The lost pup

The fur on Titannia's scruff ruffled as the wolf stumbled over her. She let loose a low growl, irritated with this female. She stepped beside Quartz, tail held high as she protected the pup at his feet. Her bright gaze shifted to the big, white male who had just limped from the shadows, whole body low to the ground as a submissive greeting. The stance disturbed her slightly, only because this wolf was larger than the others, being from the arctic, and could likely overtake the dominant position. What game was he playing?

"Who are you?" She demanded from both newcomers.

As Klytch sulked to the group, he scanned all of the inhabitants. He observed in high detail, noting visible strengths and weaknesses of each canine. He also noted the way they all held themselves, and how aggressive, or submissive each wolf was. He glanced to the new female, cocking a brow and flipping his lip only the slightest at her clumsy antics.

"My name is Klytch. I come from the far North, where ice and snow rule the land. I have not seen wolves in many moons..." He told them, averting his gaze to show their dominance.
Ayl wagged her tail excitedly but tried to keep a stern face like Titania and Quartz. "I'm Ayl and if you are bad wolves you should go away or Titania and Quartz will hurt you" she let out a halfhearted growl to act tou and feels perfectly secure behind Quartz legs.
"I've fought bigger wolves by the way and i and pretty tough myself missy " she lets out a super loud growl/bark that echoes" but i am a good wolf i promise i will not harm anyone unless they start a fight with me"
"What does a 'good' wolf want with us? Surely you haven't just come for the fun of it!" Quartz snarled viciously. The fur that lay on him stood on end, not backing down a bit. His golden eyes glowed illuminously, cast almost a reflection on the nearby stream that lay only a few tail-lengths away. From sleeping on the ground, the precuring silver and white fur on Quartz's back was dusted a light brown. His claws dug out, almist piercing the dark earth underneath his paws. If there were a fight, he surely wasn't going to back down that easily.
Klytch reclined his haunches and front legs, lowering himself to lay down on the dirt. His tail shot between his legs and his auds pinned to his head. He was showing the others that he did not want a fight.

"Please, I have been harmed from a two-leg's trap. I am only seeking friends." He told them softly, voice shaking with a well-acted fear.

Shooting Ayl a glance of disprovel, Titannia silently scanned both the newcomers. She remained stuck to Quartzs' side, suggesting to him quietly that she would back him up if either of the wolves decided to attack.
"DO you really want to knwo why I am here talking to you if you do I will be more than happy to explain it to you" she says as calmly as possible
"Tch. That's what I just said," he said, flicking his ears forward at Zesha. This wolf really chomped down his nerves. Sighing mentally, Quartz told himself to calm down," Apologies. I might've rude earlier... please continue," he said as polite as he could without baring his canines.
Ayl looked over to the wolf Klytch, he didn't seem dangerous, he seemed kind of fun. She really wanted more wolves to play with, and adults got tired easily, her brothers and sisters weren't around either. So the more the merrier, right? She ventured out a bit farther, but not too far from her current caretakers and wags her tail at the crouching wolf "I'm Ayl, that's Titania and that's Quartz. Why are you here? I lost my old pack." She looked at the others, it wouldn't be easy being the only pup in the group, should Quartz and Titania accept their presence, but she would have a lot of wolves to take care of her. Ayl makes sure to stay slightly close to Quartz, should Klytch decide to change his attitude and attack.

She wasn't sure about the other wolf, but she seemed friendly enough. She wagged her tail excitedly.
Emerald orbs shifting to the pup, Titannia took another protective step forward. She shot a glare at Klytch, warning him that she'd not hesitate to attack if he went after Ayl with ill meaning. Although he was bigger than her, the fae was insanely protective of puppies, as she used to be a mother herself. She held her ground, allowing Ayl to interact but remaining close enough to pounce at a second's notice.

Eyeing the female cautiously, Klytch offered a friendly smile. His tail inched out from being tucked under his legs, and wagged low to the ground.

