was following was stupid he dared them to try. Ryo wasn't evil, but he wasn't exactly good either.

Ryo wondered about that voice. Perhaps it could have been ally, but that's not the feeling he got. It was sinister, but it didn't compare to the screams he heard every night or the darkness that always threatened to swallow him hole and take control of his body. Ryo was always fighting his dark side. When he was angry, it was easier for him to give into it's power, but he had promised that he would never let something like that happen again. If the darkness did manage to take over Ryo, he would be forced to turn evil and live forever tainted until something killed him and that was not how Ryo wanted to leave this world. He wanted to keep his promise after that, he didn't care what happened. Death could over take him then if it so desired. He had nothing left to hold onto in this world.
Vulcan nodded hearing flower speak he kept his arms as his sides with his long hair swaying in the wind. As the two began heading towards town he felt a presence that didnt seem right. Something sinister was afoot although vulcan did know what it could be, he felt as if the dragon was just the begging of something terrible to come. The gut feeling only further fueled his desire to get some new clothes after all, Vulcan had to forge a new sword from the dragon fang. And the only way to do this was to see his father who would not be seen in his presence with ragged and blood soaked clothes. The only way for Vulcan to see his father was to dress to high standards and bring fourth a valuable item.

"So where are we to find this person?"
Flower looked back at him with a smile. "In town...just follow me ok?" She said and then continued walking. She looked around when they reached the town. She looked around and then found a pretty old looking house. She walked up and knocked on the door. " up!" She said and then smiled as an older man opened the door.

"AH....Flower...what is it you want?" He asked and then looked behind her to see a man in tore up and bloody clothes. He nodded and then went inside.

Flower crossed her arms and looked at Vulcan. "Like he needed me to tell him. By the way...he isn't really my grandpa...I have no family but he likes everyone to call him that." She said with a smile. She looked as he came out with the same clothes Vulcan had on.

Flower looked at him and nodded. "Thank you grandpa." She said and then took the clothes. She blinked as he just shut the door. "Guess he didn't want paid." She said and then turned to Vulcan. "I bet you're wondering how he did that so fast...he never tells anyone, so I think he can see into the future or something. I hope this is ok for you?" She said holding out the clothes to him.
Vulcan smiled putting his new fresh clothes on, although he found is very odd he had the same style clothes that he was wearing before. It was almost a bit disturbing but hey vulcan wasnt going to complain after all he didnt charge the man. Turning to Flower he spoke while placing on his silk blue scarf around his neck. "Well i guess we should split up for now..... Well actually before we do you wanna see something cool most people never see in there life time?"mThe man said as he placed his sword sccabard to his side inbetween his belt and took out everything that was in his old pants into his new ones.
A woman ridding upon the back of a horse traveled long by a dirt road, she had been traveling for two days in search of what she believed to be legend. She was in search of a dragon, but no just any dragon. She was in search of the terrible dragon of the darkness flame. A dragon so evil its said he would devour a town with a single breath of hell flames, a combination of booth black and red flame. To he suprise Hiro stopped seeing a forest filled in flames. Her horse was terrified until she pulled the reigns as it calmed down. She stepped off the back of the horse looking at the flames. The woman had green hair with highlights of blue within it. She was seventeen years old and had been living on her own for the past two years. She had been trained in magic, her teacher an all around elementalist although she had only been trained in wind.

Hiro was five foot eight, she was slim athletic and tan infact she was extermely beautiful. Hiro wore a red armor around certain regions of her body, around booth her lower legs and on each thigh. Upon each shoulder was a slab of red armor and upon her hand, and lower arm. She had a pair of blue shorts on with a belt holding two swords. On her legs she had blue stockings. She had a blue top was upon her upper body cover her chest. The top was small so you could still see her stomach. Three flags were on her back, these flags were used for her wind magic. Hiro stood up grabbing the three flags placing them between her fingers, slowly she started spinning them until they spiraled faster and faster in circles.

