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Fandom The Ironheart Alchemist

Riza looked crestfallen as she saw Roy confused and almost overwhelmed with how fast the scene unfolded. They were enjoying the serene night, but then their comrades decided to surprise them in the worst possible time. It was supposed to be an intimate exchange between the two of them, but then adding the rowdy bunch to the equation really dampened the mood. Especially when he asked her hand in marriage, and she was even ready to say yes.

"I...I have to go. Something...something has come to my attention." Roy said, excusing himself from the unexpected reunion. He walked away, but her feet remained planted on the ground. She knew how hurt he was, yet she never gained the courage to make a single step towards him. Hell, they have been in life-or-death situations but she was too afraid of the ramifications of the events that just transpired.

Can he still look at her with those lovely onyx eyes after she became a spineless coward just now? When she did not have the guts to follow him wherever he goes, not fulfilling the promise she made back then? When did she become such a coward?

Riza wanted to follow him, but she was with her friends whom she didn't see for over a year now, and it would be rude to leave them. But what they did was rude too, isn't it? Interrupting at the worst possible time? Riza shook her head to dispel her thoughts, she wanted to give her general the answer to his question when it's just the two of them. He asked properly, so he deserved to receive a proper answer from her too. But for now, she had to address the growing elephant in the room (more appropriately, hilltop). She took a deep breathe, trying to collect her thoughts.

"Hello, everyone... I have something to admit to you," Riza started, her eyes sharp and serious.

"Yeah, we know! You're—" Jean was about to make a snide remark but it's now Rebecca's turn to put a hand on his mouth to silence him. He just nodded solemnly as everyone stood silently, listening intently as the lieutenant continued.

"The General... no, Roy and I... we're in a relationship. I know it's not exactly the wisest decision given our circumstances as a part of the military, but..." Riza trailed off, fidgeting with her hair. "I do believe that it's a decision we both made. And... for once, I want to be selfish and be happy with him..."

Her heart sunk when she heard herself say the words that she feared to hear. She swore to protect this man and stand beside him, because he trusted her to keep him in line as he wished to reform the country's government. But her growing feelings prevented her to protect him from herself. She wanted him to be the Fuhrer and support him... but she also wanted to have a family and grow old with him and die with him peacefully.

Can't she have both? She had a hard time unlearning all the habits that kept them in check for the previous years. But their stay in Ishval—especially resolving their past traumas and answering the truths that eluded the both of them—helped her realize that they are blessed to have the chance to be together after the Ishval War and the Promised Day, especially when they learned that their romantic feelings for one another were mutual.

"Riza..." Rebecca called to her, breaking her trance and hugging her tightly. "We're sorry... we just... I was just very happy for you. It's been years since I saw you genuinely happy, you know?"

Riza hugged her friend back, caressing her curly hair as she felt her sob. The blonde woman smiled and looked at her intently. "Thank you, Rebecca. Everyone, I truly appreciate this surprise... but I hope that next time, you'll tell me that you'll be dropping by."

"Screw the anti-fraternization code," Havoc mused as he put an unlit cigarette in his mouth while looking at Rebecca.

Armstrong nodded in agreement, now seemingly more serious. "We'll stay out of your hair for now and you can trust that this information will be highly confidential, but I am so happy for you two, Lieutenant."

"And let's stay away from the General too," Vato added. Breda and Fuery shuddered at the memory of Roy walking out; usually the raven-haired man was fiery hot when upset but earlier he seemed so indifferent and cold.

"Go get your man!" Rebecca said playfully, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Riza removed herself from the platonic hug and waved them good bye. She tried to hurry back to her beloved, but she was slower than usual because wearing the stupid heels made walking less efficient and uncomfortable.

But her mind didn't mind the pain, as it was preoccupied with the thoughts of her dear Roy.


Riza was stopped by some people who commended her for her contributions in making the groundbreaking ceremony a success. She tried to maintain a straight face as she searched for Roy among the crowd, her stoic mask slowly revealing an anxious woman worried sick for her beloved. The upbeat music was long replaced with Ishvalan ballads, the gentle instruments playing which served as a stark contrast to the loud beating of her heart. When she finally spotted Roy, she saw him dance with an adolescent Ishvalan girl. Even though there was a bit of distance between the Lieutenant and the Brigadier General, she was transfixed on him and his bittersweet demeanor as he held an inaudible conversation with the young girl. However, her heart swelled with much affection when he stole glances to look at her as he talked with the girl.

Once their dance was done, Riza approached Roy with an outstretched hand, a warm smile on her lips. "May I have this dance, General?"

Not waiting for his acceptance for her invitation, she pulled him once again to dance. She gently guided his left hand to her waist, and held the right one with hers. She placed her other hand on his shoulder, swaying gently to the music. She leaned closer to him, her breath almost tickling his ears by how close she was.

"I believe that I haven't answered your question earlier, Brigadier General Roy Mustang," she whispered audible enough to be heard by her dance partner. "You were asking your lieutenant her hand in marriage, correct?"

She chuckled a bit, smiling and blissfully unaware of Roy's reactions because of her proximity with him as she continued to whisper in his ear while dancing. "Then she didn't have the chance to answer because, somehow, their friends got in the way. She was very sorry for not following you, Sir. Your lieutenant talked to them, they only have the best interests at heart... but they sure had impeccable timing."

She eased herself to a more comfortable position, almost hugging him while they continued to sway to the sound of music.

"And your lieutenant has a message for you regarding your proposal. She said she wanted to become Mrs. Riza Hawkeye-Mustang," she said with a wide smile in her lips as she pulled herself away from the dance and faced him, her one hand moving from his shoulder to his nape. "What she was trying to say earlier was that, her answer would always be yes. My answer would always be yes... I want to be your wife, and I am sure that I want you to be my husband, Roy."
"May I have this dance, General?" A familiar, soft tone spoke up to him from behind, and in turning his head to look past his shoulder, he saw the only person who truly mattered: Riza.​
Roy turned in place to face Riza head on. His heart thudded harder and harder without warning. He was eager beyond measure and terrified beyond comprehension. But before he could offer a witty retort—or perhaps a painful one—Riza didn't hesitate. She seemed entirely unlike herself in that the way she took one of his large and by this point, rough textured hands to her narrow waist, fastening and molding his hand to the supple contours of one of her wide hips. The audacity sparked and ignited a sense of realization she was letting him touch her in such a familiar, if not intimate manner. Blood rushed to his face, a bold faced blush forming over the handsome Mustang's visage as Riza took his other hand into hers, holding it with all the certainty as to tell him in her own way, that she was not about to let go.​
"I-Riza, you don't have to-" Roy stammered. Roy was completely caught off guard and taken aback by the boldness of the woman before him. She'd never behaved this way. It had always been difficult to read Riza. In her words and many of her actions. She was direct when discussing matters involving duty or obligation, but when it came to expressing her genuine emotions towards someone, the line between her true feelings and her spoken words became blurred. But now he was left simply flabbergasted. Not that her actions, including her pressing her shapely figure to his limber, toned frame, were anything but spectacular. His heart was wild and untamed, throbbing wildly in his chest as if it were trying its very best to make her heart feel its rhythm.​
Roy could feel the calmness of Riza's breathing washing up against his neck and shoulders like a slow tide sweeping the beaches. In taking a deep, slow breath to relax, his eyes fluttered closed. He took it in. All of it. The feel of her body leaning in towards his, his hand holding hers with the timidness of his youth, but the resoluteness that this, this, was all he wanted. All he'd need. The smallest gesture seemed to carry such gravity to them, making the security of feeling her hand clutching his incredibly liberating. With the hand that she had willingly placed at her waist, tightening its hold on her as time seemed to slow to a crawl. The words that came next were genuine and carried the truest measure of his feelings for her.​
"Thank you," Roy breathed the words quietly.​
His voice was sultry and deep, and its timbre resonated with something in Riza. "You have no idea...how much this moment right now means." He stated, still breathing out his words rather than simply saying them.​
Riza would feel something she probably hadn't prepared herself fully for and that was a powerful if not overwhelming sense that in her acceptance of her feelings, the sensation that she had finally arrived somewhere where she hadn't known she'd needed to be would crash down on her. It had been the same resonating atmosphere that he'd felt when he realized that Riza was the one thing he couldn't do without. But with this profound sense of belonging that would undoubtedly invigorate the young woman, came also the terrible realization she could not be without him. That should anything ever happen, she'd never be the same. She'd never be whole by herself again. And somehow, Roy seemed in tune with this as he had already had time to process that they were at a crossroads where they had to make a choice: Be together, stand by one another—or go on separate paths, because if he became Führer without her, she'd have to be without his presence. And just when Riza's heart would feel the magnitude of this moment coming to bear on her, the hand she'd placed on her hip lifted and cradled the back of her head, leaning her head to one of his broad shoulders.​
It would be the single most poignant thing he could have done and he did it without her even asking or showing the fear, the pain, and the overwhelming yearning to just...be in that moment. He just knew intuitively. And as he stroked her long blonde hair, the golden strands glimmering in the light of the fire that raged both inwardly and from the bonfire, he spoke carefully to her.​
"That young girl. She thought you were my wife." He said softly, swaying back and forth as he held Riza's hand, his other lowering to press gently yet firmly into the small of her back. "I was going to say....that you weren't. But, I couldn't say no..." He murmured, his head cocked to the side resting on hers as she leaned on his shoulder. "I'd only be lying to myself again, if I said I could look at you as anything but." Roy confided. "Every time I see you, I think to myself 'God damn what trouble have I gotten myself in to?' Heh. There are things about you that I don't think I'll ever quite understand. Other things...they really bother me." She'd feel his fingers threading with hers. "I want you to listen, Riza, to what I am about to say. You have that look about you that says you came to me with intentions. Hear me out before you cross that bridge. I want you to understand so you can be sure whatever you decide from this moment on, you will do so informed." Roy spoke sternly, but his voice wasn't entirely without warmth.​
"For a long time, as long as you've been a soldier, maybe even before — you've been pretty damn hard to understand. But I like to think that over the years, that I have had some small measure of the ability to make sense of why you act the way you do. What do I mean by that? Well, I mean that if you ever had the thought or have thoughts of giving up on Riza Hawkeye, don't. Don't underestimate that woman ever. She's the most beautiful, strong-willed, and resourceful people I have ever had the privilege of knowing and loving.Don't give up on her, her dreams--her hopes, her wishes. I would give everything up right now, and give up with her because it's not worth ruling when I can't even make the person I love the most understand what the hell they absolutely mean to me. If you want to breathe, but you feel like your drowning in all the fake strangled smiles you cast towards everyone else, know that I see you for the fragile person you truly are and I will never give up on you. You can absolutely just be Riza with me when we are alone if you can't stand to do it in front of others for fear that if you ever show vulnerability, that somehow makes you less. If anything, Riza, it makes you the most precious thing in this world to me. So you can be weak around me. You don't have to stand on platitudes or rank with me. I will always, and have always, loved Riza Hawkeye. Not the lieutenant. Not the crackshot war hero. That woman that bared her soul to me, that woman who, in anguish, made me burn away the secrets of Flame Alchemy, that same woman is the one I want to be my wife. Wanting more, being selfish--it doesn't make you weak, or less. It makes you human."​
There was silence between them for several moments, before Riza spoke up. "I believe that I haven't answered your question earlier, Brigadier General Roy Mustang," she said, making him nod quietly. Though he wished she'd just say 'Roy', he let her continue trying to see past to what she had to say, not what some simple irritating thing she kept doing was.​
"You were asking your lieutenant for her hand in marriage, correct?"​
"I was asking Riza for her hand, yes. If she would have me, I've come to understand I can quite a handful at times." He responded truthfully.​
Riza started chuckling. He could feel her smiling at him even with his eyes closed. "Then she didn't have the chance to answer because, somehow, their friends got in the way. She was very sorry for not following you, sir. Your lieutenant talked to them. They only have the best interests at heart... but they sure had impeccable timing."​
"Yes. Their timing...could have been...better, I will admit. Wished it was, so I wasn't spilling my guts to anyone but you, but hey, what can you do?" Roy answered, smiling coyly at both himself and with Riza. "However, I suppose I can forgive her, since she audaciously put my hands on her and made me dance." He laughed quietly at his teasing.​
Riza then really hugged his body, pulling it closer to hers, if that was at all possible. "And your lieutenant has a message for you regarding your proposal: She said she wanted to become Mrs. Riza Hawkeye-Mustang," Riza spoke softly. Those words made Roy's face grow white hot, his cheeks felt like they were bursting into flames just about and his heart rate sky rocketed. Riza pulled away slyly, lean back while hanging from his nape. She was smiling, truly smiling but Roy's eyes were wide-eyed as shock was running rampantly through every thought process that even tried to get him to respond coherently. "What she was trying to say earlier was that, her answer would always be yes. My answer would always be yes... I want to be your wife, and I am sure that I want you to be my husband, Roy."​
Roy blinked, the world around him had faded and transformed into a vast night sky with stars shooting across them in a serene and tranquil way.​
"Finally got her, huh? Well I'd say it took you long enough, Roy but I told you so." A voice sprang into his thoughts, turning his head in disbelief was his best friend, Maes Hughes.​
"W-W-what's going on? What did you mean told me so?" Roy asked visibly shaken.​
"All those times I spent praising Grace and my daughter? I was trying to tell you that it would do you some good to have a family of your own." Maes smiled, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his uniform. "So, told you so. You don't have a family--yet, but I'm rooting for ya buddy. Always thought highly of you two. Your flamboyant and childish at times--shes level-headed and quite devious by how she pulled that over on you." Maes stated, gripping his chin thoughtfully.​
"F-Family? She just said yes to marriage! You cant be serious Maes!" Roy yelled, becoming his once boisterous self momentarily.​
"Give it time!" Maes responded, smacking a fist into his palm. "You'll get there--got here, didn't you? Took you a minute to figure out that it was always going to be okay if you have something worth working toward."​
"Why are you saying that like its already written in stone?!" Roy heaved in annoyance.​
"Because Roy, what is the one thing you've always needed to succeed?" Maes asked, looking at Roy. "Something to keep you grounded." He then asserted. "Marriage. A family. If you're going to rule, Roy, you're going to have a way to show you can lead. How are ruling Amestris and being a father similar?"​
Roy paused, blinking.​
"Because with both you'll need a firm hand for those that get too out of hand, and love to reaffirm your beliefs that you can be better than what you were. Think about it. Not only that, I think you two would have the cutest kids--barring mine, of course. Besides, you'd be a great dad. And think of how happy Riza would be as a mother. Grace told me there's nothing to prepare you for motherhood, but she told me when it happened when saw our little giel for the first time? It was something she'd never forget."​
"Yes. Of course." Roy responded, becoming flustered.​
When the Maes vanished, Roy was left standing there, not realizing tears of pure joy had welled up and spilled over as Riza looked at him. Looking back at Riza, he blinked several times. "You...will?" He then said, the realisation he was going to be a husband sank down on him. His hands slowly, unsurely, lifted, but he cupped her face in either hand. "You won't regret it." He vowed, then he smiled brightly starting to laugh. "Okay--you might regret it a little bit at times." He joked and pressed his forehead to Riza's. "I'm gonna do something you might be mad for, but I just...I want this so bad right now." He told her then before she could say no or ask what, he leaned in fully capturing her lips with his and kissed her ever so deeply as others of their unit looked on in quiet amusement as Roy kissed Riza leaning her back as he had snaked his arms around her figure. Others start whispering while Miles and Scar both became wide eyed, while the girl Roy had danced with cheered him on.​
"You... will?"

