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Fandom The Hungry Earth- Unique Warrior Cats (Always Open)


Junior Member

Clan Hierarchies


-Coconutfire played by @EloquentlyPut


-Sulfurstorm played by @DemonKitten

Medicine Cat:

-Sagepelt played by @ManyFaces

Medicine Cat Apprentice:


-Swanblaze played by @DemonKitten

-Shadeshine played by @DemonKitten

-Ratbite played by @Infernalisx mentor to @HallowingChatter

-Goldenstep played by @Infernalisx


-Raggedpaw played by @HallowingChatter apprenticed to Ratbite (@Infernalisx)


Nincloud played by @PixieDani



-Foamfire played by @DemonKitten


-Coraltooth played by @EloquentlyPut mentor to Ripplepaw (@Infernalisx)

Medicine Cat:

Medicine Cat Apprentice:


-Sealheart played by @BlackJack

-Kelpwave played by @ManyFaces mentor to Crabpaw (@EloquentlyPut)

-Shellsong played by @DemonKitten mentor to Rockpaw (@Infernalisx)

-Stoneface played by @RagingNoodle mentor to Sealpaw (@DemonKitten)

Sharkfang played by @Infernalisx


-Ripplepaw played by @Infernalisx apprenticed to Coraltooth (@EloquentlyPut)

-Rockpaw played by @Infernalisx apprenticed to Shellsong (@DemonKitten)

-Sealpaw played by @DemonKitten apprenticed to Stoneface (@RagingNoodle)

-Crabpaw played by @EloquentlyPut apprenticed to Kelpwave (@ManyFaces)





-Hawkfire played by @BlackJack


Medicine Cat:

-Palmtail played by @EloquentlyPut

Medicine Cat Apprentice:


-Turtlegaze played by @DemonKitten

-Spiderfall played by @DemonKitten mentor to Tanagerpaw (@EloquentlyPut)

-Monkeyfoot played by @RagingNoodle


-Tanagerpaw played by @EloquentlyPut apprenticed to Spiderfall (@DemonKitten

-Gingerpaw played by @PixieDani apprenticed to Monkeyfoot (@RagingNoodle )



-Sparrowkit played by @YinYangZ

Character Template
Cat name here

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Skills: Will your cat be an excellent hunter, or maybe a powerful fighter? Please LIST the skills. You may describe them, make sure there's a quick, simple list as well. You may chose three things your cat is good at and two things that it is not from the list below












Fur color and markings: Quick description of your cat here

Fur length/Thickness: How long and thick is your cat's fur?

Body size: Is your character small, average, or large? Please limit it to one of these three terms. Maybe your cat is also muscular or lithe? This is the place to describe that as well.

Eye color: No super unnatural eye colours

Overall appearance: In-depth description of your chat's appearance here.


Personality paragraph: Describe all of your character's personality traits here. Why do they act this way? In what situations do these traits show up?

Trait lists:

+ All positive traits in a list here, you must have 5

- All negative traits in a list here, you must have 5

: All neutral traits in a list here, you must have 3


Likes: List a few likes here!

Dislikes: List a few dislikes here!

Fears: Everyone is afraid of something right?

Goals: What is your cat aspiring to accomplish or be?


History: DO NOT give history cats names UNLESS you plan on adopting them out or playing them yourself. It takes away names from other members.


Future: Do you have something planned out for your cat's future?

[center][border=double][img=IMAGE HERE][/border][font=Slabo 27px][size=6][color=#228B22][i]Cat name here[/i][/color][/size][/center]

[accordion=75%|bcenter] {slide=Basics|[color=#228B22][size=4]Basics[/size][/color]}

[b]Name:[/b] Your cat's clan given name goes here

[b]Name reason:[/b] Why was your cat given their name? At The Hungry Earth we accept a wide variety of names due to our unique setting. However it is important to make sure that when it comes to flora and fauna you are only using things that can be found in our tropical home.

[b]Location of Birth/Current Clan: [/b] Clean born and raised in

[b]Rank:[/b] What rank is your cat? Remember high ranking positions have to be approved

[b]Age:[/b] How old is your cat?

[b]Sex:[/b] What is your cat's physical gender?

[b]Gender:[/b] what gender does your cat identify as?

[b]Sexuality:[/b] Is your cat heterosexual, homosexual, maybe asexual or something else?

[b]Skills:[/b] Will your cat be an excellent hunter, or maybe a powerful fighter? Please LIST the skills. You may describe them, make sure there's a quick, simple list as well. You may chose three things your cat is good at and two things that it is not from the list below


{slide= Appearance|[color=#228B22][size=4]Appearance[/size][/color]}

[b]Fur color and markings:[/b] Quick description of your cat here

[b]Fur length/Thickness:[/b] How long and thick is your cat's fur?

[b]Body size:[/b] Is your character small, average, or large? Please limit it to one of these three terms. Maybe your cat is also muscular or lithe? This is the place to describe that as well.

[b]Eye color:[/b] No super unnatural eye colours

[b]Overall appearance:[/b] In-depth description of your chat's appearance here.



[b]Personality paragraph:[/b] Describe all of your character's personality traits here. Why do they act this way? In what situations do these traits show up?

[b]Trait lists:[/b]

+ All positive traits in a list here, you must have 5

- All negative traits in a list here, you must have 5

: All neutral traits in a list here, you must have 3



[b]Likes:[/b] List a few likes here!

[b]Dislikes:[/b] List a few dislikes here!

[b]Fears:[/b] Everyone is afraid of something right?

[b]Goals:[/b] What is your cat aspiring to accomplish or be?



[b]History:[/b] DO NOT give history cats names UNLESS you plan on adopting them out or playing them yourself. It takes away names from other members.


{slide= Plans|[color=#228B22][size=4]Plans[/size][/color]}

[b]Future:[/b] Do you have something planned out for your cat's future?


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(My color codes are as follows: Treeclan, Blueclan, and Ashclan)


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Strong Skills

+ Navigating: Due to her excellent eyes, she can navigate in even the most confusing parts of the island. She only has to see something once.

+ Stealth: A fairly quite she-cat, she uses this to her advantage and can hide for days without notice.

+ Tracking: Her nose isn’t too bad, but her eyes are really what helps. She can spot tracks, broken branches and a tuff of hair in an instant.

Weak Skills

- Climbing: Not very confident in her abilities. She can manage, but she prefers not to.

- Jumping: She cannot do jump attacks to save her life, but she does just fine on land.


Fur color and markings: Turtle is a silvery grey tabby she-cat with vanilla coloring under her chin, paws and tail. Her coat is mainly a dark grey, but there are lighter colored undertones and the stripes are black. Her mouth and eyes are outlined in black.

Fur length: Medium length fur covers her body and it is quite thick.

Body size: A little below average sized she-cat with longer hind legs than front.

Eye color: Her eyes are popped by the black outline that encases them. They are more of a sea green color with light turquoise.

Overall appearance: Turtle’s ears are normal sized and her tail is quite long for her body size. She is very petite looking in appearance and almost seems frail, but she is still a warrior. Her body isn’t as built as her clan mates due to her not using the trees as much.


Personality paragraph:

Turtle has always been the “other” sister, yet, she carries it quite well. As she grew up, Turtle became accepting of who she was and can think with a clear conscious. She is usually rather serene, but can also seem quite passive to others around her. She is solemn and prefers to watch others than talk to them since she is cautious to the point of paranoid.

Turtle is she and doesn’t make a point to really talk to others first so cats see her as captivating and mystical since she is somewhat unapproachable. Still, Turtle is actually quite insecure and afraid of being noticed too much. She gets uncomfortable when eyes are on her even though she always has eyes on others.

Due to her sister’s overwhelming presence, Turtle is quite oppressed and tends to be the obedient cat instead of following what she wants. Even so, Turtle loves to dream and is accepting of all others flaws are wishes since she believes anything can happen and that cats have their reasons.

Trait lists:

+ Captivating

+ Serene

+ Clear-headed

+ Observant

+ Open-minded

: Solemn

: Mystical

: Obedient

- Cautious

- Insecure

- Oppressed

- Passive

- Shy



+ Cat Wartching: She prefers to be the viewer on not the actor.

+ Sunrises: she is the first up in the morning because it is the most peaceful to her right before everyone starts moving.

+ Learning new things: she loves to know about the world around her and does so by listening in and keen observation.

+ Sound of the wind and water: She loves to hear the waves crash if she is quite enough or the wind whistle through the tree tops.


- Being the center of attention: She hates being watched by everyone and having all eyes on her.

-Noise: She hates when there are disputes that cause the whole clan to go in an uproar. One of the reasons she dislikes gatherings.

-Being compared: she does not like being the other sister. She has her own skills and would appreciate if they were noticed.

-Fighting: she doesn’t like to see cats hurt cats since she doesn’t like them to be in pain.

Fears: She fears losing her sister whether it be because of her own hatred of herself or because she knows she wants to leave the clan. Turtle also fears being watched by everyone in all the clans. This is the only thing preventing her of becoming a medicine cat.

Goals: Turtle wants to be a medicine cat and prove herself as well as overcome her own insecurities.


History: Turtle was born rather weak compared to her sister who was already learning to walk the day she was born. Turtle wasn’t actually seen by the other cats other than her mother, father, and sibling due to hiding at the sound of another cat. Still, Turtle was the first to open her eyes and to take in all that was around her.

As an apprentice, Turtle was slow with what her mentor wished to teach her. Her mentor was frustrated with her to the point of resigning as her mentor. Given to a more accepting mentor, she learned to harness the skills she did have and to become okay at the ones she lacked. She became very close with this mentor because, for once, someone saw her for her and not for her sister.

When her mother died, Turtle wasn’t there due to disliking gatherings. She saw the look on her sister’s face and was quick to her side. Being her sister’s strength instead, Turtle grew stronger and became a she-cat that was okay with what she was given. She started to look towards the medicine cat’s den, but knew that it meant being a main figure and the center of everything.

Afraid, but curious, Turtle started to hang around the medicine cat den quite often. She was pretty stealthy, though, and the medicine cat promised to keep it a secret for her. When she became a warrior against all odds, her father was happy for her, but she knew his eyes focused on his sister. Even so, Turtle was happy with who she was and accepted being her sister’s shadow.