The wind acted like a giant fan, as the propelled in circles. Then with a great form of power she used the wind against the flaming forest. In normal circumstances wind fueled a fire, it caused the flames to raise and become stronger but Hiro's magic wind was different. Her magic wind was so strong, the flames died down in seconds. For just a moment the flame began to grow stronger but this wind was far to strong for the flame to survive. Once the wind raced forwards trees were thrown under the spell of her magic. The terrain had truly changed that day. Hiro got back on her horse heading to town when she stumbled upon a dragon. She gulped down now comfirming her hypothesis was true. She had never seen a dragon before and if her memory served her well, with the sign of a green spiked dragon was but a warning of the dragon of the darkness flame. Hiro pulled the reigns of her horse speeding into town.
It was then that Ryo realized he had forgotten something. With inhuman speed he raced passed a woman with a horse and was somehow careful not to touch either of them. He ran past the people at the shop before slowing to a walk. He picked up a smalled silver necklace from the ground that most people wouldn't have noticed. Ryo decided that he wasn't in any hurry and walked the rest of the way. This time he had gotten a better look of the people at the shop. One guy looked as though he had a ferocious battle. He stopped out of curiousity and then kept moving. He waited at the entrance to town by the woman with the horse not even taking notice to her.

Ryo smoked his cigarette and thought about things. That voice he had heard earlier. What was it? He was wondering if it had burned with the flames he had shot out of his mouth. He didn't know. Whatever it was seemed to be a little more than creepy. Ryo's shirt was wet still from when he had washed it in the stream. His hair was wet too and he was careful not to let the water droplets drip on his cigarette. He let out ring of smoke and sat silently waiting. Ryo was engrossed in his thoughts and there was no telling when he would get the urge to get up and move again.
Flower looked at him and then blinked watching him take things out of his old clothes to his new ones. "Um sure." She said slightl disappointed he has to leave. No one really talks to her, they just look at hert strangly whispering 'that's the girl from the forest.' She smiled at him none the less.

"Yes you are very interesting aren't you?" She said with a laugh and then looked at him waiting for him to pull out whatever he was going to show her. She put her hands behind her back and then held them.
Vulcan walked down the street comming to an alley way upon that alley way he knelt down to the ground. He pulled out a blue sapphire from his pocket, the demigod placed it upon the ground it glowed with a blue aura light. A light with atonishing beauty and lumosity. "Father" Vulcan said as he took a deep breath and spewed flames upon the glowing sapphire. At that moment a giant burst of flames ripped open from the sapphire with a face of flames rising upwards.

"What is it that you want Vulcan, i don't have time to waste with your feeble requests"

Vulcan pulled out a dragon fang from his pocket placing it before him while he also showed six other fangs he had taken from the dragon he had slain. The demigod also put his sword infront of him while keeping eye contact with his father. "I have slain a dragon, i have heard that dragon fangs forged with steel make a master class weapon. Seeing how you are the god of forge and fire father. I wanted to request a sword forged of these dragon fangs."

"I will craft you you'r sword but i ask something else in return. There is a woman with three magic fans, i need you to bring them to me. "

Vulcan nodded his head looking upon his fathers face,"Aye" Said vulcan. At that moment flames erupted from the face grabbing ahold of the dragon fangs, forging the fangs and steel together. Flames smoldered for a few minutes crafting this sword before booth Vulcan and flowers eyes. The blade began to glow with a orange ember as the blade was almost finished. Then in seconds as fire swirled around the sword, the blade was finished. There upon the ground was Vulcan's newly forged sword, it was different than the katana he weilded. It was much larger and heavier, this was a broad sword. The blade was silver and gleamed with a amazing shine, it had a red hilt with the blue sapphire at the bottom of the hilt.

"Believe me Vulcan if i dont get these magic fans i will send someone to retrieve my sword. "
said vulcan's father before he vanished. Vulcan stood gripping the hilt of his sword picking up the blade and gripping it firmly. He smiled placing it upon his back, "This blade will be called Dragon Slayer" Vulcan turned to flowers with a smile as he taking his katana off the ground and placing it upon his belt once more. With a smile and a firm voice he spoke "Sorry you had to hear him like that, gods are always like that"

Flower blinked and then smiled. "Yes the show of power...such a human need." she giggled a bit and then looked at him. "I'm sorry I shouldn't be saying such things." she said and then leaned back on a wall. She slowly let what she saw sink in. "Yes i was correct." she whispered to herself. She looked up at the sky.

