• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Fantasy The long-lasting thread building


The Pun Tyrant
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
On their first post here, I ask that all members please fill the following personal sheet:

Username (or whatever you want to be called):

Favorite Genre:

Favorite Gender and sexual orientation (for roleplay):

Current state of activity: (available, asleep, busy [specify time for the last one]) (please edit this part at any point it changes)


Mediums you are familiar with: (hobbies, what kind of media you watch/read, etc...)

Other things we should know: (edit this if you remember anything)

this is meant to ease the flow of conversations. Be sure to read everyone´s!

I will now ask all members to PM me their initial ideas! Mine will be below, in a spoiler, and others shall be added in spoilers as I receive them. To avoid prejudice that might exist (thought I doubt it does), these ideas will not be attached to any names.

Finally, I will be in the role of GM of this thread, however, by authority here exists only in the goal of keeping order. I am not an absolute authority as far as ideas go, though you can request my help settling disputes at any time, and I can ban anyone who doesn´t comply to the rules. Acceptance and rejection of members is also within the scope of my authority, and I will be a GM in the created thread (from the ideas we come up with here), alongside any number of the members that remain so by the end of the world-building and plotting phase.
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Username: Mollisol

Favorite Genre: Modern fantasy (any type of fantasy in a present, future, or non-Tolkein/non-Medieval setting is gr8)

Favorite Gender and sexual orientation (for roleplay): Female, bisexual (with a strong leaning towards lesbianism)

Current state of activity: asleep

I can't stomach cruelty to animals or small children. Also, I try to make sure before I join an RP that it offers a plot as well as a setting. I also will not participate in a mental hospital RP for a variety of reasons. Finally, anything against RPN's rules is obviously off-limits.

Media you are familiar with: I'm a fan of magical girl anime, RWBY, The Knife of Never Letting Go trilogy, and Moby Dick. My favorite anime right now is Yuki Yuna wa Yuusha de Aru. I've played Fallout: New Vegas, and am in the process of playing Skyrim. I also draw. Like I said above, I enjoy modern fantasy, and have read Harry Potter, watched some of Once Upon a Time, and once again, I love RWBY. I also love Touhou, Madoka, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and Serial Experiments Lain. And I study plants.

Other things we should know:

I want to try and play more characters with mental and/or physical disabilities, as they get little representation in RP (at least where I've been).

It's not a hard limit, but having experienced several mental illnesses severely, I'm critical of the way a lot of writers on here handle mental illness. Depression doesn't go away when you're in love with someone, and I think entwining hallucinations/delusions/psychoses with fantasy mechanics is tacky and insulting to survivors of psychotic disorders. There's nothing wrong with giving representation to people with mental illness, but so much of the time on here, it's not done respectfully.

This is also not a hard limit, but I find fantasy in a Medieval Europe-esque setting, as well as anything that rips off Middle Earth, really overdone. There are so many ways to do fantasy, and so many other cultures one can draw from. I won't complain if we end up playing something I don't like, but I'd like to avoid it if we can help it.
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Username: Idea

Favorite Genre: Fantasy

Favorite Gender and sexual orientation (for roleplay): straight male

Current state of activity: busy about 18 hrs.

Limits: anything pertaining to the demonic or divine, porn, breaking RPN rules (possibly more)

Mediums you are familiar with: anime, literature, roleplaying, blizzard videogames, marvel, bible

Other things we should know: (edit this if you remember anything)
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Mollisol said:
@Idea , what did you mean by "limits"? Like, things we don't like to see in roleplays? And do you want these here in the OOC, or in the character sign-up so they're easier to find/edit?
Limits are things you absolutely won´t allow in an RP you are in, if you have a say in it. If something bothers you, but you are willing to accept it, it´s not a limit.

Yes, these are to be put here in the OOC. That makes them easier to go back to if necessary.
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Username: Mykinkaiser (feel free to shorten it)

Favorite Genre: Fantasy followed by Sci-fi

Favorite Gender and sexual orientation: Heterosexual Male

Current state of activity: Available

Limits: Pretty much just violations of RPN rules. Other than that I take it very case-by-case.

Mediums you are familiar with: I've watched a lot of anime and I've read a lot of manga and light novels. Some non-anime tv shows I've watched inclued Grimm, Lucifer, (most of) Supernatural, (most of) Dr. Who (none of the classic though), etc. I also enjoy reading quite a bit, mostly in the fantasy and sci-fi genres.

