The Last Poster Wins

 Ooooh. You don't sound sure @Vagabond Spectre. Here she is then. *Whispers something to the Queen of Hearts and a creature comes out.* This is the Queen of Hearts. *The creature growls and calmly sits next to her.* 

Why do I need to ask nicely? You're the reason I ended up down here in the first place!

And yes, I'm very stubborn.
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Haha. @Vagabond Spectre, I am no Angel. After all, I am Nightmare's Angel. *Smirks and giggles.* I am thinking of changing my name though to Hell's Angel or something. *Laughs again.* Oh, and you have to ask because you FELL into the grave I did NOT push you in @iWriteAboutNothing.
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I fainted when I was still in the whole. I probably would have broken my neck fainting into a six feet-deep hole. Nobody ever pulled me out! It's getting cold down here...
 Oh...? I highly doubt that. *Smirks again and sends Joker and Queen down.* Oh, I forgot to mention, they can both suck your soul out.....and it has been known to cause paralysis as they fight over your soul.... *Grins like the Cheshire Cat.*
Do you want them to play with your soul, or will you be a good boy and ask me to help you out? *Smirks as both Daemons begin to snarl and hiss.* would be fun to watch. *Actually begins to pout.* Fine....I won't. *Whistles and both Queen and Joker jump out of the grave and sit next to her growling with disappointment.* However, you must find someone who can take your place....

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