"Yes so you have to do something for your father then?" she asked still looking at the sky. She looked at Vulcan silently thinking to herself while she waited for an answer. There was a hint of a smirk as if something funny entered her head. Flower was a clever girl thinking everything through. She pushed herself off the wall. "Three fans..." she said to herself.
Vulcan looked at flower laughing ever so slightly as he shook his head. "The gods are a joke, they never do anything for anyone without asking for something in return. Even if you are related to them. As far as retrieving these fans.... well if i come across it i might get them. Although i dont think im going to bother searching for them. Right now my top priority is slaying dragons. And now with this sword i can do so, my katana wasnt sharp enough to slay the dragon alone. I used my deadliest strike and i barely grazed its neck. With the Dragon Slayer sword i should be able to cut a dragons head off. Im sorry but this is were we part..... at least until next time. It was nice to meet you" ​Said Vulcan as he reached out his hand to shake hers.
Flower looked at him and then smiles as he talks about the gods. She slightly frowned as he said this was where thy parted ways. "Aw...I will miss the company. No one around here has paid so much attention to the forest girl." she said and then grabbed his hand shaking it and letting it go. She leaned back into the wall looking at him. She looks at his chest were she healed him and then giggled slightly. "No more falling off dragons." she said and then pushed her hair behind her ear.
"Ill do my best not to fall off any more dragons" Said vulcan as he shook her hand and walked off. The man began to walk around the town searching for this dark pressence he felt earlier, he wasnt entirely sure if they were a evil lerking in the shadows of there was something resonating from the dragon fangs. All vulcan knew that the forged dragon fangs in his dragon slayer sword were not resonating so he ruled out the second possibility.The man stopped at a local shop buying a cloak that he placed over his body to keep his face from being seen. The purpose to this was he was tring to find something dark and evil, so he had to be very clever quiet and avoid attention. He had to be like a ninja assasin. Although Vulcan was from from sneaky, he though he would give it a try. Jumping from roof top to roof top he began tracking a man in black following him. After all the demigod though he mind as well help rid the town of evil after nearing burning down the entire forest and the village with it.
Xin'dreth jumped down from a low hanging branch and landed in the dirt with a soft thud. Sniffing the air and licking her teeth in excitement. The human was not far in front of her, walking at a leisurely pace towards a nearby stream. She could taste his blood in the air..He was injured; She twitched uncontrollably, trying to regain her composure long enough to sneak up on the lone human. But she could wait no longer. Sprinting towards him she lifted her jagged black nodachi above her shoulder as she babbled incoherently to her self.

The man turned briefly to face Xin'dreth letting loose a burst of what appeared to be a cone of black fire towards her before disappearing deeper in the forest.

Surprised, Xin'dreth paused momentarily, pondering the implications of what she just witnessed with a visage of pure confusion. It wasn't until the flames where almost upon her that she was able to regain control of herself and spawn several massive writhing black tendrils spiraling out of the shadows to wrap around her being, like a cocoon. The blaze stormed past Xin'dreth leaving her unscathed. She fell back on the dank forest floor staring blankly into the distance as her tentacles receded gradually into obscurity

It came in waves, first she smiled, grinning wickedly from ear to ear; Then she chuckled, slowly at first, Then faster and faster until she was roaring with boisterous laughter.
"You surprise me human!" She yelled, not knowing the man was long gone. she slowly returned to her feet.

That power, That dark flame, It was not unlike her own abilities...Xin'dreth frowned as a fleeting moment of humanity passed trough her. Brief flashes of a time before flooding her mind... she moved to retrieve her nodachi, solemn and quiet.
sniffing the air in an attempt to relocate him, but found that the his scent had mysteriously faded. "Very well" she growled. She knew that with out a lead she would never guess which direction he went, and in this massive forest that was everything.

Her stomach growled once more, She still hadn't eaten....

So she Slunk away back to the town, dragging her nodachi behind her.

Vulcan continued moving through the town when he turned his head seeing the forest fire had been put out. But that wasnt all, the trees were bent over and dispositioned. It looked like someone used a form of magic to put the fire out, maybe a sort of wind magic. Thats when Vulcan remembered what his father told him about three magic fans, maybe there was a coincidence in this matter. But just as quickly as Vulcan was distracted he saw a monster figure swaying in back alleys. its body was reptil like, its upper half resembled that of a human while its lower was like that of a snake. Vulcan followed the creature as it came to a back alley creeping upon a human. In this back alley there was a woman cleaning clothes upon a laundry line, this creature was stalking this person. Its cold eyes watching waiting to strike when vulcan jumped down at the monster. Within an instant he drew his new sword the dragon slayer and slammed it down upon the head of the monster. The demigod split the beast in two with little effort, green slime residue resided upon the blade of his sword. Vulcan sighed with a disgusting look seeing the nasty slime. The man took a bucket of water from the woman cleaning off his sword and proceeded to get a better view of the forest and see if he could see what source was used to put out the flames.
Surreal sighed when she saw the town come into view. She had had to find another route into town and was feeling downright testy. She hated dragons. Her horse, whose stamina wasn't nearly as strong as hers, plodded tiredly into the village, it's hooves making a dejected clop clip-clop on the cobblestoned walk. Looking about, Surreql found an inn and urged her tired tired into a quicker gate. It was too tired to even protest, but it managed a painful trot that had Surreal wincing as she bounced in her seat. When she reached the stables, Surreal dismounted and ound a stableboy. she nudged his chair with her boot, well, kicked was more like it, nearly knocking him over. The boy sat up straight, looking up at her in surprise.

