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Fandom The Ironheart Alchemist

Roy was thankful his wife Riza had relented and followed behind him. He understood her fears. She was worried about their son. She probably felt like her hands were being tied when all she wanted to do was to protect the growing life in her belly. He didn't want to make her feel scared he just wanted her to understand, to trust in him to keep her and their child safe but to do that, there things she still needed to let go. Back when Bradley was the ruler, Selim had been Pride, and was perhaps the strongest homunculi. But he had been saved by Edward and for the most part, forgotten his identity as Pride. It scared Roy too, to think Riza and their baby would be around Selim, but killing him was not the answer.

"Thank you, Riza, for believing in me." Roy told his wife as he opened the car door for her, offering to help her up into the car. Before he did though, he paused to kiss her softly, lovingly on her lips. "You'll see, Selim is not the threat." Roy said to Riza.

On the drive to Mrs. Bradley's estate, he held his wife's hand. He didn't let go until he had to pull in to drive way.Both Roy and Riza were looking at Selim, but perhaps in two very different ways. Roy saw this as an opportunity to show that even former enemies could change. Roy lifted a hand to caress Riza's golden hair as he leaned in to whisper to her. "There he is. See? He's just a boy, no shadows no abilities." Roy said softly. "Go on, Mama, he's waiting."

"Mr. and Mrs. Mustang," Mrs. Bradley welcomed the couple to her home. Roy smiled, waving as he stood by the car while having pressed Riza to approach Selim.

"Hello there, Selim... I'm Riza." Riza said to Selim, bending slightly as she handed the boy the small toy rabbit.

"Riza?" Selim took it, looked at it wide eyed, then glanced back at Riza. He tilted his head as he looked at her questioning the situation.

"Y-Yes..." Riza spoke softly, but Roy could tell Riza still had doubts, it laced her words. She was trying hard, however. Roy folded his arms letting his wife get used to the idea of Selim just being a child. "From now on, Roy and I are going to watch over you. Would that be okay?"

Selim looked back at Mrs.Bradley who ruffled his hair affirmatively. Looking back at Riza, Selim's smile grew. "Yes! Can I call you my Mama?"

"...yes," Riza's voice broke, and Roy watched as the realization that she was beginning to understand he was right. That Pride had been removed from Selim and that the order to kill this...child would have set not just country as whole, but their own conscious back after having done so much to rebuild what had been destroyed.

Selim held on to Riza as she carried him, holding the toy Riza had given him in one hand. Roy opened the car door for Riza helping his wife in the shutting door before leaning on it. The future ruler of Amestris smiled at Riza, fawning over her own growing motherly instincts.

"Thank you," Roy mouthed the words, winking at Riza as he smiled.


Selim lie in the queen sized bed next to Riza, his small arms out stretched, one hand on Riza's, the other gripping the rabbit she had given him a couple months beforehand. Something wasn't quite right, and Riza would be able to sense it, it was as if she were being shaken awake. Selim had latched onto her, starting to cry as he dreamed of a dark, shadowy monster hurting his surrogate mother, using his body. It terrified the boy, made him feel weak, and powerless. When Riza would slowly wake up she'd find Selim, not where she had laid him down for bed last night, but curled up next to her, playing with her hair.

"Im, I'm sorry..." Selim sobbed. He wasn't understanding the measure of the guilt he was feeling. He wanted it to go away. "I'm sorry mama, if I hurt you." Selim cried, stroking Riza's cheek exactly where one of Prides shadowy tendrils had cut. "I'm sorry."

Damien seemed to respond to Selim, becoming quite active, but not painfully so. Even still, Selim crawled down to her belly and listened in on the baby. Even though he didn't fully understand her pregnancy, he kissed her belly, rubbing it soothingly, talking to the life that was about to come into this world any day. But the scene unraveling before Riza's eyes was exactly what Roy wanted her to see; that no matter what Selim was, he wasn't a monster anymore--he was a boy, who learned to care about Riza a lot, and their child. Roy had spent the night on the love seat, passed out after reading through many different tomes. But Selim just kept talking incoherently to the life inside Riza, asking his surrogate mother if she could feel its every movement as he did, the more he talked, the more she could see he was actually quite protective of their soon to be son.
Riza slowly blinked her eyes open, momentarily disoriented by Selim's presence next to her. But as the little boy's trembling form and muffled sobs registered, maternal instinct kicked in instantly. She gently stroked his hair, making soothing sounds to calm his cries. Though drowsy from sleep, Riza's voice was laced with tenderness and concern.

"Shhh, it's alright, Selim. I'm here, you're safe," she murmured, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. "It was just a bad dream, sweetie. You didn't hurt me, I promise."

Riza felt his tiny hand on her cheek and recalled the ordeal they had faced, but she pushed those memories aside. All that mattered now was providing the scared little boy the comfort and reassurance he needed. When Selim moved down to her swollen belly, Riza's heart melted at the innocent gesture. She smiled softly, resting a hand over his.

"The baby knows it's you," she said, feeling the baby shift within her. "My little loves, both so precious to me."

Riza closed her eyes briefly, savoring this quiet, tender moment—a glimpse of the future she and Roy were fighting for, where families could live in peace without fear or nightmares born of darkness. With a contented sigh, Riza rubbed Selim's back and whispered gentle reassurances, her voice and soothing caresses provided the scared child the sanctuary of a mother's unconditional love.

The next morning, Riza woke feeling refreshed despite her disrupted sleep. Sunlight filtered through the curtains, and she smiled at the sight of Selim curled up beside her, his small hand still resting on her belly. Carefully extricating herself so as not to wake the slumbering boy, Riza padded quietly to check on Roy who slept on the love seat, then kissed his forehead.

"Good morning, Roy," she tried to greet him. But he didn't even budge. Poor man must have been reviewing a lot of political theories in preparation to his leadership, so she let him sleep some more.

She went to the kitchen to start making breakfast for her family. She had just set a pot of coffee brewing when she heard little feet approaching as Selim appeared, Black Hayate's puppies tumbling after him in a stampede.

"H-Hey! Stooop! Black Hayate!!" the young boy laughed as the puppies tackled him to the ground with Black Hayate in the lead. Their tails were wagging playfully as they licked his face to show their affection for the young child. He shielded his face while laughing wholeheartedly, overwhelmed by the number of puppies attacking him.

Riza went to where the commotion was happening. She saw how her pets assaulted her adoptive son. "Black Hayate!"

Like a soldier, Black Hayate stopped his playful streak and sat down in a snappy manner. The puppies also tried to imitate their father and stayed away from the kid, but their tails were still visibly wagging. Selim stood up and wiped his drool-covered cheeks with the back of his hand.

"That's better," Riza nodded, giving her black shiba inu a head pat. She felt Selim walk up to her and hugged her leg like a koala which melted her heart.

"Mama! Can I help make breakfast?" the boy asked eagerly, his earlier fears forgotten in the innocent excitement of the new day.

"Of course, my dear Selim. Let's see if we can't find you an apron that fits."

Soon Selim was standing on a step-stool next to her, diligently mixing pancake batter while she tended to the eggs and sausages sizzling away. The kitchen filled with the mouthwatering aromas of their labor and the cheerful giggles as Selim played occasional games of chase with the rambunctious pups, only to guiltily scurry back at Riza's mock-stern reminders to mind the batter. When Riza put some of the cooked sausages in a plate, Selim snuck out some to feed to the dogs with a cheeky smile. Beretta, the mama dog that they adopted, just looked at Selim with an indifferent expression so the young boy just gave her a sausage too.

Riza turned off the stove when she finished the second batch of breakfast she was frying. However she was shocked to see the plate almost empty when she left it full. The dogs looked unapologetic but Selim was just hiding his face with the apron. She just sighed helplessly, patting his head gently. His eyes were glossy with tears that threatened to fall because of guilt.

"Sorry, Mama."

"Don't worry, Selim... I'm not mad, just please don't do it again because the puppies might get stomachache if they eat too much sausages," she said. "They're still drinking milk from their mom, mmkay?"


"Good, now go wake up your Papa."
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Roy stood near the entry into the kitchen from the the study, his arms folded as he leaned against the frame. He smiled tiredly, watching both his wife and their adopted son, Selim. Both were laughing and giggling happily and it brought a joy to his heart, and an excitement because he'd known right away how good of a mother she could be. Though her exterior was stern, she was a very soft person at her core.

Stepping up behind Selim before wriggling his fingers up and down the sides of the small boy causing him to squeal and break into a fit of laughter before falling back into Roy's arms, who lifted him back onto the small step. Next Roy tilted his head and kissed at Riza's belly, his warm hands sinking below the waistband of Riza's sweats to rub their son.

"Good morning, my little ones," Roy said with a bright grin before standing upright behind Riza, fitting his muscular chest into the small of her back. He craned his neck, tilting it around Riza's neck on one side and touching her other cheek with his hand. This would turn her head to face him so he could kiss her slowly with a grin. "And good morning to you, Mrs. Mustang. Looking extra fine this morning, I see," He teased, his hand still below the waistband and felt clasping her hips a bit more firmly.

"Mmm, maybe fine isn't the word needed there..." Roy murmured past Riza's ear. "Suggestive indeed.." Roy chuckled, realizing very well he was stirring the proverbial pot. "I know. I'm barking up the wrong tree right now, but you don't make this easy, my queen." he chuckled, nibbling at Riza's ear as the front of his dress slacks pressed into her from behind. Roy then peeled himself away, turning his attention back to Selim and putting the child on his shoulders.

"So, what is you three are doing this morning?" Roy questioned, stepping up to the stove, starting to help with breakfast as well. They were all unaware they were being monitored, and that their lives would change soon.


A week had gone by, and Roy was still unsure of how to go about dealing with Selim's stone with certainty. But it would matter little. Strange things were going on in Central. A string of unrelated robberies, and break-ins made Roy hunker down with Riza and the baby and Selim. He didn't often miss work, but they were his family now and he'd be damned if he wasn't going to see them protected. But that night Roy would be face to face with someone he'd thought he'd never see again. It was late in the evening, Roy had tucked an exhausted Selim in bed and gave him a kiss to the forehead, before he walked out of the room toward his and Riza's. His queen was getting closer to the due date, and he'd be a liar if he said he wasn't absolutely excited to see their son who they agreed to be named Damien Hughes Mustang.

Roy lay in bed next to his wife, a lamp still lit on the nightstand. Roy lie there simply listening to the baby and rubbing Riza's stomach. He and Riza would hear window shatter, Roy sat up protectively looking at the door as he slipped a glove on, and even grabbing one of Riza's guns showing he meant business and was taking no risks.

"Stay here." it was almost an order as he slipped out and ran down the hall to Selim's room, the window indeed broken. Running out of the house he was confronted by a large bipedal dog like creature--then it turned its head and Roy was startled by the face that had been conjoined.

"Shou...Tucker? What the hell are you doing here?!" Roy shouted.

"I just needed something before I left." Shou murmured, then Roy noticed Selim.

"Selim! Come here buddy," Roy's voice immediately grew urgent.

Selim shook his head. "I, I can't he said he was going to hurt you and Mommy, and my brother."

Roy then noticed the two other chimera's and went to use his glove but Tucker had anticipated it and use McDougal's water alchemy to soak the glove. Roy quickly pulled the pistol he'd taken.

"Listen buddy, we'll figure it out, okay? Just come over here." Roy was pleading practically.

"Tell Damien I was happy to be his big brother; I'm going to protect you and mama." Selim said, Shou then grabbed Selim up and started running away, leaving Roy to make the hard choice to run back inside and bar the door.

"Damn it! Roy shouted, bracing the door. "Damn it!" He grunted, teeth clenching.
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Sounds of laughter filled the air as Roy tickled their adoptive son, who was trying to stave off the much larger man half-heartedly. "P-Papa! Sto—ahaha!!" the boy managed to protest in between his wholesome laughter, making the blonde woman laugh as well.

Riza couldn't help but blush slightly at Roy's playful antics as he kissed her tummy, then proceeded to touch her intimately. Her eyes shot open when his lips touched hers, but then her eyes fluttered closed when the kiss deepened and his one hand gently stroked her cheek and the other was firmly planted on her hip. When the kiss ended, she already had swollen lips so she shot him a mock-reproachful look over her shoulder as he nuzzled against her.

"And good morning to you, Mrs. Mustang. Looking extra fine this morning, I see," Roy greeted his wife, pleased at how his ministrations affected her. "Mmm, maybe fine isn't the word needed there..."

"Mr. Mustang, please behave yourself," she chided while nodding towards Selim who just played with the puppies, though the sparkle in her eyes betrayed her amusement. "You're being too suggestive and we have an impressionable young audience."

Riza felt the vibrations as he chuckled, resisting the urge to smack him on his arms. "Suggestive indeed..." he said, teasing her more.

