[The Human Element] Delta Division HQ

Scratching his head for a moment he decided to reach out threw the rest of the group then thought of another way to possibly find them. He closed his eyes, placed his index finger and middle finger of both hands to his temple, then shut out all noise, and concentrated solely on the pressure on his temple, forgetting about the world outside and concentrated on the people around him seeking out every mind in range, he found it odd that girl prodigy didn't appear to his senses, he then began systematically cancelling out every one thats thought prosces seemed normal or mundane,automatically people disapeared from the mental recreation of the city block as he pushed out the thoughts of those around him until only a handful of people were left, amongst them he found other members of his group witch he kept a mental tag on.

Try not to simply stick your dicks in their ears, we do not know what or who they may be and throwing out powers will quickly draw out the attention of those we may not want, further more they could simply be random supernaturals trying to make an existence in this world and coming out to see the show and you just outed them as supernaturals making them a potential target by those who hunt many of our kind. he telepathically sent to the rest of the team some what annoyed with Desmond for simply resorting to aggression without even knowing what these guys were.

(He is going to try and find these guys again using his telepathy to try and pick them out of the crowed if thats ok. id assume its a Perception check)
Drake evidently didn't agree with Vlad's assessment. He swore violently in several languages, some of them which sounded like they shouldn't be pronounced by human tongue.

"Not goblins, exactly," Charity corrected over the comm. "Shadow Fae. But close enough, dear. Most mythology we're familiar with is based on these creatures, but that's another discussion, better question is--"

"What in the nine bloody hells are the Fae doing here?" Drake exploded.

Vlad's attempt at a telepathic trace took him near sensory overload. Girl Prodigy was vacant, and Drake had thrown layer upon layer of a mental guard up in similar fashion to a technique he'd seen others use over the centuries. Telepathic communication failed with him as well--yet another addition to his list of paranoia. The Fae, however, were erratic and nearly impossible to pin down by virtue of the sheer amount of telepathic energy.

Jay took charge. "The Fae teleport through shadows. Desmond, blanket the area with light, limit their movement. Stefan, we're going to need crowd control. Keep it non-lethal till you're sure what you're hitting. Vlad and Jacob, back him up. GP, you're their eyes. Focus a camera on the car so you can call their shots. Also, Jacob...we're going to need a reason to hit small children or someone else is going to tell Sam about the PR mess. I want you to fire at the open car--but subtly, so it looks like some random person in the crowd is stirring up trouble. John, you're going to take the hits. Jacob can't hurt you anyway." He briefly reiterated that to John in his language, then switched back to English. "Fae abilities also can manipulate shadows constructs for multiple uses, and they're stupidly powerful psionics. Watch your backs, stay calm and focused. You guys got this."

The order to dismiss the shadows came a little late. Stefan and the duplicate within the car could see the shadows between the seats begin to twist and deform and a creature formed from them. Now that it was within the vehicle, it wasn't bothering with the illusion and appeared exactly as Girl Prodigy described. The creature giggled, and Kevin seemed suddenly acutely aware of what was going on. He screamed.

1) Roll initiative.

2) Due to Jay's calm levelheadedness, his Inspire feat gives you +3 on all attack rolls, saving throws, and other checks.

3) Seeing as the illusion has been brought to everyone's attention, those who failed (everyone but GP and Desmond) have another chance with a +4 bonus. Add that to the Inspire bonus for a +7 on your new roll.
Jacob acknowledges the orders and gets one of his copies close enough to blast the car with a paperclip that somehow packs the punch of a small-caliber pistols.
Vlads adrenaline kicked in and the world started slowing down as he planned out his movements, his eyes moved to his sword, then to the creature then threw the window and into the crowed, his plan was to blitz the creature from invisibility, then quickly move out the window of the car, or simply rip the door off on his way out and then to try and find the midgets themselves.

Stupid children always so eager to rush to their doom they dont even bother stopping to think about what all might be happenning, but what are they doing here and why are they being so aggressive? he thought some what anoyed.