"My horse needs water and some grain." She took a gold coin out of her pocket and flipped it at the boy. His eyes went wide and he caught it in the air.

"Yes'm." He said with a slight bow. He took the horse by the reigns and led it to a stable where he began to unsaddle the poor creature. She turned and walked to the front door. Surreal opened the door and somewhere a bell chimed, announcing her entrance. It was dim inside and since her eyes hadn't adjusted to the dimmer light, it was dark as pitch. However, she could hear the murmur of voices quiet down as soon as the bell rang. It didn't take long for her vision to adjust to the lighting. Everyone was staring at her. With an almost annoyed sigh, she walking inside to the bar, where a middle-aged woman was polishing some drinking glasses.

"How much is a room for one night?" She asked, leaning her right elbow on the bar. The woman didn't even look up from her cleaning.

"Noone fer yew," she answered. Surreal blinked.

"Look, I can pay-"

"Tha bell oonly chimes fer magyck using folk, ya ken? We doona take kindly tae magyck folk here." The woman finally put down the glass and looked at Surreal for the first time. When she saw Surreal's eyes, her face paled and her expression hardened, but she didn't waver. Surreal felt angry, but she didn't say anything. She pulled away from the bar and walked out, shutting the door with a slam. Ice had formed on the windows. She stood outside of the Inn, taking deep breaths, a foggy mist exiting her nostrils as she did so, looking like smoke. She walked away, leaving her horse at the stables. The poor creature needed the rest. Surreal needed a bath.

She looked about and found a small marketplace. Having a purpose now, her stride lengthened and she strolled over to the several booths. She looked at the shops and found one with garments. Her old clothes had become worn and ragged from travelling for so long. She bought a new white linen shirt and a pair of leather working trousers that could double as a sort of armor. she was already wearing a leather chestpiece, a white linen shirt over it, tight about her ribs. A pair of tight cloth pants encased her legs, riding low on her hips. The new pants she had bought were stretchy and suplle, so they wouldn't chafe. They were incredibly soft on the inside which made her want to put them on now, but she had to wait. She continued her walk, holding the bundle of clothes in her left arm, freeing her right, just in case.

Surreal saw something then that made her stop. She saw a man sewing a strap of leather to a piece of metal. She watched in fascination as the man worked, curious as to what he was making. She watched as he took item after item and fitted them to the metal and leather work. When he was done she realised he had made a sort of gauntlet. This piqued her interest. They were sword gauntlets. She walked up and eyed the metal and leather glove.

"How much for this glove?" She asked. The man looked up into her strange eyes and then at her sword.

"Ye be a swordswoman then?" He asked, leaning on his desk somewhat. Surreal nodded.

"May I see yer sword, then?" Shrugging, Surreal drew her sowrd from her hip and lay the gleaming shortsword on his workdesk. He let out an appreciative whistle, lifting the sword in his hands, turning it around, admiring the work.

"'Tis be a marvelous piece, aye, marvelous indeed. Mayhap ye ken who made it?" He asked. Surreal shook her head.

"No. I'm not sure. It was...passed down to me. A family heirloom, I guess." The man nodded and ran his fingers over the runes that were carved into the blade.

"Ye ken what this says, lass?" Surreal shook her head again.


"Pity, t'would have been grand to ken what it says." He laid the sword back down again and Surreal sheathed it in one smooth motion.

"So, how much for the gauntlet?" The man smiled.

"Ye doona want this. 'Tis not fittin' fer someone of yer caliber." He held up a finger and moved to the back of his booth, digging around in some boxes until he made an "Aha!" sound before turning back to her and walking back over to the front.

"This is more like it." In his hands was a small wooden box. He opened it and took out a pair of small, gauntlets. He sat them in front of Surreal and she set down her bundle of clothes.