"Down, Roy-boy," she managed to breathe out as he nibbled her earlobe. She felt the heat rise up to her cheeks, biting her lower lip to avoid embarrassing herself.

"I know. I'm barking up the wrong tree right now, but you don't make this easy, my queen," he said with a chuckle, his toned body pressed intimately against her back. Riza inhaled sharply as she felt his wanting, giving Roy a stern look.

"Save that energy for later," she whispered teasingly against his ear. "We have all the time in the world for that once this little one arrives."

Stepping back with one last squeeze of his hand, Riza smoothed her rumpled clothes and gave an exaggerated huff. "Now then, are you two going to help me finish up, or just stand around being utterly unhelpful?"

She arched an eyebrow at them in mock-sternness, already moving to hand Selim a plate. She moved around the kitchen, plating up the pancakes, eggs, and sausages they had prepared together. Selim helped by adding a few slices of buttered toast to each plate, while Riza poured coffee for her husband, milk for Selim, and orange juice for herself (even though she wanted to drink coffee too, she had to cut back her caffeine consumption).

"All right, troublemakers. Breakfast is served," she called out in a tone of mock exasperation, unable to hide her fond smile.

As they settled in their places, Black Hayate trotted over with his litter of rambunctious puppies in tow, no doubt hoping for spare morsels to fall their way. Selim immediately abandoned his plate, gathering the wriggling fur-balls into his lap amid a chorus of excited yips and licks.

"Easy there, Selim," Riza laughed, setting her glass down before shooing Hayate and his brood a few feet back with a gentle nudge of her foot.

"Aww..." Selim just pouted then proceeded to take a sip of his milk. "I'll just play with you later, Black Hayate."

Shaking her head in fond exasperation, Riza settled into her seat, leaning over to ruffle the puppies' fur affectionately. "They're getting so big already. We should start thinking about finding them homes soon."

"Already?" Selim's eyes widened in dismay at the thought of parting with his fuzzy playmates.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure they all go to good families who will love them just as much as we do," Riza reassured him with a wink. "Maybe we can even get Lieutenant Havoc to take one. That smoking habit of his could use something soft and cuddly to relax him."

The lighthearted banter continued to flow easily as they enjoyed their meal together, Riza basked in the warmth and levity, these simple moments of connection providing a haven of tranquility amidst the storms that so often battered their lives. She couldn't resist reaching out to squeeze her husband's hand. Her eyes met his, brimming with understanding and mutual adoration that needed no words. Riza's eyes sparkled with contentment at the cozy domesticity of the moment, wishing that this moment would last forever—her little family, together and whole.


Riza's heart stopped when the shattering glass pierced the night's tranquility. Several angry barks were heard afterwards, probably their pets trying to protect their home. Motherly instincts kicked into overdrive as she jolted upright, hand automatically reaching for the gun under her pillow. However, Roy's terse order made her clench her jaw, hating being left behind but understanding his need to protect them. She watched him rush out with gut-wrenching fear for his safety. He ordered her to stay, but as much as she wanted to go and back him up, she knew she'd become more of a liability given her condition.

When the commotion escalated outside, Riza forced herself up, stomach roiling with the effort. She'd be damned if she just hid away while her family was threatened. Gripping her gun tightly, she moved as quickly as she could in her condition towards the chaos. She concealed her current position, but a small gasp escaped her lips when she heard Roy.

"Shou...Tucker? What the hell are you doing here?!" her husband yelled angrily at the intruder.

Remembering the Sewing Life Alchemist and his grotesque chimera creations made bile rise in her throat. Her finger tightened on the trigger, silently cursing her compromised state that robbed her of the steadiest stance. She could only hear bits and pieces of the commotion, not able to ensure the safety of her family taking a toll on her.

"Tell Damien I was happy to be his big brother; I'm going to protect you and mama," the young boy bravely defied his adoptive father for the fear of them being out in harm's way.

She wanted to go and defend their son. But the little boy's anguished words about protecting his unborn brother hit her like a physical blow, causing her resolve to waver. No, she couldn't lose anyone else from her cherished family. Not while she still drew breath. Out of frustration, she fired at the escaping kidnappers, but unfortunately her balance was off so she only hit the small fry.

"Damn it!" she heard her husband curse himself for being unable to do anything. "Damn it!"

Riza leaned at her husband, as the adrenaline rush began to fade, leaving her legs trembling. Riza fought the wave of dizziness, refusing to let her condition sideline her now. Not when one of her children still needed her. She would tear the city apart with her bare hands if that's what it took to bring Selim home.

"Selim..." she managed at last, hating the way her voice cracked. "We have to go after them, get him back..."
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Roy's ears rang with the first loud crack of Riza's side arm going off. Blinking as he looked up to see his very pregnant wife. "Riza!" He stood up quickly, grabbing Riza's wrist pulling her arm up. "You have to stop, you will hit Selim!" Roy pulled her into a tight hold making her incapable of continuing after she had dispatched two of the extra chimera's. His hand shoved her face into the side of his neck as he trembled. He knew he had failed, he had let his wife down--and he had let down Mrs. Bradley.

"Stop...please?" Roy's eyes were clinched shut tightly as he held Riza in place. "We lost, Riza. We lost. I can't leave you and you can't keep up in your condition." Roy was trembling out of concern for Riza, but also rage at Shou Tucker.

Neither of them had noticed, but Tuckers use of McDougal's alchemy had steam broiled Roys arm leaving it with moderate to severe burns from his blood super heating. Nevertheless, when Riza's knees began to give way he lifted her into his arms despite the severe pain that would rush through him. He struggled more than usual to carry Riza. With heaved breath he ensured his wife was comfortable, before she saw his arm. It was seared nearly to the bone. The flesh blasted off and frayed with blood leaking out. How he could manage her weight on such a debilitated limb was beyond her. But with his good hand he tucked Riza in.

She could see a more painful side too; he eyes so focused yet so glazed. He was in pain. Great amounts of pain. He wanted to go after Seliem. Though it was only ever going to be temporary, he had somehow made it into their lives. Even Riza had accepted him when at first she she detested him. He would bring Seliem back-- son or not, they would be a family again. Leaning over, arm still dripping blood on the floor, he kissed Riza. "I'll being our boy back....just...give me sometime, okay?" He tried to hold himself together for Riza, but the tighter his grip the more his emotions seemed to let go. Hot tear poured down his face. He was a failure, what if something happened to Damien he couldn't undo?

A un expected wail followed by a series of sobs erupted into the air. "What kind of father am I?! I wanted to be the best, but is this all I amount to?!" He could stand a lot of things but seeing Riza weep and cry asn't one of them. "Please....stop crying. I don't think..." His face contorted into absolute sadness. "I can't bear it when you cry. It's breaking my heart."
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"Roy," she called to him to ease, she tried to sound reassuring but her voice failed her. "W-We'll... we'll get him back..."

Riza's mind couldn't help but to return to Ishval as the acrid smell of burnt flesh assaulted her nostrils. It was a scent forever seared into her memory, one that still haunted her nightmares on the darkest of nights. She swallowed hard, forcing herself to remain focused on the present. Roy needed her calm and steady hands now more than ever. Gently, she eased herself to the ground, mindful of his injuries.

Riza's eyes widened as she took in the severity of Roy's injuries, her military training kicking in to assess the situation objectively. But seeing the anguish and self-doubt etched on his face caused her heart to clench painfully. Reaching up with a trembling hand, she gently cupped his cheek, brushing away the tears with her thumb. She was unaware of her own tears streaming down her cheeks because she was so focused with her husband's safety.

"Y-Your arm... I-I'll apply first aid, okay?"

Riza paused, searching his face, her expression was determined, becoming the rock that he needed the most. "You're my husband, my everything, and I'm not going anywhere, do you understand? We're in this together until the very end. So take a breath, let me care for you, and then we'll bring our son home. I'm right here, Roy. Always."

"This is going to hurt," she warned, her voice low and soothing as she examined the horrific burns marring his arm. Riza forced the tremor from her hands, her training taking over. She brought him over to the nearest sink, careful not to further aggravate his wounded arm. Then, she ran water to remove any debris that may have stuck and to cool off his burnt skin. The skin in his arm was already sloughing off, not an unfamiliar sight as she was used to see the Flame Alchemist's victims burn to a crisp.

With deft movements, she tore strips from her long night gown, folding them into makeshift bandages. Her brow furrowed as she cleaned the wounds, ignoring Roy's pained expressions so she could act as rationally as she could.

"I know, I know it hurts," she murmured, her words a balm against the fire searing his flesh. "But you're not alone this time. I'm right here."

Riza continued administering first aid, methodically wrapping the bandages around his ravaged arm to stanch the blood flow. Her fingers brushed tenderly against his sweat-dampened skin, the gestures a quiet reassurance of her unwavering presence by his side.

"There, that should help for now," she said, finally meeting his pained gaze. The memory of Ishval still loomed, the screams and smoke clawing at the edges of her mind, but she pushed it aside. Roy needed her now. And she would be the steady force to see them through this tragedy, just as he had been for her all those years ago.

"Let's go to the hospital for now... then we will get Selim back. I promise."
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Roy's ears rang with the first loud crack of Riza's side arm going off. Blinking as he looked up to see his very pregnant wife. "Riza!" He stood up quickly, grabbing Riza's around the waist careful to cushion her fall to the floor. "Riza!" Roy shouted, his voice not the kind, gentle, and teasing voice she was so used to. Instead, it was angry, angry at her and with his poised on hers detailing just how upset he truly was in that moment.

"Don't forget you are carrying OUR child." His reprimand was swift and harsh, it was a slap in the face if he had ever given her one. "Your job is to protect the baby--mine is to protect you. Now get your ass moving, soldier!" Roys eyes softened as he kissed her softly. "Now run. OUt the back. Make sure Damien lives. Be a good mother I always new you could be." Roy caressed her cheek before a scream of agony filled his lungs, blood splattering on Riza's face as Roy's back arched and he was peeled back by rods of frozen blood that had punctured Roy's shoulders, arms and legs and held him aloft, but not without resistance. Sluggishly, he raised the severely broiled limb. The flesh, blood vessels, muscles, and bones all having seizes. His skin tatters much as his sweater was. Blood soaked the floor, barely could move the limb so lacerated, broken and blown apart. Yet, with adrenaline and the love for Riza firmly in his hear he pressed the raw muscular tissue of his fingers as if to snap. McDougal's reanimated corpse hesitated momentarily, giving Riza time to escape.

"Know what's funny? You're just like I used to be—mindless, following orders to find a place to do the most good, to be the most useful. But seeing you--I pity the will of another commanded the man who relies not on his own self. Kind of ironic...." Roy snapped his fingers seeing Riza run out the back door into the freezing snow. But nothing happened. No explosion erupted, not even a spark glinted. Insstead Roy broke the blood spears, his fatherly instincts making him feel immortal. He turned swiftly, ramming one rod through the left eye socket of McDougal, puncturing the brain and nailing him to the wall. The corpse slumped and Roy lightly held his blood-soaked arm, ice shards like diamonds dug deeper and deeper causing more and more damage.

After catching up with Riza he brought her to the shed. A screech was heard as he hoisted the large wood cutting ax. "I'm sorry you have to see this. If I didn't think I might pass out, I'd do it alone." Roy told his wife, laying the severely damaged arm out over the workbench. It was a horrify prospect, one Riza may not even considered before--but he was nothing else but resolute. He knew she would try to stop him. She'd beg. Shed plead. And while he wanted nothing to do but say to the mother of of son that...everything was going to be okay. The damage had been done. He lifted the hatchet over head, pausing and then swung down, cleaving into the limb with a sickening crunch and splatter of blood. When the tendons an muscle severed leaving the pulverized bones, he severed it off at the elbow. He screamed, loudly with each swing. Grunting as if furious at his own stupidity, hos own helplessness. Fraught with pain and swear words as he gripped the stump where a toned, lean, muscled arm had been. It wasn't a perfect cut, but it stopped the frostbite from spreading. Blood oozed rapidly from the maimed stump, soaking through what remained of the turtleneck Riza had knitted. It wasn't designer quality, but the sweater might as we been priceless too Roy.

"R-r-Riz-a, I need you to drive to the hospital." He said weakly, feeling disoriented from blood loss. His wife grabbed him quickly and rushed him to their car before getting into the driver's seat. To say she was a demon behind the wheel was a bit of an understatement, but with Roy slipping in and out, she hastened only faster. Once at the hospital, the doctors carried Roy on a stretcher, his one remaining arm dangling as they hurried to a surgical room. It would be nearly morning before a doctor came back and told her the ice damage was too extreme, that Roy amputating was a wise move because it could have reached his heart and lungs. But as for the arm, it had to be removed entirely, including the shoulder blade, which had a gaping hole. The doctor was surprised to say the least, telling Riza he had one hell of a reason to live, and then Damien kicked her stomach. At first she may have thought as she rubbed her belly that it was a reminder of Roy getting so upset that she would willingly put their baby in jeopardy.

