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Fandom The Land of Fiore (Fairy Tail RP)

Name: Jeezebelle Malik, The kin-slayer.


Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: unknown. she shows tendancies to go for both genders, but hasn't ever actually committed to anyone. highly unlikely she ever will.

Magic: Blood Alter Holder. Gained by killing her sister. Blood Alter is used by manipulating spilled blood from any opponent she's battling. She cannot control the blood inside people, it has to have been spilled. Therefore fights with Jeezebelle often become quite horrific because the more anyone bleeds, the more of an advantage she has. Unlike most other Alter Magic there is no period of time where her magic depletes, but rather she also has no particular boost in strength either.

Guild: Guildless. Guildmasters, if you value your lives and your friends lives keep her as far away from the guild halls as you can!

Personality: Just as her name implies, Jeezebelle is a horrific, cruel wizard. She has an obsession with death and feels the need to force death on others as agonizingly slow as she can. She is never content with what she has and always dreams of more power, therefore her goal is to kill all the other Alter holders so that she may possess all of their titles.


+Blood, Death and Destruction

- life, love and happiness


Bio: Jeezebelle started off an odd child, always stealing toys from other children, kicking people when they got in her way. She was just hateful from the beginning, luckily though, she was not the first born and would not inherit the Blood Alter. Her mother died of old age, relieved that the responsible, sane older sister would inherit her title and the Jeezebelle would not have it to reign terror upon the earth. But boy was she wrong. Upon seeing that her sister had something she didn't she was green with envy and had to have it. She waited on her sister to fall asleep, then stabbed her to death in the middle of the night, gaining the title of Blood Alter and of Kin-slayer. Her bloodlust didn't end there. With her new abilities she has since slaughtered upwards of a hundred people, even if they didn't challenge her for her position. She has a huge bounty on her head for anyone who can stop her rampage of obsession, but no one has succeeded to collect it. She soon grew bored with killing simple wizards and began to wonder if she were to kill another Alter, would she be able to possess two magics? It had never been attempted before, so she decided she may as well be the first, and silithia is high on her list of candidates. The eclipse is coming soon and Silithia would make an easy target when her magic is gone.

Anything Else?:

Demonhunter said:
Name: Jeezebelle Malik, The kin-slayer.

Gender: female

Sexual Orientation: unknown. she shows tendancies to go for both genders, but hasn't ever actually committed to anyone. highly unlikely she ever will.

Magic: Blood Alter Holder. Gained by killing her sister. Blood Alter is used by manipulating spilled blood from any opponent she's battling. She cannot control the blood inside people, it has to have been spilled. Therefore fights with Jeezebelle often become quite horrific because the more anyone bleeds, the more of an advantage she has. Unlike most other Alter Magic there is no period of time where her magic depletes, but rather she also has no particular boost in strength either.

Guild: Guildless. Guildmasters, if you value your lives and your friends lives keep her as far away from the guild halls as you can!

Personality: Just as her name implies, Jeezebelle is a horrific, cruel wizard. She has an obsession with death and feels the need to force death on others as agonizingly slow as she can. She is never content with what she has and always dreams of more power, therefore her goal is to kill all the other Alter holders so that she may possess all of their titles.


+Blood, Death and Destruction

- life, love and happiness


Bio: Jeezebelle started off an odd child, always stealing toys from other children, kicking people when they got in her way. She was just hateful from the beginning, luckily though, she was not the first born and would not inherit the Blood Alter. Her mother died of old age, relieved that the responsible, sane older sister would inherit her title and the Jeezebelle would not have it to reign terror upon the earth. But boy was she wrong. Upon seeing that her sister had something she didn't she was green with envy and had to have it. She waited on her sister to fall asleep, then stabbed her to death in the middle of the night, gaining the title of Blood Alter and of Kin-slayer. Her bloodlust didn't end there. With her new abilities she has since slaughtered upwards of a hundred people, even if they didn't challenge her for her position. She has a huge bounty on her head for anyone who can stop her rampage of obsession, but no one has succeeded to collect it. She soon grew bored with killing simple wizards and began to wonder if she were to kill another Alter, would she be able to possess two magics? It had never been attempted before, so she decided she may as well be the first, and silithia is high on her list of candidates. The eclipse is coming soon and Silithia would make an easy target when her magic is gone.

Anything Else?:

Accepted, if she is a minor villain, please try to keep her encounters minimum <3

Drake Silver

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/296049-blue_assassin_by_udonnodu_super.jpg.1831f72274db9efdc198df9253106349.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81578" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/296049-blue_assassin_by_udonnodu_super.jpg.1831f72274db9efdc198df9253106349.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:Drake Silver

Nickname/Title: The Blue Reaper, Hawk Tamer, Bluers

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5”10

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Sapphire blue

Race: Human

Character Strengths:

With his level headiness he often thinks before he does. Since he rarely panics he is almost always able to think logically. He could be falling to his death and have little magic power and no keys and he still wouldn't panic...externally.

With his calmness and chill manor it is often really hard to tell if he is lying, telling the truth or planning to backstab you. He is really easy to talk to even if he gives you death glares, something about him just makes others feel okay with chatting to him...though really he could care less.

He is a really good at keeping a secret and if he says he won't tell a soul he won't. Though it does matter how bad the secret is.

Character Flaws:

His sarcasm and rudeness can be a big problem. He doesn't respect people that he should and may end up starting fights among people who are not used to his jackass ways. He takes many things lightly and often judges books by their cover. If you look weak he would assume so, and because of this he can be caught off guard.

Since he is often calculating he is not the best at winging it. And he may be a bit slow to fight since he is almost always trying to be two steps ahead of his opponent.


Drake, is very close to being apathetic (not there just yet), caring little about anyone other than himself. He may somewhat bother to 'care' for another if he has known them for a long period of time, or if they are interesting in his opinion. Though the idea of romance or love is foreign to him.

His sarcasm is something he can't go a day without. He shows little respect for others unless they have earned it in his mind. Though to gain his respect you have to be able to take petty insults and not start utterly pointless fights because of a few insignificant words. You could be a gazillion times strong than him and he still wouldn't respect you or tone down the sarcasm.

Despite his emo and serious look, he is actually really laid back and loves to joke around. He can be rather lazy unless on a mission and doesn't care for the idea of waking before noon. He can be a hard worker, but unless motivated with a reward or personal interest he won't bother to move a muscle.

He insults pretty much everyone, whether it is subtle or blunt matters if he is in the mood to be coy. If you insult him he would just laugh and return it or brush it off. He is often leveled headed and even when he is close to facing death he rarely panics (he has had a lot of close calls so he got used to near death situations after a while)

He is not that stubborn and a few well placed words can make him your friend or your enemy. He is manipulative as well, using others as his scrap goats if things get bad (though not his guild mates). If he get's manipulated and finds out....well let's say he will have another soul working or him.

One last thing about him. Even though he doesn't care much for other peoples, he feels differently about spirits and animals. If you harm a spirit or an animal he will lose his cool, and he may or may not try to take your soul.... Piss him off enough and your soul is free game.


Chocolate, things that are blue, speed, his crow, his hawk, his magic, celestial spirits, himself and his guild


The farm, vanilla, cattle, the farm, his sister, overly happy people, people calling him weak, the farm, loud mouths, and once again….the farm


Practicing his stealth, trying to get fit, secretly practicing social skills, talking to his spirits and birds.


Drake had almost died during his child birth since his delivery was far earlier than anticipated. Honestly it was a miracle he survived past the important stages of his development. Even though he lived, he was still far weaker than many people his age and was often bed ridden. One major problem was the fact he has a very weak immune system which made any cold potentially fatal to him. Along with the weak immune system his body was just physically weaker. His family was very overprotective with him and he was never allowed to leave the farm unless someone was with him (even then he wasn't allowed to go far). And as you could imagine that got annoying very fast.

It didn’t take long for him to grow resentment to the farm and his family. To him they were being far too protective and were denying him his freedom of being a child. At first he wanted to help around the farm like his elder sister. But he was always babied and his help denied. Therefore he was forced to watch his ever so perfect sister do everything he couldn’t do making him jealous beyond belief. In secret he started to train his body. Which was very difficult for him to do by himself, but he knew his parents would rather have him rest than train.

When he turned ten he started his rebellious stage early. One night he snuck out and met another farm boy who was wondering the streets at that time. The two conversed and the other kid offered to show Drake a really cool place to go and hang out as long as he kept it a secret. Agreeing he followed the slightly older boy who happened to be a member of a small time magic/fight club. In awe by the club (which was mainly filled with skilled teenage fighters and few mages) he signed up to join with little hesitation.