Future: I want her to be appointed medicine cat apprentice or medicine cat if something happens to happen to the previous one. Maybe she has been training as one but hasn’t publicly said she is one because of her fear of being the center of attention.

I might want her to get close to another cat from another clan for her sister’s future plans, but I don’t know which is better.


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Strong Skills

+ Climbing: She has always put 110% in her climbing at it shows. She could possible become one of the best. Perhaps she better suited to be a monkey.

+ Jumping: Usually, young cats wait awhile to learn this since it is dangerous, but Spider has always been quick to leap and it paid off. She loves jumping from high places.

+ Running: With the leaves brushing through her fur, Spider is quick when she is above the ground and can be quick even on the ground.

Weak Skills

- Swimming: She cannot even stomach the idea of dipping a paw in the water and sees no reason why she should.

- Navigating: At least not on land. She can’t seem to find herself if she isn’t up in the trees.


Fur color and markings: Spider has dulled, tabby fur that is ruffled by her running. She is brown with dark, almost black stripes and lighter highlights of a light sand color throughout her coat. Her mouth is outlined in black as well as her eyes and her back left leg is completely covered in stripes.

Fur length: Medium length fur covers her body and it is quite thick.

Body size: Not large, but not average, Spider is a she-cat that expresses her clans attributes well. From her powerful haunches, long limbs, and quick reflexes, Spider is a beautiful marking of her clan.

Eye color: Her eyes are popped by the black outline that encases them. They are a lovely minty green with little bits of gold mixed in.

Overall appearance: Extra attributes that Spider has, her tail is quite long making her body even longer than it actually is. Her claws tend to stay slightly unsheathed due to constant jumping and climbing and her ears are medium in length, but very wide.


Personality paragraph:

Spider is a very carefree she-cat that is full of energy to just continuously run. Sadly, this sometimes makes her careless as she doesn’t consider the outcomes of her impulsive actions and her whimsical ways lead her to trouble. Still, she is a fairly courageous she-cat that is daring enough to do anything no matter the consequences. Spider is more willing to sacrifice herself for others than most would do for their kin.

Spider gets along with others quite well and her playful ways allow her to get along with apprentice and kits as well. Even though she is so outgoing, she is a little too trusting and can be seen as gullible. Her playful nature sometimes gets a little out of hand as well and she is a bit too rowdy. Spider is constantly being told to get out of camp because she just can’t stay still.

Though she has her quirks, Spider is not aggressive in anyway and is determined to help others in the best way she knows how. She means well in all that she does, but she is just a little too intense in all that she goes after.

Trait lists:

+ Daring

+ Courageous

+ Energetic

+ Playful

+ Outgoing

: Determined

: Unaggressive

: Whimsical

- Careless

- Gullible

- Impatient

- Impulsive

- Rowdy



+ Climbing: After all it is in her nature.

+ Sunsets: The only thing that is sort of odd about her. She loves to watch the sunset from the trees.

+ Meeting new faces: She loves to go to meet others from other places since she wonders what others like.

+ Sound of the birds: She really loves the parrots and enjoys playing with them as well.


- Monkeys: They get in her way when she climbs.

-Sunrises: She stays up all night that she hates to get up in the morning

-Being alone: she doesn’t like to be by herself for too long.

-Quite: it gives her the chills.

Fears: Her mother drowned so she has a fear of large masses of water. She also fears being left alone without anyone or being ostracized4.

Goals: Spider wishes to bring the clans together or at least to the point of getting along. She also wants to go on a journey, but her fear of water keeps her still.


History: Spider was born into a normal setting. It was late at night when she first entered the world and she remembers her mother’s purrs of laughter alongside her father’s at the sight of a sprawled out spider. The next born was her sibling.

Spider was a troublemaker as a kit. She wondered too far from camp and got herself stuck in the worst places. One time, she was found covered in monkey dung. Still, Spider was well loved and her energy was praised. Her mother and father were keen on her becoming an apprentice soon. Her sister, on the other hand, was much slower than she was and timid, but Spider promised to be great for the both of them.

Once they became apprentices, Spider was just as troublesome if not worse. She was always doing things ahead of her training schedule and even pounced from a tree on top of her mentor. With all the trouble, she was still a fast learner and skilled at what she did. Her mentor had a hard time teaching her anything on ground and resorted to teaching her everything in the tree tops.

During her first gathering, a cry was heard one that sounded too familiar to poor Spider. As all the clans ran towards the sound near the beaches of Blueclan, they found a limp body of a she-cat. It was Spider’s mother. She couldn’t forget the lifeless eyes and the water mixed with blood that dripped from her mouth. Her mother appeared scared to death and Spider could never touch water again. Her sister wasn’t there so she didn’t experience it.

Even with tragedy, Spider could not be brought down and soon became a warrior with the same energy as she had if not more. Her father was proud of her and her sister, though not as quick, also became a warrior. Still, it was apparent that she shown much more than her sibling and didn’t notice the shadow she cast upon her.


Future: I wish for her to have some sort of tragic realization of why you can’t be close to cats of other clans. I either want her to have a really close friendship or one to the point of romance (though she is a little oblivious).

I might wish for her sister to be the one that causes this realization as she has to choose her clan or her sister’s desires.

Also, at some point I want her to have to face her fear and come to grips with her mother’s death that wasn’t an accident.


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Strong Skills

+ Fighting: Sulfur may be small, but he is no laughing matter. He is fierce and cruel when he battles even if it is just practice.

+ Hunting: One of the most patient hunters as well as fierce, Sulfur has always exceled, but it goes along with tracking.

+ Tracking: His mother use to say his nose is so good because he was born with it covered in soot.

Weak Skills

- Swimming: His fur is very thin and he usually freezes and takes it time to dry off so he doesn’t bother.

- Climbing: he isn’t a treeclan cat and has never thought or desired to have this skill.


Fur color and markings: Black fur and skin with lighter patches of whitish-grey. His fur is tipped in white as well sort of like grey hairs except he has always had them. He has no fur in some places.

Fur length: Short and I mean almost not existent short. His fur is very thin and you can see the color of his skin.

Body size: He is below average in size and slightly rodent like.

Eye color: His eyes are the color of sulfur with their yellow, moon like glow.

Overall appearance: He is a rather odd looking cat looking almost like a hairless rat than a cat sometimes, but he also can look rather wise and interesting.


Personality paragraph:

Just one fun ball of, uh, fur? Sulfur has many good traits in his confidence in all that he does and even his duty to the clan. This is sometimes overshadowed by his slightly cruel and sadistic ways about him. He tries to overcome them though and that is one of the reasons he remains serious most the time.

Sulfur is still rather aggressive, though, and loves to fight and prove himself. He can be pretty intense in everything he does, but he wants what is best for his clan. His extensive knowledge and frightening ways cause him to be dominating to the cats around him. Due to always having to control his darker side, he is a little unstable with his emotions.

Trait lists:

+ Confident

+ Dutiful

+ Wise

+ Selfless

+ Serious

: Competitive

: Dominating

: Intense

- Cruel

- Frightening

- Aggressive

- Unstable

- Sadistic



+ Fights: Whether he is in one or just watching one, he loves the sight of blood and fur.

+ Control: He likes for everything to go according to plan whether it is his plan or his leader’s.

+ Watching his clan: It fills him with pride to see the clan grow and some of the cats he taught rise.

+ Winning: But doesn’t mind losing. Even so, he likes to prove himself


- Not being able to fight for long periods of time: He needs to be fighting even if it is just practice or just watching.

- Lack of Control: He cannot stand not being able to handle a situation or even other cats being out of control.

- Losing a clan mate: He doesn’t like losing a clan mate to a battle and will seek revenge for his fallen comrade.

- Losing control of himself: He dislikes his unstableness and when he isn’t able to hide his negative traits.

Fears: Fears becoming the cat that his father became

Goals: His goal is to be the best deputy he can and one day the best leader, though he isn’t power hungry for it.


History: Sulfur was born during an avalanche that his mother got caught in. It was during the time his father was banished for killing his own clan mates and attempting to kill their leader of the time. He was coming after Sulfur’s mother in order to force her to come with him since she was carrying his child. The Avalanche buried him (or so they say) and they were able to get away, but not before she went into labor. Right there, as rock and soot still tumbled, she gave birth to Sulfur.

His mother was deathly ill for quite some time before she was able to see little Sulfur, but named him as soon as she returned. He only spent two moons with her until he was apprenticed and it started to show who his father was. His mother, worried about the outcome of her son, told him the story of his father in order to frighten the tom to have more control. It worked as Sulfur began to hate those parts of himself and worked to obtain control.

Sulfur did pretty well and became a powerful warrior even though he was small for his size. Luckily, Sulfur looked so much different due to his slight deformation that no one saw his father in him except when he fought. Sulfur noticed the looks the other cats gave him when he fought and how frightened they were, but he swore he would only protect his clan.

Though some were skeptical, Sulfur became deputy, but his suppressing of emotions started to cause him to become unstable. Now he has to work even harder to do what is right and fears joining the starless sky with his father.


Future: I want him to be involved with some form of a dark plan, but with good intentions in mind (if he does follow).

I also want him to maybe go insane like his father (maybe). I haven’t decided.


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Strong Skills

+ Fighting: She knows her looks distract, but she has eyes that kill when she fights.

+ Stealth: White fur has taught her how to be stealthy even with a target in your genes

+ Running: Swan is quick on her feet and quick to trip you up.

Weak Skills

- Climbing: Swan could never seem to climb very high, but it isn’t her job.

- Fishing: She hates the feel of the slimy creatures.


Fur color and markings: A feathery white coat that doesn’t have a single marking of another color on her.

Fur length: Long, medium thick fur that is actually quite airy looking even though there is so much.

Body size: An average sized she-cat with a long body and tail. She has more legs than anything and is quite built but her fur hides it.

Eye color: Amber eyes that seem to burst to life in battle

Overall appearance: A very graceful she-cat that can move her body as if it is a moving art piece.


