The Land of Teiarra [Inactive]

having walking around he sat on a tall boulder facing Kat's back. "Hello!" he said "I see you've made friends" His staff was by his side, and his ears twitched ever so slightly. "What have you been up too?"

Kat whipped around in surprise to hear Rein speak. She got to her feet and grinned. "Hey! You're alive!"

Kat paused a moment. What have I been up to? Well, let's see; family was slaughtered, met 2 demons who are practically inseparable, had a mental breakdown, nearly got shanked by a crab demon... "Not too much."

"what about meeee?" said jason, after turning from his nearly invisible camafloauge spell, scaring kat half to death, luvin' dat squeak :P
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