"May I try them on?" He waved his hand at her.

"By all mean, please do." He watched, eyes bright as she lifted the glove. It was made of leather, shaped almost like a mitten, only there were holes for each individual finger, stopping just past her knuckles. Shiny silver metal covered the back of her hand and spilled over her fingers in segments, the metal so thin it look like a piece of parchment. She slid the glove on and admired how well it fit her hand.

"Wow. It's like I'm not even wearing them." She turned her hand about in front of her face admiring the craftsmanship.

"How much?"

"Fer ye, Milady, free o' charge." He grinned and Surreal blinked.

"Why?" He smiled.

"Because, when I be just a wee lad, me father gave me thoose gauntlets, tellin' me a strange song afterward. It had soomethin' tae do with a pretty blue-eyed woman, but I canna r'member. All I ken is tha' thoose gauntlets were meant tae be a gift fer a..." He looked about to see if anyone was listening. "A dragonborn," He whispered. "An' wi' ye havin' thoose hauntin' blue eyes, I suspect ye be the woman the song was aboot." He smiled and shooed her away.

"Off wi' ye now. I go' work tae be doin'." Surreal was too stunned to speak. She grabbed her clothes and the other gauntlet and walked away. Dragonborn? What was that? She knew she had powers, some of them incredibly dangerous, but she wasn't sure how she got those powers. Was it because she was a Dragonborn? Whatever it was? Shaking her head, Surreal walked off to go find a place to clean herself.
Hiro rode her horse into town with her brown horse galloping forwards. She saw many town folk some looking paroniod although she couldnt blame them because of the dragon and great fire that happened moments ago. Hiro came to find a stable that she brought her horse to, the stable keeper looked at the woman with staring eyes. She paid the man and brushed past him ignoring him knowing he was probably going to hit on her. Walking down further hiro found a inn that she walked into, she paid off the inn getting a place to stay for the night. It was a small cozzy room with a fire place a bed and a desk. She removed her armor and weapons placing them on the desk. Right after she flopped back on the bed laying down. It had been an exhausting journey from the last town, she almost had been riding for two days without stopping. But she had found the place that her teacher had warned her about, she found the town that would begin the reign of dragons. So Hiro rested her eyes tring to get a night's sleep, she would certainly need it because of what horrors were in store for this town. Hiro threw the blanket over herself getting some sleep while she could so she could search the town tommorow.
Vulcan stood upon a building when he saw a woman ride into town, but this was no ordinary woman. He saw a woman with beauty like no other, she was surely a sight to be seen. But that wasn't all this women had three flags on here back, three flags like the ones Vulcan's father spoke of. Vulcan followed the woman around town, he followed her to the stable remaining in the shadows then the local inn. Vulcan moved ontop of the building as he stood pondering what choice he should make, was he going to steal the fans from the girl to give to his father or wait for his father to send some sort of monster to retrieve the Dragon Slayer sword he obtained. Without a second though Vulcan decided to steal the magic fans from the woman, he moved to the side of the building seeing window with the woman laying upon a bed. Vulcan struck the window breaking into the girls room. On her desk he saw the fans, he grabbed them and jumped out of the window and running away to a shadow alley way.
Hiro haru stood up seeing a man taking her magic flags. She stood up grabbing only her sword as she jumped out the window tring to catch the man. She jumped out seeing the man ontop of the roof, quickly she climbed up placing her swords within her belt. Once ontop she looked up into the sky staring with wide eyes, there in the sky was another dragon. Its body was red with glowing red eyes, its wings stretched outwards with its mouth wide open. Hiro grabbed her sword holding it in the sheath. It was such a bad time for a dragon to come, she still had her wind but the magic fans increased her power. Hiro looked around town quickly tring to formulate a plan, within the corner of her eye she saw a merchants stand. The ran forwards jumping off the building doing a tumble roll coming to the stand. Seeing a bow and arrow Hiro grabbed it pointing it towards the dragon in the sky that was still a far ways away.

Aiming the bow at the sky she placed the bow pulling back the strings closing one eye. She exhaled with her breath calm and her body still. She waited a second before releasing the arrow as it teared into the skies above. Winds tore forwards guiding the arrow as it struck the dragon within its left eye. This was the only option hiro had, without her fans she could only slow down the dragon. One the dragon was hit in the eye it dropped form the sky falling into the forest outside of town. Hiro gave the merchant back his bow as he stared at the beautiful woman with wide eyes. She climbed upon the stand looking at the mass crowd of people.

