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Realistic or Modern The Island Experiment

Subject: Layla D'Angelis

Location: Beach

Fair enough. Sure, she didn't agree with everything the boy said, but at least her points were validated. When he asked for preferences, she immediately spoke, "I'm on the hunting group." Of course, she'd be on the look out on the food, but it'd also allow her to explore the island, something she desperately needed. She wanted to familiarize herself with the island, see where the best hideouts were, where large bodies of water were. Could she even swim in them? Her ears perked when another voice spoke. "If you heat water up enough, the salt will disappear. However, if it does concern you, you can find your own water." She stated simply, her voice void of any emotion.

Juliette Mason - Beach


Juliette stirs, she lays on sand, she can feel the tide hit her sandaled feet. The Suns dangerous rays beat down on her shoulders as her head lays in the burning sand. She sits up, her dirty blonde hair falling in front of her face. Juliette pushes the blonde locks back, she looks around until she sees her twin brother, Bretton, laying face down in the sand.

"Bretton!" She screams, she runs to her brother and kneels next to him, she flips him over and puts her head to his chest.

"Bretton?" She listens for a heartbeat. Juliette lets out a deep sigh when her brothers chest falls, she sits up straight and looks at his face, his features. She waits for his eyes to open, she smiles, Revealing her braced teeth, as Brettons eyes flutter open, revealing the same hazily blue eyes as hers. Juliette wraps her arms around her brother, pulling him in closer, she holds him close to him, she can tell from his dial acted eyes that he is shocked, and that the sudden intake of smells, light, and her embrace was just about too much for him to take all at once.

After knowing that her brother is safe, Juliette begins to wonder where she is and why she is there, she looks around, realizing soon that she is on a beach. It isn't until the twins had stood up that Juliette notices that there are several other teens laying around, some stand around a large chest, some flee the area.

Juliette takes her twins hand in hers, her heart thumps.

"Bretton, what is this?" She looks up at her brother, fear in her eyes, "Where are we?"

"I don't know, Jules." Bretton looks down at her and tightens his grip on her, "I don't know..."

Bretton Mason - Beach


Bretton lays there in the sand, his mind wandering, his feet soaked with water. Brettons breath catches for a while. He feels himself flipped, he hears his sisters cry, but he can't seem to open his eyes or let out the breath. After Juliettes head rests on his chest, Bretton lets out his breath, he feels the pressure from her head leave his chest. Brettons eyes flutter open and he stares into his sisters hazely blue eyes. He smiles as she does, his braces teeth reflecting against hers. Bretton is suddenly pulled closer to his twin sister, his eyes dial ate in the sun.

Everything overwhelms him all at once, he tries to speak, but his mouth forms to words, he tries to move, but his muscles make no gestures. He feels paralyzed. His mind races, but his body makes no signs of life, only the rise and fall of his chest breaks the airwaves of the earth. He slowly moves his fingers in the sand before he runs his fingers through his little sisters dirty blonde hair, he smiles at her then waits for her to pull away, he stands once she does and looks around.

'They are all teens....' He thinks, 'not one is adult...'

Bretton looks around, he soon realizes he's on a beach full of teens. His mind races, he looks over at his sister and notices that she looks just as confused as he is.

Bretton looks down at his hand as Juliette slips hers into his. He squeezes her hand.

"Bretton, what is this?" She asks, looking up at him. Bretton shakes his head, he didn't know, "Where are we?"

Bretton chews his lip then squeezes his sisters hand again, "I don't know Jules.... I don't know."

Bretton watches as a few kids go through a trunk of something, weapons maybe?


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Sam kicked the sand beneath his boots. He didn't really like the social interaction, and especially since everyone is in cahoots of what to do while Sam just stood there listening to their plans. He smirked they all started guessing about the heating saltwater theory. Sam sighed, "If you heat up the saltwater, it lets off steam. And if you capture that steam it is drinkable." Sam said in a bored tone, tapping against the hilt of his sword. "We only have a limited amount of sunlight left today." Sam said in a matter of fact tone.

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Leon felt a bit stupid when one of the teens corrected him about boiling water and then got confused as one of the girl approved of his point. "Lets just find running water and not take the chance." Then addressing another girl's question he said "Nope, no idea where we are or how we got here, but thinking about it won't do as much good, you are out of the hunting group for obvious reasons how about me and you will go and find some wood to start a fire?" Leon felt the girl was a bit scared and in some sort of a shock so he decided it might be best to get her out of the large group, plus he didn't feel to comfortable being in that group himself after a knife being pulled at him. "The two of us should be enough to gather wood for the fire, if we find water or mange to hunt something on the way we will of course bring it back" Leon declared as he stood up nodding towards the girl (@GingerDeer )
The saltwater conversation was an interesting one, but to be honest she actually didn't have much idea of who was right. She never really paid attention when she was being taught that sort of thing. Plus, the guy was right, they didn't have much time left, and they'd need to get going if they were to not die the first night. What she did know, is that plants needed water to grow and that there was literally an entire forest behind them.