"Hello Ayl!" He greeted, seeming happy that the pup trusted him enough to address him, "I'm seeking out a new home and pack myself...I lost my family too, young one. "

His thoughts raced at an alarming speed. The puppy liked him- perfect. His plan was already falling into place. Now all he needed was to gain the trust of the others, which seemed like it would be a challenge. That was good. Klytch loved a good challenge.
(Haha Venomiss, you always have a crazy sig :o )

Ayl wagged her tail excitedly, pouncing on the wolf Klytch. Chomping his ear lightly in her mouth. The taste of his fur in her mouth made her realize she wanted something to eat, and not to play 'hunt' with her new friend. She released his ear and looked at the older wolves. "Are we going to hunt?" She looked at all of them. It was an odd grouping, it was as if they had become a pack in only a matter of 24 hours. Whether it was permanant or not was up the her guardians. She was hungry. Her nose tipped into the air, she didn't yet know what was considered their hunting source but there were plenty of delicious smells. Her stomach rumbled. She bounded in the direction of the closest scent, finding a hole. What was inside she wasn't sure, but it didn't smell big, and it probably would not feed them all.
"Oy, Ayl!" Quartz grumbled, lowering his head where the pup had escaped from his sight. "Geez, where're you goin?" He huffed, peering inside the hole where she was inspecting. Quartz's maw picked Ayl up from the scruff, holding her high up," Now, what did you find?" He spoke with a rumble, but his voice was muffled due to her fur fluffed up against his mouth, but Quartz knew he made hinself heard.
Ayl yelped, not from pain but from suddenly being picked up of the ground. "I smelled somethin Quartz, I was going to hunt it and kill it and eat it all by myself!" Of course, Ayl knew she was exaggerating, but she wanted Quartz to think of her as tough and brave like she was "So are we gonna hunt huh, huh?" Ayl looked down at the ground below her, while she longed to get out of her caretakers maw andon her own feet, she had to admit she felt safe up here.
"Alright, alright," he sighed," You're a big wolf that can hunt it and and kill it and eat it all by yourself," he almost repeated what she said, grinning a wolfish smile for a bit. Quartz lowered Ayl to the ground gently, and shook his fur," So let's hunt," he turned over to Titannia, along with Klytch and Zesha," Hey, if you guys wanna hunt, go ahead. I'm not in the mood for competition." He said, knowing he really did care about fighting for food, but the top thing on his mind was to get Ayl's stomach fed. And he knew how wolves get moody when they were hungry. Especially himself.
Chuckling good-heartedly at the puppy's antics, Klytch tossed his head about playfully when Ayl leaped on him. When she bounded off he slowly stood, still keeping his submissive posture. A hunt? Saliva dripped from his maw just at the thought of fresh meat. It had been so long... He took a sniff at the air, seeking out a scent that might be easier for him to take down on his own. Without saying a word to the others, he slunk away into the bush, catching the stench of rabbit blood- hopefully a wounded creature.

Titannia nodded, approaching Quartz once again, "Shall we hunt together? We could take down bigger prey, that could feed all three of us," She suggested.

((gaaah shitty post sorry guys. And ya know, wolfnight, my sigs are actually me. I'm a bit of a suspension nut. ))
"Woaaah, really Venomiss? I have an officially newfound respect for you! :D )

Quartz looked over at Titannia," Sure, what about you, Klytch?" Quartz felt weird giving into Klytch's submission. He flicked his ears up, smiling and lifting his nose. He smelled a fair amount of prey, good. There seemed to be alot of wolves around here, which was a goid sign.
Distracted momentarily as his name was called, Klytch cursed under his breath, having lost the scent. He considered the offer a moment- a hunt? What a great way to gain trust from the little pack. He limped pathetically to the three, a joy in his gaze.

"I would love to join," He told them happily, tailing wagging about behind him, "I have not eaten fresh meat in many days."

Eyeing the white wolf with a careful gaze, Titannia nodded. The more wolves to join, the better chance they had to take down bigger, healthier prey. Although she preferred this strange wolf as far away from the puppy as possible, she obliged to his words.

"Just stay out of my way," She told him with venom in her tone.
Ayl wiggled excitedly, bounded about in a circle "Hooray! We are going to hunt!" she yipped excitedly. Back at home she had to wait for her parents to come give her and her siblings food while they stayed at the den. That or they promised to take her to watch them hunt, which hadn't happened yet. Maybe this pack would let her in on the hunt. Sure she was young and small but it shouldn't be too hard. She'd seen some pretty big prey scurrying about through the bushes, she was pretty sure she could handle it. "Let's go now guys!"

(She has no idea how big hoofed animals

are xD )

(Wow...Venomiss, pretty crazy hobby. @___@ LOL, yeah, what spiritwolf said. You have my respect also. If it were me I would just pass out before I get the first hook thingy in xD )

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