Here he learned how to fight hand to hand and with the help of other members he started to get physically stronger. He rather liked the club finding it the only place that wouldn't patronize him despite his rather weak build. Instead of coddling him they would often spar against him and showed him ways to fight that would work best for him.

After joining them he left the farm every night to go watch a sparring session or to do one himself. His family remained ignorant of his nightly activities for a long while. Though his sister did find out, but with his pleas she agreed to look the other way. After hanging out with this club he found out about his magic during a sparing session and using this he rose in the ranks. He never told his family about his magic wanting to be noticed not because of his magical power, but because he was not a bed ridden weakling.

As the years went on his resentment to his biological family grew and grew. He would often secretly sabotage the farm in hopes that it would close down. However no matter how hard he tried the family figured a way to bounce back from the sabotage.

By the age of thirteen he finally had enough. Getting sick of being belittled he showed his family that he was stronger and it was all thanks to the fight club he had joined. His parents however were not happy in the least of this reveal. Instead of being proud of him liked he had hoped they put even more restrictions on him. Absolutely refusing to let him go back to the club, they didn't let him leave the property. It got so bad at one point that they went as far as to put bars in his windows and have the lock on the outside of his door.

This devastated Drake seeing the club as his only way to get stronger he utterly detested the way his parents were handling this. He knew that if he was forced to stay living on the farm locked away in his room for another day, he would die tucked in bed. So After a lot of internal debate with himself he figured out a way to escape being prisoner by his own family.

He waited till his parents and sister were away for a day on an business trip before hatching his plan. Using his magic to escape his room he immediately went to the club. When he arrived he told his situation to the others. After some discussion the members decided to burn the farm down. They didn’t even wait till night to attack, no, they attacked the farm in broad daylight and burned everything to the ground.

Ken didn’t stick around to see it burn all the way, honestly he wanted to back out at the last moment and of something else. However they had put too much planning into it so he was coaxed into going through with this. After they set the farm on fire authorities came in and started to arrest the ones involved with this inferno. Using them as escape goats Drake ran, leaving before he could be arrested.

He traveled all around, but he was completely unprepared for all of this on the spot journey. He was almost touched by death on more then a few occasions, but he often found ways to pull through. He dyed his natural golden hair to the blue it is now.

He survived on petty thievery, and his quick wit. Even though living on the edge was very thrilling and gave him a lot of interesting experiences. Drake wanted more… So he changed his travel plans (not that he had any to begin with). Instead of just wandering aimlessly he decided to join a mage guild.

He found one that he loved at first sight, it took a lot of convincing since he was seen as a frail boy who could do nothing without coming close to death. But after a lot of determination he joined the guild, Lamia scale at the age of fourteen. Here he learned that he also was capable of summoning spirits and he figured out what his magic was (since the small town he lived in had little info on magic). His time in the guild is something he treasures even though friendship is not the guilds strong point.

Guild: Lamia Scale

Character Rank: A class

Guild Mark: Dark blue, back of his neck

Guild Tenure: 4 years

Opinion Of Guild: Its better than the farm… A lot of excitement, and he like the atmosphere…. The other members are okay.

Magic Ability:

Human Possession

Human Possession

Celestial Magic


He is able to control the souls of humans and make them possess items like dolls or any inanimate object. He can sense the souls of living humans as well, with this he can see how powerful they are, and if they are human or not. If his eyes glow green and he looks into another set of eyes, he will take the soul from the person if they look long enough. With these souls he can attack close, medium, or long range.

He is a celestial mage, so he also has gate keys. Since these keys are silver he can open them rather frequently (but can yet open up two gates at a time).


If his dolls get destroyed then he can’t use his souls unless he places them in another inanimate object. Right now he has a total of six souls, he can get more the stronger he becomes. When it comes to sensing souls he can do it at a medium distance (distance increases during the story).

He can’t open two gates at once yet (that possibility may change in the future).

Current Keys

Gate of the Chisel (Caelum), Gate of the Lyre (lyra), Gate of Lesser Lion (Mini Leo) Gate of the Wolf (Lupus), Gate of the Shield (Scutum), Gate of the telescope (telescopium) Gate of the Dove (Columba) Thirteenth gate (Ophiuchus) 7 silver 1 rare

Gate of the telescope (Telescopium

This summons a telescope. It cannot be used for battle, but what it can do is see things from a far away like any telescope. However this one can also get the stats of people and things that the user sees through the lenses. Stats include, real name, age, magic, magic level, health (if the person has any sickness or disabilities), and small bits of personality (just three words giving general personality like, brave, stubborn etc). It can seep very far as well as near if asked to adjust accordingly, it will also tell how far the person/thing is from the users current location. It also is capable of seeing things in x ray, infer red, and night vision.

It is not a strong spirit and it talks in a rather high pitched annoying voice. It may refuse to cooperate so you could be spending half the time it has been summoned arguing. It can only be summoned twice a week, and if summoned more, will throw a terrible attitude making it impossible to work with.

Gate of the Lesser Lion (mini leo)

This summons a lion cub, that doesn’t have a human like form. This spirit is meant for combat and is rather strong mainly meant for offense. It can only do close combat and is vulnerable to long distant attacks. When it attacks its fur glows a soft gold giving it a bit of power. It can attack with simple bites or claw attacks. It's fur is actual gold, so if the light shines off it right it can blind a person momentarily.

It is a slightly strong spirit for silver keys, but it is very playful and gets distracted easily. It is also hyper and will run around for ages playing and such before it gets in a fight (matters how important the fight it). This spirit goes a bit above the knees and is very shiny.

Gate of the Wolf (Lupus)
This summons a wolf that is also meant for fighting. It is not as durable
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/brown_power___commission_by_shadedreams-d7ioes7.png.1c6eeb010ec987c0a74cbc4e7ad29af9.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/brown_power___commission_by_shadedreams-d7ioes7.png.1c6eeb010ec987c0a74cbc4e7ad29af9.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
as the Mini Leo, but it is a bit faster. His fur is hot to touch and fire attacks only power him up (he absorbs it with his fur). He can breathe fire, have his teeth and claws glow burning hot, and his marks glow making it so he is like a moving campfire (really you can cook hot dogs on stick whenever you want with this guy)

If it absorbs too much fire without releasing it, it would have to let it all out in an explosion and if that happens it can’t be summoned for some time. It is very weak to water attacks.

Like Mini Leo he is very playful. This spirit loves attention (and scratches behind the ear). It is loyal to his summoner…unless handed some really yummy bacon….. It's still loyal....but this guy loves bacon...

Gate of the Shield (sanctum)

This summons a block of steel. This spirit is only meant for defense and has few offensives capabilities. It is the most durable of his current spirts. This one can multiply and block a few attacks (though it’s not invincible and attacks that go through solid objects and metal manipulators are strong against it). It can make a wall of steel by multiplying and stacking on its self. Or create a cube trapping someone inside or protecting the caster.

This box has all the sass and will only listen if it feels like it (or if there is great peril)

Gate of the Dove (Columba)

This summons a majestic bird that when standing next to you can go to your hips in height. This spirit has no offensive capabilities and really besides going in front of an attack little defense. What this spirit can do is heal.

It's healing ability only works if it is making direct contact with a person. It's healing factor is great, it takes only a few seconds to heal a cut. If the wound is life threatening then it takes longer, to fully heal (matters how bad it is).

Since it is always radiating a healing aura no matter who touches this spirit will start haling whether the summoner intended for that person to heal or not.

This spirit is has a motherly personality and is very caring. It detest violence, but it refuses to let anything happen to it's summoner if it can help it.

Also due to it's height it can carry one person on it's back for a decent amount of time. But if the person is too heavy or it's more than one.. Well it's going to be tough and probably won't move much

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/94731.jpg.33a5b36183de039b19d6d3f944dca13a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81598" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/94731.jpg.33a5b36183de039b19d6d3f944dca13a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Equipment: .

