The Magical Quill (WolfCandy and paipai900 roleplay)

((Alrighty! xD ))

It's been days since our heroes got on the road...the headmaster wasn't smart enough to provide them with food....and the little food Artemis brought to share ran out quickly...everyone was starving and tired... The heroes are now passing through a dark forest which will lead them to a bridge, crossing that bridge, you will be entering the darker lands, filled with horrid monsters and demons...
By now, Lillian had grown more comfortable with Rowan. Her arms were wrapped around his waist without hesitation as they rode. She was leaning her cheek against his back, sleep surrounding her.

Rowan glanced around the woods, looking for any sign of life. Maybe he could hunt for some food. Unfortunately, he did not see anything to shoot an arrow into, so he moved on.

Mazie's stomach growled, and she groaned in unison. "What kind of idiot would send us on a journey without food!" She said more to herself as she rode alongside Soran.
"The 'headmaster'." Soran growled, feeling very irritated at the crazy old man. Soean pet Olive gently, hoping that the horse was okay. Glancing over the group, Soran could tell that everyone was tired. "Why don't we take a break? The horses need to rest." Soran suggested as he saw the fatigued looks everyone, even himself, had.

Artemis' stomach grumbled as he snuggled into Mion's arms. "I'm hungry.." Artemis stated out loud, knowing that everyone else were thinking the same thing. Looking up at the group, Artemis tried to cheer them up. "I could cook if we can catch something." Artemis flashed everyone a optimistic smile.

Mion smiled softly down at Artemis, petting his snow white hair gently. "Let's take a break." Mionnpulled Siopao off to the side and got off her, easily helping Artemis off the horse as well. Taking out a dagger, Moon found his sword much too precious to get dirtynwith animal blood. Silently going off, Mion left to go get something for everyone to eat. But, it would be very difficult. The closer they got to the bridge, the more dangerous it became.

Soran hopped off Olive and pet the horse before thing her to a tree and following in Mion's tracks. Artemis looked IP in worry as the two men left. "Be careful!" Artemis whispered as he watched their silhouettes disappeared into the woods
Rowan dismounted Mirabeth. Before taking his bow and arrows and following Mion and Soran, he helped Lillian off the horse. "You guys need to be careful, too," he stated. Then, he turned and bounded off into the trees.

Mazie jumped to the ground and tied Twigs to a tree. "We should make a fire," she said. She opened one of her packs and began setting up a her part of makeshift camp. She didn't know how long they would be staying, so it wasn't anything special.

Lillian followed Mazie's actions and tied up Rowan's horse. She also set up a place for her and Rowan using the contents if their packs. She turned to Artemis afterwards, "Don't worry," she smiled, "They'll be fine. They are all skilled warriors. You don't have to feet about Mion."

"We need wood," Mazie interrupted.
Artemis nodded, still feeling a little worried about Mion. "Alright." Taking his bag out, Artemis pulled out a pot and set it on the ground as Mazie and Lillian got the wood. Wondering what he should cook, Artemis decided it'll be best if he decides when the guys get back from hunting. This made Artemis feel a little weak. Aren't I a man to? Shouldn't I be going out to hunt to? No. I'll just be a burden. Artemis released a sigh as he began to build the fires structure. "Mazie? Can you light it with your magic?" Artemis asked the enchantress.
Mazie nodded. She knelt by the fire, holding her hand just above it. She could of course have lit it by standing, no hands. However, people often expected something, like the flick of a hand or a single word being muttered. When magic just happened without some sort of show, it seemed to unsettle people. Plus, when she used her hand, it helped her focus her energies better. She stared intently at her spread fingers above the wood. Immediately a spark appeared. It grew at a steady pace until it reached a size good enough for use. She removed her hand from above it and stood up. She brushed the dirt from her pants.

Lillian wasn't at all surprised by Mazie's powers, it was kind of normal in their world. Although, she had never seem magic preformed outside of a classroom. She scanned the trees and ground, looking for any kind of plant they could eat. "I hope they come back with something good."

Rowan silently crept across the forest floor, eyes peeled for any movement.
Artemis smiled gratefully at Mazie. "Thank you." Taking out a pot, Artemis filled it with the rest of his water and began to boil it, placing a lid on top. Humming happily, Artemis decided to start a conversation with the girls. "So, how are you ladies doing today?"

