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Fantasy The Last Heroes


oh yeah, mr. krabs
Heyaaa guyzzz! Welcome to the Last Heroes RP! I hope everything is to your liking. Use this tab to get to know each other and chat about totally unrelated things xD
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Well, 3-10 people is good to me. A bit over is alright, too. But too many people makes it kinda chaotic. I think we have a lot of room still open though @Shiki Kenju
Yeah, there isn't very much lore on Nightwraiths, so I'm gonna use stuff for wraiths and go from there for my character. @enoc010201 Let me know if you want me to change anything.
"Women and men, soldiers and outlaws, fools and corpses. All will find their way to us now the way is clear." Add space for one more on the stagecoach, or in other words, I'd like to join.
My apologies! I haven't been getting any notifications, and I let myself get distracted. I'll make my cs tomorrow.
I'm sorry my dudes, I can't engage in this roleplay my pals. I am currently to busy to function. I was really interested, but work is sort of crushing me nowadays. I'm so sorry!
Also guys, sorry I haven't been up this weekend. It is the week before our school musical opens and I have to be at practice almost every day :P

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