[The Inn Between] The Inn

Alexander Marell



"Okandi is a ritualistic suicide, and the only way one may kill themselves and still go to Caelum." He chuckles, "I did it again. Caelum is the afterworld of my people." He grins, obviously unaware that it may be Taboo to talk of suicide in other cultures. "If I may ask you a personal question, Meledy... Where do you come from?" He grins again, "And were you a soldier?"




Okandi is a ritualistic suicide... and Caelum, an afterlife for his kin. Meledy found the thought provoking her interest. To her, suicide was almost unheard of and to her people, was a crime in itself. Where exactly did his man come from... "If I may ask you a personal question, Meledy... Where do you come from?" Meledy watched as he gained a smile, "And were you a soldier?"

"Yes, you are correct. I am a... or, I suppose I should say I used to be a soldier." She was more than just a soldier, but at the same time, Meledy didn't think Alex needed to know more... It felt so strange talking about her home. It felt like a distant land, now. "I am from a world where there is constant war. To my people and I, confrontation through spilling blood is normal. That is how we survived. Sad to say... I cannot remember a time of peace."

It was... really depressing. She didn't want to think about it... but the memories were there. Always. "Coming to the Inn Between was quite the surprise. To believe that I would stumble upon a place where fighting is no longer a necessity. It is almost a dream, even." In the back of her mind she wished this were all a dream, but it didn't seem possible given other circumstances that Meledy had trouble... remembering... for some reason. She sighed, a bit flustered. Parts of her life were clear as day, but others pieces have become so hazy... The former knight looked at Alex straight in the eyes. "And what of you, Alex? Your culture interests me. It is very different from mine. I would like to know a little more from where you come from."

Alexander Marell



Alexander smiles grimly, "I know exactly how you feel. This is a paradise like no other." "My country is almost always at war as well. Childeren, male and female, are taken at the age of six to begin training. They serve in the military until they die. The only ones who are not part of the military are Guardians and Elders." "To become an Elder, one must first win a raffle, then undergo trials. Elders who fail, die." "To become a Guardian, one must be born with it." "I would tell you more about my culture, but we are a very basic society. Everything in my society is centered around war. War and Honor." Alexander looked extreamly sad as he said the words "War and Honor."




Meledy smiled a little. She thought that his culture was very difficult... but it didn't seem so different after all. Alex too, came from a land where there was constant bloodshed. She could empathize with him... to a point. The knight-- or former knight perhaps-- in front of Meledy spoke of the Inn Between as a paradise. She couldn't admit that she had thought so at one point in time... until the man she saw earlier told her what was in store for their future in the Inn Between.

She knew it was possible that she could be very cynical at the thought... Yes, watching people you care about die is very sad, but eternal life and temporary death? It seemed so inconsistent. Although, if one considers the odd behavior of this universe, it seemed perfectly logical... in an Inn Between way.

This place must do weird things to a person's head after awhile. Meledy included herself. Not now, but eventually... Like how the hatted man by the name of Nico seemed to casually battle the creatures from the pillars. She had wondered about his attitude. Why he was so inclined to help even if he died along the way. He must have knew about the entire never-die situation that every Inn resident would eventually come to experience.

Well, if her time in the Inn Between is infinite, Meledy wanted to find a way to get out of this universe. She wanted to go back... Everything that she fought for... as much as it troubled her that she may die the instant she left the Inn Between, she wanted to see her efforts at home bare fruit. Or at least have some way of knowing that what she left behind was in good hands. And what of her sister...? Something to put her mind at ease...

"I want to explore the Inn Between," Meledy suddenly announced. She wasn't very loud about it. After all, most people may have already given up on the idea... but Meledy wouldn't let others have their way with her. She looked at Alex with determination and told him, "We may have come from another dimension, and Louie has said that we cannot leave... Still, I believe that there is a possibility of at least seeing what is happening outside of the Inn Between. There must be some sort of connection from the outside universes in order to come inside this one." There had to be something... it was a blind search... but then again, the Inn Between seemed to allow any possibility.