8 + 4 ability+ 7 inspire 19 perception

14 + 3 ability +7 inspire = 24 will save

6 + 16+ 3= 25 initiative
Initiative +3 (Rolled 4 + 3 Dex + 3 Inspiration= 10)

"Actually, Mister Drake, recent theological doctrine is that there are only seven hells, three heavens, and one reality, assuming N-brane symmetry in string theory." Grace wondered where she had picked that up, then remembered the lecture she saw in school that had been recorded 5 years ago for a graduate class. It was Dr. Shipman, D.Th. from UCAL Berkley. Of course he also theorized that angels were simply 7-dimensional Mandelbrot loops in time-space, which was completely unprovable.

She turned her camera to the car, but saw nothing. She panned back some to be able to see the whole car and part of the street around it. Then something moved inside the car and she called out, "New rider in the car. It looks like one of the Shadow Fae creatures. Nicky, you need to react. Reiteration, see if you can get an image between the intruder and the boy."
Turning around in the car, Stefan started, "Crowd control it is, but we've got one in the vehicle. AMMO, RIOT configuration. If this doesn't at least slow it down, I want advance permission from anyone who can chew my ass to attempt to teraport the principal out of here." AMMO finished its rearrangement just as Stefan finished talking, to a form with an array of lights similar to LEDs on the front, of differing colors and sizes. He slammed his back to the car door - as far from the creature as he could get - and aimed to get as much of the crowd in the burst as he could while still getting the one in the vehicle. He thought about calling a warning to his teammates in the line of fire, but didn't want to warn the creatures.

Prismatic chaos ensued. The hundreds of lights in the front panel flashed impossibly bright for things so small, in specific sequences known to affect the bodies of basically anything that could see. Pattern after pattern burned into the optic organs or equivalents of everyone looking that way, ending with the largest light bursting in a pure white brilliance.

Nicky, for his part, did his best impression of a scared kid wondering what was going on. He was hoping for one to come after him, but hearing they were in the car made that less likely.... if one doesn't show up soon, the decoy game will be over and the real fun will begin.


Seize Initiative forces a nat 20 on the init roll for Stefan, costing his currently-only hero point.

Move action to switch AMMO, Standard to fire.

Stefan initiative 20 + 2 Dex + 3 Inspire = 25, Stefan Will 10 + 5 normal + 3 Inspire = 18

Nicky init 9 + 3 Inspire = 12, Nicky Will 10 + 5 normal + 3 Inspire = 18
Switching array: Blast 3 (6 points), Dazzle 9 (18 points), Light Control 7 (14 points). 38 spent total.

Desmond landed and looked around, focusing on his abilitites to iluminate the rea, vanquishing the shadows with 500ft of pure daylight. He stepped into a low stance as his began to glow. He was ready for combat.







"So much for a decoy," Eric muttered.

"Yeah, well, the moment the Fae try to pick up Nicky's thought patterns, being as they don't exist, they know he's not the droid they're looking for," Charity said.

Stefan's light show collided with the Fae's visual senses, and the creature stopped, existing halfway through a shadowed space. He cocked his head to the side as if trying to remember what he was doing there. As a bonus, Kevin also calmed right down, and seemed lost in thought.

"Negative, Stefan," Jay answered. "There's too great a risk they'll pick your destination in your mind and follow you, and I can't let that happen, especially without backup." There was a barely perceptible pause. "Drake--"

"On it." Jay never teleported Drake. Drake's phone had an app for that, which he took a moment to program with the coordinates of a destination none of them would be aware of. His layers of mental fortitude would keep the Fae out of his head, and they wouldn't be able to find any information in the minds of any of the others.

"Not by yourself. Take Charity and Eric with you."

"Fine." It wasn't like he had time to argue. He took little notice of Grace's information and made no comment before he disappeared, leaving the aircraft for Jay to pilot.

