The Inevitable Music Thread

Oh, my first post...How exciting.

The Memoirs of a Geisha soundtrack is perfect for non-combat scenes. Also, check out Morrowind and Oblivion. There are some good tunes in those games as well.
Welcome sir   :D

I have to say the mood and feel of the Passion of the Christ soundtrack is quite good for scenes in Exalted.
Naruto's bad enough. Do we really need the image of Naruto sucking donkey dick?

... Builds character.

I have to say the mood and feel of the Passion of the Christ soundtrack is quite good for scenes in Exalted.
Brrr, I'm allergic to all things religiously affiliated. Or if I may geek out and quote the best space station regulations message ever, from the scifi cultseries Doctor Who:

"Guests are reminded that [Platform 1] forbids the use of weapons, teleportation and religion"
You'd cut yourself off from a large amount of quality classical music (among other things) that way. Music is music; as long as it isn't proselytizing, why prejudge?
Indeed. I do agree with you. But sometimes associations are a bitch. Every time I hear that music I think Mel Gibson (coo-coo-catholic boy number one), and I can't help but shiver.
Actually, I was wary at first as well, but it's a good soundtrack. Aside from the movie and what not, it's just a music soundtrack. Nice sweeping music. One of the best I've ever heard. Then again, I'm getting into a soundtrack kick recently, I only like orchestral music anymore.
On the subject of music, does anyone know where I can host a webstream for free?? Was thinking of setting up specific soundtracks for my online games
I won't...

I'm a bit of a strong atheist and religion makes me want to rant.  As long as the music doesn't sound religious then I guess it'd be fine to listen to... otherwise... to HELL with it!!!

Also, I agree that Naruto could do without all these damn, dirty filler arcs... I want to see real action for fucks sake!!

If they didn't have the filler arcs they'd have nothing at all. They need to wait for the manga to catch up.
Uhh, I don't think so

Not to catch up, to get ahead.  Naruto II is already out, but the speed in which the anime is being released would bring the main story "up-to-date" and leave it out of material if it were to continue with the good stuff.  I hope the next english Naruto game will actually be good and sate my hunger for Naruto.

Ohh yeah!! For PS2!!
Re: I won't...

PartisanGerm said:
I'm a bit of a strong atheist and religion makes me want to rant.  As long as the music doesn't sound religious then I guess it'd be fine to listen to... otherwise... to HELL with it!!!
ignorance and arrogance, wonderful combination. I do not like you partisangerm. I will endeavor to avoid you in the future.
what the hell sounds religious? I mean all music has a base in religion. music has only recently(the last hundred years) become secular. religion and music are intrensically linked. also, I was kind of being insulting, as I do not like him?her/it/them, whatever.
So I guess a good deal of Johnny Cash's catalogue is right out for Partisan Germ then...

Jeebus Frist.  If church going folk putting up a "I Can't Hear That" field around secular music is silly, then some atheist running around trying to get away from "religious" music is just as silly.

And it pretty much 86s a good deal of world beat stuff as well. And Reggae.  And even a fair amout of Ska.  And Middle Eastern.  And a good deal of Native American chants and drumming.  And a good deal of Japanese drumming.  And Country.  And Bluegrass.  And Folk. And...

It's music.  If you like it, then roll with it.  You don't get religion cooties.
It's music.  If you like it' date=' then roll with it.  You don't get religion cooties.[/quote']AhhhhH!! Help!!! I've got the Born-Again disease!!!
But seriously, "religious" music can be quite fitting...especially older stuff...stuff in latin can sound really awesome.
mmm tasty

I highly enjoy our strange, modern language and how it is abused.  You might say that I love it for it's interesting misunderstandings.

I love the word ignorance.  It's used far too often, sometimes people mean something that they don't say with this word, and thus act as a hypocrite themselves by being ignorant him/her/itself.

I also love the word arrogance.  It seems to sound arrogant when you say it without the proper meaning, which is done almost as often as ignorant.

Thank you Gtroc.  Thank you, for not only not insulting me, if that is what you were attempting, but also upholding my opinion to dislike religious music/people.  I am not a bigot, and was not trying to express myself as being as such.  You have however, expressed your bigoted nature very clearly.


Just for your convenience, I am a singular, human male.  You should not feel a need to avoid me, for all we seem to have is a different preference on what the word religious means.  Sure, I generalize "religious" people quite often in jest, but I only truly judge a person by their personality, NOT their beliefs.

I do not know if you are a music history scholar or not, I am not one myself, but I must state that it is very ignorant of you to say that all music is based on religion.  I'm sure that people were singing, happy, content, and with moral values long before someone thought up the ingenious scam of religion.

I will clarify what I meant by:

As long as the music doesn't sound religious
Faith.  It is faith that I have a problem with.  Blind conviction to a supernatural being.  As long as the music does not promote faith, I may enjoy listening to it, according to my inclinations.  For example, the song "Jesus Walks" by Kayne West, is a bit more faith-based than I like.

Now can we please follow the guideline? Don't talk about religion, politics, or your sex life.

-God Save Naruto :twisted:
hmmm...I really had no intention of insulting you(well maybe a little, but not a whole lot). I do not like you. that is a simple statement of fact. You are arrogant, to be on this forum one must be. that is not why I dislike you. I do not dislike because I am religious and you are not. I merely dislike you on an instictual level. I see it as a fault of mine not yours. I was asking a question of your strange statement earlier though. I really did want to know what exactly you meant by "sounding religious". I of course do not care that you see me as hypocritical; I am. I did like the length of your response, it makes me feel as if my life has meaning. thank you, now take off.
Re: mmm tasty

PartisanGerm said:
Now can we please follow the guideline? Don't talk about religion, politics, or your sex life.
But then what's left to quibble about?

Damn straight, I like being argumentitive(sp?) more than anything else. except for maybe peanut butter...mmmmm...P E A N U T   B U T T E R...slobber!
Gtroc said:
Damn straight, I like being argumentitive(sp?) more than anything else. except for maybe peanut butter...mmmmm...P E A N U T   B U T T E R...slobber!

... my work here is done...
Solfi's the local grammar ninja. Even if he's never seen the thread, he shall slip in an tidy up your spelling post haste.
Back on the subject of music, if you don't mind lyrics, try Korpiklaani...they're not half bad, and I think it really fits a Lunar game

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