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Fandom The Justice League (Arrow or The Flash fans should check this out)

Deadkool said:
I'd only like a CS if you're playing an OC.
I'm changing Diana up a bit to fit into the Arrow and Flash world. Her history is going to be slightly different than the typical cannon version.

ColonelScout312 said:
Should we post a pic of our characters? Maybe what actors we want to play them since this is a tv show universe?
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this too
(I feel ya man on the finals thing. Finals suck! Luckily im exempt this year from them. Straight A's for the wiiin. My school has a policy that if your making a 95 av. You dont have to take the exam.)
[QUOTE="Demon Hunter](I feel ya man on the finals thing. Finals suck! Luckily im exempt this year from them. Straight A's for the wiiin. My school has a policy that if your making a 95 av. You dont have to take the exam.)

My school doesn't do that, not like it would really matter cause I'm practically failing everything (3 F's, a C-, a D+, and two A's)
Hey two As are awesome! Belive me, my parents are so hard to please. I almost got grounded because I had one grade fall to an 88. My mom blew a frikkin gasket!
[QUOTE="Demon Hunter]Hey two As are awesome! Belive me, my parents are so hard to please. I almost got grounded because I had one grade fall to an 88. My mom blew a frikkin gasket!

My two A's are the easiest classes ever. Health and PE. There's no way to fail those classes...

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Hq! I bombed PE. no joke bombed it. My mom didn't mind that class though. Not my fault I can't run (I really cant, physical exertion is really dangerous for me and my awefull health.) that teacher was crazy, i had a doctors note that said it was dangerous for me to run, a week later she'd make me hit the track. Ooooh I hated her.
If you'd like to post an altered history to your character or picture feel free to. Chances are Ill accept it.
I'll post my bio soon.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/uploadfromtaptalk1417584126667.jpg.514a97bbc09628d1ee1ffe5c84f986bd.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35905" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/uploadfromtaptalk1417584126667.jpg.514a97bbc09628d1ee1ffe5c84f986bd.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Yay, I am in. So much to do, so much chaos to be done, so many lives to end. Gotham, prepare to be cleansed in fire!
My sheet:

Amazon Armor:


A.R.G.U.S. Field Uniform:


Name: Diana of Themyscaria


-Diana Prince (civilian identity)

-Wonder Woman (hero identity)

Gender: female

Age: 24

Sexuality: pansexual


-Princess of Themyscira

-Representative of Themyscira

-women's and civil rights activist

-Field Agent for A.R.G.U.S.

-Member of the Justice League

Her powers/abilities (given to her by the Greek gods themselves):

-Superhuman Strength: Granted by Demeter. Wonder Woman is as strong as the Earth and stronger than Hercules and in the DCU She is considered to be the strongest superhero in the world after Superman. Thus making Wonder Woman stronger than Supergirl and Power Girl, even overpowering Power Girl in battle.

-Superhuman Speed: Granted by Hermes. Wonder Woman was made to be faster then Hermes himself, Wonder Woman is even fast enough to easily keep up with the Flash.

-Flight: Granted by Hermes. Wonder Woman is capable of flying at speeds greater than escape velocity. Her top speed is unknown.

Super Durable: Granted by Demeter. Wonder Woman can withstand considerable bludgeoning damage in the form of hand to hand combat with metahuman opponents such as Superman and Doomsday. She can take high damage and even take high forms of heat and cold.

-Superhuman Reflexes: Granted by Hermes. Wonder Woman possesses reflex abilities similar the Flash and is fast enough to block bullets with her bracelets. Batman even said that Wonder Woman's reflexes are superior to that of Superman.

-Superhuman Stamina: Wonder Woman can keep fighting until she drops dead.

Enhanced Healing: Granted by Demeter. Wonder Woman can heal fast and she possesses an immunity from poisons, toxins, as well as disease.

-Superhuman Agility: Wonder Woman's agility is superhuman.

-Enhanced Senses: All five are superhuman level.

-Martial Combat: Wonder Woman is said to be the best hand to hand fighter in DCU.

-Oneness With Fire: Granted by Hestia. Apparently making Wonder Woman a focus of truth.

-Empathy: Granted by Athena, Wonder Woman can often detects others' emotions and most forms of mind control will not work on her.

-Tactician: Granted by Athena. Wonder Woman knows how to act rationally, diplomatically, is an accomplished strategist and tactician, and is a natural born leader.

-Great Beauty: Granted by Aphrodite. She gave Wonder Woman great beauty and a loving heart.

-Animal Communication: Granted by Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt). Wonder Woman is also gifted a unity with beasts and a loving heart to a degree that they are actually metaphysical abilities.

-Magic Resistance: Granted by All Five Goddesses and Hermes. Wonder Woman is very resistant to magic attacks and is effective against her foes which use magic as their main power.