The crowds started moving around dazed and confused. Desmond's display made it impossible for them to ignore that something was going on, even though they couldn't tell what. Local authorities began their 'okay, party's over' routine. Devoid of their shadows, the Fae tried to surge forward the old fashioned way, still appearing for all the world as unruly children to Jacob. Of course, his target was much more visible. Desmond's light bounced off the gold in Stryker's costume, making for an even more inspiring effect. He moved to stand guard over Nicky.

Vlad could see the creatures now. They were diminutive, just as Girl Prodigy had described. He was still having trouble discerning their motives, but whatever it was, they were enjoying it. There were several dozen of them spread out among the crowd, taking advantage of their small size to avoid being propelled away from the spectacle. They giggled with each other, elbowing each other in the sides, as if enjoying an immense joke.
Jacob's copies on the street begin flicking paperclips at the 'children' surging toward the vehicles, using the chaos of the crowd being moved back to provide cover for his actions. The real him, in the car, forgoes the paperclips and nails the intruding Fae with a bolt of pure force.

I'm not rolling for the copies yet, as I'd like to know how you want to handle that many actions. Jacob prime is in the car and is using his kinetic blow to slam the fae against the interior of the vehicle.
Vlad, now unbelievably anoyed at the situation leaned forward, placed his foot against the seat as he quickly stood up, and used his immense strength to propelled himself threw the air, ending his obfuscate as ever pound of the 3.7 ton pressure he could exert rocked the car, weather it damaged it or not he didn't care, and sending him somersaulting threw the air over towards the other car. He landed with an imence thud, if the car had a roof it was totaled if it didn't the dam things suspension was going to be totaled. He raised himself to his full standing hit not caring what was around him now.

EVERY ONE CALM THE HELL DOWN NOW! The next person, Fey or teammate, to attack another is going to have their skin felayed from their flesh and used to bind them while I sodomize them with a light pole! Do I make myself Clear!? his fangs bared

he looked to the fey I apologize for the rudeness of the children but what might I ask are you doing here?
Desmond stopped dead and tilted his head.

"What are we doing? Our job is to protect the kid and a bunch of fae turn up? Unless they're a distraction we should be blasting them. Even then, it'd be smarter to blast them or get to to the others, who are being attacked right now. So no, they get BLASTED!"

Desmond responded shouting the last word and firing a blast from each of his hands at the goblins that were closest.

assuming I got this right, blast is d20+dex? so a 2+4 and a 13+4 to hit.
Jacob's kinetic blast propelled the Fae backward and through the back of the car seat, just as Vlad landed. The roof caved in and the car spun out of control. The mortal driver and bodyguard in the front took a nosedive out of the hastily opened doors and did a tuck and roll in the street to avoid the angry vampire. The Fae fell unconscious against the car horn and it let out a loud, long squawk, adding further to the confusion. All three vehicles, including the one in the front of the procession, stopped in their tracks.

Anger and confusion surged in the crowd as kinetically charged paperclips flew among them, and Desmond's light blast caught a Fae in the arm. It spun around in a graceful pirouette, just as much for dramatic effect as actually being hit. He put the back of his hand to his forehead and wailed dramatically. "Oh, what a cruel world!" he cried, then went stiff as a bored before collapsing backward. His dramatics ended, he scrambled to his feet, favoring his arm.

About the only things that didn't show fear from Vlad's display were the Fae. Four of them ran up to the car as Vlad made his diplomatic attempts to them. "You're funny," one of them said, directed at Vlad.

"You make a lot of noise," said another.

"But you have no real power." They seemed to speak English just fine when they put their minds to it, and they all had high-pitched childlike voices, accompanied by a smile that would be pure innocence if it weren't for their beady black eyes that seemed to stare into their souls.
Funny he could deal with, Noisy he could deal with, But powerless! Now that was insulting...

Relying on celerity he quickly moved over towards the group of loud mouthed fey and reached out and grabbed them.