But it soon became apparent she was going into labor, and having contractions, the nurses hurried to Riza whisking her away to have the baby. Their baby. Long hours passed, Riza screamed and screamed; she cried and she cried. Yet when Damien was finally out, and they handed him to him, naked, slippery--skin smooth and softer than anything she could bring to her mind--she would sob as the screaming baby was welcomed by her smile, that of any mother--and she knew her mother felt the same way when Riza was born. It was a moment of awareness that she'd never given much thought to, since her mother died young and she never really knew her. Now, now she had this poignant connection. Riza held Damien closer than anything thing before.

She had gone through so much; doubted herself, almost forsook this wonderful, miraculous moment so many times until Roy had begged her to open her eyes. Told her that they could still keep the lessons they learned they felt all too condemned for, and still find the capacity for love. She knew now what he meant as Damien suckled hungrily, her hand stroking the black hair she wanted him to have. Roy knew. He had known this was the moment that would make her see that she could love and seek forgiveness. She wasn't a weapon; those didn't carry the burdens of guilt. As her her eyes fawned over her and Roys first born...she felt...proud. Proud that Roy chose her, proud to be a wife, and now a mother. Once the child unlatched from her chest and cooed, she kissed him on the forehead like Roy had so many times to her....


Roy blinked awake, the window blowing a gentle breeze on his face. Had he...died? The doctor over seeing him stepped in. "That was a reckless decision to dismember your arm." He said to Roy. But Roy's mind fled back to Riza and he sat up quickly. "Riza! What about my wife?!" Roy was frantic, worry and concern consuming him.

"The woman who brought you here went into labor. She's down the hal-" The doctor didn't get to finish as Roy leapt up, marched past the physician with blood dripping from the heavy bandage, and sprinted down the corridor, checking room after room. Sometimes scaring other with how the knot in his chest was clenching shut. Finally, he turned to one partially open door and stepped inside. Riza was fast asleep, and next to her a bed so tiny it made Roy laugh and cry. As he drew near, he saw the newborn with thick dark hair, yet brown eyes like his mother's. It hit him all at once; pain, joy, love; he collapsed there by Riza's bedside and clutched her hand, putting his tear stricken face to her hand with utmost gratitude.

"Thank you. Thank you so much. I owe you everything--but nothing I can do will ever repay this gift. He's ours Riza. He's our beautiful baby boy." Roy kissed Riza's hand but never leg go of it. "You made us a family. You said yes to marrying me... and now...mow I have to make good on my promise to you. To love you. To hold you. In sickness and health. I promised you were the one only one for me and by God, I damn well meant it. You w ill always be my heartbeat, my conscious--the only thing on my mind. Even when we get old and frail, I won't let go of this hand; it symbolizes everything I've spent my life searching for. I thought it was power. To establish a better world; but Hughes was right...how can I know what a better world is if I don't start making mine better too? How can I hope to lead, when I've barely learned to crawl? I hope you will be patient with me; I won't have all the answers and, I know I can be kind of sort sighted.

Before you, I never truly believed in "one true love." I know now that what we have transcends and is a much deeper soul connection. In you I found a partner in life, a lover, a friend, a safe place, someone I can be my ugliest and most vulnerable with. In you I found someone who supports me, who inspires me, who respects and honors me. Thank you for never making me feel like I'm too much and for looking at me with loving eyes, even when we all know I'm being extra. I promise to be faithful and supportive and to always make our family's love and happiness my priority. I vow to have the patience that love demands, to speak when words are needed and to share in the silence when they are not. I will be yours in plenty and in want, in sickness and in health, in failure and in triumph. Throughout whatever our lives may bring, I will dream with you, celebrate with you, and walk beside you. I give you my hand and my heart. As a sanctuary of warmth and peace. I pledge my love, devotion, faith, and honor as I join my life to yours. You are my person—my love and my life, today and always. I thank the most high that I am yours and you're mine. But I love you so much it's hard to see beyond the light you illuminate my world with. Please, I'm begging you—don't give up on me?"
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Mustang Residence, Central City
23 December 19XX, 2223H

"You'll be fine, Roy," Riza kept reassuring him, but it was more of a reassurance for herself. He can't die, not when they just only spent a few months as a wedded couple, not when she needed him the most to cope with Selim's abduction... not when their child is about to be born soon.


Riza was assisting Roy from their bathroom into their car when they heard another window shatter, the cold harsh wind entering their abode. It wasn't helping that Riza tore her night gown as a substitute for her husband's bandages, but it was nothing compared to the chill she felt in her bones when she saw the dead Isaac McDougal very much alive. Her first instinct was to protect themselves from the intruder, so she grabbed her pistol and fired a shot that missed.


She never misses, but given that her center of balance wasn't perfect, she tumbled. It's a fortunate thing that Roy was right beside her to cushion her, grabbing her waist with his uninjured hand. They both fell to the floor, staining the carpet with blood as his injuries worsened due to the sudden movement and weight. She was just staring blankly at the intruder, breathing shallowly the frigid air that filled their home. McDougal was moving quite slow, but it was evident that he was just toying with them—like a housecat playing with mice before it devours them.

"Riza!" he shouted again, voice laced with unbridled fury, breaking Riza's trance. She just looked at him helplessly, eyes wide with agony.

Why does it have to happen to them? Don't they deserve to be happy? They don't deserve this, they deserve to suffer. They don't deserve to be happy, as they have ruined the happiness of countless lives. Maybe this is the toll they have to pay as sinners who mercilessly killed and separated families during the war. Maybe death was a better punishment, rather than having them experience the happiness and bliss of life, only for it to be taken away in just one night.

She nodded slowly as Roy gave her the opening to escape, not registering the words he said as if her head is dunked underwater and the sounds are garbled. She knew she had to protect their child, but the voices inside her head kept mocking her. Where is the Hawk's Eye when she needed to protect the people she loves? When she needed to get back Selim? When she needed to protect Roy? She can't even shoot when it mattered the most, and she felt terrible and fucking guilty about it.

But she did as ordered, and as much as she hated it, she hid. When Roy finally caught up to her, ascertaining that McDougal was properly dealt with, they proceeded to go to the shed. It was a challenge, as the late night winter winds howled harshly. Prickly needles seemed to hit her face, and she struggled to keep her eyes open as she waddled to the wooden shed where their car is parked nearby. It's a good thing that it rarely snows in Central City unlike in the North, because she'll have to warm up the car before it worked. So once they reached the shed, they stayed there, locked the door, and tried to ease her breathing. She felt her unborn child getting restless inside her womb, so she rubbed gentle circles to ease the baby and herself. Only when she opened the gas lamp did she realize the horrible state that her husband was in. The first aid she did earlier for his steam burns was long damaged by blood and necrotizing flesh due to frostbite—his arm black and blue due to the injuries. He was already dragging the axe when he spoke. He was already breathing heavily, almost as if he was in the brink of death.

"I'm sorry you have to see this..."

"R-Roy, what are you doing?" she asked a question whose answer was very obvious, but it was also an answer she didn't want to hear.

"If I didn't think I might pass out, I'd do it alone."

"Please, Roy. No! W-We'll take you... t-to the hospital... the doctors will take care of you! Please...!" she begged, her voice hoarse and cracking at the same time. But he looked so determined, knowing that this is the only way to prevent further injuries and save his life.

She only stared at horror as he cut his arm off, his agonizing screams breaking the silence of the cold night. And there's nothing Riza could do except cry helplessly while heaving, almost gagging as she prevented herself from throwing up after witnessing the love of her life mutilate himself. At one particular slash, the damaged arm completely fell off, and she drove them to the hospital with such speed. She didn't mind the pain she felt with her belly, nor did she bat an eye to Roy for the fear of totally losing her cool. She needed to go the hospital as soon as she can. But when she reached the hospital and made sure that her husband was taken care of, the doctors pointed out that her water just broke and she needed to go into labor.

This isn't how it should go...

It should go like this. Their first time being parents should be filled with wonder. It would begin with Riza calling Roy in his office, yelling to get his ass back home to drive her to the hospital. Their adoptive son, Selim would be staying with Aunt Gracia together with Elicia. Then Roy would be packing all their clothes and stuff that they prepared in advance. Roy would have such a hard time driving to the hospital because he would be anxious but eventually they'd reach the hospital where he would be right by her side as she brought their child into the world. He would carress her forehead and whisper things like she's doing great, while she would just glare at him so she could focus on pushing... but highly appreciating hid encouragement. She would be holding his hand tightly, never letting go as the pain of labor coursed through her body. Then once they hear the baby's cry, they would both cry tears of pure joy for having such a lovely little family they would call their own. He would cut the baby's umbilical cord as guided by the doctor. Roy would proudly call his son Damien Hughes—a wonderful name they have agreed upon when they were deciding for names. He would treasure the nights when he could cuddle with his family—Roy, Riza, Selim, and Damien, together with their pets in the queen sized bed.

But life doesn't work like that... It's not a fucking fairy tale where everyone lived happily-ever-after, and it seemed that fate had found twisted ways to torture their weary souls...

Instead, she was pushing and her husband wasn't on her side because he stands on the blurred line between life and death. The doctors were doing their best, yet Riza couldn't take her mind off her husband suffering. This night would either end up with them rejoicing that he is finally a father, or her weeping alone with a newborn child because she just became a mother and a widow.

Then she finally remembered his words when he ordered her to run earlier.

"Your job is to protect the baby, mine is to protect you."

Central City General Hospital
24 December 19XX, 0143H

With one final push, a loud cry was heard, signalling the arrival of their child. The baby's cries seemed like a bell tolling for sinners to come and repent—to let them know that they were already forgiven of their atrocities in the past. Riza had a weary smile as she held the baby swaddled in white cloth.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Mustang. It's a healthy baby boy."

Upon hearing this, Riza felt a wave of euphoria wash over her. For the first time in a long while, she felt at peace as she fed her son. As much as she wanted to check on Roy and show them the life they created, she couldn't. She finally exhausted herself after the events that transpired.


Riza's Hospital Room, Central City General Hospital

Riza was still fast asleep when she felt something in her hand, something like skin but a bit rough because of stubble... much like Roy's face when he didn't shave for a few days. When she opened her eyes, she saw her husband heavily bandaged and crying beside her. "Roy..."

She listened intently as Roy poured his heart out, his words overflowing with love and gratitude. After a momentary pause, she smiled warmly and replied, "Roy, my love, you don't need to beg." She gently squeezed his hand, her eyes shining with adoration, her smile bittersweet. "I could never give up on you or our family. You are the anchor that keeps me grounded, the beacon that guides my way."

She brought his hand to her lips, placing a tender kiss upon his knuckle. "From the moment I said yes to marrying you, my heart became forever intertwined with yours. Our precious child... Damien..." she glanced down at their newborn son, "...is a testament that we deserve to be happy."

Riza cupped Roy's tired face, her thumb caressing his tear-stained cheek. "You have already proven time and again that you are a man of integrity, a man who fights for what is right, a man worthy of leading and inspiring others. And now, I know you will be the most loving, devoted father our son could ever hope for."

Her expression became one of utmost sincerity. "Roy, you are my soulmate, my safe haven, and my greatest strength. Whatever challenges life may bring, we will face them together, side by side, hand in hand. Our love will be the unbreakable force that carries us through. I am yours, forever and always."

She sighed, kissing his lips gently. It was a chaste kiss, but the love and tenderness it conveyed was enough to make her heart twinge in delight. "Come with me," she said softly, struggling to stand up from her bed. Then she went to Damien who was still fast asleep, looking at their child with much wonder.

"He has your hair and my eyes..." she said and looked at the innocent child, not minding one bit how injured her husband was. "He looks absolutely perfect... our little boy. I just hope that Selim was here to see his baby brother, too."

Then, she looked at him with her eyes filled with guilt. "I apologize for being stubborn, Roy. I-If... if it wasn't for me being useless... then maybe I... maybe I could have protected you... I-I'm sorry..." she choked in between her sobs. "I did this to you, Roy. I'm sorry..."

"I don't know what to do... I feel guilty about everything... but when I look at Damien's face, I... I always have a feeling that everything will be all right..." the baby fussed slightly, making Riza laugh while wiping her cheeks. "I'm so pathetic, aren't I?"

Right outside their window, for the first time in years, powder snow fell in Central City... acting as rain as if washing away the bitter events of last night.
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As Roy sat there by his wife's side, pressing one of her soft hands to his slightly scruffy face, all he could do was feel her warmth permeate through him. The feel of her hand easing his intense anxiety away even without her trying . As he began calming down just enough that he took a deep breath of relief letting his mind settle down and he began to recompose himself.

"Roy...?" A soft, familiar voice groggily called out to him, making her husband lift his head to look up at her and show her a gentle loving smile.

