The Hunted Part 3: A New Threat Lies [Inactive]

The nurse turned towards Lawrence. "Do anything to harm this little fella and I will end you." She said before opening the door to his room. "The doctor will be in shortly." She walked out and a security man walked in. "Hey folks." he said. "I'll be outside if you need anything just holler."
Lawrence looked at the nurse with what look on his face. He took a seat. Then he looked at the guard and he waved. He looked at Bryce. "Did you see that? That nurse threaten me. The hell?"
"Somethings off here." Jason said. He looked outside. "Nothing." he said. Bryce noticed through the glass that the guard had a walkie talkie with a weird symbol on it. Somehow he recognized that symbol. "Guys look. " he said. "Seem familiar?" he asked. Suddenly there was an explosion. "Did you guys hear that?" Bryce asked.
Lawrence looked at the walkie talkie. "Yeah. Yeah it does seem familiar." He then heard a explosion. He looked around. "Yeah I did."
Bryce got up but instantly felt the pain in his foot. He sat back down. "I got it." Jason said. He got up and reached for the door when the guard rushed in and pushed him back. "You guys are in trouble." he said panting hard. There are bad people coming to get you and we need to get out now. "Wait what?" Jason asked. "Not again." "Yes again." The man said. "We have kept an eye on you all for a while and its time for you to come home." "Home?" Jason thought.
Halo made it back to the house. "Alright we'll just put her in the couch." She said before setting Alice down on the couch.
"Were being taken away." Jason said answering Lawrence's question. "Home." he said. He looked over at the man. "So how are we gonna get out of here?" he asked. The man pointed to the window. Bryce shook his head. "That's a 23 story drop. I'm not jumping with a broken foot." The man sighed and pulled a glove that had been covering his hand off. He put a strip of of cloth on his hand and took out a vile of blue liquid. After lathering the cloth with it he looked over at Bryce. "This is gonna hurt a lot." he said. He looked at Jason and nodded towards Bryce. Jason nodded back and used his telekinesis to restrict Bryce. "Wait what?" the man put the towel on his ankle. Bryce screamed as pain blasted through his ankle. Jason stopped him from screaming. After the man let go Jason let go. Bryce instantly grabbed his ankle. "Thanks for the heads up." he said. The man looked at his watch, "2 minutes till drop." he said. "Drop?" Bryce and Jason said simultaneously.
Thomas let go of Alice's feet and backed away heading for the broken window.

"Well goodbye both of you, Have a good day, Ill be on my way"

He bowed. Then sending a small bolt of electricity from his phone at Halo.

He ran out the window.

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