[The Human Element] Delta Division HQ

Vlad was paying little attention to what was going on, his attention span now long lost as this was all starting to bore him and he had a habit of slowing down, both physically and contiously as things around him started to get dull, the curse of longevity he guessed, then something grabbed his attention and he snapped back to reality Wait we are eating people now? he said looking about Please point me in the right direction I will be more then glad to consume whom ever it is in need of eating! I havent had any one good to eat today any ways and certain people are starting to look very tasty. he said with a grin as he looked over towards Samantha, then went back to his train of thought So when does this shit storm get started, you all are starting to bore me and we don't want the century old monster trying to devise knew and inventive ways to entertain himself now do we?
"Ma'am?" Jacob raises his hand, and at her nod he continues. "I believe we're ready to go, save any equipment needed. On the assumption that this is a quick in-and-out job, I'd like to recommend a couple of days' worth of rubles in case we need to buy supper for ourselves. Aside from that, I don't know that we need anything else save the the teleport there."
"This is so cool!" They were going to Russia. By Teleporting. To rescue some kid. As part of a super-team.

She hoped missing school for a day wouldn't matter. She could always catch up quickly. In fact, most of her classes she was ahead of the other students already. She had already read the novel for her English class, and done the homework in her History class. That only left her Physics and Mathematics, but she was studying at University levels there. No one would miss her for one day.

"I am ready to go."
Jay quirked an eyebrow at Vlad, then buried his face in his palm. "I walked into that one, didn't I?"

Drake held up his forefinger and thumb, spaced half an inch apart. "Little bit."

They stood, and John pushed himself off the wall where he was standing. Jay clapped him on the shoulder. "Let's go suit up. Guys, we'll meet in the hanger in ten."

Sam gave a curt nod. "Dismissed."

The Maverick was a sleek jet that looked like it had leaped straight out of a science fiction movie. Its thrusters were so well integrated into the design, they appeared almost non-existent; yet the machine had a simple understatement of pure power. Its charcoal black exterior caught the light, and for a second, they'd be able to see a glimmer of the Delta Division symbol, that of a multi-triangle shape.

The interior easily fit the group, coming as close to being bigger on the inside than on the outside, without messing with actual dimensional space. It felt a little as if someone had put airplane seats inside a modernly decorated penthouse apartment, and made the whole design actually make sense. On a small conference table in the back sat the paper clips Jacob had requested, along with the supplied communication devices for the group. The request for just-in-case spending money had been duly noted, but that was left in the hands of the senior staff.

Drake took the pilot's seat. He'd be flying the jet to the boy's house, while Jay saw to the transport of the rest of the group. Without giving them much time to take in the surroundings, Jay gave them a heads up to expect the change in scenery, and then they all found themselves standing out in the spacious yard of a small cottage. Seconds later, the Maverick appeared overhead. It wasn't capable of faster-than-light travel par se. More precisely, it ignored the problem altogether. Traveling distance was so much faster when point A and point B were the same point. Bending space and time, however, with an object that big, did tend to burn out the power a little, and would take a few hours to recharge.

As described, there were two black cars out front, one open-top. A Russian security force was presently giving them a once-over to be sure they were safe. No one was going to sneak a bomb on them if they had anything to say about it.

A plainly dressed woman of about forty descended the steps of the front porch. Behind her was the small boy they'd seen in the hologram. He clung to the woman's hand and kept his eyes firmly downcast. She raised her other hand to shake Jay's as he approached her. "Hello," she said. "I see you have made it safely, as promised." She spoke English with a heavy Russian accent.

"Call me Blink," Jay said, giving her a firm handshake and a warm smile. He was in full costume with cargo pants and a leather jacket accented in green with hunter green fingerless gloves. His mask covered most of his face, leaving his mouth visable and his hair free to curl around his forehead. "You, of course, know of Stryker, Thundra, and Vorg." Drake stayed in the aircraft. The legend of Mister X grew the more the mystery around him was built, and he liked it that way. Technically, Mister X was an unsanctioned vigilante anyway.