"I do!" Riza said, beaming a bright smile that could rival the rays of sun shining after the rain. Roy cupped her face in his calloused hands, but Riza just leaned in and basked at the moment. "I do love you and there is nothing else I want to be than to stand beside you as your wife."

"You won't regret it," Roy promised, which was soon broken by his chuckle as he leaned forward to press his forehead intimately against hers. "Okay—you might regret it a little bit at times."

Riza smiled at his comment, shaking her head gently while chuckling. "At this point, I know how much you like stirring up trouble, my lovely Roy-boy. But I still love you despite that, and I will always love you through all the challenges that we'll be facing together."

"I'm gonna do something you might be mad for, but I just..." the raven-haired man admitted, trailing off before he continued with a much firmer tone. She wrapped her arms around his neck with a mhmm as he continued. "I want this so bad right now."

"Wha—" before she could even ask, her lips were enveloped with his, sealing their promise of love with a kiss.

Her amber eyes widened, reflecting the flames from the bonfire as well as her growing passion. Riza's eyes fluttered closed as she savored the moment, the sensation of his warm lips moving against hers. She used her one hand to caress his nape with her trembling fingers, and her other hand tugged his dark locks gently towards her. His strong arms encircled her slender waist as their kisses became more fervent and urgent, leaning her forward. Riza sighed contentedly into the sensations, losing herself in the heady rapture of his embrace and the passionate kiss. A pleasant hum reverberated through her throat, escaping through her swollen lips. The Brigadier General took this as an opportunity to explore deeper, to connect further, to feel her more.

A mixture of gasps and cheers echoed through the crowd, but Riza paid no heed for once. It was just her and Roy in the moment, finally releasing their hidden desires. Alex Louise was visibly crying manly tears of joy and wiped them with a white handkerchief, while Rebecca and Jean was cheering them on. When they remembered that they needed to breathe, Riza gently broke their kiss and giggled, her brain a mush and unable to form a coherent thought due to the oxytocin overload. She looked at Roy unabashed with a giddy smile, her fingers wiping the tear stains in Roy's cheeks. They just looked at each other, standing together while she wrapped her arms around his neck once again.

"We're screwed," she whispered, chuckling softly at the fact as if it was something insignificant. "I guess there's no point hiding it, because I feel like I just professed my undying love for my fiancé, Roy Mustang, despite the anti-fraternization law in front of everyone. Run with me?"

She clasped his hand tightly, her fingers interlaced with his own, as they ran away from the prying crowd, despite having some difficulties because of her heels... going directly to their private quarters to consummate their engagement in the deep of the night.
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The moment Roy felt Riza untense from the urgency of the kiss, that seemed like it had pushed past her lips to somewhere...beyond. Someplace that was neither here nor there, a place in-between the worlds apart they had usually felt, when she felt the need for him to feel her kiss back and she for once relented and let the towering walls come crashing down all around her Riza felt impossibly more...complete. It was a moment of absolute vulnerability, where the side of herself she'd been hiding was urging and begging her to feel that moment. If only for briefest moments, the faces of the surrounding people—the refugees, their friends, and everyone else all swirled together as terror and hope that something amazing was happening. She could feel it as much as he had wanted and to the lonely young woman who'd dedicated her life away for the hope of a brighter future, realized too late that tomorrow...would be so unbelievably blinding. In her heart she felt a hand catch her as she had started to fall away and for that moment where their eyes were locked before they closed, she saw only one person. One man, the only man she'd wanted for herself but been too afraid to ask, was there holding her hand to keep her from drifting away with all the ties and anguish.

Their eyes shut, and they were lost in each other, lost the cosmos that each held inside of the other, each feeling the burning warmth of the love each held for the other. On the outside Riza was clinging to Roy, unabashed and unashamed as their lips blended seamlessly again and again. It made them both see stars even with their eyes wide shut. Each holding the other's face as love turned into something more, transforming and changing different shades of the most vivid colors any sky at twilight could ever hope to be colored, that profound love was slipping into the sweet oblivion of desire. Their hearts raced in their chests before Riza pulled back reluctantly, yet looked at the handsome face of the man who brought her defenses to its knees, made them yield only to show Riza's heart that she'd been running and hiding from the wrong person this whole time, though she still seemed unsure, she still smiled up at Roy.

"We're screwed," she playfully omitted. "I guess there's no point hiding it, because I feel like I just professed my undying love for my fiancé, Roy Mustang, despite the anti-fraternization law in front of everyone. Run with me?"

Roy smiled back at Riza, stroking just under her chin ever so soothingly. "Id forgotten they were there," He answered. "All I could see--all I wanted to see, was you. No one else matters right now. But, as far as running goes.." He leaned in close again, speaking past her ear with a heated breath that made her shiver and blush all too readily at what he said. "Was thinking I could throw you over my shoulder---maybe give you a swat on your rather nice ass, Mrs.Mustang." He teased striking her bottom playfully before leaning back and cocking his head towards her instead. "You gonna back out on me now?" Roy asked.

The question made Riza shy away slightly, the realization of was crossing both their minds from two different directions like comets striking each other mid-trajectory. But there was something urging her to pursue of what before scared her so much. It emboldened her and as she looked down shyly, she pressed against her fiancee more closely. She then looked back up at him, eyes full of wonder and longing.

"I'll try not to..?" She answered honestly, getting a sigh and before it could swallow her whole his lips gave her such a wonderfully playful smirk.

"Guess that's better than No, right? Okay, I'll take it. Up you go." Roy said then dipped her back and swept her legs out from under her. One powerful, muscled arm slipping behind her knees the other cradling her back like she was in fact a bride, the motion made her out right giggle and blush in such a wonderfully childish way, she felt like a stupid teenager again as he lifted her up to a point where she could easily wrap her arms around his neck, smiling brightly as he started carrying her away without another word between them, or anyone. Rules be damned.

That night felt...magical. Roy carried her all the way back to his well furnished temporary home. When they got there, in depths of the night, they lost themselves again, each taking something off the other until there simply was nothing left to expose, nothing left to hide, or cover up. And as their lips wound them up, it helped them navigate their passions. The sensations she felt that night left her breathless and ragged. He kissed her body with such terrible gentleness she almost wanted to cry because for once she could see all Roy's scars and there were many of them including the one where he had seared the wound shut from Lust's attempt on his life. The way he loomed over her, the shadows that were cast of his powerful silhouette that told her she'd always be safe with him. They each gave a part of themselves to the other in the darkness between the gasps and the hushed moans. In their ears were hosts to the melody that was the other's heart beating, not caring or fearing in that moment the possibility of losing the other, just the possibility that they loved someone else, each other, more they could be made to love themselves.

When it was all said and done, she lay there facing him, wrapped in the sheets, their legs impossibly entwined. She couldn't move if she wanted to. Letting the hours pass them in silence, nothing but the beating of their hearts and their own ragged breathing from the tumultuous storm that had laid waste to them both--Riza remembered something Winry had spoken of. About the time she'd seen the sun raise on Edwards face after their first night together, how the image seared itself into her memories and had made her realize something truly important. As daylight broke through the window, Roy was struggling to stay awake. But she hushed him with muted strokes to his cheek, and gentle words, seeing him fell asleep just as the light of day split the night sky, it was like her eyes were looking past a veil at something that made tears swell to her eyes as Winry had indeed been right. Watching the sun rise on this man's face made Riza realize...this was always the place she'd aspired to be, the only place she ever needed to be.

Right by his side.

"Stupid. You're so stupid Riza. How could you not have seen this sooner? Why did you wait so long? What were you so scared of?" She asked herself aloud, crying at the immeasurable sense of security that washed over her in that moment. It was only surpassed by what came next. Roy grabbed her, pulled jer down against his chest where she felt each and every throb of his heart.

"It's gonna be okay, because I have you now. Stop beating yourself up." Roy murmured tiredly.

"You weren't supposed to see me like this.." Riza started sobbing. "Jerk." She punctuated, burying her face against his sternum as he stroked her hair.

"Yup. Just...one big jerk. But I'm yours now...no one else's. Lets sleep now." Roy answered, yawning as he hugged her tightly swaddling Riza who clung to him finally letting the tiredness wear her down, eyes shutting to the feeling of her future husbands hand combing through her long blonde hair.
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Riza's Apartment, Central City

The sun shone gently through the windows, signalling a new day for the Lieutenant. She was about to sit up and get started with cooking breakfast when she felt something move under her sheets near her stomach. Tufts of black and white fur greeted her when she raised the blanket that covered her, her pet shiba sleeping peacefully as he had his chin above her midriff.

"Black Hayate... why are you doing this...?" Riza asked, sighing as her she patted the dog's head. The dog woke up and looked up at her, yawning lazily with his tail wagging, then proceeded to put his chin above her again to sleep once more.

Ever since she returned with Brigadier General Mustang from Ishval, the shiba hadn't left her side whenever she was home. The dog also seemed to learn new tricks when Winry and Edward took him in while they were busy with the restoration project. When she returned to Resembool to get him back, Black Hayate sniffed around her a lot and decided to be a lot more affectionate compared to before. Maybe she was just imagining things since she got him back, but she swore that the dog also became much more protective of her. One of the new tricks he learned from the Elrics was how to open a door so he could sleep beside his owner, specifically beside her abdomen. Black Hayate's actions were not unwelcomed, though, as Riza experienced really bad nausea especially in the morning.

She noticed that this happened a few weeks after they returned from Ishval. Even her favorite foods were unappetizing for her because she would just throw up immediately after. So the Lieutenant couldn't keep anything down except a cup of oatmeal and stale bread. It really bothered her since she really missed the food in Amestris after a long time of eating Ishvalan meals, as the foreign land's meals are very strong and too spicy. She wished to eat some cream stew or quiche once she returned, but she couldn't even stomach the smell of these food and would rather eat nothing. She just dismissed it as an acquired taste because she spent so long away from her homeland, and she figured that her tastebuds would readjust after a few weeks. But she didn't, and now she had to go to the doctor as ordered.


Her decreased appetite led to feelings of sluggishness and fatigue. Maybe it was because she was out of the field for so long, so it took her much more effort to do basic tasks. She even found the stairs exhausting to climb, given her direct superior's rank so he was stationed in one of the topmost floors. Basic exercises and drills became a hated chore for her, and sometimes she would wish that she was just back in Ishval because there, she's not required to do these drills as long as she helped in overseeing the progress of the restoration project. Yesterday, she had dizzy spells and almost fainted in one of the morning military exercises that commenced at 0700H which worried Roy so much that he excused her to go to his office to rest.

When the Brigadier General returned back from the pantry to get her some tea, he saw Riza already snoozing off while sitting in attention. She was the model soldier and never slept once while in duty, so this came as a nice surprise and use this situation to tease her later.

"Good morning, Lieutenant. How are you feeling?" he asked, sitting beside her while placing the cup of tea above the coffee table.

The Lieutenant responded with light and almost inaudible snores.

That was unusual, since Riza was the type to easily wake up but seeing her like this made his heart swell. He didn't know if it was because she looked so defenseless that he could sneak in a quick peck in her lips, or if it was because she looked like she was about to pass out earlier. Now that he got to look a better view of her innocent sleeping face in broad daylight, he noticed that she was a lot paler, almost sickly. He used the back of his hand to touch her forehead and see if she had a fever, but her temperature was normal.

"Riza?" he gently called out to her once again.

Still no response aside from her snoring. He smiled gently at her sleeping form, but his head was filled with worries. So he decided to let his queen rest as he stood up and laid her down into a more comfortable sleeping position. He removed his black coat and used it as a makeshift blanket to cover her vulnerable form, the blonde woman unconsciously grasping it and brought it close to her. Roy just smiled at how adorable his fiancée acted, then proceeded to his desk to complete the reports he had to do regarding the restoration project.