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/189_8950.jpg.ae1dba8c539defcca9a8cee59f2fc64a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81583" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/189_8950.jpg.ae1dba8c539defcca9a8cee59f2fc64a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
He wears a rain coat almost all the time (even when he sleeps). In this coat he has many secret pockets which hold a lot of things. A knife attached to a chain, a lighter, his keys, a few throwing knives, extra Chakrams and some spare doll toys. He also has two colorful parrots (Fi & Ore) and a hawk (Penance), that are almost always with him and help him in a variety of ways. He is capable of understanding these three despite they the fact they do not speak in human language. He also has hidden blades in his gloves and boots. For his keyes he uses a key chain to hold them, however the key for Columbia is on a necklace that is around his neck

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/89a8546ffeac01e89d94329dfec4261f.jpg.ffd3d5ff2504621d87b8f0d79f60cf5f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81579" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/89a8546ffeac01e89d94329dfec4261f.jpg.ffd3d5ff2504621d87b8f0d79f60cf5f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/4b9f7c982ff0ae9a6f32303aa6de6505.jpg.bb870f3a2728a08f1d05e873ba404e41.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81580" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/4b9f7c982ff0ae9a6f32303aa6de6505.jpg.bb870f3a2728a08f1d05e873ba404e41.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/88452ff680854caa017ab25fc4a2e61a.jpg.7f11b630d6feb4ab1aae9a34114cb882.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81581" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/88452ff680854caa017ab25fc4a2e61a.jpg.7f11b630d6feb4ab1aae9a34114cb882.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Xena-Chakram.jpg.898061ae2aacb07e2ce6a35cfcac3dcf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81582" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Xena-Chakram.jpg.898061ae2aacb07e2ce6a35cfcac3dcf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> The Chakrams are very sharp and can be used even without the souls in them. When the souls are in them they are often floating around him, or in his pocket. During battle, these weapons spin at impressive speeds making them dangerous to touch. He can place two on each of his feet and use them to fly. When they glow green it gives extra power when they hit something (at max speed they could slice a stone, but averagely they are fast enough to cut down a tree). They can shot energy attacks from the center so they have to go to their side to do so.

Positive points

He’s light on his feet and is very good at parkour.

He has a quick eye and can react to things on the spot with his remarkable reflexes.

He can see pretty far compared to average.

He like his mother has a naturalness with animals and is often really good at taming them.

He specialize in stealth and attacking from out of nowhere using magic or his knives.

He also is really good at blending in despite his looks.

Negative points

He is physically weaker than most people, and relies heavily on his speed and magic.

In close combat he is at a slight disadvantage with his weak body and can get hurt easily if he is not careful.

He has hemophilia (his blood doesn't clot at all).

He is also allergic to the pills that makes blood clot, so once he is cut he bleeds till the wound is healed

He is also really jumpy and doesn’t trust easy which will sooner or later come to bite him.

He is also a clean freak and has OCD.

His OCD isn't too bad most of the time, but he if things aren't perfect he will be bothered by it till it's fixed.

He can get sick rather easily and it takes a while for him to get better. For him a common cold can be fatal if not treated properly.

Misc Items:

To show that he is not a weakling that is reliant on his family.

Aspirations: To become a S class and to be a high ranking wizard saint.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/birds-beautiful-colorful-bird-wallng_623422.jpg.cfd7cf5f3cf3c83f5f68a57f5b292935.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81597" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/birds-beautiful-colorful-bird-wallng_623422.jpg.cfd7cf5f3cf3c83f5f68a57f5b292935.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Peaceswore said:

Drake Silver

Name:Drake Silver

Nickname/Title: The Blue Reaper, Hawk Tamer, Bluers

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5”10

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Sapphire blue

Race: Human

Character Strengths:

With his level headiness he often thinks before he does. Since he rarely panics he is almost always able to think logically. He could be falling to his death and have little magic power and no keys and he still wouldn't panic...externally.

With his calmness and chill manor it is often really hard to tell if he is lying, telling the truth or planning to backstab you. He is really easy to talk to even if he gives you death glares, something about him just makes others feel okay with chatting to him...though really he could care less.

He is a really good at keeping a secret and if he says he won't tell a soul he won't. Though it does matter how bad the secret is.

Character Flaws:

His sarcasm and rudeness can be a big problem. He doesn't respect people that he should and may end up starting fights among people who are not used to his jackass ways. He takes many things lightly and often judges books by their cover. If you look weak he would assume so, and because of this he can be caught off guard.

Since he is often calculating he is not the best at winging it. And he may be a bit slow to fight since he is almost always trying to be two steps ahead of his opponent.


Drake, is very close to being apathetic (not there just yet), caring little about anyone other than himself. He may somewhat bother to 'care' for another if he has known them for a long period of time, or if they are interesting in his opinion. Though the idea of romance or love is foreign to him.

His sarcasm is something he can't go a day without. He shows little respect for others unless they have earned it in his mind. Though to gain his respect you have to be able to take petty insults and not start utterly pointless fights because of a few insignificant words. You could be a gazillion times strong than him and he still wouldn't respect you or tone down the sarcasm.

Despite his emo and serious look, he is actually really laid back and loves to joke around. He can be rather lazy unless on a mission and doesn't care for the idea of waking before noon. He can be a hard worker, but unless motivated with a reward or personal interest he won't bother to move a muscle.

He insults pretty much everyone, whether it is subtle or blunt matters if he is in the mood to be coy. If you insult him he would just laugh and return it or brush it off. He is often leveled headed and even when he is close to facing death he rarely panics (he has had a lot of close calls so he got used to near death situations after a while)

He is not that stubborn and a few well placed words can make him your friend or your enemy. He is manipulative as well, using others as his scrap goats if things get bad (though not his guild mates). If he get's manipulated and finds out....well let's say he will have another soul working or him.

One last thing about him. Even though he doesn't care much for other peoples, he feels differently about spirits and animals. If you harm a spirit or an animal he will lose his cool, and he may or may not try to take your soul.... Piss him off enough and your soul is free game.


Chocolate, things that are blue, speed, his crow, his hawk, his magic, celestial spirits, himself and his guild


The farm, vanilla, cattle, the farm, his sister, overly happy people, people calling him weak, the farm, loud mouths, and once again….the farm


Practicing his stealth, trying to get fit, secretly practicing social skills, talking to his spirits and birds.


Drake had almost died during his child birth since his delivery was far earlier than anticipated. Honestly it was a miracle he survived past the important stages of his development. Even though he lived, he was still far weaker than many people his age and was often bed ridden. One major problem was the fact he has a very weak immune system which made any cold potentially fatal to him. Along with the weak immune system his body was just physically weaker. His family was very overprotective with him and he was never allowed to leave the farm unless someone was with him (even then he wasn't allowed to go far). And as you could imagine that got annoying very fast.

It didn’t take long for him to grow resentment to the farm and his family. To him they were being far too protective and were denying him his freedom of being a child. At first he wanted to help around the farm like his elder sister. But he was always babied and his help denied. Therefore he was forced to watch his ever so perfect sister do everything he couldn’t do making him jealous beyond belief. In secret he started to train his body. Which was very difficult for him to do by himself, but he knew his parents would rather have him rest than train.

When he turned ten he started his rebellious stage early. One night he snuck out and met another farm boy who was wondering the streets at that time. The two conversed and the other kid offered to show Drake a really cool place to go and hang out as long as he kept it a secret. Agreeing he followed the slightly older boy who happened to be a member of a small time magic/fight club. In awe by the club (which was mainly filled with skilled teenage fighters and few mages) he signed up to join with little hesitation.

Here he learned how to fight hand to hand and with the help of other members he started to get physically stronger. He rather liked the club finding it the only place that wouldn't patronize him despite his rather weak build. Instead of coddling him they would often spar against him and showed him ways to fight that would work best for him.

After joining them he left the farm every night to go watch a sparring session or to do one himself. His family remained ignorant of his nightly activities for a long while. Though his sister did find out, but with his pleas she agreed to look the other way. After hanging out with this club he found out about his magic during a sparing session and using this he rose in the ranks. He never told his family about his magic wanting to be noticed not because of his magical power, but because he was not a bed ridden weakling.

As the years went on his resentment to his biological family grew and grew. He would often secretly sabotage the farm in hopes that it would close down. However no matter how hard he tried the family figured a way to bounce back from the sabotage.

By the age of thirteen he finally had enough. Getting sick of being belittled he showed his family that he was stronger and it was all thanks to the fight club he had joined. His parents however were not happy in the least of this reveal. Instead of being proud of him liked he had hoped they put even more restrictions on him. Absolutely refusing to let him go back to the club, they didn't let him leave the property. It got so bad at one point that they went as far as to put bars in his windows and have the lock on the outside of his door.

This devastated Drake seeing the club as his only way to get stronger he utterly detested the way his parents were handling this. He knew that if he was forced to stay living on the farm locked away in his room for another day, he would die tucked in bed. So After a lot of internal debate with himself he figured out a way to escape being prisoner by his own family.

He waited till his parents and sister were away for a day on an business trip before hatching his plan. Using his magic to escape his room he immediately went to the club. When he arrived he told his situation to the others. After some discussion the members decided to burn the farm down. They didn’t even wait till night to attack, no, they attacked the farm in broad daylight and burned everything to the ground.

Ken didn’t stick around to see it burn all the way, honestly he wanted to back out at the last moment and of something else. However they had put too much planning into it so he was coaxed into going through with this. After they set the farm on fire authorities came in and started to arrest the ones involved with this inferno. Using them as escape goats Drake ran, leaving before he could be arrested.

