[The Inn Between] The Inn


Why is it called the Inn? Residents of the Inn Between always got the names of buildings mixed up with one another. About a few thousand years ago, people came to the conclusion that since this Inn was used the most, it would be easier to colloquially call it "the Inn". That's how it got its name and became a renowned landmark. It became so convenient that this trend hasn't changed and has become common knowledge. At least for the ones who have been around for awhile. This also made it easier to teach new residents of the Inn Between.

Louie's tours always end here, where new residents can sign in for the first time. It is always nighttime near the Inn. Though no one can explain why; it's just one of those things that a person or creature gets so used to that no one really thinks about anymore. Outside of the Inn, one can see the vastness of the stars. Although the Inn Between lays between Infinity and Eternity, space can still be seen.

The brightest star in the sky where the Inn is was given the name Nova. Where is it? Why, it's that super huge, bright, and purple star in the upper-center of this photo! It's what gives the Inn its characteristic purple. Where did the name come from? The flip of a coin. Heads was Enistar. Tails was Nova.

Older residents say that "all adventures in the Inn Between start here". It's a good piece of advice; a lot of people like to gather at this Inn, so you will meet many residents from diverse worlds and universes, both old and new.

Newcomers may wonder how people get around in the Inn Between. Infinity and Eternity are distorted within this strange dimension, so many places in the Inn Between are not directly connected to one another. In cases like this, a teleporter is available for everyone to use. If a location is close to another place, it is within walking distance.

This Location Is Close To:

- Shadow City

A Teleporter Is Available And Goes To:

- Techtonick Tower

- Tribal Valley Shores

- Malistic Pillars

- Parody Island

- The Infinity's Grove




Quite the peculiar girl. Mature features of the face, but the body, and spirit of a child. "WOW! Look at this place!" She does a strange little twirl, on one toe, Her blue bands of ribbon floating around her, moving with her motion. an awestruck look envelopes her face as she notices the massive purple star in the sky above. Its like the first time a child see's the sea. "WHOOOOAAAA! THIS PLACE IS AWESOME! HAHAHA!" She pauses. "Do we get to come here whenever we want?" She barrages Louie with questions. "Is this where we live?"..."Why is it so BEAUTIFUL!?"..."What is there to do?" She runs around in excited circles around Louie, eager to be in a new place, with new people, and new things to do.




To Help The Newbs

Louie was happy that Hannah was excited about the Inn Between. Some people... don't take it very well. "Yeah, you can stay here as long you want! You'll be living here, now, so get comfortable!" The stuffed animal took a ticket from the booth that she was levitating above and handed it to Hannah. "Here, you're gonna need this. This ticket will get you into your room." Louie made a slight giggle, "Don't worry, if you lose it I can give you another one."

Hannah received [Room Ticket A206]. It has been placed in your Important Items.

"Now, as for your questions..." Louie cleared her throat, "I KNOW! Isn't this place beautiful? Oh-- there are lots of things you do can here in the Inn Between. There's places to go to and friends to make and adventures to be had. Although I gotta say that dying isn't that much fun-- but don't worry about that!"

"By the way, that's the teleporter is over there. It's pretty difficult to mistake it for anything else." Louie used her right paw, pointing towards the center of the Inn's Lobby.


It was a gigantic rune, probably of a sorts that not many people have seen. Many diverse faces could be seen touching areas of the rune and disappearing instantly. Others were coming back from their adventures-- reappearing from the center with their comrades. "You can use that to go to different places in the Inn Between if they aren't directly connected to here. Allllthough it's probably not a good idea to go anywhere without other people."

Alexander Marell


Shield Brother

Grinning, Alexander looked around the strange place. When he saw the mixture of a giant rune on the ground, and huge purple structers, he grins even harder. He says loudly, "This is my kinda place!" Then, even though it seems impossible to have a grin larger than the one he has now, he grin, not unlike the Grinch's Heart, grows three sizes larger!





She was even more ecstatic. but stopped, with a large gulp, she mutters; "D-Dying?" She looked frightened for a bit, but was distracted further by the rune which Louie had pointed out. She took her ticket quietly, and glances over, eyes widened. When she watched someone disappear before her very eyes, her eyes grew even more wide. "WHOAAH-HUH!?" She was witnessing someone else appear. She turns her head back to Louie "THAT'S SO COOOOOL!" She stops for a brief moment, and looks down at her ticket. "A206? Wheres that?"

Weird un -related side note:

A206 is my homeroom!




