The Kingdom of Kirria {Sign-ups/OOC}


Axis, the Crimson Prince




At heart, Axis is an intellectual. He has a very calm and collected demeanor. Axis is polite and well-mannered to all of those around him. He is not really a social person, but he will never be rude or ignore those that are below him. Axis enjoys silence, and being alone enveloped in his own thoughts.


Being the eldest son of King Milokious, Axis grew up with the constant pressures of having to be great King someday. From a young age, it was evident that Axis had one of the sharpest minds in the whole Kingdom of Kirria. He excelled in all mediums of study, from sciences to music. He also began train in combat with twin swords from a young age, in which he believed through countless hours of study, was the best way to wield one's self in battle. He proudly and eloquently represented the royal family from the tenure in serving in the army. Axis arguably could have been the head general of the army under King Milokious, but instead took a lesser role. He took charge of the Royal guard, which served directly under King Milokious, before he was captured. Now his childhood friend, Ellian restlessly works to find his friend Axis have a safe return...


Axis is a master swordsmen with his two blades, that are both crimson red from a special alloy embedded into the steel. The special allows him to manipulate his shadow abilities into his blade, making the blade into a black metal. The alloy in the blade gives him the ability to phase the blade through other blades, and then solidify in a split second. Only the most skilled fighters can react fast enough to fight against the Crimson Prince. Few can compare to his graceful motions in battle. His shadow manipulation is also of top tier. His movement within the shadows is unmatched, which is what he is best known for.


Elite Royal Shadowmancer

Social Class

Eldest Prince


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/L_Navarre.jpg.96bf2575c084c83e321a93aaef9fd4a8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5766" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/L_Navarre.jpg.96bf2575c084c83e321a93aaef9fd4a8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Name: Xen

Gender: Male

Age: 19

Personality: Xen is not quick to trust others. Given his background, that shouldn't come as a shock. It could take days, weeks, months, or even years before he stops watching your every move. Every day is a day he fights for his life. Every day is a day where blood is spilt. Every day is a day where he is forced to slay the so-called brethren that put him in the position that he is in today.

Despite the numerous battles he's been in, Xen is not a person who enjoys fighting. If he had a say, he wouldn't fight at all. However, a man in his position doesn't have that luxury. When he fights, he doesn't pull his punches, knowing that could be his grave. His personal feelings towards the matter are no longer put into the equation. This is what's necessary and how things are.

He doesn't stick around in one place for very long, on account of being hunted. If he lingers, he could wind up being tracked. Besides the fact that he doesn't want to get caught, he also doesn't want to bring trouble to wherever he finds himself next.

Despite how he acts on the outside, Xen is actually a kind person. Although he doesn't express it in the traditional way, he still has a good heart. However, he never really has the chance to show the part of him to others.

Xen isn't an expressive person and it is hard to crack that hard as steel shell of his. His feelings are useless and nobody wants to hear his opinions, especially himself. All that matters is the goal.

He finds anger useless and will always keep a level-head. You could scream and shout all day, cursing the world and it wouldn't do a thing. However, if by chance the flames of rage consume him, you'd be running off into the arms of the devil like he was a prince on a white horse.

Although he is always composed, he can lash out at you if you press the wrong buttons. He hates those who complain and don't know how good they have it. He will not hesitate to give you a harsh speech filled with his emotions and put you in your place.

Perhaps the biggest thing about Xen, is that he hates Nobles. He hates the way they carry themselves, like they are some king of gods waking this green earth. His heart resides with the commoners and those who have suffered from this useless war.

History: Arua Manipulators and Shadowmancers, two races that hate each other and are constantly at each other's throats. The feud has caused many deaths, even that of the king of the Arua Manipulators.

These two races hated each other with a passion, but someone like Xen was born into this world.

Xen was born as the child of an Arua Manipulator and a Shadowmancer. But, the two who conceived this infant were no ordinary members of their race. Royal blood of both factions flows through this boy's veins.

Yes, this infant was the illegitimate child of the deceased king of the Arua Manipulators and the queen of the Shadowmancers. Why theses two came together as man and woman, was unknown. It could've been a simple act of lust or something with deeper meaning behind it. Hell, it might not have even been consensual. After all, the king did die before he was even born.