"There is a Dragon outside of town, that dragon will be here in a hour if we dont send a group to slay the dragon. Either we go bring the fight to it, or it brings the fight to us. Im not planning on letting that happen so who is with me?" Said the woman looking upon the crowd.
Surreal was walking around, looking for a bath house or something when she was rammed in the shoulder by someone running. She spun to shout at them when something caught her attention. She turned her head up and blinked in surprise. Another dragon. This village had rotten luck. It was a large, magnificent beast, it's scales gleaming in the waning light of day. An earsplitting roar echoed around her and surreal drew her sword instinctively. Looking about she could see a woman nearby, rather pretty, calling out. She couldn't hear what she said because as soon as the woman opened her mouth, the dragon let out another deafening roar. She turned her attention to the beast and watched as it hovered above the town, it's expansive wings holding its ponderous weight aloft.

Surreal wasn't much of a heroine, but she had a feeling this was a situation where no one would do anything unless someone did it first. With a resigned sigh, Surreal laid her clothes on a nearby stool and swung her blade about. The dragon was getting closer, pumping its enormous wings their way. Suddenly an arrow was loosed and a great wind followed it, making Surreal's hair fly about her. She looked to see who had loosed the arrow and found it was the woman. She let out a loud declaration and Surreal acted on impulse. Normally she would have sheathed her sword and walked away, stating that it wasn't her problem, but now she gripped her sword tighter and walked up to the woman, meeting her blue eyed gazed with her own, Her own eyes swirling with their unnatural color. They were blue, but the color was almost white near the pupil, slowly darkening to an almost blackish blue, a ring of black circling the iris. Added to that her pupils were slightly mishappen. Instead of being perfectly round, they were slightly obling, ovalish, though still rounf enough that they looked normal from a distance.

"I will join this party to slay the dragon. I am not sure how much help I'll be, but I'm handy with a sword and have a few other talents as well." Her eyes suggested what her "other talents" were. she waited for the woman to accept her offer. If not, she'd leave. A part of her still felt that this wasn't her problem and that she should just leave and find someplace to bathe. Here's to being a good person.
Xin'dreth trudged her way though the skeletal remains of the forest, not bothering to avoid the scattered remnant embers biting at her bare feet through the piles of ash. She enjoyed the change in scenery, the land felt so desolate; Thick layers of ash covered the ground, Leaving It a dull Grey colour, and the The few defiant trees that remained where nothing but blackened twigs leaving long eldritch shadows in the setting sun like spindly groping arms.

As she grew ever closer to town she began to ponder why she was even returning to the sordid little settlement. She couldn't risk killing anyone, lest they sick the whole guard upon her...She held her nodachi out at arms length, absentmindedly swinging it back and forth.
"Maybe" She thought "Maybe They don't know about the things I've done.." "And I could enter freely..." Her thoughts trailed off as She reached deep into the pockets of her ragged bloodstained tunic, Grouping blindly for anything of value that she might of taken off an unfortunate corpse..She did this for several seconds in till her clawed extremities wondered upon something solid. She immediately pulled the item out to examine it; an old human molar lay in the palm of her ashen hand, discolored from age and caked in dried blood. The rolled it around her figures curiously for a second before flicking it off into the distance. "That won't help willit" She muttered, holding her hand on her mouth in contemplation. She was right outside the town now...

In the silence heard a faint sound, almost like heavy cloth flapping in the wind..

Suddenly a huge Blood-red aberration sped over her, all she could see was crimson scales glittering in the sunlight and what she assumed a long powerful tail.

"Another bloody Dragon?" She roared incredulously.

"Wait.." She thought; "if the village is dealing with another dragon, whats stopping me from just taking what I need?" She smirked at that thought.

The dragon crashed to earth somewhere behind her, shaking the very land scape. Ignoring that, She poked out her head from the outskirts of the forest to assess the situation; Many of the townsfolk where running franticly for cover while still others stood in front of a powerful looking women who appeared to be rallying them...

