The Lodge

It's Nicki and that's fine everyone has his/her own opinion but you could've kept yours too yourself 
(Actually @oOBubblesOo I edited her I found a better looking actress unf <3.<3
I'm sorry, but Derek is happening. xD

Name: Derek Hale

Age: (17-21) 21

Gender: Male

Changed/Born?: He was born a werewolf.

Personality: Derek is the dark, mysterious, brooding type. While often quiet and dealing with things internally, he isn't afraid to speak out and let his presence known when needed. Able to intimidate and persuade, Derek easily adapts to his situations and the people he is around. Though able to stay cool and collected, Derek can lose his temper when pushed enough and if something is not working in his favour. Secretly Derek does care about people, he just refuses to show it.

Roommate(s): (You can have up to two) Maii boys Issac and Damon~ Whoop Whoop!

Appearance: (Use a real picture; no anime)
(His attempt at a smile XDD)

Wolf Appearance: (To make it simple; use a real picture of a wolf)

Other: Derek is an Alpha kind of werewolf. Most werewolves get that and obey by that, and others that don't, well most of them aren't around to tell the tale.
I love how Scott's the main werewolf and we've used the other 4 guys instead.. and Stiles isn't even a werewolf! ^-^ lol but anyways of course; accepted! :D Bout to add in some Stiles (Preston)/Derek drama here!
EY BUBBLE. We talkin' bout some Sterek action? ;D I have a weak spot for Sterek, I find it f*cking adorable. Sorry, @Angel Evans we have our characters date in like every roleplay.
I love Isaac just being Isaac. Hes amazing. Him and Stiles are my favorite characters. x3
(Hahaha so funny listening to your guys' convos. xD A lot of y'all seem to have roleplayed together a lot. I feel like a noob, lolz.)
Hiya! Soo... I'm gonna post my character here, and hope that it's okay. xD I don't have access to my pictures right now, but I will get them up as soon as possible. Hope that's okay. :P

Name: Remmington Perditus (Ren)

Age: 20

Gender: male

Changed/Born: born

Personality: Ren is rather introverted, and is really awkward around people he doesn’t know. He prefers to keep to himself, though he enjoys listening to others’ conversations. He enjoys being around people, but just in the background as he has a hard time interacting with them. He’s quick to avoid trouble, and is a great listener. Ren always has his hands busy with something, be it drawing or making things. He doesn’t like to wander around aimlessly, and likes having goals. It’ll take forever for him to make friends, but when he does, he sticks by their side. With friends, he’s the more responsible one, always thinking ahead and planning before doing anything rash, though this does mean he leads a rather dull life.

Roommate(s): don’t know anyone.. :P


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(I haven't role played with either of them that much. We all apparently love Teen Wolf, though lol)

Yes! Allisaac is so perf! I'm pretty down for that one too!

@November Rain - accepted (: Just don't forget to add the pictures when you can
LETS GET THE ROLEPLAY CRANKIN'. Oh and Bubbles, Damon made the first move. xD You have to go back a few pages to find it.
That's a great idea let's really TUN UP (idk if anybody knows what that means it's new york slang) *Gasp* we should play manhunt like woves vs.vampires that'll be so fun 

[QUOTE="Jon_14]I think i'll join(whats up with the vampires don't sparkle though?).

Twilight reference

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