He traveled all around, but he was completely unprepared for all of this on the spot journey. He was almost touched by death on more then a few occasions, but he often found ways to pull through. He dyed his natural golden hair to the blue it is now.

He survived on petty thievery, and his quick wit. Even though living on the edge was very thrilling and gave him a lot of interesting experiences. Drake wanted more… So he changed his travel plans (not that he had any to begin with). Instead of just wandering aimlessly he decided to join a mage guild.

He found one that he loved at first sight, it took a lot of convincing since he was seen as a frail boy who could do nothing without coming close to death. But after a lot of determination he joined the guild, Lamia scale at the age of fourteen. Here he learned that he also was capable of summoning spirits and he figured out what his magic was (since the small town he lived in had little info on magic). His time in the guild is something he treasures even though friendship is not the guilds strong point.

Guild: Lamia Scale

Character Rank: A class

Guild Mark: Dark blue, back of his neck

Guild Tenure: 4 years

Opinion Of Guild: Its better than the farm… A lot of excitement, and he like the atmosphere…. The other members are okay.

Magic Ability:

Human Possession

Human Possession

Celestial Magic


He is able to control the souls of humans and make them possess items like dolls or any inanimate object. He can sense the souls of living humans as well, with this he can see how powerful they are, and if they are human or not. If his eyes glow green and he looks into another set of eyes, he will take the soul from the person if they look long enough. With these souls he can attack close, medium, or long range.

He is a celestial mage, so he also has gate keys, as of now he only has a few silver keys. Since these keys are silver he can open them rather frequently (but can yet open up two gates at a time).


If his dolls get destroyed then he can’t use his souls unless he places them in another inanimate object. Right now he has a total of six souls, he can get more the stronger he becomes. When it comes to sensing souls he can do it at a medium distance (distance increases during the story).

He can’t open two gates at once yet (that possibility may change in the future). Right now he only has a few silver keys and no rare keys.

Current Keys

Gate of the Chisel (Caelum), Gate of the southern Cross (Crux), Gate of the Lyre (lyra), Gate of the compass (Pyxis), gate of the clock (Horologium) Gate of the swan (Deneb) Gate of the Telescope (Telescopium), Gate of Lesser Lion (Mini Leo) Gate of the Wolf (Lupus), Gate of the Shield (Scutum), Gate of the Dove (Columba) Thirteenth gate (Ophiuchus) 11 silver 1 rare

Gate of the Telescope (Telescopium)

This summons a telescope. It cannot be used for battle, but what it can do is see things from a far away like any telescope. However this one can also get the stats of people and things that the user sees through the lenses. Stats include, real name, age, magic, magic level, health (if the person has any sickness or disabilities), and small bits of personality (just three words giving general personality like, brave, stubborn etc). It can seep very far as well as near if asked to adjust accordingly, it will also tell how far the person/thing is from the users current location. It also is capable of seeing things in x ray, infer red, and night vision.

It is not a strong spirit and it talks in a rather high pitched annoying voice. It may refuse to cooperate so you could be spending half the time it has been summoned arguing. It can only be summoned twice a week, and if summoned more, will throw a terrible attitude making it impossible to work with.
Gate of the Lesser Lion (mini leo)

This summons a lion cub, that doesn’t have a human like form. This spirit is meant for combat and is rather strong mainly meant for offense. It can only do close combat and is vulnerable to long distant attacks. When it attacks its fur glows a soft gold giving it a bit of power. It can attack with simple bites or claw attacks. It's fur is actual gold, so if the light shines off it right it can blind a person momentarily.

It is a slightly strong spirit for silver keys, but it is very playful and gets distracted easily. It is also hyper and will run around for ages playing and such before it gets in a fight (matters how important the fight it). This spirit goes a bit above the knees and is very shiny.

Gate of the Wolf (Lupus)
This summons a wolf that is also meant for fighting. It is not as durable as the Mini Leo, but it is a bit faster. His fur is hot to touch and fire attacks only power him up (he absorbs it with his fur). He can breathe fire, have his teeth and claws glow burning hot, and his marks glow making it so he is like a moving campfire (really you can cook hot dogs on stick whenever you want with this guy)

If it absorbs too much fire without releasing it, it would have to let it all out in an explosion and if that happens it can’t be summoned for some time. It is very weak to water attacks.

Like Mini Leo he is very playful. This spirit loves attention (and scratches behind the ear). It is loyal to his summoner…unless handed some really yummy bacon….. It's still loyal....but this guy loves bacon...

Gate of the Shield (sanctum)

This summons a block of steel. This spirit is only meant for defense and has few offensives capabilities. It is the most durable of his current spirts. This one can multiply and block a few attacks (though it’s not invincible and attacks that go through solid objects and metal manipulators are strong against it). It can make a wall of steel by multiplying and stacking on its self. Or create a cube trapping someone inside or protecting the caster.

This box has all the sass and will only listen if it feels like it (or if there is great peril)

Gate of the Dove (Columba)

This summons a majestic bird that when standing next to you can go to your hips in height. This spirit has no offensive capabilities and really besides going in front of an attack little defense. What this spirit can do is heal.

It's healing ability only works if it is making direct contact with a person. It's healing factor is great, it takes only a few seconds to heal a cut. If the wound is life threatening then it takes longer, to fully heal (matters how bad it is).

Since it is always radiating a healing aura no matter who touches this spirit will start haling whether the summoner intended for that person to heal or not.

This spirit is has a motherly personality and is very caring. It detest violence, but it refuses to let anything happen to it's summoner if it can help it.

Also due to it's height it can carry one person on it's back for a decent amount of time. But if the person is too heavy or it's more than one.. Well it's going to be tough and probably won't move much

View attachment 182389

Equipment: .

He wears a rain coat almost all the time (even when he sleeps). In this coat he has many secret pockets which hold a lot of things. A knife attached to a chain, a lighter, his keys, a few throwing knives, extra Chakrams and some spare doll toys. He also has two colorful parrots (Fi & Ore) and a hawk (Penance), that are almost always with him and help him in a variety of ways. He is capable of understanding these three despite they the fact they do not speak in human language. He also has hidden blades in his gloves and boots. For his keyes he uses a key chain to hold them, however the key for Columbia is on a necklace that is around his neck

View attachment 182371 The Chakrams are very sharp and can be used even without the souls in them. When the souls are in them they are often floating around him, or in his pocket. During battle, these weapons spin at impressive speeds making them dangerous to touch. He can place two on each of his feet and use them to fly. When they glow green it gives extra power when they hit something (at max speed they could slice a stone, but averagely they are fast enough to cut down a tree). They can shot energy attacks from the center so they have to go to their side to do so.

Positive points

He’s light on his feet and is very good at parkour.

He has a quick eye and can react to things on the spot with his remarkable reflexes.

He can see pretty far compared to average.

He like his mother has a naturalness with animals and is often really good at taming them.

He specialize in stealth and attacking from out of nowhere using magic or his knives.

He also is really good at blending in despite his looks.

Negative points

He is physically weaker than most people, and relies heavily on his speed and magic.

In close combat he is at a slight disadvantage with his weak body and can get hurt easily if he is not careful.

He has hemophilia (his blood doesn't clot at all).

He is also allergic to the pills that makes blood clot, so once he is cut he bleeds till the wound is healed

He is also really jumpy and doesn’t trust easy which will sooner or later come to bite him.

He is also a clean freak and has OCD.

His OCD isn't too bad most of the time, but he if things aren't perfect he will be bothered by it till it's fixed.

He can get sick rather easily and it takes a while for him to get better. For him a common cold can be fatal if not treated properly.

Misc Items:

To show that he is not a weakling that is reliant on his family.

Aspirations: To become a S class and to be a high ranking wizard saint.
Sorry Dude, but I can't allow Human possession magic, it seems far too OP, the spirit keys are fine, but Human Possession is kinda a no. If I could suggest a replacement it would be Doll Magic, can take control of anything that is non human. (Including celestial spirits)
I was thinking about that, but I swear for the life of me I will not take another RPers soul. Or use it to take another soul. Six is his Max (till he ranks up) so he can't handle any more anyway
Oh my gosh I feel like a total idiot, I forgot that Biscows magic was human Possesion, and I thought you would actually control the person legit. I am so sorry for my derp, it's late for me xD
Peaceswore said:

Drake Silver

Name:Drake Silver

Nickname/Title: The Blue Reaper, Hawk Tamer, Bluers

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5”10

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Sapphire blue

Race: Human

Character Strengths:

With his level headiness he often thinks before he does. Since he rarely panics he is almost always able to think logically. He could be falling to his death and have little magic power and no keys and he still wouldn't panic...externally.

With his calmness and chill manor it is often really hard to tell if he is lying, telling the truth or planning to backstab you. He is really easy to talk to even if he gives you death glares, something about him just makes others feel okay with chatting to him...though really he could care less.