The tea he prepared had gone cold and the pile of paperworks were stored neatly in his filing cabinet, Roy grew worried because Riza wasn't still awake. He reached for his state alchemist pocket watch, and the clock's arms indicated that it was already 1942H. Roy sighed, realizing that the Lieutenant was asleep for about 12 hours now. She didn't even got up once to eat or drink water, so Roy went to the pantry once again to get her a few slices of white bread and a glass of water. He knew that she had little to no appetite, but he still wanted to make sure that she's okay so he woke her up to eat.

"Riza, wake up," Roy said as he gently but firmly grasped her shoulder, prompting her to sit in attention in a second. She was surprised to see her superior officer look so worried.

"I'm sorry, Sir," she apoligzed timidly, avoiding his eyes.

"How are you feeling now?"

"I'm fine, Sir. I'm sorry..." she trailed off turning away from him, but Roy took her chin and turned her to face him fully.

"You're not fine. You look so... pale now. Have you been eating?" he asked, even though he wanted to reprimand his fiancée for calling him 'sir' when it was just the two of them.

"It's just a stomach bug, it will go away soon," she said and sighed, removing Roy's hand.

"You kept saying that for the past few weeks. Please see a doctor."

"But, Sir... I'm fine—"

There she went again, calling him 'sir'. Roy felt frustrated and helpless, he didn't know what was wrong with the love of his life... and he couldn't do anything about it.

"Damn it, Hawkeye! Stop being so stubborn!" he yelled in exasperation.


"I'll drive you home tonight," he said. "Take the day off tomorrow. And don't you dare show your face here until you have a full report about your doctor's visit. That's an order."

"Yes, Sir," Riza replied.

She reluctantly agreed and their ride way back to her apartment was filled with silence. She just occassionally looked at him, but she couldn't find the words to apologize. Roy just had his eyes on the road, wanting to apologize as well.

When they reached the front of her apartment, Riza opened it with her keys and she was immediately greeted by a sitting Black Hayate with his tail wagging happily.

She turned to Roy before entering, kissing him lightly in his lips. "I'm sorry, Roy."

"I'm sorry too, Riza. I was just worried," he admitted, pulling her into a hug. "If you need me to accompany you, I can arrange that, just tell me."

"Don't worry, I can manage. But thank you for your concern, I'll call you when something arises," she reassured him while running her hands up and down his broad back. "I love you."

"I love you more."


"Ms. Hawkeye?" the nurse called out to her, breaking her trance from reminiscing the events from yesterday.

Riza entered the general physician's room. The doctor was a middle-aged lady who wore her white coat over her plain blue dress, her strawberry blonde hair tied in a tight bun. The doctor who introduced herself as Dr. Aves took her vitals when Riza complained about her nausea and fatigue. The doctor smiled as she asked Riza to raise her top slightly, making the patient suck in her breath sharply in surprise as the cool metal of the stethoscope's bell hit her skin. She dragged it a few more times before she rested it in one particular spot in her abdomen, she removed the earpiece from the stem and put it on Riza.

Riza undoubtedly heard heart beat, tears welling up in her amber eyes. Wait, does this mean...?

"Congratulations, Ms. Hawkeye. You're eight weeks pregnant!" the doctor exclaimed, grinning at her which made her smile lines appear.

The tears that were welling up now fell, and for the first time in years, Riza didn't know what to do.

The doctor felt her unease. "You don't look that excited being pregnant..."

"How do I tell that him that he's going to be a father?" she sighed. "I signed up for this ever since I fell for that idiot but I didn't know that this will happen too soon."

"You can do it, I trust you."
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"I love you more."

Roy had said
those words in earnest, while doing his absolute best to not show the woman who was tentatively rubbing back, just how scared he really was. For weeks he'd noticed things going on with Riza. She wasn't acting like her usual self. She was getting sick a lot, actually. There were several instances where he'd told her to get seen, only to find her getting sick out of earshot if she could help it.

Roy's alarm clock rang annoyingly loud as he lie there in a bed all to himself. Another night he'd had trouble staying asleep. He turned off the alarm sitting up on the side, his limber muscled build. Although he wasn't as bulky as Armstrong, there was definitely an athleticism to the way his figure was shaped. He was very lean compared to bulky. His hands rubbed up scruffy cheeks, to his eyes that he rubbed intently trying to force himself to move even though he was dead tired and was more concerned with getting Riza to a doctor than seeing her grandfather. He knew he had to though.

Getting up Roy made his way through his dimly lit apartment to the bathroom where he stood, his eyes fixed on those of his reflection. The eyes that stared back reminded him of the dreams that made his field of view glossy. The nightmare that he had wrestled with through the night had him so wound by leaving him standing at an unmarked grave he could never see the name of but a part of him dreaded the reality it was Riza's. He washed and lathered his face to shave it. He took the straight razor in hand and scraped it down one cheek carefully. But the more he tried to ignore the dread building in him, the fear he was about to lose something irreplaceable again, his chest began throbbing painfully.

"You failed."

"Shut up." Roy said sharply, trying to continue shaving while pushing out he rising sense of terror.

"You let her down.You failed again."

Roy continued, but the edge of the razor caught his cheek, the blade biting into the skin creating a crease of blood and making him drop the razor into the sink, staring at his hands shaking and the blood that dripped into the sink. "I....I can't do this alone." He murmured, feeling like he was starting to suffocate. Roy gripped the edge of the sink as he slunk to his knees. "Please..." He begged quietly. "Please, don't take her too. I can't do this all alone."His voice breathed before his fears drove him to stand and walk back to his room to get dressed quickly.

Before he knew it he was starting the car, his uniform hurriedly put on. He had to see her. He needed to. His eyes kept to the road before he parked outside Riza's apartment. Getting out he marched up her building's steps, entered and found her apartment door banging frantically. When she answered, he was already heaving his eyes so full of emotion it was hard not to feel just how scared Roy felt before Riza would feel his arms coil around her, ensnaring her and pulling her very close.

"I can't...I can't." he panted clutching her. This was almost as bad as the time she'd asked him to burn her back. He was holding her so tight yet trembling wildly in place. "I won't do this without you." He said, kissing her cheek. "The world just..it wouldn't be the same without you."

He wasn't making sense. But the way he shuddered in her presence told her something had happened to put him in such a fragile state.

Roy sat outside Grumman's office before he was urged to enter. When he did he couldn't bring himself to look at Grumman's eyes. He'd knew he looked disheveled, unprofessional. God, why did it have to be today? He was supposed to ask her grandfather one of the most important questions he'd ever need to ask. This wasn't how it was supposed to go. But he didn't really want to be there. He wished to be near Riza, in case she needed anything.

"Ah, Roy. Come in my boy, come in." Grumman waved for him to draw closer, which Roy did so. But it wouldn't take much before Grumman already knew something was wrong. He saw the cut on Roy's cheek that had began to bleed again. "Long night I take it? I'll get some tea ready. You can talk to me.

"That's alright, Sir. I had wanted to come in better condition but..." Roy trailed off and the shook his head. "This was not how this was supposed to be." Roy omitted.

"Oh? Did you expect it to go differently?" Grumman inquired. "Been hearing some...interesting rumors, my boy..."

"Roy nodded, his eyes staring through Grumman, glazing as he agreed. "They're true, sir."

"That's a serious offense, Roy. We have the fraternization law for a reason."

"I know. But...I can't be a ruler without her, sir." Roy answered, his eyes welling with tears as he could feel his arguments and reasons staring to vanish leaving him nothing but with the only thing he knew to be true. "I love your granddaughter." He then asserted firmly. "She's...always been by my side in all things, except the one that perhaps matters the most." He finally looked up at Grumman tears rolling down his face blending with blood.

Grumman inhaled deeply as he leaned back in his chair. "Very well. I suppose I owe it to you and her, that I at least hear you out."

"Let me marry her. Let me marry Riza. Please? I feel so small without her. I will make her happy, please?" His voice was breaking. His chest heaving again.

Grumman watched his Brigadier General, Roy Mustang be so vulnerable. His thoughts drifting to his daughter, Riza's mother. His eyes looked over to the shelves on the wall where his only picture of Riza sat. Riza and himself hadn't truly been close, but he felt he owed his daughter to be responsible for Riza.

"A game." Grumman said.

"A game, sir?" Roy asked. Then he unexpectedly sneezed making both men blink in the obvious change of atmosphere.

"What was that, Roy?" Grumman asked chuckling.

"I, I don't know. They say that you sneeze when someone's talking about you." Roy answered then looked back at the door. "Riza?"
Riza was on her way to Central Command after her doctor's visit. She was worried on how Roy would take the news, after all he looked so out of it earlier this morning. She sighed, gently clutching her stomach as she felt it rumble a bit. Dr. Aves advised her to eat well and take the prenatal vitamins that she prescribed for a healthy pregnancy. She knew she was hungry and she needed to eat, but her nausea really hit her appetite to near zero. As she strolled around the city to find something that would satisfy her tastebuds, she recalled the events of this morning when Roy went to her apartment.


Riza hugged the toilet bowl as she continued to vomit the breakfast that she had just consumed. She regretted eating in the first place, as she could feel her guts pouring out as she threw up. Black Hayate just stood there with his tail wagging downwards, as if expressing concern for his owner.

Bam. Bam. BAM.

There was a hard knock on her door, which prompted the shiba to go and investigate the source of the sound. Riza heaved for a few moments as she tried to regain composure and strength to stand up from her slump.


Annoyed, Riza tried to walk as fast as she can to the door, not minding that she was only wearing an oversized t-shirt that she had when she was still in the military academy when they gave her the wrong size. It was tattered, but it was comfortable to wear. Aside from that, she only wore a pair of shorts that was hidden by the length of her shirt. Her hair was a bit greasy, and her breath smells like an unholy mixture of puke and morning breath. When she opened the door, she was surprised to see Roy looking so unkempt and out of it. It seemed like he had trouble falling asleep, and had troubles too when he woke up seeing the unfinished facial shave he had. He even had a small wound kn his face, did he nick himself while shaving? But the most striking feature were his dark and tempestuous eyes, holding too much emotion all at once.

"What's wro—"

"I can't... I can't," he cut her off, hugging her as if his life depended on it. She could feel him shaking, and in an attempt to soothe him, she hugged him back and drew circles in his upper torso.

"It's all right now, I'm here," she whispered and stroked his raven locks, he then pulled out a bit to kiss her cheek.

"I won't do this without you. The world just... it wouldn't be the same without you."

Riza smiled tenderly, seeing how worried he was about her well-being. But she found his reaction to be... a bit over the top, as if she only had a few months to live. So she playfully swatted his arm. "I'm not dying, you idiot!"

She broke their hug and placed a chaste kiss on his cheeks, afraid that he might be turned off by how she smelled. "But I have to get prepared now, since I still have my doctor's appointment and you are running late for work if you don't get moving."


After eating a slice of plain white bread from a nearby bakeshop in Central Command, she proceeded to go to Roy's office. She really wanted to see him right now to break the news, but according to one of the clerks, he was in Fuhrer Grumman's office for a meeting. Well, she kind of hoped that he tidied himself up for the Head of State... it would be rude if he didn't fix his bearing at all.

She sighed, rubbing her stomach carefully. "Your mommy is a bit scared now, but I believe me and your daddy would do our best to love you."

She felt silly initiating a conversation with their unborn child, but she was thankful because didn't feel alone. She waited for him patiently while telling silly stories about how she and Roy met to her baby.
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After Grumman had made them something to drink, the two men sat down for a game of chess. The older man, Riza's grandfather, wanted to see for himself Roy's intentions, what was bothering the younger man, and Roy's true feelings about his granddaughter. He had to be sure if he was going to make an amendment to the law.

"So tell my, my boy, what's bothering you?" Grumman inquired moving his piece forward.

"Ever since my best friend Maes Hughes passed, I spent a lot of time searching for his killer." Roy began, moving his piece forward.

"Ah, yes, Maes was a good man I heard, a pity about him." Grumman retorted, moving another piece.

"He was, sir. The best kind of man. Better than me; he didn't have the drive to be a ruler, but that didn't make him any less deserving." Roy then said, moving a piece taking one of Grumman's. "I have feared losing the things that have mean the most to me, and last night I-" His hand clenched. "All I could see was this unmarked grave but I knew whose it belonged to. I feel so damn hopeless sometimes. It's like the more power I obtain the farther the things I want to protect become so...out of reach they seem." Roy said solemnly.

"Roy, you aren't anymore a god than I am. I rule this nation now, but even I have lost things that matter to me. It a fact we all must learn to cope with I'm afraid. After moving another piece he placed a hand over the clenched hand of Roy. "But I see that Riza has quite a lot of meaning to you, doesn't she?"

Roy looked up to Grumman. "She's become my world, Sir. When she finally said she would be mine, I knew then, months ago, I'd do anything to protect that spark which helped me become the man I am today. She's helped me so much. I could never tire of her presence, and I always find myself longing for it whenever I am alone even for a minute or a second when I breathe." Roy admitted, moving his queen forwards. "Check."

"I see, her mother, Elizabeth, my daughter was a beautiful woman. Intelligent." Grumman started retracting his hand to move his rook to shield his king. "I lost Elizabeth because of my foolish pride, tried in vain to get her to see her mistakes, ones she kept making--but maybe that was my mistake. When Elizabeth died, I felt...detached for the longest time." Gruuman stated leaning back in his seat, seeing finally that though he had taken many pieces, Roy's employment of the Queen was paramount to both his offense and defence. It was like the simple chess piece had become the embodiment of his desire to hold on to that one thing even if he had to sacrifice everything else.

