The Lodge

(Well,Since Dylan and Daniel are taken...)

Name:Cole Halliwell

Age Appearance: (17-21)21

Actual Age: (Keep it between 50-150)121



Personality:Cole is fun and out there he is extremely curious and thuis tries to come up with various ways to go out in the sun and fails almost everytime although he has found out that umbrellas are useful Cole can be vindictive deceiving and sultry like other vampires

Roommate(s): (You can have up to two) Whoever I guess

Appearance: (Use a real picture; no anime)


Other:He is bisexual,He comes from a family of witches (charmed reference xD ) and was changed while fighting a demon and he let his guard down

Name: Alex Canin

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Changed/Born?: Born

Personality: Strong, independent, and doesn't like to talk about her past




Wolf Appearance:

Name: Ian Jacob Drake

Age Appearance: 19

Actual Age: 148

Gender: Male

Changed/Born?: February 7th 1850

Personality: Friendly, can be sarcastic at times and can sometimes have a bad temper

Roommate(s): (i don't know, can you give me one or something?)

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/guy.jpg.48b826ad3a94a417799cfa0ee22cd5cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4808" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/guy.jpg.48b826ad3a94a417799cfa0ee22cd5cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • guy.jpg
    61.2 KB · Views: 34
Name: Chris Thomas

Age: (17-21) 20

Gender: Male


Personality:Nice guy, always tries to help others out, generally a great guy to get along with. Can get angry if you get on his bad side.

Roommate(s): (surprise me)


Wolf Appearance:

[QUOTE="Angel Evans](Well,Since Dylan and Daniel are taken...)
Name:Cole Halliwell

Age Appearance: (17-21)21

Actual Age: (Keep it between 50-150)121



Personality:Cole is fun and out there he is extremely curious and thuis tries to come up with various ways to go out in the sun and fails almost everytime although he has found out that umbrellas are useful Cole can be vindictive deceiving and sultry like other vampires

Roommate(s): (You can have up to two) Whoever I guess

Appearance: (Use a real picture; no anime)


Other:He is bisexual,He comes from a family of witches (charmed reference xD ) and was changed while fighting a demon and he let his guard down


charmed is one of my favorite shows
Hello, I've read the info on this rp and it looks pretty cool! :D I'm very interested and am wondering if you guys would like another player to this? :3
Yay! :D I'll start working on a charie then. ^-^ 
Name: Heather McClure

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Changed/Born?: Born

Personality: At first glance, she appears shy, quiet, keeps to herself. But that's because not very many try to get to know her. Once comfortable around another, she can be funny, slightly adventurous, and even a smart alec if her buttons are pushed. She tends to keep strong emotions locked up inside and usually goes off on her own to deal with a problem inwardly, rather than talk it out, even with close friends. It may take her a while, but once a friendship has been made, she does her best to keep it.

Roommate(s): (would like her to have a roommate but am not sure yet, will edit when decided)


(Unlike the picture, she has deep, chocolate brown eyes)

Wolf Appearance:

Other: A bittersweet past befalls this poor girl, one that she wishes circustances had been different. She never knew her real parents, having been abandoned when she was very young. As a baby, she was dropped off on the porch of a couple that lived out in a small but homely country town. The couple saw it as a blessing, as they had tried but had been having no luck in having children. At first, they had no idea of Heather's wolf lineage but it wasn't long until they discovered it as the girl began her transformations a couple years later after she had passed the toddler stage. Despite their adopted daughter's unique ability, they loved her anyway and continued to nurture and raise her. Sadly, the rest of the townfolk weren't so accepting. Heather couldn't hide the wolf inside her forever...and eventually there were sightings. Her adoptive parents protected and fought for her all they could, but soon the entire town was against them, worrying about their and their children's safety from "the beast". Finally, the town sheriff stated that Heather must leave the town before her 16th birthday or he would use force. Having heard rumors about The Lodge, Heather packed her things and said a distraught goodbye to her parents, promising to write and send pictures whenever she got the chance. She kept telling herself that it was just like college but she couldn't help the sickening feeling that knotted up her throat knowing unlike college students, she wouldn't be returning home... With many tears and broken hearts, she left the only home she ever knew and set out to find The Lodge, the mysterious sanctuary where she and others of her kind could live in peace. After two years of searching, she now has finally arrived.
Great! :D I'll read up a bit to get a sense of the rp. I'm thinking I'll introduce Heather by having her arrive at the lodge for the first time, is that alright? Then we could possibly figure out a roommate for her in the rp. :3
(Heather is gorgeous)

Name:Meghan Bueno

Age: (17-21)21



Personality:Meghan is an actress she's beautiful talented sweet and caring. She like to make other people smile with ehr shows and movies and loves charity however ever since her powers have come in she has had to go into hiding

Roommate(s): (You can have up to two)

Appearance: (Use a real picture; no anime)

Wolf Appearance: (To make it simple; use a real picture of a wolf)

Other:Bisexual and has multiple personalities as stated above although she is completely in control of them except when her emotions go arise
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(@Angel Evans Haha Heather says thanks. xD lol)

(@oOBubblesOo ooh you know what? I got a better idea. I'll have her run into Preston since he's still out and about away from the lodge. > w < )
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Name: Nessa Maroe

Age Appearance: 17

Actual Age: 91

Gender: Female

Changed/Born: Changed

Personality: Shy until she gets to know someone, then she is often very, very blunt, so much to the point she's sometimes considered rude.

Roommate(s): I don't know anyone! Sorry! D:


Other: She was changed a long time ago by a stranger.

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