"Hey there, sleepy head..." He softly whispered back, reaching up with his remaining hand to gently brush her bangs away from her eyes and before cupping her cheek lightly.

As Roy did so, he watched Riza intently, and the urge to at very least, try to make Riza understand something that he was struggling convey. It was entirely frustrating to feel like he wanted to say something, anything to show her importance yet the words never quite seemed to be enough to express what a mess he would be without her. But as his thoughts had words attached to them, and he began to almost beg her to simply see that even as every thought came out, that even as his body was fighting with everything it had to manage the sheer pain he was still in, it didn't matter. The pain wouldn't stop him from telling her how happy he simply was. His sentiment that she'd become something irreplaceable, and that he was a better man for having taken the chance to love her as deeply as he did and how he'd always try to keep his promises and the vows he made to her, then turned around and tried to explain the pride he felt for her having brought a life into their world.

It all came out as a long winded mess, of course. Simply because his brain couldn't decide on what emotion he wanted or should feel, teetering between admiration for his wife's labors and the joy of what came from seeing Damien sleeping at her bedside. It was almost like his mind didn't fully believe it just yet. It kept waiting for him to wake up somewhere else entirely.

"From the moment I said yes to marrying you, my heart became forever intertwined with yours. Our precious child... Damien..." Riza assured him, even kissing his hand gently. "...is a testament that we deserve to be happy."

Roy's face twinged reflexively as nodded quietly, but it was not from pain. He was trying very hard to not break down on her as he listened, taking her words to heart. Some many things were running through his head, it honestly made him a bit dizzy as he tried to take everything in all at once and trying not drown in the process.

Riza's face changed as she spoke to Roy, trying to make her husband understand how she felt. "Roy, you are my soulmate, my safe haven, and my greatest strength. Whatever challenges life may bring, we will face them together, side by side, hand in hand. Our love will be the unbreakable force that carries us through. I am yours, forever and always." Riza's determined sense of devotion for him and the depths of her trust in him and believing in him even if there were times when he was willing to fight a battle he was actually scared he might not win. It gave him peace of mind that made him feel almost invincible.

Rize then leaned down kissed Roy very lightly to further show her appreciation. "Come with me," She'd then say, but the moment he realized she was going to try and get up after when she had gone through he rose quickly to ease her back down gently. "I'll get him, you shouldn't move right now, you need to rest." He told her softly completely ignoring the trauma he himself had been put through, but his eyes pleaded with Riza in spite of that fact. Roy then turned toward the small bed where Damien lay swaddled and sleeping peacefully.

As Roy stood by his son, looking down and simply watching, he took a deep breath before he leaned over, and worked out a way to pick Damien up with one hand and the heavily bandaged partial stump of what used to be his other arm. It took him a moment to figure it out, but he eventually did get Damien up and held him his son firmly to his chest, letting him hear his father's sturdy heart beating.

"You know...Daddy's feeling pretty happy you turned out to be boy, cause he would have a lot of explaining to do with mommy about future boys. And he's now realizing that preventive murder might not be the best thing thing to add to his resume. Glad we dodged that bullet, so glad." Roy said laughing at himself as he stroked Damien's dark hair as he took another deep breath. "No, you are gonna be a real problem for a girl one day, I just...I just got a feeling. So Daddy needs to tell you a couple things then Mommy wants to hold you; first, you may grow to have an odd obsession with miniskirts. That will be perfectly natural but maybe don't tell the girl you like that one of the first things you'd do with any kind of power, is make her wear a miniskirt. Mommy will be very mad at daddy, she's not a lady that takes that outlook quite well."

Roy starred walking around the rom as he held his son, his mind reminding him just how he got here, and everything-- even the worst experiences he'd regretted the most in his life, and the guilt that he had to learn to let go of before he could move in the right direction rather than in circles, wondering why the hell he never seemed to ever go anywhere, but the moment he let go of all the damages and trauma he was clinging to and he accepted the only thing that just made sense in telling Riza he loved her did he everything he could to accept it--it made him smile and when he spoke next his voice and the inflection of him sharing the truth about life being honest with his son and himself.

"If you want love in this son, real love. The kind that lasts, the kind the keeps you moving even if you feel like you have no idea where you are being led to...You're gong to get hurt and you'll have to learn to accept that pain because it's part of the deal. If you want trust from someone, you'll have to be brave and give some of it away. It's a scary thing, even for daddy." Roy's eye's then looked at Riza and she'd feel the absolute admiration he held for her as a person, as a woman he loved. "But you'll find someone one day that...makes giving your trust to them seem so easy its like breathing, and you'll know that you're going to be okay after all...but if you want that love, you're going to have to learn to change because if you don't allow yourself to grow, you can never learn to grow with someone."

Roy went silent for a moment feeling tears threatening to overwhelm him. "Last thing: Talk to mommy about making daddy a big cry baby cause he really has no idea how she made him this way. " He then kissed Damien's head very gently, walking to Riza's side an slowly laying him on her chest.

"He has your hair and my eyes..." Riza said, smiling at Damien. "He looks absolutely perfect... our little boy. I just hope that Selim was here to see his baby brother, too."

"I'll find him, Riza." Roy responded quietly. "I'll do my best to bring him back." He assured her.

"I apologize for being stubborn, Roy. I-If... if it wasn't for me being useless... then maybe I... maybe I could have protected you... I-I'm sorry..." Riza began to confess, guilt making her give a pained expression. "I did this to you, Roy. I'm sorry..."

"Hey," Roy said his voice firm but not harsh. It get her attention very quickly. "I don't want you to ever, ever blame yourself for my decision. It was mine to make, and I would rather lose an arm than ever think about losing you." His eyes were soberly emotional, evoking his protective nature when it came to her well being. He walked around the other side of the bed, sat down slow by her, turned his body as he leaned back, laying half way on the bed next to her, laying his head on her shoulder. "I don't want you to ever be sorry for that. I can still be a husband with one arm, but I can't stand the idea of having come so far just to lose you now. If I were to be completely honest...it would destroy me. You've made me change in so many ways so many times, I wouldn't be the man you admire and love without you being there to keep me in line." He admitted, kissing her cheek, laying his head against her as he wrapped his good arm around her and Damien.

"I don't know what to do... I feel guilty about everything... but when I look at Damien's face, I... I always have a feeling that everything will be all right..." She laughed softly. "I'm so pathetic, aren't I?"

"No. It just makes you a mother who's learning about that unbelievable bond you will always have with our son. He's you baby boy...Always." Roy responded, but his words became slower as spoke, tirednes and exhaustion setting as body had worn itself out trying to ignore the pain he was in just be strong for her and make Riza feel safe and wanted.

"Can daddy just...shut his eyes for minute and lay here with mommy...?" The question barely made it out before his eyes slowly shut, his body making him relax and forcing him in light sleep...
Riza felt a pang of guilt pierce her heart as she apologized for her stubbornness. Her throat tightened as she forced out the words weighing heavily on her soul. However, Roy's firm tone snapped her out of her self-recriminating spiral. His obsidian eyes shone with solemn emotion, the protectiveness that was his driving force when it came to her wellbeing. He rose and circled around to Riza's side of the bed, lowering himself to sit beside her with painstaking care. He angled his body toward her, reclining partially onto the mattress as he rested his head on her shoulder.

"I don't want you to ever be sorry for that," he murmured, wrapping his remaining arm around her and the swaddled bundle in her arms. "I can still be a husband with one arm, but I can't stand the idea of having come so far just to lose you now." His breath ruffled her hair as he pressed a soft kiss to her cheek. "If I were to be completely honest... it would destroy me. You've made me change in so many ways. I wouldn't be the man you admire and love without you being there to keep me in line."

Riza felt the vice around her heart loosen as Roy's words washed over her. She let out a shaky laugh as she nuzzled her cheek against him. She shook her head minutely, her smile tinged with self-deprecation.

"No," Roy replied, his cadence slowing with weariness. "It just makes you a mother who's learning about that unbelievable bond you will always have with our son. He's your baby boy... always."

As he spoke those words, his exhaustion seemed to catch up with him all at once. His eyelids drooped, body going slack against Riza's side as the adrenaline waned and the tiredness caught up to him.

"Can Daddy just... shut his eyes for a minute and lay here with Mommy...?" The murmured question barely made it past his lips before his eyes slipped fully shut, his features relaxing into the vulnerability of healing sleep

"Rest easy, Love," she whispered.

A tender smile curved Riza's lips as she drank in the sight of her husband and their newborn son together. She shifted carefully, adjusting Damien's swaddling as the tiny bundle squirmed and mewled softly against her chest. Freeing one arm, she curved it protectively around his shoulder, cradling her little family close. The new mother's eyes slipped shut as she savored this small moment of tranquility despite the traumatic events they underwent. Though Selim was still missing and Roy's recovery would be arduous, in this instant, she felt that everything will be all right. Riza's calloused fingers stroked her slumbering husband's raven locks as she pressed a reverent kiss to the downy crown of Damien's head.

A soft knock at the door signalled the arrival of a nurse, a worried look in her face upon seeing her escaped and heavily injured patient. "Mrs. Mustang? I'm afraid we need to get your husband settled in his own room now for observation," the woman said in a gentle, understanding tone as she slipped inside.

Riza opened her mouth to protest, to beg for more time, but the pleading words stuck in her throat as Damien let out a soft coo. Her instincts as a mother overrode all her protests. With immense reluctance, she began to disentangle herself from Roy's slumbering form.

"Please," Riza said, lifting her gaze to the nurse with conviction shining in her tired amber eyes. "If it's possible... could you add another bed in here? I... I need to be with them both."

The nurse's expression softened with empathy and she gave a understanding nod. "Of course, Mrs. Mustang. Let me go make the arrangements."

As the woman slipped out, Riza settled back against the pillows, hugging Damien's close as she listened to Roy's soft, even breaths. Her fingers found his once more, lacing their calloused hands together as she awaited their reunion. She didn't know how long she dozed lightly, cocooned in the peaceful quiet with her boys. She was vaguely aware of the sounds of activity outside their room—the squeak of rubber soles on tile, indistinct voices, the rattle of a supply cart trundling past. But it all felt distant, muffled, unable to intrude on the serene bubble surrounding her family.

Another soft knock at the door finally roused her. Riza blinked owlishly as the nurse slipped back inside, offering an apologetic smile. "Sorry to disturb you, Mrs. Mustang. We've got his bed set up now whenever you're ready."

Riza twisted to look over her shoulder, lips curving into a tender smile at the sight of the second hospital bed positioned perpendicular to her own. She gave the nurse a grateful nod. "Thank you. I'll wake him in just a moment."

As the nurse retreated once more, Riza turned her attention to her slumbering husband. She basked in the sight of him for a long moment, memorizing the relaxed lines of his face, threading through his raven locks. Gently, she lifted the hand still entwined with hers and brushed her lips across his knuckles.

"Roy," she murmured, voice hushed. "Roy, wake up..."

He stirred slowly, dark lashes fluttering before his eyes blinked open in drowsy confusion. Riza felt her breath catch at the familiar depths of those obsidian irises, as warm and unlimited as the night sky.

"Hey there, handsome," she said softly, offering him a tender smile. "They've got your bed ready."

Roy's brow would furrow minutely as he registered her words. His gaze sharpened, clearing of the haze of slumber as he took in his surroundings—the stark hospital room, the empty bed only a few feet away.

Riza's smile widened a fraction as she reached up to cup Roy's stubbly cheek. "I'm not going anywhere. Just stay here for a bit with us?"

As if sensing the focus of their attention, Damien chose that moment to awaken with a soft murmuring coo. Riza felt her heartstrings tug with love as she shifted the tiny bundle to free one arm. She stroked one fingertip feather-light along Damien's silky cheek with unbridled adoration shining in her amber eyes.

"This is where I belong," she whispered, holding Roy's gaze as she brought their son closer. "I just wish that Selim was here so I could say that I am finally with my family."

For a long, suspended heartbeat, the new parents simply marvelled the sight of their child—a miracle born from their love and everything they had endured to reach this point. Then Damien squirmed, his small mouth puckering in a tiny grimace that heralded the coming cries of hunger. Riza felt herself flush faintly as she fumbled with the top buttons of her hospital gown one-handed, allowing the garment to slip off her shoulder. She cradled her son against her chest, guiding the newborn to latch onto her.

As she fed their son, Riza pillowed her head against Roy's with a soft, contented sigh. Her free arm curved around him once more, pulling him into the tender embrace as their fingers twined together over Damien's tiny back. Slowly, incrementally, the lingering tension drained from both their frames, allowing them to sink into the tranquil bliss of simply being together as a new family.

