The Manor -Recruitment-


Name: Yokume

Age: 17

Race: Demon

Sexuality: Undecided

Position: Slave

Collar and charm: Red with a paw print.

Personality: "I'll bite you!" She warns. Yoku does not like others to touch her and will give this very threat to anyone who does. She warns people before she does something and it is hard to get on her good side. She is stuborn but still obedient, and tries to act tough though she has a big soft side. She is easily curious and will follow people who act suspicious. Those who do end up catching her follow them will be given an excuse. 
Oh I guess I should be a master instead...
Not nesaccerality, you can have multiple servants under the command of one house, and some of the slaves are doing menial jobs, plus Daniel doesn't have a servant so she could serve him?

Only thing I'd suggest Ene Kagerou well not suggest, more remind though you can be violent you need to remember that whoever you're assigned to would be your master and you couldn't be violent toward them so to speak, so be careful with that role xD
I understand. Is the rp up? Or is the master what we were waiting for? I'm almost done with it I just had trouble finding a good picture... So my second character isn't needed?
Suddenly who's gonna be under me? Or I could simply vulture the one's left xD

Name: June Augustine

Age: 15

Sexuality: Bisexual

Race: Human

Position: Master

Personality: June is a rather normal girl in her opinion. All normal people live in huge fancy houses and get whatever the hell they want, right? She expects everything to live up to her expectations and things that don't.. well, let's be cheerful and not go there announce that June has a big temper. (June: Baka!) June is the sweetest person you could ever meet. Unless you know some one who isn't 100% spoiled.

History: June grew up with whatever she wanted, doing everything by herself, and being Officer June whenever she did have friends. Her longest time of having a friend is a whole week, and she finds it rather amazing that she actually got along with some one that long. June has never once thought of herself as lonely, no one has ever met her expectations yet, or woken her up to see that life doesn't revolve around her.
Okay so here's the head count so far guys

Masters of Blackwood manor

  • Marius (Damian)
  • Daniel (Myself)
  • Robin (Sol)
  • June (Ene

Slaves of Blackwood Manor

  • Ayra (Nico)
  • Isabelle (Angel)
  • Sarah (Myself)
  • May-rin (Nohara)
  • Yokume (Ene)

That gives us a total headcount of

Masters - 4

Slaves - 5

So I leave the next question to you guys...

Do we;

A) Wait for one more person to turn up? or

B) Go for it, give me a couple of minutes, and start this RP right now?
I might look into this after work for the sake of Rinneh. No promise on joining, however. Would be Master if I did.
We'll everyone seems to want to start it, so if you want Grin, swing by after work, drop in a skelly and then hopefully turn up in the RP.

As for everyone else I'll start making the thread now, so keep an eye out for the link, I'll be putting it on the first post of this thread back on page 1 aswell so you all know where to go ^^ 
-Side note-

Ene Kagerou, while creating your skelly for Master June, one thing you may have missed to put in is how you were introduced to the family, and more importantly, how you became one of the masters of the Manor. Since I'm making the RP thread now, to make it easier I can easily make something up about how you turned up if you wish.
I could be an Honarary master.... Or a guest or something like that... Or yeah you could make it up.. Or I could edit my history...
nyaa~ <3 Piano Keys <3

Name- Ryan

Age- 16

Gender- Female

Race- Neko

Position in the Manor- Slave

Job- Ryan is mainly there as a house pet, but does dancing on days she's not a pet.

Sexuality- Pansexual

Collar and charm- Blue collar with a paw print charm on it. Her collar also has a charm with her name on it.

Personality- Ryan is much like a cat-timid, yet fierce when needed. She's very calm, quiet, and naïve. She will trust almost anyone and anything, and has the misfortune of easily caring/falling for someone. If you talk to her, she'll converse, but she'll never go out of her way to speak to someone unless she is really interested.

History- Ryan's father came from a long generation of cats. His family happened to be half cat (heavenknowswhy), and didn't tell her mother before he got her pregnant. In shame, her mother committed suicide a few weeks after Ryans birth. Shea's able to control her "cat instincts" (i.e wanting to hunt), but she still has a morbid fear of dogs. Her father decided that's he was old enough to be on her own, but she just couldn't make by (do you expect a half cat girl to buy a house yeah I didn't think so). She found the manor and moved in, willing to do anything to not get kicked out.


I'm making a boy, too, one sec 
Name: Parker Burns

Age: 19

Race: Demon

Gender: Male

Position: Master -tries to wink, chokes and dies-

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Parker is very loud. He doesn't have a temper, he just loves to speak his mind (even though it annoys almost everyone). He rambles on about anything he can, almost everything becomes a heated discussion with himself. If you've haven't heard him babble like a nonsensical baboon, then he must really like you.


Parker was taken in by an unknown habitant as a baby, when his parents found out he was demon (which they didn't want clearly). He was left in the woods, awfully close to the manor. Someone from the house found him (to this day he has no clue), and took him in as their own. He was never fully excepted as a family member by some.
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Count Damian

If you mean do we have a turn base system where it circulates to each character, it kind of depends on the flow of the story.

With a group as big is this it doesn't tend to matter, but it is worth doing it a little to keep track of the story a little more.


Hey Neb. I don't want to condescend you, I'm just looking out in case you start and then are a little overwhelmed. Do you think you can handle two characters at the same time?

Up to now the only ones doing it so far is myself and 'Ene Kagerou' out of 7/8 that are taking part so far.

If you can, I'd say you're accepted but I'd have to wait for Nico and Broken-Angel to wake up and let you know what they think.

If you can't or don't want to, let me know which one you want to play as and then like I said wait for those two to accept you as well ^^

One question about your first character though: How do you pronounce her name? (Ree-an) or (Rai-an) or (Rai-yun) Just so I know how to read it xD

Name: Jian

Age: 22

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Position: Mahstah

Sexuality: Hetero


Jian tries to keep a cool head at all times, usually either coordinating with the slave under him or orchestrate their actions if there are several of them. He prizes efficiency above all else, the least of amount of time possible needed to do the work means more free time to himself and the slaves under him. He's observant and analytical, always finding a backdoor or shortcut to a certain task. He sometimes even goes to work alongside the slave. On the surface, it's for efficiency's sake, deep down however he thinks that sometimes doing the impossible had to be done with some company.



DID I DO IT RIGHT? Disregard if we dun need anymoar peoples
guess I should wait for the thumbs up of either Keys or Angel before I post sumthin as Jian 
Innefectvd's askin if we can still have another slave? That alright with you guys?

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