Other things we should know: I tend heavily towards darker action rps. Not in angsty-teenage dark but more the setting itself being dark, though this is not at all a hard limit or rule. That said, I'm not hugely interested in non-action rps, though character development is pretty much a must for me.

Other than that, I doubt I will be trying to rp a disable character as I am quite unfamiliar with disabilities and their effects on a person's life, be they physical or mental, and as such I have little confidence at portraying them correctly.

In terms of world building I will admit that I'm not the best at coming up with the ideas themselves. However, I like to think that I'm good at editing/making suggestions/brainstorming about the world with someone to come up with a final product. As such I will be happy to critique characters, worlds, ideas, etc. to the best of my ability should anyone be interested.
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Username: CalamariHero. Cal and Hero are common nicknames. I am okay with any other non-derogatory nicknames.

Favorite Genre: My favorite genre is horror, especially of the Psychological and Supernatural varieties. I also like fantasy and sci-fi genres. As of recent, though, I have been really cautious about the inclusion of magic in roleplays.

Favorite Gender and sexual orientation (for roleplay): Female and Asexual. I do not often express sexuality in roleplay. I am not against it, it just isn't my jam. If an rp has a sexuality field, I will default to heterosexual.

Current state of activity:


Limits: I will not join roleplays with excessive angst, unnecessary sociopathy, torture porn. In short, quite a few of the roleplays in the realistic section. Many of the roleplays derive their plot from so many unrealistic things, ironically. I was going to give an anonymous example, but I spontaneously forgot what it was. I also hate it when all the characters in a roleplay have dramatic and despair ridden backstories. Despair is nice and all, but it really has it’s place. Not everyone has had an unfortunate life. I also am wary about magic, as of recent. If it is sloppily done, with the GM saying “Yes, magic.” without telling us how it works. This goes especially if I see an accepted character made to be invincible, and nobody sees a problem with it; unfortunately, if any supernatural elements are presented like this, it often leads to someone making a character like that. Pictures: I dislike the use of real photos, and I have never joined an rp that required using real photos, even if it is a really good rp. In fact, pictures, (unless they are your own.) stifle creativity, in my opinion. I, whenever possible, will use descriptions. Perhaps my greatest turn off for an RP is when the plot and everything sounds good, but some major mechanic is not entirely explained, or just doesn't make sense. I will always want to try to fix it, but I know that'd be rude to the GM. It then becomes a huge mental bother and it isn't worth the trouble.

Mediums you are familiar with: I like cooking and brewing; in fact, I cook for a living, and I used to be a barista. I also like reading non fiction, mythology, and doing research. I often find myself reading scholarly articles about things that have no impact on me, like how charm quarks work and how a quark computer would work. I was trying to scientifically justify magic for a dnd campaign (for lore and to outline how a magic like thing would work), but I never figured out how to justify it without special equipment. That being said, I also have the tendency to construct landscapes, worlds, lores, languages, and artifacts even if it wouldn’t necessarily be used for anything. Psychology is going to be my major, so I often diagnose people with disorders, if applicable, and try to identify their psychological patterns, and I recently got the book, Hero With a Thousand Faces, and I need to start it.

In terms of media that I read/watch: I am a huge fan of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. It does everything I like in terms of motifs and themes really well. It even uses tropes fantastically. I also like D.gray-man; I especially appreciate how it stays within it’s own lore, unlike some other anime I can think of. The only live action show I really watch is Lost Girl. It handles lore pretty alright, but it isn’t afraid to redefine things now and again, like the Garuda. I am in, in terms of games, a big fan of the SMT series, especially Digital Devil Saga and Strange Journey. Generally speaking, I like a lot of jrpgs, but recently I have found myself playing animal crossing. I haven’t done it in a while, due to medical issues, but I like dancing, as well as singing and playing instruments. The latter two are unaffected by my medical problems, I am just bad at them. I am also familiar, not expert, with the following mythologies: Greek, Finnish, Egyptian, African (only a little), Slavic, Irish, Norse, and a few others, but to a lesser degree.