He is a really good at keeping a secret and if he says he won't tell a soul he won't. Though it does matter how bad the secret is.

Character Flaws:

His sarcasm and rudeness can be a big problem. He doesn't respect people that he should and may end up starting fights among people who are not used to his jackass ways. He takes many things lightly and often judges books by their cover. If you look weak he would assume so, and because of this he can be caught off guard.

Since he is often calculating he is not the best at winging it. And he may be a bit slow to fight since he is almost always trying to be two steps ahead of his opponent.


Drake, is very close to being apathetic (not there just yet), caring little about anyone other than himself. He may somewhat bother to 'care' for another if he has known them for a long period of time, or if they are interesting in his opinion. Though the idea of romance or love is foreign to him.

His sarcasm is something he can't go a day without. He shows little respect for others unless they have earned it in his mind. Though to gain his respect you have to be able to take petty insults and not start utterly pointless fights because of a few insignificant words. You could be a gazillion times strong than him and he still wouldn't respect you or tone down the sarcasm.

Despite his emo and serious look, he is actually really laid back and loves to joke around. He can be rather lazy unless on a mission and doesn't care for the idea of waking before noon. He can be a hard worker, but unless motivated with a reward or personal interest he won't bother to move a muscle.

He insults pretty much everyone, whether it is subtle or blunt matters if he is in the mood to be coy. If you insult him he would just laugh and return it or brush it off. He is often leveled headed and even when he is close to facing death he rarely panics (he has had a lot of close calls so he got used to near death situations after a while)

He is not that stubborn and a few well placed words can make him your friend or your enemy. He is manipulative as well, using others as his scrap goats if things get bad (though not his guild mates). If he get's manipulated and finds out....well let's say he will have another soul working or him.

One last thing about him. Even though he doesn't care much for other peoples, he feels differently about spirits and animals. If you harm a spirit or an animal he will lose his cool, and he may or may not try to take your soul.... Piss him off enough and your soul is free game.


Chocolate, things that are blue, speed, his crow, his hawk, his magic, celestial spirits, himself and his guild


The farm, vanilla, cattle, the farm, his sister, overly happy people, people calling him weak, the farm, loud mouths, and once again….the farm


Practicing his stealth, trying to get fit, secretly practicing social skills, talking to his spirits and birds.


Drake had almost died during his child birth since his delivery was far earlier than anticipated. Honestly it was a miracle he survived past the important stages of his development. Even though he lived, he was still far weaker than many people his age and was often bed ridden. One major problem was the fact he has a very weak immune system which made any cold potentially fatal to him. Along with the weak immune system his body was just physically weaker. His family was very overprotective with him and he was never allowed to leave the farm unless someone was with him (even then he wasn't allowed to go far). And as you could imagine that got annoying very fast.

It didn’t take long for him to grow resentment to the farm and his family. To him they were being far too protective and were denying him his freedom of being a child. At first he wanted to help around the farm like his elder sister. But he was always babied and his help denied. Therefore he was forced to watch his ever so perfect sister do everything he couldn’t do making him jealous beyond belief. In secret he started to train his body. Which was very difficult for him to do by himself, but he knew his parents would rather have him rest than train.

When he turned ten he started his rebellious stage early. One night he snuck out and met another farm boy who was wondering the streets at that time. The two conversed and the other kid offered to show Drake a really cool place to go and hang out as long as he kept it a secret. Agreeing he followed the slightly older boy who happened to be a member of a small time magic/fight club. In awe by the club (which was mainly filled with skilled teenage fighters and few mages) he signed up to join with little hesitation.

Here he learned how to fight hand to hand and with the help of other members he started to get physically stronger. He rather liked the club finding it the only place that wouldn't patronize him despite his rather weak build. Instead of coddling him they would often spar against him and showed him ways to fight that would work best for him.

After joining them he left the farm every night to go watch a sparring session or to do one himself. His family remained ignorant of his nightly activities for a long while. Though his sister did find out, but with his pleas she agreed to look the other way. After hanging out with this club he found out about his magic during a sparing session and using this he rose in the ranks. He never told his family about his magic wanting to be noticed not because of his magical power, but because he was not a bed ridden weakling.

As the years went on his resentment to his biological family grew and grew. He would often secretly sabotage the farm in hopes that it would close down. However no matter how hard he tried the family figured a way to bounce back from the sabotage.

By the age of thirteen he finally had enough. Getting sick of being belittled he showed his family that he was stronger and it was all thanks to the fight club he had joined. His parents however were not happy in the least of this reveal. Instead of being proud of him liked he had hoped they put even more restrictions on him. Absolutely refusing to let him go back to the club, they didn't let him leave the property. It got so bad at one point that they went as far as to put bars in his windows and have the lock on the outside of his door.

This devastated Drake seeing the club as his only way to get stronger he utterly detested the way his parents were handling this. He knew that if he was forced to stay living on the farm locked away in his room for another day, he would die tucked in bed. So After a lot of internal debate with himself he figured out a way to escape being prisoner by his own family.

He waited till his parents and sister were away for a day on an business trip before hatching his plan. Using his magic to escape his room he immediately went to the club. When he arrived he told his situation to the others. After some discussion the members decided to burn the farm down. They didn’t even wait till night to attack, no, they attacked the farm in broad daylight and burned everything to the ground.

Ken didn’t stick around to see it burn all the way, honestly he wanted to back out at the last moment and of something else. However they had put too much planning into it so he was coaxed into going through with this. After they set the farm on fire authorities came in and started to arrest the ones involved with this inferno. Using them as escape goats Drake ran, leaving before he could be arrested.

He traveled all around, but he was completely unprepared for all of this on the spot journey. He was almost touched by death on more then a few occasions, but he often found ways to pull through. He dyed his natural golden hair to the blue it is now.

He survived on petty thievery, and his quick wit. Even though living on the edge was very thrilling and gave him a lot of interesting experiences. Drake wanted more… So he changed his travel plans (not that he had any to begin with). Instead of just wandering aimlessly he decided to join a mage guild.

He found one that he loved at first sight, it took a lot of convincing since he was seen as a frail boy who could do nothing without coming close to death. But after a lot of determination he joined the guild, Lamia scale at the age of fourteen. Here he learned that he also was capable of summoning spirits and he figured out what his magic was (since the small town he lived in had little info on magic). His time in the guild is something he treasures even though friendship is not the guilds strong point.

Guild: Lamia Scale

Character Rank: A class

Guild Mark: Dark blue, back of his neck

Guild Tenure: 4 years

Opinion Of Guild: Its better than the farm… A lot of excitement, and he like the atmosphere…. The other members are okay.

Magic Ability:

Human Possession

Human Possession

Celestial Magic


He is able to control the souls of humans and make them possess items like dolls or any inanimate object. He can sense the souls of living humans as well, with this he can see how powerful they are, and if they are human or not. If his eyes glow green and he looks into another set of eyes, he will take the soul from the person if they look long enough. With these souls he can attack close, medium, or long range.

He is a celestial mage, so he also has gate keys. Since these keys are silver he can open them rather frequently (but can yet open up two gates at a time).


If his dolls get destroyed then he can’t use his souls unless he places them in another inanimate object. Right now he has a total of six souls, he can get more the stronger he becomes. When it comes to sensing souls he can do it at a medium distance (distance increases during the story).

He can’t open two gates at once yet (that possibility may change in the future).

Current Keys

Gate of the Chisel (Caelum), Gate of the southern Cross (Crux), Gate of the Lyre (lyra), Gate of the compass (Pyxis), gate of the clock (Horologium) Gate of the swan (Deneb) Gate of the Telescope (Telescopium), Gate of Lesser Lion (Mini Leo) Gate of the Wolf (Lupus), Gate of the Shield (Scutum), Gate of the Dove (Columba) Thirteenth gate (Ophiuchus) 11 silver 1 rare

Gate of the Telescope (Telescopium)

This summons a telescope. It cannot be used for battle, but what it can do is see things from a far away like any telescope. However this one can also get the stats of people and things that the user sees through the lenses. Stats include, real name, age, magic, magic level, health (if the person has any sickness or disabilities), and small bits of personality (just three words giving general personality like, brave, stubborn etc). It can seep very far as well as near if asked to adjust accordingly, it will also tell how far the person/thing is from the users current location. It also is capable of seeing things in x ray, infer red, and night vision.

It is not a strong spirit and it talks in a rather high pitched annoying voice. It may refuse to cooperate so you could be spending half the time it has been summoned arguing. It can only be summoned twice a week, and if summoned more, will throw a terrible attitude making it impossible to work with.
Gate of the Lesser Lion (mini leo)

This summons a lion cub, that doesn’t have a human like form. This spirit is meant for combat and is rather strong mainly meant for offense. It can only do close combat and is vulnerable to long distant attacks. When it attacks its fur glows a soft gold giving it a bit of power. It can attack with simple bites or claw attacks. It's fur is actual gold, so if the light shines off it right it can blind a person momentarily.

