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The Hopeless and the Hapless


He's the guy from the wrong side of the track and she's the girl from the right side of the track. They meet in a private high school. Together they push past prejudices, social norms, and religious boundaries as well as face the hardships and challenges that come with growing up. I am alright playing either the male or female character. Here's the skelly, let me know which role you want to play.

Character Skelly--









Other: (optional--if you feel more needs to be included)
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sure. what chara are you wanting to play? 
sure. what chara are you wanting to play? just to warn yu I will be getting offline soon. I will be on more tomorrow most likely, but maybe 15 minutes more for today.

Darian Regans






Darian was always the type who enjoyed being alone. Well that's becauase he's kinda use to it. He also has his sharps ways and rarely smiles. Well that's only if he doesn't open up to you. (Even if you open up to him he's still pretty quiet) Despite the negative look on his face he's a pretty cool guy. Sure he has his rough side but he also has his soft side. He's sweet and caring and he's intelligent too yet he doesn't really show it that much. Ignorant about people but he knows his Math and History in class.


The moon, night time, Music (mainly rock), paint, beanies, piercings, tattoos, Vanilla, the scent of Jasmine, Cats, Hugs, and sitting under a tree for the shade.


God or any religious belief (Don't get me wrong, it's just for the roleplay), Chocolate, The sun, Braggy people, Stuck up people, All people in general.


Darian never believed an religion from the beginning. He found it nonsense. Told his parents that and they never treated him the same since they are Christians. He gets lest respect and gets called "Son of Satan" Even though he doesn't believe in him. He was the rebellious type. He would listen to his mother or father. He wouldn't listen to anyone if they didn't understand him. He's fine with that though, he's use to it and enjoys it too. His parents were sick of the way he acted and thought sending him to a private school will help him somehow. He doesn't know yet. He finds most people in private schools stuck up so he's not looking forward to it.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Andy.jpg.aa0e0e9fef7d71efc655f94413949cc3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="24826" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/Andy.jpg.aa0e0e9fef7d71efc655f94413949cc3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Enjoys spending time with his cat, Marble, as much as he can



  • Andy.jpg
    89.9 KB · Views: 24
Doesn't the image seem kinda old looking for 15?))

Name: Aria Bethel


Personality: Aria is a quiet person, but that's mostly due to being bullied. She can actually be very talkitive. She's a creative person and thinks outside the box. Aria is sweet and caring, but considered a misfit. She doesn't like getting into confrontations with anyone.

Year: 10

Likes: Cats, kittens, all things green, old literature, rock music, night time, all things Asian or Mexican, and sweets

Dislikes: conflict, mean people, math and PE classes, know-it-alls, cliques, and cheer leaders

Bio: She was adopted by a Pastor's family. (I thought it'd be ironic) She originally lived in the slums of a city with her biological mother and grandmother. Due to the fact that Aria's mother was so desperate for male company Aria had to put up with some seedy character, some of which did not treat her well. Her Aunt and Uncle took her in when Aria could no longer take the abuse. She was adopted by her Aunt and Uncle, a pastor's family, and attends church regularly. However, she has her issues with the way churches look at Pastor's kids.


Other: In her spare time she volunteers at a veteranary clinic near the school. She also works during free periods and an hour after school to help pay for her tuition. She works as a reader/janitor for the English teacher, Mrs. McDuffinn.
The campus seemed terribly grey. The clouds overhead hung threateningly. Rain would be falling before noon. Aria was fussing with the corner of her uniform skirt. It had a bend she just could not get rid of. This was her second year at this academy. Being a Pastor's kid her tuition was 3/4 covered, however she had to work off the rest. She fussed so much she missed a step, going up towards the lockers, and flew backwards down them, riding her back pack.

"Oh man! I hope I didn't break my phone! Or worse-- I hope my snacks are alright!" she quickly got off her bag and started to rummage through it for her snacks. She was relieved to see only three of her eight sesame seed crackers broke.

