The sound of death rang out through the air. Cries for mercy, screams of the weak... The smell of blood as victims fell to the soil, the clang of metal clashing in a desperate attempt for survival. This was the strongest man in all of Grimdar... but it meant little to the Orcs.
“Oi what’s this then?” The dark green skin of the humanoid monster seemed much more putrid up close. His yellow blood shot eyes matching his beast like teeth as he grinned cruelty. “You actually able to kill some of my Orcs!” The Man fighting for his life kicked the Orc forward to escape being overpowered and plunged his sword into the monsters gut as it stumbled. The orc grunted as he dropped his blade but ultimately laughed as he held the sword in his stomach to prevent the mans escape with one hand, reaching for the humans throat with large green fingers as disgusting jagged nails easily broke skin. The strongest man in grimdar knew it was to late, his windpipe was crushed as he tried desperately to twist and pull his sword.
"reckon the chiefs will make me a leader for this success of a raid... suppose I'll need a name that fits.. a title... how about...strangler? No wait, Bubul the Choker"
Bubul burst into laughter as he threw the corpse to the ground. Grimdar fell that day, over one hundred Orcs rampaged through the farming villages killing the men and kidnapping the women. The only survivors being those lucky enough to flee or not be in Grimdar at the time.
The village chiefs teenage son, he was sent three days ago to the iron mountains to hire the newly formed Hunters Guild.
Asht couldn’t believe his good luck, the first man he meets at the foot of the mountains claimed the Guild was back and would take any job for payment. But as the boy reached for the letter, In a blink of an eye the man was gone. Shiki closed his eyes and focused his mana while picturing home in his mind...
Fort Stronghold, built during the first magic war on top of the Iron mountains, dividing Karma from Restag. The Hunters Guild was the first guild to operate outside any laws and rules of kingdoms or race. That was ages past however.
These days a dashing young man has taken residence there. It was just seven days ago when the charismatic casual combatant, Shiki Nazã from RockHold and the exceptional people who followed his crazy words conquered the Iron mountains, slaying any beast in there way until they reached the top. A daring quest to be sure, but thankfully it was not Dragon season, so the most dangerous creature on the mountain would probably be the trolls. Many trolls fell, their fat harvested to add that extra kick to a firebomb.
Upon climbing the final stretch they reached the Gates of stronghold, stormed the Nightspawn that remained in the fort and planted a new flag to wave majestically in the tall cold winds. The guild was back, it was only time now until they made a difference... And eventually? Well Shiki had plans to start travelling Aerth.
But that is the future and this is now!
Shiki appeared out of thin air standing in the entrance hall. Of fort Stronghold, A Beastkin of cat like descent stood at the door making a hiss, black fur standing on end out of shock.
"sorry Storm, we have a job though! Fetch my sword, my bow, my blade, and any guild members still at home. I'm getting the Naza specials from my room and warping whose ready for work in less then three min-its!...So hurry my boy time is money!"
Storm the cat made a meow before dropping to his hands to run faster.
Fetching whoever was in the fort before running off to the barracks to find Shiki's gear.
TheGuide Goonfire MidnightStar Kirby3178 Juju MindWackMagoo
In the process of editing the pages to link to this one. Note that you have spent at least a day around the cat and understand it enough when it meows or makes a noise.
"Oh Shiki found a job? Thanks storm"
“Oi what’s this then?” The dark green skin of the humanoid monster seemed much more putrid up close. His yellow blood shot eyes matching his beast like teeth as he grinned cruelty. “You actually able to kill some of my Orcs!” The Man fighting for his life kicked the Orc forward to escape being overpowered and plunged his sword into the monsters gut as it stumbled. The orc grunted as he dropped his blade but ultimately laughed as he held the sword in his stomach to prevent the mans escape with one hand, reaching for the humans throat with large green fingers as disgusting jagged nails easily broke skin. The strongest man in grimdar knew it was to late, his windpipe was crushed as he tried desperately to twist and pull his sword.
"reckon the chiefs will make me a leader for this success of a raid... suppose I'll need a name that fits.. a title... how about...strangler? No wait, Bubul the Choker"
Bubul burst into laughter as he threw the corpse to the ground. Grimdar fell that day, over one hundred Orcs rampaged through the farming villages killing the men and kidnapping the women. The only survivors being those lucky enough to flee or not be in Grimdar at the time.
The village chiefs teenage son, he was sent three days ago to the iron mountains to hire the newly formed Hunters Guild.
Asht couldn’t believe his good luck, the first man he meets at the foot of the mountains claimed the Guild was back and would take any job for payment. But as the boy reached for the letter, In a blink of an eye the man was gone. Shiki closed his eyes and focused his mana while picturing home in his mind...
Fort Stronghold, built during the first magic war on top of the Iron mountains, dividing Karma from Restag. The Hunters Guild was the first guild to operate outside any laws and rules of kingdoms or race. That was ages past however.
These days a dashing young man has taken residence there. It was just seven days ago when the charismatic casual combatant, Shiki Nazã from RockHold and the exceptional people who followed his crazy words conquered the Iron mountains, slaying any beast in there way until they reached the top. A daring quest to be sure, but thankfully it was not Dragon season, so the most dangerous creature on the mountain would probably be the trolls. Many trolls fell, their fat harvested to add that extra kick to a firebomb.
Upon climbing the final stretch they reached the Gates of stronghold, stormed the Nightspawn that remained in the fort and planted a new flag to wave majestically in the tall cold winds. The guild was back, it was only time now until they made a difference... And eventually? Well Shiki had plans to start travelling Aerth.
But that is the future and this is now!
Shiki appeared out of thin air standing in the entrance hall. Of fort Stronghold, A Beastkin of cat like descent stood at the door making a hiss, black fur standing on end out of shock.
"sorry Storm, we have a job though! Fetch my sword, my bow, my blade, and any guild members still at home. I'm getting the Naza specials from my room and warping whose ready for work in less then three min-its!...So hurry my boy time is money!"
Storm the cat made a meow before dropping to his hands to run faster.
Fetching whoever was in the fort before running off to the barracks to find Shiki's gear.
TheGuide Goonfire MidnightStar Kirby3178 Juju MindWackMagoo
In the process of editing the pages to link to this one. Note that you have spent at least a day around the cat and understand it enough when it meows or makes a noise.
"Oh Shiki found a job? Thanks storm"
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