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Fandom The Justice League (Arrow or The Flash fans should check this out)

Deadkool said:
Legion it is, Shazam is fine also.
Are you allowing doubles? I can make a sheet for cheetah (Diana's arch villain) she's a member of the legion in the comics

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(There's like 4 cheetahs in the comics so I kinda sorta blended my favorite parts of the 3 females)

As Pricilla Rich:


As Barbara Minerva:


Cheetah suit:


Cheetah form:

Name: Priscilla Rich


-Cheetah(villain identity)

-Barbara Minerva (false civilian identity)

Age: 26

Gender: female

Sexuality: Heterosexual


In Cheetah Form:

-Superhuman Strength: As an avatar of a god, Cheetah possesses great strength.

Superhuman Durability: Cheetah's physical durability is enough to withstand blows from the likes of Wonder Woman and Superman. Cheetah's durability doesn't protect her from bullets, lasers, or other piercing attacks.

Superhuman Speed: Cheetah possesses greater speed than Wonder Woman, enhanced even further by training with Zoom.

-Superhuman Agility: Cheetah's body coordination is incredible able to tag very fast superheroes and super-heroines such as Wonder Woman.

-Enhanced Senses: Cheetah's senses are a lot more powerful than a normal human.

Claws and Fangs: Cheetah's claws and fangs are enchanted and allow her to cut almost anything. Even the flesh of super-humanly durable metahumans offers little resistance.

-Cheetah "Infection": Can "infect" others with a cheetah-like appearance and animalistic traits by biting them, including Kryptonians.

In human form (some apply to both):


-Hand-to-Hand Combat (Advanced): Cheetah is very adept at hand to hand combat obviously able to go one on one with Wonder Woman repeatedly.





Claws in her cheetah suit


Cheetah's personality is very cat-like. To beat her enemy Wonder Woman she has turned to a life a crime. The savage more animalistic side of her has no problems hurting and killing as she needs too. While the woman in her that was a does not really have her heart in this life of crime. Her transformation can cause her temper to flair at near berserk levels when she gets riled making her very dangerous and predatory. Most do not ever see the more calm side of her. That doesn't bring the money in. The criminals want a deadly woman, and not a woman seeking to aid others. She is a highly intelligent woman that when her temper is not in the way allows her to be cunning. At times she can even be playful, though many see the way cats play as cruel.


Priscilla Rich was raised with all the advantages one could hope for. Her wealth made her petty and vain, and rash see with a common delusions of societal importance.

When she was 10 she lost both of her parents in a car wreck that sent her to a group home in Idaho, run by a woman named "Aunt Lyta". The group home, Amazonia, was run along the lines of a cult. The occupants were taught to believe in a humanoid cheetah goddess and were trained to view life as a hunt, and all other people as either competitors or prey.

On her last day there (at aged 18), she killed her brother in a fight to the death, proving her worth to their sacred cause: retrieving the God-Killer Knife.

Building a series of false identities (Barbara Minerva being her favorite) she got a job in Washington as an expert in antiquities, and searched. Her life was immensely enriched by the introduction of Wonder Woman, a member of the Amazon culture she had been raised to admire. Priscilla wanted to meet her. Using her birth name and vast family fortune she got in to a large banquet where Wonder Woman would be speaking about her people and her views on American civil rights.

When Wonder Woman was off stage Priscilla went to talk to her about finding the dagger and her own beliefs. Diana laughed at them. Her hero and idol forsaking her Barbara decided to bring her down. Barbara searched for the knife and when she found it she stabbed herself with it in the name of her goddess so she could gain the powers of her goddess and destroy Wonder Woman. Instead her beliefs were wrong and the woman almost died. She was taken to a hospital and put in a mental asylum. In the asylum she went even madder than before. She wanted and NEEDED the powers of her goddess to destroy Wonder Woman. Priscilla tricked her doctors into thinking she was sane. When she was discharged from facility she found a research scientist, exploring the possibilities of enhancing human capabilities with animal characteristics. Excited by the potential of this research, but without sufficient funding to continue, Priscilla offered herself as a test subject, and transformed herself into a human-cheetah hybrid. She gained many powers from this and hoped that this new form would allow her defeat Wonder Woman. Before she could use her powers she unexpectedly went back to being a normal human. The affects of the research were only temporary. This caused her to freak out forced her to take on a cheetah persona without powers along with one that has powers.


