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Fantasy The King's Throne For Valhalla


Master Of Boredom
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
A Land enriched with warmth distant from the mountains that stretches far to the heavens themselves, shifting melodies of sea waves crashing against the silent shore. Brittle bones thundered within the harrowing echo of the wooden boat, marked with runes and tales of glory. Far it be from the reach of one's hand, a sight of luxury one had never bestowed. From afar, the peeks of those towering structure mocked those crimson eyes as they stood unwavering before it's mighty display. Strings of destiny enrapture that cloaked figure, with light colored fur adorning the dark cloak raging through the violent winds. The illusion of serenity greeted the weary sailors, with warm sands now coating those leather boots. Home is but a word they carry within their chest and coursing through their veins, carving it upon the very soil unclaimed by man. With the long boat harbored safely right upon unfamiliar territory, The cloaked figure stood with his hood withdrawn from his features. Pale silver hair danced along the gentle breeze of spring, a grin framed the rugged jaw marked with a fine scar.

A soft hum reverberated from his throat, a tone of both satisfaction yet grim notions of such amused soul. "How bitter sweet.." he murmured into the humble silence, that is till the commotion return with the brash noise of his fellow warriors unloading the cargo and they are off to build a settlement for themselves. The jarl stood appointing that such matters are well taken care off, however he did not let the pale figure to escape his sight. At least not till he was certain that they will follow this very path to the end, heavy steps approached the grinning fellow. In which the Jarl was greeted with a kneel from the very man who stood with the destiny of the clan's hand upon his shoulders.

"My King Asmund, as I stated the land is rich and bountiful for us to take. You need not worry of the matters at hand, I'll take care of it." Swift he was to shut down any doubts clouding the Jarl's mind, however this was well expected. The choice was obvious, ambitions are set in stone. "In that you are correct. Do what you will as you have before, I trust your judgment Ulf. However, I do hope that your soul is not clouded by greed. Many of us bask in glory, but your's is a pride unlike others I have seen and I know not if it was ever satisfied." The Jarl stated his concerns clearly, in which silence came of his response. For the pale figure would only grin at him, nodding his head without even a word to spare. Leaving the Jarl to sigh and Ulf parted ways with him, marching forth to scout the land and examine it's surroundings while holding a sheet of paper.

Marking a few words down before pulling the hood back up to cover his face and climbing up a nearby cliff to get a better view of the land, sleek and swift he was making little to no sound in his wake. It went on for hours till he finally returned to the camp, waving at familiar faces before arriving at a wooden structure decorated with shields and axes and the smell of melted steel brushing against his nose. He knocked his knuckles a few times against the wooden boards, breaking the silence of his approach and without it he would not have brought any attention to his existence.
Agnar was securing his hair back once more as the sea breeze licked at his scarred raw wind beaten face. The two braids he used to tie back kept coming loose making him grunt in frustration as he constantly had to stop to put a hand on the splintered box that held his forge supplies so they did not slide about and possibly harm anyone, though he wasnt worried about the tough young men aboard no no he was keeping a special eye on the ladies of the boat meanwhile while keeping the few small children with him. Why they didnt leave children with some of the mothers and elders who stayed behind was beyond him but he understood that some families did not want to be torn apart during this adventure. But he worried the most for the children on this voyage and for the one wife that had tagged along that was with child. After he had long hair finally put back he heard a gasp as a young boy jumped at the sight of land but then almost lost his footing.

"I have you lad, watch yourself this is no place to be tumbling about. Here now you can get a better look"

Agnar hoisted the boy on his leg and held him steady as they both watched their boat approach the beautifully expanded landscape before them. The boys eyes grew wide and his exasperated look took over his whole face. Agnar couldn't help but let out a thunderous laugh, which he has been told is akin to what they feel Odin himself would sound like, as his heart settle in stone at the thought that this was now to be their new home...and a new beginning. He did not grieve leaving his sons burial spot behind as he knew that his son was not there he was in Valhalla with the others who had died fighting bravely in battle, so he had no need to stay behind when he knew the warriors here would need his weapons and support. And as their long boat breached the shore he shielded his eyes against the bright blue sky as the moans of tired men could relax after rowing for miles. The boat was suddenly full of commotion as children charged off the boat and into the grass and men of all ages laughed and patted one another on the back before taking to the crates of items they needed to tend to. Agnar looked over and could see Ulf standing proudly as he often does with his cape snapping in the gentle breeze. He rolled his eyes and turned to assist Alela, the pregnant wife of one of the warriors off the her sitting place and handed her to her husband with a smile as they departed the boat.

At this point his mind went to only place and that was his forge as he begun to set up his small work space, he had some unfinished pieces he had brought with him he wanted to keep working on for by the Jarls request so that came first and foremost. It wasnt a huge job but it was an intricate one at that and took a lot of focus which at least he was good at as he was known through their village as the forges golem easily going hours and days at a time with no words and no breaks. He had been really getting into when he heard a tapping at the solid wood which he managed to break his eyes away for a moment to see Ulf standing.