Nine months after his conception, the babe was already headed down a rough path. The queen of the Shadowmancer's died during child birth and you could already guess the problems that were caused. The boy was hated for killing their queen, but he was raised in the kingdom nonetheless.

As he grew into a small child, the people's hate had not vanished. Arguments grew more heated and eventually his blood was tested for legitimacy. He did have the blood of the queen, but not the king. Imagine how furious they were when they discovered the identity of his true father.

He was banished by the king without a second though after the information was brought. With nowhere left to go, the sad and scared boy did the only thing he could think of. He traveled to the land of the Arua Manipulators, seeking refuge and acceptance. However, he received the same treatment from the other faction.

Despite being their king's first born, the fact that he came from the womb of the enemy queen did not go ignored. Shunned from both factions, the boy had nowhere to go. Things were bad enough as is for the poor soul, but of course the bad hand he had been dealt grew worse.

His existence was known to the high-ranking Nobles of both kingdoms and it became a hot topic. Eventually it was decided that banishment was not enough. Apparently this child was too dangerous to run amuck in their world. He could be used as a weapon by the opposing side and neither faction wanted that. So, the sad and scared boy began to be hunted.

All this was happening to a boy no older than five, just for the crime of being born. Learning this was a lot to take in for a small child. Something unexpected happened that day that would change the fate of the kingdom.

The boy cast aside the exiled royal that knew nothing but sadness and fear. He grew up that day and made a goal for himself, fueled with resolve. The banishment and the hunt were meant to fix the problem, but it made things much worse. It would've been better for them if they simply accepted the boy's existence. What was the now changed boy's goal you ask? Why don't you ask his parents.

The weak outcast died that day and a new boy was born in his place. A new person required a new name. And so marked the beginning of a new life. The life of Xen.

Skills/Specialties: He possesses the abilities of both races. His mind and body have been trained for years during his life on the run. Any weapon you can name, he is proficient in it. His agility and stamina is superb, as a result of staying in peak physical condition.

He has a way with words that had only been seen by history's greatest speakers. Although, this can hardly be considered a skill, since nobody is willing to listen. His intelligence gives him a knack for strategy and analyzing situations. With both brain and brawn, this boy is truly a nightmare for whoever gets on his bad side.

Faction: He is both Arua Manipulator and Shadowmancer, but he is aligned with neither. He is the true heir to the Arua Manipulator throne.

Social Class: Exile.

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.27d848a887fd2d992b000509bc18ae40.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="5765" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_09/image.jpg.27d848a887fd2d992b000509bc18ae40.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Left: Shadowmancer form/Right: Arua Manipulator form)



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Same for Xen's introduction. I'm not running on too many fumes right now and I was barely conscious while making my character.
Sorry I've been taking so long to post my characters! I've made so many characters recently, I'm in a bit of a rut. I'll do my best to get them in tomorrow.
Do not label me with the title of those who have made my life hell. I am neither of those races. I am my own and will remain that way. I am Xen. Nothing less and nothing more.
Considering joining, if this is still open... mostly because Plume suggested I did but also because this look super cool. What are you in need of most?
@Lucem Tenebris Pfftftft *chortles and puts hands up* Ok Xen, I'll call you grumpy pants the third instead. Better? xP

@Renn Skye *TACKLEGLOMPHUG* We could use some more Shadowmancer royalty, but anything is good~ *Pictures Darien and Fletch in fancy medieval garb* xD
Yeah, I've been there once or twice, maybe thrice. Getting into a character so much that you start acting like them. I once acted as an old man and actually seriously screamed at a few kids who were on my front lawn....
I can probably make a Shadowmancer royal after school tomorrow. Also, nice to see you again Renn. I haven't seen you since Plume's old RP.

I'm leaning towards Aruamancer in the classification department... I take it you want Darien and Fletch in this? *shot'd*

GDI Nick would be cute toooooooo. And Drake would just be a BAMF Shadowmancer, no?

...but I want to throw Niobe in here because she's very awake. Or Deliana because she's always awake. Hrm...

*thinks over this for a moment*

I assume by royalty you mean direct royal family? Or do cousins and such qualify as well? Because minor nobles are also a delight. I'm thinking I'll throw a few people in here because, well, you know me. I just can't help myself.

...if I did make some direct/main royal family royalty would faternal twins be acceptable?

Also hello Lucem! How are you?

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