The Hunted [Inactive]

Flare grabbed him with a flaming hand and she dragged him back, throwing him the house and forcing him to work before a few minutes later she was sitting cross-legged with tea in her hands as she sipped it
"Um...I'm not very good at,ummm fixing things"He sat on the floor doing things with the wood extremely confused on what to do."I was hoping someone else could fix it...."
Alice finally got up from the ground and dusted herself off, not that it helped. "Maybe Kitty returned home already.." She said with a sigh, she looked around for the way home. Eventually, Alice found the path she was walking and followed it back to the backyard of the house . She was covered with scrapes and mud but she just wanted to come home.

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Lawrence followed Flare. When he got into the living he noticed that something was wrong. The girl from earlier wasn't there anymore. He looked at Flare. "I'll be back in a few minutes." He ran into the kitchen,grabbed a flashlight. He looked at Flare. If you need me I'm gonna look for someone. He left the house. He saw fresh human foot prints. He followed them. He yelled. "Hello!" He kept yelling following the foot prints.
Alice leaned against a tree, she was getting light headed for some reason. She placed her hand to her forehead to see if she could stop the spinning. When she touched her forehead she noticed something wet and warm. Her head was bleeding from hitting it against a rock.

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Lawrence kept looking for the girl. He kept yelling. "Hello! Anyone there!" It was actually starting to get a little cold. Lawrence loved it. But the girl probably didn't. He looked back at the foot prints. Then he walked on.
Halo ran off to help find Alice. She morphed into a wolf and caught up with Lawrence. "Need a tracker?" She asked, pointing her nose down to sniff the ground for any trace of Alice.
Alice heard someone yelling but she couldn't hear what he was saying exactly. She stumbled forward grabbing on to the next tree trying to follow the sound of the voice.

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He walked out the door and ran to halo and Lawrence"What you two doing?" 
He walked out the door and ran to halo and Lawrence"What you two doing?"
Alice finally stopped moving, she was painting heavily due to the fact that she was bleeding and it was cold. Such a great combination. She slumped down at the base of a tree, leaning her head on the tree. She closed her eyes saying that she'll only stay here for a few minutes to catch her breath, than she would continue.

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Wolf!Halo picked up Alice's scent mixed with that if blood. "Caleb! Hurry!" She shouted following the trail as fast as she could
"Alice were are you" He yelled frantically.As he ran past the trees he noticed Alice laying against a tree. Caleb approached Alice as he did he noticed the big gash on her fore head he rushed to Alice's side.He grabbed something from his pack, it was a first aid kit, and began to treat Alice's wound."You'll be alright don't worry Alice"
Halo caught up to Caleb. "You idiot! Get her to the house before you try messing with her wounds! They'll get infected!" She barked before transforming into somethin se hadn't before, a horse. "I can take you both just hurry!"
Barely awake, she tried her best to open her eyes but only got them a little open. She only saw blurry figures in front of her so she closed her eyes again.

"So.. r.. ry" she said trying to get out the words but only whispered them

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