"Ulf, what do I owe this sudden greeting? I assumed you would be the first to set foot upon the land with how eager you looked"
The huff and gruff reverberated from the wooden structure accompanied with soft clank of stone against iron was the classic melody the blacksmith was known for, the best craftsman they had. "And hello to you too Agnar." The pale figure uttered with a sly grin, a soft yet haunting chuckle akin to that of the mischievious loki embodied his tone as he leaned against the wooden structure. Crimson eyes strike through the air and lay upon the massive silhouette that stood before him, there was this unsaid intention lurking within his demeanor. Arousing either suspicion or curiousity, he peered off the wall and pressed down both palms against the counter while squaring his shoulders.

Tension were raised from his side, silence permeated his lips for the longest minute as that bloody beads wear down upon the worn out warrior. "Seems like i found the right place for our new begginings, I did hear that lively laughter of yours. The children will love it here, of course even more so once we clear out some.. unrelenting guests." The scarred lips muttered off nonchalantly, the smug grin ever prominent.

"I will have your strength in my disposal to fight beside our brothers yes?" Such remark did not leave the blacksmith with much of an option, it was his intention to rope him in whether he desires it or not, after all they couldn't afford to lose now and not when their goal is but an arm's reach.
Agnar put his tools down and wiped the sweat from his brow leaving a dark streak on his face from the gritty dark charcoal that rubbed from his hands. He sternly put one hand on his lap and leaned forward with his large shoulders squared to match Ulfs position and with a raised eyebrow he pursed his lips and locked eyes.

"Ulf...you know I dont go out into the battlefield anymore, my part in all of this is here at this forge making sure our warriors have adequate armor and weapons. You were not able to persuade me back in our homeland and you shall not persuade me here. I am pleased you were able to find us such a place to plant our feet but I will not budge just because you bat your pretty eyes at me"

He teased him as he often did in a light hearted manner, his odd looks never making him waiver like it had for some others. He then stood up and crossed his arms, though they were both tall men Agnar always won in the size department and he would often cross his arms like this to show that he was being serious. He had no intention of going back into battle when he could try and raise their chances of victory with good weapons, he never did understand Ulf's obsession with getting him back out there but he often just waved it off and moved on to his next job. But he could see it in his eyes this time how much more serious he was and it ticked something in his mind that made his eye twitch slightly as he looked down at him slightly with his one dark grey eye and his other eye that was now blurry like newly formed morning fog.
A silent huff left his pale lips, for a moment that grin would drop from his features and carried an unreadable expression to twist the corners of his mouth. Only to return with that warm chuckle rumbling through his chest, shaking his head ever so slightly. "Well, couldn't fault a man for trying." The pale figure shrugged, pulling out a piece of paper with schematics and instructions that seemed to be ancient. There were new scribbles to translate each words into their spoken language but the original scripture were a language far from the northen folks that hailed through the harrowing winter, if anything this was one of ulf's curious collections.

"I was here for this, a personal pet project of mine. Think you could whisk it up with that hammer of yours? But i understand if the design is a little strange and intricate." Ulf explained, pointing out the strange yet advanced mechanism that the weapon seems to appear. A hook blade hidden around the wrist and durable enough to lift one's body weight and dangle through it, such is the curious nature of his tool.

"I simply need the pieces, i'll arrange them together myself." The crimson beads lay ever so distant from the sturdy silhouette, scanning the other's reaction from head to toe. While that menacing grin grew wider to form such wrinkles, "Think your massive hammer could do it? It needs a delicate touch.." His tone brough a hint of challenge for the blacksmith and amusement to return their teasing.
He scrunched his nose with a quick sniff and then a sigh as his body relaxed in a manner to seem less serious as the tone in the conversation calmed down and his eyes then moved to the aged paper in Ulf's hand with words well beyond what he knew but the art on it itself was intriguing and started to pull the inquisitive blacksmith in as his curiosity got the better of him. He hummed and stroked his beard in thought before speaking out loud.

"Very interesting indeed and albeit...rather odd. I dont need words to work out a creation I simply need the idea behind it"

But what an odd thing to want to have made, not quite like anything he had seen any warrior use even on the battlefield where he had seen many items from faraway lands and other tribes. Something twisted in the pit of his stomach with slight unease but at the same time with delight at the thought of a challenge which he desperately needed. He was getting used to their swords and spears and armor and right now new ornate clasps for the Jarls cloak to celebrate them docking into new territory. When Ulf questioned his ability for something so dainty he scoffed and gave him a snaring grin with a glint to his eye.

"You think my tools not enough to handle such a little project? HA! Leave the scroll of paper here and leave it to me and ill show you what it means to be the best blacksmith around." He motioned to the work table beside that had a multitude of tools scattered around it.
He waited patiently as the blacksmith made his observations, only to have that smug eating grin be accompanied with a soft clap from the pale figure's palms. "Well, if you're that confident then i have nothing to worry of." Ulf chimed, tugging the cloak that hung on his right shoulder in place and proceeded to pull the hood of his attire back up. Blurring the pale strands, with his striking crimson beads lay undisturbed through the soft shade.

