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An Original Christmas


New Member

The refreshing smell of rain filled the air as Mirabelle made her way up the stairs of the large mansion, stopping once to admire the outside around her before continuing inside. Usually days like today were the redheads favorite and she would be outside enjoying the weather but today she was on a mission; to decorate the Mikealson home. It was December 10th, fifteen days till Christmas and Belle was needless to say bursting with Christmas spirit. She had ran out early in the morning in search for the closest Christmas store to purchase a ton of decorations, knowing there would be none around the place she could use. Now she was back, exhausted from the walk back and practically dragging the 8 bags of jam packed Christmas decorations. "I knew it, should have purchased more lights." She mumbled to herself, leaning against the door frame.

Deciding to start with the lights the red head grabbed the box from the top of the bag and headed to the staircases, enveloping the railing in icicle lights she had picked out for spots like this. She then continued to string lights in various places where she thought they would look pretty, making her way around the place until Belle decided the inside had the correct amount of Christmas lights.

Heading outside Mirabelle decided this would become the hard part as her dark blue eyes scanned the places she wanted the Christmas lights to be, the hardest part would be getting on the roof without a ladder. However Mirabelle was not the type to give up and when she spied the vine in the back of the house she knew what she had to do. With the string of lights tied around her waist the girl started climbing up the seemingly sturdy vine. Not long after that a high ptched "No no no, bad idea!" Was what filled the air as one of the vines snapped well Belle was just reaching the top. Luckily she had been able to save herself by latching one hand on the eavestrough beside her and the other still in the vines that had caused her demise. "Aw crap." She said softly, looking around for a sure way to find another vine and continue on.

Klaus walked in in the compound but then suddenly heard a familiar high pitched noise. Arching an eyebrow, he followed the sound. He found out Mirabelle hanging on the vines outside the compound. "What are you doing there?" Klaus said, looking up. "Are you trying to look like some spider?" Then he noticed the flashy lights around him, either dancing around or slowly blinking off. He frowned, "What did you do Mirabelle?"

Mirabelle looked down, dark blue eyes meeting with Klaus own dark orbs. "heeey... wait spider? there isn't spiders here is there?" She said a bit panicked now and attempting to scramble down the vine. Once reaching the bottom she brushed some red hair off her face and looked around, proud of how festive she had managed to make the place. However his reaction made the girl flinch a bit but she forced herself to put on a smile and gesture around them. "Christmas" She replied bubbly.
Klaus stared at her and waited. "So?" he asked when she didn't answer. His voice was filled of annoyance. "So what if it's Christmas? We don't celebrate it. Or at least I don't." He looked around, glaring at the sparkling colorful lights around him. "This is rubbish. We have important to do than putting these," he searched an appropriate name. "Nonsense." He raised his hands in exasperation and walked away from the girl.

Belle pouted, glaring at his back as his tall form walked away. "It's not rubbish!" She called out, starting to follow him. "It's a time for family and love and appreciating what you have." The red head continued, untying the Christmas lights from around her waist as she walked. "You know Elijah would agree with me and what about Hope? Don't you want your daughter to have her first Christmas! Come on just because you don't enjoy celebrating anything doesn't mean you have to be an old grinch about it and restrict you daughter from the holidays" Somewhere along her ranting Mirabelle had hopped in front of Klaus, holding up the Christmas lights as if they would protect her from his wrath.
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"We can bond as a family in different ways." He said but despite that, Klaus's footsteps slowed down as he pondered. He wanted Hope to have a normal life, away from the supernatural and the other things threatening to him... For now. But Hope was still a baby. "It will just make Hope cry, those blinding lights. And it's not good for the baby's eyes." he replied. Klaus walked past the girl and entered the compound.

(Which characters are going to appear? Since you're still.. In season 2?? And what season is this role play set? Since the characters have evolved and changed as the season progressed. And should we use the other characters together? Or have each one? Or something?)
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(This rp is set in either like late season 3 or early season 4. I guess all the characters that are in season 3 can be in here, like freya and stuff. Hayley has moved back to the compound from living with Jackson as well. I don't mind how we play the characters, we could each grab a couple if you want and play those, if you want lol)

"You are such a grinch!" Mirabelle yelled out after him, turning away and walking back outside. She had already bought the decorations and not to mention bought everyone presents, they were going to have Christmas here if it's the last thing she did. Walking around the place Belle went out in search for a ladder as the vines weren't cutting it and there really was no other way to get up on the roof. Making her way around the red head started to ask business's around the area if they had a ladder she could use, most responding no and pointing her to someone who might. As she walked Mirabelle started to search for reasons why she wanted Christmas so bad, she could have just as easy returned everything and partied her butt off all Christmas night like she did every holiday.
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(Season 4? There's no season 4 yet?? And we're still like in the first 5 episodes of s3 but okay)

Klaus didn't reply and disappeared upstairs. He never got to celebrate Christmas since as he was busy either killing off his enemies or cursing someone. He didn't mind though.