"Was Riza's mother, anything like her?" Roy slid his queen up to ensnare the rook. "Check."

"I'll admit, I don't really know my granddaughter like I ought to, but I'd like to think she has many of her mother's qualities. Her mother was a very careful woman, and though she did make mistakes, she always loved very strongly." Grumman moved a bishop to draw away Roy's queen.

"Heh. Sounds just like Riza. Always looking out for a foolish man like me, even putting herself in impossible situations." Roy took the other rook, eliciting a surprised response from Gruuman. "Checkmate, sir."

"I suppose that is, my boy." Grumman smiled at Roy and then stood wandering over to his photo of a very young Riza.

Roy stood as well, still disheveled he watched his ruler stare at the picture fondly, his eyes saying the words he wished he had said to his daughter before setting the picture down. Grumman then walked over to Roy, and started to straighten his collar and tidy his uniform love a loving father. "I suppose I should be happy, you're my grandson, eh?"

"Don't expect me to call you gramps anytime soon," Roy murmured feeling embarrassed suddenly, not quite realizing what he had accomplished just yet.

But with a firm hand taking his, Grumann shook. "Promise me two things. Take care of Riza, and save me from this job. I'm noy as young as I used to be, you know."

The word rattled in Roy's skull until he was forced to shake back, wide eyed and looking at Grumman who merely nodded with a smile. "Go to her, Mustang, she's probably lonelier than you realize without you." Grumman then stated, Roy nodding then backing away slowly before quickly leaving.

Roy left the office and headed to the lobby where he did spot Riza who, strangely was rubbing her...stomach? Was she hungry? Did she not eat again? What was he going to do with her?!

"She needs to eat damn it," he murmured, in a protective sort of annoyance before he approached Riza who he had no idea what was about to happen, he just, needed to tell her the wonderful news.

"Have you still not eaten? I don't care how much weight you gain, you need to eat." Roy said from behind the blonde haired woman. He moved towards her , hugging her affectionately, kissing her cheek. "I had to beat your grandfather," He whispered past her ear. "He gave us his blessing, we can marry." Roy told her pressing his forehead to Riza's as his hands took hers into them. "I'm sorry for this morning, I had...a really bad dream where I lost you and I couldn't take the thought of losing you. I can't be a ruler without my queen. I just...I can't."
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"...it doesn't seem like it but he has really soft hair that I just wanted to spend a whole day just petting him," Riza whispered, still rubbing her stomach gently and feeling the life inside her womb while telling stories about Roy. "And he has the prettiest eyes too, and I don't know but I feel like he's staring deep into my soul when he looks me in the eye. I just... I really love him, you know?"

Riza just hummed and closed her eyes, now feeling a lot more relaxed and peaceful. The worries that clouded her earlier were washed away with the thoughts of her and Roy finally starting a family. Her mind was now preoccupied imagining all the wholesome and domestic things that she would do with him, like painting the nursery or shopping for baby clothes. The doctor was right to trust her—she can do it.

"I wish that you get his hair, but not his hot temper. He can get quite scary when he's angry, so I hope you can remain rational but still caring," she continued, smiling when she imagined that the baby had tufts of ebony hair. "But no matter what, I'll be here to guide you and help you towards the right path like if you ever feel lost."

She remained silent for a few moments, then unconsciously dozed off in the couch while sitting. Her daydreaming was cut short when she felt a pair of familiar arms wrapping her from behind. "Have you still not eaten?"

"Hmm?" Riza murmured at the familiar voice that woke her up from her nap.

"I don't care how much weight you gain, you need to eat," Roy said, matter-of-factly which made Riza furrow her eyebrows. She's going to carry this damn idiot's child for seven more months, and the first thing he told her was she would gain weight.

It was as if he was begging to have a bullet shot through his head. Riza was one of the lucky ones who were blessed with good genes, so she didn't have to exert much to maintain her frame. When she joined the military, it helped her tone her muscles especially her assets. But the prospective of gaining weight annoyed her, especially when the comment came from the love of her life.

"What do you mean gain weight...?" Riza asked through gritted teeth. She was smiling innocently but she could feel her cheeks warm up due to anger and embarrassment. She hoped that Roy would take the hint, and the he just hugged and kissed her cheek... and even though he was affectionate, she knew that he was still clueless that he has upset her a bit.

This man was despicable, he would really do anything to achieve his ambitions, even by beating up Fuhrer Grumman who was past his prime. Riza just sighed with her hand on her stomach, silently apologizing to the kid for having an idiot for a father.

"He gave us his blessing, we can marry." Riza could feel her annoyance dissipating as he put his forehead against hers.

"Really?" she almost squealed in happiness, a smile creeping up to her face.

He took her hands that were rested on her abdomen, holding them firmly as their fingers intertwined. "I'm sorry for this morning, I had...a really bad dream where I lost you and I couldn't take the thought of losing you. I can't be a ruler without my queen. I just...I can't."

Riza let go of his hands to reach out and cup his face. She could feel his anxiousness, but she was equally scared as well. "Roy... I'm not going anywhere. I'm here."

She tried to pacify him by running her fingers through his already messy hair. His show of vulnerabilities made her afraid of the future as well. "I am scared, too...."

She hugged his head gently, nestling his him against where he can her heartbeat, then she placed a small kiss in his hair. She could feel tears pricking her eyes once more, threatening to fall. She was scared, too, but she knew they had to be strong.

Especially now, that there's going to be three of them.

"I still have a report from the doctor to tell you," Riza said, tapping his shoulder twice as if signalling the start of the code, hoping that he would get it.
"What do you mean gain weight...?" Riza was practically growling at him, making Roy blink and tilt his head in confusion.

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Roy inquired, but before she even answered, his mind replayed the way he'd said what he had. "Oh! No! No, no no-- Sweety, time out! I didn't mean it like that! I was just saying I was worried you hadn't been eating properly, you don't seem like yourself." Roy said having stepped back quickly.

Riza glared at him, striking dagger like glaring eyes at him before he eased back towards her. He held her incredibly gently, kissing her cheek with tireless affection. He whispered to her the good news, that her grandfather was going to change things after having won a game of chess. His head leaned to hers.

"Really?" Riza questioned her smile while there to begin with only grew ever wider.

"Mhm," Roy chuckled nodding. "It didn't come easy either, I must've really impressed him. Was only the second time I've ever won!" Roy smiled as well.

When he told Riza what he was so scared of she touched his face. "Roy... I'm not going anywhere. I'm here." She told him so softly. "I am scared, too...."

He overlapped her hand with his, holding her hand there. "Yeah,...Wait, what are you scared for?" He asked his eyes looking concern rather openly for her, Roy being a sort of open book with her with how he expressed his emotions. He was so passionate about things.

Riza didn't say anything she just brought his head to her chest to hold there. Blinking, he wondered what was going on in Riza's head. He really did want to know. He'd have done anything to make her feel just a bit safer. He'd be her fool in front of everyone if that's what it took. He closed his eyes wrapping his arms around the normally stoic female who was showing a different side of herself. Her fingers taping away on his shoulder. At first, he hadn't minded it but after it kept going, his thoughts began to unravel the cipher.

"Wait a minute..." Roy said quietly, his eyes blinking open. He looked at her question. The look of paused, tempered excitement, like he were trying his hardest not to completely embaress her at the moment. Roy slowly crouched, people starting to notice the pair as he lifted her shirt a bit and placed his ear to her stomach listening intently. There it was, the answer to every question he had. A heart thrumming inbetween the sounds her belly made. It made his jaw quiver as if he were about to bawl. Instead he rose back up.

"That's mine, right? I get to keep it?" He playfully said knowing full well it was. Her reaction a planned event, he ducked her arm and slid in behind her. Hi sarms locked around her from behind. He wouldn't need to say he was joking but he did any way. "Easy, easy--I'm kidding...Truce?" He asked his face then buried itself in the crook of her neck where she felt his warm tears splashing against her skin unexpectedly. "You're too damn good to me sometimes..." He muttered, kissing her cheek long and hard.

"Thank you. So damn much. I really...don't know what to say." One of his hand pressed to her belly. "You don't have to be afraid, Riza..." He told her his head tilting to look at her. "Im not going to let you go through this alone...I love you too much." He smiled. "Also, sorry for this." He laughed as he began tickling her because he wanted her to share in his overwhelming sense of joy.
Riza's eyes widened slightly as Roy unexpectedly dropped down and lifted her shirt, pressing his ear against her still flat stomach. She tensed initially, a blush creeping across her cheeks as others started to notice the spectacle unfolding.

"Roy! What are you doing?" she hissed under her breath, though her tone lacked any real rebuke.

When she saw the catch in his voice and the emotion play across his features as realization dawned, her embarrassment faded. Roy was listening to the tiny thrumming heartbeat—the answer to every question he had. Riza watched, her own eyes misting over, as he rose back up, his jaw quivering as if he might break down in tears right there.

"That's mine, right?" he asked playfully, though they both knew the truth.

"Well, I would be more surprised if it wasn't yours..." she joked, rolling her eyes at his dumb question.

Roy ducked her arm and slid in behind her, enveloping her in his embrace. His arms locked around her from behind and she felt the warmth of his body against her back.

"I get to keep it?"

She glared at him even though he was just joking. "ROY!"

"Easy, easy—I'm kidding..." he said quickly. "Truce?"

Riza shivered as his face nuzzled into the crook of her neck, his unexpected tears splashing against her skin.

"You're too damn good to me sometimes..." he murmured, placing a long, lingering kiss on her cheek. "Thank you. So damn much. I really... don't know what to say."

One of his hands pressed tenderly against her belly and she covered it with her own.

"You don't have to be afraid, Riza..." His head tilted to look at her. "I'm not going to let you go through this alone...I love you too much."

He flashed her a brilliant smile then, unable to contain his overwhelming joy any longer. "Also, sorry for this."

Before she could ask what he meant, Roy started tickling her sides mercilessly. Riza squirmed in his arms, trying feebly to fend him off. Her laughter sounded like music to his ears, something that told him that everything will be all right. So he continued tickling her sides, making her lose her breath.

"Roy! S-Stop it!" she protested between peals of restrained giggles, unable to fully suppress her laughters. "You idiot—AHAHA!"

Finally, she managed to catch his wrists, interlacing their fingers as she leaned back against his chest. Riza drew his hands around to cradle her belly, holding him close. She felt reassured him, turning her head to gaze into his warm, onyx eyes. "I know you won't let me face this alone."

Her amber eyes shone with a depth of affection and vulnerability that she rarely showed. Lifting one of his hands, she brushed her lips across his knuckles.

"I love you too, Roy. More than I can say," she confessed softly. "We're in this together, no matter what comes."

In that moment, the rest of the world fell away as they basked in the pure, incandescent joy of their shared future as parents.


Riza took a deep breath, butterflies fluttering in her stomach as she approached Rebecca Catalina's apartment door. She raised her hand and knocked firmly three times.

"Coming!" Rebecca's muffled voice called out before the door swung open, revealing her best friend with a bright smile. "Well, well, if it isn't Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye gracing me with her presence. To what do I owe this rarity?"

Riza rolled her eyes good-naturedly. "It's good to see you too, Rebecca."

"Get in here, you!" Rebecca ushered her inside with a grin. As soon as they settled on the couch with steaming mugs of tea, Riza reached across and took Rebecca's hand, her heart pounding.

"Rebecca...I have something to ask you," she began seriously.

Rebecca immediately looked stricken. "Oh my god, you're not dying are you? Or getting shipped off somewhere crazy?"

"What? No! Nothing like that," Riza assured her quickly before a small smile tugged at her lips. "It's...well..." She paused, drawing out the suspense. "Roy asked me to marry him, back in Ishval..."

The resulting squeal of delight was so loud, Riza was certain the neighbors could hear it. Rebecca launched herself at her friend, enveloping her in a fierce hug. "SO THAT'S WHY YOU JUST DISAPPEARED?! It's about damn time, you crazy lovebirds! I'm so freaking happy for you two!"

Chuckling, Riza returned the embrace tightly before Rebecca finally released her, bouncing with excitement.

"So? Are you going to ask me or not?"

"Ask you what?"

Rebecca smacked her arm. "To be your maid of honor, duh!"

Riza laughed. "Well, if you insist. Rebecca Catalina, will you be my maid of honor?"

"Of course I will!" Rebecca tackled her with another hug.

Once they separated again, Riza's expression turned slightly shy. "There's...um...one more thing."

"More big news? Lay it on me!"

"I'm pregnant," Riza admitted, barely getting the words out before Rebecca screamed again.

"You're kidding! Riza Hawkeye, you little minx! Oh, I'm so incredibly happy for you both!" She pulled her friend into yet another bone-crushing hug, laughing delightedly.

When Riza finally escaped Rebecca's clutches, she grinned sheepishly. "Thanks, Becca. I was hoping...you could help me find a dress that will work with..." She gestured vaguely at her still flat stomach.

"Say no more, mama-to-be! We'll find you the most gorgeous, roomy gown ever!"

A few days later found them browsing racks upon racks of wedding dresses at the bridal boutique. True to form, Rebecca kept piling Riza's arms higher and higher with options.

"What the hell, Rebecca?! I can barely see over this mountain of taffeta!"

"Oh shush, you'll thank me! Here, try this one!"

Riza staggered under the weight as another massive dress was unceremoniously dumped on top. "That's enough! I want to try these on first before you bury me alive."

Rebecca pouted briefly before perking up again. "Oh! What about that one?" She pointed to an elegant ivory gown with long sleeves, a high neckline and a flowing ball gown skirt.

