The Inn

Ghuregun had just passed out outside of the Inn, and some drool was running down his neck like blood were to do if he was stabbed in the neck. At this point in his dream, he reached something that frightened him, so he started twitching his arms a bit. He also started saying "Helena Punworth," someone he fancied, as if he was asking for her protection. Although, he was saying it rather quietly, and it sounded more like, "Hel ... p."
"You are beginning to annoy me, Human," said Ian through a mouthful of stew-soaked bread, though the person he was talking to was almost out the door by the time he said it. Her voice was quickly becoming nagging to his ears, especially since he had not really done anything but close the door. Did she own the Inn? A quick look at the Keeper confirmed that though the man was giving him a shrewd look, he hadn't said a contrary word to him since he had entered.

"I did not really kill him," he spoke to the Innkeeper. If the man was listening or not, he really didn't care right then. The chatting was more for his own benefit at that point than to actually talk to the person.

"I only said I killed him to have her leave as well. When a Dunmer takes your life, there is no doubt of the fact. Shows how much you humans know if you believe we would kill someone without seeing the life go out of your eyes."

Ian gave the Innkeeper a poignant look as he spoke the last sentence, his one-eyed stare actually showing that he was speaking to him that time.
((I edited my last post to fit the story my bad :3)

Clair let out a groan realizing how foolishly she had fell for the elfs trick. She was a very kind and patient person, but she just really didn't like that man. She reached down and poked the sleeping dwarf to try and wake him.

"Hello Dwarf." She began "I think it's about time you went home hmm? You can barely stay awake. I'm sorry about how that dim-wit treated you. I am Clair by the way."
"Wha - Erebor! Smaug!" he shouted, waking up from his nap. "I think yer right. It's time to head back to my Clan. If I can remember where I live ... I think I might live here," he said, facing the Inn. "Seems familiar enough."

He headed on back inside, and was outraged when he saw all the people there.

"Oi! None o' you are Deep-Elves! Get out of me house!" He raised his ax up high, and swung it downwards into a table. A deep mark was left, and he couldn't pull it out afterwards.

"To heck with it! I'll beat you all with this shield!"

He ran at the nearest person, who just happened to be the Dark Elf eating his meal and sharing a conversation with the Innkeep. He swung his shield at him, this time the trajectory correct, unless the Elf moved out of the way, and it wasn't so hard to do that. Drunken Deep-Elves were slow.
Azure slowly walked in, not even noticing anyone ablivious to all. She ignored the bar fight, and slowly sat on a stool at the bar. She brushed back her hair, and finally looked at the scene taking place with an amused expression. ”Water please.” she told the innkeeper, voice melodic and hypnotizing, sliding the right amount of the cost to him before taking a sip of what he gave her with a grimace. She sighed a deep heartful sigh, and looked at the innkeeper. ”Happen often.” she mused slowly standing and making her way to the bar fight. 
Azure grabbed the back of the Dwarf, and yanked him back. ”I am trying to get some oeace, so if you'd please.” she said amused, dragging him to the innkeeper. ”A room for my friend here.” she said, tossing the man two gold coins. ”Keep the extra.” she added, and at his point went upstairs on the second floor balcony, and threw the Dwarf on his bed. She turned walking out, and stopped at the door. ”Get some sleep and sober up.” she said softly, shutting him in and going back down to the barstool completely ignoring the other Elf. She was surprised to see another of her kind, they generally kept to themselves. Or, ourselves she thought smiling wryly to herself.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/images-2.jpeg.8c22e64111e666c63b134c4c550aca08.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4880" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/images-2.jpeg.8c22e64111e666c63b134c4c550aca08.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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There was a stray breeze that Ian felt behind him as he unawares felt a large shield just barely missing him. He turned in time to see some different person dragging the completely inebriated Dwarf up the stairs, taking him to who knew where.

At this he raised an eyebrow, wondering what kind of wench would consider the stinky creature a suitable bedmate, but his thoughts were not confirmed as he saw, what appeared to be a female Light Elf, walk back down the stairs and back to the bar.

Curling his lip, Ian turned away from his light-skinned kin, angry at her for some unknown reason bred deep into his soul. As much as he tried to rationalize his hatred for the Elvin that lived above ground, all he could feel was the centuries-long instinct come rushing to his mind, urging him to attack, kill, at least make her go away!

Turning towards the Elf, Ian said softly, "You know the Dwarf, do ya?"