Charity smiled at the woman and waved her fingers at the little boy, who completely ignored her. She wore high-heeled boots with tight, electric blue leather pants, topped with a blue low-cut shirt. The outfit was completed with a light blue cape, a domino mask, and dark blue gloves that were laced with wiring to aid her conductivity. She looked diminutive next to a suited-up Eric, who looked, for all intents and purposes, like a seven-foot tall robot. His suit had a silver metallic sheen and was based in an alien nanotechnology that could really look like most any robot-like shape, but for the purpose of public appearance, it took on a sleek figure that was a little reminiscent of the Maverick.

John took a few steps forward to stand next to Jay. "Hello," he said. Everyone knew that work in English at least. He wore white cargo pants and a sleeveless vest--thick, like something S.W.A.T would wear. Clearly it was solely for the intimidation factor. He could take something a hell of a lot bigger than a bullet in the chest. It was gold-colored, and with golden boots, he looked something like a Greek god. His cowl added to the effect. While it didn't precisely look like a warrior's helmet, it didn't take much stretch of the imagination to see it as such. The Delta symbol was tattooed on his bare shoulder, and a sharp eye could see a heart tattooed on the inside of his right wrist. How they got the needle in there to deposit the ink was anyone's guess. He gave a warm smile that invited the woman to smile back as he clasped her hand in both of his. Sam had evidently coached him well.

"I'll let the rest of my team introduce themselves." Jay cocked his head back to the others and waved them forward.
Taking a few moments to silence the alarms screeching from his bracer - "Unauthorized space-time transport detected!", Stefan gives the bracer a voice command before telling Nicky to drop his appearance array. While the bracer spins up an active English-to-Russian translation program, Nicky sheds his semi-demonic form to show the shiny metal chassis and wire-filled joints of his construction. "If the boy's as smart as we've heard, he'll like this. What brainiac child can possibly not like robots? Come on."

Slinging AMMO over his back, he approaches the mother and child. "Greetings to you both." Stefan's voice has a strange dual quality to it, as the tether replaces the words he speaks with Russian. "I am Stefan, from sometime near what you would call 2900 A.D., give or take a century or two, and THIS," he gestures to Nicky, "is my assistant Nicholas, from much further in the future."

"Hello, human child. You can call me Nicky, and I'll be you today." Panels start to form and spin in place around Nicky, as he constructs his appearance array in the boy's image.
Jacob steps off to the side, pockets full of boxes of paperclips. He doesn't have a costume as such being one of the public faces of Delta. Instead he's wearing an outback oilskin duster, Ray-Bans, jeans, and a warm sweater. It is Russia, after all, and more northerly than he's really used to. He starts multiplying, giving each of his copies a box of paperclips. Once he's made 15 copies he sends them out to get into position along the route the car is to take. Still armed with several boxes of paperclips he steps up next to Jay.

"I'm Jacob, also known as Reiteration. I'll be one of the people in the car with our decoy, and I'll be in the vehicle you're in as well. I can be in two places at once, you see."
Vlad Appeared in front of Erik tapping on the metal suit with his index finger and scrunching his face Nice toy It would probably take some time to pry it open, I might even need a crowbar. he said jokingly as he zipped around his suit checking it out, not even bothering to check his speed, not that is was to far beyond normal humans but still enough to confuse people. So where do I get one of these toys?
Grace had never teleported before and she found it confusing. She had expected to feel as if she had travelled, but instead it was closer to having someone rearrange the space around her, in this case into Russia. It didn't feel like she had moved at all. She wondered if she might be able to create something that could mimic that ability.

She checked out everyone's costume. She noted a few flaws in design then checked out her own costume in comparison. She would need to make a few modifications when she got back to a lab. There were elements from some of the costumes she should work on integrating. Most obvious was an integrated comm system that could be adapted to Delta's frequencies.

"Zdravstvuktye," She wasn't sure exactly where she had heard it before, but it meant Hello. Then it dawned on her, it was from the 20s film where the main actor was playing a double agent between the Europeans and the Arabs as an arms dealer. She remembered because her mother translated a few of the expressions used in the film which was mostly in English except for a few common expressions that the audience would probably figure out.

