[The Human Element] Radio Chatter

Yes. Lucky it didn't slip your mind when you created the character. I've done that before. Built a cyborg assassin for a friend once, and completely forgot to make sure he could hit things. Kind of an important quality when you're trying to kill people for a living. I think it might have been just after I ran a campaign in 3e MnM where the attack stat was based off an ability. Still think 2e's the superior system, but that's another rant entirely :P
yea i completely forgot to give vlad an attack stat at first then was like oh hey hes got uber strength it no matter, then read up on some things and realised op no need some attack stat, and was like all HELL NO TO EXPENSIVE! then saw the attack focus feat and bought that up so that the vampire whos purpose was to rip things apart could actually rip shit apart.
Yeah, he just can't hit the broad side of a barn with a ranged attack. Also, he's super easy to hit. Come to think of it, he's super easy to damage too, the issue is he's going to recover from it all. 'Course, he's in trouble if anything affects his constitution. Man... all vampire hunters are going to need is a gas grenade and a wooden stake and you're done.
Sorry correction he is has life support so gas grenade wouldnt effect him... Ill be giving him constitution imunity soon.
Yea, honestly the least of my worries is hunters, as the only way they can really incapacitate some one requires the use of drugs and poisons or some kind of enviromental condition.... I dont breath, and my body rapidly mutates, compensates, and adapts to his environment.

Hes not actually dead I more so envision vampires as basically the first meta humans, if you go threw history most super powered beasties and "godly" types generally consumed flesh and demanded blood if not entire human sacrifices. If anything they are more like the Moderately inbred mutant versions of meta humans, there power is actually super strength or immortality, its more like the power of super adaption. Once the Vampire genes begin bonding to the human genetics it starts rapidly altering the body to essentially make it the alfa predator. The problem is it IS still flawed as all imbread mutant thing are, and as those things they have tendencies to come with severe and most often debilitating flaws, like retardation, physical defformities, In vampires cases a strong aversion to the sun light some times, other times a sever aversion to those with Faith, Or in vlads case he got off lucky with a allergy to silver and his regeneration stops working if a stake is poking out of his heart...

Basically I figured they were what popped up first when the aliens started playing with humanity's genetics and they were in essence the "beta" version of a metahuman. A sort of disease or symbioses that's purpose is survival by any means and capable of adapting its host to do so.
[QUOTE="Lady Jane]The little guys know how to push buttons, don't they? :P I'll take that attack into count after GP takes her action and it goes back to the top for Stefan.

I guess my question would be- what can I do from inside this aircraft? GP's abilities are built around gadgets but she would need to be outside to use them. From inside I don't know what systems she might have access to. Is there an advanced targeting system that she could "tag" the goblins so the rest know who to hit? What can she do besides call out over the comm system.
Your function as far as direct orders go, is to call out targets and make sure they're only hitting what they're supposed to. That's... mostly gone to hell anyway, and Sam's gonna have a thing or two to say about the fact that the entirety of Saint Petersburg has seen them attack children. That's gonna be fun. But that's beside the point.

You're technically supposed to be on a ride-along and not taking part in the actual combat, hence the rather simple orders. Despite the fact that she can very much take care of herself, and her gadget's abilities actually make her the perfect combatant to hold her own against the Fae, they've been told to keep you safe. Of course, if you figure out how to exit the plane and join the combat, well that's your choice to make. They're still viewing you as a kid, but also monitoring your potential as a hero.

The Maverick has got a lot of gadgets within its structure, most of which you're unfamiliar with--for now. Drake's not had a lot of time to show you how everything works, but it won't take you long to familiarize yourself with it. I think that'd be a technology roll. You could probably ask Jay, but I'm not sure how helpful he'd be :P
Okay, GP will just be giving some orders. She doesn't speak Russian, so she needs others to relay info. If they wanted to put her on overwatch command, she would do the command part as well as overwatch.
Poor Grace.... I feel sorry for her, I really do. I'll do a recap of the turn when I get home later today, and then we can go for round 2.

Oh, and *waves at new person*
One quick question: Why is the guy that we all learned can NOT speak Russian being tasked with diverting the camera crew?
Whoops, I thought you did. Damn. I went based on you being a bit of a faceman. And it not putting much of a damper on you actually fighting things, with the whole being in two places at once. Uh.... gimme a bit, I'll change it.

EDIT: Desmond it is.
Okay. So if you go on live television you're not going to make the problem worse, that's good to know. About your question about adding things... when you built the character did you initially add the appropriate Ability bonus to your skills? Your total bonus for a skill is the number of ranks plus the Ability bonus--in this case, Charisma. Either way I think you'll make the roll because the cop wants to help you, but if you're going to talk to the television crew it might be a little more difficult.

As for Vlad... This might be a good point to explain for the sake of the newcomers to the game that one thing Hero Points are good for is to improve rolls. So if you were to fail a roll, or even critically fail as one does when one rolls a 1, you can spend a Hero Point to re-roll. The cool thing about that is on a re-roll of 1-10, you add 10 to the result, so your re-roll will never be less than 11. I'm not saying Vlad has to give up his one and only Hero Point right now. All I'm saying is that I get really creative with critical failures xD
Yeah, problem is that I lost my initial character sheet when my laptop died, so I'll be rewriting it this weekend. Also, I'll should I talk to the TV crew or what
At some point that would be ideal. Keep the PR mess from getting sneered on the six o'clock news. But the cops are just as important, and will definitely help. Incidentally, I believe interactions are a full-round action according to my book.
and with that being said vladamir decided to try and push fate for a more favorable outcome
[QUOTE="Lady Jane]Poor Grace.... I feel sorry for her, I really do. I'll do a recap of the turn when I get home later today, and then we can go for round 2.

Don't worry too much about Grace. She did something few others could have, which, in terms of the encounter, turned the tables. This would have been a lot worse if everyone had thought that Russian children were attacking them.

Is the office thread designed to be Chapter 2, or is that a preset for the new charrie?
I wanted to keep the new guy from getting bored while you guys were in Russia. I do have a tendency to set threads up by locations on PbP games. Makes it easier if the group decides to split up for any reason. Come to think of it, I can't for the life of me remember why I didn't set up a new thread for the trip into Russia. Not that it makes a lick of difference, my OCD is just going to berate me for it.

Btw, just for clarity, Sam is the director, and Meryl Allison's the shrink. It is the former whose office James is currently at.
wow the guy who initially starts every one down the road of killing them all is all like yea no guys this is all over now we goods yalls can leave herp *thumbs and Smile*

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