Personality paragraph:

If there was a word to describe swan it would be Devious. She is quite the little troublemaker, but never seems to be in trouble as she likes to be the cause of the disastrous but not the initiator. Swan is extremely intelligent knowing just what to do, how to act, and what to say to get what she desires. She is also a socialite and has a silver tongue that can make witty remarks on the spot.

Swan is spontaneous but this can also mean she is impulsive and can cause herself to be put in danger. Still, she holds herself with a mature elegance though she is not mature by much. Swan detaches herself from sentimental thoughts and things, even her own brother who she somewhat ignores. She can be very stubborn and her mixed up personality causes her to be more complex than she should be.

Even though she is quite charismatic, Swan can be apathetic to others and a little careless when it doesn’t concern her. She seems keen on knowing what she gains and only looking at opportunities for herself. All the negative that seems to surround her, she is still a valuable warrior and hopefully she will learn to be a little more sympathetic.

Trait lists:

+ Intelligent

+ Charismatic

+ Witty

+ Spontaneous

+ Elegant

: Unsentimental

: Complex

: Stubborn

- Apathetic

- Careless

- Devious

- Impulsive

- Opportunistic



+ Flirting: It is fun to know that you can bring arise in all sorts of cats just by fluffing your chest or gazing at them from afar.

+ Chaos: Oh how she adores when things are going a muck and even more so when it is her fault

+ In the Limelight: She loves to be showered with praises and told how amazing she is

+ Starless nights: They feel cozy and make her feel safe.


- Being demanded: She will do what she wants when she wants

- Being told she is a vixen: or anything pointing at that she is heartless and unloving.

- Fireclan: It irritates her that cats that are supposed to be their ancestors would harm them.

- Being afraid: She just wants to be strong enough to stand up on her own without anyone.

Fears: She fears falling in love with any selfish cat or caring for any cat other than herself.

She also fears being as heartless as the other cats say she is.

Goals: Her goal is to become a cat that can evoke others to follow her and one day be leader.


History: Swan was well loved by a naïve, foolish mother or at least that is what she would say. Her mother fell in love with a tom that did not even bother to claim her kits as his. She was treated like the go to she-cat and respected as much as a flea. Swan learned fast that she could not be so weak willed as her mother and grew to hate and despise her.

Swan and her brother, though littermates, never seemed to get along very well. He had adopted many of the worthless traits of their mother and, in doing so, gained Swan’s wraith. Even though it was her mother’s beauty that caused her to be treated as such, Swan decided quick that she would use it to her advantage. Her brother fawned over her and treated her like a queen which was bad for the young she-cat’s ego.

She was quite cruel to the other kits in the den and was very demanding, but they all followed along because she had the most powerful voice. When they became apprentices, she didn’t let up and even had the warriors wrapped around her paw. Swan became very cunning, but was quite skilled and well respected by the other cats. Her brother tried to stay close to her, but was pushed aside due to her not respecting him.

Her mother was worried about Swan, but she was too long gone to stop. In a last attempt to save her, her mother tried pleading with the father to help their daughter, but instead he brutally knocked her to the side causing internal bleeding in her already weak and abused body. Even when she was bleeding out her mouth, Swan did not shed a tear, but only pity was upon her face at the sight of her broken mother. “I will never become like that,” she said before walking away from her mother to go to bed. Even her brother was shocked as he curled up in tears next to his dying mother who closed her eyes in defeat.

When they became warriors, Swan and her brother split, but she did not show to care about the fact. She swore she would become leader and her brother was in the way of that. Still, it seems Swan is a lot more fragile than she thinks and at times, if you look real close, you can see her eyes break.


Future: I want her to be pushed to the point of caring for another cat even if it is just her brother. She needs to learn the fruit of her actions and perhaps become a better cat to be leader one day.

I want her to be deputy at some point in her life, but probably not for a while.


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Strong Skills

+ Hunting: He puts in a lot of effort when he hunts so therefore he is quite good at it.

+ Climbing: He wants to be as close to the sky as possible so he taught himself how to climb

+ Running: It feels nice to feel the breeze in his fur.

Weak Skills

- Navigating: Why navigate when you can get lost in wonder

- Fishing: He isn’t much for getting his paws wet.


Fur color and markings: His fur is a slate grey from ears to paws.

Fur length: Long, medium thick fur that is actually quite airy looking even though there is so much.

Body size: An average sized tom with a long body and tail. He has a fairly lean build underneath his coat.

Eye color: Amber eyes that glisten with wonder when he gets excited.

Overall appearance: A very handsome almost adorable look to him.


Personality paragraph:

Shade is fun to be around and always working with a smile. He tends to be a little too excitable about things and can get clumsy if he is in that mode. Still, he is actually quite clever and willing to cooperate with everyone.

Shade can be very outspoken, but he is never aggressive about it as he only means well in all that he says. He is rather selfless and willing to go out of his way for another. He can be a little naïve and weak-willed being made to do things that he didn’t really have to do in the first place.

His biggest weakness, like his mother, is his open heart. He wears his heart for all to see and doesn’t imagine getting hurt.

Trait lists:

+ Cheerful

+ Clever

+ Sociable

+ Cooperative

+ Selfless

: Cute

: Outspoken

: Unaggressive

- Clumsy

- Naïve

- Excitable

- Weak-willed

- Unguarded Heart



+ Being close to those he loves: He is very sentimental and loves to be close to those he holds close

+ Being Trusted: It makes him feel good when others look to him even though most the time he is being used.

+ Watching the skies: Day or night, Shade loves to be in the trees watching the skies.

+ His sister: Even if she hates him, he still cares for her

+ Coconutfire- Though she probably only sees him as a naïve warrior, he is quite fond of her.


- Being abused: More so by those that he loves, he does not like to be used.

- Losing something close: Even if it is an item, he doesn’t like to lose things he holds dear.

- Others being used: he doesn’t like to see others be treated like he is.

- Being weak: Even he knows that he can be a little too naïve and too weak-willed.

Fears: He fears being rejected by the one he loves.

He fears turning out like his mother.

He fears losing his sister to her own hatred.

Goals: He just wants to love and be loved and perhaps convince his sister to turn back to him.


History: Look at Swanblaze


Future: I want him to have a family of his own and perhaps die for someone he loves.

Sort of want him to convince Coconutfire that he is in love with her.


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Strong Skills

+ Leading: Foam has always been a great leader. He is able to do well under stress and can even excel under it.

+ Hunting: He prefers to hunt on the land, though fishing is second nature. He has keen abilities.

+ Climbing: At one point, he wanted to feel closer to his father and trained to be a great climber like him, but he soon let go of that dream.

Weak Skills

- Jumping: He can do the climbing, but jumping from that high slightly frightens him.

- Fishing: he just doesn’t have that much of a fondness for fish


Fur color and markings: A seal point cat with tannish fur throughout and darker spots in certain areas. His face, ears, tail and to the mid of all four legs are colored in a darker brown.

Fur length: Short fur that has sleeked down since living in blueclan

Body size: An average size tom with very powerful legs like that of his treeclan father. He also has a decently long tail.

Eye color: vibrant oceanic blue

Overall appearance: A very dignified cat with well pointed ears and long whiskers.


Personality paragraph:

Foam is a very capable tom that is able to handle himself and his clan very well. He also is known to be very compassionate and fair to the point of willingly helping other clans. He is also very protective and has become more so since having a kit of his own. Foam has also learned to be gentle, but can still come of cold sometimes.

Like many warriors, he believes deeply in fireclan to the point of being superstitious or buying into them. He is also quite stern and is very intolerant of those that break the rules. He can be a little meddlesome and because of his strong-will cannot be stopped from doing what he wants. Foam is also quite reserved in his thoughts and usually keeps to himself though he puts on a friendly front.

Trait lists:

+ Capable

+ Compassionate

+ Fair

+ Gentle

+ Protective

: Religious

: Stern

: Reserved

- Intolerant

- Meddlesome

- Strong-willed

- Cold

- Superstitious



+ His clan: He loved the clan he was raised in, but it did take him awhile.

+ Watching the volcano: he likes to climb up and look at the volcano in the distance.

+ Helping others: Foam loves to assist others in anyway possible without need of anything in return

+ Hunting: It is peaceful to hunt and he loves to do it with his son.


- Loss: Usually of life not of battle.

- fog filled nights: he can't see the volcano and worries that fireclan isn't there.
his ancestors aren't there

- Failing: He knows it is something that happens, but he must not for his clan

- Being seen as cold: Foam wants to be close to his clan, but his coldness sometimes gets in the way.

Fears: Fear of losing his son, his clan or dying before he can save them.

Goals: His goals are to train Coraltooth to take his place and guide his son to be a warrior before moving on himself.



Foam, as stern as he becomes, wasn’t always like that. First he was born to a Blueclan mother and Treeclan father in leaffall next to the border. His mother kept him as goes the rules and his father remained a secret from the clan. His loving mother would take her young son “for walks” and he would meet his great Treeclan father. Foam, not knowing better, began to look up to the treeclan cats and wished he was in that clan instead.

His mother died as he was apprenticed and it was revealed who Foam’s father was as he begged to go to treeclan. His mother’s brother was medicine cat at the time and convinced the leader to make him stay. Still, Foam would sneak out and train next to his father to become a treeclan cat, though his fear of heights got in the way. His father slightly disappointed and getting a new family turned away from Foam. Foam was still determined to prove himself and rejected the life of a blueclan cat.

Because of this, the leader at the time took him on as an apprentice and started to raise him instead. No matter how frustrating foam could be, he never gave up and slowly showed Foam the clan his mother loved. It only truly set in when a battle against Treeclan came and he saw his clan outwit them with their own skills. Both clans were powerful and he started to accept his clan as his home.

When he became a warrior, Foam was determined to push away his past. He worked hard to show his clan he loved them and to make up for all the trouble he had caused. During a battle against Treeclan, his father killed their deputy and in turn Foam attacked him. His father was only blood, but his clan was family and he proved it there as his clans had to pull the tom off of his father.

That day, Foam was appointed deputy as the whole clan was proud of him and happily accepted him as their new deputy. Foam spent a good amount of moons as deputy before his leader died due to old age and it was passed down to him. He has lost many lives and only remains with two.