"I am Girl Prodigy. I'm not from the future, or from a different dimension, or an android, or dead." She just wasn't sure what else to say about herself. "I am just normal. Kinda like you." The last part was definitely directed at the boy they were supposed to protect.
Stefan's training makes it easy for him not to turn and stare at the girl who routinely bends the laws of science (at least to hear SOMEONE tell it, who can never shut up about her while he's trying to get his hands on Stefan's tech), but Nicky's raised eyebrow and incredulous look in Girl Prodigy's direction isn't exactly subtle...
Desmond stepped off of the plane and straight into sunlight, feeling his body begin to flow with energy. He turns towards the boy and his guards and grinned maniaclly for but a moment. Then he spoke, in fluent Russian:

"I am the one and only Heliomancer! Born with awesome power, destined to shelter humanity from a great disaster! Or cause one, I'm not too sure which." He pauses and frowns then shrugs, before resuming his speech. "But that is meaningless now child! For today I am your protector, your guardian, your one and only hero. Feel free to bask in my glory. Or scream and run, whichever works best for you."
Vlad stopped immediately what he was doing. Is this man for real???? he said looking at him as if he was half retarded. No wait you are just entertaining! he said going back to prodding Eriks suit.
"The expression is 'six of one or half dozen of the other.' What you just said makes no mathematical sense. One half cannot equal a dozen, except on the quantum level where you can't determine the value until you measure and the act of measuring changes the values." Grace stopped talking for a second.

"Oh, nevermind."
Jay and Charity exchanged an amused look over Grace's small lecture. Due to Charity's similar pedantic nature, they'd had many such conversations.

One would have thought it impossible to emote in a suit such as Eric's, yet he managed to look annoyed and very uncomfortable at the same time. After a few moments of the poking and prodding, he got sick of it and swiped at Vlad's hand as one would swat at a fly. "Please don't do that," he asked stiffly.

The little boy seemed studiously unaware of the others, though the tilt of his head showed a flicker of interest in Nicky. The woman gave a deep nod in their direction. "I am Michelle Kirstanza, and my little one is Trevor. He does not speak, especially to strangers. I thank you for your coming."

One of the Russian guards approached them. "We are ready," he said in Russian, then repeated it to Jay in English.

Jay nodded. He appeared beside Vlad, clapping a hand on his shoulder. "Take a position with the decoy car. You'll be most useful there." And the most watched, considering that's where most of the big guns were stationed, but he didn't say that out loud. "The rest of you know where you're supposed to be. Let's get this show on the road." Eric took to the skies, only to happy to be away from the prodding vampire.

Jay saw to it that he, Grace, and one of Jacob's duplicates were in the aircraft with Drake, and rest of the team were also in their proper positions. When everyone was ready, the vehicles began their trek down the dusty road. Two vehicles from the Russian security force took point, while three others trailed the caravan. Little Trevor and his mother were placed in the middle of the cars bringing up the rear.

It took about an hour to reach Saint Petersburg, and then their pace slowed considerably. Local law enforcement had cleared their route of any traffic and erected barricades to keep the foot traffic to the sidewalk. The crowd behind the barriers was enormous. No one in the city was going to miss a parade of the world's greatest super heroes. Conversation buzzed in Russian, English, and various other languages. Vendors hawked their wares, taking advantage of the throng of people to further their business. Things seemed to be going smoothly

Roll a Will Save, and then a Notice Check. Girl Prodigy automatically passes the former.
Jacob made sure his copies were dispersed into the crowd along the route the vehicles would take, each listening to the conversations around him. All the while he sat in the van with Trevor as yet another copy sat in the decoy car. He spent most of the trip with his eyes closed, taking in the impressions from his copies.

Will save is 17+2=19

Notice Check roll is 11, Notice Skill is 10, and not sure what else I need to add to get a total on that.
Desmond rose into the air, high enough that he couldn't be seen from the ground. From there he drifted in the genereal direction of their destination, keeping an eye out for any other flying threats.

Assuming I got these right: Will save is roll a d20 then add 9? So a total of 23.