(Vlad is using his Celeritys Rapid attack witch lets him attack everything within a 15 foot radius to pick up two of the fey.)

strength of 15+ 9 melle+ 3 inspire +1 super strength + 5 roll = 33 grapple check to pick up the one that said I had no power,

strength of 15+ 9 melle+ 3 inspire +1 super strength +2 roll =30 grapple check to pick up the one that said I was noisy)

Powerless... Noisy.... Look last chance, Im asking you one last time What are you doing here, if you do not give me a proper answer Im going to use my not real powers to rip you apart and devour your heart.
Grace watched all the things happening below. Goblins moving around, ten bright flashes of light. More activity at the vehicles. Then people started moving around, some trying to run away. And then she saw two people in the middle of it, one speaking with a microphone, and another with the camera. "Guys, it might be too late, but this is going to be on the Russian news. You might want to keep the bloodshed and collateral damage to a minimum."

Something told her she was about to lose her pasport, but then again, she hadn't brought it. She didn't have a passport for Girl Prodigy. Maybe Mister Drake had thought of that. This had just been a simple escort mission, it should have been easy. She scanned the cameras, trying to figure out how this had gotten so chaotic.

Cause-effect, she needed solutions. She stopped worrying about what had gone wrong and started to figure out what can go right. "Somebody tell the Russians to start working on crowd control. Have them keep the normal people off the streets. Anyone who breaks through that line we will have to consider questionable. Anyone moving to the car, we will need to subdue. No ripping off arms and legs, no devouring people's hearts, no retina burnout."

She wanted to do something to help, but she was stuck up in the Maverick. There were hundred of buttons and screens, with a few minutes of study she could probably figure out a few things to do, but in those few minutes, the level of carnage could escalate. All she could really do is observe. They put me on overwatch. They put me inside a metal shell, or whatever this material is. They don't think I can handle this. Overwatch was what her father called it when they set him up away from the action, when they faced foes that were too dangerous and his powers couldn't protect himself. He hated being on overwatch because he felt that he couldn't help as much. But her mother had convinced him it was needed so they wouldn't worry about him if he became a target.

"Mister Drake, I am powering up the circlet." Drake had insisted she not use the circlet near him, but if he wasn't going to let her out of the box, then she was going to break his other rules. At least she had the courtesy to inform him of that. But even then, she had never tried the circlet through an obstructed barrier. She had no idea if any of this would work. Maybe she could target through the cameras, provide a line-of-sight of sorts, kind of like a guidance system. She would find out soon enough.
"Fine," Drake grunted. It didn't matter to him. He was leaving. He shuffled through the menu on his phone, set the coordinates for the teleporation device built into it, and disappeared along with Charity, Eric, and little Kevin.

With the primary target no longer there, one would think the Fae would up and leave, but evidently they'd found something else to entertain them. Whatever reason they were there for in the first place, they'd now found new toys. They launched a variety of mental assaults on the team. (OOC: Roll Will Save)

Back in the Maverick, Jay glanced at the screens. "Shit," he muttered as the television crews set up. "Jacob--" A face for Delta, he was the go-to for Jay to call on for the situation. "Goddamnit, he doesn't speak Russian," he muttered under his breath, then sighed. "Desmond, get a lid on that yesterday. Tell them...I dunno, that this is a rogue group of metas, shapeshifters that disguise themselves as children or something--and hope to God they buy it. Interdimensional mythical beings might be a touch complicated. And for the love of all that is holy, please tell me you can maintain the light field at the same time."

He turned to Grace and regarded her for a moment with a contemplative look on his face. It didn't take mind reading to see she didn't want to be there. Finally, he smiled. "Let's get your ass down there. See what you can do." He'd probably catch some flak from Sam for that, but he seemed prepared to handle it. Upon Grace's agreement, he'd teleport her down to the surface to join the others.
Vlad was now beyond annoyed with these Fae, he had had it with them, he'd tried to be reasonable he thought, he was trying to be erespectful in spite of the idiots he was with, It was killing time.