"What if we just try to find a river or stream or something, I mean there's tons of plant right behind us." She paused for a moment as another idea hit her. "Or we could like crush up leaves or something and take the water inside them through a strainer of some sort." She realized that there wasn't much chance of them finding any kind of strainer anytime soon, but you never know.

"Running water has to be in the ground some where. Its one of the only ways that these trees would be so big and be the reason for how many." He spoke, "If we go into the wood a little bit and dig I'm sure we can get water that way." He didn't really know but he just assumed it would work. He could also probably make a makeshift water carrier or holder out of leave and wood. it be temporary till they could figure things out. Listening to the other kid say something about strainer gave him an idea. "We can use our shirts as strainer. They have small pores in them that let air through. what ever water we can find can be strained using that."
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"Hmm...yeah. Okay, sure, that sounds good. My name is, uhm, Victoria! Yes. That's...my name." She managed to say, with a very slight smile. "But I probably shouldn't go with you without anything." Of course not. Literally everybody else has a weapon. She then kneeled down before the chest and glanced over it, eyeing the weapons that remained before picking up a sickle. It was the only remotely light-weight one left, as something like a sword would just weigh her down and she probably wouldn't use it anyways. All the knives had already been selected as well, so this was her one remaining option. "Alright. There, that's that. I'll follow your lead." She then said, her tone picking up a bit as she stepped next to the young man whom had offered to find wood with her.
Watching as everyone split up and began looking for resources, Alpha wondered when they would find the running stream. Knowing he was limited on time, Alpha began catching fish in the stream before creating a napsack from some of the vines and leaves hanging around. Packing what he needed to carry with him, Alpha decided to vanish before anyone caught up to him. Making sure to not Leave a trail behind him as he went, Alpha found a dark cave deep in a cliff wall. Heading in, he thought to himself "covering the hole would only attract attention". Going deeper into the cave so as to not be seen, he began to make camp for the night, while keeping his guard up.
Jack waited patiently, watching and hearing every bit of the conversation. He wasn't going to rely on these people to survive here; he didn't feel he needed them. He headed inland, after the guy with the sword and the girl... Victoria, he recalled. He knew he only had about 24 hours to find water before he was too dehydrated to keep searching. Food wasn't a priority to Jack, but he kept a keen eye out as he headed into the woods.
Sam said nothing to the forming ring of people. Readjusting his sword at his waist, Sam walked off down the beach. They probably think I'm mysterious as hell. I didn't even tell them my name. Sam shrugged, he didn't mind. Sam watched as the waves lapped at the shore, drinking up the sand. I need shelter and sun is already drifting across the sky. Sam abruptly turns and begins heading into the woods alone. He looked up, he had never seen this much green in his entire existence. He smiled, before frowning. What if this is all real? Sam unsheathed his sword and began hacking at the tree branches in his way. Picking up the dropped wood slices, he carried them along with him into the jungle.
Leon Kron

Leon waited patiently as Victoria grabbed a weapon, then started walking towards the forest. As soon as they were clear of the other group he released a huge sigh "Getting a knife pulled on me was not something I expected to happen today when I woke up this morning before breakfast." Leon remarked with a smile. He looked around so many trees flowers so many things he never saw before he took a few seconds to let every thing settle in, then he started to gather the branches from the ground first bring them all into a single big pile in order to take them all later. "I wonder what kind of test is this, what do they hope to get out of this?" Leon wondered out loud referring to the doctors who always ran tests on him.
Arista shuffled through the chest before pulling out her large and heavy mace, without as to glancing towards the others first. Her first thought was that others would be just as murderous as she was, and would need to protect herself. She then turned towards the others and walked towards them, with her mace in hand. These were people, other teens, though it wasn't like she would recognize them as such. Still, it would be nice to get on their good side. She walked towards them. "Hey!" she called out, running towards them, almost.