It is a slightly strong spirit for silver keys, but it is very playful and gets distracted easily. It is also hyper and will run around for ages playing and such before it gets in a fight (matters how important the fight it). This spirit goes a bit above the knees and is very shiny.

Gate of the Wolf (Lupus)
This summons a wolf that is also meant for fighting. It is not as durable as the Mini Leo, but it is a bit faster. His fur is hot to touch and fire attacks only power him up (he absorbs it with his fur). He can breathe fire, have his teeth and claws glow burning hot, and his marks glow making it so he is like a moving campfire (really you can cook hot dogs on stick whenever you want with this guy)

If it absorbs too much fire without releasing it, it would have to let it all out in an explosion and if that happens it can’t be summoned for some time. It is very weak to water attacks.

Like Mini Leo he is very playful. This spirit loves attention (and scratches behind the ear). It is loyal to his summoner…unless handed some really yummy bacon….. It's still loyal....but this guy loves bacon...

Gate of the Shield (sanctum)

This summons a block of steel. This spirit is only meant for defense and has few offensives capabilities. It is the most durable of his current spirts. This one can multiply and block a few attacks (though it’s not invincible and attacks that go through solid objects and metal manipulators are strong against it). It can make a wall of steel by multiplying and stacking on its self. Or create a cube trapping someone inside or protecting the caster.

This box has all the sass and will only listen if it feels like it (or if there is great peril)

Gate of the Dove (Columba)

This summons a majestic bird that when standing next to you can go to your hips in height. This spirit has no offensive capabilities and really besides going in front of an attack little defense. What this spirit can do is heal.

It's healing ability only works if it is making direct contact with a person. It's healing factor is great, it takes only a few seconds to heal a cut. If the wound is life threatening then it takes longer, to fully heal (matters how bad it is).

Since it is always radiating a healing aura no matter who touches this spirit will start haling whether the summoner intended for that person to heal or not.

This spirit is has a motherly personality and is very caring. It detest violence, but it refuses to let anything happen to it's summoner if it can help it.

Also due to it's height it can carry one person on it's back for a decent amount of time. But if the person is too heavy or it's more than one.. Well it's going to be tough and probably won't move much

View attachment 182389

Equipment: .

He wears a rain coat almost all the time (even when he sleeps). In this coat he has many secret pockets which hold a lot of things. A knife attached to a chain, a lighter, his keys, a few throwing knives, extra Chakrams and some spare doll toys. He also has two colorful parrots (Fi & Ore) and a hawk (Penance), that are almost always with him and help him in a variety of ways. He is capable of understanding these three despite they the fact they do not speak in human language. He also has hidden blades in his gloves and boots. For his keyes he uses a key chain to hold them, however the key for Columbia is on a necklace that is around his neck

View attachment 182371 The Chakrams are very sharp and can be used even without the souls in them. When the souls are in them they are often floating around him, or in his pocket. During battle, these weapons spin at impressive speeds making them dangerous to touch. He can place two on each of his feet and use them to fly. When they glow green it gives extra power when they hit something (at max speed they could slice a stone, but averagely they are fast enough to cut down a tree). They can shot energy attacks from the center so they have to go to their side to do so.

Positive points

He’s light on his feet and is very good at parkour.

He has a quick eye and can react to things on the spot with his remarkable reflexes.

He can see pretty far compared to average.

He like his mother has a naturalness with animals and is often really good at taming them.

He specialize in stealth and attacking from out of nowhere using magic or his knives.

He also is really good at blending in despite his looks.

Negative points

He is physically weaker than most people, and relies heavily on his speed and magic.

In close combat he is at a slight disadvantage with his weak body and can get hurt easily if he is not careful.

He has hemophilia (his blood doesn't clot at all).

He is also allergic to the pills that makes blood clot, so once he is cut he bleeds till the wound is healed

He is also really jumpy and doesn’t trust easy which will sooner or later come to bite him.

He is also a clean freak and has OCD.

His OCD isn't too bad most of the time, but he if things aren't perfect he will be bothered by it till it's fixed.

He can get sick rather easily and it takes a while for him to get better. For him a common cold can be fatal if not treated properly.

Misc Items:

To show that he is not a weakling that is reliant on his family.

Aspirations: To become a S class and to be a high ranking wizard saint.
Could you possible pick either human possesion or Celestial, because both are really strong magics >.< other than that accepted into Lamia scale
Could I pm you and talk about his powers? We can discuss it here of course. It's just without both his powers.... He's a weakling...and not the good kind
Name: Hikari / Shadow

Age: both ages are unknown

Race: Unknown

Gender: both are female

Sexual Orientation: both straight


Hikari: Sun magic, light magic, also dark magic if her evil side is out

Shadow: Moon magic, dark magic, which will be a lot stronger once her evil side is out.

Guild: both not in a guild


Hikari: Kind, cheerful, talkative, loves making friends

Shadow: Quiet, mostly keeps to herself, prefers to avoid new people

Both: They both have an evil side, which is only awakened when one of them is nearly dead


Hikari: +Sunlight, daytime, hanging around friends -Being alone, complete darkness

Shadow: +Moonlight, nighttime, being alone or only with her sister -Bright light, hanging around too many people


Shadow(left), Hikari (right)



Hikari and Shadow are twin sisters, who grew up on different place, Hikari was with her father who was the leader of a village on the sun while Shadow was with her mother who was the queen of a huge moon kingdom, however as both the people from the different places started having war with each other the two sisters fled, years after arriving on the Earth they heard both the sun village and moon kingdom were completely wiped out, so they decided to stick together, never leaving each others side, they don't have a home and wander around, mostly camping out in the forest. Finding an old history book the war they had fled from was in it, it also said that both the princesses were never found and therefor most likely alive, so they decided not to join a guild, in fear someone might know who they are.

Anything Else?:

They were cloaks to hide themselves from the people.

Shadow is very musical, being able to play several instruments, she uses a violin most of the time, can choose to channel her magic through it, but chooses not to.

Hikari is only good with the flute and uses that, she can choose to channel her magic through it, though she can use her magic without that as well.
[QUOTE="Flame Demon]Name: Hikari / Shadow
Age: both ages are unknown

Race: Unknown

Gender: both are female

Sexual Orientation: both straight


Hikari: Sun magic, light magic, also dark magic if her evil side is out

Shadow: Moon magic, dark magic, which will be a lot stronger once her evil side is out.

Guild: both not in a guild


Hikari: Kind, cheerful, talkative, loves making friends

Shadow: Quiet, mostly keeps to herself, prefers to avoid new people

Both: They both have an evil side, which is only awakened when one of them is nearly dead


Hikari: +Sunlight, daytime, hanging around friends -Being alone, complete darkness

Shadow: +Moonlight, nighttime, being alone or only with her sister -Bright light, hanging around too many people


Shadow(left), Hikari (right)



Hikari and Shadow are twin sisters, who grew up on different place, Hikari was with her father who was the leader of a village on the sun while Shadow was with her mother who was the queen of a huge moon kingdom, however as both the people from the different places started having war with each other the two sisters fled, years after arriving on the Earth they heard both the sun village and moon kingdom were completely wiped out, so they decided to stick together, never leaving each others side, they don't have a home and wander around, mostly camping out in the forest. Finding an old history book the war they had fled from was in it, it also said that both the princesses were never found and therefor most likely alive, so they decided not to join a guild, in fear someone might know who they are.

Anything Else?:

They were cloaks to hide themselves from the people.

Shadow is very musical, being able to play several instruments, she uses a violin most of the time, can choose to channel her magic through it, but chooses not to.

Hikari is only good with the flute and uses that, she can choose to channel her magic through it, though she can use her magic without that as well.

Accepted as Guildless
Peaceswore said:

Drake Silver

Name:Drake Silver

Nickname/Title: The Blue Reaper, Hawk Tamer, Bluers

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5”10

Hair Color: Blue

Eye Color: Sapphire blue

Race: Human

Character Strengths:

With his level headiness he often thinks before he does. Since he rarely panics he is almost always able to think logically. He could be falling to his death and have little magic power and no keys and he still wouldn't panic...externally.

With his calmness and chill manor it is often really hard to tell if he is lying, telling the truth or planning to backstab you. He is really easy to talk to even if he gives you death glares, something about him just makes others feel okay with chatting to him...though really he could care less.

He is a really good at keeping a secret and if he says he won't tell a soul he won't. Though it does matter how bad the secret is.