With that dealt with she hurried to her locker, organized it with a cross shaped mirror and black book dividers. hen that was through she went to the assembly hall. That was where everyone met for announcements and a worship thought before class. Sometimes they held fun events there. Aria was never a part of the events (well except for drama events) as she didn't fit into the cliques that put them together. She was kind of a loner.
Outside the campus was nice and dark. Just the way Darian liked it. He layed down on the grass and stretched out in the dim light. First week of school here and he didn't like it already. Too many religious people in his opinion. People seemed stuck-up too. Darian sat up and looked at the school. "You may look nice but you're not worth my time and you shouldn't be worth my time," He chuckled to himself as he stood up and pulled out a cigarette then plopped it in his mouth.

Lighting up the cigarette, he stood up slowly and buried his hand in his pockets, looking for a picture of his cat. Feeling the edge of the picture, he quickly pulled it out and held the picture of Marble close to his chest. Taking out the cigarette with his index finger and his middle finger he breathed out. Tapping the cigarette to let the ashes fall to the ground he noticed he's late for the assembly.

"OH SHOOT!" He dropped the cigarette and stepped on it. Darian quickly grabbed his back pack and shoved the picture of Marbles inside quickly. He ran as fast as he could to his locker. Skipping as many steps as he could and finally reached his locker. He was already panting before he reached his locker. Darian finally opened the locked and threw his back pack inside as soon as he was breathing normally. Before running to the assembly hall he took a deep breath. "I'm fine... You're not going to be in trouble" He mumbled to himself and ran to the assembly hall and stayed away from any human being that was there.
Aria took a seat in the back. She sat and halfway listened to the announcements while at the same time she braided random strands of her shoulder length dark hair. She finished five braids with different colored rubber bands. She then went back to fussing with her navy blue uniform skirt. She then went to fussing with how her navy blue boe tie sat against her white uniform top. She fussed a while more before giving up and letting go. The announcements were about over and worship had begun. They were harping on morality, a subject she's heard an awful lot of. She rolled her eyes and went to secretively reading a Shakespeare novel.

"Ah, Romeo and Julliette...moralit..ha!" she muttered to herself.
Darian just stood there in the back where it was empty. He crossed his arms and just listened to the announcement. He looked at the other students that were in the announcement hall. Their uniforms were all neat and wrinkled free. He looked down at his. He was a complete mess. He shrugged. Didn't really care if he was neat or not. He mind just wandered off as the announcement continued. His eyes focused on a girl who has three...? No four...? Maybe five or six braids in her hair. "Pfft.... Is that girl in elementary or something?" He thought to himself. Not only that she had different colored elastic bands in her hair. Darian shook his head. All of a sudden the worship begun. He thought it was okay but all of a sudden it was too much. Too many religious and voices all synchronized to one.

Darian needed to escape. He couldn't handle any more. He managed to escape from everyone hoping that no one noticed. He fixed his uniform color and loosened his tie. "My god... Thank god that's over...." He muttered to himself. Well it wasn't really over. He could still hear the people. It was manageable. He could hear their voices but it wasn't as loud as it use to be. Not only that their words weren't really clear. Just sounded like random noises all mixed into one mess.
Aria then sifted through her bag to make certain that she'd gathered all her books for that morning. She forgot her history books. She ran out early, heading for her locker. She wasn't looking exactly where she was going and ran face first into another student. She looked up at him in surprise, her copy of Romeo and Juliette fell onto the floor open to the scene where Romeo meets his beloved Juliette. Her big dark eyes looked panicked and terribly apologetic.

"My God, I am so so sorry! I-I should be looking where I'm going. I didn't mean to-- I'm sorry. Oh look," she took a tissue from her bag and started to dab at a small smudge of make up she left on his...messy white top, "I got my damn make up on you. I am so sorry." she apologized over and over, now fussing over his newest stain, her cover up.

By now the tan skin on her face was starting to turn red even despite her cosmetics. She focused on the stain, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not get the blasted make up off. She felt terrible. She had tried so hard to get all the wrinkles out of her own uniform, but now she'd ruined his. She felt guilt fill her like an ocean. She knew all too well how hard it was just to get by in this school. She knew that immediately rumors would start and he'd get bullied as well as get labeled an outcast, and it would be her fault.
Darain felt someone bump into him. "Hey! You better wa--" Darian yelled at the top of his lungs and turned around finding a little girl. He looked at her panicking for a small smudge. He could go all out on her and scold her but she seemed like she's just.... Maybe just overreacting. Darian just lifted up on eyebrow at her and tilted his head to the side. He started to laugh.

