Background: Nick bumped his head an awful lot as a child, because of this, he's got the idea stuck in his head that he can change the world. The most logical course of action was politics which is why Nick decided to go to Bard school. Using a good portion of his family's fortune, Nick attended the finest Bardic college on the continent and was promptly kicked out. Still, he wanted to play music and play music he would. Nick continued around the world using what was left of his refunded tuition to hone his craft.
Personality Trait: Insanity, at the DM's volition, Nick rolls for insanity. 10 or above incites symptoms. If symptoms are incited do one of the following according to a d4
1- Attack surroundings
2- Attack yourself
3- Skills, attributes, and abilities reduced to 0
4- No effect; benign
Ideals: The tongue can be as sharp as any blade if tempered
Bonds: Friends re rare like jewels, treasure them while you are able
Languages: Common, Bardic House Moros Sigma Thi, Giant, Gibberish
Coin: 106
Trinket: A sponge that can absorb 60 gallons of ale (and only ale