Character Flaws:

His sarcasm and rudeness can be a big problem. He doesn't respect people that he should and may end up starting fights among people who are not used to his jackass ways. He takes many things lightly and often judges books by their cover. If you look weak he would assume so, and because of this he can be caught off guard.

Since he is often calculating he is not the best at winging it. And he may be a bit slow to fight since he is almost always trying to be two steps ahead of his opponent.


Drake, is very close to being apathetic (not there just yet), caring little about anyone other than himself. He may somewhat bother to 'care' for another if he has known them for a long period of time, or if they are interesting in his opinion. Though the idea of romance or love is foreign to him.

His sarcasm is something he can't go a day without. He shows little respect for others unless they have earned it in his mind. Though to gain his respect you have to be able to take petty insults and not start utterly pointless fights because of a few insignificant words. You could be a gazillion times strong than him and he still wouldn't respect you or tone down the sarcasm.

Despite his emo and serious look, he is actually really laid back and loves to joke around. He can be rather lazy unless on a mission and doesn't care for the idea of waking before noon. He can be a hard worker, but unless motivated with a reward or personal interest he won't bother to move a muscle.

He insults pretty much everyone, whether it is subtle or blunt matters if he is in the mood to be coy. If you insult him he would just laugh and return it or brush it off. He is often leveled headed and even when he is close to facing death he rarely panics (he has had a lot of close calls so he got used to near death situations after a while)

He is not that stubborn and a few well placed words can make him your friend or your enemy. He is manipulative as well, using others as his scrap goats if things get bad (though not his guild mates). If he get's manipulated and finds out....well let's say he will have another soul working or him.

One last thing about him. Even though he doesn't care much for other peoples, he feels differently about spirits and animals. If you harm a spirit or an animal he will lose his cool, and he may or may not try to take your soul.... Piss him off enough and your soul is free game.


Chocolate, things that are blue, speed, his crow, his hawk, his magic, celestial spirits, himself and his guild


The farm, vanilla, cattle, the farm, his sister, overly happy people, people calling him weak, the farm, loud mouths, and once again….the farm


Practicing his stealth, trying to get fit, secretly practicing social skills, talking to his spirits and birds.


Drake had almost died during his child birth since his delivery was far earlier than anticipated. Honestly it was a miracle he survived past the important stages of his development. Even though he lived, he was still far weaker than many people his age and was often bed ridden. One major problem was the fact he has a very weak immune system which made any cold potentially fatal to him. Along with the weak immune system his body was just physically weaker. His family was very overprotective with him and he was never allowed to leave the farm unless someone was with him (even then he wasn't allowed to go far). And as you could imagine that got annoying very fast.

It didn’t take long for him to grow resentment to the farm and his family. To him they were being far too protective and were denying him his freedom of being a child. At first he wanted to help around the farm like his elder sister. But he was always babied and his help denied. Therefore he was forced to watch his ever so perfect sister do everything he couldn’t do making him jealous beyond belief. In secret he started to train his body. Which was very difficult for him to do by himself, but he knew his parents would rather have him rest than train.

When he turned ten he started his rebellious stage early. One night he snuck out and met another farm boy who was wondering the streets at that time. The two conversed and the other kid offered to show Drake a really cool place to go and hang out as long as he kept it a secret. Agreeing he followed the slightly older boy who happened to be a member of a small time magic/fight club. In awe by the club (which was mainly filled with skilled teenage fighters and few mages) he signed up to join with little hesitation.

Here he learned how to fight hand to hand and with the help of other members he started to get physically stronger. He rather liked the club finding it the only place that wouldn't patronize him despite his rather weak build. Instead of coddling him they would often spar against him and showed him ways to fight that would work best for him.

After joining them he left the farm every night to go watch a sparring session or to do one himself. His family remained ignorant of his nightly activities for a long while. Though his sister did find out, but with his pleas she agreed to look the other way. After hanging out with this club he found out about his magic during a sparing session and using this he rose in the ranks. He never told his family about his magic wanting to be noticed not because of his magical power, but because he was not a bed ridden weakling.

As the years went on his resentment to his biological family grew and grew. He would often secretly sabotage the farm in hopes that it would close down. However no matter how hard he tried the family figured a way to bounce back from the sabotage.

By the age of thirteen he finally had enough. Getting sick of being belittled he showed his family that he was stronger and it was all thanks to the fight club he had joined. His parents however were not happy in the least of this reveal. Instead of being proud of him liked he had hoped they put even more restrictions on him. Absolutely refusing to let him go back to the club, they didn't let him leave the property. It got so bad at one point that they went as far as to put bars in his windows and have the lock on the outside of his door.

This devastated Drake seeing the club as his only way to get stronger he utterly detested the way his parents were handling this. He knew that if he was forced to stay living on the farm locked away in his room for another day, he would die tucked in bed. So After a lot of internal debate with himself he figured out a way to escape being prisoner by his own family.

He waited till his parents and sister were away for a day on an business trip before hatching his plan. Using his magic to escape his room he immediately went to the club. When he arrived he told his situation to the others. After some discussion the members decided to burn the farm down. They didn’t even wait till night to attack, no, they attacked the farm in broad daylight and burned everything to the ground.

Ken didn’t stick around to see it burn all the way, honestly he wanted to back out at the last moment and of something else. However they had put too much planning into it so he was coaxed into going through with this. After they set the farm on fire authorities came in and started to arrest the ones involved with this inferno. Using them as escape goats Drake ran, leaving before he could be arrested.

He traveled all around, but he was completely unprepared for all of this on the spot journey. He was almost touched by death on more then a few occasions, but he often found ways to pull through. He dyed his natural golden hair to the blue it is now.

He survived on petty thievery, and his quick wit. Even though living on the edge was very thrilling and gave him a lot of interesting experiences. Drake wanted more… So he changed his travel plans (not that he had any to begin with). Instead of just wandering aimlessly he decided to join a mage guild.

He found one that he loved at first sight, it took a lot of convincing since he was seen as a frail boy who could do nothing without coming close to death. But after a lot of determination he joined the guild, Lamia scale at the age of fourteen. Here he learned that he also was capable of summoning spirits and he figured out what his magic was (since the small town he lived in had little info on magic). His time in the guild is something he treasures even though friendship is not the guilds strong point.

Guild: Lamia Scale

Character Rank: A class

Guild Mark: Dark blue, back of his neck

Guild Tenure: 4 years

Opinion Of Guild: Its better than the farm… A lot of excitement, and he like the atmosphere…. The other members are okay.

Magic Ability:

Human Possession

Human Possession

Celestial Magic


He is able to control the souls of humans and make them possess items like dolls or any inanimate object. He can sense the souls of living humans as well, with this he can see how powerful they are, and if they are human or not. If his eyes glow green and he looks into another set of eyes, he will take the soul from the person if they look long enough. With these souls he can attack close, medium, or long range.

He is a celestial mage, so he also has gate keys. Since these keys are silver he can open them rather frequently (but can yet open up two gates at a time).


If his dolls get destroyed then he can’t use his souls unless he places them in another inanimate object. Right now he has a total of six souls, he can get more the stronger he becomes. When it comes to sensing souls he can do it at a medium distance (distance increases during the story).

He can’t open two gates at once yet (that possibility may change in the future).

Current Keys

Gate of the Chisel (Caelum), Gate of the Lyre (lyra), Gate of Lesser Lion (Mini Leo) Gate of the Wolf (Lupus), Gate of the Shield (Scutum), Gate of the telescope (telescopium) Gate of the Dove (Columba) Thirteenth gate (Ophiuchus) 7 silver 1 rare

Gate of the telescope (Telescopium

This summons a telescope. It cannot be used for battle, but what it can do is see things from a far away like any telescope. However this one can also get the stats of people and things that the user sees through the lenses. Stats include, real name, age, magic, magic level, health (if the person has any sickness or disabilities), and small bits of personality (just three words giving general personality like, brave, stubborn etc). It can seep very far as well as near if asked to adjust accordingly, it will also tell how far the person/thing is from the users current location. It also is capable of seeing things in x ray, infer red, and night vision.

It is not a strong spirit and it talks in a rather high pitched annoying voice. It may refuse to cooperate so you could be spending half the time it has been summoned arguing. It can only be summoned twice a week, and if summoned more, will throw a terrible attitude making it impossible to work with.

Gate of the Lesser Lion (mini leo)

This summons a lion cub, that doesn’t have a human like form. This spirit is meant for combat and is rather strong mainly meant for offense. It can only do close combat and is vulnerable to long distant attacks. When it attacks its fur glows a soft gold giving it a bit of power. It can attack with simple bites or claw attacks. It's fur is actual gold, so if the light shines off it right it can blind a person momentarily.

