The Inevitable Music Thread

I'm really impressed by Tomahawk, but I don't see it fitting into an Exalted game anywhere.

And I meant to say' date=' way to recommend Fantomas earlier..! [/quote']
Speaking of which, Delerium Cordia would be great for Autocthonia... and you won't have to worry about switching tracks often ;)

Stillborn said:
I'm really impressed by Tomahawk, but I don't see it fitting into an Exalted game anywhere.
The first track off Mit Gas ("Birdsong"?) could be a great opener for a fight scene.  I was actually writing a screenplay at one point (heavily influenced by Exalted), wherein a climactic battle scene was set to that song.
Stillborn said:
The first track off Mit Gas
Haven't gotten my hands on that one yet.

I kind of hated it at first, but I've come to like it just as much as the first album.  It's fucked up (gosh! imagine that!), but covers a lot of ground, genre/ style-wise.  I'll burn it for you, if you like.
Agreed. Nightwish is one of the best non-true metal bands otu there. Besides, Tarja is quite pleasing to the eye.
You're kidding right? That forehead makes her look like a neanderthal. As for their music, I've never been fond of the timbre of Tarja's voice actually...

From Tool comes the song The Grudge which, although is about alchemy, has verses which are relevant to the Sidereal Exalted.
... want siddie lyrics by tool? Check this out:

choices always were a problem for you

what you need is someone strong to guide you

deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow

what you need is someone strong to guide you...

like me

like me

like me

like me

if you want to get your soul to heaven

trust in me, now don't you judge or question

you are broken now, but faith can heal you

just do everything i tell you to do

deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow

what you need is someone strong to guide you

deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow

let me lay my holy hand a, hand upon you

my god's will

becomes me

when he speaks

he speaks through me

he has needs

like i do

we both want

to rape you

jesus christ, why donæŠÂ° you come save my life, now

open my eyes, blind me with your light, now

jesus christ, why don't you come save my life, now

open my eyes, blind me with your lies, now

if you want to get your soul to heaven

trust in me, now don't you judge or question

you are broken now, but faith can heal you

just do everything i tell you to do

jesus christ, why don't you come save my life, now

open my eyes, blind me with your light, now

jesus christ, why don't you come save my life, now

open my eyes, blind me with your lies, now

deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow

let me lay my holy hand a, hand upon you

my god's will

becomes me

when he speaks

he speaks through me

he has needs

like i do

we both want

to rape you!
or, from Maynards other band:

Don't fret precious I'm here, step away from the window

Go back to sleep

Lay your head down child

I won't let the boogeyman come

Counting bodies like sheep

To the rhythm of the war drums

Pay no mind to the rabble

Pay no mind to the rabble

Head down, go to sleep

To the rhythm of the war drums

Pay no mind what other voices say

They don't care about you, like I do, like I do

Safe from pain and truth and choice and other poison devils,

See, they don't give a fuck about you, like I do.

Just stay with me, safe and ignorant,

Go back to sleep

Go back to sleep

Lay your head down child

I won't let the boogeyman come

Count the bodies like sheep

To the rhythm of the war drums

Pay no mind to the rabble

Pay no mind to the rabble

Head down, go to sleep to the rhythm of the war drums

I'll be the one to protect you from

Your enemies and all your demons

I'll be the one to protect you from

A will to survive and a voice of reason

I'll be the one to protect you from

Your enemies and your choices son

They're one in the same

I must isolate you

Isolate and save you from yourself

Swayin to the rhythm of the new world order and

Count the bodies like sheep to the rhythm of the war drums

The boogeymen are coming

The boogeymen are coming

Keep your head down, go to sleep, to the rhythm of a war drums

Stay with me

Safe and ignorant

Just stay with me

Hold you and protect you from the other ones

The evil ones

Don't love you son,

Go back to sleep
Thanks, but I like to support small labels.
... dito, but some of the stuff I listen is pretty obscure, so I take what I can digitally, and then buy it as soon as I have the opportunity.
I dont have the Civ4 stuff downloadable anywhere, no :/ If you can download the entire game, or buy it ( It's a very good game ), or if you can download only portions of it, they should be retrievable pretty easy. I believe they are stored in mp3 format right away.

