The Inn

Azure looked up and saw how Abheus had taken to Clair. ”He is a Lion.” she answered smiling, before patting him. ”He is a Gaurdian, he protects those he serves. When killed, he will take a form of another reat and powrful creature. Abheus says yes, you may accompany us. And iI say, hell yeah.” she said, giggling and covering her mouth in shock. These rough races were rubing off on her.
"A lion? I think I remember seeing one in a book when I was younger, but how'd you get it in the Inn? Aren't they really tall and have long necks?" Clair asked thinking of a giraffe.

She continued to pet the 'lion' Abheus and smiled.

"Thank you!" Clair cheered.

She let out a little laugh as she heard her curse.

"It's okay it's not like anyone will hear us!"
Azure smiled. ”Yes you're right. No one will hear us. And lions” she lightly placed her hands on top of the girls head, and closed her own eyes. She concentrated on an image of Abheus, and placed the clear vision in the girl's own mind as if she were seeing it with her own eyes.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/white_lion_by_bobbyboggs182-d5pj5q9.jpg.dc9582dd01b05c182751d42a30234093.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4974" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/white_lion_by_bobbyboggs182-d5pj5q9.jpg.dc9582dd01b05c182751d42a30234093.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Clair closed her eyes as Azure touched her head. To help teach her magic Adriena had Clair seek out a college of hers. This friend taught Clair using pretty much the same technique showing her things through magic. Clair studied the picture in her mind a giggled realizing she had lions and giraffes mixed up all along. She opened her eyes and looked at Azure.

"He is very beautiful" She smiled and continued to pet him

"Where are we headed to look for this man?"
Azure smiled, feeding Abheus a little more venison. ”I don't know yet. I did get some information that there were some sightings of them down at the Draven place. We'll go down there tomorrow morning. Sound good?” she asked.

(Wanna time skip to morning?)
Azure yawned and rolled over half asleep. She saw sunlight making it's way through the covered windows, and turned to be face to face with Abheus. She and him locked eyes, as if communicating, before he finally lumbered over to Clair who was asleep on the other cot. He got close to her face, before giving her a big wet slobbery kiss with his tongue from her chin to her forehead.
Clair's dreams were haunted with nightmares. She was in the room were Adriena contacted her, but instead of Adriena in the water when she looked down it was the dark wizard. He grabbed her from behind and tried to drown her. Clair tried to fight him as just as she thought her head was going underwater Abheus licked her and woke her up.

Clair jumped awake sitting up straight. She whipped her face on the pillow she was laying on and let out a smile. She was glad to not be sleeping. She reached her hand out to try and feel for the lion. Abheus moved under her hand to let her pet.

"Azure are you awake?" Clair asked not being able to see if she was.
Azure smiled and got up. ”As awake as ever.” she replied, going to the fireplace and scooping some soup she made in the nightwith a bowl, to be ready for morning. She put a spoon in it, and handed it to Clair placing her other hand on the spoon so she'd know where it was. She grabbed two more bowls, scooping some and placing it on the floor for Abheus, then getting some for herself.
"That smells delicious."

Sam moved her hands to were Azures were. She began to eat slowly tasting each flavor. It had been a long time since she had a meal that wasn't served on the Inn's menu.

"Thank you."
Azure smiled. ”It was no problem really. My specialty, patato leek soup with fresh goat milk and cheese.” she said, finishing hers quickly and taking the bowl to the wooden washtub by the fireplace. She bent down and swooped up Abheus's empty bowel. ”My, you basically cleaned it for me. Your welcome.”she said grinning at the lion.
(Whew. I was waiting for morning xD )

The dwarf was already downstairs, enjoying - er, eating another meal of the Inn's. People who remembered him from last name gave him dirty looks, giving him the pleasure of attention. He didn't recall what happened, so he just thought people were being discriminating.

"Racist jerks," he said under his breath. He saw an ax, stuck in a table, and he walked over and pulled it out, stronger when not under the influence of alcohol. He laid it down beside the shield he found on his bedside. They both touched his leg, removing the chances of someone stealing them. They were valuable, and positioning them like this made it so that the items would have to remove their constant touch from him. He grumbled, as his day was already off to a bad start.
Azure patted the lion before turning to look at Clair. ”Before we go iI need to speak with the Innkeeper. Would you like to come?”she asked the girl. Now that she was joining her, she would not keep anything from her about the journey.
Clair finished her soup and walked forward. She heard the water running and cleaned her bowl in the sink. The turned the water off.