Other things we should know: I am very intense when it comes to building worlds. I will literally build them starting with the star, the the protoplanetary disc, then tectonic plates, then continents, then evolutionary timeline, then to early writing, then contemporary writing, then to civilization. If there is anything supernatural, I will create a fifth fundamental force if need be to justify it. I would have put this in favorite genres, but it is more general content. I really like death as a major component of stories. If done well, it can be a very powerful literary component. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, for example, will kill off any character and will do so powerfully. Nine episodes in, the protagonist dies. He dies while engulfed in flame on a ship, holding the head of his adopted brother he decapitated. Later, two characters are investigating a mansion, when the character in the rear punches the front character out of the way of an incoming attack, sacrificing himself as he is erased completely. The surviving character is on the ground, panicked, and unable to find his ally, shouting his name, looking for his ally who no longer exists. Death is a beautiful tool. As well, I firmly believe that fantasy need not require magic to be fantastical. I will probably also psychoanalyze everyone's character's at some juncture. Not in the Sigmund Freud kind of way.
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Username: ApfelSeine; you may also call me "Apfel" or "Mariko". Whatever's easiest to remember.

Favorite Genre:
I don't really have one. My favorite rps and stories are all character driven, regardless of setting.

Favorite Gender and sexual orientation:
I don't have a favorite gender. My favorite sexual orientation to play is bisexual.

Current state of activity: Available

Limits: I do not like it when people use preexisting characters in a roleplay who do not belong to them. I feel even more strongly about this if a person is role playing as an actual person. Additionally, I do not like using pictures of real people as my characters' appearances. If that is the expectation, I will write a description, but I find it very hard to bring myself to use a picture (however, if other people use real looking pictures, it doesn't bother me as long as I don't recognize them). Other than that, as long as it falls within the site rules I don't have any limits.

Mediums you are familiar with: I've watched a lot of anime and read a lot of manga. I draw people in the manga style. I know a fair amount about Victorian times and dancing from the vintage ballroom dance events I go to (as well as the civil war and ragtime eras). I've read and watched quite a few mystery stories (Sherlock Holmes, Poirot, Miss Marple, Nancy Drew, Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries (only the tv show), the Hardy Boys, Caves of Steel and Tales of the Black Widowers (both by Isaac Asimov), Monk, Rosemary and Thyme). I have read quite a few Sci-fi stories (my favorites are by Isaac Asimov, Gordon Dixon, Douglas Adams, and H. Beam Piper). I enjoy a lot of fantasy stories as well (especially Terry Pratchett's Discworld series, but also stories by Llyod Alexander and C.S. Lewis, as well as The Hobbit). I enjoy westerns a lot as well, both in film and in writing. Additionally, I have read a lot of Grimm's fairy tales, and have a fair amount of knowledge about Egyptian and Greek mythology/theology, as well as many stories from the Bible. Also, I've recently finished reading a lot of Arthurian Legends (such as the Lais of Marie De France, Perceforest, both Bedier and Gottfried's version of Tristan and Iseult, some of Mort Darthur, and several stories about Gawain). I've also watched a lot of films about Arthurian Legends, as well as the masterpiece of amusement that is LadyHawke. I enjoy a lot of foreign films and music, especially form Japan, India, Hong Kong, and Germany. I also play a lot of video games, particularly open ended ones, but also a lot of JRPGs and otome games, as well as some adventure games like The Legend of Zelda games, and some mysteries/detective games like Professor Layton, Phoenix Wright, Hotel Dusk, and James Noir's Hollywood Crimes. I enjoy reading, watching movies, ballroom dancing, and playing games a lot - and I do art in a few other mediums - but my main past times are drawing and writing

Other things we should know:
I'm bad at picking favorites of things. I'm really opinionated about a lot of things, but I enjoy hearing other peoples' perspectives immensely. If it seems like I'm arguing with you, chances are that I just want to find out more about what you think. If I ever do anything that bothers you or makes you uncomfortable, tell me ASAP and I will remember to avoid doing it in the future (inside the rp and outside). I will undoubtedly end up drawing your character if I'm engaged in the rp long enough or think that they look cool. I love antagonists and raising philosophical quandaries. I am really interested in people and fictional characters, and I'll often apply a lot of what I've learned from psychology classes and from people I know and books I've read when creating believable characters. Also, I write a lot. I apologize for how long this is (' :) ).
ApfelSeine said:
I'll often apply a lot of what I've learned from psychology classes
Dude! Another person who likes psychology. I particularly like diagnosing people and identifying psychological patterns. I do it all the time.