To Help The Newbs

"A206? Wheres that?"

"Oh yeah, I forgot," Louie replied and scratched the the side of her head. "The Inn is split into Hall ways and each one is labeled a letter." The stuffed animal pointed in one direction. Further out in the west side of the lobby could be seen a large corridor going off into the distance. Right where the hall way began was a letter imprinted onto the floor, titling it the letter A. The lettered avenues inside the Inn went in a clockwise motion, all the way to the letter J in the east. "It ends at J, but if you go upstairs you will find K through S, and then the third floor is T through Z. The cool thing is that is that even though some doors are really close together, they are each their own separate rooms."

Louie saw others waiting for her help, then she turned towards Alex. "Hello, Alex! Thanks for signing in! You're gonna need this." The toy cat with a missing right ear handed the man a room ticket. "Don't forget; if you lose it you can just ask me for another one. They're really easy to replace."

Alexander received [Room Ticket A207]. It has been placed in your Important Items.

Louie gave a slight chuckle. "Hey look! Hannah and Alex are next door neighbors." Quite literally. "You guys should say hello to your rooms. Since you two are right next to each other, you should go together!" See? They're friends already.

"Did I forget anyone else?" They were hiding somewhere...



Damsel In Distress

"Just what I needed." said Rusalka referring to the nap she just had in her room. She closed the door of the room D122 behind her. She walked slowly towards the main hall and was surprised to hear new, unfamiliar voices. She hurried to see what was going on, soon she was looking at Louie and the two newcomers.

"Oh, hello there." she greeted them with a smile.




She looks at Alex, as they exchange stupified grins at eachother. She had caught alex's

"Oh! HIIII!" She is even excited for the new people. Being her size, it is natural that she has to look up at this girl. She gives a big grin as she approaches. "I'm Hannah! What's your name?" this new girl seemed strangely motherly. Hannah seemed a bit confused, like she was trying to figure something out. She was thinking that if there were any possibility of her mother being in the strange, strange realm. She longed for that figure. "Wow! You're Pretty!" She was speaking to Rusalka.




At that very moment, a black wolf with green tattoos jumped out of the shadows. He had been watching intently from his hideout. Now standing in the open beneath the night sky, he made a brief, soft bark, followed by an observation.

What a place!



To Help The Newbs

When the shadowy wolf appeared from... wherever he was, Louie gasped, "I knew it!" Hmmm, it was a wolf, so did he really need a room? For just a moment, the floating cat took a glance at the gigantic sign-in book that she showed them earlier. "Let's see... your name is... Revmar?" The little cat toy went back to the Information Booth and pulled a ticket from behind the counter. But where should she give it to him...? The mouth or the paw or... Uugh, too complicated. Looking a bit frustrated, Louie decided to place the ticket in front the tattooed wolf. "I... don't know how to give to you so... here!"

Revmar received [Room Ticket A209]. It has been placed in your Important Items.

"You make sure to check your room, too. Okay, doggie?" Louie gave Revmar a friendly pat on the head. "I'm pretty sure there was a few more people..." Louie searched the immediate area, but it seemed that they were gone for the time being. Eh, where did they go? With her little animated body, she shrugged. "Oh well. I'll find them later, I guess."





Revmar seemed a bit baffled at first when Louie presented him with a ticket and pat on the head, but he politely said thanks and picked up the ticket with his mouth. There was a brief puff of shadows as it disappeared. Revmar merely glanced at the other beings before he set off slowly to explore the surroundings, walking in the general direction of room A209.



"Hoooooold on, a moment." Someone said as Louie was about to continue her tour. The man had blonde hair and a goatee. The clothes he wore looked like he came from a fairly modernized city. "Louie, you have a straggler."

"Huh?" Louie didn't understand at all and felt a bit embarrassed. How could she forget someone? They got left in the cart or something? "But I-- there's no way. I know that I counted when we walked into the Inn..." Louie quickly floated closer to the man to see who it was that he was with.

It was a woman. A little below six feet tall, she had fair skin and wore a metal head gear. She was clad in navy blue and silver armor. She also had a sword that matched the armor's color scheme. A very big sword; if she set it vertically and include the hilt, it probably come up to her bossom line.

"Huh?!" Louie's head tilted in confusion. "I don't remember her face." And Louie was very good at faces.

