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Fantasy The Lurch- OOC Chat


Word Nerd
Hello, there!

I can only hope that this space will actually be used-- I'd really like to get to know the people I'll be playing with!!

Don't worry-- I'm fed on a regular basis, so I hardly ever bite.

Additionally, I'll use this space to provide updates on date and other plot-relevant tidbits, so it might be good to check it once in a while.
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Oh, I'm sorry! I must not be watching the sign-up thread-- I'm new here, silly me!! I'll take a look this instant!
Yeah, I made that mistake a few times myself. Posting on a thread automatically watches it for you but if you just edit the opening post, it won't. I actually missed the beginning of one of my old roleplays because of that.
Oh no!! That's rough.

Now I know, anyway.

And your character looks super cool! I can't wait until we have enough people to start.
I thought so. I don't really know much about geology, but I can probably wing it.

Also, I do love his gun, not to flashy but good looking.
Yes I do, and not overly excited. I've always found Turkey to be a little dry tasting for me. I much prefer honeyed ham, it is soft and juicy, but my family doesn't cook ham on Thanksgiving, only on Christmas.

I am looking forward to some deviled eggs and dressing though. Oh and some sweet potatoes.
My mom doesn't like making stuffing for some reason. I am not even sure I've ever had it. Ooh, what about potato salad? It is always so sweet for some reason.
hyakinthos said:
If you could, could you separate them? In my experience, having two characters on the same sheet makes it hard to read.
I had full intentions on using BB-Code to seperate things that wouldn't directly co-incide with each other. I.E personality, etc. But if you insist, sure.

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