This. This is what they had sacrificed and suffered for. This indescribable sense of wholeness and purpose... Riza savored it, branded every cherished detail into her heart and soul. For no matter what adversities life threw their way from this point forward—and she knew there would be many—their love had weathered the harshest of storms and emerged victorious. And they would face what was to come as they had before—side-by-side, hand-in-hand, an invincible bulwark of devotion together. They will find Selim, Roy will recover from his injuries, Riza will triumph the challenges of being a new mother. No matter what the future held, this is where she belonged—at the sides of her two loved ones.

Riza is home.

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"Roy," a voice gently called to him as he slept from his exhaustion and pain, but it seemed to sound incredibly far off as his body lay next to Riza's, remaining hanging half off the side of the bed, his feet where planted on the ground.

"Roy, wake up..." the voice called to him tenderly once more. Its tone was both warm as if the sun were kissing his skin and leaving him feeling entirely loved.

Roy stirred, though he still seemed exhausted. His dark eyes fluttered and slowly opened to the face of his wife, watching over him. Immediately, Riza would see him get a big smile on his weary face that told her that even as tired and as sore as he was, he loved waking up to seeing her face. It made all the difference to him.

"Hey there, handsome," Riza whispered to him softly with her own soft grin.

"Hi..." Roy faintly answered, having an almost giddy undertone to his voice. His hand rubbed his wife's stomach with a slow moving and gentle caress.

"They've got your bed ready." Riza then said.

"Mmmm-mmm," He almost seemed to whine in protest as he first shook his head, hugging her firmly, and tucked his face into the side of her neck to kiss at it, letting his slow deep exhales drift down her chest. Roy felt he was right where he belonged.

"I'm not going anywhere. Just stay here for a bit with us?" Riza chuckled as she felt Roy's reluctance to leave her side. However, the thought of her being uncomfortable almost seemed to change his mind, causing him to resign without further pouting, but when asked to stay it was very evident that was what he was wanting as well.

"Mmmkay," He then said groggily with a deep voice.

"This is where I belong," his wife said as Damien cooed softly, stirring as well. "I just wish that Selim was here so I could say that I am finally with my family," she added.

Roy lifted his arm, coiling it from shoulder to shoulder, as he stroked her golden hair, his lips kissing her cheek gently on repeat. "I'll find him, Riza. I'll bring our boy home." Roy told Riza resolutely, yet keeping his voice loving and gentle.

Roy then turned his head and gingerly kissed Riza warmly on her lips, as if to say that he loved her and would move if she was actually uncomfortable. When Riza went to slip her arm free, and open her gown to feed Damien, Roy helped her, pressing his remaining hand under Damien's head supporting it as she pulled the gown down, exposing her bare voluptuous chest which had seemed to increase in size to feed their son. It didn't incite a sense of eroticism as much as a marvelous thing, the sight of his wife feeding their son as a first time mother.

Feeling Riza's hands returning, his hand slipped over top hers, letting her take his spot. When Riza relaxed against him, what remained of Roy's right arm slipped around her, tucking the mother of their child against himself in a way that offered support and a sense of security. His left hand then cupped Riza's face, gently stroking her features with light touches of pure affection, feeling her relax into him. He quietly kissed at her forehead.

"You are such a beautiful mom, Riza. I mean it." Roy murmured, pressing his forehead to hers, his hand stroking her hair to soothe her. "I mean, I'm not as aroused as I thought I'd be seeing you undress," Roy joked. "it's just...beautiful. You're beautiful," he then kissed her forehead pressing his own into hers, smiling brightly. "I love you very much, momma. And I just want to say it now, cause I know there will be times when things get chaotic and stressful: thank you for being mine." The backs of Roy's knuckles stroked her cheek as he kissed her lightly on Riza's lips, showering her in his adoration.


After Riza fed Damien and put her gown back on, she took her turn to doze off on Roy, who watched over her with a smile, taking turns petting his wife's hair, and the dark fluffy strands of their son. As the afternoon turned into evening, Major Armstrong knocked on their door.

"Come in," Roy called out audibly, but trying to keep it low enough he wouldn't startle Riza and the Baby.

"General Mustang, I have my report; how are you feeling I was told you were in-" He stopped talking almost immediately when he saw Roy's bandaged stump, which needed to be changed soon, his eyes left wide in shock.

"Let's take this outside, Major. I need the nurse to fix this damn thing, anyway. Riza would worry herself more than she needs to right now," Roy said quietly as he gently eased off the bed, supporting Riza's tired head until he positioned a pillow to take his place.

The two men quietly slipped out of the room, Roy clutching what remained of his right arm. The intense pain he'd been ignoring trying to not make Riza worry about was catching up to him.

"What's your report say, Armstrong?" Roy asked looking up at the mustachioed musclebound man before him. All jokes aside, he trusted the integrity of Alex despite his tendency to weep at almost anything he found remotely "manly". "Why the hell did Shou Tucker show up on my doorstep with a pack of chimera's, steal Selim, and have McDougal, who I thought was dead, freeze my arm solid?"

"That's the thing sir, McDougal was dead. If you remember the late Bradly killed him and gave you the recognition. As for Shou, I wasn't sure if I should bring it up or not because I'm not 100% sure they are related yet--but someone broke into Bradley's tomb and stole his remains. No one knows who it was, but the guards there were frozen." Armstrong responded.

"Damn it!" Roy gritted his teeth as he swore under his breath. "I'm going to need a protection detail, I can't fight and protect my wife with just one arm." Roy said his voice shedding light on how frustrated he truly was at the fact.

"On it, Sir! I'll watch after Riza if I have to myself." Armstrong stated.

"Thank you, Major. " He sighed. "I guess Ill tell her we are moving; doubt she'll want to stay there as is. Can you give us that much time?" Roy asked.

"I'll give you as much as you and Riza will need, General." Armstrong responded.

"This...is going to get messy. I just know it. Have you talked with Grumman yet?"

"Not yet, I wasn't sure yet."

"Tell him; it's all pointing to the same person: Shou." Roy said and Armstrong nodded.

Roy then began asking a nurse if she could redo his bandages, only returning to their hospital room, to sit on the edge of the other bed not wanting to wake Riza up. He picked up Damien, however, kissed him on the head. "Lets let mommy sleep a bit, you can come lay on daddy." Roy said just as helaid back on the second bed after tucking Riza in. He laid Damiens head onto his chest gently as he shut his eyes.
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Riza's breath caught as Roy turned and claimed her lips in a lingering, ardent kiss. It conveyed so much—his pure adoration, his promise to give her space if she needed, his reverence for this new chapter they had entered together as parents. She melted against him as their mouths moved in the familiar danse they had perfected over years of implicit understanding. When the need for air finally forced them to part, Riza felt almost dizzy with the devotion shining in Roy's obsidian gaze.

Ever attuned to her needs, Roy carefully braced one palm under Damien's head as Riza exposed her chest, the modest cloth falling away to bare her newly full, curved breasts. Though the exposure would have ignited sparks of desire under different circumstances, in this moment there was only an almost sacred sense of awe surrounding them. Riza felt her throat tighten with love and gratitude as she witnessed the wonder on her husband's face while guiding their son's mouth to her breast. This was intimacy of a different sort—equally powerful, but utterly pure.

As Damien latched on and began to nurse, Riza sank back against her husband with a contented sigh. What remained of his arm curved around her in a protective embrace, offering cherished security as her own hands relieved him of supporting their son's head. When Roy's calloused palm cradled her jaw with infinite tenderness as his thumb traced the arch of her cheekbone in a soothing cadence. Unable to resist, Riza turned her head and pressed a soft kiss to his palm in unspoken gratitude.

Her eyes slipped shut as his lips brushed her brow with unbearable sweetness. "You are such a beautiful mom, Riza," Roy murmured reverently. "I mean it."

"Hm... then I suppose our dear Damien is blessed because he also has a gorgeous father as well. He's gonna grow up handsome like you," she chided, a soft smile on her lips as she stroked her baby's dark locks. However his next comment completely derailed her thoughts, making her look incredulously with wide eyes at his playful grin.

"I'm not as aroused as I thought I'd be seeing you undress," he continued with a faint smirk teasing the corners of his mouth.

Unable to protest because of the small child suckling at her, she just huffed at embarrassment. "Roy, the baby can hear you..."

"It's just... beautiful. You're beautiful."

Emotion formed an almost painful lump in Riza's throat at his hushed declaration. She found herself utterly transfixed as he nuzzled closer, touching their foreheads together as his hand stroked her hair in a soothing rhythm.

"I love you very much, Momma," Roy rasped, the tender endearment sending a shiver down her spine. His thumb traced the curve of her lips almost reverently. "And I just want to say it now, because I know there will be times when things get chaotic and stressful—thank you for being mine."

Riza's breath escaped in a tremulous sigh as he brushed one last lingering kiss across her mouth, the contact achingly sweet and ardent. Her free hand found his nape, fingers threading through his raven locks to cradle him closer as she returned the kiss with every ounce of adoration blazing in her heart.

"I know things turned out for the worse, with Selim's disappearance and the intruders... and your injuries... but I still want to thank you for giving me a family and protecting us, Roy," she exhaled when they finally parted enough for speech. Her amber eyes molten with the depths of her feelings. "You're my world..."

A thousand shared memories seemed to flash between them in that electrified moment—horrors and triumphs, grief and blissful respites, darkest doubts and unshakable hope for the future. And now, with their son cradled between them and the promises of new dreams yet to be realized, Riza finally understood what true fulfillment meant. She was complete, her soul's journey leading her to the role of wife and mother. Stroking the baby's milk-stained cheek, she stifled a yawn that signalled her exhaustion. She then looked at Roy with droopy eyes then back to their child, smiling tiredly as the baby unlatched from her. She returned her garment back to normal, a soft sigh escaping her lips.

"It's Daddy's turn to take care of you. I'm just... gonna sleep for a bit, mmkay...?"

When she rested, there were nurses who kept regularly checking on the newborn's state and changing his diapers, careful not to disturb the resting family. Roy, like the good husband and father that he is, kept looking out for his family despite enduring the pain from the injuries he sustained protecting them.


The powerful strides of Major Armstrong's boots echoed like gunshots through the corridor as he made his way toward Fuhrer Grumman's headquarters. His curled blonde hair swayed with each purposeful step. Pivotal pieces were falling into place, lethal fragments of a larger mosaic that boded ill for the fragile peace in Central. Armstrong's brow furrowed as he reviewed the scant facts they had so far—the assault on the Mustang family, the disturbing reappearance of Shou Tucker and Isaac McDougal, Selim Bradley's abduction. Each detail was a smoldering coal threatening to ignite catastrophic flames once more.

He reached the checkpoint flanked by two stone-faced MPs and announced his arrival with the imperious clarity of a man who held unshakable confidence in his station. "Major Alex Louise Armstrong for Fuhrer Grumman. It's urgent."

One of the guards ducked inside while the other waved Armstrong through the heavily fortified doors. A familiar figure emerged from the room, pausing to affix his jacket with a faint grimace of distaste. Armstrong offered the diminutive Fuhrer a crisply precise salute.

"Major," Grumman greeted with a measured nod as he returned the salute. "You bring news?"

His rheumy eyes sharpened behind his circular wire-framed lenses, broadcasting a keener perception than his unimposing stature suggested. The aging Commander-in-Chief had weathered countless battles both literal and political in his rise through the ranks of Amestris' military elite. Major Armstrong knew better than to underestimate the man.

"News which grows more grave with each additional detail, Sir," the muscular officer replied, squaring his stance with hands clasped at the small of his back. "General Mustang was assaulted in his home by the presumed deceased Shou Tucker and Isaac McDougal... or rather, his reanimated remains."

One of Grumman's bushy brows arched heavenward in evident surprise. "Disturbing news indeed." He cupped his bearded jaw with one hand, mulling over the implications. "Were they apprehended or...?"

"McDougal was dealt with... but Tucker..." Armstrong continued with a grim set to his mouth. "General Mustang was certain that Tucker was there to abduct the Bradley boy and succeeded in doing so."

A muscle ticked in Grumman's weathered cheek at the confirmation of his worst suspicions. "I see," he said, tone deceptively mild. "And our dear General's condition in the wake of this?"

Armstrong's jaw tightened fractionally. "He has sustained... grave injuries to his right arm that required immediate amputation, Sir. But as you're well aware, the General's fortitude and resolve are second to none, even in direst circumstances."

A flicker of reluctant respect flickered across the Fuhrer's face before iron composure smoothed his features once more. "Naturally. How is Lieutenant Hawke—I mean... how... how is my granddaughter?"

"She had given birth to your great grandson, a healthy delivery despite the tragic circumstances," Armstrong said, a small smile on his lips as he remembered the bundle of joy that was Damien. Grumman had a sigh of relief, his bony fingers rested on his chest upon hearing this news.

"Assemble a protection detail for the General's family and transfer them to a secure holding residence immediately," the Fuhrer ordered. "See that their every need is accommodated, but their location remains tightly under wraps from all but a handful of my most trusted officers."