As he made his way to go to his room, he passed by Hope's room. He stopped and walked back. He entered Hope's room. Dear Hope greeted him with a laugh. Klaus smiled, a fatherly smile. He walked towards his daughter and picked her up from her crib. Hope caressed Klaus's nose, Klaus made a face, making the child laugh. "Oh, you naughty girl." He turned around and rocked the baby. Suddenly, Hope looked past him and started pointing at something. "What is it? What is it does my baby wants?" Klaus turned his head around to see Hope pointing towards the balcony. "You want to go there?"

Klaus walked towards the balcony and stepped out. Below them was the colorful city of New Orleans. It was always alive with vivid colors but it was different now. It was full of sparkling, beautiful lights. The mood was Christmas-sy, and jubilant. It was a comfortable feeling. Up beat Christmas carols were being sung by the citizens below and people wearing Santa Claus costumes danced and patrolled the streets.

Baby Hope squealed and clapped, her small blue eyes excitedly wandered below. "Do you like it, mm?" Klaus smiled as they both gazed down.


Freya stepped off from the bar, wearing a Mrs. Clause skirt and hat with a whiskey bottle on her hand. "Hahaha," she laughed flirtatiously, "Bye boys!" She shouted. She walked unsteadily. "Ugh. The world keeps turning around." She groaned. She wanted it to stop but there were no spell, that she knows, that can stop the world from rotating. And isn't that dangerous?

As she continued walking, she saw a familiar face across from the street. She stopped walking and placed a hand on a streetlamp for balance. She squinted, "Is that Mirabelle?" she said. The girl's face was odd, very different from the bubbly Mirabelle she knew, and the world was still turning around, literally. "Hey!" She yelled. "MIRABELLE!!" She waved a free hand. The people around her looked at her but she ignored them.
(I know. This rp is set in the future or is that not a thing people do on this site. O.o hmmm actually since hope still seems really young i might just set it in the beginning of season 3 so it's easier for both of us to understand better lol that seem okay?))


Mirabelle was now across the street from the bar, so far her search for the ladder was becoming more and more useless with time, It was almost to the point where she had given up completely. Hearing her name being yelled from across the way Belle flipped her small body around to the voice and spied a familiar ash blonde sporting a sexy Ms Clause outfit and a Christmas hat. "Sup Freya." She yelled back, making her way across the street towards her older friend. "I'm glad someones enjoying the Christmas season." She said softly, taking in Freya's obvious tipsyness.


He pulled his 2015 Porsche Panamera into the driveway and parked it before making his way into the compound. Upon entering the Mikealson family home one could automatically spy out the scheme of silver and gold Christmas ornaments dispersed about the home. Elijah could do more then to guess who the person was that had encased the compound hall in such festive decorations, he only imagined how Nicklaus was taking the change of surroundings. However he decided to stay out of this until he was absolutely needed to return the peace in the more or less quiet compound and instead focused his sights on heading to his study.
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"Hey, Mirabelle! Belle from beauty and the beast!" Freya laughed hysterically, as if she just heard the most funniest joke ever. She put a hand on the girl's shoulders. "What are you up to, huh? You seem grumpy. SMILE!" Freya yelled and forcefully stretched the girl's lips into a smile.


Klaus played with Freya on the balcony. They sang along with the music and danced. "Oh, Uncle Elijah is here!" he announced and went back inside when he heard Elijah's footsteps. The two stepped out of the room and saw Elijah walking on the hallway. "Elijah! You finally came home, where have you been?" Klaus, carrying Hope, walked towards him.

Hope laughed and stretched her arms towards Elijah. "Jah, Jah." the child pronounced, wanting to be carried by Uncle Elijah.
((Alrighty! :D lol))

Belle let a giggle escape her throat at Freya's drunken joke, lightly slapping the older girls hands away from her lips and flopping down on a nearby bench. "Oh Freya, stupid me decided to attempt making Christmas happen at the compound and unsurprisingly it's failing." She huffed, placing her elbows on her knees with her chin on her hands. "How's your day going so far? "


Elijah heard Nicklaus's voice just before he entered the study, turning around to see him brother standing their with his niece in his arms. "Good afternoon brother. I was out, taking care of some business with the human politics in this town as per usual, would have been nice if you could have joined Nicklaus after all you are king of this city." He smiled towards Hope, reaching out towards and taking Hopes tiny hands lightly in his. "And how's my little niece on this fine day?"
(Oh it's afternoon? I imagined it was already night so the Christmas lights can sparkle sparkle hahaha, so I have been wrong all along? Lol why didn't you say?)