Future: I want him to die protecting his clan and pass on the clan to Coraltooth.


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Strong Skills

+ Swimming: I mean it is in him to know how to swim and he loves it.

+ Fishing: Believe it or not he was once terrible at this, but now it is one of his greatest skills.

+ Talking: He is a very suave tom that can calm even the most fluffed up cat.

Weak Skills

- Fighting: He isn’t bad, but he is more of a talker so he prefers to stay away from fighting.

- Stealth: Shell always believed that there is no reason to hide.


Fur color and markings: A white tom with light orange, tabby like patches all over. His face has many markings as well as some on his hind legs, back, and tail.

Fur length: Thick, short fur that is well sleeked back like a seal from moons of swimming

Body size: Pretty tall tom with an average build. His legs are powerful though from all the swimming he does.

Eye color: Morning sun Amber is the best way to describe his eyes.

Overall appearance: Shell is a fairly attractive tom, but it is more in the way he holds himself. He is always very well groomed and takes pride in his appearance.


Personality paragraph:

Shell is a very confident seeming tom with his clever slips of the tongue, charismatic charm, and the way he just knows a cat from a second of contact. He tends to be very proud, but he can also be rather childish and very fickle in his decisions. The most shocking point that he doesn’t discuss with other cats is that he doesn’t believe in fireclan and he has his reasons. Only his sister really knows.

With a lack of religion, he still is a very lovable tom and sometimes a little too loving *wink**wink*. He has a knack of being very possessive of the things he loves, but he doesn’t truly love anyone very often. Shell has also become quite irresponsible and it is probably due to the regrets that he has in his life that now weigh him down.

Trait lists:

+ Clever

+ Charismatic

+ Empathetic

+ Lovable

+ Romantic

: Proud

: Unreligious

: Private

- Childish

- Fickle

- Irresponsible

- Regretful

- Possessive



+ Socializing: or more like flirting. He does enjoy meeting new cats, but knows where his loyalty lies.

+ Coraltooth: He loves his sister and even more so loves aggravating her and getting her in a tizzy.

+ Swimming: It helps to clear his mind when things seem rough

+ Kits: He actually has quite a fondness for them, but never expects to have any of his own.


- Fights: He really dislikes arguments, fights, and any type of tension

- Too Much Responsibility: He doesn’t want to fail so he dislikes having too much on his shoulders

- Feeling empty: but he does so often.

- Cruel cats: he just doesn’t understand how anyone can be so heartless.

Fears: Fear losing anyone else he is close to and fear of failing.

Goals: Honestly, he has no goals in his life. He just hopes his sister succeeds in all the ways he failed.


History: I first will see Coraltooth and then write mine


Future: Will go with history as it comes


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Strong Skills

+ Hunting: His father passed on his love of hunting with his son and he is keen to learn

+ Jumping: He usually shows this by leaping into the water for a swim

+ Climbing: It is a unique skill for a Blueclan cat so his father wanted to teach him.

Weak Skills

- Navigating: The tom usually has to have another cat go with him in order not to get lost

- Stealth: He doesn’t believe he needs to be stealthy in battle, but does just fine hunting


Fur color and markings: A lilac, seal point cat with light dusty colored fur with darker colors in certain spots. His face, ears, tail and mid legs are all a light dusted grey.

Fur length: Short, sleeked back fur.

Body size: An average sized tom with unusually powerful legs.

Eye color: Light almost silver blue eyes.

Overall appearance: He is a tom that holds his head high and his tail even higher.


Personality paragraph:

Unlike his father is now, Seal is a very fun-loving and little extreme in his tricks. He doesn’t prank, but loves to go on his own adventures and drag others with him. He is charming so most the time they go with him if his assertive personality doesn’t make them. Seal is also quite curious and little too optimistic causing him to be difficult to handle.

Seal causes many issues because he is overly stubborn and prone to getting into arguments. He speaks his mind no matter the situation and has a fiery way about him. He lacks ambition though and merely wants to have a little fun which causes his mentor to get a headache.

Trait lists:

+ Athletic

+ Charming

+ Curious

+ Fun-loving

+ Optimistic

: Outspoken

: Stubborn

: Unambitious

- Argumentative

- Assertive

- Difficult

- Extreme

- Fiery



+ Adventures: Sometimes cats will give him “adventures” in order to keep him from going on his own.

+ Diving: A weird thing he likes to do is jump head first into water. He likes the bubbles surrounding him.

+ Trying new things: No matter the danger, he is not afraid to try new things and loves it, but he is also quick to get bored.

+ Being Free: He doesn’t like being forced to do things and wants to be free to do what he wants.


- being trapped: Seal is not one to be locked in the den

- Smoke: He hates the smell of Ashclan because it messes up his senses

- Getting yelled at: He hates for others to yell at him and can get really defensive over it.

- Repetitiveness: One of the main issues he has with the clan is the constant doing of the same thing.

Fears: Fear of being stuck in a mundane way of life

Goals: Nothing to ambitious, he simply wants to go experience something new.



Seal’s mother died in child birth along with his sister. His father became a constant supporter of Seal and a second mother which annoyed the queens at time, but he was leader. Seal always had a fascination with the stories that the elders told or that his adoptive mothers told and started to dream outside the borders.

When he became an apprentice, his father was quite proud of him, but it was soon obvious that Seal didn’t care for clan life. His father became a second mentor teaching him new things and it seemed like Seal was interested, but he was only interested in learning new things not in the clan itself. Seal is only still recently an apprentice so he is still getting history.


Future: If a huge plot development happens I want him to be one of the first to volunteer to explore something or to leave the clan.

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@acer11 Just a few quick things before I set you loose :)

In a few places you mentioned MahoganyFur being both impulsive and emotional and calm with a stable mental state; it's just a little confusing as to which traits take over more often so just be careful there. Also you've forgotten to add his "History" so just give me a shout when you've given those things a once over.

Thanks in advance! Excited to have you here!
No worries, I havent even started my own yet, I have Coraltooth started (Did I say fang last time? Sorry I guess I changed it somewhere. She will be BlueClan's deputy. Ill do the medicine cat of TreeClan and then....Im considering the leader of AshClan so you being the deputy would be really nice actually.
Name: Kelpwave

Name reason: When she was born Kelpwave had fur that rippled in the way that kelp moves when it's under water and when she moved it looked like a small wave trying to lap up against something

Location of Birth/Current Clan: BlueClan

Rank: Warrior

Age: 34 Moons old

Sex: She-cat

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Homosexual


Fishing- Kelpwave knows how to fish very well and knows how to handle certain fish and find their weakspots so she could attack them there with ease

Hunting- Kelpwave can identify weakpoints on prey and knows the easier way to catch them and how to be silent enough for sneak attacking for cleaner kill

Navigating- Kelpwave is able to find the quickest or least dangerous path with the power of observation using all her senses

Fighting-Kelpwave isn't good with attacking anything that resembles a cat she will hold back or try to flee if she can to avoid conflict or will try to talk it out due to seeing her fellow cats as her own kin and not predator or prey

Running- Kelpwave has plenty of stamina and endurance but can't build up much speed meaning she'll hope to outlast a pursuit

Future: I'd like her to discover new ways to catch and prepare kill and become a well known huntress for her talents at capturing prey


Fur color and markings: Grey coat with a white face down to her neck,lighter grey colored paws with leopard print on her torso and face and lemur stripes at her tail and a pink nose

Fur length: Her neck has thick fur along with her tail but the rest of it is short

Body size: She is a large sleek cat with enough muscle that you could see it under her pelt in pursuit but not enough to stick out

Eye color: Her eyes like that of an albinos

Overall appearance:


Personality paragraph: Kelpwave is a brave cat who enjoys the company of others and isn't afraid of working solo,she works hard when she especially when she is really needed to do so.She is willing to help a cat in need while using proper manners and politeness.However she can be selfish when she finds something she likes and will ask for things from others,She is unforgiving but might eventually stop mentioning the mistake another cat made if they prove themselves.She is sarcastic and thinks on her feet especially when in trouble and likes to get creative and make things to make life easier for her clan and is always curious to try new things even if they didn't do what she wanted them to.

Trait lists:

+ Resourceful


Hard working



- Selfish





:Quick thinker




Bird eggs

Fresh kill

Sea salt


Water Fauna and Flora




Getting sticky

Bees & Wasps

Rotten kill

Carnivorous plants


Being poisoned

Dying without redemption



History: Kelpwave was born among 3 sisters and a brother.Once they were able to see for the first time 2 of her sisters cought white cough and died,her mother feared for her other kits and wanted to make sure they grew up big and strong so she sent away her brother to Ashclan hoping they wouldn't kill the defenseless kit and actually take him in,when she got back to the den however her other kit died from blacknose and she only had Kelpwave.Kelpwave got old enough to walk and often times explored or tried to take bigger animals out of the kill pile only to get dragged back to her mother,her mother loved Kelpwave very much and tried very hard to keep her away from older kits or from getting in the way of the elders or warriors not wanting her to dream of such adventure,the lack of adventure made Kelpwave crave it.

Soon Kelpwave was old enough to become an apprentice,her mentor was often cranky and usually demanded he fetch him a male before he taught her.During those hunts Kelpwave would wander off sometimes yet easily found her way back with more food than the warrior could stuff in his mouth,eventually Kelpwave learned skills from her mentor or improved on the ones she already had gained.However one time her mentor found why she always took so long and didn't teach her for 2 moons and then resumed with hardcore training on her,Kelpwave though never missed a day of class and always tried to get their on time and went different routes to see which got her to class faster.

When Kelpwave got selected to be a warrior she was relieved and swore she would try and practice improving her skills even when on the hunt so she would never get bored.But her selfishness grew and sometimes she would eat the smaller kill she caught and not tell anyone about it,she made sure never to get caught though and improved on being sneaky when eating.So now she tries new things and just hopes to survive another day and reach her goals as a warrior.


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Skills: Will your cat be an excellent hunter, or maybe a powerful fighter? Please LIST the skills. You may describe them, make sure there's a quick, simple list as well. You may chose three things your cat is good at and two things that it is not from the list below

Hunting- She has a strong motherly instinct and there is something about hunting that has always given her personal satisfaction and a productive way to burn off steam.

