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Fantasy The island of the outcasts (Always accepting)

Razilia Juadal


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ce574418887eb2599d54440fd14ccce8.jpg.a10b18da7f5d1e0e8b4abbc4d4801be6.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66299" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/ce574418887eb2599d54440fd14ccce8.jpg.a10b18da7f5d1e0e8b4abbc4d4801be6.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Gravity manipulation, basically she can sense the momentum, weight, and placement of anything at a time. She can also lift things using her mind, but only small things, larger things are too taxing on her small body. Basically she is an elemental.

Age: 16ish

Gender: Female

Personality: Charismatic, Analytical, Grounded, Random, Calm, Spacey.

Likes: Animals, Rain, Snow, Cold, Sleep, Coffee, Challenges.

Dislikes: Loud noises, Strong smells, Hot temperatures, Being lost, Being afraid.


Don't ask don't tell.


Other(?): She is 100% blind, her ability steps in for her missing sense, though she will always envy seeing her friends, enemy's, and color. Other than that, when she uses her power for anything heavier than a medium sized dog, her nose bleeds almost immediately. Her hair also grows erratically as she continues to use said power.​



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Name: Marquist Serenzin (Marq for short)

Appearance:(Realistic or anime)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Russia.600.1199256.jpg.302b37d3d05f2fa3604487c7b4d56b19.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66012" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Russia.600.1199256.jpg.302b37d3d05f2fa3604487c7b4d56b19.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Power:(Nothing too op like time manipulation or something that can directly effect the RP) Controls any animal with his thought or whistles



Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and other basic things): All he remembers is playing the Cello and how much he loved to hear it he remembers some parts of a orchestra he was in

Personality: Comical





Likes: Music and animals and the beach really loves smoothies.

Dislikes: ignorance

those who don't like music


raucous noise

Crush: His Cello

When bored will sit and pretend to play his Cello.




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Name: Fay Sorren

She also has a pair of blackish blue peregrine falcon wings but she can't fly because her feathers are clipped.

Power:(Nothing too op like time manipulation or something that can directly effect the RP)
She turns into this. In this form she still cannot fly and her eyes are still the same. She has a distinct marking around her right eye that matches the one on her human form in a dark black color and she can't always control when she shifts.

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Bio: Some pretty vague memories of being kidnapped and tested on.

Personality: Kind, sweet, funny, gets a little irritated at times, when she gets angry it's best to stay out of her way.

Likes: Freedom, Open spaces, Food, books, Chocolate (Give her chocolate and she'll be your friend for life)

Dislikes: Cages, Needles,

Crush: TBA

Name: Kurai



Power: He can transform into any kind of predatory animal.



Bio:He doesnt remember anything from before being captured while he was at someone from his family's grave.... and waking up on the beach.

Personality: ~brave

~hard to surprise



~laid back

~semi possesive

Likes:Kawaii things

-Being in charge

-being pet when in the form of any kinds of cats or canines

-wont admit it but likes playing with companions...

Dislikes:rude people

-obnoxious people

-strong smells

-being lonely

Crush: Classified


Name: Amaya S. Eclipset



Power:She is a animal shape shifter. Or in other words, a walker.



Bio:She doesn't remember anything except her name and where she wakes up.

Personality: She is stubborn, Andi a hard shell to crack when it comes to her feelings unless she sees u as a very close person in her life, like a really good friend etc. She is clumsy, and some times loses her common sense. And including her feelings she is usually cheery or has a blank face.


~Sweet things


~dark places

~Ocasionally chilly places



~Being Wrong

~spicy things


~Being girly


Crush:A secret


((Sorry just wanted to resend to change the as Bac to normal when I was excepted.....and so I can have editing available in case.......... I did this cause of my account change thing I did......... 0-0))
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Áspro & Máv̱ros Wittcaster

(Áspro is White in Greek and Máv̱ros is black in Greek)


(Seperated Form)

(If your confused on who is who... Your a twat)



(Their combined form)



Máv̱ros Powers:

Cellular regeneration:

Máv̱ros can regenerate any wounds that he may have been inflicted to him at will

Shadow Manipulation

Máv̱ros can manipulate any surrounding shadows to his will, disappear completely when in shadows, travel inbetween shadowy patches and even create fully solid constructs