Armstrong drew himself up to his full, towering height, alpha-blood thundering with the call to war rising in his veins. The deafening silence that followed seemed to swallow all ambient sounds until Grumman cleared his tight throat.

His wizened eyes flashed with flinty resolve that belied his age and stature. "That man's pursuit of depraved knowledge must be brought to a final, permanent end. Am I clear, Major?"

The major snapped off a salute that seemed to reverberate with the solemnity of his conviction. "Crystal, Fuhrer Grumman."

With a terse nod of dismissal, the aging Commander-in-Chief whirled on his heel and strode off, barking out a rapidfire string of orders to his adjutants. Armstrong stood rooted to the spot, jaw muscle twitching beneath his immaculately groomed mustache. If this did indeed trace back to Shou Tucker, there would be no quarter pf mercy given. The horrific legacy of the Sewing Life Alchemist's depraved atrocities had already exacted too steep a toll from those Armstrong cared for most.

The Strong Arm Alchemist's next stop was the military's Eastern Command post where Catalina and Havoc were stationed, not minding the lengthy train ride from Central. He found the two officers hunched over a map table, brows furrowed in focused discussion until his imposing silhouette swept over them. When they realized the presence of their superior officer, they stood straight to acknowledge his presence with a snappy salute.

"At ease, soldiers."

"Major Armstrong?" Havoc straightened, one hand instinctively rising to doff his military cap before remembering he wasn't wearing it. "We weren't expecting you."

"No, I suspect you weren't," he rumbled, solemn gaze flickering between the two friends of the Mustang family. "I bring ill-tidings from Central."

Armstrong's expression was as grave as they'd ever seen. Rebecca felt her stomach churn with fear at the Major's ominous tone, her eyes round with trepidation. "It's the General and Riza, isn't it...?"

Laying one massive hand on the table, the buff major leaned his considerable weight onto the flat surface with a creak of strained wood. "The Mustang family was assaulted at their residence by what we believe were chimeras and the reanimated corpse of Isaac McDougal, one of the state alchemists that served during the Ishvalan War, under the direction of Shou Tucker. Selim Bradley has been abducted."

Twin expressions of stunned horror spread across Catalina and Havoc's faces. The news settled in Rebecca's gut like a leaden weight as images of poor Riza, heavily pregnant and undoubtedly terrified, flashed through her mind's eye. She opened her mouth in shock, while Armstrong continued his report.

"General Mustang sustained catastrophic injuries in the altercation while protecting his wife and child." The Major swallowed hard, his throat bobbing, before forcing out the next words. "His right arm was essentially destroyed beyond salvage. He... took matters into his own hand to prevent further trauma."

"Shit..." Havoc breathed, shoulders sagging beneath an invisible burden as the implication sank in. Beside him, Rebecca clapped one hand over her mouth, tears pricking at the corners of her eyes.

Armstrong straightened once more to his full, towering height—the image of somber strength. "However, I have good news. She successfully delivered a healthy son, Damien, but the General remains in grave condition after the forced amputation and frostbite. Her grandfather, the Fuhrer, has requested your presence, Lieutenant Catalina. So that you may render aid to Lieutenant Mustang in these trying days ahead."

Rebecca nodded with resolve, swiping the tears that fell. "Yes, Sir."

The hulking officer's gaze swiveled to pin Havoc with an inscrutable look. "And you, Lieutenant Havoc—the Fuhrer wishes you to coordinate the General's affairs in this matter and issue a missive to request experts regarding automail: Winry Elric and Pinako Rockbell from Resembool, Dominic LeCoulte and Garfiel from Rush Valley, even Neil and Dr. Patricia from Fort Briggs."

The weight of Armstrong's request settled over them all like a shroud. Jean dragged a hand down his face, muffling a hoarse curse into his palm. He knew damn well the caliber of Roy's commitment to the military—to the ideals he had devoted his life to upholding. To lose his dominant arm, his greatest weapon...it would have devastating ramifications beyond just the physical injuries and trauma.

"Consider it done," he replied, forcing his voice into a steady timbre. His fingers curled into a white-knuckled fist against the map's surface. "We can't let this break him, Major. The General's going to need all the support we can give."

A flicker of approval shone in Armstrong's pale blue eyes at Havoc's determined words. "Indeed. This is but the vanguard of the tempest to come, I fear. We must stand stalwart and steadfast, for the tides of conflict brew once more on the horizon."

The muscle in his jaw ticked as he clenched his teeth against the rising swell of fury. "And I'll be damned thrice over before I allow this madness to go unanswered."

Catalina and Havoc exchanged loaded looks, seeing the same calculated resolution reflected in each other's gazes. Whatever depravity awaited them, whatever new incarnation of Tucker's legacy threatened the lives they held most dear. This time, they would annihilate it from the face of the earth without hesitation or mercy. There would be no more suffering—not while a single one of them still drew breath.

Shou Tucker rummaged through his bag of belongings. Among them were several bones and the skull of the late King Bradley. He'd finally tracked down the means to further his research: a philosopher stone that existed inside a child known as Selim Bradly. He had seen firsthand how powerful homunculi could truly be, and it was his goal to revive one of the more notable ones: Wrath as one of his own creations. Shou had lost everything else; his wife, his daughter--even the dog. He wanted to revive one of the more notable homunculi, Wrath, as one of his own creations, despite losing everything else - his wife, his daughter, and even the dog. Many looked down on him, but only a few understood the complexities of bringing a soulless husk back to life and the determination it would take to follow the trail of bodies to make his research a reality at last.
The train they had gotten on in the rail yard back in Central was now speeding himself, and Selim, toward the North. They had escaped the military's search that had gone into full effect a few nights ago after he'd attacked Brigadier General Roy Mustang at his home to kidnap Selim. Strangely, it wasn't that hard—or at least, not as hard as he had expected it to be, with Roy being known as a hero during the Ishval incident. However, that might have been all because of catching the general off guard with McDougal's reanimated corpse. It was part of his ongoing research to create a fake philosopher's stone that would power a dead body, and grant partial memory functions that allowed it to mimic the Water Alchemy from Issac's memories and freeze the General's arm. He'd also brought several savage chimeras. Those he used to elude the military, as for what happened to Mustang, he didn't know and he didn't care, he had gotten what he had come for.
After a few days, the hospital released Riza and the baby to go home. Roy, on the other hand, wasn't doing well. There was a constant flux of pain where the remainder of his arm used to be, surging in his brain. It left him quite tireless, anxious and extremely short-tempered and thin-skinned. He'd tried to hide it behind a gentle smile, but the truth was frustration, powerlessness, and the constant feeling he'd failed always made him notice his missing arm more. The more he took note of it, the more it felt like something crawling in his brain, setting every nerve on fire. He hadn't been sleeping well, and he'd hardly even been eating. His mind constantly asking him: was there something more could have done? Surely losing his arm had to amount to something, right? Each time Riza brought up Selim, it was like he was reliving the night over and over, the idea festering in his head that maybe he should have sacrificed more, maybe that would have helped because he couldn't stand the idea of letting her down--or having lost his arm for no reason, like he were stuck between a proverbial rock and hard place, it was lose-lose situation.
At some point, he didn't know when, but where he often comforted Riza with hope, he began to hold only bitterness that would see him lie down without a word more on the bed across the room. The doctors instructed he come back for regular check-ups to see how his maimed arm was healing. Even now, as he stood near the car that had Major Armstrong as the personal guardian to Riza and their newborn son, Roy's eyes remained bloodshot from the lack of sleep. It was very evident to anyone, let alone Riza to see him obsess over the crime scene that he now looked at. From where he stood, he could see the front door to their home, and although now covered by snow, he could still make out the exact spot and the point in time in his head he was caught lacking. With his dark eyes shifting silently, reminding him over and over about how had failed. his exhaustion had become absurdly obvious. But he refused to take even a nap.
"Major, take us to our temporary home." Roy sighed, getting into the back.
"Yes sir; I believe you will find it to your needs, and it has several amenities that might make things a bit easier for Mrs. Mustang and the baby." Armstrong reported, driving them off.
After a short drive to the outskirts, the arrived at a remarkably beautiful, two story house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, one upstairs and the other on the ground floor, that Roy had asked for thinking it would make Riza at least feel a bit safer as their location was not heavily mentioned. Only a few knew of their whereabouts. But it was fully furnished and would be their home until they wanted to return, or sought to buy another actual house. Thankfully, the neighbors would be kind but mostly keep to themselves. Furthermore, agents would be placed in the area, though not exactly near them so as not to give the impression they were being watched, but fulfilled the task of being able to respond quickly.
After stepping out of the vehicle, opened the door for Riza and proceeded to grab her bag that she'd gotten ready that held things like extra clothes for Damien, pacifiers, blankets and other things. And just by being incapable of sometimes walking in a straight line, did it become painfully obvious that Roy was pushing himself extremely hard. Even when Armstrong tried to catch him to help, Roy stopped himself from falling over and sharply told the Major that he could do it on his own. Armstrong looked over at Riza with a question and worried look as Roy stumbled on into their new home. Setting the bag down in an accesible place as Riza came inside the surprisingly beautiful home with dark, polished hardwood floors, freshly painted walls, it had an overall pleasant aesthetic. It was obvious Roy had really done time to search for it and had gotten it approved on short notice.
After the Major left them to their selves, Roy in a daze, told Riza he was going to take a shower, then found the stairs leading up, and climbed them. She'd be able to see something was bothering her husband considerably, but he never seemed to bring up and asking seemed to frustrate him more, so all she could do was watch him clutch his arm as another round of mind-numbing pain started surge through him again as he took lumbering steps that seemed as if he were stomping the whole up. Once he had undressed himself, preparing to shower, Roy made the mistake of looking in the mirror. He could see the conflict in himself rising, he could count the endless questions, and he knew the look of pain that permeated his body making him shiver and it didn't matter because all that mattered was that he'd failed. The tears that tried to swell, stinging his eyes and the nausea as his mind didn't know what do, made it seem like world were spinning.
He wanted off. This was not how it was supposed to be...
Riza stared blankly at the hospital ceiling after feeding Damien for the day. Admittedly, when she was bonding with her newborn baby, she feels at peace and content... but once he needed to sleep or was taken care by the nurse, she felt anxious that maybe her baby won't return in one piece. Not to mention, the days passed and no news of Selim ever reached her, thinking of the worst case scenario like Tucker using him to awaken the homunculus Pride or use him as a sacrifice for some fucked up transmutation. Her husband tried to offer reassurance and comfort, speaking words of hope that only seemed to fall on deaf ears. Even if there were times he tried to comfort her by stroking her hair with his lone arm, or kissing her temple gently, or even whispering promises of love—she slowly grew indifferent towards him.

"We lost, Riza. We lost. I can't leave you and you can't keep up in your condition."

Riza squeezed her eyes shut, but the visions would not relent. She was there again helpless and tears streaming down her face, the events of that fateful night played once again in her head. The pleading of her husband echoed on her mind. She thought that the moment he admitted that they lost was the moment that they surrendered Selim to the Sewing Life Alchemist. What unspeakable horrors would he be subjected to?

"What kind of father am I?! I wanted to be the best, but is this all I amount to?!"

Her jaw clenched as a tidal wave of emotions surged through her—searing anger at the monster who shattered their family life by stealing away the sweet Selim they had come to cherish as her own child. Then, she felt utter heartbreak toward Roy for insisting they take Selim into their loving home, only for this horror to ultimately befall them. Riza's chest constricted with crippling guilt and self-reproach. Selim's terrified face as he was torn away permanently etched into her memory.

"Riza! Don't forget you are carrying our child. Your job is to protect the baby, mine is to protect you."

His harsh tone did not have any hint of ill-will towards her, but she felt those words reverberating through her soul. It is her job to protect the baby, but how will she do that if she can't even protect Selim? She cursed herself endlessly for her cowardly inaction in that moment, for failing to shield him, to fight for him as fiercely as a mother protects her young. The bitter regret was unrelenting torture. If only she had disregarded all else, thrown herself between that monster and the child she loved like a son, maybe... maybe she could have saved him. Roy's job is to protect them... but even though she is alive, why does she feel like a part of herself already died that day?

Her mind replayed the sight of Roy's body arching beneath the punishing onslaught of alchemically manifested ice—of him losing his very limb in the name of preserving their family. And through it all, her dutiful husband had maintained enough presence of mind to ensure Riza and their son reached safety first. That unshakable selflessness and prioritization of her above all else had been Roy's purpose since virtually the day she had sworn her life into his service.

Was this how motherhood felt like? Riding on a unicycle on a tightrope while juggling, unsure of where to go or how to balance things to keep oneself or the balls from falling? The guilt and anguish were overwhelming, feeling like an endless, suffocating abyss she could never escape.