Navigating- She may not be very old, but she's a quick study and she never forgets a place once shes learned it and since she's enjoyed wandering since kithood she quickly developed a strong sense of direction.

Tracking- Her big ears and eyes arn't for nothing! This pretty white she-cat is taller than most and her senses are keen.

Running- Her weakened lungs have made running difficult for Coconutfire

Stealthy- Her size may be intimidating and her fur pretty, but it doesn't make sneaking around so easy.


Fur color and markings: Bright white fur that is very short and curly with no discernible markings.

Fur length: very short

Body size: Coconutfire is very tall and her body very lithe

Eye color: Pale blue

Overall appearance: Coconut sports a head shape referred to as a "modern wedge" which makes it more triangular in shape and produces ears and eyes that are both wide and rounded in shape. Everything about her is long; long legs, long back, long neck, and it's all balanced by a very long tail that helps to balance this big cat. Her feet are compact making her always appear very dainty, but when put to use they are fast and deadly. Her name sake kinky fur is both exotic and endearing as this cat is closer to resembling a coconut's fluff than its shell. Her big blue eyes appeared to be watered down, always giving her a watery "doe eye" effect.


Personality paragraph: Generally soft spoken and kind hearted, Coconutfire

Trait lists:

+ All positive traits in a list here, you must have 5






- All negative traits in a list here, you must have 5




-Strong willed


: All neutral traits in a list here, you must have 3






-Feeling useful

-Anything to do with kits


-The feeling of the sun on her pelt

-Watching insects pollinate flowers


-Feeling useless

-Feeling sick

-Being told that she can no longer do something

-Lying to her clan

-Night time

-Seeing young life taken away





Goals: Accomplish as much as she can, she'd love to have kits if there's time.



Coconutfire does not have much of a future ahead of her. She only wishes for two things and that is the opportunity to raise a kit of her own (Which she knows is very unlikely) and that her death will mark the end of this war.

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Good at:




Weak at:





Fur color and markings: It's a bit darker in some areas like his belly and back while lighter in others. His mouth and nose are outlined with black.

Fur length: He has a dense short haired coated.

Body size: He’s muscular and large

Eye color: Deep orange

Overall appearance: StoneFace is a good looking cat with a muscular build. He takes a little too much pride in his appearance and grooms himself whenever he isn't doing anything.


Personality paragraph: StoneFace is pretty laid back cat. The Blue clan’s lifestyle has made him a bit lazy and a bit carefree. No one in his clan doubts his loyalty or skills but he usually never does more than he’s told to. He believes that everything happens for a reason and that FireClan will sort out any problem that his clan may face. Having a strong sense of religion only adds to his sluggish personality because in his mind if there's a problem FireClan is most likely taking care of it so why should he get involved.

He’s very confidant in his fighting skills but doesn't realize that it's just due to him being bigger than most cats. He gets distracted easy and loves to look at his reflection in the water whenever he gets a chance. Some of his clan-mates have even joked with him before about StoneFace being in love with himself. But he can be flirty with other she-cats mainly due with the fact that he thinks he’s one of if not the most good looking cat in all of Hungry Earth.

Trait lists:

+ Patient





- Careless





: Religious




Likes: Stories: He enjoys listening to the elders talk about past events and heroic cats

Basking in the sun: he loves taking naps while feeling the sun’s warmth

Swimming: he likes how the water feels and even pretends to be a fish when no one's around

New Cats: he likes meeting new cats and socializing

Dislikes: authority: he doesn't like being told what to do but usually go along with orders

mud: he hates getting his fur dirty but will if he must

Noise: he like things to be quiet and calm

monkeys: there loud annoying

Fears:Losing people he loves.

Goals:He just wants to live a nice carefree life with plenty of food and a bit of adventure.


History: When he was born no cat in his clan knew who his father was. His mother never said anything but some cats murmured that he must be from AshClan on account of his gray stone like fur coat. StoneFace’s mother had always given him plenty of love and he never felt the need to push his mother for an answer.

Fishing and hunting came natural to StoneFace and being so large he was able to overpower most cats when they fought. But he was not very ambitious and the elders always joked with him about not living up to his potential. But it never bothered him. He would much rather spend an afternoon laying on the beach under the warm sun then put practising his hunting skills.

He has always respected those ranked above him and the elders but he never liked being told what to do. He prefers to do things when he wants to or as they go but has never disobeyed an order.


Future: I'd like for him to grow close to a cat from a different clan.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/rsz_a50c87b635686f67c3d016b33456412e.jpg.de031a2da4a69ab6ea880fc9768f17fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97907" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/rsz_a50c87b635686f67c3d016b33456412e.jpg.de031a2da4a69ab6ea880fc9768f17fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Fur color and markings: White colored fur but with black patches and a black patch covering her entire tail and a black nose and black paw pads,her underbelly is a lighter grey but it isn't really noticeable

Fur length: Thick and coarse

Body size: Tall cat but sickly looking she has visible bones through her pelt yet somehow sports a bit of a thicker body

Eye color: Olive colored eyes

Overall appearance: She has a rough and tumble look almost like she were dying but she is somehow healthy,her paws are relatively large and have webbing in between and thick sharp claws,her face is fluffy and she has scars under her fur but they don't show,her fur is thick and coarse and her thick hide protects her but her bones are quite visible.


Personality paragraph: A self loathing cat who enjoys her work and the help of others,she however does not like being stared at and sometimes causes harm to others and herself.

Trait lists:

+ All positive traits in a list here






- All negative traits in a list here






: All neutral traits in a list here, you must have 3






-Helping with deciding

-Doing her job


-The taste of blood

-Eating bugs


-Sharing food or getting food stolen

-Her reflection

-Being watched

-Losing items

-Bright colors

-Big lumbering animals



-Getting tortured

-Losing a deal

Goals: Explore and tell stories to others and edjucate her clan on first aid



Sagepelt was born with 5 other siblings and was treated normally until her mother and father could see her bones as if she had suddenly caught some sort of disease,she was born to an Ashclan cat and a Blueclan cat and this was the punishment of them breeding.Sagepelt was often hidden from the other cats when they came to see the kits,she was bigger than the others but not stronger and often only got scraps of milk from her mother ,one day she had wandered out of her mothers den while they were suppose to be sleeping and another cat saw her.They screamed when they saw what they thought was a zombie and her mother had to explain to the clan about her kit,they shunned her and she was given a lower rank in society,but a nice medicine cat found her fascinating and took her in,by now she could eat softer prey and was raised under the old toms wing...she is unwilling to say anymore about her past as she finds it painful.


Future: Have a near death experience and see the ancestors of the clans and realize there is hope for all the island

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Skills: Will your cat be an excellent hunter, or maybe a powerful fighter? Please LIST the skills. You may describe them, make sure there's a quick, simple list as well. You may chose three things your cat is good at and two things that it is not from the list below

Climbing- Knowing that some of the best and most interesting herbs are up in trees Palmtail is a very skilled climber

Jumping-His long tail makes leaping around in the high canopy a no brainier for Palmtail

Stealthy- His dark pelt and small stature makes slinking around in the shadows one of Palmtail's best qualities

Running-Spending most of his time up in the trees or rooting around for herbs he's not very fast.

Swimming- His heavy coat makes swimming very difficult


Fur color and markings: Quick description of your cat here

Fur length/Thickness: Long and very thick

Body size: Is your character small, average, or large? Please limit it to one of these three terms. Maybe your cat is also muscular or lithe? This is the place to describe that as well.

Eye color:Dark gray

Overall appearance: In-depth description of your chat's appearance here.


Personality paragraph: Known for his scatter brained nature, rushed manner of speaking and eccentric nature Palmtail is passionate about his work. He will talk about his new discoveries to anyone who will listen, there are some in the clan who find the little cat a little too weird and try to brush him away.

As such he thirsts for an apprentice to hand his knowledge down to and to catalog his discoveries.

Palmtail has no interest in she-cats or toms, his only passion is his work which renders his decently good looks void.

From the moment he hit the ground his life has been about his message from FireClan and the role his parents told him he must play for the forest, their two unique styles of medicine crossed into one cat make him a bit of a witch doctor.

He's a talkative cat with a lot to say and usually very little of it is negative, but his mood changes fast if he feels that someone is challenging his word or cats go poking around into his den without permission.

He finds kits generally annoying and elders too as they tend to turn grumpy and complain.

Trait lists:

+ All positive traits in a list here, you must have 5






- All negative traits in a list here, you must have 5






: All neutral traits in a list here, you must have 3





Likes: List a few likes here!

- Searching in dark dank places for new plants

- Spending hours in his head thinking about new concoctions

- Following a good butterfly or other insect on their path to whatever plant theyre headed too

- Dark places

- Talking about his work

- Trying to interest cats in medicine

Dislikes: List a few dislikes here!

- Harsh sunlight

- People scorning his work

- His authority being challenged

- Swimming

- Anyone in his den but him

- Any age cat below Apprentice

- Complaining

Fears: Everyone is afraid of something right?

- Being the one sent to Firetongue as a sacrifice

- Dying and his work going to waste

Goals: What is your cat aspiring to accomplish or be?

- He wants to go down as a legendary Medicine Cat who discovered lots a great many new plants and their uses


History: Palmtail comes from a line of Medicine Cats, of course love for Medicine Cats is strictly forbidden, but forbidden things have a way of happening.

His mother had been the current Medicine Cat for TreeClan and his father for AshClan; the two had been sent messages by FireClan saying that their son would go on to be known throughout the island for his role as a Medicine Cat. He was conceived at the base of Firetongue in the hope that the deity and their ancestors would witness their messages being fulfilled.

As promised, one male kit was born and once a month while the clans were meeting the secret family would meet at Coolheart; from the very beginning they taught him the ways of being a medicine cat.

When the kit had been borne the two cats came out in unison to the clans explaining the dreams they had been given and that was before the clans became ridden with distrust, but instead the lung disease in AshClan was at a high point.

They took it as a sign that perhaps there was a chance to get rid of this disease; the fact that two medicine cats had been brought together showed that TreeClan was destined to save AshClan.