"Fine." Freya sat beside Mirabelle. She tilted her head. "Christmas? I have never gotten a chance to celebrate Christmas." Her voice saddened. "I heard a lot of stories about Christmas. Is it nice?" She was like a child, as if asking how babies are made. "And I heard that," she look down on her outfit, "That they were these fluffy things." She giggled as she ruffled her skirt.

She looked up at Mirabelle, "And why would you fail?" She frowned, "You don't fail."


"Jah, Jah" Hope clapped her tiny hands in between Elijah's finger.

Klaus arched an eyebrow, "Are everything fine? There are no attacks, aren't there?" Klaus replied. Klaus looked at Hope and smiled, "And we were just looking at the colorful, twinkling lights below."
((Lol don't worry, that's happened to me a couple times in rp's to. The reason i thought it was afternoon is cause why would Belle be decorating in the dark? but mow that you mention it i kinda imagine it being night to like early evening, kinda something i can't unsee now in my brain. What have you done to me D: Dangit : :o Fine lets pretend it's early evening lol. She just spent a long time at the store and planning the decorating during the day.)

Mirabelle shrugged her shoulders as she responded, dark blue eyes studying the ground. "I wouldn't know, growing up Christmas was about the last thing on my list. I did see other families celebrating it though, they looked happy." The red head turned to the older girl with a small smile on her face. "I did see those fluffy things though, every year. Companies like to commercialize the crap out of fluffy things like that, it goes with the whole Santa Clause theme they got going for them."

Belle chewed on the inside of her cheek absentmindedly before responded to Freya once more. "You are right I don't fail to often." The statement was correct, when she set her mind to things her stubbornness wouldn't usually let the girl fail although that could also been seen as a bad thing as she did a lot of really stupid things at times. "But this time it might be hopeless. Klaus definitely does not want this holiday anywhere near him and I can't even find a stupid ladder to hang lights on the roof not to mention the roof is still wet, it's dark and i'll probably fall and break something if i tried."


Elijah shook his head. "Not at all, we were just discussing funding and such." He let a smile glide onto his lips as he watched baby Hope's reaction, staring into her big eyes almost memorized. "Oh? How did she enjoy those? I also take it she hasn't seen the ones around the compound? You should take Hope down to see them, Belle really did an excellent job brightening up the compound."
Freya looked at Mirabelle as if she was crazy. "That's just your problem?" She chuckled. "Well, I can give you lights. You know, those magical lights and annoy Klaus." She grinned, "Baby Hope would also like that too! We'll help you!" Freya stood up but she felt the world spin again and found herself sprawled on the floor.

She groaned, "Why is the world rotating?" She blinked. "Are you going home? Can you bring me with you? The world keeps irritatingly spinning." She held the bench firmly and luckily, she managed to stand up.


Klaus adjusted Hope in his arms. His forehead wrinkled in annoyance. "She didn't pull those off yet?" He said, more like to himself. "Did you see her when you arrived?"
Belle smiled softly. "Well I did pick up lights but I think I might need more." As she watched Freya dizzily flop down on the ground the red head had to hold in giggles, offering her shoulder to the tipsy blonde to lean on as they made their way home. "The main thing I need right now is the ladder but we are gonna have to get a tree and that requires a vehicle, ooh hope's gonna love the tree!" Freya's optimization had definitely brightened Mirabelle's spirits and now the girl was back to feeling her usual stubbornness returning.


Elijah raised his eye brows. "Why would she take it down." It was no surprise his brother was acting this way, Nicklaus never had been very good with holidays of any kind much less such a commercialized holiday as this. "And no, when I came home the house was completely empty save for you and Hope."
Freya frowned, "A tree? Why would we bring a tree into the compound? Klaus will be furious." she said as she leaned on Mirabelle. Freya was grateful to the young girl's help. "And Hayley will too, we can't just chop off a tree in the bayou."


"Because it's blinding. The lights on the streets are blinding enough, we don't have to add more." he replied grumpily. "And where could she be?

"And oh, where is Freya? And Rebekah? I haven't seen them for the whole day." he added.