I was just writing my thingy as a quick summary, but perhaps I should step up to Apfel's level and make my sheet doohickey more detailed.
CalamariHero said:
Dude! Another person who likes psychology. I particularly like diagnosing people and identifying psychological patterns. I do it all the time.
I was just writing my thingy as a quick summary, but perhaps I should step up to Apfel's level and make my sheet doohickey more detailed.
the idea of these introductions is to get each other to know as much as possible about one another as to be able to have a smoother conversation (for example, so far, if I say "tsundere" I should be able to expect everyone in here to know what it is), and also to make proposals more appealing, by being able to apply more of what each of us like into ideas.
Idea said:
the idea of these introductions is to get each other to know as much as possible about one another as to be able to have a smoother conversation (for example, so far, if I say "tsundere" I should be able to expect everyone in here to know what it is), and also to make proposals more appealing, by being able to apply more of what each of us like into ideas.
Well, yes. I know the purpose of it. I just didn't know how detailed to be, and I leaned toward summary (partially due to the fact I am on mobile, and mobile hates rpn.) I will expand it once I have access to my desktop later. There is other relevant info to add, afterall.
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CalamariHero said:
Well, yes. I know the purpose of it. I just didn't know how detailed to be, and I leaned toward summary (partially due to the fact I am on mobile, and mobile hates rpn.) I will expand it once I have access to my desktop later. There is other relevant info to add, afterall.
Well I'd be excited to learn more about you, either in an expanded bio or simply extended conversation OoC ^_^
Username: NinjaCat

Favorite Genre: Fantasy, Horror, and Sci-fi, pretty much any kind of role-play with fictional elements integrated within it

Favorite Gender and sexual orientation: Straight Female

Current state of activity: Available (though starting June 8th, I will be busy doing some volunteer work though it will be pretty early and in the afternoon and at night I will be available)

Limits: Nothing really comes to mind, unless it breaks or violates RPN's rules, I'm fine with it

Mediums you are familiar with: I watch a variety of different tv shows and my favorites all have some sort of fictional plot, setting, or characters in them (such as, Doctor Who, Once Upon a Time, The Walking Dead, just to name a few). I've read a variety of different books and book series (like, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Eragon, The Hunger Games, Maximum Ride, The Golden Compass, the list goes on I've read so many..). I also watch a lot of anime, and I won't list out all the ones that I've watched because like with books, I've seen a lot of them. Other than reading and tv shows, as for just random interests, I know lots about mythical creatures and have a little bit of knowledge on Greek, Egyptian, Japanese, and Irish mythology, and I love Steampunk clothing, art, weapons, etc.

As for hobbies, I enjoy reading, drawing, sewing, playing video games, writing, and obviously role-playing.

Other things we should know: (edit this if you remember anything)
Username: Thatonechillgirl

Favorite Genre: Urban Fantasy, Supernatural, Comedy

Favorite Gender and sexual orientation (for roleplay): Male and Bisexual

Current state of activity: Available

Limits: Gore, Rule violations,

Mediums you are familiar with: Anime, Video games, Films[Preferably animated ones], Roleplaying, YouTube. I don't watch TV often but the only show I truly watch is Doctor Who. I like to listen to music often, especially anime openings. I don't really know why but I like urban fantasy genre, something about it fascinates me.

Other things we should know: (edit this if you remember anything)
Alright, I've extended my profile (and added some limits and extra info/pet peeves) and I'm going to bed now. Have a good night, guys B)
Mollisol said:
I want to try and play more characters with mental and/or physical disabilities, as they get little representation in RP (at least where I've been).
It's not a hard limit, but having experienced several mental illnesses severely, I'm critical of the way a lot of writers on here handle mental illness. Depression doesn't go away when you're in love with someone, and I think entwining hallucinations/delusions/psychoses with fantasy mechanics is tacky and insulting to survivors of psychotic disorders. There's nothing wrong with giving representation to people with mental illness, but so much of the time on here, it's not done respectfully.
I totally agree. While I personally don't have much experience with mental illness, I can tell most representation I have seen is quite obscene. I would like to see proper representation if one were too roleplay a character with mental illness. That being said, physical disabilities, while not misrepresented like mental illnesses, are as well grossly under represented, from what I have seen. I sometimes give my characters physical disabilities similar to things that I have dealt with.
Mollisol said:
Alright, I've extended my profile (and added some limits and extra info/pet peeves) and I'm going to bed now. Have a good night, guys B)
Username - PinkUnicorn

Favourite Genre- Romance, Academy, Anime, Supernatural or Fantasy

Favourite Gender and Orientation - Female which is straight

Current state of activity - Very active

Limits - I do not want sexual content, if that isn't in the rpn rules, and also anything that violates the rules.