As soon as he was of age Palmtail was apprenticed; his mother had passed away the previous year and so he was entrusted to the new Medicine Cat.

He flourished and proved to be something of a prodigy; the clan new they would be in capable paws when the time came.

Sadly the time came sooner than they had expected and the quirky young cat walked into his role as the new Medicine Cat.

With age he grows more erratic and scatter brained and spends more and more time in the dark recesses of the forest.


Future: Do you have something planned out for your cat's future?

-An apprentice


(So sorry its not finished, I left my computer for a moment to walk my dog, and when I came back it gliched out or something and erased everything I had done before I left. But as I put this up I'm editing it right after, I don't want it to happen again and get rid of it all over again! Again sorry but it will be done I promise!!)


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Strong Skills

+ Navigating: He is always out and about learning new ways to get around, be on the ground or up in a tree he will always find his way around.

+ Fighting: If anything, he is one of the most skilled fighters in his clan, never showing the same move twice. He's quick and light on his feet, able to learn off his opponent and learn there style, and will easily find their week spot.

+ Jumping: He loves being in the trees, being able to look down on the forest he loves. He can easily leap from limb to limb, at an incredible speed.

Weak Skills

- Soft Heart: He has soft spot, seeing any cat in danger he will almost instantly put him self in danger to save a life of another cat of his clan. Be it leaping in a swift flowing river, or leaping in the way of a cat before a death blow comes.

- Trusting: He has a some what trust issue with trusting other cats of other clans, he won't believe it unless it comes from his own clan.


Fur color and markings: Red has a distinct sunset red pelt,

Fur length: Medium length, but thick, but his tail has rather long thick fur.

Body size: Large, but not by much of a medium sized cat.

Eye color: His eyes are a distinct color of green, outlined with a dark green.

Overall appearance:


Personality paragraph:

Trait lists:

+ Hard headed

+ Outgoing

+ Trustworthy

+ Loyal

+ Fun

: Determined

: Stubborn

: Over protective

- Soft hearted

- Impatient

- Defensive






















[[Also sorry I didn't use the correct format, I saw this thread when only one person applied and have been making these forms ever since, I can edit them later if that's alright?]]

[[i'm also going to make a form for Rockpaw and Ripplepaws mother, but it's be really cool if someone else roleplayed ther father? I can make him as well, but I'd prefer not to]]


  • Ratbite

    -The name, though crude as it is, was originally made in good taste. The prefix 'rat' was given at birth, essentially by his father who insisted that his pelt looked 'ratty', both in colour and in how tangled it was. After a bit of arguing they settled on the name 'Ratkit'. After a while 'rat' seemed to truly fit him, he became a solitary cat that would snap at others that agitated him too much, similar to how a rat would act. The 'bite' at the end of his name was given to him because of his personality and how he would 'bite back' when driven to a certain point. The name really started to sink in when he got his scars from battles with wildlife and the other cats. No matter how the injury was inflicted he referred to his scars as 'bites' it didn't matter whether he fell and nicked himself on a rock, he would still say that the rock 'bit' him. It's his way of coping with his 'ugly' name.



    Age||31 Moons




    He's not at all interested in love, but there could be an instance where he might fall for someone, but never admit his feelings or claim that they even existed in the first place. He prefers it that way.


  • Goldenstep

    Her name was given to her, not only because of the colour of her pelt, but the colour of her eyes, both a rich golden colour. Goldenstep was a cat who was always seen stepping around lightly and is known for being a very sneaky cat since you can rarely ever hear her coming, it became her signature and so she received the name 'Goldenstep'.


    Rank||Senior Warrior

    Age||50 Moons





  • Ripplepaw

    His mothers fascination with water is what brought her to Ripplepaw's name. She remembered back to when she and Ripplepaws father would stand by the water looking out at the open sea, telling stories of the past and how the ripples in the water looked so vibrant against the sand. So when she saw his spotted pelt and twisting fur curled before her she gave him the name of Ripplekit.



    Age||14 Moons





  • Rockpaw

    -Her mother insisted that her name came to her in a vision she had, Rockpaw likes to joke that her mother was staring at the ground instead of having a 'vision' and saw a rock. That's how she believes she received the name.



    Age||14 Moons




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Skills: Will your cat be an excellent hunter, or maybe a powerful fighter? Please LIST the skills. You may describe them, make sure there's a quick, simple list as well. You may chose three things your cat is good at and two things that it is not from the list below


Fighting- He does not know it yet, but when pushed past his breaking point Crabpaw becomes a force to be reckoned with.

Stealthy- Being an anxious cat has made him especially hard to see in the shadows

Swimming- Although it's become a mental blockage

Hunting- He fears being swiped up by something

Tracking- His mind is usually too active to be able to fixate on one thing.


Fur color and markings: Rich brown fur with no markings.

Fur length/Thickness: Short

Body size: Average

Eye color: Yellow

Overall appearance: Awkwardly enough, Crabpaw is incredibly handsome, his dark chocolate fur is unique and under the sun's rays his coat blazes forth with the slightest tint of red. His wide expressive eyes are captivating and his rounded face brings and ambiguous nature to his rounded face.

Built a little bit thicker, but not due to any over abundance of weight; Crabpaw has well built legs and a thick stout tail perfect for use as a rudder in the water.

All of these physical advantages mean nothing to the shy and anxious young cat.


Personality paragraph: To say this handsome young cat is confident would be a complete lie though talented he might be, he has zero confidence and it's not getting any better. He does not like eye contact and his voice is so quiet that it can be hard to make out most of the time; that is unless he is story making. His active imagination soars when the young cat weaves stories for his clan mates and that's really the only time anyone ever hears him speak in more than a few quiet sentences.

The young tom may cast occasional glances at another tom, but nothing more, he feels that he is betraying his first love.

On top of that he is very aware of the fact that he may not have the makings of a warrior after all, who would love a cat like that? How would he provide for anyone?

He was anxious before his brother's death, but now is anxiety is ever present; he's taken to panic attacks. He has begun to develop a slightly paranoid nature and he has a hard time trusting anything anymore.

The very thought of swimming locks the tom up both mentally and physically; he still wakes up screaming with nightmares of his brother's death.

Trait lists:

+ All positive traits in a list here, you must have 5






- All negative traits in a list here, you must have 5



-Easily Discouraged



: All neutral traits in a list here, you must have 3





Likes: List a few likes here!

-Swimming (Although he has developed a fear since the incident)

-Storytelling, he has a brilliant mind and it's the easiest way to get him to talk.


-Eating fish


-Getting anything right

Dislikes: List a few dislikes here!

-Being scolded


-Attention on him in a group

-Having his flaws pointed out

-Talking about his brother

-Talking to most cats, he fears hes inadequate

Fears: Everyone is afraid of something right?

-The dark

-The ocean

-Never becoming a warrior

-Never finding someone to love or be loved by

Goals: What is your cat aspiring to accomplish or be?

-Become useful to the clan


History: Born to a fairly normal family in Blueclan; Crabpaw had a brother and a sister, the three were very close and went everywhere together as youngsters.

As time passed the sister befriended other she-cats and soon joined a different social group, but the brothers stayed together and as they both became apprentices the two were hardly seen apart from one another; they'd go out of their way to try and get training sessions together.

Crabpaw being the shyer and more unsure of the two benefited from his talented brother's praise. While his brother became popular with the ladies and progressed in his training quickly; Crabpaw was easily discouraged, froze up when being watched, and struggled with his sexuality, all the while his brother remained, cheering him on and assuring him that a handsome tom would undoubtedly come his way.

And then one did, the two met as the young tom became a new apprentice and the bond was instant; his brother watched with glee as Crabpaw spent less time by his side and more with his lovers.

The two were soon a common sight around camp and that was when the young tom's parents stepped in; being traditional they disapproved of his new love interest.

He was forbade from seeing Crabpaw ever again and after spending a painful amount of time in camp seeing one another but never being able to talk the young tom disappeared leaving Crabpaw heart broken

Then came the day that changed everything; the brothers had been swimming out beyond the normal boundaries of the shore line, but being very strong swimmers they were naturally unafraid of the deeper water.

That was until a powerful set of jaws clamped around Crabpaw's right front leg and in an instant he found himself being dragged down into darker and darker water.

He never found out what grabbed him, for his brother appeared in front of him and he soon found himself freed and floating towards the surface however his brother never made it back.

Crabpaw dove below the surface until he was faint trying to find his beloved kin, but to no avail.

He made it to shore before fainting, he has not been in the ocean since, it's been two months, almost three and the apprentice is now stuck in his training.


Future: Do you have something planned out for your cat's future?

Finding someone who can heal his broken heart and set his life back in motion.



Name reason:

When Raggedpaw was a kit he was more isolated than the other kits. He was more aggressive when play fighting as well.

Location of Birth/Current Clan:





15 Moons old












Good Traits:





Raggedpaw is looking to where he would fit into the Clan and be the best warrior he can strive to be.


Fur color and markings:

Raggedpaw has dark long grey fur. With greenish/yellow eyes. His paws are also a big bigger due to his bulkier build.

Fur length:

He has long thin fur that can get in the way due to the heat of the islands and always tend to be shedding constantly.

Body size:

Raggedpaw has a general bulkier build more in his shoulders. Most of his body sizes comes from his long fur that sticks out making him look bigger in comparison.

Eye color:

Greenish/ yellow

Overall appearance:



Personality paragraph:

Raggedpaw is more of a do-it-himself type of cat. It takes awhile for him to get close to other cats but does rely on his group when needed. Hes also more silent and speaks when needed too. He sorta is a hot head when he gets poked at or in battle becoming too aggressive but always follows the warriors kill to never kill unless deemed necessary. He cares mostly for the people hes close with and will do whatever to keep his Clan safe once he becomes a warrior. Though still young he needs to learn to control his anger and not let it get the best of him. He also needs to learn that its okay to rely more on others around him then pushing himself away.

Trait lists:










Hard Working












+/- Quite

+/- Strict


Hunting-Raggedpaw feels more in control and loves the thrill he gets when he can stalk and kill his prey

Sun Rock- He likes to lay in the sun on rocks soaking up the heat that can put him to sleep. Even though he cant be in it for too long due to his long dark fur.