Dropping one of the fey his supernatural speed kicked in as he grabbed his sword and tried to run the one he grabbed threw, then released and spun around lashing out at every Fae he could reach.

(Im using rapid attack to lash out at every Fae in 15 feet of me assuming my will save thing doesnt do anything retarded.

So will save totals for a 23 after spending a hero point for da rerolz!

total to attack all fey is 27)
Desmond grinned when he received his orders, turning towards the nearest law enforcer. The lady was obviously panicked and about to pull her gun on him.

"Lady, I know what this looks like. But they aren't children. They're a bunch of shapeshifters trying to kidnap the boy and kill everyone else. Superpowered terrorists who decided to look like children. Please inform your fellow officers of this, before someone gets hurt."

rolled a seven+10 (diplomacy) So a 17 total. Also 9+9 will + 3 for the leadership bonus (if that still applies) for a total will save of 21
"No. Don't bother to let me out. The threat is over. All we have now is the fiasco of these things getting a few heroes worked up. We would probably just be better off getting the group together and leaving before things get worse." Tactically, this was the better part of valor. They had secured the boy, and that was the important part. Promoting good will was an option only so long as they could keep a group of annoying shadow fae in check, which - in the annals of fae - never seemed to happen. Best to vacate with a job well done.

Strategically, they would do better behind the scenes and out of the public eye. Building bridges was better than mending fences her mom used to say. They could apologize to the Russian government later, without the stress of having the wicked creatures subverting their actions. The Russians could explain it all with their usual banter to their own citizens.
"And in a perfect world, it would be that easy, darlin'," Jay responded to Grace. "The Fae aren't usually this...organized. The fact that they've got their act together enough to make this kind of public appearance on this scale means...well, I'm not sure what it means yet, but I'm pretty sure it's not good. They're like children. Except, you know, with freaky mind powers. Their primary target's gone and their mission's failed, but they're still around because we amuse them. And they'll continue to do their equivalent of kicking the back of the driver's seat till we turn around and tell them to cut it out and threaten to ground them.

"No, this isn't the ideal place for this to happen. It's inconvenient and complicates our lives on a global scale, but that's their challenge to us. We fail that challenge, and they will pester us repeatedly in ways far worse than this. We stand our ground here until they're the ones that turn and run. They respond to power. Rarely is that power in physical strength, but in the ability to meet them on their level. To beat them at their own mind games. Right now, you're our best shot."

He stood and placed a firm hand on her shoulder. "You're a hero now, Girl Prodigy. Time to show them what you got."
"Mystic mind-eating monsters... Ugh. Tether, pull from ITD and see we've run into these things before. Check all the timelines with magic powers or any references to goblins, gremlins or similar. In the meantime..." He moves to use what's left of the car he's in - possibly trapped in, he hasn't tried the door since the flying menace landed on it - as cover while directing a RIOT light show into the largest concentration of Fae he can. Not limited to a narrow window this time, the lights surge over a 90-degree cone, blanketing a huge part of the street all the way back to the walls.

I'm thinking he's heard enough from his teammates discussing them to be able to use his Well-Informed feat, replacing a Knowledge check with Gather Information instead. Regardless of how that turns out, he's got the full 1000-ft. cone to work with on a RIOT

blast. Didn't apply Leadership to these (not sure if it's still running, or which ones it applies to), feel free to add the bonus from that for me ^_^

Will save 8 :(

Knowledge[Gather Information] 28

All the Fae (and people, and other sentient creatures) make three saves, unless they're immune one part or another.

Reflex save DC 12 vs. Blindness (in subsequent rounds, this save will Fort to throw off the blind)

Fortitude save DC 12 vs. Fatigue

Will Save DC 12 vs. Calmness (if affected, Calm lasts until they make a save. After 5 rounds, the DC drops to 11. After 10 rounds, it fades out.)
"There are ten thousand, seven hundred and fifty-two entries matching your description," Stefan's computer answered. "Please define parameters."