Mediums your familiar with - YouTube, and any sort of to progamme, I don't really mind.
Lol I started a trend.

Mental illnesses and physical disabilities are a tricky subject. Include them and you risk being insensitive and misrepresenting them. Don't include them and it's considered under representation. With that in mind, it pays to be informed and consider interesting ways to use them. (For instance, in an rp with magic, one could always go the Avatar route and have a character able to use magic to work around their limitations.) My only experiences with mental illnesses are with depression, bi polar disorder, anxiety, ADHD, Asperger's, and dementia. So basically, the ones that are pretty common. It is difficult to represent a mentally ill character since it requires a good deal of knowledge about how the mind works. That said, if anyone ends up using a mentally ill character, I may end up giving my input a lot, as a psych major and all that (' :) ). I study how the brain works all year round lol.

I'll likely work on brainstorming ideas tonight before PMing Idea. Fair warning, I throw in any and every ethnicity that catches my interest xD The variation and mixing stuff up comes a bit harder to me, but better to throw a bunch of stuff at the wall to see what sticks than to hold back too much lol. I'm sure everyone's ideas will build up to a complex and unique world. (^.^)
Hehe everyone, I've been travelling all day so I'm going to hit the sack. I'll try to add some more to my introduction tomorrow.
ApfelSeine said:
Lol I started a trend.
Mental illnesses and physical disabilities are a tricky subject. Include them and you risk being insensitive and misrepresenting them. Don't include them and it's considered under representation. With that in mind, it pays to be informed and consider interesting ways to use them. (For instance, in an rp with magic, one could always go the Avatar route and have a character able to use magic to work around their limitations.) My only experiences with mental illnesses are with depression, bi polar disorder, anxiety, ADHD, Asperger's, and dementia. So basically, the ones that are pretty common. It is difficult to represent a mentally ill character since it requires a good deal of knowledge about how the mind works. That said, if anyone ends up using a mentally ill character, I may end up giving my input a lot, as a psych major and all that (' :) ). I study how the brain works all year round lol.

I'll likely work on brainstorming ideas tonight before PMing Idea. Fair warning, I throw in any and every ethnicity that catches my interest xD The variation and mixing stuff up comes a bit harder to me, but better to throw a bunch of stuff at the wall to see what sticks than to hold back too much lol. I'm sure everyone's ideas will build up to a complex and unique world. (^.^)
I agree that mental illness is a tricky subject. Without either personal experience or passable amounts of research, roleplaying a state of mind you are unfamiliar with would be rather difficult (which, I would imagine, the amount of research that classifies as "passable" varies between each mental illness). Especially for younger players. However, there are some obscenities that mustn't go unnoticed, such as when romance is portrayed as a fix for mental illness in place of actual treatment. If someone has depression, for example, and lacks the ability to enjoy day to day existence and feels a detachment from the rest of the world, using romance as a fix is like applying a band-aid to a third degree burn. The burn is still there, swelling and burning, just now with a band-aid sitting on top of it. And, in more superficial relationships, could drive two people apart. Now, if roleplayers played a character who acted like this and thought romance was a fix, that would be fine; those are the traits of the character, not the player. However, some roleplay in a way that makes romance an actual fix for the character. And I have seen the same thing, but replace depression with sociopathy, or psychopathy.

I think it boils down to effort. Most roleplayers are young; pubescent. They want to feel love for someone and they want to be loved. They have romantic dreams guided by media and pubescent angst. They play out these dreams, misinterpreting their angst and yearning for things like depression.

TL;DR: Teens are angsty and don't try. Edit: I think, in the end, it boils down to trying.

(I feel as though I should put this disclaimer here. I do a lot of research, and have attended several psych classes, as well as intend to major in psychology, but I am not a college graduate. I have no degree. This is all conjecture based on what I know and theorize as of present. This is probably not wholly correct. If I am wrong about anything here, feel free to correct me. I am happy to learn more about this subject.)