"I'll be back in the morning so you have ample of time to study the schematics, now I'm off to scour our next options. Don't miss me too much." The hooded silhouette would tease, though there was this air of grim tension surrounding him. For strings of fate was wrapped viciously around his knuckles, harsh as the winter that have swallowed him whole. The land was warm, but it seems it did not melt the frosty fingertips that brought little kindness to the man whom led bloodshed to erupt in his wake.

This was the start of a long waged war, to whom the victors would turned out to be was left undecided. Without much of even another word to spare but a knowing gaze and lazy farewells from the flick of his wrist, he left Agnar to his own devices in peace. But for how long that would last it remains to be seen. Soon he was off miles away from the settlement they have erected, with the Jarl gazing from afar and approaching the gray haired artisan. Concern written all over his wrinkled feature, marked by age and the pressure that rides upon those weary shoulders.

"How is everything Agnar? I trust you find little trouble settling in?" The jarl uttered sternly, his hoarse voice scratching against the back of his throat. His brows furrowed at the very scroll of paper sitting uon the wooden surface, seemingly a taste of disdain on the tip of his tongue.

"Another one of his peculiar requests I imagine?" He muttered off but those brazen eyes of his would narrow upon the very symbols that decorated the schematic. The Jarl definitely knew something that most would not even dare to pry, but his lips were tightly sealed and for whatever reason it may be one could only hope is for the safety of his people.
"Ah Með hamri Þórs! Begone already you old man and leave me be to my work" He waved his comrade off as he sat back down on his bench and finished pulling the Jarl's cloak pin from the forge before plunging it into the bucket of water he had gathered at his side before pulling it out and making small perfections to it using a file he had forged himself. The pin it self had intricate knots woven out of metal on it using both iron and copper to make it stand out, it was for the Jarl after all and he wanted to be proud when he handed it to him. He chuckled when he thought about Ulf's little jab at how he could go about working with something so small. "Try and jab at me about fine workings my friend..bah..these hands can do more than forge large crushing weapons" He held his new piece up to the light and examined it before taking a cloth and adding some final shine to the clasp.

He heard the heavy footsteps behind him before the gruff voice spoke to him, "Ah, my Jarl, yes everything has gone over smoothly since we docked the boats. It shouldn't be too long before I make a space for myself off the boat but for now this does the trick for what I need." He followed the Jarls stare as he looked at the scroll of paper that Ulf had left him and he could see the look it was leaving on the mans face. The Jarl always looked like a tired man though it isn't like he hadn't felt that himself these days either but he knew the amount of worry he carried with him for his clan.
"You know Ulf..always seems to have the more odd idea placed in that head of his. I never understand what he might be thinking. I cant read the damned thing but I can understand it well enough i'm just not sure what he might want it for. Never mind that right now though Jarl I have your clasp finished for you" He grabbed the piece from his work table and gently passed it to the Jarl, its silver and deep copper colors glinting in the sun with the knots ends being adorned with gaping wolf jaws and emerald colored gems for the eyes.
The Jarl was silent, a heavy sigh emerged from his chest as he stretched the wrinkles that knitted his brows. Before nodding his head lightly with approval when the blacksmith passed over the intricate craftmanship of the very accessory that would soon adorn his whole attire. "You have my gratitude Agnar, You've done well even with the limited resources we have." The jarl spoke fondly, a moment of pride and true sincere admiration framed that rough features. "Well I shall leave you to your duties and fulfill that curious request of our bumbling strategist, but As you have known me for years Agnar. I know you understand How I feel about all of this.. keep a close eye on him." He pocketed the pin carefully as those stern remarks declare a very order he made between them, an unspeakable understanding between the two souls who had seen enough deaths for a lifetime.

With it, the Jarl made his leave. Returning to guide the settlements and organize the current construction of their longhouse, anchoring that it shall be done by the night and allow the woman and children a proper place to rest after a lengthy journey from home. It was the least he could do as the rest was left to the hands of the man that barely remain present around them, often away to ensure the peace maintained within their newly acquisitioned accommodation. with what means? none could truly remember.


Song for the snooping part:

As night soon approaches, so did the moon rose from the depths of the ocean. Blending in with darkness, the striking red eyes would glow and tower over the very walls that soars towards the sky. Massive structures held for centuries marked his path, the familiar scent of dirt and distance bustle of commoner filling the city, however everything was worn down with such oppresive structure growing hostile of it's inhabitant. Ulf could barely spot any shred of nature blossoming within those cold fortress, apathy hung low in the atmosphere.

Knights stood with massive shield and chainmails annoucing their every move, however regardless of what their noble duty. The commoner would seem to steer clear of their presence, was it fear or simply hatred? Perhaps even a mixture of both. Blending within the crowd, he followed the entourage of peasants leaving the gates and soon find himself nearby one of the outposts of an esteemed noble. A target he had found himself and one that os strategically far from the large beast that they could have yet even thought to tame.

This would be an easy start to take, a little warm up and make their presence known. Scaling the walls, he climbed through the concrete structure with swift footsteps effortlessly. Avoiding any prying eyes from ever noticing his presence, disappearing into the gentle breeze of the night. Claiming one soul for his taking, he borrowed their attire for tomorrow's attack. The heavy armor and red cloth mounted with that brown sack he carried, making his steps carefully till the sun rose at corners of his eyes.

