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The Long Journey (GilmoreGirl12xHarbinger)

Legolas continued to think for a few moments before quickly pulling her in and kissing her. He pulled away after a few seconds and looked at her with a face of shcok "I don't know what happened but I think that was it."
Tauriel was surprised at first then kissed him back. When he pulled away to say I think that is it.She rolled her eye's and pulled him and kissed him again. Her lips locked on his happily.

Irish Ice Queen
He pulled her don tohe water edge and continued to kiss her while running the back of his hands through her hair. "I've been thinking about you for these past 3 years but could never say anything."
She smiled and blushes lightly. She kissed him happily. She rested in his arms." I been thinking about you for so long I am so glad you feel the same. I just couldn't say a word."She says

Irish Ice Queen
"thats good, I love you to much to see you get hurt. Thatswhy I have been so rough with you, I care for you." He smiles back at her and kisses her neck.
She laughed and shook her head." I knew there was more to it."She says. She kissed his neck gently and wrapped around him

Irish Ice Queen
legolas begins to remove his equipment and places them next to tauriel and kisses her collarbone while removing his shirt "I love you Tauriel."
Tauriel looked at him with bright eyes. "And I love you Legolas very much so."She kissed down his neck when he took his shirt off.

Irish Ice Queen
"let me help you get more comfortable" Legolas removes Tauriels boots one after the other and kisses her toes sensually. He moves his hands to her top and begins to remove the buttons while kissing her neck. "are you sure yyou want to do this now?"
She sighed and nods."yes why not. We're safe enough for now. "She said and helped him out with her clothing and his.She had wanted him for a while.

Irish Ice Queen
Legolas stands over Tauriel and bitee his lower lipwhile looking at her "you look amazing down there." He gets on top of her and begins to kiss her stomach while rubbingnher neck witha light pressure.
She groaned softly at his touch.She was in heaven. He was here with her no one else to get in the way of them ir tell them no. She was blissfully happy around him. She had used anger to cover up her feelings.

Irish Ice Queen
Legolas let out afew soft moans and continued to kiss tauriel. He felt free after all these years of his father saying that he shouldn't deal with her. He didn't care what he had to say and enjoyed the time with her. Legolas looked at tauriel "I wish we can run off forever"
Tauriel looked at him and sighed she wanted that as well."well then why dont we."She says. "we don't need to go back."She says

Irish Ice Queen
"I would love that very much, we can find a nice home somewhere else" Legolas picked up tauriel, who still wrapped around him back to the camp and rested her against a tree. "I've dreamed of doing this you and we can finally do it. 
She nuzzels into him and her eye's light up." You mean it we dont have to go back?"She asks him.

Irish Ice Queen
"I completely mean it and we will never go back. Now let's talk about this later." Legolas begins to madsage her upper chest annd kiss her collarbone again.
She sighed and nodsm she half closed her eye's and relaxed into him.


When they were through. Tauriel just layed on his chest. She hummed an elvish tune and juat stayed comfy in his arms her cloak over her as a chill settled in.

Irish Ice Queen
Legolas hummed the tune with her and continued to hold her. "We are free and now we habe to get those dwarve and hobbit bastards. A look of anger appears on his face but goes away eventually.

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