The lost pup

Haddon began running at a full sprint, dominating Harry's slow and calm trot. The wind pushing up against her felt amazing, until the unexpected happened. Adults. She forgot about adults. A large wolf towered over her, growling fiercely. It felt like hours, in reality it was merely seconds. But those few seconds stretched out for the pup. Finally, the brute lifted a paw, swiping at her sharply. His claws met her face, leaving a gash across her eye. She flew back, slamming her back against a tree and wincing in pain. "Runt, clear the path!" He shouted, stomping away in fury. Though her vision was fading, she could hear very well Harry beginning to dash to her aide.

"Haddon! A-are you okay? Crap, you're bleeding! Help! Someone, we need help!" Harry howled, straining his throat to scream.

Farrow backed away from the bushes, shocked and comepletely in a daze. He knew that black wolf;he saw him before. His legs wouldn't move in the least, frozen in fear. He only managed to let out a small squeak before collapsing and breathing softly.
((Welcome Nebula Skies, cant wait to see how your character fits))

Ayl awoke in the early morning, pouncing on the two big wolves happily. "Come on lets go lets go lets go!" she bounded about happily. Then her stomach growled "I'm hungry" She whimpered. Looking at the two older wolves for support.
Name: Klytch

Species: Arctic Wolf

Age: 3 and 1/2 years

Gender: Male

Personality: Mysterious, Bold, Independant, Cold

Physical attributes: (picture made for me, please don't steal =])

Although his pelt was the bright white of the snow, Klytch made good friends with the shadows of the forest. He was stepping carefully through the morning dew, nose mapping out the world before him. An albino flash weaved through trees with expert agility; when suddenly he stopped, his head lifting and ears twitching. He had caught an interesting scent- wolves. It had been almost a year since he'd crossed paths with another of his species. Not since he was driven out of his arctic pack and began his journey South.

A lone wolf in every aspect of the title, Klytch's lip lifted only the slightest at the now unfamiliar scent. More wolves meant less prey...or maybe more? As the strange thought crossed his mind, Klytch began to track the scent. A male, a female, a pup- strangely none were related. What a perfect group for Klytch to present himself. His pads fell softly against the leaves and sticks as he found himself emerging on a cliff. In the distance, he spotted the strange trio by a river.

Mustering his most pathetic voice, Klytch lifted his maw to the sky and sang a song of loneliness. He spoke of a missing litter of pups, a dead mate, and a now utterly sorrow filled life. He spoke of his desperate need for help, and the pain in his paw which he had injured escaping from a human trap. As he finished his solemn song, Klytch lowered his face, bright yellow audicals spotting the three again, watching carefully for a reaction.
Quartz's silver ears instantly pricked up at the sound of a distant howl. He got up slowly, heaving himself and yawning a good morning to Ayl. Quartz opened his mouth, revealing a row of sharp, shredding teeth and respinded," I am here. Are... you friend?" Quartz could hear the lonliness in this melancholy howl, and he wanted to know who it was.
Haddon began to limp, dragging her legs slowly to wear a scent of wolves led her. The pain. It was nothing she had ever experienced before. She limped faster now, squeezing a paw on to her wound to stop the blood from coming. The scent of her own blood overpowed the scent of wolves, making it harder and harder to find any. She sighed, looked at the sky, and fell to the ground, hoping that the headache would go away and she could continue to search.

Harry walked wearily towards the den, trying to shove the image of his baby sister nearly dead from his mind. He sat outside of the den, shuddering at the sound of a lone wolf's howl.
Ears swiveling about at the response to his song, Klytch couldn't help but display a toothy wolf grin, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth. A plan was assembling quite quickly in this canine's cranium. Once the howl of reply faded off into a dull mewl, he raised his own maw to the heavens to sing once again.

'I am Klytch of the Great North. Hurt, and alone. Need help. Need friends.' Was what the deep howl told the other's.

As his head lowered, a wind struck the brute in the face, bringing with it a waft of scents. Wolven kind seemed to populate this land in abundance, like the lemmings in his arctic home. Many packs stretched throughout this mountain (is that okay?) range; which meant that there must be alot of prey. Klytch licked his chops hungrily at the thought- he hadn't eaten real meat in weeks. During his journey, he had degraded himself to scavenging. This had to change.
Quartz was now excited. He howled again, now with great proudness," Quartz! Former member of the Everstone tribe! I am here!" He stopped and added two loud barks and a yelp to give off his location to this stranger. Quartz lashed his tail swiftly, and stood tall. Looking over to Lyra, he nuzzled her to get up, and they were going to have company.
Ayl cocked her head, she had asked for food but instead they were seeing another wolf, who for some reason called out to them. She stood up with Quartz and Lyra and said "What's going on?" She was confused and still unsure of the new events of this morning. But she was also very excited and couldn't wait to see what would happen next.
Quartz looked over to Ayl with a warm smile," We're going to meet a new friend," he lashed his tail again, this time in caution," But be careful. We don't know if this wolf is hostile or not," Quartz nodded, agreeing with himself," If anything happens, stay behind Lyra or me."
Name: Nyra