Riza's breath caught as her eyes landed on it. "It's perfect..." She quickly made her way over, running an admiring hand along the delicate lace detailing.

"Well? Go put it on, Mrs. Mustang!"

After slipping it on, Riza stepped out of the dressing room, an unmistakable bridal glow radiating from her. The lightweight lace fabric skimmed over her still slim figure, the high collar accentuating the graceful column of her neck.

"Oh Riza..." Rebecca breathed, quickly blinking back happy tears as she took in her best friend's radiance. "You look like an absolute goddess. The Brigadier General's going to faint when he sees you, I guarantee it!"

A radiant smile spread across Riza's face as she admired her reflection, one hand drifting to her belly. "It's... beautiful."

She turned and embraced Rebecca tightly. "Thank you, Becca...for everything. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Aw shucks, you'll make me cry again!" Rebecca laughed, returning the hug fiercely as unbridled joy filled her heart for her friend.
"I can't believe you and Riza are actually getting married. That astounds me. You two seem like opposites most times. She's level-headed and calm, and you're...not? She's ready prepared, and you're...well, you get wet and become useless." Jean explained, making Roy who was writing his report stop and clench his teeth in annoyance.

"Careful Havoc, you're this close to a flogging in front of everyone! And I am not useless. I killed two monsters including one you tried to date that put her hand through you, remember that? Remember not walking? I do. I remember you saying to me that was going to be the last of you." Roy huffed t hen calmed down. "Besides, she's pregnant, even if we weren't that close there's no way in hell I'd ever, ever let someone disparage her name."

"Wait, what?" Jean leapt off the couch in the General's office, marched to his desk and slammed his hands down leaning in. "What did you just say?!"

"Hmm? You think I'm shallow enough to let Riza go unmarried if she and I weren't close?" Roy asked.

"No! Before that--what did you say??" Jean emphasized.

"What? That Riza's pregnant? I thought I told you that weeks ago?" Roy stated. "Whoops."

"Whoo-whoops?! That's what you are going with?! Roy! Think man! If Riza's pregnant she's gonna get ideas! Ideas that I personally should stay the hell away from." Jean explained, making Roy blink in a questioning manner.

"I'm not following; are you dating my fiance's bridesmaid, Rebecca?" Roy questioned.

"Yes! And you already put the idea of marriage in her head through Riza--she finds out Riza is pregnant, she is going to ose her mind! Wait! Where is Riza?!"

"I gave her the day off to go with Rebecca to pick out a dress." Roy answered.

"That's it, I am ruined!" Havoc slunk back to the couch. "I just got to accept the finest woman in Amestris is going to want things cause my best friend had to go ruin everything!" Havoc slumped down.

"Not doing this Havoc. Not having this argument." Roy said trying to refocus on his work.

"Oh? Do you happen to disagree?" Havoc questioned. "I know the lieutenant is great and all, but Rebecca, now that's a woman." He said.

"Havoc...don't say another word." Roy urged, stamping the paper with his stamp.

"What? You afraid Riza doesn't...stand up to Rebecca?" The words made Roy stop mid stamp, sigh, he knew he was being goaded. But Riza wasn't here to strangle him, so he had to do something....

"You know what, Havoc? You're right. Maybe...maybe I should give Riza a call, tell her how much I love her, how much I've missed her today." Roy set down the stamp and interlocked his hands.

Jean looked over at Roy who changed his demeanor in an instant, the second he had said Riza wouldn't or couldn't stack up to her best friend, a palpable tension rolled in between the two men.

"Maybe, I should ask if Rebecca is around," Roy began.

"Noooo....Roy, don't you dare!" Havoc turned in his seat.

"Dare what Havoc? You're the one that thinks quite simply that your premature, intimate involvement really stands a stone's chance of stacking up to something that's taken lots of hours, days--years of time being involved in someones life trying to make them see the beauty that they have inside. Why are you so...scared for?" Roy inquired, Havoc.

"Don't worry, Havoc, I won't use alchemy. Won't need to, to burn your life down in the rain or sun. All I need is just to say...Jean's talking crazy about wanting a family, and pray that she overhears."

Havoc's mouth released the unlit cigarette as it fell open, his eyes looking towards the ominous monster that was Roy Mustang. "You're-You're a monster! A mad, derranged monster!" He stood up holding his face in absolute horror.

"Oh? So now you think I'm bluffing?" Roy inquired with a hiss, making Havoc step backwards. "Better take what you said back Havoc. Or else."

"Okay, okay, okay! I take it back! Riza is the greatest!" Jean held up both hands towards Roy, who simply changed demeanors again, grinning.

"Better. Thank you." Roy answered, going back to work.

Jean learned that day not to goad Roy into a competition. It just wasn't worth the ominous sensation that came pouring out. That was just...scary.


Roy stood at the alter, looking ahead. His heart was so anxiously fleeting in his chest it made him feel like he had butterflies. When the bride's music came on, he couldn't help but look back to her. What he saw, pulled the air right out of his lungs. As she was being led down the aisle by her grandfather with whom she'd made amends Roy couldn't peel his eyes away from how truly beautiful Riza looked as a bride. Though her belly had grown a bit from before. It made tears well up in his eyes. This was it. His family at long last. He'd looked for something close. He never thought he'd get the real thing.

Grumman kissed his granddaughters forehead then slipped behind the podium.

"Roy Mustang, and Riza Hawkeye, today your friends and family surround you, all of whom have gathered here to witness your marriage and to share in the joy of this special occasion. Today, as you join yourselves in marriage, there is a vast and unknown future stretching out before you. The possibilities and potentials of your married life are great; and now falls upon your shoulders the task of choosing your values and making real your dreams. Through your commitment to each other, may you grow and nurture a love that makes both of you better people, a love that continues to give you great joy, and also a passion for living that provides you with energy and patience to face the responsibilities of life." Grumman began.

"Roy, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her, and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" Grumman asked.

Roy looked to Riza an unrelenting smile on his face. "I do." Roy answered loud and clear.

"Riza, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in (holy) matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him, and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?" Grumman asked of Riza, waiting for her answer.

"Repeat after me." Grumman started. "I, (Riza/Roy), take you (Riza/Roy ), to be my wife/husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

"I, Roy, take you Riza, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part."

Once they had exchanged vows, they exchanged rings, Roy slipping Riza's ring on while Riza in turn slipped his on him. "By virtue of the authority vested in me under the laws of the State of Amestris, I now pronounce you husband and wife." Grumman then turned to Roy, the older man looking upon him with such pride and gratitude. He had regained his relationship with his granddaughter and been given the strength to give her away as he had her mother: "You may kiss the bride."

Roy turned to Riza and lifted her veil back. He stood momentarily with his eyes dancing over Riza's face. Part of him didn't believe what was transpiring. But as he leaned in, fearless for what the future might hold, he kissed Riza with warmth and love expressing his absolute desire to be the husband she'd ever need no matter what. He held her so close, like he was afraid if he let go it would all fall away like a bad dream. But even when he relented, if only to mouth the words 'I love you' when smile, nothing happened. She was still right there.

The Mustang Unit, and Rebecca all started hollering, making the newly weds both blush, yet keep ahold of each other in some way.
Two more months passed since the couple began planning for their wedding. Riza smoothed her hands down the front of her uniform nervously as she approached her grandfather's office. It had been months since she last spoke to Grumman outside of work—months filled with turmoil, danger and choices that drove a wedge between them. But now that she will be starting a new chapter of her life with Roy, Riza knew she couldn't go through with it without making amends.

Taking a deep breath, she knocked sharply on the door.

"Enter," Grumman's gruff voice called out.

Riza slipped inside, her heart pounding. Her grandfather looked up from his paperwork, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

"Well now, isn't this a pleasant surprise?" A hint of a smile played at the corners of his mouth. "Let me guess... you're here to ask your dear old granddad to walk you down the aisle?"

Riza opened her mouth to respond but Grumman barreled on, a teasing glint in his eye.

"About time too! I was starting to think you and Roy were never going to tie the knot. Although..." He leaned back in his chair, stroking his mustache thoughtfully. "I can't say I'm surprised at the, ah, circumstances necessitating a rushed ceremony."

He casted a pointed look at Riza's midsection and she flushed crimson, instinctively dropping a protective hand over her slightly rounded belly. She began showing a few days ago, but she still looked like someone who simply ate too much. Clearing her throat, she leveled her grandfather with a stern look.

"That's not why I'm here, Sir," she said firmly. "And I'd thank you not to make assumptions about my personal life."

Grumman threw back his head with a hearty laugh that reminded Riza so much of her childhood. "Still as prickly as ever, I see! Relax, Riza, I'm only teasing."

His expression sobered as he regarded her seriously. "But you didn't come all this way just for some smart remarks from your old grandfather. What's on your mind, my girl?"

Riza hesitated for a beat before pushing on. "I... I wanted to apologize, Grampa. For how things have been between us lately." She wrapped her arms around herself almost protectively. "I know you were only trying to look out for me, in your way. And I... I haven't made it easy."

Grumman was silent for a long moment, considering her words carefully. Finally, he let out a weary sigh, the weight of his years settling on his shoulders.

"You don't need to apologize to me, Riza. If anything, I'm the one who failed you." He looked up at her, his eyes filled with sorrow and regret. "After your mother... after Elizabeth passed... I should have been there for you more. Maybe then..."

He trailed off, shaking his head ruefully. Rising to his feet with a slight groan, he came around the desk to take Riza's hands in his calloused ones.

"You've become a remarkable woman, Riza. One your mother would have been so proud of. And while our methods may have differed...while we may have disagreed on things..." His eyes crinkled at the corners with his smile. "I couldn't be more honored to have you as my granddaughter."

Riza felt her throat thicken with emotion, blinking rapidly against the sudden sting of tears, unsure if it was due to her hormones or being reunited with her only living blood relative. She pulled her grandfather into a fierce hug, relishing the comforting scent and the solidity of his embrace.

"Thank you, Grampa," she murmured gruffly. "That means everything to me."

As they separated, Grumman reached up to cup her cheek fondly.

"So... I don't suppose I'll get to walk my favorite granddaughter down the aisle after all?"

Riza rolled her eyes, but her smile was watery and genuine. "Of course you will. If you'd still do me the honor?"

"Yes!" Grumman grinned, pulling her back into another quick hug before releasing her with a wink. "Now go get some rest, Missy. You'll need your energy for the big day!"

As Riza turned to leave, she paused in the doorway. "Oh and Gramps?" She glanced back with a sly smile. "Do go easy on the fatherhood jokes with Roy please, would you? He's nervous enough as it is."

Grumman's eyes danced with mischief at the prospect. "I make no promises!" he cackled as Riza left, shaking her head in amusement.


Roy's breath caught in his throat as Riza appeared at the end of the aisle, her arm linked with her grandfather's. Despite carrying the precious new life they had created together, she looked every bit the radiant bride in her elegant gown. Tears pricked her eyes as she drew closer, the reality of this moment crashing over in waves. Grumman's weathered face shone with a father's pride as he walked his granddaughter down the aisle. When they reached the altar, she stooped lower then he placed a tender kiss on Riza's brow before relinquishing her to Roy with the faintest of nods.

Riza turned to face her husband-to-be, her amber eyes shining with devotion and joy. As the ceremony commenced, she held Roy's gaze steadily, committing every second to memory.

When it came time to exchange vows, she could not tear her eyes away from the man she loved so deeply. "I, Riza Hawkeye, take you Roy Mustang, to be my husband..." Her voice was clear and resolute, yet layered with overwhelming emotions. "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health..."

One slim hand drifted unconsciously to cradle her swelling belly as she made her sacred vows. "To love and to cherish, till death do us part."

As they slipped the rings onto each other's fingers, Riza's breath hitched at the weight of the simple white gold band adorned with small diamonds—an outward symbol of their eternal love and commitment. When Grumman finally pronounced them husband and wife, she held herself still, awash in the beauty of the moment.

Then Roy was lifting her veil, his warm onyx eyes shining as he drank in the sight of his bride. Riza's lips curved in a tremulous smile, her heart overflowing. As Roy's mouth found hers in a loving, fervent kiss, she melted into his embrace, returning his passion wholeheartedly. When he moved away to break their kiss, Riza felt bold and literally swept her husband of his feet while supporting his weight, and kissed him with much passion and love.

The cheers and whistles from their loved ones surrounded Roy and Riza as they finally broke apart from their passionate first kiss as husband and wife.

This was her life, her world, her everything—sealed with the sweetest of kisses. As the cheers and whistles erupted around them, Riza clung to her new husband, never wanting to let go. She had finally found her home in Roy's arms, the joining of their lives and hearts complete at last. Grumman was the first to step forward, a lopsided grin on his face.

"About time you two made honest people out of each other!" He clapped Roy firmly on the shoulder. "Fatherhood's gonna be a real trip for you, hehe~"

Riza's cheeks flushed prettily as Winry came up beside Ed, their young son Edwin cradled in her arms. "Oh Ms. Riza, I'm so happy for you both!" She looked at Riza's rounded belly before carefully transferring Edwin into Riza's arms. A look of absolute wonder transformed Riza's features as she instinctively cradled the baby close, stroking the soft blond hair. In that moment, she could scarcely wait to hold her own precious child.

Major Armstrong and the members of Team Mustang were openly weeping, the burly Major enveloping them all in his trademark bear hugs amid a shower of glistening tears and sparkles. "Oh the beautiful bond of family! So magnificent!"

Rebecca sidled up to Riza amidst the merriment. "I call dibs on favorite auntie duties!" She leaned in to tickle Edwin's cheek, making the baby squirm and laugh.

