The lost pup


Senior Member
Name: Ayl

Species: Wolf

Age: 5 weeks

Gender: Female

Personality: Adventurous, Wild, curious,sweet

Physical attributes: Solid black with line marking on snout and blue eyes

Ayl and her siblings were allowed to leave the den for the first time today. It was incredible. The world was so large and bright, unlike the den. She hopped along in the grass which felt different under her paws. "Now pups, don't go too far" called out auntie. Ayl was dissapointed, there was still more space they didn't even reach the world's wall yet, which was the natural barrier in the den. She tried to roam farther, but auntie would always come carry her back by the den with her siblings. Finally, after many failed attempts, Auntie was preoccuppied with scolding her siblings, so she slipped away, chasing a butterfly as she went.

She heard a loud, rushing noise, she bounded to find the source of the sound, and thats when she came upon a river. She wagged her tail excitedly and she hopped on a rock sticking up from the rushing water. This was fun! She hopped onto another, and another, and another. But the next rock she hopped on, she lost her footing and slipped. She splashed into the water with a yelp, the river rushed her by quickly like nothing more than a leaf, her head bobbed up constantly to try to breath, she whimpered loudly, but it only drew water in. This was the worst feeling ever. She couldn't breathe! Her chest hurt from lack of air, her mind grew fuzzy, she no longer hold on, so things went dark.

Yet she awakened later, coughing and splurting water. She didn't know how long it had been, looking up, she saw a pair of eyes studying her from above
Name: Lyra

Species: Wolf

Age: 2 years

Gender: Female

Personality: Out going, loner, strong and very protective of those close to her

Physical attributes: Ebony pelt with a white crescent moon on her left shoulder, long scar over her left eye causing her to be blind in that eye and three scars running across her snout, deep purple eyes

The large female slowly walked through the forest. The sun was slowly setting, the sun rays shinning through the trees and gleaming off her pelt. The female's head was hung low as sigh escaped from her maw. Thoughts of her old pack ran through her head and slowly her ears fell back against her head. With a snort she shook her head of the thoughts then came to a sudden hault. Her ears shot forwards to the faint sound of a whimper. The female stood silently just listening for a moment. The whimpers had stop. Her ears pinned back against her head and quickly the she wolf darted towards the rushing river. She skid to a stop, looking through the rushing water, spotting a small black bundle being swept away by the strong current. A snort escaped her snout as she quickly jumped into the rushing water, doing her best to catch up to the small black bundle. Her eyes grew wide as she caught up. A pup? Why was it alone out here? Her ears pinned back as she gently grabbed the small pup in her maw. The she wolf grunted slightly swimming towards the bank, her paws pushing off the rocks. Slowly she pulled herself and the pup up out of the water and gently set the black pup down. Her ebony pelt was soaked to the bone, causing her to shudder slightly as the wind blew. She watched the pup and nosed it gently, trying to get it to wake up. Her ears perked forwards as the pup coughed up water and looked up at her. Her soft deep purple eyes watched the young one and slowly laid down, her tail curling around the pup to keep it warm..

Ayl looked into the deep violet eyes of her rescuer, in the back of her mind she knew she should be thankful, but instead was enveloped in mortal fear. "Wh-Who are you?" she whimpered "and what are you gonna do with me?" Her mother had told her about stranger wolves, she had said any wolf not from the pack was a danger, and she should be careful. She looked around her, she didn't recognize this part of the forest, what if she was far from home? Who would help her.

It took awhile before her panic subsided and she realized that if this wolf had wanted her dead she would have not gone through the trouble to save her and would have just let her drown. She got up on her paws and shook herself vigorously, but she was still shivering from the chill of her drenched fur.

"Where are we? she asked the stranger wolf tentatively as she stared at the gurgling river that was the near death of her
Name: Quartz

Species: wolf

Age: 2 years (teen age)

Gender: male

Personality: moody tsundere

Physical attributes: a silver wolf with a white underbelly, tail tip, ears, and paws.