Marking a new dawn and the start of his long laid plans, with red staining his gloves. Ulf sneered at the golden light, "Are you watching me Freyr? Well then.. I guess it'll be quite entertaining from here on." The hooded figure murmured amusingly, as he finally arrived before the settlement. With the longhouse taking the first notice of the new development within the settlement. Whistling lightly, he approached one of his brothers in arm whom he knew had a hand in building the massive structure.

"Guess you got your work cut out for you brother Sigurd." A teasing remark from his end and one the tattooed warrior would groan at, punching their back lightly. "Trying to snap my back they are! You better not be dawdling about Ulf, don't let my work go to waste now." A complain spoked proudly by the builder, but soon silence halted his words. For a moment Sigurd could smell the fresh stench of blood from Ulf's attire and despite the sly grin ever prominent within his pale lips, his red eyes was cruel and full of rage they were.

For a moment it forced The tattooed warrior to look away in which the hooded figure fully notice and proceeded to pat their shoulder lightly, a friendly remark offered to loosen those stiff shoulders. "No need to worry your pretty little head with, Now rest some more or you'll fall asleep on the road. I'm not carrying your broken back anywhere near the battlefield." Ulf scoffed, followed with a faint grumble from the other.

He would soon return to the blacksmith's shop, placing the sack against the blacksmith's structure before tapping the wooden surface with the back of his hand. "Rise and Shine sleeping beauty~ How's my favorite blacksmith doing?" The soft crackle of his voice reverberated through the air, quiet enough not to alert the sleeping inhabitants but still annoy the very lone wolf residing within that workshop.
Agnar surprisingly had a very quiet snore when he was sleeping but still a snore nonetheless because of his healed broken nose. He had been sleeping practically right next to his forge since they docked on a little makeshift bed using straw and some old cotton blankets he brought from home and thankfully he rarely got cold because of his body mass but it was also a good time in the season where the nights are more manageable especially compared to back home. And he had been sleeping pretty soundly when a voice cut through his otherwise pleasant dream to startle him awake, his eyes locking onto Ulf with a disgruntled and tired look.
"By Odins beard Ulf!? What in gods name are you doing at the crack of dawn going around and rising people from their sleep?" His voice was raised but soft as to not disturb the others who were still using the boat as a makeshift home. He sat up with a groan as he stretched his back, his spine making sounds that he was used to by now but still found unpleasant. He looked around and realized the night sky had still just barely been dyed a faint red from the morning sun as it rose, the stars still twinkling even at the very edges of the landscape around them. Oh how he wanted to smack his friend upside the head for rousing him this early in the day.
Hearing the disgruntled remarks pouring out of their lips and the clear disoriented gaze from the other is a sight that Ulf bask in, oh how it amuses him teasing the poor old soul with his own antics. "Oh sorry, did I wake you up from a good dream? You can go back to napping after you pass me over the little toy i had you made, grandpa." Such playful remarks flew from his throat, spouting such nonsense despite being marked by the passage of time himself. But for someone who stood up all night, there was an absence of restlessness within his features.

Pulling the hood down, he took off the dark stained gloves he wore. Ensuring he did not dirty anything with it, while squatting down to rummage through the sack he carried. "If you need more time, then I'll leave you be. Don't worry I will be out of your hair soon enough." Ulf pointed out, rising back onto his feet and scanned his surroundings. Well-Well seems like most of them settled in comfortably to an extent, all thanks to the jarl and the people themselves. After all, such things were never his forte.

Pulling out a sword he stole from the patrolling knights, he sets it down on the wooden surface for the Agnar to take. "Here, a little trinket from me. Melt it and shape it to your liking or even admire it, Your call." The pale figure added, he had just return but seemingly not giving much of a thought to linger around for more than an hour and perhaps less if he could help it.
He pinched the bridge of his nose as his eyes began to adjust to darkness around him even though Ulf himself was generally easy to see with his hair and skin standing out against the pale night. "Oh dont chastise me you mule I have your little mystery already to go in my work box just give me a moment to gather myself." At the sound of metal touching wood he glanced over to the sword and by no means was it something he had seen before, what kind of warrior had wielded such a thing? He would muse about it shortly for now he leaned over and pulled a large crate towards him that had been stuffed with hay. He pulled the mechanism from within and handed it to Ulf happy to no longer have to see it since it had been a pain in his ass to get right. He had spent hours upon hours getting it done on little to no sleep because he couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Take your little toy, but humor me brother..what in the heavens have you the need for something such as this?"

As he spoke he glanced back over to the shimmering sword and picked it up, holding it careful in his hands as he looked down its blade and held its hilt strongly in his hand. It wasnt as heavy as he thought it would be and it was fairly straight so it was forged well but it was a little dull to his disappointment..he wondered what he could do to pretty it up perhaps. "And what poor soul did you snag this from hm?"
A wide grin twisted the corner of his pale lips, amused and satisfied with the blacksmith craftsmanship he was. Quick as he was to take it, soon he had already secured the curious contraption around his wrist, fiddling with it quite a bit before pulling his wrist upward and the hookblade pops out from the hidden comparment smoothly with a few adjusment. "Quite a decent work you have here, could almost pass it as the real deal." Ulf chimed on, before turning his attention back at the exhausted artisan before him.

