The Kingdom of Kirria {Sign-ups/OOC}

That's it, I'm done. I'm not checking my alerts until this post is finished. I'm expecting twenty pages when I return. Also, please don't expect some amazing introduction, because I have the unholy grand mother of headaches practically oozing sin into my brain cells.
Name: Fletcher 'Fletch' Dacosta

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Personality: While Fletch could never be described as 'comic relief' he is the person who tries to keep everyone in high spirits whenever possible - during wartime a lot of hard decisions have to be made, and Fletch is more than okay to let someone else make them, he just wants to be sure that he's there to help the people he cares about cope with whatever the final verdict actually was. He's never been really driven to be in any sort of position of power, just one of support - it's always been the kind of person he is. He's all about compassionate treatment of others and careful personal attention.

While he doesn't particularly coddle anyone, Fletch tries his best to notice as soon as someone starts to get tired or frightened or distraught - he's usually the one to notice first if someone's slower than normal, and the one to suggest that maybe they rest, or to ask them what's wrong. This tendency to nurture is probably what let him to his position as a healer - he can't help but look out for those around him. It's in his blood to be the nurturing and compassionate member of the party.

If Xavier is the brain and backbone of their two-man family, Fletcher is the heart and hands of it - he's the one that's always waiting to patch things up when Xavier gets himself torn to bits, the one to help ease him to sleep at night and to gently wake him in the mornings. He's often the more emotionally open of the two - and the one who can more readily deal with social and emotional problems that might arise, though any actual physical danger is obviously better handled by Xavier.

He's also the one to try and settle Xavier whenever he's getting too uptight or over-stressed and worked up - the calm to Xavier's fire, the water to help soothe and cool things down when they get too heated or intense. Fletch is very open and approachable, though he rarely likes to talk about any problems that he himself might be happening. A classic case of "everyone can come to me with their troubles, but I will go to no one about mine."

History: Fletch lost his family at a very early age thanks to the war, and grew up in the castle wards where he met and bonded closely with a fellow ward by the name of Xavier. Through years of growing up together they stayed very close and when Xavier started training to become a soldier (guard? Whatever Plume decides) Fletch naturally followed suit, though he trained to become a field medic instead. Many closely bonding times were had (also I am super lazy and so his this history I'll add more to it later I'm sure). Now that the war is drawing to a close he plans to become a full-time healer.

Skills/Specialties: All of Fletch's abilities are focused on healing and caring for others.

Faction: Arua Manipulator

Social Class: Commoner/Healer

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be174e53d_smile-anime-guys-12082279-850-1002-Copy(2).jpg.de94a7892eaee36b3ddb525ac133e471.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5783" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/57a8be174e53d_smile-anime-guys-12082279-850-1002-Copy(2).jpg.de94a7892eaee36b3ddb525ac133e471.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • smile-anime-guys-12082279-850-1002 - Copy (2).jpg
    smile-anime-guys-12082279-850-1002 - Copy (2).jpg
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@Renn Skye said I wouldn't reply until I made my posts, saw Fletch's sheet, lost my mind, is accepting Xavier's waifu now. <3 ~accepted~

*slinks off Pai's lawn with a mouthful of torn out grass, casting ominous glares back*
Plume! Its really late for me so Im going to sleep, Ill reply to whatever you say tomorrow >_<.

...Do not leave me so much to read when im back please?
@Xynia1998 Ha!~ I got one post down so I'm allowed a post on here now. *sighs and starts pulling out the cookie dough*

@Renn Skye Poor Fletch, I'll get his hubby's sheet posted as soon as possible. *starts feeding him cookie dough to comfort him*

@UnholyRedemption Sleep good Redemption, have lovely dreams of nobles and cookies, preferably pre-baked!~ ^^
Fletch: *noms and somehow manages to do it normally this time without getting it shoved up his nose or getting whacked by it* I just... worry about him, you know? He's so... *munch munch* ...he's a problem magnet. What if he needs me? *fret fret*
Autocorrect has been screwing with my posts ever since I joined this site. Oh well, that's the price of using an iPod. 
Well, I've got nothing. The only thing I could see involving him at the moment, before he arrives at he palace, would be the kings and queens being informed that they failed to kill him.
~Walks in dragging a blanket behind me, walking in a slow like fashion. My eyes half open~ I have awaken from my slumber~Yawns~ Wha......(Cough, Cough) have I missed.
Who are we waiting for?? I'm waiting for someone to answer Izazia's comment. ^^" Unless no one will and she's just going to continue talking. xD

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