Should be able to find it on

Needless to say, it's probably illegal, but hey. BitTorrent is yet to be proved to actually be illegal :P
actually, bittorrent isn't illegal, as it's just a way to connect and propagate information (nothing to do with copyrighted materials, as a technology) and neither is Pirate Bay illegal (in Sweden), but that's only because nothing is actually stored on Pirate Bay...

they're just storing addresses to where the stuff's stored (trackers). On a sidenote, a law was implemented in Sweden as of June, which means downloading copyrighted content is illegal. Before, only sharing it was illegal...
I use a lot of different music in my campaigns to set the mood. The only trouble is I've got so much good stuff I'm always changing it to something I think might be better lol.

I'll just jot down a few that I particularly like.

From the X/1999 soundtrack, the track Count Down is amazing for anything related to Abyssals, Deathlords, or the like.

Anything from the Legend of the Twelve Kingdoms/Junni Kokki soundtrack has a good far eastern feel to it.

If you are going for a less eastern, more European feel at times anything from Vagrant Story or Final Fantasy Tactics is great.

For combat I find myself using a lot of boss or fight tracks from the Final Fantasy games. Divinity II  and J-E-N-O-V-A from the Advent Children soundtrack. The Final Battle theme from Final Fantasy X (the one against Sin, not Jecht lol). The Omega Weapon theme from Final Fantasy 8. For high tension combat anything from Guilty Gear or the Lock n' Load theme from Devil May Cry.

How you would acquire these songs I have know idea, *cough* torrent *cough*.
Multiple Musical Overtones.

Blue Man Group is good. I use them a lot.

Exhibit 13 is used when we do Pearlescent Dreaming Courtessan Form

Drumbone is the dojo/workout/Manse Theme for Tolinahr, the NPC sidereal when the PCs need advice.

Club Nowhere gets used when we need a calming effect.

The TimeTurner song from HP3 is used by our Endings, Mata Fugata.

Carly Simon's You're So Vain was Miya Balaise, our Eclipse's Song brecause she was an Ass.

Our ST actually sets our game up each week with the old HBO Feature Presentation Music, followed by the THX drone, followed finally by the 20th Century Fox Music. That really sets us up! Our newbies keep trying to follow it with the StarWars music, Ha ha Suckers.

But anyway, our ST has used Tubular Bells for Prelator of the Spirit-Shackled Senate, an Abyssal, and even a TubularBell/PhantomofOpera Mix done on a carillon(Think Loud Church Bells!) for the showdown between the PCs, Tolinahr and Prelator. Very sweet.

Duel of the Fates has been used when PCs both Abyssal and Solar went at it.

The Worm Theme from HACKERS OST3 was used for the Guardian of the Forbidden Manse.

Mortal Kombat was used for the 2ndCircleDemon Zsofika.

JukeJoint Jezebel was used for Tolinahr, our transvestite Sidereal's battlemusic.

the Organ music from Castlevania:Symphony of the Night was used for our Zenith, Riyan.

We even had Circle of Life used for one of our Dawns with a Lion Anima, Akari Yin.

The Disney version for the battles and when Akari died, the ST played the slow Elton John version as our endTitle song for that game. Everyone just nodded that was really cool and appropriate.

We have played the Irish version of Whiskey in the Jar for a Rivertongue Festival.

We have used the Echo Game from House of Flying Daggers, but i don't remember when.

A lot of Jade Empire music has ended up in our game.

For Whom the Bell Tolls is our House of Bells School Song.

One of our warriors wanted to be a barbarian chosen of the Sun. His theme song is the Battle against Clown from Akira. very breathy and tribal! Man I am jealous of that one!

When selecting music with your players, or STs , try to avoid overly wellknown songs, because then you get the "I know where that is from and the game devolves into what he music is from and how good the movie was.

On the other hand if the peice is too obscure or not appropriate, your pacing will suffer.

You want to find a piece that is evocative, but keep the players occupied enough that they pick up the sense of wonder/fear/hapiness/scariness/ but YOU remain incontrol of the images, sensory stimulation they receive.

Avoid lyrics, because they rarely fit in with the character.