"Oh this? Plenty of things, a pretty lady taught me how to use this once. It helps to keep this old wolf out of trouble." He made a special note of someone, he had always boasted of meeting multiple people out of the clan. One could only wonder what kind of acquaintances he had in the past, seeing he took a different path than most would agree on. Much is evident with his peculiar choice of enemies, seemingly knowing the secrets on how to take them down with ease.

"Well, a roaming soldier who is lucky enough to meet his demise by my hands and not our brothers who would break his bones one at a time if they could help it." Ulf remarked lightly, shrugging off the very mention of the poor sod who took the fall for the first piece to emerge. As he turned to pull the sack up across his shoulder, ulf gaze lingered at Agnar. He watched them hold that sword, in which he couldnt help but let out a quiet huff of pride. "I can teach you on how to use them efficiently if you like, it'd be a nice hobby." A hint that would leave the other's knowledge to question, ulf certainly knew more than he lead on and yet he seems adamant to keep it a secret.
Agnar was no longer amused by anything that had to do with that odd piece he had asked him to make but he made sure to keep mental notes about it for the sake of the Jarl if something went south, a lady though? That was odd since he was pretty sure he had never seen the man around any lady friends.
"Well this lady of yours seems just a mystery as that odd thing on your wrist now hm?"
He shrugged it off and put the sword down gently in a pile of other weapons he was either working on or fixing up for the other men. It was surely not like anything he had used before since most everything this big bear of a man had used was his own axe or the spears he forged. They also had swords but nothing quite like this, they were smaller and made to feel differently in you hand and had a heftier weight to them. Agnar smirked as he looked to Ulf in curiosity, "You? Teach this old fool to use a new weapon? Isnt that a little odd..feels like when I first taught you to use the axe when we were younger"
Not that he hated the idea of learning something new, after all the best way to learn about a weapon to forge something in its like would be to get used to wielding said weapon.
The pale figure would only grin from ear to ear when the other questioned the mystery surrounding the curious toy, slowly raising his shoulders in response. "Amusing is it not? I know you enjoy the mystery." Ulf pointed out, as his intentions to keep a tight lip of the matter is everlasting. Though soon enough, his expression would twist with a soft chuckle of clear amusement marking his lips. "Aye, an old dog can still learn new tricks. Besides you'll be able to improve any flaws from the blade if you know how to use it, I'm sure you are aware of this the most." Of course he won't forget the days how Agnar himself trained his younger self on how to fight alongside them, though he rarely use that knowledge since it doesn't fit his taste.

"Just spare some time in the afternoon for a quick lesson, exactly when the sun is over our heads." Ulf pointed at the sky, before bouncing the sack on his shoulder and the chime of metal clashing against each other reverberated through the dark fabric. "Well i'm off to drag our brothers into a small battle, you won't need to shout Odin's glorious beard again when I return." A knowing jab, seeing as it was sometimes the blacksmith favorite phrase to declare. "Alright, now go back to sleep you grumpy oaf." A light hearted chuckle echoed from his pale lips as he waved a hand as if instructing the other to scram.

Without much thought he was once more away from the settlement but not without waking up a few of the warriors to follow his footsteps, quick they were to prepare themselves for the raid knowing how often Ulf would drag them at such short notice and ungodly hour. Leaving the settlement without much of a ruckus, such silence once more accompanied the resting inhabitants.
Agnar simply grunted, the man of few words usually using this method almost as one person would nod but the day was still early and he was still a man who loved his sleep. "Say what you will..I will meet you when the time comes after I finish up what I need done today" He laid back on his little makeshift bed, his greying hair falling in his face but he was too tired to care. "Dont lose a finger we both know how bad you are at using weapons, dont want one of them young lads to take down our mighty strategist" He formed a low rumble of a laugh, knowing that they could probably go back and forth all night if it came down to it but for now he let him go. He had more than enough on his mind for the day as it was.

Of course he didnt end up falling back asleep if anything he mostly laid in his space and watched as the stars slowly faded from the night sky to be replaced with burning light of the sun. The light slowly crept its way up to his face where he squinted at the morning light while hearing the sounds of rustling from others who were now waking up for the day. "Might as well get to it" He huffed as he sat up, grabbing a fresh tunic from the corner where he had it folded and put away before placing it on his bed. He would need it later when he joined some of the other men for a refreshing wash in a river nearby but for now he didnt mind his coal stained one he currently wore. He slipped on his gently worn leather boots and tied them up his leg tucking in his pants as he went before heading off the boat and down to the longhouse where the women and children were being housed.
Such is the very banter he had exchanged with the man he knew for years and watched by as both the blossoming of new life and the loss of it take a toll on those weary shoulders, as often as he would try to persuade Agnar to raise a weapon against his enemies. He was not cruel enough to force such a role ipon that old soul. useful it would be to have them as a piece for him to turn the tides around, but this battle will soon become his and his only. With that, he positioned the warriors upon a nearby outpost that he alone had took the liberty of cleaning up just a little. Throwing the sack, he changed into the knight's armor that he had obtained, it was a perfect fit and once more he held the nostalgic sensation of that long sword perched on his waist.