(sorry it's so short. sigghh)
((lol don't be sorry c: I don't mind))

Belle laughed softly. "It's called a Christmas tree, it's what you decorate and put the gifts under." The girl walked slowly and carefully so it was easier for Freya to concentrate on not falling on her butt. Shaking her head she continued explaining the tree part of the holiday called Christmas. "Nah, they sell them in parking lots and i'm pretty sure they ship them from Christmas tree farms so we don't have to take an innocent tree's life in the bayou."


"I must agree that the lights are bright brother and I'm not incredibly pleased at how the humans of the last centuries have managed to commercialize this holiday however you can dim the large lights so the only thing lighting up the room would be the decorative lights, if that's truly what bothers you." Elijah paced around the room as he spoke, his dark brown almost black eyes casting their attention to the decorations outside before looking onto the street as two figures caught his site. "I do believe I can answer two out of three of your questions." He replied pointing down bellow at the two blonde and red head females bellow.
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Freya's curiosity spiked up at the mention of gifts. "Gifts? We get gifts? And what do we decorate on a tree?" She scowled, "Squirrels and other pests won't be our decorations... Right?" She looked at Mirabelle's cheek with uncertainty.


"No. It's literally blinding." Klaus kept opposing. Actually, part of him wants the lights to stay together and his other part refuses. Obviously, for no certain reason, he's siding with the latter.

When the older brother pointed out below. Klaus and Hope stepped forward near the baluster. Klaus looked down. He saw Rebekah walking behind Mirabelle and Freya, who seems drunk, obvious from her flushed cheeks and her attitude. "Freya!" he called, "You're always drinking. I know 21st century wines tastes better than the ones we had in the past but please, refrain from drinking."

Freya looked up and smiled. She waved at baby Hope, "Hello princess!" She yelled. "Tell your father to shut up! And you know what?" She separated from Mirabelle, causing her to slump down on the floor. She took hold of a table nearby and stood up, looking up above. "Your father wants to remove those bling bling lights outside! Punish him!"

Hope looked away and started to cry on Klaus's arms. Klaus adjusted the young girl on his arms. He glared at Freya. "Hush Freya and go to sleep. You're scaring the child. I don't want to see you drunk entering my house anymore." Freya snorted but Klaus ignored this.

His eyes rested on Mirabelle, "And Mirabelle, the lights, please!" Klaus turned his back and walked away, going back to the room. He comforted the baby on the way but Hope didn't budge.
"mhm, I think maybe people give each other gifts as a way of showing them how thankful they are to have them in their life, can't be sure though. And they use ornaments, lights and small christmasy related things on the tree. Kinda like they did in the old days with candles. I really hope no one uses animals" Belle explained Christmas to Freya as if she was explaining it to a child but instead keeping the jolly fat guy out of it. As she spoke about people using candles on tree's Mirabelle recalled a dream like vision she had, the vision was as if she was in someones body, standing in the middle of a gravel street watching others dressed in 17 hundreds outfits hang things on a large candle lit evergreen in the middle of a village like town. ((a flashback from her life before)) Of course like many of her other day dreams, actual dreams, and nightmares she never really spoke about it unless it was truly bothering her.

Hearing a voice above her Mirabelle looked up, not realizing they were in front of the compound and definitely not aware that Elijah and Klaus were watching them from Hopes room. Responding to Klaus the red head stuck her tongue out to Klaus's retreating back after yelling out. "How bout nah! and Hope's crying cause you want the lights taken down! I think she likes them!" She then blushed softly, looking around to see if anyone around had heard them yelling at eachother. Seeing Bekah suddenly behind her the the girl jumped a bit then smiled and waved. "Hey Bekah! jeez next time say something"

(do you want to play rebekah or should i?)
(You should so it'll be even.)

Hope cried and cried. Klaus had feed her, sang her a song, showed her his paintings, cooed her and did the peek-a-boo but nothing. Klaus picked the baby up and walked her to the balcony. The young girl stopped as her eyes glittered from the Christmas lights. Klaus sighed as the crying stopped. Klaus rocked Hope and sang her a lullaby and slowly, Hope swam in a dream full of colorful lights.


Freya looked behind her. "Hey Beks!" She yelled. "Long time no see!" Freya walked unsteadily towards Rebekah and threw herself on the blonde girl. "Mm." She hummed, "Have you heard of Christmas?" Freya turned her head to Mirabelle. "Beauty here is planning to get a tree." Freya chuckled hysterically.
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Rebekah huffed as her older sister all but jumped her in a hug tackle, taking hold of Freya's shoulders and holding the witch at arms length. "Bloody hell you reek of alcohol." She said, wrinkling her nose before turning to the red head that was practically the equivalent of a younger sister to her. "And what's this business with a tree? You can't be serious about having Christmas here, Nik will flip." Despite her scolding the tall blonde couldn't say she wasn't excited about Mirabelle's plans. Taking Freya's arm and placing it around her shoulder, she continued. "Let's get you inside."


