The Hunt for Adventure

Nicholas walked up and saw zekeziel and danielle "well at least some people have made it here" Nicholas said to himself walking up and sitting on the grass
((OMG I'm sorry I disappeared {not just from this roleplay, though this one I've been thinking about what to do for for awhile now} for no apparent reason. I'm gunna try to get the slightly-broken ones back to being un-broken.

In a bit. Just gotta check a few things, get out of my disgustingly hot spirit week costume, and get a nice bowl of ice cream to help me escape the freaking 90 degree weather.))

--- Merged Double Post ---

((Ok, so I know what happened to the dire wolf group. No one wanted to be the one to completely initiate the fight, or some such thing. Allow me to be the instigator.))

Isabel tensed as the first growl could be heard. With the skills she had gained over the years, she could pick out at least seven different wolves among the pack. She turned and slashed her whip straight up as a wolf jumped out of the trees at her. And so it began.

((Sorry for the awful-ness, but after today and yesterday, I'm pretty lucky I got any more than a sentence.))
Zekeziel turned his gaze to Nicholas and said "A surprise it is seeing you here. I thought you were ahead of everyone else. Might you know where the rest are?" He says as he looks to both Danielle and Nicholas "And if either of you feel thirsty or hungry, I could try my hand at conjuring some supplies. I've never been sure where it all comes from but I have seen mages summon food and drinks from out of nowhere before. I know the spells for doing so either way."
((Looks like we try to revive))

Nicholas shrugged "i choose to take it slow this time and the rest were behind me, not sure where they went" Nicholas said to his first question "and i'm all good on supplies" Nicholas said sighing at the slowness
Zekeziel nodded in response to Danielle's panting. He channelled his mana for a few moments before conjuring a clear bottle shaped like one would expect of a wine bottle which was filled with water. As the conjuring was completed, he picked the bottle of water up and uncorked it before holding it out for Danielle to take. "Here you go. This should be more than enough to help with that thirst of yours."
Jewels reached the others and just smiled at them. He wasn't going to apologies or make excuses. They wanted to get going and he wasn't going to stop them. He was close enough that even if they kept on going he would be able to get there just fine with them.


Swan smiled glad that the group she was with was nice and understanding. She tightened her arms a little and then relax not wanting to squeeze Rosa.
Danielle smiled a bit and took the bottle. "Thanks." She said softly, slightly panting. She easily downed the bottle.
Zekeziel watches in surprise as Danielle downs the entire bottle of water. "Wow, you were more thirsty than I thought." He looked north, wondering how much farther ahead this dragon was supposed to be. He turned his gaze south just as Jewels came walking up and said "Another has arrived. So good that you could join us. Are you in need of rest? If not then we can continue on soon." He turns his attention to Danielle before saying "Since you aren't used to the walking, you can ride with me. I had summoned a skeletal steed earlier. It should still be around here somewhere."
Nicholas stands back up as jewels joins them "and if they are going by horse i can fly and carry you jewels, if you trust me" Nicholas said smiling smally and chuckling to himself for something he remembered from years before.
Zekeziel takes notice of Danielle's coughing and says "Are you feeling sick by any chance?" He rises to his feet and looks around for his steed, quickly sighting it standing a few metres away where it was trying to drink from the river. Apparently, the fact that it was undead had not yet dawned upon the creature and it thought it was still alive. He gestured to the horse for it to come back and it did so, understanding the command given by the gesture.
"I do not need a rest," he reported. He could tell they weren't happy with his slow pace but he wasn't going to let it get to him. Instead he turned to Nicholas and smiled at him.

"I've always enjoyed when handsome men carried me," he said.
Nicholas smiled as he made his wings spread behind him and clipped his scythe onto his belt and looked at Jewels "good, now how do you want to be carried?" Nicholas said realizing he unintentionally was flirting with a guy
Jewels smirked but he said nothing as to the flirting. Either Nicholas did not realize he was or he knew and so either way Jewels decided not to say anything.

"Think you are up to carry me bridal style," he said with a wink.
They were reaching the edge of the forest and nights within the Everdeen (if that is name) were notorious for being rough. "Would you guys like to set up camp around here before we enter the depths?" he asked only half joking. He noticed Rosa shrug his shoulders and looked to Swann for an answer.

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