His blast swept across the street and caught many of the small figures, and all of the sudden, the sky went dark. Shadows twisted into unnatural shapes and elongated, traveling across the pavement faster than heated oil. They slicked up through the other vehicle and over its open top. Nicky stared at the moving shadows with the quizzical fascination of a child in the split second before they slithered into him and his body shattered.

That was what Stefan saw. Every one else was treated with a glint of light that twinkled from Vlad's sword as it swung in an arc with his far superior strength and swiftly decapitated the three Fae that were bothering him. The Fae's bodies shuddered into shadows which quickly dissipated under Desmond's light field. Others stood at a safe distance and seemed decidedly unperturbed. A few of them even clapped excitedly.

"Good show!" One of them said.

"It's so cute when they think they're big and strong." That one made a mockery of having big muscles and clomping footsteps, which looked a little silly on a creature that was no more than three feet tall. It may have been a mixed blessing that they and Vlad were on the other side of the car when Stefan's blast went off. It caught several other Fae, and the stopped in their tracks. Some sat down hard, completely confused.

The policewoman stared Desmond down for a moment, frightened and unsure. The gun remained out, but she pointed it safely away from him and motioned to her squad and issued instructions in Russian. They continued to sweep the streets, though at least one stopped and screamed when Vlad obliterated what still looked like small children to them.

To be clear what Stefan sees IS an illusion, though he is (for the moment) completely convinced that it's real. You'll be able to try the save again next round with a total of +7 to the roll (+4 for fighting it, and +3 for Inspire). Inspire only lasts a round, but we'll say that the speech Jay directed at Grace went over the comms and it'll affect everyone as well, so you'll all still get that +3 to the Will Save. For now, Stefan gets his Hero Point back for the illusion triggering his Responsibility Complication. Keep in mind that, with my house rule, this one can be banked indefinitely if you so choose.
Grace looked down at the crowd. Part of it was leaving, part of it was staying to watch what was going on, and part of it was dazed by her teams display. She was going to descend into that mess. She dropped out of the Maverick and hit the streets. "I'm down," she spoke over the comm link, giving Jay the chance to get out of the goblins attention zone.

There wouldn't be too much question of whether this person thought she was a hero, her costume proclaimed that easily. The gold circlet on her head had a faint blue tinge to it. "Okay, you shadow creatures want to be children. Come on out to play," she called to the shadow fae. She lined up two of the fae and release a blue line of mental energy through both of them. She wasn't really aware that they were using illusions against her team, but it seemed that this would scare them a little more.
Switching array:Flight 4 (8 points), Blast 8 (16 points), Light Control 7 (14 points). 38 spent total.

Desmond smiled when the policewoman listened to him. It was nice when people believed him, especially when lives could be at stake. He turned away from her and took off, moving 100 feet into the air, before blasting one of the goblins

OOC: a total of 13 for the attack roll
Despite his light restricting the Fae's movements, the little buggers were faster than Desmond anticipated. They scattered, unharmed as he blasted at them. One bumped into Nicky, which caused a cascading effect that ended with him in a pile of the creatures and nowhere near Stefan.

Stryker had been busying himself on the fringes of the chaos, making sure none of the Fae decided it would be more fun to go bug the crowds of innocent people. He nodded at GP when she landed and gave her an encouraging smile, but he was interrupted by the tumbleweed of Fae and robot arms and legs that rolled in his general direction. He dug Nicky out of the pile, tossing the creatures as easily as if they were made of cardboard. Then he offered the robot a hand up with a grin.

Grace's mindblast blazed through the two Fae she'd targeted, and they turned around a little startled. Others jumped easily out of the way and they turned to face Girl Prodigy. They grinned. "Tag! You're it!" One of them yelled. Evidently someone needed to explain the rules of tag, and that one should not be running toward 'it', because a group of them began to dogpile Grace. Melee combat clearly wasn't their forte, but four of them did manage to grab a hold of her, long enough to initiate a grapple, for however long that lasted. They were rather small creatures.

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