"Thanks again" She smiled.

Clair grabbed her bag and walked behind a screen meant for changing. She put on new pants and an undershirt, but she covered it with her same robe. She fixed her hair and walked from behind.

"I'd love to go!" She giggled
Azure nodded, smiling, then took her turn changing. She threw on a tight white corset, with a long skirthat8hid her dager and could easily turn short. She patted her side and Abheus pranced up to it, before staring her in the eyes. they stayed like thar some times, before Azure sighed in what seemed like defeat. ”Abheus is joining us. Hopefully no one says anything.” she said with a wry smie as the Elven Princess, the Human Prophet girl, And the Gaurdian pure white lion went down to the first floor.
Clair walked into the Inn. She could feel eyes on the trio and smiled shyly. She touched her hair to feel if it was still in place. She tended to keep it up, it was a lot easier and she didn't have to guess if it was good looking or not.

"Good morning." She nodded to where the Bar tender was.

With it being morning the light was let in just enough to see the shadows of where people and things were.

((gtg sooorrryyyy))
((haha it's okay. Byeeeeee)) 
Azure saw the Dwarf from the other night, and smiled. ”Morning sir.” she mumered to the guy. Then she stared at Abheus, watching him lay down in front of the bar and stare at the Dwarf like he was lunch.
"Oh, hello there, miss." She seemed familiar. Maybe she hung out at this pub too, and he just didn't notice consciously until now? Anyway, he didn't like the look of that beast. Sometimes great Dwarven hunters would bring home smaller versions of those, trapped and vicious. Although this one looked calm, it was still threatening to him. And he was also impressed. A little lady such as her could tame such a creature of wild nature? It was unspoken of in the hall of the Deep-Elves. Women would be there to cook and clean, and nothing much else.

"You're a very odd troupe. A strange woman, yourself; a big white Wülf, I think they call them; and what looks to be a Seer, judging by her eyes. Where are you headed to?"
Azure smiled, and looked down at Abheus meeting his eyes. They stayed like that for some time, before the lion let out a huff and went to licking it's paws, leaving the Dwarf alone. ”Justgoing to visit an old friend. And we call them Gaurdians where i'm from, but don't worry, Abheus won' harm you. ”she assured his nervous glances towards the big guy. Almost as if on cue, the lion jumped up and went to her side, pushing his head under her hand so she's pet him.
Clair heard the dwarfs voice and smiled. He seemed like a calmer person when he was sober.

"Hello, again sir" Clair smiled at him.

She wondered if he remembered her or Azure. She petted the lion as the two talked. Clair had been called a seer before, but she felt it didn't suit her. Adriena always told her she was her prophet, and her daughter.
Azure saw the Innkeeper try to duck into another room, but she caught him. ”Ah ah ah sir. We need to speak with you.”she said leaning against the bar. She felt his eyes flicker down to stare at her.....she hit him across the head. ”Seriously, are all men the same? Ugh, we need you to verify the info of you-know-who being at the old Draven's place down the road.” she said, staring at him disgustedly. ”Maybe iI will for a bit more gold..”he drawled, holding out his hsnd. She rolled her eyes and dropped some in his hand.
Clair followed Azure toward the Innkeeper and listened to them speak. As she heard he checked out Azure's more personal bits she looked up and glared at him. Her blind eyes were creepy especially when directed at someone angrily. The man looked a little uncomfortable and then asked for gold. She let out a scoff as he did.
”The man yer looking fer is up there for shore, had a child with 'em, little waif of a girl. 'E was up there with head Draven Mistress, Abbleigh, and with some other two men.” he said, turning and walking away. ”Must be the Dark Wizard, Lucius, Lily, and some other people of his.” she muttered, patting Abheus without paying attention.
"Are we headed there now?" Clair asked quietly.

She wasn't scared, she just was unsure. She wasn't given any clear instructions from Adriena just to 'help'. Clair began walking to the door holding it open for Azure and Abhues.
Azure nodded to the Dwarf, ”Ever need me just go to the Tavern the next town over and ask for me, Azure.”she said, before turning and heading out with Abheus following. She waited for Clair to catch up, before starting to walk again. ”When we get there, and we get Lily, can you please take her to my father for me. He would be located in the kingdom Avoira at the Castle.” she asked quietly.

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