"Oh, yeah? Let's see here," the man opened the beastly notebook that the stuffed animal had everyone in the tour group signed. He didn't study it very long before saying "See--look, right here." He pointed at a peculiar spot in the sign in list. "Her name's right here. Meledy. In Room A215."

"And you know that because...?" Now Louie was REALLY confused.

"She told me her name when she was outside by herself."

"Really?" Louie was not fully convinced. She wanted to ask the blonde haired woman herself. Louie got up really close to Meledy's face. Was she really part of the tour group? "Is he lying?"

"No, he is not," the muted face of the woman didn't budge as she spoke. "My name is Meledy. I apologize for my tardiness."

Louie still didn't get it, but she had proof and her name was in the book and everything so... "Ah, well. I guess I made a mistake. Sorry!" Without any more notice the stuffed toy cat went back to the Information Booth, returning with a ticket in her fuzzy paws. "Here you go! This is the ticket to get into your room. Don't worry if you lose it, I can just give you another."

Meledy received [Room Ticket A215]. It has been placed in your Important Items.

"Oh... Thank you," was all the woman had to say.

"You should go find your room. Some of the others already went. You're a little behind, ya know."




Art to Life

Tristan looked around, allowing the others to bombard Louie with questions. A stuffed cat that was showing them through a purple inn. This dream… it had to be a dream… was getting weirder as it went on, but Tristan went with it. Hopefully he’d wake up soon.

Even his tattoos were glowing slightly in a red twinge. He scratched absently at the sword/shield tattoo on his right arm as he moved his head from side to side. He was so taken with the sights that he’d dropped away from the group and it took a while of searching before he finally found them again. The cat was giving a wolf the key to a room. ‘What’d I drink last night?’ was all he could think to himself.

Before he could say anything, though, there was a brief interruption from a man and armored woman. Tristan really wanted to wake up now. He walked up to the floating cat once he was done with Meledy.

‘So… uh… yeah… why are we here exactly?’



To Help The Newbs

‘So… uh… yeah… why are we here exactly?’

Louie turned around to listen to Tristan's question. "Huh? What do you mean 'why are we here exactly'? I thought I explained it all on the tour while we were on our way here." Perhaps she just needed a better way to explain to him. "Hmm, let me think about this. Here's the truth, plain and simple: You live here now. I don't know where you came from, but that doesn't matter anymore. Once you're here, there's no way to leave." Poor guy... must've come from a universe were no magic exists. "Trust me. I think we all have tried to find a way out of this place. There's NO way out. So, everyone makes the best of what's here."

The stuffed cat was floating a few feet away from Tristan's face. "Oh yeah! You don't have a ticket, yet. Yours is this one." Louie had it with her the whole time; she gave the man the ticket to his room.

Tristan received [Room Ticket A208]. It has been placed in your Important Items.

"Any more questions?"



Damsel In Distress

"I'm Hannah! What's your name?", said the young girl with purple hair and cat ears, "Wow! You're Pretty!".

"I'm Rusalka, nice to meet you, and thank you, you are a cutie yourself." she answered while fighting the urge to pet her. A shadow-like wolf also showed himself.

A lot of new creatures here today.

There was a slight commotion caused by the arrival of the blonde duo, but nothing Louie can't handle.

‘So… uh… yeah… why are we here exactly?’ Rusalka turned towards the wandering newcomer.

There is a one like this in every new wave I guess. I hope he'll find a way to accept the new circumstances of his life. she thought.




Meanwhile, though more wandering around than directly heading for his goal, Revmar reaches room A209. He opens the door using the consumed ticket, already catching scent of what's inside, and stands at the threshold to observe.




"Heehee!" She giggles in return to Rusalka. She stops briefly. "Does anybody know what this is?" She was motioning to the teal colored shiny ribbon that was floating around her. It moved with her though, as opposed to away from her. She began swatting at it like it was a swarm of gnats, yes she was unable to hit any of the ribbon, even slightly. She growled slighty, a bit angered.



Damsel In Distress

"I sure don't know, but you will find out soon enough, that's the way it works around here", Rusalka said, "Well, I'll be on my way, maybe we'll run into each other some other time." with that said she left the Inn. It was always dark around here, Rusalka liked that ambient but now she wished for sunlight and with that in mind she decided to wander of in the general direction of south. She was still close to the Inn, she would be able to hear if someone called after her.