Entering the hostile's encampment as one of their own, his demeanor mimicked the soldier's pattern perfetly and soon enough he found access to the inner sturcture of the small isolated fort. All he needed to do was to find the captain, well thanks to the hookblade that Agnar had constructed. Taking down a few of this passing patrols were easier than ever even in this clunky attire, slowly he acquired his target and used the blade to parry their attacks.

Throwing in a punch, he pushed them to topple over and in one clean cut he aimed for their throat. He had already signaled the ambush to unfold when he threw a soldier out of the tower, with the captain incapacitated soon everything crumble in his wake. Usually he never had to dirty his hands when utiliing his plans and yet here he is bending backwards to have such matters taken care of. Dirtying his hand in the process, praying for the souls he had taken. Perhaps he'll lose a finger or two just like what his dear friend had teased him off, well if he was a fool. But to live for decades to pass and yet he was more cautious than ever, leaving little room for mistakes to be made.

Gaining this bit of land as their own, he replaced the contents of his sacks with the gold and spoils of their small exploits. A roar of victory echoing within those cheery faces he had grown familiar with, this was the start of many victories to come. Soon they returned with ample of resources and shiny things to trade with a local merchant, one of the few contacts Ulf had properly made before their depature. The stench of blood now visible among him and his brothers in arm, well a little refreshing dip upon the warm waters eould be wise.

But before that, Ulf was busy rummaging through the sack and stood before an empty spot with a wooden table and a very thin sheet of fabric stuffed with little straws that could barely add any cushion to his weary body. It was far from a proper bedding compared to the others and yet evident enough never once did he slept in it, he was away scribling and marking the very map he had stretched out in a language only he himself could understand. Tonight they will have a feast, after all they had brough down a tower of both authority and power to crumble without much of a fuss. Such acomplishments should be celebrated, proud the warriors were of it.

Slaving away upon the table, ulf could almost forget the crimson stain that was now dried upon his attire and the ends of his pale strands. That is till one of the woman of the clan had to practically drag him by the neck if he were to ever budge from that position, much to his dismay. "Come on, you stink like pig's shit. And to think someone with a decent face like you cared little for hygiene is disgusting." She mouthed off, just as Ulf would made his protest clear he was smacked with a fresh set of clothing for him to wear. "Ouf- brutal as ever Freya." A light chuckle rumble through his throat. At this time of the day, most of the inhabitants would be cleaning up by the river. For ulf and his peculiar tendecies, he disliked the crowd and searched for another small river to wash himself off.
Agnar walked with a small crowd of the other men and young boys in the clan down to the river while the women walked in the back chatting amongst themselves, one of which he noticed was missing was the very pregnant Alela but most everyone by now knew she was in no position right now to be getting up and moving around and she was being especially taken care of since she would be having the first baby born upon this land and not only that was one of the first babies in years now to join them. It will a joyous day when that babe joins them, Agnar smiled warmly at the thought when he got bumped by one of the younger warriors who were rough housing with one another next to him.

"A-agnar! Sorry my friend"

What a whelp for a boy still, he smirked and wrapped his large arm around him and pulled him close. "My boy you need not worry about these old bones, those shoulders of your will do no damage to me!" He laughed out loud and released the lad who had an embarrassed blush on his face while his comrades laughed and patted him solidly on the back. Agnar knew the young mad would probably end up going back home to practice sparring with the others to lick his wounds though Agnar only meant to jest with the boy. Almost on cue a younger boy probably around 8 rammed his way into Agnars leg with a thud and when he looked up all he could see was mousey brown hair with a singular braid behind his ear and two large sparkling green eyes with a smile filled with confidence despite the missing teeth.

"Did I get you Agnar?! I got your leg pretty good huh?"

Agnar quickly scooped up the boy and put him on his shoulder, the young one squealing as he towered above everyone in the crowd now. "Oh you know what Leif I think..oh! I do think you left quite a bruise for me. Im sure you will be quite the warrior like your father was hm? You have to be strong for that mother of yours and not cause her too much trouble" Leifs father had died on the same battlefield that he had lost his son on and thus he became close to the mother and son and helped each other through the grief. The boy simply cheered and through both arms up into the air with victory.

Eventually they made it to the river, the men mostly stuck to one place with the occasional young boy running around them screaming and playing in the water while the women were not much farther away taking care of the babies and younger girls and the few boys that preferred to stay away from the rowdy part of the river. Agnar placed his clothing on a nearby rock as he waded into the water already feeling the relief of the cool water on his worn and scarred body. His chest covered mostly in small puncture wounds from battle and large scars from being slashed in his early years and not to mention the multiple burn scars when he was still learning his craft as a blacksmith. He looked down the river and found Ulf as usual trying to keep his distance from the larger group and he began to make his way down until he was within earshot. "Ulf! How was the battle my friend? You at least returned in one piece I see"
Such is the familiar melodies that haunted his mind, he may be a loner but to this peculiar soul. He found it fitting to stay far from the blissful scenery, interacting with the young ones and wrestling about. White lies stood ever plenty on the tip of his tongue, simply laying his eyes on the very scenery alone was enough for him. While placing the folded pair of clothing on a nearby stone, his eyes met those rough features he had grown awfully familiar with and the many scars that lightly decorated the mass shaping their sturdy figure.