  Example: I have Clocks redone by 12girlsBand. Very nice remix, but a player wanted that and could not explain why. "It's cool" is not enough of an answer. the lyrics to CLocks are on the tip of nonsensical.

Try to avoid, unless absolutely perfect in word, title, sound, and evocation, HEAVY METAL. A lot of heavy metal, because of inability to play by mediocre bands, is just yelling, radio-feedback, and hitting drums. This is just an obstacle to an ST trying to talk to his players.

Avoid whiny electric guitars. They are easily the hardest thing to control on a stereo and usually come off sounding louder than they actually are. The ear is naturally disposed to hear higher pitches and tune in on them. This is why babies and helpless animals draw us to them, to protect or hunt them. Nature is cruel and wierd, man.

High guitars draw more focus from the player than the gruff ST trying to play the local prostitute with the Treasure of Ubergolden.

If you decide to use music, consider practicing the speech or the opening background to music. The speech will sound that much cooler if the music swells AFTER the inflections. The music is the groups clue to how the society responds to the speech.

    A lot of STs who try this will emanate and try to impress after the Music letting the stereo lead, and the players know who is guiding who. It comes off as if the speaker is reacting to the swelling crowd and losing.

  I will be trying a speech to Requiem to a Dream. This looks to be a nice piece to "speak" with". It has 3 swells. Remember that audiences love 3speeches like "Friends, Romans, Countrymen"...or "We came, We saw, We kicked it's butt!"

I know very little german and I was watching Hitler in History class, He uses 3speeches A LOT! The crowd is drawn to them. His use of timing is very powerful.

Music is a wonderful clue for STs to use. I love my ST for his usage. You should work with the ST on musics for your game.
Careful with misusing music...had an ST who decided it would be a good idea to use a Blackmoore's Night song as a riddle in game...well, he played it once through on a poor quality speaker, then expected us to know what to do. First of all, half of us didn't like the band, so we didn't pay attention. The only person who had any idea was the fangirl who knew the lyrics, and she figured out the puzzle, which made our ST think that this was a good idea
First of all' date=' half of us didn't like the band, so we didn't pay attention.[/quote']
That's entirely your own fault for ignoring something that you knew you were supposed to be paying attention to. You can't fault the ST for that.

Stillborn said:
First of all' date=' half of us didn't like the band, so we didn't pay attention.[/quote']
That's entirely your own fault for ignoring something that you knew you were supposed to be paying attention to. You can't fault the ST for that.

Actually, he didn't let us know it was a clue until after the fact...we thought it was all background music, as per normal...
Stillborn said:
Then he's a dumbass. :P
You can say that again...don't get me started on him.
Anywhoo, yeah, I'm against song riddles ever since that incident, because many more followed, all from the same aggravating band that we let him know multiple times we didn't enjoy and was bringing down the game. He threatened to rip up our character sheets cause we didnt like it. Oooh, torn paper...gasp!
If he wants to use that gimmick, the least he could do is provide you printed lyrics of the song, or at least let you hear it one more time.

In any case, if an ST threatens a player, about the smartest thing the player can do is walk out. That will show the ST the limits of his "power" pretty quickly.

Stillborn said:
In any case, if an ST threatens a player, about the smartest thing the player can do is walk out. That will show the ST the limits of his "power" pretty quickly.
That's what we did, and how I ended up ST of my current group...had enough of his crap, but had spent too much money on books to let it go to waste, so, I stepped up to bat.
Moral of the story: make sure your players enjoy the music first!
Of course' date=' and how long did you guys 'stay under the boot' of that last one?[/quote']Unfortunately, far too long. Won't happen again, but on the bright side, gave me alot of insight in what not to do with players. Might not be the best or most creative ST in the world, but my players enjoy playing my game because I tailor it (within reason, no n/a artifacts handed out like candy) to what they want to see happen
Music no Jutsu!!!

I play music from the shonen anime Naruto.

Whenever the second opening theme (Haruka Kanata by Asian Kung-fu Generation) plays, we all know that some ass-kicking is about to begin.

Holy hell do I love Naruto.

Naruto's okay... at least it was, up 'til they diverged the anime storyline from the manga one. Now the anime sucks Donkey Dick. Bigtime. Though I haven't been watching the latest stuff for said reason...

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