And notice check is a d2o +6? So a total of 12
Girl Prodigy takes to the air with her team in the aircraft. Her job, she assumed was to keep an eye out for anything that seemed wrong. In a foreign country with a language she couldn't read or understand, that was pretty much everything. Still, she kept looking, hoping she would figure it out when she saw it.

Notice +9 = 14
"I really hope Nicky isn't making you look stupid out there, Trevor. He's... not the brightest star in the sky." Stefan tries not to let it stay quiet for long, mostly because he firmly believes in what this timeline would call Murphy's Law and wants no one tempting fate by whispering those rather famous last words about it being too quiet. He also gets a little nervous not knowing what trouble Nicky is getting himself into, especially when he's playing decoy. "One moment... AMMO, LETHAL configuration, hardnose variant," he barks in English. The weapon shifts and whirs until a laser lens becomes visible in the main aperture. Returning to Russian, Stefan continues, "Don't worry, it's just a name. The hardnose is a concussive laser, very low lethality rate. No deaths today. I'd explain it, but I don't really get it myself, plus then you'd probably invent it centuries ahead of normal timelines..." Stefan lets the silence win for a few moments while he gives the surrounding city a second look.

Nicky, for once, is behaving. Away from Stefan and without Drake to irritate, he figures the best way to get back to having fun is complete the mission as quickly as possible. Also, he's slightly worried Stefan will adopt the brainiac kid whose name isn't important as his new little brother if Nicky screws this one up. He looks around, peeking into the thermal spectrum to make up for his lack of particular attention to detail.

Ever make a character and then realize in play you completely skipped something important? I never gave Nicky the Scout the freaking Notice skill. Maybe he overwrote his Visual Perception and Analysis Array when he was getting his AI software installed...

Lady Jane, do you mind if I use invisiblecastle for rolling? I don't exactly care for the site's built-in dice, although I'll use them if you'd prefer. And I'll use them for these rolls, because there'd be no sense in holding things up while I wait for an answer ^_^

Rolls, in order:

Stefan Will: 15

Stefan Notice: 25

Nicky Will (recall he has Concealment from all Mental senses on account of not having a normal "mind", so can't be detected by many forms of mind-reading or telepathy - although he is a thinking creature so those things can work if they can find him): 17

Nicky Notice (this roll will probably bite, but he does see heat, if it helps :P ): 9
Vlad sat in the car under his obfuscate randomly prodding people telepathically with Auspects while he observed the goings on around him.

(Totals for a 7 perception

actually rolls a total of a 19 willpower)
People didn't change much over the centuries. Oh, sure the details of their petty squabbles altered slightly, but Vlad could find no real difference in the thought patterns of the mortals of the day as compared to their ancestors. This was simply an excitement-filled day, quite possibly a highlight in their meager existence, defined as such because their short lives likely would never see one like it. There was a sense of admiration and curiosity, and the myriad of other emotions that was typical to the point of being blase. He could sense little else out of the ordinary, however.

Kevin paid absolutely no attention to Stefan's attempts to fill the silence. He did show some interest in his weapon, and his eyes frequently wandered over to it when he wasn't studiously staring into space. Stefan wasn't wrong. If the kid ever got his hands on it, he'd have it mentally reverse-engineered in nothing flat.

Despite his desire to avoid a comment on the silence, the mission did seem to be going disturbingly well. Communication crackled through their radio link along with the occasional good-natured ribbing that continued in much the same vein as the banter in the boardroom. In the Maverick, Jay seemed almost half asleep, though looks were deceiving. Drake sat motionless in front of about a dozen monitors--feeds from several concealed cameras along their route--his eyes the only sign he was paying attention at all. They flickered back and forth, taking in information at a speed that very nearly matched Grace's, and most certainly exceeded Jacob's.

The children lined up along the sidewalks pushed excitedly to the front, chattering away. Stefan was too far away to hear exactly what they were saying, but something seemed off. The way their mouth's moved...it didn't look like Russian. A few of the children jostled three of Jacob, and he could tell for sure that it wasn't Russian they were speaking, though hell if he knew what it was.