Increased Brain functionality

Máv̱ros' brain can absorb and process information 5x faster than a normal human

Áspro Powers:

Cellular Regeneration:

Áspro, much like his brother, can regeneration any wounds that may be inflicted on him at will

Gravity Manipulation

Áspro can manipulate the gravity around him and in some cases manipulate the gravity around other people

Increased Brain functionality

Áspro's brain, once again much like his brother's, can absorb and process information 10x faster than a normal human

Both Powers:

Shared Thoughts

Both Máv̱ros and Áspro can share their thoughts and in most cases are completely sychronized

Mental Evolution

Both of the brothers' brains have developed quicker and allows them to act older than they are and also have a better intellect


Áspro is 19 while Máv̱ros is 18


Both male

Bio: Before being kidnapped Máv̱ros and Áspro were both participating in a science experiment known as 'Project Yin Yang', a project that they were asked to participate in after being observed for multiple weeks. 'Project Yin Yang' was a scientific experiment which involved 2 subjects (Áspro and Máv̱ros) working together to complete tests that involved sychronizated tasks in order to complete the tests. Other than the test neither of the brothers have done any significant in their lives.


Áspro is the more talkative of the 2 brothers and will usually in most cases, due to their shared thoughts, do most of the talking for both of the brothers. Máv̱ros is usually almost silent and it is almost impossible to get on his good side. However Máv̱ros has always possessed a soft 'under layer' that usually shows if he has a connection with someone or when playing music.


Máv̱ros Likes:


Darkness/Dark Areas


Áspro Likes:





Máv̱ros Dislikes:



Áspro Dislikes:

Loud Noises



If Máv̱ros is confronted with a question about a relationship he will promptly punch the person who asked in the face, that may change, whereas Áspro doesn't really mind if someone asks him a relatioship question


Despite their age difference both of the brothers were born on the same day

Áspro wields a cane sword that changes into a small orb that when searched the military soldiers that search him thought it was part of his supernatural powers and let him keep it. That and the fact that it burnt through the glove of the man that picked it up.

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Name:Alicia Azakia

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Aliciamagic.jpg.4894e6316871740a7be3f0b5ae48f07d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="66127" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/Aliciamagic.jpg.4894e6316871740a7be3f0b5ae48f07d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Power:Alicia wields magic like an iron fist.Using it as a way to force things to go her way when others don't comply.You're probably going to ask what kind of magic she uses right?No really she just uses magic.She can shape it into various things even able to just use pure magic as her method of attack.She has limits to her types of magic yes simply because they are too powerful for her to control.As one of three phoenixs she has access to a power boost known as Phoenix Mode.While it leaves her drained afterwards the power boost can often turn a losing fight into a victory or in some cases allow her to escape.While her power naturally grows she has found a method of consuming the magic of others to increase her power.Spending months in a state of magic sustained concentration she created what she calls the Gloves of Gluttony.Upon contact with a magic wielding enemy she can absorb their power but never all of it.The gloves take some of the magic into themselves to be what seems forever lost.Her method of acquiring such gloves is still unknown, perhaps involving the Council[this is personal lore won't affect rp].



Alicia was born a normal child, nothing odd or weird happened.Her father an ice manipulator and her mother a fire manipulator.Surely she should be one of the two right?No unfortunately for those of her homeland it wasn't.From a young age it was revealed she was capable of something only to be described as magic.Growing older it became apparent she was slowly becoming a very ambitious young woman.Often seeking out countless relics of power with her abilities.She had built up a collection of magic weaponry which she used to toy with people.As she grew older she uncovered a strange island and was forced into a new body for 4 years.This cybernetic body was alien to her and made her feel powerless that was until she unlocked its true potential.Eventually gaining confidence she took on her rival and was beaten to a bloody pulp.Making it back to the strange island in literal pieces she set the system up again to transfer into her old body.The Phoenix intervened in her return deciding she needed to learn a lesson before coming back.On Earth she discovered a lot but had never learned her lesson not even now as she is forced onto this island.