"And here I thought you want nothing to do with swinging axes into a poor sood's face. We took down one of their towers, everything went smoothly as they always do." Ulf explained briefly, slowly unravelling the stained shirt he wore as it cascades off his shoulders. He was considerably pale especially under the bright sun, the light harshly bounces off his skin and his features.

With fine scars barely visible to the naked eye the only distinct thing that would grab anyone's attention was the nasty old scar that stretched deeply in his abdomen, a reminder of how he was at death's door once. With a truth only the jarl would know of and one he carried from a young age, it was the only bane that never belonged on his pale features. One could only think of how badly the scar healed, and yet it still bruised ever so lightly even under the slightest bit of pressure. Slowly he descended into the warm body of water, and let out a content sigh while it soaks the tense muscles all over his flesh.

A palm brushing over the pale strands aside and there did he looked somewhat proper, oddly enough unlike most he had this air of regality. A sense of finesse in his demeanor that made him stood out from his peers and one would admit it suited him, yes it could be taken as arrogance but as a man who had a hand in overthrowing people in power then surely it couldn't be more fitting. Turning his gaze back at Agnar, he could see the little rascal roaming about behind him. But he was eyeing the blacksmith shamelessly from head to toe, for what reason? Who knows. "Well good to know your body did not shrink, fitting for a warrior. Just what do you eat to get so big? Spare a bit for these old bones would you?" A hint of admiration painted the strategist's lips, but he knew well the answer and how it was something he could never physically achieve. But he wanted to tease them, even just for a little bit.
Agnar grinned splashed some water on his face as it ran dirty from the coal he constantly ended up wiping on his face by accident though that pretty much came with the job and is it ran down he felt the raised scar over his nose that also extended to his now partially blinded eye with his thumb and then quickly pushed his hair back out of his face before dunking himself fully in the water. He sat back up and unbraided his beard for the moment so that he could scrub and dirt away from his face completely, being a blacksmith didnt mean he always liked to be caked in smoke and tar. He looked over at Ulf and realized he never truly changed in looks since they were young and was always more on the prettier side compared to himself and their comrades but that was one of the things he admired about him despite his snickering attitude he could have sometimes. He found a place for himself in their clan and he no one could ever take that from him even if he wasnt a wizard with weapons he was a smart and calculating man who had done much for the clan time and time again.

"I may not be on the swinging end of an axe these days but I would be lying if I sometimes didnt miss the comraderies of battle and I am happy when all of our men come home, even you" Agnar leaned back in the water and soaked in the sun on his already tanned skin. It always did make him chuckle when him and Ulf would stand together, their opposites quite star against each other and once again he found his eyes on that same scar he always had on his abdomen. Despite knowing each other for some years now he never did open up about that scar and he did wonder but never pushed the issue in fear of triggering his rather snappy anger.

"Well if you accepted my occasional invite to join me at the table in the longhouse I could show you but all I can say is meat my friend..and a lot of it and dont forget about the ale." Oh how he loved ale but they had not had much of it since leaving their home as most of it became lost to the bellies of the men after rowing all day and then the rest was saved for the Jarl. Thankfully since they docked they have been in the process of making more and he couldnt wait to get a tankard for himself.
An amused chuckle resounded from those pale lips, the sneering grin painted clearly upon his features. "Even me you say? Now that sounds a little harsh. But Better than not being cared for at all." ulf knew what the other meant, he knew regardless even if these days the older he grew the less time he spent around his peers. There was this sense of deep imbued "trust" but he preferred to call it mutual tolerance, cautious as he was he had always kept everyone at an arm's length.

Though tiring it was, should he still be practicing such things in this age? Unlike most, he never entertained the idea of havjng someone to stand by his side. It isn't like he didn't like childrens nor settling down with a woman he loved was impossible, only if things were that much simple. A sigh reverberated through his throat, twisting the back of his neck and lightly massaging it with his fingertips. "I don't think my stomach could handle such amounts of food, if i eat like you i might go down with a sickness instead." He knew all too well of the other's diet, well most of his brothers had the same lifestyle.

Eating lots of meat and drown in plenty amount of ale as well, blessed the others are with Odin's strength. That would not be the same for him, especially at his current age his diet is extremely constricted. Wouldn't be the first time he envied their prowess, well shall he be truthful? He envied every one last of them. The life they led and the very beliefs they carried, of course he would never admit such things not that it mattered.