Avalon just stood by quietly, standing not too much distance away from the group as she attempted to avoid their gaze. She wasn't sure exactly what to say to them, that's all.
"I don't know. But...why would somebody pull out a knife on you? Already? Have any of us even been awake for an hour?" She questioned, her eyebrows furrowing in both annoyance and confusion. "That's just silly. And kind of sad, admittedly...wait a moment. What's your name?" Suddenly any aggression or irritation that was heard in her voice from before her question had seemingly disappeared. Victoria then realized her partner had been looking at the lush forest surrounding them. "Oh, you find it pretty too? I've never seen anything like it!" She remarked, stepping forth to examine further. She grabbed a Amaryllis straight off the stem in her hands and cupped them, before tilting her hands down to reveal the full bloomed flower curled up delicately within her palms. She extended her fingers before pulling at the petals and looking within the inside of the flower, small little dew drops crawling down into her hands and residing in between them. As Victoria made her way into the area further she felt some portions of the sand become more coarse and rough, the vines and leaves sprawled out wildly above in a dim canopy, dying leaves and withering remains of plants surrounded by mushrooms and fungus at the base of the vast trees. Victoria gasped and took an exaggerated launch backwards, nearly falling on top of bundles of branches until she regained her balance just in time. She flinched as something small fell atop her head only to see an acorn drop down into the heap of broken twigs. Then, she glanced over to a tree with rotting bark that was emitting a peculiar stench when she heard a small 'click' sound or such come from it. She stepped closer, only for a fuzzy animal with a narrow muzzle and small nose perk it's head from a sloping hole embedded within the tree. It's tiny ears were perked as it's curiosity had been attracted with it's long bushy tail strung up in the air, gray and light brown mottled fur speckled across it's body, and some marks across both it's face, back, and tail. "Oh, look at it! I think I've been told about this thing! It's a...squirrel! Look how cute it is!" A squirrel on an island? How strange. It then proceeded to use it's little paws to scuttle around the tree and bound off into the darker areas. "Aw, come back! Hmph."
"I have no idea guess he was just scared and confused" Leon said then acted a bit surprised as she asked his name "I already introduced myself twice, My name is Leon, nice to meet you." Leon smiled, Victoria seemed nice, which made him feel a bit at ease the rest of the group made him on edge especially after the knife accident. Leon walked over towards Victoria as she called him over, seeing the squirrel he to found it amazing. Though as the squirrel ran away, he felt guilty for not killing him, squirrel was food after all, though he was small so its not like he let a deer go that could feed every one, so he guessed the others will forgive him. Though he highly doubted Victory felt the same guilt as he did, she seemed to wish his return just to watch it a bit more. "Every thing here... is new for me... I never saw anything like this in my life... I wonder if this is real" Leon thought out loud "We should gather the wood and go back soon" Leon said to Victoria, he was worried about the group to be honest "
Alyssa Young



Interacted with: Everyone?

Mentioned: No one specifically

The girl stood, leaning by a tree just off to the side where the grass began to grow. She watched those awakening with silent observation, emerald green eyes following their movements as they began their first ventures into social interaction. Her daggers were strapped to her thighs, waiting to be used to such a need arose, though she saw no need in their future; at least, not against them. The corner of her mouth twitched, lifting in a smirk for a fraction of a moment before full lips dropped back to their cold and emotionless visage. She was unsure how to manage with the strangers, especially the much larger males, though she would watch for now to see their behaviors. Certainly, boys were boys and would behave like them eventually.

Shifting slightly, she took the weight off of her left foot and settled it on her right while her left lifted to settle against the dark bark of the tree. Black jeans absorbed the light, putting her in and even deeper shadow then that cast by the branches of the tree above her. They were speaking now, calm and thinking of a survival plan. It was best that she would be involved in that plan for her own sake. Stepping forward, Alyssa approached the group.

The girl pushed back messy black bangs, eyes wide and vulnerable as she walked toward the others. Steps stuttered, bare feet sunk into the sand. She stumbled, barely managing to stay standing as a hot blush spread across her cheeks. She would appear completely innocent, shy and devoid of any brutality, save for the daggers on her thighs. She was much shorter than a couple of the males, though taller than one female in the group, appearing small and fragile. Her skin was smooth, alabaster and untouched by the sun for much of her life. She had practiced this face long before this experiment of theirs.

Stopped several feet away, she lifted a hand and waved shyly, gaze downcast as her lips parted. She took a deep, stuttering breath, the smell of the ocean filling her lungs before her breath brought out a whisper. Small, stumbling and shaking, the young girl would be heard by those closest to her clearly, though she clamped her mouth tight as if she would not speak again. The groups had not wandered too far from one another yet, their voices still enough that they would hear one another.