Species: Wolf

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Personality: Friendly, Independent, Family-Oreiented, Secretive, Social

Physical attributes: Deep black coat, white 'socks' and 'mittens' on each paw, bright green eyes

Nyra tiptoed throughout the mountains silently, her narrow frame easily fitting through slim tree trunks. Her paws made no sound on the soft snow, and while she was walking she thought, as she most often did, being intelligent. She wanted to find some of her own kind and start a pack. She stopped as she heard the call from a lone wolf and the awesome response he was getting. This meant lot's of different packs, just what she was looking for. She smelled all sorts of different wolves, and it beckoned to her just like the smell of fresh meat. She was social by nature. Something made her stop…the smell of a male, a female, and a pup nearby, heading toward the lone wolf. Nyra believed that was most interesting, so she made her way in that direction as well.
(As much as I would like to move on with this thread, the main characters won't come back, I wouldn't know how to move out of that given the situation. So this thread is dead :( Unless there is some explanation that I can use to revive it. That would mean abandoning Lyra and Klytch somehow)
(Oh, sorry. If you think of something…PM me. I'd still like to do it if the option was there :3)
([MENTION=3212]Venomiss[/MENTION] , yeah, I know. I think Lyra might not be coming back either, and she was a main character. So...somehow if we find a way to abandon her, an excuse or something we could continue. But if not I'll just leave it dead :( )
(( Well if Quartz is still up for sure, we could just say he saved the pup and Lyra doesn't exist? lol, Or I could take up a character to kind of replace Lyra (wouldn't be the exact same, not my style, but I'd be happy to play a female character who saved Ayl.) ))
([MENTION=3212]Venomiss[/MENTION] Okay, that makes sense. If you want to play the character to replace Lyra go ahead. If not, I can do it. [MENTION=3774]Vitez[/MENTION] [MENTION=3314]SongOfTheSpiritWolf[/MENTION] You guys up for restarting this roleplay? We have a plan I guess)
( sure [MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION], I'd love to restart. I secretly loved this rp, and was kinda upset it wasn't as active as it should be. Anyway, YAYAA!)
Name: Titania

Species: Timber Wolf

Age: Young Adult

Gender: Female

Personality: Guarded, Secretive, Protective, Independant, Quiet

Physical attributes: Pitch black pelt with light tufts of brown scattered, Emerald green eyes

Awoken from a troubled slumber, Titania's ears twitched about, listening carefully to the conversation between Quartz and this new male. Finally, at the nudge of her new companion, she rose, stretching her limbs luxuriously.

"I don't like this," She grumbled to Quartz.

Her piercing emerald gaze shifted to the pup she had saved the day before. Worry filled her eyes- why were they meeting with another wolf? This puppy had to find her home.

At this response, Klytch leaped from his vantage point. With blinding speed, he weaved through the trees to reach this group. His thoughts raced even faster than his legs, excited to retrieve more of his favorite meal. Scenting the trio close by, he slowed his pace, adopting a slight limp.

Gaze dropping to the dirt, he assumed a depressive stance. He had to muster all his willpower to drop his tail-which usually flew high in pride- to brush submissively between his legs.
Ayl turned her head to look at Titania(Previously Lyra) and Quartz, pleading with her eyes, asking if it was okay for her to go say hello to the new wolf or if he was a bad stranger. She couldn't help but wag her tail excitedly.
(thank you)

Name: Zesha

Species: wolf

Age: (idk what age i want her to be an adult but not an old adult hows this) Young adult

Gender: Female

Personality: KInd, caring, easly offened and angered , loving , smart , good but sometimes devilish

Physical attributes: Goldish yellow fur, white belly and paws , goldish yellow tail with a white tip, greenish-blue eyes , golden long fringe

Zesha ran into the woods and bumped into some other wolves. she gets up after flipping over someone , she says ," sorry and hi my name is Zesha " she is a little dizzt so she sees more wolves 3x as many she shakes her head and now she sees only one of each of them and so she looks at tthem waiting for a hi or something
(I'm still waiting for the other characters to reply, since my character is relient on the others for the go ahead [MENTION=3212]Venomiss[/MENTION] [MENTION=3314]SongOfTheSpiritWolf[/MENTION])
"Uhmmm...hello," Quartz said with a slight growl. He wasn't used to so many faces and scents at once. He took a step forward, in a defensive stance infront of Ayl. "What.... brings you here?" Quartz spoke, ruffling his fur. He blinked his golden eyes. There was a chance his wolf was friendly,..... or hostile. Quartz's silver coat fizzled up, and he lashed his tail, making himself bigger than he already was.

(Im making him moar dominant xD [MENTION=3212]Venomiss[/MENTION] [MENTION=3396]WolfnightV4X1[/MENTION])

([MENTION=3781]Mandy[/MENTION] )
Taking the defensive cue her guardian used, Ayl hid behind Quartz legs and scrutinized the two wolves carefully. She looks up at Quartz and carefully watches is reaction as the other wolves introduce themselves.

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