Even the stoic General Olivier Armstrong allowed the faintest of smiles as she approached the newlyweds, offering an enormous bouquet of red and white roses. "A floral offering from the Armstrong Estate," she said simply.

Ling Yao, resplendent in his royal finery, strode up and clapped Roy soundly on the back. "Congratulations, my friend! Who would have thought the infamous womanizer would one day settle down?" His eyes danced with mischief before growing serious. "You've found yourself a remarkable woman, Roy Mustang. Cherish her and your new family always."

With a wink at Riza, the young emperor was off in search of the banquet table, regaling the caterers about the culinary delights of Amestris.

As the celebrations continued, Riza handed Edwin back to Winry. Rebecca caught Riza's eye and gave an exaggerated wink, gesturing to the bouquet still clutched in her hand. With a laugh, Riza turned and tossed the floral bundle high over her head. A gaggle of giggling bridesmaids clustered behind her, jostling for position. But the bouquet soared over all their heads...straight into the surprised arms of General Armstrong. There was a beat of stunned silence before raucous cheers and whistles erupted, Olivier's icy glare shooting daggers at the revelers.

"Can you believe it? We're finally married..." She took his hands in hers as the music swelled around them. The love shining in her eyes made his heart swell. They swayed together in their first dance as husband and wife, foreheads touching, the joyful chaos fading away until there was nothing but the two of them and their bright future ahead.

At the center of it all were Roy and Riza, radiant in their newlywed bliss, reveling in the love and light of their closest friends turned family. As the merrymaking continued around them, Riza bent to brush a soft kiss across Roy's lips.

Her eyes sparkled as she echoed the endearment. "I love you, Mr. Mustang."

It was the first day of the rest of their lives, and there was nowhere else they'd rather be.
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"About time you two made honest people out of each other!" Riza's grandfather, now his as well, told them both. Yet he laid a single hand on Roy's shoulder in particular. "Fatherhood's gonna be a real trip for you, hehe~"

"Oh, I don't doubt that. This night alone so far doesn't seem real yet. But I'm hoping, hoping I don't wake up." Roy's eyes softened as he looked at Riza and then caressed her cheek with one hand as he continued to smile fondly at his wife. "I don't want to wake up from this dream."

"Oh Ms. Riza, I'm so happy for you both!" Winry said, handing one of her youngest to Riza. Roy simply watched Riza's whole expression change. She was happy to begin with, but being handed a small child made her curious, maybe eager to see her own. It made Roy grin, realizing that he too was eager to see their son or daughter.

"Oh the beautiful bond of family! So magnificent!" Roy looked back over one shoulder to see Alex, who'd once again half stripped, flexed his arms, this time took two of the Mustang Unit into his passionate embrace, something Havoc and Fuery weren't expecting one bit. Roy started laughing, genuinely happy.

"I call dibs on favorite auntie duties!" Rebecca called out.

"Well, you gotta get that one away from her first," Roy teased, chuckling at Riza who seemed entirely fixated on the child.

Oliver then entered the chapel, her normal look of stoicism upon her face. Everyone immediately looked to her, including Roy. The future Furher smiled mildly at her raising a hand, as in behind her came an abundance of flowers.

"Hey there, General Armstrong. What can I do you for?" Roy asked.

"A floral offering from the Armstrong Estate," Oliver stated.

Roy looked at the flowers then at her. "Those, those aren't about to explode, are they? I know the last time we saw each other I gave you hyacinths and told you they incited womanly charm, but..." Roy lingered as Oliver perked a brow. "That was all in good fun. No one needs to die today." He then stated.

"No." Oliver retorted. "These are for the bride, Mustang." She then held out a singular box for him. "This might explode. Might." She eyed him as he hesitantly took the box and slipped away from Riza while eying the gift suspiciously. Upon opening it, a beautiful vase was inside. Roy exhaled a sigh of relief.


"Can you believe it? We're finally married..." Riza said quietly to Roy, taking his hands as he smiled at her.

"Like I said, I don't want the world to wake me from this moment I share with you. This, this is how it always should be. The way it always should have been, had we not let ourselves be led astray. But, better late the never, isn't that right?" He said with mild amusement as they danced slowly back and forth across the floor. He was holding her as close as her tummy would allow her to be, something he knew they both found to be endearing.

"I love you, Mr. Mustang." Riza breathed as she kissed him softly but lovingly, he returned the gesture, even threading their fingers as they held each others hand.

"I love you to, Mrs. Mustang. You are everything I could ever ask for; a beautiful wife, a reliable partner, a terrific friend, and you're going to be a very loving mother, I just know it." Roy said to her.


Roy sat there on the couch with Riza tucked away in his arms, her head on his left shoulder and her legs sprawled out over the side of his lap. He held his six-month-old pregnant wife, as she slept there in his arms. Closing the book on diplomacy, with his eyes straining to focus from the long hours, he set the book aside. He placed one hand upon the side of Riza's growing belly. She'd had to take time off, and each night he rubbed shae butter over her skin to help with the stretch marks. But this was different. Resting his head to hers as she breathed slow against him, he could feel their baby moving inside.

Opening his eyes slowly, he watched Riza sleep having been a hard fought battle considering the discomfort she was probably in. He began stroking her hair, watching her intently.

"You know, Riza. I'd never be the man I am today without you. I want to take this moment to say from the bottom of my heart that I am and have been grateful for you. I still don't know yet what it means to be a good husband and even less about fatherhood--but that doesn't mean I won't try my damnedest. I just hope you can stand me if I let you down or fail. " He chuckled softly, skimming his lips over her brow. "You mean more to me than any country, but I'm going to make this place the best home for you to watch our kids grow up in. It's the least I could do after you carry this one to term. I wanted to make this a better place before, but now I think I know what the hell Hughes was always going on about. I get it, and it pains me to say it, but I wish I had understood many years ago. I'm sorry I made you wait so damn long, Riza. But if I could, could I ask that you wait a while longer so I can really make this country worth it for our family?"
Six months into her pregnancy, Riza felt the gentle swell of her belly with a profound sense of wonder and joy. Each morning as she dressed, she would pause to caress the taut skin reverently, feeling the reassuring firmness and imagining the precious life nestled within. Black Hayate also had puppies of his own when they adopted another dog. They seemed like a lively family even if their little one was still three months away from entering the world.

When her growing bump began to hinder her usual grace and mobility, she filed for maternity leave. As much as the leave annoyed her, Riza positively glowed with an inner radiance that captivated Roy utterly. To him, she had never looked more beautiful. He cherished every moment—cradling her swollen feet in his lap, massaging her to prevent stretch marks, indulging her most bizarre pregnancy cravings, holding her close when she became uncomfortable sleeping, and her becoming more expressive and emotional because of hormones.

At night, Roy would lie with his head pillowed on Riza's stomach, regaling their unborn child with stories of his grand plans for the future of Amestris. His deep, rumbling voice soothed the baby into gentle lulls, and she swore she loved this man more than ever when she saw this side of him. Like tonight, she struggled to find a comfortable position to sleep, so Roy just allowed her to take a nap beside him as he read books on diplomacy.

"Do you think they can understand us in there?" she wondered aloud while cuddling with her husband. "Maybe I should start teaching them how to handle guns... what do you think? Do you prefer guns like Mommy or alchemy like Daddy?"

Her eyes widened with amusement as she felt a flutter of movements, their baby seemingly overjoyed inside her womb. Riza guided Roy's hand to where the baby moved, laughing at the sensations.

"All right, then. Your Mommy and Daddy would teach you how to use firearms and how to be an alchemist! But don't you dare become another Flame Alchemist or I'll be mad," she said, giggling at her own joke. She looked at Roy sternly but her smiling lips betraying her glaring eyes, then she pulled him closer to peck his lips.

"I'm sure that whatever you'd like to be, we'll support you no matter what... as long as you are not harming other people and you do what will make you happy," Riza whispered as she drifted off to sleep.

Roy whispered endearments of love and reassurance, even if he knew that his wife was in deep slumber. He lived in awe of his strong, incredible wife and the miracle they had created together. Even if the position was comfortable for her, she still had furrowed eyebrows because of the nightmare she had.
As Riza's body finally relaxed against her husband, her head nestled into the crook of Roy's throat. She had her arms loosely coiled around it and his farthest shoulder. As Riza's eyes became heavy-lidded and shut, she felt herself being carried away in a sea of black velvet. Unaware of the dream, or nightmare that she would soon experience, that was both heartbreaking and entirely something she needed to see to prepare her for what was to come.

"With the lights out...it's less dangerous." A voice whispered from the shadows that would envelope Riza.

While she felt restrained from her anxiety building and rising as the atmosphere the dream was taking was so incredibly dark from the get go she could feel the oppressiveness and the terror in her unborn child's shared premonition. That's when Riza would hear the creaking of wood as her eyes adjusted to allow her to see a solitary door before her. From behind the door, the wailing of her newborn child cried out for her, leaving her heart in a panic and her mind scurrying to catch up with the terror that now flooded the blonde-haired woman.

Upon opening the door, Riza found herself in a well lit room, Damien screaming to be held from a nightmare he was about to expose his mother to. The minute Riza grabbed her dark-haired little boy out of the crib and swaddled him in her arms, the room dissolved away quickly. She was no longer holding a newborn, but a toddler who had her eyes and Roy's dark hair and face. But the rain falling down around them now left sorrow and a sense of mourning in her, that she wouldn't yet understand. Lightning crashed and there she spotted from across the way, was Roy standing there wide eyed with the blade of a sword thrust through him from behind as blood leaked from the corner of his mouth.

A solitary red glowing Ouroboros gleaming back at her as she realized and released Damien who slowly reached up to his own small chest and pushed his hand into himself and tore free a red stone--a philosopher's stone. Blood sprayed wildly from the quick jerk as her son quickly crushed the stone in hand, resetting everything. Riza would find herself again at her son's bedroom door. When she reached out to grab the handle, it was so hot it immediately felt like it was burning her hand.

When she got the door open, Riza was transported to what would feel like hell. Towering plumes of smoke and ash rose from the raging fires which hungrily ate away at the houses in Central City. The world burned around Riza; the houses of many once happy families were left to smolder as the rain tried to drown the sea of flames that blanketed the landscape all over Amestris. Yet, that was the least of her worries as the most heartbreaking half-choked sob from a child rang out, piercing the air.

"M-Mommy..? Mom..? Get up...get up mom!" Riza's eyes focused on the sight of her raven-haired little boy as he slumped to his knees and pulled her lifeless body into his lap.

"What do we have...here?" An authoritarian voice called out. An image seared itself into Riza's mind as it raced to recollect the faded image of Furher Bradley. And though all she could see was a shadowy figure emerging from the flames, brandishing a saber in one hand with one red, glowing eye the color of scarlet.

Riza could only look on as her son looked up, just as the sword exacted a swift vengeful strike downward. Her son's head would slump to the ground, leaving Riza with the horror and pain of watching the life she'd help create, be snuffed out with just a reflexive motion of the wrist. But once again, she would be transported back to the door. The emotions surging through her, a feeling of being completely bewildered and powerlessness; Riza would not be able to tell if they were her emotions—or those of her unborn child. It would be so hard to get a grip over her own emotions that her sons were washing over her, too.

When Riza reached out to grab the handle to go to comfort her baby, she was transported to a world of ashen rain clouds, the low reverberating rumble resonating through her bones an ominous and foreboding sense of warning and urgency. She could feel by this point Damien was trying, trying everything he could to keep her, his mother, and Roy alive from this shadowy figure that kept intercepting them. And from what she could tell, it was more than just a simple attack; if Amestris itself was under attack, then as a former soldier it rang alarm bells inside Riza's heart that her son was telling her something was coming and it would come without the promise or pretense of mercy.

"I've been starting to accept that maybe this is all there is and dreams that I've held in my head should be forgotten, just forget That you thought you were bound for greatness."

But as Riza stood in the rain, she'd see her son run right by her in a military uniform, a 16-year-old with a silver alchemist's watch. Immediately, the need to catch Damien was too great and would force her hand and make her run after him wondering where he was going. As she did, a memory flashed through her head. The tattoo on her back was quite visible as she found her son at a very young age running his hands up and down her back as if to wash it. But that's not quite the feeling she got. He was studying it. He had since he was very young, she would no doubt have guessed.

"You close your eyes and dreams start racing, feels so real that you can taste it see the crowd and all their faces; hear them screaming out your name and wish this was more than a vision
You could break out of this prison taking back control; defiantly"

When she came back to the dark world she was in originally, Damien had stopped, and slowly lent out his hand with his fingers curled as if to snap. When he did, a wreath of gorgeous, azure flames ignited over himself covering her son in white-hot fire that burned away the surrounding darkness, the flames warmed her both physically and emotionally and each step he took the ground melted away, barring her from following any further leaving her to reach out to take him by the hand but he was just, too far away. It was almost like he was telling her he was going to have to grow up quickly, and when the thought emerged, a sadness and a sense of apology followed immediately, followed immediately thereafter. Her son knew he had little time to be a kid.

"Feel the fear and let it guide you. Let the fire burn inside you. Think of all that they've denied you. Remember and use the drive you've always had, but buried deeper, you give up and they get what they want; don't let them win."

Just as she started to feel her heart sink, Riza would see a mouth smiling enter like a stray thought. The smile was one that was completely happy, and even though she didn't hear laughter, she could feel the joy that the smile carried with it. Her son was apologizing, but he was also saying that it was okay; he was going to take care of and protect her as she had him as a child. When Riza blinked she was on a brook with the fading light of the setting sun, casting a beautiful sunset on the streams that flowed around her like veins that glowed iridescently.