The sun was setting fast behind her and she needed to act quickly; her nodachi at her side she sprinted out of the forest and behind A old stable. Sliding her greasy hair out of her face she sprinted behind another nearby building, this one made of old crumbling masonry. She grind wildly as her first victim approached, A portly

middle-aged man in tight red linens and shiny leather boots; he ran frantically past the crumbling building in a feeble attempt to escape from the dragon, stopping now and again to wipe the sweat from his balding head with an old handkerchief. Xin'dreth pounced on him from behind the building as he passed, nearly killing him then. He looked up at her disfigured visage as she drooled copious amounts of drool all over him from her Gapping maw, stammering, trying to think of the words that would save his life..But she knew no mercy.

"I do to you, what nature has done to me!" She bellowed, kneeling on his chest as she brought her jagged blade up above her to administer the final blow...
Vulcan stood in a alley of shadows holding the three magic fans. The man sad within the alley placing the three flags infront of him. Vulcan had no idea if these truly were the fans his father spoke of but there couldn't of just been a coincidence from his dad asking about the flags and them actually coming to town. But beyond that why had Vulcan's father ask about these fans, all his life Vulcan's father had never helped him out. So why now had he started, was there a sinister plot occuring within this town. A sigh escaped the demigods lips as he stood grabbing the flags and placing them within his belt. Vulcan stood exiting the alley way with caution as he saw the woman he stole the flags from. She had a bow and arrow aimed at the sky, but what was she pointing at though Vulcan. The mans looked up into the sky seeing yet another dragon, his eyes widened while clenching his fist.

A second dragon within a day? though vulcan as he watched hiro launch a arrow into the sky. In suprise he watched her hit the target seeing the dragon fall from the sky. A sigh escaped his lips as he quickly moved away from the woman he stole from. Vulcan surely needed to figure out what was going on in this village. Maybe the woman knew something that he didnt but he wasnt exactly on speaking terms with her. Walking through the streets vulcan saw flower, he walked up to her calmly. "Hey i need your help flower." Said vulcan.
Hiro looked at the woman who stood before her, she looked around only seeing one person to stand to face this enemy. But in a situation like this Hiro couldnt complain seeing how she was going to have help. But listening to surreal speak she saw a flash in her eyes knowing she had a little something extrodinary about her. Hiro looked stepped form the building standing right infront of surreal with a smile on her face extending her right hand forwards. "I will glady accept your offer." The woman swept the dust of her clothes as she began to walk away from the merchants stand. "Whats your name"asked hiro. "My name is Hiro, follow me" said Hiro as she began to walk towards the stable with a fast paste. She indeed was in a hurry after all there wasnt much time to waste, hiro didnt know how long it would take for the dragon to get up. Surely time was of the essence because if that dragon got to town soon the entire city would be engulfed in flames.

Walking fast the woman spoke to surreal, as she proceeded towards the stable to get her horse. "Now there are a few things we got to go over, the dragon is very strong not only offensively but deffensively. It has razor sharp claws and thick scales that can block steel. The dragon has a few weak points, its under belly, its wings, eyes and its mouth. There are only a few weapons that can cut clean through a dragon but those are very rare." Said Hiro as she got to the stable. The woman climbed upon her horse looking down at surreal. "Any questions?"
Flower had been looking for a boy who stole something from her. However when Vulcan approached Flower stopped and smiled as he asked for her help. She looked and the boy got away but it wasn't that important at all. She looked at vulcan pleasantly surprised he was asking for her help.

"What is it Vulcan?" she asked looking at him and then crossed her arms over her chest ready to listen to whatever he needed. Flower didn't do much so she was perfectly willing to help. She smiled always liking to be useful even if it was something small.
Vulcan grabbed flower pulling her towards a alley, not agressively but so he wouldnt be seen by locals. Once there he pulled fourth three flags that fit the exact description that vulcan's father had spoke of."Do you know anything of magic" asked vulcan as he held the three magic flags then handed them to flower to see if she could tell if these flags truly possesed some sort of magic capabilities. "I need to see if these are truly magic, dont ask me how i got these its not a story im proud of. But none the less, i need to figure this out. Something is going on around town, something bad."
Flower looks at them and then blinks. "Uhhh..." she pokes at them. She creates light in her hand and then waves it over them. "Well I don't know much abou magic but maybe it will react to another magical source." she looks at him and then sighs a bit. "Um sorry I must not be helping to much and really haven't noticed anything...but I guess I've been feeling a bit like I should be more careful."

Flower looked at the fans and suddenly her light bolted from her hand. "Ok! I think they're magic!" she said and then looked at him. She cringed a bit and then looked at her hand which was burned. "Ugh not again." she looked at the fans and then held them out to him. "I think you got the right ones." she said with a smile.

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