Quartz leaped throughout the forest. Thrill ran through his veins and he howled happily. All his life he had been in the childish custody of his tiny pack, and now he was old enough to start his own. Even at this age, romance didn't strike him much, but thrill did. He looked over the hill and saw two wolves. A small pup and a female. Cocking his head to the side, Quartz stared for a moment, casting wary glances at these two particular beings. He stalked closer, realizing they were both drenched. He flicked his ears and came up to say hello.
Ayl noticed another wolf frolicking up to her and her rescuer. She cringed slightly at the sight of another stranger wolf. Where did they all come from? She wondered how many other wolves existed that weren't part of her pack. It struck her as strange how big the outside world was compared to her own little den and pack, she missed it miserbly by now.
Quartz came closer and warily sniffed their scent. Both wolves didn't smell familiar, and they didn't smell like eachother. This told him that the two females were not related. Quartz sat down and thudded his tail on the moist grass beside the stream. He cleared his throat and spoke," Hello," he said to both of them, not sure if they were hostile.
Lyra smiled slightly at the pup. "I'm Lyra little one. As for where we are....we are slightly too close to the two-legged's hunting grounds." Her soft deep purple eyes watched the pup a moment, seeing her pull closer to her form. Lyra's ears perked up right as her head turned to the left, watching the male trot over their way. Her ears pinned back a she growled low, protecting the pup. Her eyes narrowed slightly as he spoke "Hello." Lyra was quiet a moment before she sat up, curling her lang black tail around the pup. "Hello..." She said back in a low tone. She wasn't too she what his intentions were...and wanted to make sure she could sprint off with the pup at any second if need be.
Quartz backed away slightly," I-I Don't mean any harm," his ears pinned to the back of his head, awknowledging this she-wolf. His gold eyes blinked, and he sat down, and scratched behind his ear. Quartz looked at her with a cross look," Hey, I'm just here to say hi," there was a slight sound of a growl in his tone, not taking lightly to this wolf's attitude. He was generally a laid-back guy, and kept his muzzle shut.
Ayl cocked her head, she wasn't sure about the new wolf, should she trust him, she couldn't tell. He didn't seem so bad, after all he did promise he wasn't going to hurt them. She went to pad toward him but stopped, looks could be decieving. She had no idea the river would nearly take her life so why should she trust somebody she didn't know. She looked to the black wolf for guidance.
Lyra watched the male a moment, her ears pinning back at his slight growl. Slowly her eyes narrowed. She has trust issues of her own...and wasn't too sure about this male. But he seemed to be kind. If he wanted to kill the pup...he would have by now. Slowly Lyra looked back to the small pup and gave her a small nod, letting her know it was 'ok' to go over to the male. The she-wolf slowly laid back down to her stomach, keeping a close eye on the lost pup and new male.
"See? That wasn't too bad," he smiled at Ayl," Besides, I'm not the guy to go around killing stuff," he chuckled, and added quietly,"Unless i'm hungry..." Quartz looked at both the girls and gave an introduction," I'm Quartz," his eyes shine happily. Quartz might seem like a goody-two-shoes, but he fights when he has to.
Ayl sniffed the new wolf and wagged her tail happily, her previous trepidition melting away, "I'm Ayl! The black wolf saved me from the fast water!" She again looked around the forest "And now I'm lost, but the black wolf is good, so I'm safe, I guess" She bounded towards the black she-wolf, "And what is your name?" She cocked her head and waggled her tail happily.
Lyra smiled a bit as she watched the male. "It's nice to meet you." She said in a soft tone. Her ears perked then as she listened to the pup speak her name. Again a smile curved her maw as the pup trotted over to her. She watched her small tail wag back and forth as she asked for her name. Lyra lowered her head so she was eye level with Ayl. "I'm Lyra little one." She said as she softly nosed the pup in comfort. Her attention then turned back to the male who went by the name Quartz. "Why are you out here all alone?" She asked in a soft tone, her form relaxing.

"Hm?" Quartz looked up," My pack didn't really fit my needs, so i'm trying to find a new one," he stayed vague on his information, fearing he would leak too much.
Her ears flicked to his words but didn't pry, she had her own secrets that she didn't want them to know. She smiled a bit and looked to the pup, lowering her head slightly. Her ears fell back then as she thought of her mother and father. Slowly her eyes fell to the ground, the pain stinging in her heart.
The adults were talking about boring stuff, she found a small bug crawling on the ground and began to sniff it, pressing her paw on it and puncing over it. Ayl noticed there was some sort of unhappiness with Lyra, she didn't know how to react, so she did what she would normally do. She yipped "C'mon Lyra, let's play" She ran around her in circles then jumped on her back, nipping her ear playfully and her tail wagged wildly. Hoping the fun game would cheer her up.
Lyra flinched as Quartz came close to her. She lowered her head and looked to the side. "It's...nothing." Her ears perked then as the young pup jumped onto her back and nipped at her ears. Lyra couldn't help but smile and chuckle a bit. She came to her paws as the pup jumped off her back, falling into a play stance. She glanced at Quartz before she herself went into play mode, playfully barking at the pup and pawing at her gently.
Ayl was happy, she had two wolves to play with. They tumbled about and she would nip at their ears, they went at this for a little bit, with her jumping and running and yipping all about. Soon, she became tired, and laid down panting "She looked up at the sky, moontime would arrive soon. She wondered what her pack was thinking by now, they would be worried. She looked at the two wolves "Do you know where my pack is?" Mother seemed to know about stranger wolves, maybe stranger wolves knew about mother. She yawned, usually she'd had taken a nap long ago, so by now she was really sleepy. She knew the older wolves were a bit more nocturnal, at least those of her pack, but her brothers and sisters would sleep a lot.