Mirabelle tuned out of the conversation, watching Klaus and Hope as he returned with the crying infant. Hope slowly stopped crying and all that filled the air up on the balcony was Hopes soft cues. This caused the red head to smile softly as she took in the scene between father and daughter before Bekah's voice broke through her silent facade, turning back to the two blondes. "Yes we are having Christmas here." She smirked a little bit, following the older girls into the compound at Elijah's direction.


Elijah leaned against the door frame between the balcony and the actual bedroom, watching his younger brother trying to quiet his niece. The only thing that seemed to work was letting little Hope view the lights down bellow, this worried the original as he hoped the child wasn't going to start becoming attached to the lights as some children would a blanket for instance or a stuffed animal. However he was sure for the holiday season it was going to be alright. "Nicklaus I'm sure Mirabelle can buy dimmer lights and ones that don't blink if they are truly blinding for you." He acted as a moderator between the family, not taking anyone's side but instead calming the situation down and coming to a quiet medium. "Rebekah is right, Come inside so we can discuss this instead of bringing half the town out to side why we are shouting at each other." He instructed the females down bellow.
"But why!?" Freya whined. The older sister resisted as Rebekah pulled her to bed. She turned her head to look at Mirabelle and stretched an arm towards the red head. "I want to see the tree!" She yelled desperately.


Klaus hushed Elijah as he showed a peacefully sleeping Hope in his arms. "Right. We need to talk but outside." Klaus whispered. He walked past Elijah and into the room. Klaus gently laid the sleeping young girl in her crib. Klaus turned his head to Elijah and silently tossed his head towards the door, beckoning him out of the room. Klaus didn't wait for Elijah and went outside after a last, protective glance to her daughter.
Belle rolled her eyes at Freya's childish drunkennes. "I can only show you on my phone, maybe tomorrow we can pick up a tree if we steal a truck." She said as she searched a picture of a decorated Christmas tree before showing it to Freya. Surprisingly Mirabelle only half joked about the truck stealing part, knowing they'd need a truck to load a tree into the back of it.


Elijah gave one last look to his sleeping niece before following his brother out of the room and towards Freya's. "Nobody is going to steal anything, let alone a vehicle." He said sternly as he entered his intoxicated older sister's room.


Rebekah stayed quiet, placing the waste basket beside her older sisters bed in case of vomit and then attempting to remove her shoes from her swinging feet. Honestly she didn't want to be bothered in the argument of Christmas or no Christmas, especially when going against her brother could mean a dagger in her chest.
Freya glanced at the phone. She opened her mouth to speak but vomit rose up in her throat. Before she spit it out on the girl's fancy phone, Freya immediately crouched and glided towards the basket Rebekah placed, scratching her knees in the process. She buried her face on the basket as she made vomiting and gagging noises. A sickening smell of vomit rose up in the room.

Klaus wrinkled his face in disgust. He looked at Elijah, "And why are we talking in her room? Can't we do it outside? Or in the dining room?" He smiled. Now that he thought about it, he felt famished. "Why don't we eat dinner and discuss?" He clapped his hands, "Shall we?"
Rebekah held the girls hair back before taking a hair tye off of her left wrist and tying the girls long bob back. "try to get some sleep." She whispered to her older sister before nodding at Nik, she wasn't exactly Hungary considering she had fed on someone before and human food never really appealed to her but she stayed silent.


Elijah glanced at his older sister, a worried expression taking over his face. "I suppose brother." He replied, the worried look vanishing and instead a blank expression taking over his features. Ever since Hope came into the picture Nicklaus had definitely been happier, this was good for everyone involved however he had no doubt his younger brother could return to his old ways in a flash if something triggered it, this worried Elijah quite a bit. Reaching the kitchen he made his way to the fridge and opened it, looking at the stacked fridge full of human food. "Any ideas Nicklaus?"


At the thought of food the red heads stomach let out a large growling sound, forcing the girl to try and remember the last time she ate something. Maybe yesterday ? She shrugged at her brain, it didn't really matter now., Belle had this problem of not remembering to eat unless someone constantly reminded her to eat or actually sat down with the older teen and prepared food. She wasn't sure why but the thought of food usually slipped her mind when she was surrounded by more distracting things in life, like decorating. "Can we have pizza? wait no bacon or pancakes, or french toast."


Rebekah wrinkled her nose at the foods Belle was suggesting, instead traveling in the direction of the washroom to go take a shower.

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