-she has special injections she can give herself to make herself take on her human-cheetah hybrid form. It lasts only about 3-9 hours depending. The drug has to run its course in her system before she returned to a normal human

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Character Sheet



Billy Batson

Superhero: Shazam

Age: 16

Gender: Male


Billy is a kind soul who likes to enjoy his life and have fun. He has a strong sense in Justice and will put him self before others...But this just a act sadly. In truth Billy is a dick head. He just knows how to show what people want to see. He is rude person and sly thief. He learned this from his time in the system. He is only the more positive part of him when he is Shazam. Even as Shazam he acts like a hormone filled teen.

By screaming Shazam into the Sky he Transforms.

Solomon: Billy intellect doubles along with this he gain Omani-language. The ability to understand all languages and also read them. Even hieroglyphs of ancient Egypt.

Hercules: Hercules' power grants Billy immense strength. He is able to easily bend steel, punch through walls, and lift massive objects.

Atlas: Atlas's stamina, Shazam can withstand and survive most types of extreme physical assults, and heal from them. Additionally, he can go months with out food, water, sleep and day with out air.

Zeus: Zeus's power, besides fueling the magic thunderbolt that transforms Billyl, also enhances Marvel's other physical and mental abilities, and grants him resistance against all magic spells and attacks. He can use the lighting inside his to supercharge himself and Shock people near him like a eel.

Achilles: This aspect gives Billy the courage and bravery of Achilles and his fighting skills and invulnerability against mental and physical attack.

Mercury: By channeling Mercury's speed Billy can move at superhuman speeds and leap great distances. He can also channel the air around him and ride the wind.

Turning into Shazam is a strain on his body. It leaves him tired and unable to change back for a hour. If he forces it the lighting bolt will harm him. Most people who are chosen stay in that form.


Billy parents were killed in a fire when he was 8 when a thunder bolt struck his house. His sister who was 18 at the time had gone missing, Her body was never found in the flames. Billy remember seeing a large and buff black man save his life speaking about "I am not cruel enough to let a child die." He then found him self outside of the burning house as he heard the screams of his parents and the thunder in the back ground as if gods did battle. Ever since that day he has been in multiple group homes and has been trouble. He hated when things didn't go his way and solved everything with violence. He was a devil child. It wasn't till he was 14 years old when his life had changed. A man claiming to be his grand father adopted him. It was reveled that he was the last protector of Magic.

He told Billy the truth, A man name Teth-Adam killed his parents and his sister over the fact she had gain the power of Shazam. He had done this for nearly 3000 years so he may remind the only person with this great power. He had even started slaying the guardians of magic and he was the last one, There leader Shazam himself. He took him on a train ride to the Rock on Eternity were he would gain the power his sister once had, The power of Shazam. He was given this power more then just over his bloodline, He was chosen for he had great potential of good in him he just needed to realize it. It may seem Billy is bad but in truth he is a hero in the making just needs guidance.

For the pass 2 years he has been Shazam and protected the world of Magic and even beaten Adam a few times. He also learn of the 7 enemies of Man and took them on and won. As Billy gets older the Job becomes more hectic as he juggles school and his duties. Billy has also learn his sister is alive and is a faithful brain wash servant of Adam. He has since then been trying to find a way to free her of mind control.​





Super Villain:

Black Adam






Adam is extremely prideful and bold. He sees himself as a god and the only being that should have the power. He has radical idles and acts like a tyrant king were his word is law. He Stoic and only shows his displeasure and rarely his happiness. He will smile at victories he really wanted. Adam come across wise also.