"I'm sorry, mom." A voice called out, it was soft and gentle; quiet. It made Riza spin around to see that same dark-haired child with her eyes frowning, wanting to smile and wanting to cry. "I'm so sorry; this was the best I could do. I love you. I always will, even if I get upset over a rule you make or..." He shook his head, rubbing his eyes. "I wished there was more time for me to love you and dad. I also meet a girl. Not sure how I even got into that one." Riza's son laughed softly. "She's...special to me, like you are. When you see her one day, be sure you tell her...what I felt, I think, it was really me, not just some insecurity or want to feel anything but the pressure of saving a country." Damien smiled at his mother and she could see the very really need to touch her face to make his mother feel as loved as he knew he would be.

"Well, I guess this is...goodbye for now." He swallowed hard, tears welling up uncontrollably. "Don't...ever blame yourself, okay? It was my choice to do this. Just...don't forget me." As a single tear began to fall, he scattered like stars amongst the darkness of her mind and lit her way to the morning, making Riza feel contentment, and sorrow all at once as she woke the next morning with Roy leaning over her, wiping her tears away and kissing her forehead lovingly.

"Hey sleepy head, you seemed to have a pretty rough night so I watched over you. You okay?" Roy asked his wife, stroking her hair and her cheek.
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Riza jolted awake with a strangled gasp, her heart pounding wildly as the remnants of her nightmare clung to her like a shroud. Horrific images flickered through her mind: the flame that consumed Central City, the memory of King Bradley returning who they knew was defeated during the Promised Day, and most especially the image of a young boy whom she believed was the child she was carrying inside her.

It was only when she felt the reassuring swell of her belly that the fog began to lift. A dream... just a terrible dream. She squeezed her eyes shut, willing her frantic breaths to even out, but the memories of the dream continued to swirl dangerously inside her head. The fire. The smoke. The countless repeated deaths of their child.

"Hey, sleepyhead. You seemed to have a pretty rough night so I watched over you. You okay?" her husband asked her while wiping her tear-stained face.

He placed a loving kiss on her forehead, reassuring her that everything's fine. But she knew that it's not the case, especially when she remembered the horrific figure of King Bradley walking towards her and beheading the small innocent boy—her beloved child—with his saber. The smell of blood mixed with smoke still lingered, and she felt dizzy with the memory. The helplessness she felt in the repeated tragedy played like broken cassette record, causing fresh tears to fall once again.

"Roy..." Riza rasped out, hot tears spilling down her cheeks as she clung to him desperately. "It was so real..."

She shuddered as she hugged Roy tightly. The vivid memory of her child undergoing through a lot of pain and anguish made heart wrench like never before. She initially thought that nothing could top the hellish experience she had in Ishval back when she was still the Hawk's Eye. But then when she learned that Roy was murdered by Lust in the Fifth Laboratory, the horror and anger she felt was like no other. When blood poured out from her fatal wound as the gold-toothed doctor forced Roy to perform human transmutation, she felt the coldness of death running in her veins as life drained out of her. But now... her nightmare made her understood what it truly meant to be afraid. She loved Roy with all her life, but losing their child would be the end of her.

"There was so much blood and fire...
and... and... I couldn't even scream... I-I couldn't even protect... the pain, it was—" Her voice cracked, the anguish of the nightmare loss lancing through her like a white-hot blade.

"I'm so scared, Roy," she confessed in a small, quivering voice. "What if something happens? What if I... I can't protect them?" Her gaze was wild, haunted by the lingering shadows of her nightmare as they searched his face imploringly. "I can't lose you. I can't lose our baby. I won't survive it..."

Riza clutched at her husband with a ferocious grip born of primal fear, as if he were the only tether keeping her grounded. "Please, I can't... I can't go through that. Please. Not our child..." she continued on and on, as if praying to the deities to do something to change the fate set in stone.

A soft kick from within jolted her from her spiraling thoughts. Her palm found the gentle swell, warm and soothing over the animated movements below. There was a saying that an unborn child could feel the same emotions that their mother is feeling? Could that be the case? Is their child afraid too because she was afraid?

"I-It's okay... Mommy and Daddy are here..." The broken whimper escaped her lips as fresh tears traced cooling paths down her cheeks. With trembling fingers, Riza rubbed her stomach trying to ease the undeniable proof of the new life thriving inside her.
"Roy..." Riza answered him, her voice hoarse as if she had been screaming too long. It immediately put his guard up as he turned his head staring at her with furrowing brows. "It was so real..." his wife whimpered, making his expression become one puzzled with worry and desperate to find out why Riza was so upset.

"Hey," He began gently, sitting down slowly next to her as Riza tried to cling to him. He wondered if this was just a bad dream but something urged him to listen to Riza and Roy gently stroked his wife's cheek gently and soothingly. "Talk to me, sweety, what did you see exactly?"

"There was so much blood and fire...and... and... I couldn't even scream... I-I couldn't even protect... the pain, it was—" Riza murmured, her tears making her sob intermittently. "I'm so scared, Roy," she then would tell him. "What if something happens? What if I... I can't protect them? I can't lose you. I can't lose our baby. I won't survive it..." She looked at him her lower lip wobbling in place.

"Hey, hey, hey..." He said soothingly again, then leaned over Riza, resting his head against his wife's, lifting both hands to carefully cradle her face and head. "You just had a bad dream.You will not lose our baby. Nobody's going to hurt what we made together, I promise." He lifted his head, letting his dark eyes shine down into hers as the sun lit the morning up. "I swear." He added further, nodding protectively towards her.

"Please, I can't... I can't go through that. Please. Not our child..." Riza persisted, but Roy's hand slid over the top of hers that she put on her belly as soon as the baby began kicking again.

"Shhh...It's going to be okay; I'll make sure everything is okay. Remember, I promised you that I would make this place safe for you and our child. I am going to make that happen, I just...I need more time. I swear I'll make Amestris safe." He kissed Riza gently and lovingly before scooting down and resting his head on her stomach.

"I-It's okay... Mommy and Daddy are here..." Riza said to the baby as Roy listened.

"Yeah, we're here, and we are so excited to meet you. We want to know all about you. What you like. What you don't. How crazy you might drive your mother--that one would be really helpful, I might add." Roy joked, rubbing her stomach and his wife's hand in equal measure. "Everything. We want to know it all."

Roy paused, the nodded. "Uh huh, you think that will work, do you? Well, I'll give it a shot--can't have your mother crying like that." Roy then leaned back up to Riza's face. "So, here's the thing. Baby says no crying momma, them's the rules. They also wanted me to do this..." Roy started lightly tickling the ended Riza's sides faintly; enough to be ticklish but not enough to make her squirm uncomfortably. "Can't be mad at daddy, this is what the baby wanted!" He said to her, then after getting Riza to laugh and smile, he slowed to a stop and leaned in to kiss her.

"You want me to rub some shae on your tummy? Didn't get to last night, you climbed into my lap and went to bed on me, woman. Sheesh. Didn't even ask me to move my book, just laid down!" He joked, teasing her.
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Riza couldn't help but smile tenderly as Roy addressed their unborn child, her heart swelling with love for this man who was already such an attentive, doting father.

When he joked about wanting to know how crazy she might drive her mother, Riza gave a soft chuckle. "I have a feeling this little one is going to keep us both on our toes," she replied wryly, smoothing a hand over her rounded belly.

Her breath caught as Roy continued, expressing his desire to know everything about their baby. Riza blinked back the moisture gathering in her eyes, overwhelmed by the depth of his love and commitment. Damn hormones, almost everything was making her cry.

"You're going to spoil them rotten, aren't you?" she asked fondly, gazing at her husband with unabashed adoration.

Riza laughed outright when Roy began lightly tickling her sides, pretending it was at the baby's behest. Riza, being ticklish as she is, was under Roy's mercy as he continued to tickle her. "HAHA—H-Hey! Stop! So sneaky, using our child as an excuse," she teased, attempting to squirm half-heartedly away from his questing fingers. "Hehe-HEY! Ro—"

But when he leaned in to kiss her, she melted into the tender embrace, savoring the love and contentment that enveloped them both. Riza cradled his face, hoping he could read the depths of her gratitude in her touch—for loving her so wholly, for giving her this incredible gift, and for being the partner she never dreamed she could have.

At his joke about her shamelessly falling asleep on him the previous night, Riza's cheeks flushed pink. "What can I say? Carrying your offspring is exhausting work, must be genetic," she retorted with an arched brow, unable to resist needling him back. "Plus it's really comfortable to sleep on you because you're very warm and cozy."

But she acquiesced readily when he offered to apply shea butter to her stretching skin. "I would love that," Riza agreed, leaning back against the pillows with a contented sigh feeling some of the lingering tension from her nightmare seep away. Here, cocooned in the sanctity of their bedroom with the man she loved and the life they both made, was all the happiness and peace she could have ever hoped for.


It was one of those rare, blissful days off when Riza found herself wandering the aisles of the baby boutique, Roy's hand securely entwined with hers. It was rare to have her husband for a whole day since he frequented meetings with her grandfather for the future plans of the country. Despite her usual aversion to shopping, she couldn't resist the fluttering excitement building in her chest as her eyes roamed over the tiny onesies, booties, and plush toys.

A white bunny stuff toy caught her eye, hugging it slightly before returning it to its original place. "I want to buy that, but Black Hayate might be the one playing with it..."

Pausing before a display of soft cotton rompers in an array of pastel hues, Riza released Roy's hand to trail her fingers over the delicate fabric. A tender smile curved her lips as she imagined their precious child swaddled in the pale yellow outfit, so small and new to the world. A fleeting pang of longing twinged within her—the desire to meet this little one growing stronger with each passing day.

She turned to her husband with her eyes gleaming with excitement. A teasing smirk played at the corner of her mouth as she reached up to tuck an errant lock of raven hair behind Roy's ear. "We should probably decide on a color scheme," she murmured, arching one sculpted brow. "What do you think, should we have blue or pink?"

She turned her attention back to the cheerful array of clothing before them. "I do like these neutral tones," she mused, fingering a soft cream-colored sleeper decorated with whimsical forest creatures. "Suitable for either a boy or a girl."
Roy chuckled while his wife face became accented by shades of red as a blush quickly formed over her face as he began talking about how she had climbed into his lap and laid down. At this point he was still giving Riza gentle little kisses over and over.

"What can I say? Carrying your offspring is exhausting work, must be genetic," Riza pouted cutely as she watched him lean back wide eye.

"Oh ho ho, be still my beating heart," Roy responded hilariously before he glanced around then back down to Riza. Tongue in cheek. "You understand it took both of us to make that, right? You're just as guilty as I am!" He laughed, poking ticklishly at Riza's sides, not fully tickling her but making his wife giggle anyway.

"Plus, it's really comfortable to sleep on you because you're very warm and cozy." Riza then added, smiling up at Roy.

"Is that so? Couldn't tell! The whole crawling over me when I;m working--not even a hint!" Roy teased. He really didn't mind she had laid on him, or that he had to carry her to bed. It made him feel like a husband and a father,it made him feel useful.

"I would love that," Riza answered finally. Roy leaned down and kissed Riza's belly, rubbing it. His eyes were soft and warm.

"Okay, I'll be right back, Momma."


Later that day Roy and Riza would eventually go out shopping for their soon to arrive child. Roy couldn't believe in only three months, he'd be the leader of a country and a full fledged father. It was a little daunting if he was honest with himself. He felt like he would drown sometimes because so much was happening at once, but one look at Riza and the way she glowed, it renewed the promise he was determined to keep.

"I want to buy that, but Black Hayate might be the one playing with it..." Roy looked at the rabbit, then grabbed three.

"One for the baby, one for Hayate." Roy said, always eager to make his wife smile. "One to spare."

As they got to the clothes, Riza was becoming more excited and even Roy could see it. It made him chuckle as he watched her sort through the clothes.

"We should probably decide on a color scheme," Riza told him as Roy stood back watching his wife becoming visibly getting to clothes shopping. Something he never thought he'd see before.

"Yeah, seems about time we figured this baby thing out--after six months." Roy teased.

"What do you think, should we have blue or pink?" Riza asked him holding one outfit for each. Roy simply smiled and walked towards her before kneeling right there in the store and putting his ear to her belly.

"Why not ask them?" He murmured back at Riza, rubbing her stomach. "Whatcha think--should we go pink?" He felt a mild jostling in Riza's stomach and then fell back holding one cheek. "Guess thats a no to pink, Momma." He smiled up at Riza from his place on the floor before standing back up.

"I'mma go with...blue." Roy laughed.

"I do like these neutral tones," Riza then said.

"Get them too then." Roy answered, brushing her hair from her eyes. "Today's all about our little one, and their mother. I'm just happy to have time I can spend with you. Although your grandfather asked me to swing by his office. Said he had to talk to me about something."


"You got to be kidding me, sir." Roy said, dumbfounded at what Grumman had just said. "I am not going to take the life of one woman's child--when your granddaughter is about to give birth to your great grandson." Roy was so perplexed he started to laugh at how crazy this information was coming about.

"Roy. This is the duty of a Furher; you can't play favorites. You agreed to be Furher, and I'm not getting any younger. I need you to be up to date. Selim is...he's not acting right. And we did tell her if he got out of hand, we would need to contain him." Grumman said soberingly.

"Then contain him! Don't kill the kid!" Roy argued but then he felt Grumman grab his shoulder.

"I realize what I am asking, Roy. I know the instincts of fatherhood very well. But something needs to be done." Roys eyes became pained as he left the office. He would lean to one wall, head leaning back.