-Magic Lightning: Wonder Woman has learned how to emit a devastating magic lightning attack from her bracelets do to their links with Zeus. This attack can even strike Gods and Goddesses down with a powerful strike, and this attack can even work underwater.

Personality: Wonder Woman is a warrior first, even more so most of her fellow heroes. She was born and trained as an Amazon and is royalty. She is proud, severely loyal, and has a strict moral code that sometimes others don't agree with or seem to understand. Diana, in her more human elements, has no trouble showing love and compassion, but has little success in romantic endeavors. She loves her family and her friends fiercely, and is devoted to stopping injustices wherever she finds them. She is willing to sacrifice her own life for the world.


Lasso of Truth: The Lasso of Truth forces those who are bound by it to tell the truth and the Lasso is unbreakable. The lasso also forces those who are bound by it to act as the holder demands.

Bracelets: These are a pair of steel cuffs that are indestructible because they were created from the remains of Zeus’s Aegis shield. Wonder Woman can use her super reflexes to deflect projectiles or any form of offensive attack.

Tiara: Her tiara is razor sharp and can be used so as to return to her when thrown. It is also magical and can therefore be used to injure those susceptible to magic, such as Superman.

Amazonian Battle Armor: When faced with a larger threat Diana will wear her Amazonian battle armor for added protection as well as use martial weapons such as her sword.

Sword: Wonder Woman has employed a magical sword forged by the Greek god Hephaestus.


-Piercing Weapons:

Wonder Woman is vulnerable to piercing weapons such as swords, arrows, and bullets. This is why she needs to use the gauntlets to protect herself from ranged projectile.

-Bound Bracers:

Wonder Woman's powers are rendered completely useless when her bracelets are bound together.

-Lasso of Truth:

Wonder Woman is subject to the lasso just like everyone else.

Bio: Wonder Woman is the daughter of Queen Hippolyta, the leader of the amazons. She comes from a magical island given to amazons by the goddess Artemis after the Amazons escaped enslavement by the evil demigod Hercules and his army of men. The island has a magical barrier that stops time from passing.

One year ago Colonel Steve Trevor, an Air Force pilot and U.S. Government Agent for A.R.G.U.S. crash landed on Themyscira. As a he was a man it was up to the queen of the amazons, Diana's mother, to figure out how to take Steve back to his home in America. As the queen she decided to take Steve back herself. The queen has been missing somewhere in man's world for a little over a year and Diana, as the acting queen to the throne decided to leave and head to man's world to find her mother, leaving her sister Artemis in charge of the island. A search which, since her arrival, led her to help those who cannot help themselves. Her good deeds in America were discovered and she was approached by Amanda Waller, the leader of A.R.G.U.S. to became one of her field agents. Diana needed money so she took the job. Waller gave her the alias Diana Prince. While not a work she is an ambassador for her people, talks about women's rights issues, does community service work to help the less fortunate, and fights crime as the Amazon warrior Wonder Woman.


-her mother is still missing and she is determined to find her

-she is working with Agent Steve Trevor and the two of them have an on again off again fling going on

-her bracelets suppress her powers and allow Diana to control them. If removed her powers will become too strong and she will go berserk and be practically unstoppable.

List of my NPC's


name: Agent Steve Trevor

gender: male

age: 27

role: Diana's partner in the field and boyfriend


name: Artemis

gender: female

age: unknown (appears 27)

role: Diana's older "sister", acting queen of Themyscaria, Diana's mentor

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Sorry sir wonder boy, but may I point out the fact you say Wonder Woman is highly resistant to magic, then stating her weakness is magic.

Furthermore I would like to address the overpowered nature of your powers.

However it isn't for me to decide, I am just pointing out a few flaws, which is easy for one who have yet to create his own character :/
Bruce Wayne:


When Bruce was 10, his parents were murdered. It hit him like a ton of bricks, and he was sure it was his fault. When his parents died he became something of a recluse, not speaking to anyone, or leaving his house. He devoted his time studying how to be a detective, biology, chemistry, and martial arts. At age 18 he had learned and mastered almost every form of martial arts. He moved to China, going missing, and stayed there for years. When Bruce was 22, he met a man in the shop he owned who did not give his name, but bested Bruce in a sparring match, which rarely happened. The mysterious man said that if Bruce wanted to learn how to bring justice to his city, to meet him at a dojo in the mountains. After closing his shop Bruce did just that, and learned the identity of the man to be Ras Al Ghul. Bruce trained with the league of shadows for 3 years. Bruce was Al Ghuls greatest student, and was to lead his men to victory in Gotham, but Bruce declined the offer, destroying Al Ghuls mountain home, and believing to have killed him. That day he resolved never to kill anyone again. He returned home to the Wayne mansion the year Oliver Quinn went missing, and began a life of crime fighting as the batman. Over the years he has fought many foes such as the joker, the penguin, and of late he has fought some meta humans as well, his most recent adventure was a man who was called The Killer Croc in the circus, and an old friend of Bruce Wayne, Victor Fries, who's wife was dying. He also has the likes of falcone and maroni to deal with in an ongoing gang war. He has now been the batman for six years, and is known as the first, even if the arrow is more widely known.