Sakura Udo


Tame the Tendrils

The viny figure reappears, coming into being in this strange land of harsh purple lines and crepuscular dimness. Far less appealing or comforting than where he just came from. The being's hair seems to hang completely limp and lifeless now, splayed around his chest and back like ramen hung from a drying rack. "Hello? Is there someone here either?" He looks rather confused and a bit worn, his entire body fading just a little bit, looking wilted. Despite this, he walks normally, if his feet seem to be a bit reluctant to leave the ground, leaving bits of soil and dampness behind - evidence that he just left someplace wet. He walks until he comes to a building threshold that has a worn entryway, and noting the lack of water stains, steps inside. He comes to the counter and tries to get the attention of the floating neko-kami.



To Help The Newbs

Leaving Tristan to think to himself, Louie saw the appearance of someone that probably needed her help. It was a green creature that had the vague resemblance of a human being. "I'm coming!" she announces while she quickly wisped herself back to the Information Booth. The plant kin didn't look familiar... how interesting it was for it to come through the Teleporter. In any case, an Inn Resident was an Inn Resident. "Hello! I'm Louie. I don't think I've seen you, before. Is there anything you need from me?" He didn't seem the type to want a room... maybe not at the Inn, anyway. The stuffed cat just wanted to make sure.




"What does this do?" She had wandered over to the teleporter without realizing that Louie had left. She stood on the strange rune, curious as to why the people were disappearing. The rune reminded her of evil, and that was all she could think about. She stared at a particularly sharp looking part of the circle. After a second, she noticed a flash of lights, and she was dissolving before her very eyes. "AAH!" She screamed as she was teleported to her Next Destination.



A room? No... Meledy didn't think she had time to visit this room. There was a lingering thought in the back of her head... she knew that she had something to do... but she couldn't understand why she couldn't remember. Was it a promise? Was it a commitment? She wasn't sure. There was a strong feeling of something... something important. This place... where am I? I was falling into emptiness... and then moments later, I find myself in the front of this strange building... The knight wasn't used to so much peace...

She had to do something... Did it matter whether or not she did anything? She didn't where she was going, but Meledy wondered exactly laid in wait in the Inn Between. She stepped into the Teleporter without thinking. Naturally, since people walk in and out of the Teleporters all of the time, no veteran Resident paid her much mind.

And... then... "What does this do?" Hannah asks and them screams "AHH!"

Hannah took Meledy with her.

Alexander spins as he hears the scream. He sees a new girl and his neighbor disapear into the teleporter. He runs towars it, and runs extreamly fast towards it. He seems well adjusted to his inhuman speed and reflexes. He jumps onto the teleporter he saw them disapear on, and he teleports there...

Alexander Follows Hannah and Meledy

Sakura Udo


Tame the Tendrils

"Ah, so good to see another in this place. Are you the spirit of this violet place? Or of the colour? Forgive my manners for asking questions first. My name is Sakura. It is very nice to meet you, Louie-san. Please watch over me." He bows deeply and speaks with a soft and deliberate voice, seeming to be in no hurry whatsoever and whispering despite the two feet or so of distance and the echoing hall. "I was wondering if I might know where I am. I am not sure what you can provide me, but if you know of a place with plenty of water and sunlight, that would be ideal. Well, that and some fertilizer." He smiles wanly at the floating cat, treading just between deference out of politeness and arrogance, not quite sure of where Louie fits relative to himself.



To Help The Newbs

"Oh no, I'm not the spirit of the Inn. I'm just a tour guide. So you are new." Louie spin around in a quick circle. "Well, for starters, this is the Inn! Or, in your case since this is your time here, welcome to the Inn Between!" The stuffed toy needed to mention something though, "I gotta say though, that wherever you came from, you can't go back. It sucks at first, but you'll realize how much better the Inn Between is! Trust me."

Sakura asked for a place with plenty of water and sunlight... and fertilizer? What is fertilizer? Oh well. "I know that there's a place in the Inn Between somewhere that matches that description... "Oh yeah! There's this one place. It's called

Parody Island. There's lots of water there for plants and animals and everything. If you want to go there, make sure you think about an island paradise when you go into the Teleporter."

Louie saw Meledy and Hannah go into the teleporter together. Apparently the man named Alex followed them, too. Well-- wherever they were going, the cat would was sure they'd be fine. It was time to begin the second part of her job-- getting people out of their 'what is this place' zone and turning it into a 'let's do something'. At the Information Booth, Louie touched a small button that enabled the PA system. Her voice went through the entire building. "Calling all new Residents of the Inn. Please come to the Information Booth so Louie the Tour Guide may begin the second part of her tour."

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