"May I join you?"
(im sorry i dont know what to do ;_;. i feel i joined too late im sorry)

"Hey, hey! Hey! Don't ignore me, god damn it!" Arista yelled loudly, very quickly catching up to the others. She She snarled in frustration, resting the end of her mace on the ground, and pushed the strands of heavy blond hair on her face behind her ears, before continuing, "Jeez, am I late to the party? What the hell happened here, who are you all? The name is Arista, and I'm very confused, don't know who you all are, don't know who I am, so I'd appreciate it if you'd all help me, okay?" She glanced over towards Alyssa, confused, "You know what's going on?"

Avalon nervously shifted in her feet, unsure of what to do. She adjusted her glasses, not saying a thing as she stood, though not completely away from the group, she still was a few meters away, just watching silently, waiting to be noticed. The poor girl looked like she was about to cry.
"Well, anyways, how will we get the wood? I don't think a sickle will be of any h-" Upon hearing such vulgarity, Victoria whipped around, only to find an aggressive woman standing just behind them, armed with a mace. "Hell, no need to get so angry! We know just as much as you do. We were all put here on an island for some kind of experiment or test, and we have no idea why." She seemed more defensive and shocked than annoyed, as the word 'hell' was used in pure surprise. "Look-me and Leon are just getting wood, that's all! The rest of the group is merely getting all our other resources-so we'd appreciate if you'd be the one to help us." Victoria said, having to glance up to Arista, who stood above her. Her bright brown eyes locked into Aristas before she glanced back down. She felt as if Aristas gaze would burn through her if she stared directly at her any longer.
(i'll go with it! i-i guess. (' :) ))

No need to get angry? How ridiculous! There was every reason to get angry! She continued to glare at Victoria, even when she avoided her gaze. The blond woman nearly huff at the sound of that, crossing her arms together tightly. Apparently, there were more than just those two. "The rest of the group?" she asked, "So, there are more people? That's... ridiculous." She trailed off, her cheeks puffing out as she sighed heavily. Well, alright, she'll help them, if only she literally had nothing else to do, and they had more people on their side. Would be interesting to at least get to see them. "Fine, I'll help you 'getting wood,' then," she said, annoyed, "But, you'll need to give me a meal later on. I'm kind hungry." And by kind of, she means she was quite hungry. Very hungry.

Jessica Kron

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.9f311c3205dccde22ceaba197223570a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="108246" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.9f311c3205dccde22ceaba197223570a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Jessica woke up and her head felt like it was spinning in circles. She weakly sat up, and looked around her, she saw others: people like her. She gasped, was it a dream? She was unsure but if it was all a dream she never wanted to wake up, Oh my stars! People like me!!! Should I introduce myself to everyone? No Jess stay cool and just take a quick walk into the woods. She spotted two people in the woods and she decided to go up to them and introduce herself, maybe they could be friends. She stood up happily but then her head dizziness took over, she stopped for a second but then once it cleared she skipped over to them and smile, "Hello! My name is Jessica" she had never been so excited for something. @DemonicPossession @GingerDeer



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"You'll get food later on f-" And...another person. Victoria forced on a smile and pretended to perk up when Jessica came along. "Why, hello! My name is Victoria! He's Leon, she's Arista! Would you like to help us get some wood for a bonfire and such? We kind of need to gather a couple resources for the group! It'd be much appreciated if you'd help." Hopefully she did. But Victoria was incredibly intimidated by this girl, and she could only think of one reason why-she was gorgeous. It simply baffled her how getting thrown on a beach could not leave your hair a mess, yet Jessica managed to keep it maintained as if she'd just gotten an expensive haircut. No need to linger on that, though. Just get the wood and go. "Come on, lets try to find a tree stump or something!" Victoria then unexpectedly darted off rather quickly without any warnings beforehand, not even glancing behind to see if the others were behind her.
Abraham Wells

Abram hardly knew anything about survival. How could he when he was walled up in a building all his life? What he did know, however, was food when saw it. After threatening Leon and the teenagers that had been awake, Abram had run off into the dense Jungle forest. The sand gradually turned into dirt the further he went from the shore. Moss covered the bark of helpless trees. Colorful flowers, the most color Abram had ever seen, quickly took over his sight. One in particular had caught Abram's eye. It was a blazing red and was one of the brightest colors Abram ever saw. He went towards the flower and plucked it (Red Hibiscus flower). After staring at in fascination, he quickly stored it in the back that held his knives, stuffing in a pocket that would keep it from collapsing on itself.