The same as Billy's but based on Egyptian Gods


Teth-Adam before becoming the man he is now, He was just a average City Guard. He lived in a land known as Kahndaq that broke of from Egypt long before him. Kahndaq was a ruthless and hard place that was being destroyed from the outside and inside. It was a hard place to live and it was easy to be corrupted but it never ruined Teth-Adam and that's why he was chosen. He was well liked among people and selfless. He fought for the poor and hated Injustice so the Guardians of magic, The Circle of Eternity, Made him there advocate when magic goes wrong and out of control and Mighty Adam (or Adam the Mighty) was born.

Adam did his job but sadly over years he changed from kind and forgiving protector to tyrant when his wife was slayed by his enemy Okit, A man he speared from death once buy talking the Circle out of killing him. Adam killed the man and took over Kahndaq by dethroned the Pharaoh by pulling him of the throne tossing him into a wall killing him. Adam saw that to make sure no one ever harms what he loves he shall rule his lad. The Circle were surprised at what the Mighty Adam had become and started calling Black Adam. This marked the end of Teth-Adam as there herald and chosen another but Adam deemed him unworthy and killed him like he would do each herald after him. The Circle wish to take his power but once given to someone it can only be taken away in there mortal form.

The Circle grew tired of him and decided to dirty there hands buy sending on of them to deal with him but she failed and died. This is when Adam went off to hunt all of the Circle of Eternity down. There leader, Shazam was the only one left after the hunt and with the last of his power he trapped Adam in the Rock of Eternity. The Wizard Shazam then fell rested for a long time till he awoke in a new world were magic didn't rule but still it existed so he made a new Champion and Her name was Mary Batson.

When Adam broke free of his prison he search for the The Wizard but found his Champion was there to protect him. She beat Adam and he fled swearing revenge and he got it when he destroyed the Batson family. He also took Mary as his wife seeing that she look so much like his dead wife. He warped her mind with the help of Mages like Felix Faust, Papa Midnite and The Witch Circe. The Wizard Shazam went into hiding until he found Billy and made his the new Champion. Adam had fought Billy but was beaten by him every time some way. Billy, The youngest herald ever has bested the greatest of them.

Well, then, I'm gonna post a pic:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/uploadfromtaptalk1417918774839.jpg.70ae6c8e7ef3057de64b9e70b2b5b5b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36214" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/uploadfromtaptalk1417918774839.jpg.70ae6c8e7ef3057de64b9e70b2b5b5b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

And also, my second favorite thing:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/uploadfromtaptalk1417918810905.jpg.7fd735c4bebb66a525664d2a73a42257.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="36215" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/uploadfromtaptalk1417918810905.jpg.7fd735c4bebb66a525664d2a73a42257.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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I agree, also, I'm on my IPad and it's pretty difficult to make a thread. @Kyd Jhesus would you mind making it?

[QUOTE="Kyd Jhesus]I think we should all start off not knowing each other.

Err, What the story or something. I am confuse on how we really are doing it. Do you want a setting or Just a post to start things off.
I'd just like the thread posted, you can leave the sections blank, but put a link to this thread on IC rping.

@Kyd Jhesus
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Can I call a villain spot for Slade? Hope it's not taken. And I'd also like to say, that since he's an anti hero...maybe I could focus on the ANTI in that so he's not entirely an antagonist for the roleplay.
Slade is a anti hero? I always saw him as a villain or at least a anti villain. He is a hitman, he kills for money no matter who the side is.
Yep, he kills for money and for fun. So, basically a villain or neutral evil.
You could say the same thing about Deadpool, but people still see him as an anti hero.

Plus, Arrow's version of Slade Wilson is less diabolical than the comic's version.
undercovernoob said:
Plus, Arrow's version of Slade Wilson is less diabolical than the comic's version.
Slade filled Starling with super soldiers to kill the citizens and destroy the city to hurt Oliver. He destroyed a city to make one person hurt....how is that not diabolical? Slade is a villain...he does more bad than any possible good.

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The only time he did something good I remember is in the comics were he scared his son and daughter into hating him so they will stay with the titans.

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