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Realistic or Modern The House on Beacon Street


You have no say in this, child.

KaoriMei said:
You have no say in this, child.

Aw damn. Well then.



Unless, of course, someone prefers to be the side hoe. Then I will not stop you.
Maybe can we have the timeline of when everyone moved in somewhere easily referencable? :D

I'm so excited for this roleplay to start, you have no idea. :D

@Pluvious Sounds good! Cyril will definitely appreciate having someone who is similarly interested in fitness. Graham can expect random protein shakes. C:
Raphael said:
Death to Cyril and Graham: *eats a bunch of junk food but has the body of a god* Oops.
Bip-*Grabs popcorn* *Eats it* Oops.


NimbusTheCat said:
Aw damn. Well then.


Unless, of course, someone prefers to be the side hoe. Then I will not stop you.
In response-

Pluvious said:
Graham to Death: Show off...
Bip to Graham: Remind me to recount the events of when he had to chase one particularly feisty teen around a High School and almost tripped numerous times..oops.
@Trace Absolutely! I'll stick the timeline and any meaningful events and relationships in the Overview section later. :)

Graham appreciates the gesture!
Laughing rn.



Invisibility - Reapers are invisible to the physical universe and can only be seen if they are dealing with the deceased or if they have a physical form. Supernatural beings are able to see them.

Cosmic Awareness - Reapers have an incredible amount of knowledge of the universe, they know when a person is supposed to be born and die.

Invulnerability - Reapers are highly resistant to pain and only extremely high-tier beings, such as God or Satan, can kill them. Certain spells can also affect them.

Immortality - Reapers are not subjected to hunger, disease, or age.

Perception Altering - Reapers can perceptually alter how humans perceive them, appearing in apparently anyway they want to be perceived. Zeno personally enjoys manifesting a human vessel and observing the human world. This does, however, require much energy and so he eats quite a bit of food to make up for the loss.

I just felt like Reapers needed certain/basic characteristics. I'll take off whatever you believe needs to be taken off though. (Totally took this off the SPN Wiki. SPN FOREVER (B^D))
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That website is so helpful.

Woah. Apparently shape shifters can heal any wounds and even replace body parts. Breh.

Dogs can sense shape shifters! Coooool.
"Ghosts are created when the spirit of a person who has died remains connected to the mortal realm, because it is attached to it through unfinished business or an unwillingness to move on. If a ghost is not put to rest or cannot move on of their own accord, they will eventually become vengeful spirits,poltergeists or a subclass of vengeful spirits known as spectres.'
'A ghost who can move objects is referred to as a Poltergeist,[9] and when they materialize or possess another person they may exude ectoplasm.[7][10] Ghosts can also infect a person with Ghost Sickness, a disease that will make the sick person experience the ghost's feelings at the time of their death in slow motion. When Dean is infected, he experiences extreme fear and comes close to suffering cardiac arrest.[11]

Ghosts can affect objects in the material world. This is an ability that must be learned. Sam and Dean learn how to move physical objects and fight when they become astral projections in
4.15 Death Takes a Holiday. The ghost Haskel Crane explains to Bobby and Annie Hawkins that to do this, the spirit must either become very calm and enter a Zen-like state, or tap into "explosive, anger and pure, red-hot rage"[12].

Ghosts can manipulate electronic equipment to communicate by
EVP. They can be detected by the interference they cause with electromagnetic fields through use of an EMF Meter.

Some ghosts have been shown to possess unique abilities:
Freeman Daggettseemed to be able to make Sam disappear and reappear in the blink of an eye, transporting him from the first floor to the basement, Whitman Van Ness could destroy other ghosts and absorb their energy, Mary Worthington could kill anyone through a warped reflection of themselves that accused them of the various deaths they were responsible for. This was also able to be turned back onto her.

Ghosts are not always present by choice or as a result of unfinished business. Ghosts can also be summoned and controlled by witches or demons.'
-"Reapers can manipulate human biology, one angry Reaper, once infected a person with a mental condition, giving them an early death in revenge."

-"Reapers do not grow tired, and will nag their victims incessantly, unless a supernatural event disturbs them. However they do sometimes eat for pleasure."

I laughed because that's something Zeno would definitely do.

@Annabella If you choose to go that route, that might be one thing that attracts Zeno to Bip. He's probably curious as to why she's not vengeful.

OK, we appreciate the info girly, but I think that's a little too much...
KaoriMei said:
So, what's your story?
Racial prejudice was abundant in the 60's due to us just easing into the exception of diversity. Bip is African-American, she was an easy target walking home from school..a hate crime.


Raphael said:
-"Reapers can manipulate human biology, one angry Reaper, once infected a person with a mental condition, giving them an early death in revenge."
-"Reapers do not grow tired, and will nag their victims incessantly, unless a supernatural event disturbs them. However they do sometimes eat for pleasure."

I laughed because that's something Zeno would definitely do.

@Annabella If you choose to go that route, that might be one thing that attracts Zeno to Bip. He's probably curious as to why she's not vengeful.
I really might go that route and your Reaper is so fucking accurate.

It's pretty normal that
@Raphael knows how to master the Grim Reaper... perfectly.

Now, that site is definitely helpful.

Shapeshifters are human‎-like creatures that start out human, but later learn how to change their form to look like anyone they want. When exactly they learn is not consistent, some can learn from infancy, while others do not learn until much later in their lives. Due to starting off as humans, shapeshifters can have human urges and vices, such as greed, lust, etc. They are also arguably the most human monsters there are. When a shapeshifter takes the shape of the person they choose to change into, they literally shed their skin, teeth and nails. It is very painful. When they change into the person's physical appearance, they access the thoughts of the person they are mimicking. Some shapeshifters are known to change their shape in a matter of seconds while others are known to take up to several hours. They can also take the forms of fictional characters or inhuman characteristics, such as vampire fangs or werewolf claws. They can also alter their eyes so they resemble their retinal flare. Some shapeshifters have displayed the ability to shift seamlessly into whoever they want without shedding their skin, similar to their Alpha. If you see a video of a shifter there eyes will be a silvery glowy color.‎

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