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The Long Journey (GilmoreGirl12xHarbinger)

Legolas set up a simple shelter for the night to protect them from the cold. He sat down by the fire on a smal log and sharpened his blades. "You can rest for the night. I'll stay up and alert you of any danger"
Tauriel sat back and ate an apple. She looked over at him from where she sat. Her eye's dancing with the fire light." Why are you so against me being here with you? " she asked.

Irish Ice Queen
"Because you're just a lowly elf. When ever you walk by somebody they just spew rude remarks at you. Also, you aren't used to fighting savages like these Orcs. If I wasn't there when you were looking over the lake, one of those guys would have gotten a clean shot to the back of your neck and you'd be dead."
She grabbed her bow and bag." I am more then just a lowly elf. But you dont see past titles do you prince."She says. She turned and walked out of camp."I am going hunting dont follow me. This lowly elf doesn't want to cramp your style. "She said she left camp. She was furious. Why had she come with him. Well technically he followed her. She walked through the woods silently. She heard a soft music through the woods. She looked around to pin point the noise. She wasn't some lowly Elf as he assumed.

Irish Ice Queen
"Good right ahead, If you are bleeding on the floor from an orc attacking you. Don't come crying to me" After a few hours he got nervous and began his trek throught the forrest in her direction to find her. 
Tauriel had followed the sound of music. She was curious, she watched from a distance. She sighed shaking her head and went to hunt. She shot down her prey easily. She was carrying it back when she ran into him. "Yes?" She asks

Irish Ice Queen
"I came to find you, you were gone for an eternity. We shouldn't be this far from camp, we never knoe what is around here at night." He followed her and took a sword out just encase.
Tauriel walked back annoyed. "Again I am just a lowly elf why do you care" she says. She skinned the prey and put it on a spick to turn.

Irish Ice Queen
Legolas got tired of her attitude and tripped her to the ground and held her by the wrists. "Stop with all this crap, I don't care if you're a lowly elf, we're like family and have been through a lot. Will you stop acting like a complete ass."
Tauriel looked up at him her eye's were glaring at him."Family my ass, now get off me."She says." You seem to care a lot about status."She says and trys to move him away. He held her firmly. .

Irish Ice Queen
"It's more than my family status alright!, just because I'm a prince doesn't mean I think everybody is less than me. You have to get that through your thick skull sooner of later." He held her down tightwer when she tried to escape.
She glared up at him" I do when you do."She said and grimaced at his grip."get off."She says. She glared up at him still.

( get my messages and tags?

Irish Ice Queen
"I have, I'm not moving until you prmoise to stop acting like this. I want to be able to know that you want go off and just disappear forever."
"I promise bow get off your killing my wrists. "She says and finally pushed him away. She sat up and rubbed her wrists. She was not happy with him.

Irish Ice Queen
"I'm sorry but I care about you, I don't want to see you get hurt. I'll feel bad if something happened to you." Legolas returned to his log and sharoend his blades.
She nods and finished cooking the meat. She handed him some then went back and sat against a tree. She ate in silence and sighed closing her eye's.

Irish Ice Queen
Legolas at the meat and continued to sharpen his sword contiuosly through the night. He eventually fell asleep next to tauriel with thoughts running through his head.
Tauriel woke in the morning. She was laying on Legolas's chest. She had curled into him at first then realized it was him. She gently moved his arm and stood dusting her self off. She left her weapons and went to the river to wash up.

Irish Ice Queen
Legolas woke up a little bit later and noticed Tauriel was gone. He walked down to the lake and saw she was geting cleaned up. The sight of her long beautiful hair and her lean but beautiful body put leoggolas into a trance and he just stared at her for a unknown amount of time.
She washed up in the river and dressed in new clothes. She was ringing her hair out when she looked over and noticed Legolas starring at her.She walked over to him."Hey you okay there?"She asks

Irish Ice Queen
Legolas shook his head and walked over to her "no I'm not, I have this weird feeling but I don't know what it is." He tried to figure out what was going on in his stomach but didn't know what.
She looked at him with an odd l ookm" here sit downm are you Ill?"She asks him gently.

Irish Ice Queen
"No it's not that kind of sick. I feel like I should be saying or doing something right now but I can't figure it out."
Tauriel looked at him a bit confused. She wasn't sure what he meant. She liked him, could it be under all that infuriating exterior he liked her too.

Irish Ice Queen

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