Soran, like Rowan, stepped around the forest in caution. Turning his head to every sound, Soran clutched his dagger, getting ready to throw it. If only Soran thought of bringing a bow and arrows, this would be a lot more easier. Glancing up at Mion, Soran noticed that he to didn't bring one either.

Mion, unlike the other two men, strolled around the dark woods calmly, not flinching at any sound, and stared straight ahead. Although his dark eyes may be looking forward, Mion's senses could see, hear, feel, and smell everything around him. Years of hardcore training had made Mion like this. The young man took his dagger and threw it straight up into the air.

Soran stared at Mion bewildered at his sudden movement. "What was that?" Soran whispered at the younger man. A few moments later, a dead bird landed in Mion's arms. The dagger had struck it right through the neck, killing it instantly.
Lillian chuckled. "Excellent, y'know, besides the starvation," she replied lightly, "And you good sir?"

"Interesting choice of question," was all Mazie's reply consisted of. She had scaled up the trunk if a tree, and was suspended above the others on a sturdy branch. There was a better view from above, so it was easier to watch for danger. That was why she wasn't participating much in the conversation; she was far too focused, eyes trained on their surroundings. If something came, she would be the first to notice it.

"Nice catch," Rowan congratulated Mion, "Should we split up?" He then asked.
Mion didn't say anything and just walked away, heading back to the girls and Artemis. Just as he was about to disappear into the darkness, Mion turned his head back to look at the two men. "You two stay together." And with those words the young man disappeared and went back to the little camp site they had.

Soran glanced over at Rowan. "Should we do as he says?" Personally, Soran didn't mind being alone or with Rowan, there wasn't much of a difference except the chance of being attacked by an unknown creature. Where they came from, the humans didn't know much about the other side, no one went there and came back alive to even tell the stories of the Dark Side.
Rowan replied without consideration, "It would be more practical if we split up," he stated, "We'd get more game. But if we do, we should still stay within shouting distance of each other."
Soran shrugged and walked away from Rowan, holding his dagger up to throw at any animal he could find. As he hunted for a prey, Soran wondered how Mion did that. Just throwing his dagger up and catching something, he must be superman!

Mion emerged from the woods and hugged Artemis from behind. "Here's your first victim." Dropping the dead bird into Artemis' hands, Mion sat down and began to clean off the dagger.

Artemis flashed Mion a thankful smile. "Yay! Thank you, Mimi!" A light pink blush dusted over Mion's cheeks when he heard Artemis' adoring nickname for him. With a silent nod, Mion looked back down at his dagger. Artemis began plucking the feathers out of the bird, causing his hands to get very bloody. Chopping off the head, Artemis took out a knife and skinned the outer layer of the bird. I don't think you want me to describe the rest of the things Artemis did before boiling the bird in the hot water.
Rowan smiled. He was glad to be alone. It's hard to hunt in a party, in his opinion. He ventured farther into the trees, stopping everyone in a while. Whenever he stopped, he listened. Finally, during one of his stops, he spotted a stage. A brilliant looking creature. Tall and strong. Something Rowan would never have expected. He lifted his bow, slowly pulling an arrow from his quiver. He placed it in the bow, pulled back, and released. Deadly aim. Now, he just had to drag it back. That would be the hard part.

Mazie sighed at Mion's and Artemis' exchange in affection. The last thing anyone needed was a distraction from their mission.

Lillian just smiled at the sweetness of the two. "Need any help?" She asked Artemis.
Soran wandered off to the side and heard a deadly scream coming in Rowan's direction. Hurrying over to Rowan, Soran noticed a large creature with an arrow stuck right in it's weak point, the neck. Nodding at Rowan, Soran hoped that monster wasn't poisonous. Walking away once again, Soran decided to just randomly kill a creature and bring it back, he was getting a little hungry. Spotting a modestly sized thing, Soran threw his dagger and hit it right in the head. Smirking, Soran slowly approached the now dead monster to wasn't dead. The creature slowly got up as the blood from its skull poured out from it's brain. Unsheathing his sword, Soran leaped at the small thing. It was about Soran's size, but he could tell that that thing could easily tear him apart with its teeth. Avoiding its claws, Soran smelled a toxic come from it's pores. Oh, great. It's poisonous. Groaning at his luck, Soran quickly slashed the monster in half, only for it to come back to life by regenerating itself. Why was such a powerful monster on the other side of the bridge? Soran didn't have time to ponder over the answer as he jumped back, dodging its very sharp looking claws.