However, she should stay here forever—not in this stark hospital, not in her dark thoughts. When they got discharged, her friend Rebecca was already waiting for them.

"Riza, you know I wouldn't ask if I didn't think it absolutely vital." Rebecca kept her voice gentle yet insistent as she gripped her friend's arm. "Your grandfather is adamant—you and Damien cannot return to your home until we neutralize this threat."

Riza's fatigued amber eyes clouded with a fresh wave of anguish. "But how abot Selim?" she rasped, the name of her adopted son catching in her throat. Already fading memories of his smiling face, of tucking him into bed each night with Roy's help, lanced through her with the searing intensity of loss.

"Oh, Riza..." Catalina's heart broke anew for her friend as she pulled the blonde woman into a gentle embrace, mindful of the precious bundle nestled against Riza's chest. "We're doing everything humanly possible to get Selim back... this isn't the end."

Riza's shoulders shook with the first subterranean tremors of her impending breakdown. She had been a rock, a stoic pillar of strength through Roy's agonizing trauma and her own terrifying labor mere days ago. But faced with losing her son on top of it all, her mental fortitude was cracking.

"He was just a little boy," she hiccuped against Rebecca's shoulder, tears trickling scorching paths down her pallid cheeks. "He c-called me mama and I... I failed him, Becca. How could I let this happen?"

"Don't you dare," Rebecca said fiercely, cupping Riza's face and locking eyes to impress the weight of her conviction. "Don't you dare take this onto your shoulders after everything you've endured. No one, not a single soul, could have foreseen that. This is not your fault, Riza."

Riza's lips trembled as she visibly fought to regain her tenuous control. Finally, after several fraught moments, she nodded jerkily and straightened her shoulders with herculean effort.

"You're right," she croaked, cradling Damien closer as if drawing strength from his sweet weight. "I can't afford to break down now. Not when Roy and Selim need me to be strong."

Pride shone through the sheen of tears glazing Catalina's eyes as she beheld her indomitable friend. With a decisive nod, she scooped up the small duffel bag containing Riza's things and looped her free arm through her elbow.

"Exactly. And that's why you're both coming to stay with me for the time being. My apartment may be a bit cramped, but it'll be safer than returning to your place just yet."

Riza opened her mouth to protest, undoubtedly prepared to state she didn't wish to impose. But Catalina fired her a quelling look that had Riza's jaw clicking shut.

"No arguments," she said firmly as they started down the bright corridor. "Doctor's orders were for you to relax and focus on caring for Damien." She snuck a sidelong glance at her friend, then tightened her grip on Riza's elbow as they pushed through the hospital's main entrance, squinting against the winter sunlight filtering through the glass doors.

"How about my dogs...?" Riza mused, feeling guilty that she did not even think about her pets when she was in the hospital.

"Major Armstrong took them all, telling that taking care of man's best friend is a manly thing to do..."

Rebecca snickered when she remembered how the muscular man was covered with cute puppies. The same mental image conjured in Riza's mind. This started a watery chuckle from the blonde woman, and Rebecca counted it as a hard-won victory to see that brief glimmer of mirth shine through the darkness once more.

A military jeep idled at the curb, Havoc leaning against the fender with his shoulders hunched like a boarding tutor watching over two rambunctious students. At their approach, he straightened and jerked his chin toward the vehicle, not having a single evidence of cigarettes in sight.

"All loaded up and ready to go, Lieutenant," he announced with forced nonchalance. The lingering current of tension pulled taut beneath his casual tone. "Just waiting on your party."

Rebecca huffed out a sardonic grunt but refrained from shooting back with a trademark barb, for Riza's sake, if nothing else. "Then let's get moving," she replied briskly, guiding Riza toward the rear passenger door with a reassuring squeeze to her elbow.

Riza's steps slowed, her shoulders squaring as her gaze lifted to sweep across the non-descript buildings and bustling city streets around them. For a fleeting instant, something indecipherable flickered across her features—a sense of displacement, Rebecca realized with a pang. This was no longer their world, not the one where Riza Hawkeye felt in control. A new, delicate reality encircled them all now, an existence far more inconstant and precious than the military they had devoted their lives. It would demand new fortitudes and sacrifices more profound than any upon the field of battle. As if sensing her friend's silent turmoil, Rebecca turned and made pointed eye contact with Riza. Her jaw was set, those piercing amber eyes gleaming with the familiar, indomitable resilience that Catalina knew better than to underestimate.

Rebecca gave her a solemn nod, silent acceptance and vow to meet this new, terrifying challenge with every fiber of the unshakeable woman who had survived hell itself. She squeezed her elbow once more, reading the unspoken declaration plain as day.

Damien squirmed and mewled softly against Riza's chest, his tiny rosebud mouth pursing in concern. With a look of tenderness, Riza touched two fingers lightly to his downy cheek to soothe him. The baby settled once more as mother and son locked gazes through the veil of Riza's protective curtain of hair.


Riza didn't have the heart to visit Roy even once, and she spent most of her time lying down or sleeping if she's not taking care of Damien. She felt hurt, but she was fortunate because she did not know the physical and mental anguish that her husband underwent. He spent his time investigating for their son's disappearance, making sure that they have leads to Tucker, and as well as finding a new house they could call a home. All of this, he did in excruciating pain of losing a limb, as well as shame that the once great and ambitious Flame Alchemist was reduced to cinders whose light was about to snuff out. He was gaunt and obviously unrested, dark circles forming under his eyes. That's why when the time came when the small family had to go to their new house, she felt guilty for not fulfilling her wedding vows back then.

The car ride was extremely silent, and not even Major Armstrong dared to speak unless absolutely necessary. Riza steeled her nerves, trying her damnedest not to break down here and now. She wanted to hug her husband tightly and apologize for her shortcomings when he needed her the most, but she was frozen while seated beside him, their child sleeping peacefully. She didn't even dare to speak a word when Roy visibly struggled with their luggage, she felt like she was a cowering dog whose tail was tucked between her legs.

Riza took in the beautiful new house with a mix of appreciation and apprehension. She was grateful for Roy's efforts to find them a safe, comfortable temporary home away from prying eyes. Yet she couldn't fully relax, not after the traumatic events they had endured. Her instincts as a mother and a soldier were on high alert, scrutinizing every detail for potential threats. As her husband stumbled inside, rebuffing Major Armstrong's attempts to help, Riza's brow furrowed with concern. She could see the physical and mental toll this had taken on her husband. The dark circles under his eyes, the haunted look he tried to mask—it pained her.

When Roy announced he was going to shower, Riza gave a silent nod. She watched him climb the stairs with visible effort, clutching his arm as if in searing pain. Her heart clenched, longing to comfort him but knowing he would likely just push her away in his current state. After he disappeared upstairs, Riza settled Damien down, busied herself unpacking the essentials, and ensured the new home was secure. All the while, her sharp ears were attuned to any sounds coming from the bathroom, catching the dull thuds that might have been Roy stumbling.

Finally, she could bear the thought no longer. Riza ascended the stairs, concerned by the prolonged silence. Outside the bathroom door, she heard something that made her blood run cold—the faint sound of Roy's muffled sobs.

"Roy?" She called out softly, hand hovering to knock but holding back. "Roy, please... let me in. You don't have to go through this alone."

She waited with bated breath, prepared for his rejections but willing to argue. Because she knew he was crumbling under immense guilt and self-loathing, and she refused to let him shoulder that burden alone—not anymore.

Riza waited outside the bathroom door, straining to hear any response from Roy through the silence. When none came, she felt her heart constrict with worry and sadness for her husband's suffering. She leaned her forehead against the door, fighting back the sting of tears in her own eyes. Her husband had always been the strong one, selflessly carrying the weight of his burdens without complaint. But Riza knew this time was different, because the trauma of what happened with the Sewing Life Alchemist and losing Selim had cracked his indomitable spirit.

Roy's muffled sobs from the other side of that door were a searing knife to Riza's soul. To hear this man she admired and loved so deeply, reduced to such heartbreaking despair... it took every ounce of her restraint not to simply break the door down and pull him into her arms. But she knew Roy, knew his pride and self-reproach often caused him to push away comfort, no matter how badly he needed it. Riza had to tread carefully, wait for any opening he might give to let her in, metaphorically and literally.

So she waited, back pressed against the door, arms wrapped tightly around herself. She imagined him on the other side, body wracked with the tears and guilt he had held in for too long. Her own eyes burned but she blinked the tears away, remaining the steady force he needed right now.

She would never abandon him again.
By the time Riza had made it up stairs and was outside the bathroom door, Roy was already at his breaking point. The sound of his sobbing becoming more clear the nearer to the door she drew. He was clutching the sink as tightly as he could, Images pouring into his mind as memories, both old and recent flipped by like pages of a book for him. So many scenes that invoked so many different emotions, Roy began to scream hoarsely, roughly pushing his head into the mirror as he forced himself to look, but hated the man he saw in the reflection. The pain in his voice as he screamed almost like a trapped animal behind the door Riza now stood in front of. He wouldn't sound like the same man who lovingly kissed at her, or touched her face, or played with her hair.

"Roy?" her husband heard a far off voice call for him. "Roy, please... let me in. You don't have to go through this alone."

Roy began striking himself with his remaining hand, clawing at the face he didn't want to see staring back, as his frustrations and his sense of purpose going to war with each other. Riza would then hear a calm as he stopped screaming, his eyes staring at the ones that focused on him. For a moment no sound would be made, but as her apprehension surely felt with the silence building the sense of tension in her before she heard him speaking softly, as his mind calmed and he said things he couldn't bring himself to tell Riza, things he felt made him weak and made him feel useless when he tried so hard to be strong for her, and be the things she always had been for him.

"I hate you...Go away! You're too weak," Roy heaved, as his eyes focused on his own image. "She doesn't feel safe with you...You failed her; you promised you would keep her safe. Now look at you, you can't even protect yourself, you're useless!" Roy's voice was deep and expressed his pain.

"Remember back then...?" Roy questioned the other him, his voice softening as the images in his mind slipped back to a time before he even met Riza. "Remember those streets..? Remember the way they always made you feel..? What did you do..?"

Roy's eyes watered, he begged himself to not bring back those memories, anything but those. "It was a long time ago...she doesn't know about then." Riza would hear Roy almost whimper, with the way he spoke he was talking about herself. "Don't make go back there...there isn't a moment without Riza I'd ever want to remember."

"It was after your parents died; you barely got know them when Madame Christmas took you in...To learn how to get where you are going, you have to remember where you've been, otherwise you end up walking in circles wondering why you aren't moving, like now.."

Roy's eyes shut, his mouth trembling as the tears rolled down his face like rain. " She took me in, but I grew up, I began to understand why everyone looked the same as me; vacant, and empty on the inside so much they wore it like a mask. When I was sixteen, the Madame started to charge me for rent. Said I had to work like everyone else. I didn't know then what that meant then. But after my first client, I learned really quick not to trust others, and I lost my faith in people as a whole, even in myself. I felt so used, so dirty and so easily replaced as an escort, I began to wear that hollowed out mask too. But it was rest on my laurels or eat, keep that sense of morality or live to see the next day; I had no choice."

"And you now want to provide for Riza and your family, because you don't want them to know that kind of dreary, empty existence even exists. You're still very much ashamed that Riza was not the first. Guilty even, I would say." Roy's hand clenched the sink.

"Stop..." He could feel the fear in himself, the sheer apprehension and shame swelling up.

"You need to be honest with her. She will never know the real you until she hears even the broken part of you crying. So what makes Riza so special?"
The lighter voice questioned. "If you can't say it to yourself, and you can't say it to her, why is she so special?"

"I am ashamed, I am guilty! But she sees seen the good in me," Roy sobbed, his voice breaking, as he panted in between the beats of his throbbing heart. "And she believes it, that's why her words will always mean something to me. Every time I tried to ignore her words when I was studying under her father, every time I looked away, I was lost." Roy gasped, inhaling deep and slow. "And now, even if, even if she just says: 'be careful'. "Roy's eyes flooded with tears, his hand gripping the sink as he nodded at his reflection. "I know I'm going to be okay, because she feels like she's right beside me, always. So, even if I have to do something that may weigh heavily upon my conscious, her belief in me will help me rest and take a little bit easier. Because she's my queen, my world. And what she feels and thinks of me matters. It matters so much to me. I need to hear it. I know she loves me, but hearing it and showing me gives me a kind of strength I can't find on my own..."

Roy beat at his chest as he confessed, unknowing and unaware, that his wife was hearing him say everything he'd been keeping locked away. His head bowed, his hand gripping his nape and his hair, shame, and guilt reminding Roy just how he'd needed the way his wife made him feel. He loved her, truly. He'd do anything because she made him believe in the good of people again.