There was doubt in her plan. Since she didn't know where was going exactly, Meledy could easily imagine herself ending up at a dead end, no matter which path she chose. She just had to remember that time was infinite in the Inn Between. For once in her life, she could finally say that there was time to waste.

Meledy smiled and looked at Alex again. "I suppose I am saying to you because... I would enjoy some company. If you would...?" Alex was in the same position as she was... maybe.

Nico Alenstrazi



They both heard a laugh, high pitched and squeaky. "You'll never get outta the Inn thinkin' like that! Ya gotta remember that the place ignores the rules and makes its own!" Behind them stood the hatted man, Nico, and on his shoulders Emile the puppet. Except that they both looked different... less scary. Well, except for Nico's visible eye. "If you wanna escape, you gotta think like the Inn." Emile continued to say to Meledy. "Emile. Silence. Don't give them ideas... we've already tried so many. There's no way to get out of here." The Puppetmaster leaned down and looked at Meledy in the eyes. "However, if you really need some company... I shall aid you."



"Nico," Meledy could look at him without feeling too disturbed. And Emile. "Thank you. I will enjoy your company." Regardless of how or why his appearance changed, Mr. Alenstrazi already knew about the Inn Between. If he had already tried getting out a many number of times, his knowledge would be useful on this mission. The female knight gave Alex a second glance, hoping for an answer.

Alexander Marell



Alexander grinned at Nico and Meledy. "Of course I would, and I am happy to have you along as well, Nico." "I do have a question. Nico, since you have been here for a good while... Why does everyone here have a sort of abnormal ability? I mean, I have always had my speed and agility, but must everyone have a power to come here?" "Also... I have seemed to gained an ability of some sort since I have come here... is that an effect of the inn?"


Nico Alenstrazi



Nico turned to look at Alexander. "Of course it's an ability of the Inn. Louie calls it Paradigms. You'll find that you have a set of abilities stored together in one Paradigm, sorta like a deck of cards. And, if you're like me, you have multiple Paradigms." "Yeah! Like, for example, Nico here has Puppetmaster and that creepy one you saw when ya met him!" Sighing, Nico merely looked at them further. "If you have any more questions, ask Louie. I just make sure new people don't end up somewhere stupid." He then pulled out two sockpuppets, and after some twirling of fingers they came to life and started re-enacting a scene of Hamlet.



"Glad to have you, Alex." Having another person to accommodate her lifted her spirits.

When Nico explained these... Paradigms, Meledy wasn't too sure what he was talking about. Alex had extra powers? She wouldn't have known-- it seemed like he had them for quite some time now. At the same time, it was somewhat strange for Meledy to think that she... possibly didn't have any powers--a Paradigm. Nothing felt different to the former knight. How does a person get these powers? It just comes to them when they come to the Inn Between? Or... was there some kind of method?

Well... It wasn't too important for now. Meledy would worry about this Paradigm idea later. "Louie," she repeated after Nico. Meledy, Nico, and Alex were in the lobby, where the Information Booth and the main teleporter was for the Inn. However, if one glanced over to the booth, there was no Louie to be seen. "Where has that cat gone off to?" She walked up to the booth and upon closer inspection there was a yellow sign that said 'On Tour, I'll be back later!'. On the bottom of the yellow sign was an addition sign printed on green paper. On the label was written Shadow City.

"Louie is on a tour at Shadow City." It was that desolated place the tour cart passed when new Inn residents come to this dimension. "We can walk there, correct? Maybe Louie can give us some more answers. To these Paradigms and possibly a lead on where I can start my mission to find a way out of the Inn Between." Louie was a Tour Guide, right? She should know which places in the Inn Between are far too dangerous or places that could be holding secrets. The stuffed toy had to know something.

The three agreed and walked to their way to Shadow City.

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