Watching the kits- He likes to watch the kits play and watch them grow


Crowds- Raggedpaw doesn't like to be in the center of a crowd for he feels cornered

Anger- Even though he has a hot temper he hates that about himself. He hates letting his emotions get the best of him

Failure- Raggedpaw will never take failure as an option and strives to over come it and come out winning some way. Though he fails he will learn form these failures and take them gracefully.


Raggedpaw has the fear of letting his Clan down. His biggest fear would be that he would be failure to everyone around him and not the best he could be.

Another fear he has would be oddly enough to be alone. Even though he tends to isolate himself he never truly wants to be alone. That's not his intention its just sometimes social contact can become to exhausting on him.


Raggedpaws goal is to generally be the best cat he can be. He also wants to be the best warrior he can be and to protect his Clan until his last breath.



aggedpaw was born into the Clan during Newleaf. When playing with the other kits his age he would be more aggressive when they fought. When he was told about this by one of the queens to be more gentle with the others he began to isolate himself a bit more to avoid hurting anyone with his temper. Though he would still play from time to time he tried to not be as aggressive and avoid it as much as possible. His first winter was hard to get through when he became ill but he over came it. He watched as the warriors would be so big compared to him and he wanted to strive to be just like them. Raggedpaw picks up quickly on skills he strives to be good at that will make him a true warrior.

Side note: Sorry I am very fairly new to this site. If anything needs to be added or fix just tell me please ^-^


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Skills: Will your cat be an excellent hunter, or maybe a powerful fighter? Please LIST the skills. You may describe them, make sure there's a quick, simple list as well. You may chose three things your cat is good at and two things that it is not from the list below

Swimming- A pastime she enjoyed as a kit and now part of her regimen as an adult

Fighting- She uses this as a positive outlet for her aggression and irritability

Running- Another part of her health regimen she runs the length of the beach once a day

Navigating- Always having had the shoreline to guide her it can be easy for her to become lost in the forest

Stealthy- Her bright while coat makes it very hard for her to sink into the background


Fur color and markings: White she-cat with bright red tiger points and blue eyes

Fur length/Thickness: Short, but with some volume to it

Body size: A bit on the smaller size, but her muscular frame give her a lot of presence.

Eye color: Blue

Overall appearance: An intense looking she-cat with piercing blue eyes and a very muscular frame. Despite the fact that she maintains a certain level of physical excellence Coraltooth's fur is always surprisingly soft and feminine. Her one remaining fang stick out past her lips and extends all the past past her chin, this has given her a fierce, but asymmetrical appearance.


Personality paragraph: Coraltooth has a reputation for her quick temper, ever since kithood she has had a problem with controlling her emotions. She fears terribly of becoming like her mother was and the fact that they look almost identical does not help. Because of this she has never sought out any romances as she is sure no one would want her.

She is very disciplined, almost militaristic. She runs the length of the beach and swims as far as she can each morning; this is to keep her mind sharp and her body in peak condition as she takes her roll as deputy very seriously especially considering Foamfire's poor health.

She is dedicated to becoming a cat worthy of succession.

Due to her mother's fiery nature and violent past and death, Coraltooth has developed a heightened sense of what is right and what is wrong. These inclinations are not always true, but the she-cat fears becoming her mother so much that he does not change her mind easily.

She would not mind a kit of her own, but she has never really had any interaction with them so she isn't entirely sure how it'd work out.

She is very close with her brother, despite their differences when it comes to faith.

Coraltooth is a devoted believer in FireClan and the power of Firetongue.

Trait lists:

+ All positive traits in a list here, you must have 5






- All negative traits in a list here, you must have 5






: All neutral traits in a list here, you must have 3





Likes: List a few likes here!

-FireClan and Firetongue and the fire they light in her heart

-Running along the beach

-Helping her clanmates

-Swimming with her brother

Dislikes: List a few dislikes here!

-Being too far from home

-Being ignored

-Being challenged

-Foamfire's health

-Those who speak ill of FireClan

Fears: Everyone is afraid of something right?

-Becoming her mother

-Foamfire's death

Goals: What is your cat aspiring to accomplish or be?

-Become the new leader of BlueClan


History: Shellsong and Coraltooth had been born to a unique set of parents; their mother had been their father's last apprentice. Being much older than her the two fell in love but kept it a secret until she became a warrior. After being told that their father may be too old to have any kits the pair was distraught.

However the two did end up with a litter, just two, but they were happy and healthy.

As their mother realized that she was stuck in the den she began to develop a deep seeded jealousy and became suspicious of her mate's actions; she began calling him out accusing him of being unfaithful, but the old tom stood fast and tried to help his difficult partner.

There came a day in which a young warrior was injured to the point that their father was forced to carry the young she cat home; upon seeing this their mother was so incensed that she abandoned her kits to yell at the tom.

The tom's body was found on the fringes of the clan's territory a day later; everyone assumed it was his mate, but they had no proof.

Another day went by and her body was found in the middle of the camp, no one would admit it but they were happy to see her gone.

The kits were given to a queen who had just had a litter of her own.


Future: Answering FireClan's call to be leader.



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Fur color and markings: Red and black tortoiseshell cat with hypnotic orange eyes.

Fur length/Thickness: Short

Body size: Average body size, not over or under muscled. Very streamline

Eye color: Orange

Overall appearance: An androgynous look over all Tanager has the soft curves of a she-cat; no part of him is over muscled or ragged looking. He takes pride of his mottled coat and always makes sure there is not a hair out of place. His piercing orange eyes have a captivating and almost hypnotic vibe to them.


Personality paragraph: Tanager is well known for his talent with the ladies; he enjoys working his charm on them and there are rumors that he has gone beyond just wooing.

That being said Tanager does not come across as a scummy womanizer; more often that not his attention his is pleasant and laced with his eloquent words.

His face is common place around the camp and it's hard to be unhappy to see the happy young cat coming your way

As soon as he was able to climb Tanager has always sought refuge in the tall trees and his dark coat makes him hard to find when hes high up in the canopy.

He goes there when he's feeling gloomy about the reality of his gender and that he may never really have someone who wants to be his true friend.

He keeps all of this bottled up, no one really follows him into the trees so the only persona anyone ever sees is the graceful, charming Tanager

Trait lists:

+ All positive traits in a list here, you must have 5





-Easy going

- All negative traits in a list here, you must have 5






: All neutral traits in a list here, you must have 3





Likes: List a few likes here!

-Being in a social setting

-Opportunity to meet someone new

-Laying in the tall branches of his favorite tree

-Hunting the birds that live in the highest part of the forest

-Jumping from tree to tree and going as fast as he can

Dislikes: List a few dislikes here!

-Cats calling him out for being transgender

Fears: Everyone is afraid of something right?

-That his frivolous ways and gender will keep him from a happy future with a family

Goals: What is your cat aspiring to accomplish or be?

-Become the best warrior his clan has when it comes to navigating the tree maze that is their home


History: Born into a large litter of 5 kits Tanager had plenty of time with his little family and they all shared a boisterous and a love for themselves that was no unhealthy, but the exact opposite. Everyone grew with a strong sense of who they were and the fact that Tanager had always known that he was trapped in the wrong body they had worked to make the young cat as happy as possible.

Being in a positive environment set Tanager up with a solid foundation for life; however as he became more integrated into the clan he began hearing comments about his "transgender" lifestyle. He had never heard this word before and after learning its meaning and what the others were saying about him Tanager adopted a habit that we all do at some point which is beginning to internalize what we hear.

Despite these comments Tanager has had a very active social life with the she-cats; his overwhelming charm, charismatic ways and silver tongue have made him quite the ladies man and at 12 moons old he is just beginning.


Future: Nope not right now

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Name: Seaheart

Name reason: Ever since a kit Seaheart had loved the sea, he loved water and had a heart of gold. Once of the most respectful and kind kits around so he acquired the name for his love of water, the sea and his heart of gold.

Location of Birth/Current Clan: Blueclan

Rank: Warrior

Age: 34

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


+Fishing: Seaheart loves the sea and rivers and is excellent at swimming and catching fish.

+Swimming: As said above, Seaheart is an amazing swimmer.

+Fighting: Very strong however he does not like to fight, his sturdy build makes him able to take quite the amount of beating and deal out some as well.

-Stealthy: Seaheart is fairly big and bulky and loud so stealth is not his thing.

-Tracking: Can't track, just something he has never been able to do.

Fur color and markings: Snowshoe Siamese markings

Fur length/Thickness: Long, thick fur that is sleeked back from swimming for many moons.

Body size: Large and muscular.

Eye color: Blue

Overall appearance: Seaheart is pretty much your regular Snowshoe Siamese, very attractive because he keeps his coat in check. But other then that no real scars or marks. Walks with his head held high. Tail low.

Personality paragraph:

Seaheart is explained quite easily by most, they say he has a heart of gold and his optimism shines throughout the clan. He is one of the nicest cats most will ever meet and he seems pretty laid back and free of most stress. His laid back nature however should not be taken as laziness however because Seaheart is far from lazy, even if he hails from Blueclane. He is addicted to fishing and making friends. He respects all other cats views and does not believe in conflict. He would rather talk it out and defuse the issue. Some may believe his unwillingness to fight is because he is not loyal but it is because he just does not like having bloodshead.

Seaheart is generally the cat others would go to if they have problems, he is caring and very kind to all. But this can be a problem as well because he is not very threatening, he is like a giant teddy bear. So fighting again is not his thing and compromising is. Because of his bright personality it is hard not to like him all that much, and his happiness seems to be contagious. Only problem with this is some cats like to be sad and grumpy and his optimism counters them. Also Seaheart is not big on religion.

Trait lists:


+Kind hearted

+Hard worker

+Open minded





-Not religious








-Cheering friends up

-Helping out around the clan









Being alone



Be a nice and well known cat for his positivity and helpfulness


Seaheart has quite the mysterious background. He kinda just turned up in Blueclan one of the warriors paying attention to him and called him his son but no one really believed his dad. Seahearts father was a grouchy cat who was an amazing swimmer and fishercat however his dad looks nothing like him at all. Seaheart grew up without a mom, it was unknown who gave birth to him but he hung out around the Queens most of his kit time. Most loved his attitude yet hated his fathers. Seaheart however was trained by his father and slowly became just as great of a fisher and a swimmer. Then his dad passed away from old age in the middle of his apprenticing. So Seaheart had to move on, and that he did.