From his vantage point, Desmond could see spread out before him. There was nothing but normal vehicular traffic that approached the area, and local authorities had that well covered. A glance at the crowded streets saw a mass of people that behaved relatively normally given the excitement that was infused into the situation. Again, something well handled by those designated to do so.

Something seemed...off to Desmond, however. He felt a general sense of uneasiness that all was not as it seemed. With a second glance at the crowd he could see people among the throng that seemed...darker. It wasn't an entirely accurate description, but it was the closest he could come up with at the moment. So high in the sky he couldn't make out any details, but a closer examination would show something unexpected and strange.

One of the cameras panned over the pushing, shoving children, and at first, Grace missed it. Then she saw it. They weren't children at all. Or rather, they were approximately the same height and weight as that of an average child, but their ears were elongated and came to a fine point, while their skin was a bluish grey and their eyes were a beady black and seemed only to have a pupil. What's more, though Drake was clearly staring right at the same screen, he took no notice of the strange creatures.
((Sometimes you gotta love being immune to something))

"Goblins!" She didn't know what they were exactly called. Could be trolls or elves, they all existed in stories, but all the descriptions were somewhat alike. Trolls of the Norse weren't that far from the elves of the Slavs, which were pretty close in relation to the Roman fauns. But you couldn't just call out Elves!, and expect people to go on guard. Goblins however were a universal sign that something would be wrong.

"Mixed in with the crowd, they are like children, but their slate-skin and eyes and pointed ears give them away!" She looked over at the screens. "There, that one in the middle of the screen. Mister Drake, can you see him?" Sometimes, yelling into a comm system seemed redundant, but Grace didn't worry about that. Why did no one else spot them? It was like they had all couldn't see them right in front of their eyes. Someone needed to wake them up.

"Attention! This is Girl Prodigy! All units, goblins encroaching on the parade! Ready for action!" Even if they couldn't see them, at least they would be alert.
Goblins? Vladamir thought to himself as he pressed his left fingers to his temple and concentrated

Ms. Prodigy, please be calm and do not fight this, I am mearly trying to get a view of what it is you saw, try to concentrate o n them so I can get a better picture. he said using his auspects to send a telepathic message to her hopping she wouldn't fight his intrusion into her mind trying to get a better view of what it is she saw.

(If Girl prodigy wants to fight vlads Auspects you can get a Willpower save and I will find out the dc for you, otherwise vlad is going to try and discern what it is the goblins are she saw, he has knowledge history if it would hep in this, or eididict memory witch lets him make any skill check untrained assuming its something he could of come across, and hes a 800 year old vampire so Im assuming occulty critters might be

If its a knowledge history he totals for a 17 if its random occulty thing its a 14)
Jacob and all his copies immediately draw out several paperclips and move toward the front of the crowd. He/they look around, trying to see what Girl Prodigy is talking about. He knows she's not the type to over-react, but the children that jostled him/them looked just like children. But they weren't speaking Russian...

Jacob has the three copies that were jostled try to find those children in the crowd. This is going to be bad PR either way unless the team can show the 'children' are something else. He readies himself to throw down, knowing how ugly this might get.
Switching array: Flight 6 (12 points), Dazzle 10 (20 points), Light Control 3 (6 points). 38 spent total.

Desmond flew towards the ground as soon as Girl Prodigy yelled, halting 2 metres above it. He looked at the dark things masquerading and spoke.

"All shadows give way to the dawn." He grinned and unleashed an extra bright blast of light, emenating from his tattoo and dazzling all those within 50ft of him.

I have no idea if I need to make a roll, but the saving roll for the enemy is reflex to dodge and fort to recover
"Never, never once is this thing ever in the right configuration at the right time.... and now it doesn't matter, I need them to be able to see if I'm going to control the crowd. AMMO, toggle softnose." The laser lens withdraws, but most of the weapon doesn't change. The lens returns with an inhibitor that looks like a silencer would on a regular gun fitted over it. Stefan gently urges Trevor into crouching in the floor of the vehicle and uses the boy as a backrest, pointing the now truly lethal laser at the door nearest him and throwing a glance to the rest of the passengers to cover the other door.

LETHAL configuration can do either damage type, I don't have to switch configurations, the voice command is just window dressing


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