Anyway, after that long winded response I will proceed to brainstorm before PMing, as well. I will likely focus more on environment and society. The whole sequence I laid out in my sheet thingy; star, disc, tectonics, evolution, language, so on.
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CalamariHero said:
I agree that mental illness is a tricky subject. Without either personal experience or passable amounts of research, roleplaying a state of mind you are unfamiliar with would be rather difficult (which, I would imagine, the amount of research that classifies as "passable" varies between each mental illness). Especially for younger players. However, there are some obscenities that mustn't go unnoticed, such as when romance is portrayed as a fix for mental illness in place of actual treatment. If someone has depression, for example, and lacks the ability to enjoy day to day existence and feels a detachment from the rest of the world, using romance as a fix is like applying a band-aid to a third degree burn. The burn is still there, swelling and burning, just now with a band-aid sitting on top of it. And, in more superficial relationships, could drive two people apart. Now, if roleplayers played a character who acted like this and thought romance was a fix, that would be fine; those are the traits of the character, not the player. However, some roleplay in a way that makes romance an actual fix for the character. And I have seen the same thing, but replace depression with sociopathy, or psychopathy.
I think it boils down to effort. Most roleplayers are young; pubescent. They want to feel love for someone and they want to be loved. They have romantic dreams guided by media and pubescent angst. They play out these dreams, misinterpreting their angst and yearning for things like depression.

TL;DR: Teens are angsty and don't try. Edit: I think, in the end, it boils down to trying.

(I feel as though I should put this disclaimer here. I do a lot of research, and have attended several psych classes, as well as intend to major in psychology, but I am not a college graduate. I have no degree. This is all conjecture based on what I know and theorize as of present. This is probably not wholly correct. If I am wrong about anything here, feel free to correct me. I am happy to learn more about this subject.)

Anyway, after that long winded response I will proceed to brainstorm before PMing, as well. I will likely focus more on environment and society. The whole sequence I laid out in my sheet thingy; star, disc, tectonics, evolution, language, so on.
Lol omg romance as a cure for depression. Never date anyone if you're depressed. In fact, don't date anyone who is depressed either. You can't put in the same effort a depressed person, and you wait for the other person to save you and just... ugh, it's the worst. Romance requires equivalent effort.

Now friendships on the other hand, that's different. Friends can cure depression. Sort of at least. Most of the work is on the depressed person and there is still a risk of the depressed person manipulating their friends too. But it's important to have someone there. It does make a difference. It's risky as a friend because in this day and age, unreasonable expectations can be put on friends. Unlike romance, is possible to offer kindness in friendship without really needing something in return (as long as one avoids being taken for granted). It takes time, but socialization helps a lot. Exercising and eating well too. Anyways, I've gone off on a tangent xD I get less annoyed at tend for romanticising depression, and more so at Hollywood. They're adults who should know better after all.
ApfelSeine said:
Lol omg romance as a cure for depression. Never date anyone if you're depressed. In fact, don't date anyone who is depressed either. You can't put in the same effort a depressed person, and you wait for the other person to save you and just... ugh, it's the worst. Romance requires equivalent effort.
Now friendships on the other hand, that's different. Friends can cure depression. Sort of at least. Most of the work is on the depressed person and there is still a risk of the depressed person manipulating their friends too. But it's important to have someone there. It does make a difference. It's risky as a friend because in this day and age, unreasonable expectations can be put on friends. Unlike romance, is possible to offer kindness in friendship without really needing something in return (as long as one avoids being taken for granted). It takes time, but socialization helps a lot. Exercising and eating well too. Anyways, I've gone off on a tangent xD I get less annoyed at tend for romanticising depression, and more so at Hollywood. They're adults who should know better after all.
Yeah. To my understanding, a depressed person, in order to aid themselves, must first focus on themselves before going into a relationship. But, I was just using depression as an example because it is so common. I suppose teens romanticizing it could be justified by stating it is a misinterpretation of their own feelings, due to their young age and the typical confusion that accompanies. Media does, unfortunately proliferate this, and I agree that it is quite annoying. But, I am sure if I hunt through that 1x1 section, I can find other mental illnesses portrayed poorly. (But then again, leading back to depression... It could be media's fault for giving incorrect portrayals in the first place.)

Side note: What if instead of a world, the main setting was a habitable moon orbiting another planet, like Europa (the theoretically habitable moon of jupiter), except warmer? (It was just a thought, but perhaps I should save this for the PM...)
Uhhhh are we allowed to do some mutual brainstorming in here? Because I sent in my ideas but don't have much else to do besides wait.
Oh. Honestly, there was no interaction, so I was skeptical on whether people were still active or not. It made my procrastination worsen, as it were. I will send in my ideas now.

Also, I think we should brainstorm mutually, @ApfelSeine. It would draw the team back in, as I have noticed a lack of conversing, contrary to what I had expected.
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