He spoke calmly to her, though the turmoil he felt inside was still trying to fight its way to the surface, he had enough will to keep it at bay for now, though he just wanted to pull out his dagger and carve up the pretty little wry smile of hers.
Ghuregun passed out instantly on the bed, sleeping peacefully for the night. Every few minutes he would wake up, vomit into the air, have it fall onto his face, and then fall asleep again. He managed to get all the poisons out, sobering up and being rested for another day of being a Deep-Elf.
Azure turned to the voice. ”No, never met him in my life.” she said softly, noting the tension. She took a sip of the horrible tasting water, before turning the innkeeper. ”I'd like a room for awhile.”she said, slipping him a small pouch of gold coins. ”What else do ye need?”he said, looking around before slipping it in his pockets. ”Information.” she answered shortly, before disappearing into the back room with him. Minutes later she returned alone, and sat back dwn smiling slightly. The Innkeeper came out nursing a bloody lip, shooting daggers at the Elf.
Clair sat bewilder by the woman who came and took the drawf she attempted to look after. She genuinely felt bad for the guy. He was drunk and dumb and the elf was sober and rude. She watched the lady walk away.

Clair walked into the bar and sat in a booth. It seemed like the two elfs were curious of each other and she didn't want to be in the way. She ordered another ale and asked for a room to sleep.
Azure saw the human girl, and smiled. ”You have lovely hair. Mind if I join you, I don't bite.” she asked, getting up and walking to the girl. ”I am called Azure by the way.” she added politely, again ignoring the other Elf.
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Clair looked up at the voice and smiled.

"I do?" She asked quietly.

Not many people complimented her, it wasn't that she was ugly more that people were preoccupied with her eyes.

"I don't mind. My name is Clair." She patted the seat next to her.
Azure smiled and sat. ”Yes, you do. I have such often found hair from my kind, and iI would love to have your color of hair. So, Clair, what brings you here?” she askd curiously, not bothered one bit by her eyes, not even really noticing.
"Oh well thank you. Nothing really. I was traveling before and stopped here for a rest. It's a really quiet town despite allthe different species. So I just stayed here. I work at the library, helping the librarian translate books into brail." She said wondering if she said too much

"Why do you find your self here?"
Azure cocked her head and thought. ”I am searching for somebody, and will be staying here for awhile until iI find that somebody. It's a really tiring task, but needs to be done.”she said, taking another sip of her water.
"I'd offer for you to stay with me, but I just stay in the Inn until I make enough at the library to buy my own house." She frowned "Who are you looking for? I may be able to help."
Azure's expression darkened. ”I wouldn't include you in my business for all the loot in the world. No young human girl, or a person of any race, should be exposed to the man iI am searching for.” she whispered gravely, rubbing the scars marking both of her arms. They were a angry red, long gashes in various places all over both arms.
Clair reached over the table and touched the girls hand. It was a gentle gesture as if to say she didn't have to explain further, but she was there if the girl needed anything. Clair was stronger then she seemed, because of her disability she had to work harder to achieve what others did. She was use to tough work.

"If you need a place to stay to settle before you go on you can stay in my Inn room. It's not that big but I have a sleeping bag you or I could use for the night"
Azure smiled,and suddenly hugged her. For a human, she was kind.”Thank you for your offer, but iI am staying at the Innkeepers room. His room is biggest and more comforable to suit my needs, he will be staying at a relatives. If you'd like, you could stay in the room with me. There are two cots.” she asked kindly, hoping she would accept her invitation.
"I mean if you wouldn't mind. I was hoping you'd have a reason not to come to mine" She laughed "It is very smelly and I think there are ether little rats or huge cockroaches in it. I can't actually see them soo..." She let out a louder laugh.

Clair let go of the Elfs embrace and froze. She was going to a place in her mind all to familiar. In this place she could see.

It was a huge white room with water falling from the walls into small pools of water which flowed into a giant pool in the center. The pool was the rooms only source of light. There were small pots of flowers sitting on pedestals against the wall. The room smelt clean, like soap.

She walked forward and looked down into the giant pool. She wished to see her self. She longed to know what she looked like, but alas her reflection was replaced by her; Adriena.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/adriena.jpg.cce3860989db468fa608260678491dfe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4962" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/adriena.jpg.cce3860989db468fa608260678491dfe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Yes?" Clair asked slightly annoyed she was interrupted as she was making a new friend.

"My child, Clair please do not bring your anger into this sacred place. I have important information for you."

Adriena slowly pulled her self from the water now standing ontop of it. She looked around then down at Clair.

"Yes mother..."

Clair had always called Adriena mother. This was because that was the role she played in Clair's life. Her real mother was amazing, but she did not posses the ability to properly raise a blind child.

"What is this news?" Clair asked letting go of her past anger.

"Come closer my child..." Adriena instructed.

Clair walked towards her. When she was in distance Adriena placed her hands on Clair's face. She cradled it lovingly.

Clair closed her eyes, and when she opened them she saw a family of three. They looked of an elven race. She smiled to see the mother and father chasing their child in a field with tall green grass and flowers.

