The Manor -Recruitment-

btw Broken I mention in my past that I beat a servant really bad for being clumsy and ruining a painting are you ok if we say that the servant was you?
Then make a character :3 Ayra needs a Master to make cookies and cakes for.

  • Name - Sarah
  • Age - 12
  • Gender - Female
  • Race - Human
  • Position - Slave
  • Job - To follow assigned master
  • Sexuality - Straight
  • Collar and charm - Blue collar with a paw print.
  • Personality - Nice, sweet, childish young girl, can manage to look after herself at a young age but has a lot of built up childness due to not playing with other kids her own age.
  • History - A year ago Sarah was homeless, roaming the streets alone. After her parents died, she was sent to an orphanage nearby, which she soon escaped and chose to live on the streets. Living in the real world at such a young age made Sarah become more mature than other kids but not she has no-one to play with.After a few months, she walked passed a tall man with glasses carrying home a couple of shopping bags. While attempting to steal one his bags, Sarah tripped on an untied lace and fell flat on the floor. After a long talk, Daniel Blackwood invited the young girl to work at the Manor, where she would be given food and shelter. Now she works as the youngest maid in Blackwood Manor but only to ever serve Daniel by playing with the toys he buys her in the spare bedroom next to his own.
ok a warning for Ayra's master I might end up stealing his cookies xD

(I would kill for a coockie right now but I have to go soon :( )
Uhm....yea that's okay with me ^^. So does that mean we have everyone since Ene is joining?
Well we need one more slave but, we could start as soon as Ene posts her chara.
hahahaha this would be fun

Marius:*steals a coockie with his demon speed and eats it* what are you going to do about it kitten ?

(sorry but I have to go for now Ill be back later :) )

Name: Mey-rin Alister

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Orientation: Heterosexual

Race: Human

Collar: Blue (Matches her uniform.)

Collar Charm: Bell


Very Clumsy but sweet, and more times then not; day dreaming. Mey-rin holds her master and friends above all else in life and wishes to bring them joy and happiness best she know how. While she really does suck at most cooking but fairly good when it comes to cleaning, she always does her best.Of course don't let the large glasses and goofy personality fool you. In fact the mere reasoning of her being kept is in fact for her other set of skills. Once her glasses come off she is very serious with the eyes of a hawk, her accuracy is flawless as if her knowledge of guns and other weaponry. This being a trait many don't know of she much prefers her lolita style maid's uniform with her hair in the big tails and the large glasses it makes her look "Cute"


Mey-rin use to be and still is an incredible sniper due to her far-sightedness She claims she prefers not to use a scope, and in her previous job her boss sated it was the only way to make her far-sight into good use. As a result she can use high-powered rifles hand guns and a assortment of other things. Once she was taken into the manor they gave her a maids uniform which she seemed very happy to wear and glasses, she holds the gift very dear and is the reason she will not buy new ones. Without them she is able to see distances very clearly, aiding her.

Blue may be the wrong shade for you Rin, Blue mean shy and timid.

I can't imagine an ex sniper being too timid :')

Other than that it's good ^^
It was the best color, she's not confident and nor violent to those in the manor, she is a clumsy and often stutters and blushes a lot. 
And when in "Sniper mode" she is very silent and merely wants to get the job done.

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