Personality:Filled with ambition and spirit, she moves through life carving her own path potentially at the expense of others and the world around her.While at first glance she might not seem like a cruel or evil person on a casual day she will often act kind and friendly sometimes even childish.Of course this is just how she befriends people to use for her own gain.Rarely has she ever truly called someone a friend.Of course she is inexperienced in leadership and is prone to mistakes at times but then again her only real interest is numero uno.Of course she'll always due her best to keep up her charade of being a good person after all it was how she was raised.

Likes:Apple juice, Banana Smoothies, reading, besting others, being in power, cats, Deadpool

Dislikes: Being looked down on, being beaten, spinage, shapeshifters, boot kissing


(I can easily think up an entire new bio if you don't like this or you won't allow it here.Actually I thought it up as I was typing this very sentence so let me know and I'll write that out..)



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Name: Cordelia snow



Power: shadow manipulation, where she can melt into shadows and or control them. She can also bring them into physical being so they can be used as weapons. Though they are very reactive to her emotions and have at times gotten out of control. From what she has learned over time she had managed to shape shadows into hand held weapons, has made herself dissapear completely in dark areas and has learned to tap into peoples anxieties and fears to use against them in battle. Though one part of her power she had yet to control or figure out is when she gets into a type of dark state of mind and manages to manipulate and call forth a type of creature that she has found I formed from her own subconciousness.


Age: 19

Gender: female

Bio(Not required if character can't remember anything before helicopter aside from name and other basic things): Cordelia knows of her time before the helicopter but only so much and nothing since before the tests. She knows that at a young age she was sold to the government by her parents to be apart of a series of tests. During her time in the institution she managed to forget anything good from her time before. During her times locked away she spent days being cut up, injected, poked at and observed. Of course she didn't go this far without taking down a scientist or two...or ten. Either way she was living in a hell she felt she would never escape. They messed with her so much that she was pretty much an emotionless shell of a monster Locke in cage, a dog that snarled everytime you lock eyes with it. When the day came that she heard I others being taken to an island she had a glimmer of hope to be taken away. But soon days turned to weeks and she heard that mist of the peoppe in her block were just going to be executed. She panicked and started to devise a plan. When they came for her a little sooner than she had planned she broke down. In the midst of her screaming and struggLing she felt a tugging in the back of her Mind that made her shut down and go still. She didn't remember much after that, she just remembers flashes of teeth and so Much screaMing. She was covered in blood when it was all done and she had woken back up and without questioning it she hijacked some clothes and was preparing to take a helicopter when she felt a sharp pain in her neck and blacked out.

Personality: for what personality she had left she had a fighting spirit and a silver tongue. She remembers once being a normal girl with normal emotions but with the institution and the tests she has a deep fear that has blocked out any positive emotions.

Likes: reading

quiet places

wide open spaces




closed spaces

being trapped in a corner

bright, hot days

being crowded

trying to meet new people

Crush: not really sure on how to flirt in the first place

she prefers isolation and has really yet to meet any others on the island since arriving. In the institution it was every man for themselves and she fears it's like that here as well.

Dao Li



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:

Evil / Neutral


Human appearance

  • li" data-history="on" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; word-wrap: normal; min-height: 30px; display: table; width: 1199px; box-sizing: border-box;">

1ad75d3c74feaa11e5d3aaf524165655 by Dao posted Aug 5, 2015 at 9:56 PM

Work appearance

  • li" data-history="on" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; word-wrap: normal; min-height: 30px; display: table; width: 1199px; box-sizing: border-box;">

DARKNESS2 by Dao posted Aug 5, 2015 at 10:00 PM

  • li" data-history="on" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; word-wrap: normal; min-height: 30px; display: table; width: 1199px; box-sizing: border-box;">

Dao by Dao posted Aug 5, 2015 at 9:56 PM






Easy Going


Manipulation of Ki,Mana,Psi

(casting spells,reinforcing his body,conjuration of apendages/monsters ect..,peeing into people toughts,charming,domination,memory alteration,sorcercy and psycic witch craft)

Martial Arts

Fire Arms




+Cute Stuff

+Animal Girls(Nekos,bunnys,kitsunes)



-Dumb People

-Serious People




After eons of roaming the omniverse as the strongest entity doing whatever he pleases. Dao decided to seal his powers away(but not his knowledge) to be reincarnated as a mortal to learn the struggle of gaining power by crawling his way up from the bottom. After countless deaths and births (1.777321e+121235 but whos counting) he landed in a nice cushy planet and even found a job killing peo* cough *managing the local population count and managing the land for certain businesses.