After what seemed like a half-an-hour, Abram began to grow hungry and thirsty. He quickly pulled out his knife and began hunting for any creature, even though he didn't know the first think about hunting. All he knew was that he had a knife, and it could easily eliminate another creature. As Abram walked across moss and the tangled vines of trees, he noticed something nearby. It seemed to be making a belching sound. Abram turned toward the direction the animal was in; he began stalking the animal. After a few more steps, he noticed that the creature could hop up and down. Before the creature could make another move, Abram positioned his knife and aimed for the creature. Unfortunately, he failed at this and the frog went crying. Growing impatient, Abram picked up the knife again and chucked it at the creature. Fail. He repeated this once more into the creature hopped around a tree. Thinking about his books, Abram came up with the best strategy for attacking this creature. He went the other way around the tree and aimed for the creature as it hopped, trying to predict where the creature would be when the knife hit it. Luckily for Abram, it worked. Letting out a sigh, Abram inched closer to the hopping creature. After examining it, he came to the conclusion that it was a frog. Abram pulled the knife out of the frog, knowing that the next step would be roasting it. When he grabbed the frog, he noticed that it was wet. That was when it clicked. "There must be some clean water around here somewhere," Abram mumbled to himself.

As Abram began the search for fresh water, he heard voices coming in the distance. That's impossible, Abram thought, bitterly, trying to think about how far he traveled. Unless I've been going in a circle. Cursing under his breath, Abram turned around to see a group of people coming.
Arista quickly turned her head towards the girl who just appeared. She scrutinized her, staring as she judged her. Yep, definitely a super model. "Uh, hey Jessica," she said, tilting her head, "You sure sound excited for... something..." Her voice trailed off. What did she seem so happy for? Meeting new people? Meeting people was an annoyance, they were only an asset to her. It meant nothing to just get to know them for the sake of knowing them. Well, this girl appeared to not have a use, she seemed to be physically attractive, but Arista didn't think that had any use for the wilderness. So, there weren't much to say to her.

She twitched when realized and noticed that Victoria appeared to be going somewhere, and with speed, she turned and went after her. She very nearly stumbled over some heavy roots on the ground as she half-ran. "Wait, jeez!" she shouted out, "Wait! Victoria! There's a bunch of wood all around us! The trees, damn it, the trees!"
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Getting the itch to explore the island further, and to find the designated area with supplies that he was given. Alpha made sure the coast was clear and then using his blades edge, some dry kindling and a Flint rock, he simultaneously sharpened his scythe and made a fire. Cooking up the salmon he caught in the stream from earlier and leaving nothing to waste Alpha stayed by the fire for awhile. He began snuffing the fire out and after he had covered his tracks he vanished again, going upstream towards what seemed to be a mountain region with a flat plateau on the top. Thinking to himself "hope everyone else is doing Ok, they're were all such good people."
Carmen watched Leon and the other girl, Victoria walk away, and then shortly afterwards the other guy. She seemed to be alone, once again. That is, other than the rest of the people around her, who seemed to be being to wake. She looked around and realized that she was alone. guess im used to it anyways.

She looked around for a moment, deciding what to do next, and in the end decided there wasn't much she could do. So, she ended up deciding to look around the island some more, she was already getting bored of this small area. So, she went through the forest, and found a reasonably large tree that had a good lookout of the beach. It wasnt a very secret outlook spot, you could spot her from a whike away if you were looking around. But, the tree was big enough for her to see the rest of the island, and she didn't think she would need to be hiding any time soon, at least as far as she knew. She sheathed her daggers at her belt and and started her accent. She had climbed many things before, but never something like this. It was a new experience for her, and she liked it.

When she had gone as far as she could without the tree falling over, she poked her head over the canopy and looked around at the dense green forest in awe. It was almost as pretty as the ocean. She looked at it for a vert long while, before decending half to a much thicker branch, that was still decently high up. she figured that it would be enough to entertain her for the time being. She took out one of her knifes, and started whitling away at the bark of the tree, attempting to make a flat area where she could sit as some sort of comfortable outlook spot.
The twins decided to rest for a while as the sun began falling down, Bretton leaves Juliette to get comfortable while he goes for firewood....

Juliette - In the woods

As Bretton walks away, Juliette leans against a tree, she closes her eyes. The sensations of the woods make it peaceful for Juliette, it gets her ready for whatever may come ahead, beasts, the cold, or any other threats that lurk in the night.

As Juliette closes her eyes and begins to relax, she hears a sound off in the distance, almost as if Bretton was on his way back with the wood, which would be dumb, because nobody could gather wood in less than ten minuets and have enough to make a decent fire. Juliette stands up, maybe someone had found her?

Juliette slowly stalks to where the she heard the sound. She peers around ready for someone to attack her.

"Hello?" She calls out into the empty woods, "Bretton."

(Mentioned : @Xx Cosmic Storm xX )

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