The Inn

Azure walked up to a carriage, and opened the door for Clair. ”Hop in. We'll need to make a stop first if we're going to the Draven place. They're having a ball, and we can enter then. But we'll need the outfit for it.” she said,waiting for her then Abheus to get in. She completely avoided the girls question, and waited for the driver to pull them out of there.
The old Dwarf came out of the Inn, jogging to the mysterious duo.

"Wait!" He stopped a moment and leaned over to catch his breath. He wasn't as fit as he used to be, and he didn't used to be that fit back then either. Too many greasy meals in Inns like these.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to join you. It's been such a long time since I had an adventure, and this seems adventurous enough." A pleading look entered his eye, one that replaced the bored look that occupied him for the most of the time.
Azure smiled at the dwarf, and opened the carriage door for him to join them. ”It will be very dangerous, you might not make it back alive.” she teased, laughing.
Clair slowly climbed in the carriage being careful to get in correctly. She didn't want to misplace her feet and fall.

"Where will we get these outfits?" Clair asked.

She was a little bit tight on cash at the moment and didn't want to ask the girl to pay for her. Being blind Clair never had to care much what she looked like. No one expected her to look properly. Clair smiled as the dwarf asked to go. He seemed like a happy character.
He smiled in glee.

"Ah, but if I die on the road, I shall die honorably. 'Tis the Dwarven way, and I shall make it so, even if I have to create the situation myself."

He reached up higher than his head, and managed to pull the rest of his body in. It was much harder for a race of such short stature to do human things. He smiled again, and put down his ax and shield on the floor.
Azure giggled as the shield fell on the lin's tail. Abheus quickly turned to give the Dwarf a glare, before hopping up on the seat beside her, placing his butt end in her lap and head in Clair's. ”I have a friend who will get us the tings we need forfree. She has a nine year old son who might fit you.” she said to the Dwarf, catchinghefself as the carriage jerked into motion.

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