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IllusiveShade said:
Sorry sir wonder boy, but may I point out the fact you say Wonder Woman is highly resistant to magic, then stating her weakness is magic.
Furthermore I would like to address the overpowered nature of your powers.

However it isn't for me to decide, I am just pointing out a few flaws, which is easy for one who have yet to create his own character :/
Just cause she's resistant to it doesn't mean that it can't hurt her. It's a resistance not an immunity. She get thrown around by magic users and take a more hits than the average before she starts to feel it.

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wonderboy1234 said:
Just cause she's resistant to it doesn't mean that it can't hurt her. It's a resistance not an immunity. She get thrown around by magic users and take a more hits than the average before she starts to feel it.
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See that's my point. I mean, when it all comes down to it, every one has a weakness for bullets or swords. True I can be resistant to it, but it doesn't mean It doesn't kill you in the end, just because you are wearing armor.

My point is, you shouldn't state magic as her weaknes then. Think of superman, the man of steel. His weaknes is cryptonite, a rare metal only found on Krypton. It weakens him, and eventually kills him. That's a weaknes, not bullets or lightening bolts.

So why not be creative? Since we have free hands, why not give her an interesting weaknes. Maybe silver burns her, like with werewolves? Maybe monarch light, drains her of her powers?

I don't want to argue, but I don't want to see some mediocre work being put into a character sheet. (Not saying it's all bad. I mean look at that powers list!) and after all, you needn't include her weaknesses in the first place.

See this as constructive criticism, a helping hand. Not some hit to the face of yours.
IllusiveShade said:
See that's my point. I mean, when it all comes down to it, every one has a weakness for bullets or swords. True I can be resistant to it, but it doesn't mean It doesn't kill you in the end, just because you are wearing armor.
My point is, you shouldn't state magic as her weaknes then. Think of superman, the man of steel. His weaknes is cryptonite, a rare metal only found on Krypton. It weakens him, and eventually kills him. That's a weaknes, not bullets or lightening bolts.

So why not be creative? Since we have free hands, why not give her an interesting weaknes. Maybe silver burns her, like with werewolves? Maybe monarch light, drains her of her powers?

I don't want to argue, but I don't want to see some mediocre work being put into a character sheet. (Not saying it's all bad. I mean look at that powers list!) and after all, you needn't include her weaknesses in the first place.

See this as constructive criticism, a helping hand. Not some hit to the face of yours.
I took your advice changed them. Also added something to the other section.

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Ladies and gentle men, I give you, the man, the legend the living joke. It's...

The Joker!

What is known about this man you ask? Not much is aviable, but fear not, you shall experience him at any rate!

Real name: N/A

Age: Unkown

Sex: Male

Sexuality: Straight/Assexual

Backstory: "I'm going to have a past, I prefer it to be multiple choice! Ha ha ha! But my point is... My point is, I went crazy. When I saw what a black, awful joke the world was, I went crazy as a coot!"

The joker (in this version) was once a struggling comedian who barely made a living, while trying to support his wife, and soon to come, child. As he got lesser and less payment for his downright horrible stand-up, the joker was approached of two members of a criminal gang. The red hood gang. He was offered a quick and easy deal, only required to show the two criminals to a certain spot at his old workplace, Gotham Chemicals. Before heist had begun however, the joker was informed that his wife had died in labor. Still, the criminals persuaded the joker onto continuing the job, and so they did. They were jumped by added security under the heist, and the two criminals were shot. The joker himself fled into the top of a chemical tank, and as Batman tried to save him, the joker was convinced that Batman was gonna kill him, and so backed towards the walkway across the tank, and accidentally fell in. His hair was permanently dyed green, and his lips got a thick rich color. He had crawled out into the rain, where he saw his now hideous face, and the mental trauma became to much for him, and thus, the Joker was born.


The Joker possesses a few skills that has aided him thought the years.

Brilliant hand-to-hand combat - Throughout his and batmans many battles, the Joker has picked up a unique fighting style, suited for his almost spinkle construction.

Singlehanded weapons - the Joker is an excellent shot with pistols, which usually packs just as good a punch as a strong rifle, just in smaller doses.

"Mentality" - The Jokers mentality, or lack of same, can be considered both an asset and a weakness, as his reckless nature often ends up failing him, or he ends up killing hundreds of his hengemen for no real reason at all, besides the entertainment aspect in it.

His weakness:

Bats does seem to drive him crazy at times.

And now for the moment you all have waited for, THE JOKER

Cyborg is my Bro, But I fear i don't understand his character much. Superman is sadly of limits(Not JLA with out him!:cry:) So it's Aquaman, Green Lantern( John Stewart) ...Is Shazam off limits?
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