Her vision left her for a moment. When it returned she saw a man holding the child from before in his arms. The child kicked and screamed as he looked down on it with a crooked grin. A dark magic radiated off of him. She gasped in her vision and in the Inn.

For the final time her vision changed, this time to see the Inn. She saw tall beautiful girl walk inside. She began to talk to something invisible. Almost immediately she recognized the girl, it was Azure. She realized the invisible thing she was talking to was her self.

For some reason Adriena never let Clair see her self. She feared it was because she was ugly.

"Help her save the child.... Clair help her find the girl" Adriena's voice echoed in her head.

Slowly Clair left her vision. She gasped for air, but quickly calmed her self down. She was told while she was having a vision her eyes would turn white and her skin pale. She would shake slightly, but other then that she would not move.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Clair.jpg.7fb4139c8d2d2be9271d613bc7b05b34.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4961" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/Clair.jpg.7fb4139c8d2d2be9271d613bc7b05b34.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This is Clair<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/adriena.jpg.2dee6a2a2d61e7f766421bad7812b5b1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4963" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/adriena.jpg.2dee6a2a2d61e7f766421bad7812b5b1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Azure hurried to hold up Clair's weight. ”Are you okay? What is the matter?” she asked with concern, noting her pale ashen face. Her eyes were white and she was trembling, before she went limp leaning against her as her eyes went back ti the dull black like color,but she stayed pale. ”Why don't we get you to my room?” she mumered, helping to lift the girl and put her arm around her neck, stooping so low she felt as if she'd break her back. Finally she just swooped up the girl and carried her, running straight into an old friend, and an enemy.


”Why hello Princess, fancy seeing you here.” he hissed, with a wicked smirk on his face. He loved getting under her skin, so to speak. ”Lucius. Out of my way.” she demanded, voice cold. ”Of course your highness, anything for the Princess of the Elven.” he replied in a mock voice, before disappearing into a cloud of black smoke. His master the Dark Wizard would not be happy.
Clair was still a little weak from the vision, but she helped support her weight. Most people in the Inn turned to watch the girls.

"Azure.... I'm sorry... I need to help you" Clair tried to explain, but it sounded more like a demand.

She took a deep breath and stood up by her self just as the man came to speak to Azure. 'Your Highness...' Clair thought. Was this woman royalty? Why was she looking for the girl her self. Couldn't she send someone else to do it? As the man disappeared she smelt the smoke. It was a basic spell, she could smell the magical properties of it.
Azure glared at the place Luzcius was. ”If he was here than the Dark Wizard is close by.” she muttered. She had to find her sister, absolutely had to. ”Curse the stars!” she yelled, sending a burst of white energy against the wall leaving a hole in it. ”Let's go, we can talk in the room.” she whispered, not trusting anyone at the Inn.
Clair jumped when she heard the magic. Someone who was reckless enough to just throw fireballs couldn't really be someone Adriena was intrested in right?

"Help her find the girl.... Clair help her save her..." Those words echoed in her head.

She couldn't tell if it was her remembering the phrase or Adriena telling her. Still Clair nodded and followed Azure to her room quietly wondering what was happening.
Azure waited for Clair to get into the room, before shutting the door behind her. She then sat on a cot, staring at the floor. ”My mother, Annlin, married King Asmodeous becoming his second wife. I was just a girl at the time, Lily being many centuries younger than iI, iI was set to watch her. We grew close, but then my Mother took ill to a magical curse. She died soon after, and Asmodeous grew to hate me. I was told iI look exactly like her. One day, in one of my jealous burst of anger, I left Lily alone in the woods on one of our Hunts. When iI went back to find her, Dark Wizard already got to her. Lucius was my first love, or so iI thought. He was working with the Dark Wizard, and the King sent me to find her and either destroy the Wizard and Lucius, or bring them to him. I've been searching for two years.” she told the tale, a long and sad one. Then she realized something. ”I have yet to feed Abheus.” she exclaimed, going to a second room and opening the doo, to let a huge pure white lion walk out. It went up to Clair, sniffing her robe as Azure pulled out some venison for the creature.
Clair walked in the room and sat on a chair in the corner. She listened to the story intensely wondering why Adriena was so interested in the elven royalty. Perhaps it was because Azure just so happened to be in the same room, but maybe Adriena had planned their meeting.

"I am very sorry for the loss of your mother and for the fate of your sister. If I may ask can I accompany you on your quest to find your sister?"

Clair hoped it was a yes. She would not know exactly how to explain to Azure if she said no. As the lion approached Clair she reached her hand out to pet it. She wasn't sure what it was. She kind of thought it was an over sized dog, she had never encountered a lion befor.

"Azure what animal is Abheus?"

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