"She laid down next to the bodies of Lyra and Quartz and , feeling their warmth against her, her eyes grew heavy but she stayed awake for a moment more.
Name: Haddon

Species: Wolf

Age: 8 weeks

Gender: Female

Personality: Brave, strong, tom-boyish

Physical attributes: White and blonde mixed, blonde paws and tip of tail. Yellow marking around bright blue eye, other eye bright green.

Name: Harry

Species: Wolf

Age: 8 weeks

Gender: Male

Personality: Nice, silly, brave, fun-loving

Physical attributes: Very light brown, almost like cinnamon, with the tip of his tail white. Dark green eyes.

Haddon pounced on top of her litter mate, Tarron, laughing as he easily fell and was pinned beneath her.

"No fair, I wasn't ready! You're the runt, I should be stronger than YOU!" He pouted, licking at his leg once she got off. Haddon chuckled. "Don't call me that. Just because I'm the smallest doesn't mean I'm weak." She lied, walking away from the den. Suddenly, teeth began to sink in to her pelt as she was lifted up by her father.

"And just where is my little girl going?" He asked, placing her back in to the den.

Haddon growled quietly. She was the only girl born in a litter of 9, so she was often spoiled and pampered, turning everything in to torture.

"Away! I'm 8 weeks today, that means I can leave my stupid brothers. Tommy, Tarron, Harry and Farrow keep making fun of me, Rabat, Yulin, and Nicky don't do anything but complain and mount me! Little freaks, we're related! I wanna go." She muttered sadly, trying to escape again but failing.

"You're far too small, Haddon! The guys may leave, but you can't leave just yet."

Haddon stopped dead in her tracks. She felt like vomitting. "W-what? Im..."

"Too small! Too small! Haddon is the ruuunt! Too small! Too small! Haddon is the ruuunt!" Tommy, Tarron, and Farrow sang in union. Harry walked to her, licked her cheek, and walked out of the den without another word. Haddon growled, beginning to shout.

"No! I may be small, but I'm leaving! I'm old enough! So let me be the wolf I can be!" She shrieked, running off after Harry. Tommy began to dash out, but Haddon's father interrupted.

"Don't. She has a point. I want Farrow to watch over her as some sort of a spy, he'll find her mornings and nights, that's it. Just for two weeks. Understood?" He muttered as Tommy came back.

"Yes father." Everyone responded in union.
Lyra slowly shook her head as she watched the pup lay down next to her. Her ears fell back as she licked her head. "I'm sorry Ayl...I do not know where your pack is. But.." She said with a small smile before the pup fell asleep. "I promise to find them." Lyra nuzzled the young pup, she could tell she was missing her family bad. She gave a small sigh and looked over to Quartz, a red tint on her cheeks. She didn't realize how close he was to her. "Will you help me find them for her?" She asked softly.
Quartz blushed too. His tail figted as he tried to swipe the mask of red from his face. "Yeah..." He said quietly, careful not to wake Ayl. He did a grin, and his eyes shone.
Lyra giggled softly and looked up to the full moon, her ears falling back against her head. She muttered something under her breath then lowered her head. Again her mind jumped back to her pack...her mother mainly. She gave a small whine and laid her head down between her paws as her mothers disapproving face flashed in her head causing her to cringe.
Quartz laid down to her level,"Some thing's one your mind," he said, with a low rumble. Quartz was good at telling others' emotions, and it was a bragful talent. His tongue lolled out slightly and he swayed. Quartz shifted as the wind blew is silver coat. He sat patiently and waited for her response.

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