"Why does it always have to be this way?" He stared up, then glanced over watching Riza talk with Breda and Fallman. He put on a convincing smile, or so he hoped and headed over.
A mix of concern, confusion, and protective instinct dwelled upon Riza's face when she saw Roy's pained expression after his meeting with her grandfather. As he approached with that forced smile, her brow furrowed slightly, amber eyes searching his face intently. Riza prided herself on being able to read Roy's microexpressions, and something about his demeanor immediately set off warning bells in her mind.

"Roy? Is everything alright?" she would ask quietly, her hand coming to rest instinctively over her swollen belly.

Riza knew her grandfather well enough to know that any private meeting between the two men regarding official business could not bode well, especially given the fraught political climate of their country. A sliver of dread began gnawing at her heart and she gave him her signature no-nonsense stare. She could read him like a book, and he knew better than to try dissembling with her.

"And don't you dare lie to me, Roy," she stated firmly yet tinged with underlying concern. "I know that look. What did Grampa want?"

Riza's protective instinct fully kicked in at this point. She knew better than most the incredible burden Roy carried, the difficult decisions and sacrifices constantly demanded of him. But now, with their child's life inexorably intertwined, she would be even more attuned to any potential threats. Her jaw tightened almost imperceptibly as she awaited Roy's response. If his words confirmed her worst fears about some new danger or mission risking their family...

She pulled Roy aside to his office, ensuring privacy as she reached up to cup his face in her palms. "Roy..." Riza whispered, desperately needing to understand so she could formulate a plan, a counterattack—anything to safeguard their unborn child and the life they were building. Her eyes stared into his dark eyes imploringly, silently vowing to shelter their family at all costs if needed. Motherhood has brought out a more protective side to her and any threat to her incoming child would bring out her most feral instincts... Riza knew she would do whatever it took to shield her loved ones. She trusted Roy implicitly, but her priority was their baby first and foremost. Consequences be damned.
"Roy? Is everything alright?" Riza questioned as Roy neared Riza, her head turned, dark-brown colored eyes taking notice of his forced smile that no one else seemed aware of, as if it had bewitched them all but her.

Roy didn't answer. The future ruler of Amestris looked quite pained but his eyes were forced to relax despite the turmoil going on in his mind. "It's nothing, just...a disagreement." He murmured softly.

"Don't you dare lie to me, Roy," Riza urged making her husband give her the most hurt yet stern glance. "I know that look. What did Grampa want?"

Roy shook his head. He looked entirely frustrated all the sudden. "Not here. Do not press this matter here." The words filled her ears with a firm reprimand that warned her if she kept at it, he was about to break as exhaustion filled Roy's eyes making them glossy.

Riza must've not heard the tone of his voice as she dragged him to his old office, pulling him inside. "Roy..." Riza said, lifting her hands cupping his face. Her eyes searching for answers, but seeing more warning signs than anything.

"I'm, I've changed, right?" Roy asked, his eyes darting back and forth appearing as though he were trying to see past Riza. He peeled her hands away reluctantly and walked across the room towards the room. "I've made changes, right? I'm no longer the foolish man who just wished he could make this a better place--" He turned back towards Riza one eye glistening as his face exposed the absolute disappointment in the order he was given. "Then tell me why I'm still powerless to stop this?" He was deeply hurt by his orders; both as a person and a soon to be a father.

Roy's temper getting the better of him, flipped his heavy oak desk. "Tell me! Because I need to hear the truth." He stepped back looking at the mess he had made. "How many children must I kill before I can stop this...this madness?!" Roy's voice broke half way through saying the words, sounding exasperated as if he couldn't believe what his country was ordering him to do, and he couldn't.

"I left Ishval once, a murderer." Roy stated. "I left it for the second time a husband and a father--but I need to do better for my son's future." He breathed as his emotions battered at his willpower. "Your grandfather wants me to kill Selim." Roy shook his head looking straight at Riza. "I won't do it. I am better than that. I want to be better for our little boy, Riza." He shook his head. "I promised, Riza." Roy sobbed. "I promised I'd be better."

After a long period of silence, Roy spoke up once more. "What do you think makes a person smart?" His eyes were on the window once again as a plan to save Selim unfolded in his mind.
"I'm..." Roy started, as if trying to find the right words to portray his thoughts. "I've changed, right?"

"Yes..." Riza answered solemnly, but her voice seemed to fall on deaf ears. He has changed... from being a soldier carrying the guilt of his atrocities back in Ishval, to someone who helped restore it from rubbles, to becoming the best partner and father for their child. He transformed from a young idealistic man to a man who wished to atone for his sins, to a worthy leader whose priority is to protect his country and family. And Riza knew that he changed for the better, she was right by his side, and now she watched him walk further away from her.

"I've made changes, right? I'm no longer the foolish man who just wished he could make this a better place..."

She felt her heart ache, as her husband seemed to be in her sight but his mind was wandering off somewhere where she couldn't follow.

"Roy... you're doing your best... you're not the same man you were years ago. You've grown to become wiser and better. I was right beside you through all that, remember?"

"Then tell me why I'm still powerless to stop this? Tell me! Because I need to hear the truth," Roy spat his self-deprecating thoughts like venom. Riza just stood astonished and watched as he broke down, releasing his pent-up anger at the poor table. She wanted to comfort him in her arms and reassure him that he's doing a great job to become the future leader of this country, but they have barely scratched the tip of the iceberg so Riza just listened as he rambled on.

"How many children must I kill before I can stop this... this madness?!"

Riza froze, her eyes widening in horror as she remembered the red-eyed child who tried to kill her. The chill that ran through her veins left her heaving, almost gasping desperately for air. She remembered how the Flame Alchemist mercilessly took the child's life with a mere snap, as if he's a cruel god who had everyone's lives in his fingertips. She remembered the cries of children, the screams of mothers... the painful memories of the Ishvalan War of Extermination. And now that they were building a family together, Riza now understood why their former enemies tried to kill them out of spite. They were just protecting the people they love.

"I left Ishval once, a murderer. I left it for the second time a husband and a father..."

The same can be said for Riza, and although she regretted her past actions, she was fortunate to have Roy by her side to guide her to the path of self-forgiveness.

"I need to do better for my son's future."

"I can see you, Roy. You are doing your best. We are doing our best... and we'll do everything for our child. Everything."

Shaking his head, his piercing dark gaze met Riza's amber eyes. "Your grandfather wants me to kill Selim."

"Selim..." Riza just repeated the name as if in a daze. Riza gulped, remembering how shadowy tendrils wrapped tightly in her neck as an attempt to taunt her when she discovered the child's true identity. She touched her cheek with trembling fingers, remembering how he sliced it and telling her that he had eyes watching everywhere.

"I don't see the problem, Roy. Orders are orders. The Fuhrer was clear with his ultimatum with Mrs. Bradley, that if he ever shows any signs of stability then he—"

Roy cut her off sharply. "I won't do it."


"I am better than that."

"He is just a vessel, Roy! Pride may be an innocent child on the outside but he is a homunculus!" she felt her jaw clench as she shouted furiously. "Don't you remember how you were forced by that monster to revive that doctor...? Don't you remember how they used you as a pawn outside of your own will...? Are you fucking insane?!"

"I want to be better for our little boy, Riza."

"Then just do it, Roy..." she looked at him with her pleading eyes, begging him to come back to his senses. Riza didn't see any logic as to why they should still keep the homunculus alive. What if Pride decided to kill him and their child to repay them for keeping him alive?

"I promised, Riza," Roy broke down, his long-contained tears breaking free. "I promised I'd be better."

She didn't see how hurt her husband was, the only thing she could see is a madman who wanted to keep a monster alive—a goddamn madman who was willing to risk the safety of his family and country for the promise of being better. Good thing she didn't have her guns with her, or she would've shot him dead. Roy might be seeing something she couldn't, but Roy couldn't see the very obvious implications of letting the homunculus live. She walked towards him in quick cadence, her eyebrows furrowed, and her teeth gritted. She resisted her urge to slap him harshly to wake him up from his deluded ideas, her knuckles white from clenching it too hardly.

"Damn it, Roy! Do you hear what you're saying?! You want to keep that monster alive yet you wanted to be better...? What the hell?!"

Silence. This must be it, the man must have lost his mind.

He just turned to the window, staring at the view of Central City from his office. "What do you think makes a person smart?"

Taken aback by his random question, Riza decided to indulge him, as this might be some sort of a cruel analogy. She took a deep breath to pacify her anger, then looked outside the window as well. "I think that in order to be smart, a person should first be willing to acknowledge that they don't know enough. Why?"
"Damn it, Roy! Do you hear what you're saying?! You want to keep that monster alive yet you wanted to be better...? What the hell?!" Riza's words bounced around in his head like an echo, and for the longest time, he didn't say anything.

"What do you think makes a person smart?" Roy asked the seemingly unrelated question quietly.

"I think that in order to be smart, a person should first be willing to acknowledge that they don't know enough. Why?" Riza's brows furrowed in anger but no retaliation came from her spark of internal outrage.

"You are smart Riza, don't misunderstand, you are very smart." Roy breathed, pulling his wife close, tucking her face into the crook of his neck as if he were being protective over her, as one hand placed itself to the small of her back and the other went to the back of her head.

"I don't think being 'smart' has anything to really do with what you do, or you don't know. Yet it has everything to do with how willing and able you are to change your way of thinking if something comes along to change your perception of what makes you think that way. It makes you a hard to find person; rare even." Roy whispered, rubbing Riza's sore back before pulling her back, looking her in the eyes directly while stroking his wife's cheek.

"Selim is no longer a homunculus, Riza. He's just a little boy--like our boy will be. But right now, he's scared. You may not want to hear this, but you need to. If I go down this road, I am being no better than Bradley, or Father; I'll be killing a child solely because people are scared. It will not differ from Ishval. And one day, if our son gets into trouble and I am called to make an example of him, what would you do then? If orders are orders and there's no room to question those orders, I will have no choice but to punish our son simply because, at this time, I killed Selim simply because he didn't understand what was going wrong. Think about that. Really think about it. I kill Selim now—I kill our boy later because there is no precedent laid down saying we need to be different." Roy told Riza, then cupped her face in both hands.

"I don't want that future for our child. I don't want that for Selim and that's not what I want for you. And because I will be acting against the Furer's orders, you may be called to do something you may not agree with, and I pray that if not as my wife then as our sons mother, you will trust me when I say there's nothing to be scared of from Selim. And in that you realize that orders may be orders, but they don't always carry the same weight or come by the best the best of intentions." Roy kissed Riza's forehead, stepped back and turned around.

"I'm going to go get Selim. I plan on raising him like a son. "Roy then looked back over his shoulder. "You want to stop me? Shoot me. But know before you pull that trigger, I'm doing this for our son and our future. If you want to be by my side like you said you would be, I'll be waiting at the car." Roy faced ahead and walked out of the office leaving Riza to think by herself.
Riza listened intently as Roy poured out his heart, his inner turmoil over the unthinkable order laid bare. She leaned into his embrace, drawing strength from his protective hold as he reasoned through her. When he finished speaking, Riza met his impassioned gaze, her own eyes seeing a multitude of his emotions—pain at the unjustified order to kill, resolve to stand by his moral convictions, and enduring love for her and their child. She sighed, feeling her anger dissipate. It seemed like his analogy was successful in reasoning out with her, but she was still apprehensive of Selim.

"I hate it when you're right," she mumbled incoherently on the crook of his neck, her voice having a certain lilt despite the severity of the situation. When her husband placed a loving kiss on her forehead as if to apologize for what he did and what he's about to do, Riza just followed him silently as he walked to the car. She wanted to trust him, she really does... so she did.

The car ride to the Bradley Estate was one filled with silence, and Riza just looked outside the window pensively while rubbing small circles on her growing tummy. She replayed the fight she had with her husband, thinking that it was probably the first time they had an argument since getting married. It was usually her who puts sense on his brain with her level-headed judgments, so being in the receiving end felt horrible. He was right, they should give the benefit of the doubt for the young boy. But if Selim dared to lay a finger on her child or her husband, she would never think twice before putting a bullet on his skull.

When they reached their destination, Riza got out of the car with a stuffed bunny clutched in her trembling hands. The mother and child were already waiting outside he dark haired boy, who looked like an innocent five year old boy, hid behind his adoptive mother.

"Mr. and Mrs. Mustang," the older woman, the late Fuhrer's widow, greeted them with a somber smile. She knew that this outcome would be better than having her precious Selim locked up like a prisoner or worse.

"Mrs. Bradley," Riza acknowledged, trying her best to maintain a professional demeanor. She tried to look at Selim like how Roy saw him to be—a scared little boy. Her eyes softened, but her heart was still thumping nervously.

The blonde woman approached the little boy and knelt in front of him, handing him the spare bunny stuff toy that Roy bought earlier. "Hello there, Selim... I'm Riza."

"Riza?" the boy cocked his head curiously, looking at the bunny then at her. Riza took his small hand and placed the bunny there, which the young child hugged tightly.

"Y-Yes..." she said while forcing a smile as she looked at his eyes, full of wonder. She still tried to hide the fact that she was afraid, because she wanted to see what Roy saw in him. "From now on, Roy and I are going to watch over you. Would that be okay?"

Selim beamed brightly. "Yes! Can I call you my Mama?"

"...yes," Riza said with guilt laced in her voice, thinking about how she almost agreed to the execution of this child. She hugged him tightly, carrying him to Roy.

Mrs. Bradley bid a bittersweet farewell to her adoptive son, kissing the circular red mark in his forehead. "Be a good boy, Selim."

"Yes Mama!"

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