Winter colored lashes hid the crimson beads for a moment as he remain absolutely silent, slowly his flesh went all limp and sunk into the river, not even a strand of that pale hair was seen upon the surface of the sky blue liquid. Leaving the blacksmith alone with not even a word nor a sign of life from his part. The water was calm, undisturbed despite the fact the pale figure was right there moments ago.
"Well my offer is there to join me at the table every once and awhile instead of hiding away wherever you go, I know you have been seen less at night recently. Besides the longhouse is nearly finished now should be a time for celebration and I would enjoy raising a tankard with you" He sighed knowing he couldnt persuade the man to anything he didnt want to do nor did he get any hopes up, they were both fairly busy even in their age they had to help keep up with the things that only they could do for the Jarl and for the clan as a whole. He splashed his face once more and also started to rinse his arms and chest. He really was only distracted from Ulf for but a moment while he finished cleaning up and enjoying the water lap against his lower back when he realized he wasnt hearing any sort of remarks or jokes which was odd. "Ulf?...Ulf you fífl where ar-?..." He looked over to where he had been and realized there was no sign nor even hint he had been there at all and by the gods he knew the man was elusive but he was no spirit despite his looks, he couldnt have just dissipated into the air like steam.

Agnar waded over closer to where he had been bathing and had a confused frown on his face with a twinge of worry. He wouldnt have just keeled over suddenly would he? He knew old age was upon them but they were still thriving and otherwise healthy men. "Oi!" He thought he caught a glimpse of what looked like shining silver and the water and he didnt hesitate to reach down to try and hoist his body from the water searching for an arm, a leg, hell even his head at this rate but his vision wasnt what it used to only having one eye to rely on.
Scurrying about as the crashing small waves of water broke the surface, the stocky mass huddled over searching for the littlest sign of the pale strand. In the corner would they found what seem to be a shred of that whute hair but as soon as it would brush against their sturdy fingertips, two hands emerged out of the water and was wrapped securely around Agnar's waist. Pulling him into the river with sheer amount of force, with a dunk causing the river to sway a little. Soon enough a lighthearted laughter resounded from where the pale figure was, Ulf stood proudly with both of his hands place on his hips. "The great Agnar fell for the oldest trick, Guess i have to teach you a few more things after all." He chimed, adding insult to injury if there is even one.

Stretching his back, the water kept his hair tidy and slicked to the back. Showing every little detail of the fine wrinkles upon his forhead and his own expression that despite the clear view was still difficult to discern. With the spectacle he created, it is no surprise that it would garner the young ones attentions. In which Ulf proudly display his own mighty prowess though most would argue it was due to trickery, he might as well be loki in the flesh. Stretching out a hand towards the grumpy oaf, the smugful grin displayed on his lips. "
Here, let me give you a little hand Agnar." Folding his back a little forward, he had a feeling that the blacksmith might just give him a taste of his own medicine.
Agnars eyes widened as two light skinned arms finally found their way around his waist which was a feat in its own considering his size but not only that but they managed to bring him down swiftly and suddenly, dunking him under the depths just as he belted out a sudden gruff shout before being muted under the now choppy water. How did he not see this coming? It was Ulf he was talking about here he should have known better than to show worry and drop his guard like that and not many men could do that to the large warrior but he always seems to get caught in his snare time and time again. He could barely open his eyes but he saw the proud man standing above him obviously feeling full of pride at what he managed to do.

A few of the kids cheered nearby and jumped around and then started to mimic what they saw but not only dragging each other into the water but hollering their victories at the top of their lungs while their fathers stood back and laughed while one after another they started getting knocked down by each other. Oh what a scene they had caused, and the women nearby either joined in the laughter or simply shook their heads at their husbands and brothers in arms acting the way they did.

It was at this time Agnar couldnt hesitate while Ulf was looking at the children he quickly jutted his rough calloused hand out of the water and firmly grabbed ahold of Ulf's upper arm before pulling him down into the water almost on top of him but slightly off to the side where he also caught him with his legs. "Whos gotcha now eh!?" He gasped for air when he got his head above water with a large triumphant grin spread across his face.
It was a victorious sight, however quite a short lived one at that since soon enough as those sturdy hand was wrapped snugly around his upper arm. With cheers that surrounded them would soon be muffled by the body of water crashing into his face, losing his balance and laid face flat beside the great Agnar. Their legs hoisted around his waist, wrestling him down with their massive body weight pinning him in place. It was a death's grip at best and he immediately tapped his palm lightly against the blacksmith braod shoulders, yielding to their mighty prowess. "I yield- you're going to snap me into two." Yet despite the clear tremor in his voice, it seems he wasn't that troubled to take his losses here.

but he wasn't exactly losing at that point, seeing they were enjoying but an idle banter and friendly exhange. What is there to be wary of? Even now he could have a taste of a little first hand grapple from the retired warrior. "But the view is indeed nice down here.." his voice was strained but still loud enough for the other to hear, as he waited for Agnar to release him and allow the mischievious strategis to gather his bearings. Since he still needed to hunt for tonight's feast, though he did not forget what he had promised the man beside him with.

"Well once you're done playing with those little troublemakers, Come and find me near the training grounds and I'll show you how to wield that funny blade that the locals here are well equipped with. Perhaps you'll learn a thing or two." Were the words that lightly poured out of his mouth, leaving the blacksmith to toil with the cheerful rascals clinging onto him.

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