Artemis smiled at Lillian and shook his head. "No, I'm quite alright. I'm just waiting for Rowan and Soran to get back." Leaning back, Artemis took out a wooden spoon and began to stir up the bird, getting a happy feeling that he was cooking again. Humming a light tune, Artemis was prepared to cook as he brought out a few bottles of spices and dashed some of it over the pot of boiling water and the bird. "I hope none of you are allergic to anything." Artemis placed the bottles of spices on the ground next to him, glancing back at Lillian, Mazie, and Mion. "Aren't you allergic to cats, Mimi?" Artemis asked his tall Asian friend, who only nodded in response. "I don't want anyone to get an allergic reaction."
As Rowan was dragging his kill back, he heard inhuman growls. Leaving his stag, he bounded off into the trees to search for the source. When he found it, he was speechless. But only for a moment. No matter the size or hideous appearance of the thing, Rowan had to help. "What is it?" He called, while shooting arrows into the thing.

"No allergies for me," Mazie replied.

Lillian grunted, and mumbled something under her breath, "Only to over confident, inconsiderate, unforgiving, wealthy dolt-heads." She was talking about Soran.
Soran heard Rowan's voice as he dodged the attacks the creature had thrown at him. "I don't know. Something from the other side of the bridge." Watching as the arrows were absorbed into the skin of the monster, Soran gulped and knew that melee attacks wouldn't work, and would most likely need some sort of magic to take this one down. "We need Mazie." Soran knew that both Rowan and himself weren't that skilled enough to take down a monster this strong with magic, but Mazie might be able to.

Artemis laughed at Lillian's suggestion to Soran. "I don't think he's that bad," Glancing over at Mazie, Artemis felt a little worried about the other two. "Mazie, could you go off and look for the others, it's been an awfully long time." Turning back to Lillian, Artemis smiled softly. "I think that being confident is a lot better than hating yourself. I do think there's more to Soran that what appears to be."

Mion got up and waited for Mazie to follow him into the forest and off the trail. He knew that Artemis would want him to go with the sorceress, after all, she would need some sort of physical protection while casting spells.
"Who should go fetch her?" Rowan called. He was still shooting arrows, but most of his energy was spent dodging attacks.

Mazie let out a single, exhaling laugh. "Sure. Send the girl," she jumped from the tree branch and followed Mion at a slow, steady pace. She wasn't worried.

Lillian made another grunt, "Right," she replied sarcastically, "Well, if there is, I'm sure it is all flaws, and I would rather not find out."
"I wouldn't bother wasting your arrows," Soran jumped out of the way of another attack, which split a tree in half. "That thing doesn't react to any physical attacks." Focusing on keeping away from its toxic fumes, sharp claws, and large teeth, Soran didn't think it would be a good idea to lead this monster to the trail.

Mion calmly walked through the forest, his senses were bombarded with different things. The smell of blood and the sound of an angered monster cause Mion to pick Mazie up and dash towards the sounds. Passing by a stag, Mion could clearly see one of Rowan's arrows stuck in its neck. The horrid noises got louder as Mion saw a disturbing monster between the trees.

Artemis chuckled lightly at Lillian's words. "Your choice, Lilli." Glancing around, Artemis sighed and hoped that the others would be okay. "Have you ever been in love, Lilli?" Artemis looked down at the ground like it had all the answers to the universe. He had asked Lillian this question because Lillian was one of his more closest friend, even if they didn't know everything about each other's past, it didn't matter because Artemis trusted Lillian.
Rowan was out of arrows anyway, so he threw his bow to the ground, to better dodge the attacks.

Mazie fumed, "Let go of me, Mion! I can carry myself!" Then, she felt it. A dark, unsettling power. She could not wait for him to let her down, she lashed out hard enough for him to drop her and turned to the trees. She saw the monster, and her face grew grave and serious. "Cover my tree," she commanded. Not looking back to see if he was okay. She silently but swiftly made her way to a tree and climbed up it. The tree would provide both a better view, and concealment. She looked down at the monster. It was strong, but if she played her cards right, she could banish it. She closed her eyes, waiting a brief moment for her energy to build up and concentrate. Then, she released all of her power onto the creature. There was a change in the monsters disposition. He glanced around for the power's source. Mazie continued to force her mind onto his. She couldn't kill it, but she might be able to push its being back over the bridge.

"Not romantically," Lillian answered honestly, "But I know what it feels like..." She knew what she said didn't make sense, but it was true.

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