His last job was should have been easy go track down the target and make his death look like a suicide. but entering the targets room countless agents shot him full of darts, the next thing dao new he was pushed off a helicopter on this hell hole
Name: Aaren


Power: Her goggles enhance her vision, while at night, they give her night vision at a normal range. She can also summon constellations and control them. However, she can't summon large ones without passing out for a certain period of time (hours to days, sometimes a week), but can summon small ones easily. She specializes in using a bow made of stars. She is unable to summon constellations during the day, because you can't see stars during the day.

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Bio: She doesn't remember anything but the basic things and name except that she vaguely remembers a boy pointing out constellations for her when she was little.

Personality: rarely talks, somewhat short temper, doesn't trust others easily

Likes: secluded places, working alone, anything considered 'creepy' by most, the night sky

Dislikes: bright lights, strong smells, busy and crowded areas, gangs and mafia

Crush: N/A

Other(?): (if you mean random facts...)

She cuts her hair with a knife.

She knows Morse Code.

She knows Old English and Latin along with Modern English, but rarely speaks them.

She got her scar after a fight with a gang member, but she doesn't remember.

(Hello, Island of the Outcasts! I am new here.... and this is my first time creating a character on this site. Hope you like Aaren! (please pretend the attatched files aren't there))
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/MyStyle.jpg.849c89752178a6fb6bee578db79736de.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67035" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/MyStyle.jpg.849c89752178a6fb6bee578db79736de.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-6_23-33-42.jpeg.4649fc3b370f4192297344d59fe1b46d.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67040" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-6_23-33-42.jpeg.4649fc3b370f4192297344d59fe1b46d.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p><p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-7_0-25-42.png.f4806b6cddd3a3aef092e3fa9cc3f239.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="67054" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_08/upload_2015-8-7_0-25-42.png.f4806b6cddd3a3aef092e3fa9cc3f239.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@kamikazeweaboo21 I have been given permission to accept Character sheets and allow people to join and all that. So go ahead and hop in the RP!

Everyone whose character sheet I liked may join the RP! Isune is having technical difficulties so I am taking over! :D
The Master] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20204-kamikazeweaboo21/ said:
@kamikazeweaboo21[/URL] I have been given permission to accept Character sheets and allow people to join and all that. So go ahead and hop in the RP!
Everyone whose character sheet I liked may join the RP! Isune is having technical difficulties so I am taking over! :D
Sweet! Looking forward to it!
Dao said:
Dao Li



Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:

Evil / Neutral


Human appearance

  • li" data-history="on" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; word-wrap: normal; min-height: 30px; display: table; width: 1199px; box-sizing: border-box;">

1ad75d3c74feaa11e5d3aaf524165655 by Dao posted Aug 5, 2015 at 9:56 PM

Work appearance

  • li" data-history="on" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; word-wrap: normal; min-height: 30px; display: table; width: 1199px; box-sizing: border-box;">

DARKNESS2 by Dao posted Aug 5, 2015 at 10:00 PM

  • li" data-history="on" style="margin: 0px 0px 10px; padding: 0px; font-size: 12px; word-wrap: normal; min-height: 30px; display: table; width: 1199px; box-sizing: border-box;">

Dao by Dao posted Aug 5, 2015 at 9:56 PM






Easy Going


Manipulation of Ki,Mana,Psi

(casting spells,reinforcing his body,conjuration of apendages/monsters ect..,peeing into people toughts,charming,domination,memory alteration,sorcercy and psycic witch craft)

Martial Arts

Fire Arms




+Cute Stuff

+Animal Girls(Nekos,bunnys,kitsunes)



-Dumb People

-Serious People




After eons of roaming the omniverse as the strongest entity doing whatever he pleases. Dao decided to seal his powers away(but not his knowledge) to be reincarnated as a mortal to learn the struggle of gaining power by crawling his way up from the bottom. After countless deaths and births (1.777321e+121235 but whos counting) he landed in a nice cushy planet and even found a job killing peo* cough *managing the local population count and managing the land for certain businesses.