It is a slightly strong spirit for silver keys, but it is very playful and gets distracted easily. It is also hyper and will run around for ages playing and such before it gets in a fight (matters how important the fight it). This spirit goes a bit above the knees and is very shiny.

Gate of the Wolf (Lupus)
This summons a wolf that is also meant for fighting. It is not as durable as the Mini Leo, but it is a bit faster. His fur is hot to touch and fire attacks only power him up (he absorbs it with his fur). He can breathe fire, have his teeth and claws glow burning hot, and his marks glow making it so he is like a moving campfire (really you can cook hot dogs on stick whenever you want with this guy)

If it absorbs too much fire without releasing it, it would have to let it all out in an explosion and if that happens it can’t be summoned for some time. It is very weak to water attacks.

Like Mini Leo he is very playful. This spirit loves attention (and scratches behind the ear). It is loyal to his summoner…unless handed some really yummy bacon….. It's still loyal....but this guy loves bacon...

Gate of the Shield (sanctum)

This summons a block of steel. This spirit is only meant for defense and has few offensives capabilities. It is the most durable of his current spirts. This one can multiply and block a few attacks (though it’s not invincible and attacks that go through solid objects and metal manipulators are strong against it). It can make a wall of steel by multiplying and stacking on its self. Or create a cube trapping someone inside or protecting the caster.

This box has all the sass and will only listen if it feels like it (or if there is great peril)

Gate of the Dove (Columba)

This summons a majestic bird that when standing next to you can go to your hips in height. This spirit has no offensive capabilities and really besides going in front of an attack little defense. What this spirit can do is heal.

It's healing ability only works if it is making direct contact with a person. It's healing factor is great, it takes only a few seconds to heal a cut. If the wound is life threatening then it takes longer, to fully heal (matters how bad it is).

Since it is always radiating a healing aura no matter who touches this spirit will start haling whether the summoner intended for that person to heal or not.

This spirit is has a motherly personality and is very caring. It detest violence, but it refuses to let anything happen to it's summoner if it can help it.

Also due to it's height it can carry one person on it's back for a decent amount of time. But if the person is too heavy or it's more than one.. Well it's going to be tough and probably won't move much

View attachment 182389

Equipment: .

He wears a rain coat almost all the time (even when he sleeps). In this coat he has many secret pockets which hold a lot of things. A knife attached to a chain, a lighter, his keys, a few throwing knives, extra Chakrams and some spare doll toys. He also has two colorful parrots (Fi & Ore) and a hawk (Penance), that are almost always with him and help him in a variety of ways. He is capable of understanding these three despite they the fact they do not speak in human language. He also has hidden blades in his gloves and boots. For his keyes he uses a key chain to hold them, however the key for Columbia is on a necklace that is around his neck

View attachment 182371 The Chakrams are very sharp and can be used even without the souls in them. When the souls are in them they are often floating around him, or in his pocket. During battle, these weapons spin at impressive speeds making them dangerous to touch. He can place two on each of his feet and use them to fly. When they glow green it gives extra power when they hit something (at max speed they could slice a stone, but averagely they are fast enough to cut down a tree). They can shot energy attacks from the center so they have to go to their side to do so.

Positive points

He’s light on his feet and is very good at parkour.

He has a quick eye and can react to things on the spot with his remarkable reflexes.

He can see pretty far compared to average.

He like his mother has a naturalness with animals and is often really good at taming them.

He specialize in stealth and attacking from out of nowhere using magic or his knives.

He also is really good at blending in despite his looks.

Negative points

He is physically weaker than most people, and relies heavily on his speed and magic.

In close combat he is at a slight disadvantage with his weak body and can get hurt easily if he is not careful.

He has hemophilia (his blood doesn't clot at all).

He is also allergic to the pills that makes blood clot, so once he is cut he bleeds till the wound is healed

He is also really jumpy and doesn’t trust easy which will sooner or later come to bite him.

He is also a clean freak and has OCD.

His OCD isn't too bad most of the time, but he if things aren't perfect he will be bothered by it till it's fixed.

He can get sick rather easily and it takes a while for him to get better. For him a common cold can be fatal if not treated properly.

Misc Items:

To show that he is not a weakling that is reliant on his family.

Aspirations: To become a S class and to be a high ranking wizard saint.
accepted into Lamia Scale
Name: Qritz Diasphere

Age: 12/19

Gender Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Magic (If its Canon, Possible Wiki page link?) (Custom Magic is Allowed w/ Limits): Crystal Dragon Slayer

Guild (Please list 2 in case one you want is full ^.^): Guildless for now.

Personality: Qritz is a happy and childish Dragon Slayer that likes being with people and helping others. However, her older form is cold, uncaring and merciless. Staring into her older self's eyes will feel like staring into a cold and dark abyss.

Likes/Dislikes: Gems, sweets, sweets that look like gems. She dislikes bullies, bandits, thieves and being left alone.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-1_17-33-0.jpeg.4b431e1cfed5b1c454206a4d8a196b0c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="83135" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_11/upload_2015-11-1_17-33-0.jpeg.4b431e1cfed5b1c454206a4d8a196b0c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio: Qritz was found when she was young by the Crystal Dragon Prifma. She took her in and taught her Dragon Slayer Magic. She learned very quickly and was able to adjust to her new life rapidly. However, one morning, she awoke to an empty darkness as she discovered that Prifma had disappeared.

Anything Else?: She has a magical pet squid that can become gigantic called Mr. Cuddles.



  • upload_2015-11-1_17-33-0.jpeg
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Metaphysics said:
Name: Qritz Diasphere
Age: 12/19

Gender Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Magic (If its Canon, Possible Wiki page link?) (Custom Magic is Allowed w/ Limits): Crystal Dragon Slayer

Guild (Please list 2 in case one you want is full ^.^): Guildless for now.

Personality: Qritz is a happy and childish Dragon Slayer that likes being with people and helping others. However, her older form is cold, uncaring and merciless. Staring into her older self's eyes will feel like staring into a cold and dark abyss.

Likes/Dislikes: Gems, sweets, sweets that look like gems. She dislikes bullies, bandits, thieves and being left alone.



View attachment 187441

Bio: Qritz was found when she was young by the Crystal Dragon Prifma. She took her in and taught her Dragon Slayer Magic. She learned very quickly and was able to adjust to her new life rapidly. However, one morning, she awoke to an empty darkness as she discovered that Prifma had disappeared.

Anything Else?: She has a magical pet squid that can become gigantic called Mr. Cuddles.
Can I have a little clarification on how she can change her age?
Name: Von LeBlanc

Age: 16 years

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Magic: Heavenly Body Magic Heavenly Body Magic

Guild Fairy Tail; Sabertooth

Personality: He is what you would call Neutral Good. He is morally upright but does not necessarily follow all laws of Magic Council, because for him, freedom abnd independence is the greatest treasure we can find.

Likes/Dislikes: ASTRONOMY

Appearance: Hair as black as black hole, giving an emphasis to his ivory, flawless skin. He has brown eyes, but turns gold when activating his powers

Bio: A normal wizard, doing rogue quests even though he has no guild. Hopefully, his application on Fairy Tail will be accepted, if not, at least in sabertooth.
Christopher Colt]Name: Von LeBlanc Age: 16 years Gender: Male Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Magic: Heavenly Body Magic [URL="http://fairytail.wikia.com/wiki/Heavenly_Body_Magic said:
Heavenly Body Magic[/URL]

Guild Fairy Tail; Sabertooth

Personality: He is what you would call Neutral Good. He is morally upright but does not necessarily follow all laws of Magic Council, because for him, freedom abnd independence is the greatest treasure we can find.

Likes/Dislikes: ASTRONOMY

Appearance: Hair as black as black hole, giving an emphasis to his ivory, flawless skin. He has brown eyes, but turns gold when activating his powers

Bio: A normal wizard, doing rogue quests even though he has no guild. Hopefully, his application on Fairy Tail will be accepted, if not, at least in sabertooth.
Please list at least 1 dislike CxCx
Oops, my bad

Name: Von LeBlanc

Age: 16 years

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Magic: Heavenly Body Magic Heavenly Body Magic

Guild Fairy Tail; Sabertooth

Personality: He is what you would call Neutral Good. He is morally upright but does not necessarily follow all laws of Magic Council, because for him, freedom and independence is the greatest treasure we can find.

Likes: ASTRONOMY, Money, prefers lighter swords

Dislikes: Cockroaches (with every fiber of his being), doesn't like heavy swords- particularly Great sword

Appearance: Hair as black as black hole, giving an emphasis to his ivory, flawless skin. He has brown eyes, but turns gold when activating his powers

Bio: A normal wizard, doing rogue quests even though he has no guild. Hopefully, his application on Fairy Tail will be accepted, if not, at least in sabertooth.

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