"Riza...she found me more than I think I found her," Roy said, breathing heavily. "I had escaped the life of an escort, but I was still so lost in the misery, it had become a rather good friend. It was something I could almost count on. But then...I received a letter from her father, Berthold, telling me he would teach me Alchemy...I didn't expect to find the grace of angel, or the beauty of one inside that house. But the moment I saw her and she smiled, I knew. I knew because it was like feeling the sun shining on my face when I was left in a tempest for so long, fed on secrets and promises, I didn't know there was ever more to life, than when I saw her. She was so trusting, I kept asking myself...is she real? And ir because I had felt so numb, I felt I had lost myself."

"So, what's the matter then..?"

"I got something inside i really hate and wanna cut and let it bleed out. I'm feeling like I'm in a battle with two people inside of me. The one who's been trying to hold me together is not the who's been in the driver's seat. It's hard to let in the light, when there’s a critic inside, that won’t stop speaking up, bringing me down." Roy admitted forlornly. "But the reminders always seem to pull the floor from your feet, where in the kitchen, there's one more chair than you need. And you're angry, and you should be; it's not fair. But just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it, isn't there." He bowed his head sobbing again, his hand pressing firmly to his face as he remembered going through his and Riza's old home. He had stopped to see the extra chair.

"Riza...I'm so, so sorry." Roy cried quietly, seeking his wife's forgiveness. "I had a choice, and I know you are upset right now, and maybe you're angry, but...I need you too. If only to hear you say you still love me and don't hate me..."

After Roy's sobs died down the worn out General, turned towards the walk in shower, and began to enter. The floor was slick under his feet, however, and he collapsed in a heap on the floor, his naked form heard striking the wet surface of the floor. He was too tired to stand back up, so he sat there, his arm wrapping around his knee. He felt like he was back home in the east, in some dreary town where it always seemed to rain...
"I hate you... go away! You're too weak," she heard the voice from the other side of the wooden door. She thought that Roy was specifically pushing her away, but she was gravely mistaken and heard him incriminate himself for the tragedy that happened.

Upon hearing Roy's anguished outpouring, Riza felt her heart utterly shatter. The raw pain, self-loathing, and shame in his voice cut her to her core. She had never heard him so broken before. When he recounted the darkest chapters of his past that even she didn't know, Riza's eyes burned with unshed tears. The revelation that her beloved husband had been forced into such an ugly existence before she knew him filled her with sorrow for him to endure something so vile. But when Roy spoke of how meeting her, being welcomed into the Hawkeye home, had been his saving grace from that bleakness, Riza had to clasp a hand over her mouth to stifle a sob.


Her young heart fluttered with excitement as she heard the news that a young man named Roy Mustang had come to their modest home, seeking to become her father's apprentice. At the tender age of fourteen, she was captivated by the idea of having someone new around, someone her age, to break the monotony of her isolated life. As she peeked through the doorway, her eyes fell upon the raven-haired man, and she felt an instant connection. He was tall, handsome, and carried himself with a confidence that belied his years. Riza found herself unable to look away, mesmerized by his every move.

"Roy, this is my daughter, Riza. Riza, this is Mr. Roy Mustang, and he will be living here in our house as my apprentice starting today."

When her father introduced them, Riza could barely find her voice, overcome by a strange, unfamiliar feeling that she would later recognize as a crush. She managed a shy smile and a soft greeting, her cheeks flushing with a rosy hue.

"H-Hello... Mr. Mustang... nice to meet you. I-I... I hope that you will feel at home here..."

In the days that followed, Riza watched Roy with admiration as he devoted himself to his studies, his passion for alchemy evident in the way he obsessed over her father's notes and books. She marveled at his intelligence and determination, her heart swelling with pride whenever he grasped a new concept or mastered a new technique. However, he remained laser-focused with his studies, to the point where the young blonde girl just watched silently as he try to imitate the alchemical circles from Berthold's notes. He would groan in frustration when he missed something, but Riza was there to cheer him on.

(art by kangdae95draws)

"That's amazing! You did it, Mr. Mustang!"

Riza's days were filled with a newfound lightness, her heart soaring whenever Roy would grace her with one of his charming smiles. She found herself seeking out excuses to be near Roy, whether it was offering him a snack that she personally prepared or trying to engage him in conversations outside of alchemy. She offered to fetch books from the study or to bring him a cool glass of lemonade on a warm day.

"Mr. Mustang, I have prepared some snacks for you. Please rest for a while."

As the weeks passed, Roy found himself looking forward to Riza's company, her gentle presence a soothing balm to his frazzled nerves. He marveled at her support and belief in his dreams, her eyes shining with admiration whenever he mastered a new alchemical concept. In those moments, Roy felt a swell of pride and a desire to live up to the high expectations she had placed upon him.

In those quiet moments, Riza would study Roy's features, committing every detail to memory—the way his brow furrowed in concentration, the way his fingers deftly turned the pages of a tome while snacking, the way his eyes sparkled with passion. She marveled at how someone so young could possess such depth of character, as if he wanted to change the world with his own two hands.

"O-Oh... I-I apologize, Mr. Mustang. P-Please let me help you pick the books up..."

Their hands would brush as she handed him the book, and Riza would feel a jolt of electricity coursing through her veins, her cheeks flushing with a rosy hue. She would steal glances at Roy, wondering if he felt the same inexplicable connection, the same butterflies dancing in his stomach. But he was too absorbed by his pursuit for glory to notice who was in front of him the whole time.

Gradually, Roy began to notice the little things about Riza—the way her golden hair caught the sunlight, the melodic lilt of her laughter, the way she bit her lip in concentration when tending to the garden. He found himself seeking out excuses to engage her in conversation, to bask in her infectious optimism and idealism.

"Mr. Mustang, I do hope that the world becomes a place where we can all smile and be happy forever and ever, no conflicts or wars!"

On warm summer evenings, they would often sit together in the garden, watching the sunset paint the sky in brilliant hues of orange and pink. She would listen, enraptured, as he shared his dreams of becoming a state alchemist serving under the Amestrian Army, of using his skills to protect the innocent and make the world a better place. She found herself swept off her feet, her heart swelling with pride and admiration. She loved the way his obsidian eyes lit up when he spoke of his dreams and aspirations, his idealism infectious and inspiring.

At first, Roy viewed her as a pleasant distraction, a momentary reprieve from the grueling hours spent poring over dusty tomes. Her shy demeanor and rosy cheeks whenever she brought him a snack or cool drink tugged at his heartstrings, reminding him of the innocence of youth that his own ambition had forced him to shed prematurely.

"What is it, Mr. Mustang? M-My dream...? Well... my dream is to see a better and peaceful world together with you!"

In those quiet moments, as the crickets chirped and the stars began to twinkle overhead, Riza would imagine what it might be like to walk by Roy's side as his partner, his equal. She dreamed of a future where they could explore the wonders of the world together, their minds and souls intertwined in a beautiful, unbreakable bond. She imagined them growing closer, sharing their hopes and fears, and embarking on adventures together, their bond forged by their desire to make a difference in the world.

"I hope that when we meet again, you will reach your dreams. You’ll become a respected state alchemist and I will be someone worthy to stand beside you."

Riza's feelings only grew stronger, her heart filled with the innocent, hopeful love that only a teenager can truly understand. Though she knew their paths might one day diverge, she cherished every moment they spent together, her soul forever intertwined with him who had captured her heart.

As the day of his departure drew near, Roy found himself torn—eager to embark on his journey toward becoming a State Alchemist, but also deeply saddened to be leaving behind the one person who had seen past his pursuits and appreciated him for who he truly was. In her warm smiles and gentle words, he had found a kindred spirit, a beacon of hope in a world that often seemed cold and unforgiving.

"I apologize for my father's outrage, Mr. Mustang... but I wish you luck on your journey as a member of the Amestrian Army. Until we meet again, please always be careful."

As the torrent of his pain poured out, Riza's back slid down the door until she was seated on the floor outside. She yearned to burst in and gather him into her arms, to chase away the demons tormenting him so viciously. But she stayed put, knowing he needed to purge this long standing anguish first. However, the thud of his body hitting the shower floor made Riza flinch. She couldn't bear his suffering any longer, so she immediately rose and opened the door forcibly with her sheer strength.

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(This image is AI-Generated and edited slightly)

The sight of her husband huddled naked and trembling on the tiles as he sobbed under the running water pierced through her heart like a bullet to her chest. With a shuddering breath, Riza entered and knelt beside him. She didn't mind that she got soaked, the clothes she wore began tightly clinging to her skin as it became translucent. Gently, she wrapped her arms around his torso, molding her body to his. She checked for further injuries but he seemed fine physically, aside from his stump that started to lightly bleed.

"I'm here, Roy," she murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "And I love you, always and forever. Nothing could ever change that, Love."

She pressed a lingering kiss to the top of his head, cradling him against her chest. The dam finally broke and her own tears slipped free, mingling with the hot water raining down upon them both. Riza held Roy's trembling form tightly against her, the hot shower acting as a cleansing balm for their guilt regarding Selim's disappearance. She rocked him while stroking his raven locks, murmuring words of solace and affirmation.

"You're my everything, Roy. My light in the darkness," she whispered fervently. "You gave me purpose, hope... you showed me the beauty in this world when I had lost my way back in Ishval. I wish I could do the same for you."

Tenderly, she brushed the wet strands of hair back from his face. The shame etched into his features shattered her heart anew. Riza pressed a soft kiss to his blank eyes, tasting the saltiness of his tears.

"My brave, wonderful husband... you've carried such unbearable burdens for far too long," she spoke achingly. "But you don't have to anymore, you are not alone. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me but now I'm here, and I'll always be here to share the weight with you."

Carefully, Riza shifted their positions so she could begin bathing him properly. She got a bit of shampoo to wash his hair and massage his scalp. Then she lathered up a washcloth, gently cleaning his muscular back with strokes meant to soothe. As the hot water cascaded over his body, she leaned in to whisper against the nape of his neck.

"You are the strongest man I know, Roy Mustang. The things you've survived, the horrors you've endured... any lesser man would have been utterly consumed by it all. But not you—you rose above it through sheer force of will, using that pain to drive you towards something greater."

Riza's fingers trailed featherlight patterns across the planes of his chest as she continued bathing him with utmost care and reverence.

"Your determination and honor have always amazed me... but it's your immense capacity for love that makes you truly unbreakable." She lifted his flesh hand to her lips, placing a soft kiss against his palm. "You love so selflessly, with every fiber of your being. Never doubt how precious that makes you, Love."

She reached up to cradle his face, willing him to look into her eyes brimming with tears and pure adoration.

"You are a good man, Roy... and I am blessed to have you as my husband and the father of my children. And I will spend every breath in my body showing you that truth until you truly believe it yourself."

Riza pulled his head against the swell of her chest, cradling him securely as she continued whispering tender reassurances. She would shield him with her embrace until the last of the darkness plaguing his mind had been driven out by the light of her eternal devotion. She continued holding her husband's trembling form close, the cascade of the shower enveloping them both. She gently stroked his damp hair as he sobbed against her chest, each ragged breath lancing her heart.

"Roy, my love... what happened with Selim, that was not our fault," she murmured fervently. "We did everything we possibly could to protect him, to keep our family safe."

Riza tilted his chin up so he could see the earnest conviction reflected in her warm amber eyes. "The only ones at fault are the monsters who committed such an atrocity," she said as she leaned down to kiss away the fresh tears trailing down his cheeks.

"I'm the one who should be sorry," Riza rasped, her voice catching with remorse. "I failed you both that day. I should have listened to you, I should've just stayed in our bedroom when you told me to do so. Maybe... maybe... y-you wouldn't be burdened by my..."

She couldn't finish the thought, the what-ifs and recriminations still too painful even now. Instead, she hugged him fiercely, feeling her own body quake with emotion.

"Y-You've carried this alone for too long," she whispered brokenly against his skin. "Tormenting yourself in silence when you should have been allowing me to share the load. I was selfish and just thought of what I felt, too blinded by my pain... that I failed to realize that you were also suffering too. But now I'm here... that's what partners do, what we vowed to do—to support each other through the darkest of times."

Riza pulled back slightly, framing his face in her hands as she gazed at him imploringly. "I'm here now, Roy. I'm not going anywhere, not ever again. So please... let me in. Let me shoulder this with you, lean on me when you feel weak. That's what you've always done for me, and I want to do it for you too."

She managed a small gentle smile then, stroking her thumbs along his face where he scratched himself earlier. "We're a team, you and I. We're an unbreakable force when we stand together, fighting side-by-side through every obstacle life throws our way. So I'm begging you, don't shut me out anymore. Don't deprive me of being your strength when you need it most."

Riza leaned her forehead against his, closing her eyes as she simply held him. "I love you, Roy... every beautiful, flawed, stunning part of you. And I need you just as much as you need me. I'll be here for you, and I will follow you wherever you go."

And with that, she gave him a passionate kiss on his lips to reassure him of her everlasting love and devotion for her husband and their family.
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