His last job was should have been easy go track down the target and make his death look like a suicide. but entering the targets room countless agents shot him full of darts, the next thing dao new he was pushed off a helicopter on this hell hole
Remove most of the powers due to their OP status and you're good to go. Or at least alter them. Also there must be a negative to all of it.
Well I think we could handle another boy.

That depends... I think there are 2 girls.... and 3 active boys. But.. we could always use more boys :D

(Mainly bc I'm all jelly I can't rp a boy for nothing)
Keep OCC in OCC. And no i do not want an apology or reply. Just keep occ in occ please.


Pyrokinesis[/URL] : This is the power to control flames, embers, or any object with a temperature considerably higher. The manipulation of fire is one of the most used and basic in the use of magic. However, it requires concentration, as loss of control of whoever uses this power can lead to mass destruction and death.

Electrokinesis: This is the power to control energy in the environment. Due to the complexity and difficulties in controlling this element. It is extremely aggressive and lethal in comparison with the other four elements, as it is pure energy capable of destroying a physical body and reduce it to ashes in seconds.

Aerokinesis: This is the power to control gusts of wind, tornadoes, etc. The manipulation of air is the second most used and basic in the use of magic. Despite not being widely used as an element attack unlike the other elements, air is both the weakest and the most powerful at once. It requires concentration to comply with the desired goal. Air is associated with emotions such as freedom, harmony, wholeness

Normal Vampire Abilites (speed, smell, sight, etc. Which may not even be considered as an ability.)





"Crush? You're all idiots."


Make the powers less OP and have negatives to his powers. Also, vamp knight? Very original *sigh*
[QUOTE="The Master]Keep OCC in OCC. And no i do not want an apology or reply. Just keep occ in occ please.

Make the powers less OP and have negatives to his powers. Also, vamp knight? Very original *sigh*

e3e I dont want to use Hak or Kaname Dx





Nickname(If Applies):






Sexual Orientation:


What kind of being you are:

Unknown. Said to be a "Lightening Beast"


  • Spear Fighting: Hak's spear fighting skills are the best in his country. His speed and strength allow him to deal powerful blows, even sweeping aside a large area of fog with one swift strike. Aside from his mastery in spear, he is also good in swordsmanship and archery.

  • Endurance:One of his more defining attributes is his stalwart heartiness, first shown when enduring a bite from a poisonous snake when protecting a child. That being said, this may be mostly due to his determination to live and protect. Even so, Hak does come to a halt when receiving an immense amount of injury.

  • Immense Strength: He is noted to have an unusual strength by numerous people..Even without his weapon, he can deal strong blows with his fists. Still, Hak takes physical blows, such as being wounded. The more he is wounded, the less strength he has, unless holding a strong will.





- Being lessened

- Being deemed unneeded

- Betrayal

- Etc.



A mischievous and loyal person who strives to protect a single girl (later on) at all costs. He has a habit of being a bully and likes branding some of the others with names. Despite being playful, he is serious whenever it comes to something important. He doesn’t let personal matters interfere with his work, and does his best to do the most he can. His professionalism extends to a point where he addresses everyone by their status (if they have one).When it comes to his heart, he doesn’t let his greed take over him and destroys his impulses every time they resurface. There are times that he will show his affection in a teasing manner, but that’s the limitation of what he will show. However, when someone questions the distance he made between him and a girl (whenever or if it happens), he loses his composure and can become aggressive for his emotions towards the girl. Despite that, he still knows where to place himself, and chooses to support the girl to the best he can, even if he is hurting deep inside sometimes.


- Health

- Emotions


Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)



Hak holds little to none of his memory. Bits and pieces, or slight glimpses seem to resurface occasionally, but he can never truly manage to piece the picture back together due to the intense height of the situation. If there is one thing he remembers, it would be his name and of course, his age.



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