Seaheart grew up one of the kindest hearted cats around even though his dad was a grouch and always on bad terms with the leader. They knew who the mother was but Seaheart never did, he never cared. He loved the queens and always told them that it was her decision not to raise him and he did not care. He had a family there so he grew up among the Queens and adopted some of there kind lovable ways. Over the years he grew to be a handsome cat that most knew. He learned to keep on good terms with everyone and is an excellent fisher for the clan.


To get an apprentice or have kits with people from his clan or another



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Skills: Skills:









Fur color and markings: She has orange fur with darken stripes on her head and body. She is an orange Tabby.

Fur length/Thickness: She has thick long hair

Body size: She has an average body size

Eye color: Green

Overall appearance: Gignerpaw is an average size cat with long orange fur with a shade darker stripes on her head and body. She also has green eyes with a soft young face.


Personality paragraph: Gingerpaw is a very energetic cat. She is young and full of energy and due to her young age she is also naive. She will almost believe anything you tell her if you sound convincing enough. With her energy also includes her high stamina and drive that will allow her to push through the training of becoming a warrior. She is always happy and has a prep in her step as she trots. If she were to ever be upset it usually is something big.

Trait lists:



















She really likes to train because it lets her show off and use alot of her build up energy.

She likes to make other people happy. Usually this leads to her being a bit obnoxious trying to get certain people to smile.

She also still likes to play around in the forest with her friends (this will be determined later in the roleplay)


Boredom. She hates to be bored and will mope around until she finds something to do.

Losing. Everyone hates to lose right but she will pout about it for a few minutes and then move onto the next thing.

Upsetting her mentor. (Whoever this will be) She will hate to ever upset them by her actions.


She is scared of actual battle. Though wanting to be a warrior she is scared of killing other cats.

She is also scared of never making it to become a warrior and dying young.

Goals: Gingerpaw mostly wants to just live. That is her goal in life. To make every day count and live life to the fullest.



Gingerpaw as a kit was very playful just overall a happy little kit. She was born to a litter of three, the other two didn't make it due to the amount of heat that year. Heat stroke was the cause of death. Gingerpaw was never close with her mother who was one of the queens in the Clan. Her mother was devastated. She had been an older queen eventually she died due to natural circumstances before Gingerpaw began her apprenticeship.


Future: I plan to have her become a warrior and for her to live her life fully.

Sorry this took longer than I promised, but I got it to work!
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Name: Sharkfang

Name reason: She got the name Sharkkit when her mother noticed something strange about the fur on her back. Shaped like a shark fin the longer fur along the center of her spine earned her the name. She got fang from her strength in battle and loyalty to her clan.

Location of Birth/Current Clan: Blueclan

Rank: Warrior

Age: 34 moons

Sex: Female

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual





x Navigating

- Swimming

x Tracking


Fur color and markings: Completely black minus the white diamond on her chest.

Fur length/Thickness: Very short, the fur along the center of her spine is a bit longer and stands on end

Body size: Tall and thin

Eye color: Golden and faded gold for her blind eye

Overall appearance: There's a scar over her right eye, which is blind and immobile meaning when the working eye moves it doesn't.


Personality paragraph: Sharkfang is a like a flower-child, or a hippie per say, she's a rebel soul with a thirst for adventure. Her rebellious tendencies have landed her in a great deal of messy predicaments and she is definitely not favoured by those in power [the leader and/or deputy]. Her insubordination makes her hard to get along with since she prefers those who also crave adventure and also have a rebellious nature.

She is definitely a firm believer in the power and might of Fireclan making her very religious, but she thinks the cats in Fireclan wish her to live life to its fullest, meaning she has made several mistakes in her lifetime, and mistakes she will continue to make.

Other than that she is much at peace with the world around her and values life. She enjoys swimming to calm her down and is known

Trait lists:

+ Serene

+ Creative

+ Optimistic

+ Outgoing

+ Fearless

- Rough

- Careless

- Flighty

- Insubordinate

- Rebellious

: Spiritual

: Carefree

: Adventurous



- Feeling the wind blow through her fur, the sand between her toes and the smell of saltwater in the air.

- Exploring.


- Obnoxiously loud cats

- Authority/Cats that are authoritative


- Drowning

- Thunderstorms

Goals: She just wants to live her life, that's it.


History: Born into the clan she was an adventurous young she-cat and would get into so much trouble that eventually her mother gave up trying to keep her in line and let her be free. Since she was given complete freedon as a kit she neglected her duties as an apprentice and eventually as a warrior. Often the other cats would find her hiding under the shade of the trees, basking in the sun, or doing what she did best which was swimming. She was and still is a fearless she-cat, staring danger straight in the face and even though she would fight for her clan and feed her clan, she avoids border patrols as though her life depends on it. Her mother and father died of natural causes and it has not brought stress upon her life because she believes they speak to her from Fireclan in her dreams.


Future: Nothing yet




Name: Nincloud

Name reason: Nin was chosen for her because her fur looked like the flowers on the nin plant. Cloud was also chosen for her because her fur was white as a cloud and for her meek personality.

Location of Birth/Current Clan: AshClan

Rank: Queen

Age: 25 Moons

Sex: She-Cat

Gender: Female




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Skills: Skills:









Fur color and markings: She has white short fur with brown front paws.

Fur length/Thickness: She has short soft fur.

Body size: She is a small cat.

Eye color: Blue


Personality paragraph: Nincloud has a very meek personality. She is easily startled and very quiet. She will usually mind to her own business unless spoke to but is caring and kind to the kits she attends.

Trait lists:









Easily Discouraged










Watch the sun rise. She is a early riser and loves to watch the sun rise.

Alone time. She likes her time to herself this usually involves walking around the AshClan boarders.

Watching. She loves to watch the other cats interact with each other from the den.


Startled. She is easily scared and doesn't like it when people sneak up on her.

Pressing. She also doesn't like people pressing into her personal life unless she tells them.

Fears: She is afraid of her kits dying. She doesn't want to deal with the heartbreak.

Goals: She wants to be a good mother to the kits she has and to be a good mate.


History: Nincloud was born to one of the cats more elder queens and an elder warrior of AshClan. Nincloud was a very shy kit that stuck to her mother constantly being an only kit. Her mother passed away due to natural circumstances and now its just her and her father Thorntooth. She hasn't been a queen for long but is ready to have kits any day now. Her mate is unknown to clan for she had met him at Coolheart (The mate is know by me and the creator of her mate we had a mutual agreement).


Future: Do you have something planned out for your cat's future?

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Name: Hawkfire

Name reason: His original name was Hawkeye. Because his vision ever since a kit has been extremely good. He has been able to spot other cats or animals from quite the distance. Also like hawks that fly far above waiting to catch unsuspecting prey. Hawkeye is great at stealth as well.

Location of Birth/Current Clan: Treeclan

Rank: Leader

Age: 55 Moons

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Fighting- Hawkeye has always been a really good warrior, still is even as age comes to him.

Hunting- Can spot an animal from quite a distance and get to them.

Stealthy- Hawkeye can sneak up on anyone because he is lean and light and he has had years of experience.

Swimming- Not really a swimmer, I mean he float but trees are more his specialty.

Fishing- Does not enjoy hunting fish, cant really see into the water because its distorted.

Fur color and markings: White underbelly, brown back and odd brown pattern on face. And a tail that is striped and looks like a ringtail off a lemur.

Fur length/Thickness: Short and not very thick

Body size: Scrawny and very tall

Eye color: Amber

Overall appearance:

Scars here and there but overall he is a scrawny, fairly tall cat. His fur is very short and not super thick like most others. He can be described as semi-attractive but the real reason it is Semi is because his personality. And his various battle scars.

Personality paragraph:

Hawkfire can be explained pretty easily, he is a ball of negative emotions that in a way seems to be positive? Yeah it is not easy to explain. Hawkfire is a pretty odd leader. He has all the basic leader traits, like loyalty, bravery, can lead and is sarcastic. Wait, sarcastic? Hawkfire has quite the amount of bad traits, he is sarcastic, sassy, grouchy. The list goes on and on, yet each trait is actually positive. His sarcasm, his sass, all of it is what makes him, him. And what makes him extremely funny. Even if his being a grouchy or even using his mean tone everyone knows he is doing it in a joking manner. Cats know when he is being serious because he gets scary when he is mad.

Hawkfire is known to sneak up on people without knowing it and scare them by just saying hi. He can be described as very scary and mean or as a funny loveable grump, it just depends on how you look at him. But he is a pretty good leader just he has a lot of traits that you would not expect but he is a damn good leader. He is strong and funny like a dad for the whole clan. He will joke around but be serious when he really needs to.

Trait lists:










-Strong willed





Helping clan members

Protecting his clan

His clan as a whole

Hunting with his clan members

Talking to his old apprentice


Talking with his old apprentice

Dealing with liars and thieves





Dying in a fight where his clan is losing

Losing his deputy


Hawkfire wants to have his clan to thrive and to probably not die, that would be a good cherry on top.


Hawkeye was born and raised in Treeclan he has grown quite far over the years. When he was a kit well, he was crazy and stubborn. He refused to do anything unless it was his idea. He had quite the sass and sarcasm always with him as he became a apprentice as well. Hawkeye throughout his apprentice hood had quite the reputation. Hawkeye was seen as kind of an embarrassment, he joked round and had a horrible attitude so most in his clan expected nothing from him. Hawkeye had no talents when he was a apprentice, or at least that had been seen because his Mentor did not enjoy his attitude either so they never really got along. As years past he still had really nothing to give, he had gotten a new mentor and he felt like he had nothing really to give to his clan, he loved the clan to death but he felt of no use to them. As time went on his past seemed to fade away. Most elders have forgotten after his kithood because the rest is just a story of how he rose up to be an amazing warrior and such but its not very interesting Hawkfire would say. (( Will be revealed in rp ))


To be decided



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