"Why are you getting so worked up for something so small?" Darian said with a soothing and caring voice. "It's okay, you don't need to make something small become so big." He smiled at her gently and tried to look at the stain over his shoulder. "It's probably not that bad." Even though he doesn't really see it. He took another glance at her and recognized the braids in her hair.

Darian took out the elastics out of her hair and threw it on the floor. "Don't wear your hair like that too. It makes you look like a child." Looking down he noticed there was a Romeo and Juliette. He picked it up and looked at the page it fell on, analyzing it well. "Shakespeare or did someone rearranged it so someone can understand him?"
She scowled when the elastic was pulled from her hair and her braids fell out. Here she was trying to fix her mistake and he was being kind of harsh. It was nice of him, however, to tell her not to worry. He obviously didn't know what it was like to just get by in this school. She could tell right away that he was new. When he picked up her book she felt a bit embarrassed. She was a sucker for classic stories and she wanted to try to convince her drama club leader to do Romeo and Juliette. That would be hard though, as most parents insisted the school only perform religious plays. She really wanted to broaden the school's horizon.

"U-uh no...it's the classic play. I-I was going to try and rewrite it so the Drama Club could do it." she delicately tried to take it back. " I'm trying to memorize the original so I don't have flip back and forth. I know that sounds awfully lazy...." she was getting more and more red as she spoke.

At that moment the meeting in the assembly hall ended and students drowsily filed out. A few students shot the two of them glances. Aria felt her skin crawl as they did. They were all so judgmental. She knew the rumors would be buzzing all over campus before lunch. She knew that because this was her second year here. Last year she was labeled a lesbian and was shunned by all the students all year long. The rumor wasn't exactly true. She had to admit she'd had feelings for other girls before but it was nothing more than that. Over all her romantic fancy was directed at men, attractive, muscular, considerate men. She did not fancy any of the stuck up, self centered, over confident pricks that attended school. Her only friend was a foreign exchange student who also was labeled an outsider. He didn't speak very good English.
"So you're in a drama club I see... Eh?" Darian smiled as he continued reading the play. "I don't blame you for reading this. Classics are one of the best things to read." Darian handed the script back to her and poked her cheek lightly. "You don't need to get all red for saying you're just memorizing it." he chuckled softly. Knowing that the assembly was about to end, he waved quickly and turned around "See you later if we bump into each other again," and went off to his locker.

Grabbing all his text books, note books, and his picture of Marbles, he went into his first period class and sat down. Darian was always the first one in his class. That's because he doesn't like to be in the crowded halls when people would hurry into their classroom. He ran his fingers up his pocket that has his box of cigarettes. Boy, he sure did want to use one.

The teenage boy stood up and poked his head out the classroom door and looked at the clock. He had time to smoke one. He went to the window and opened it. He pulled out one cigarette and put it in his mouth. Lighting it, Darian placed his arm on the window sill and looked at the view. Flicking the cigarette to get rid of the ashes, he noticed that it was almost time for the student to get out and ruin the quiet sound. He gently pushed the fire out on the wall outside and placed the cigarette back into the box. It wasn't close to done, it could have been used again. "Darn cigarette prices are going up. No way I'm wasting money that's killing me," Darian said to himself as he sat down, placing his feet on the desk.
Aria hurried into class, second to enter. She was panting as she'd run up the stares at full speed after getting her first text book from her locker. She slammed it onto a desk near the first person who'd gotten in. She flopped into her seat. The teacher entered, he was a short Asian man with square rimmed glasses. He sat at his desk and turned on his computer. He paused to smile and wave at them, but returned to his computer. He was running late. Aria shot a glance at the other student. It was the boy from before! Bashfully she started to straighten up her desk. She lined up her pencils, got out her note book, and her history book. It was neat. She stared intently at her notebook, as though her eyes could ware holes in it. It wasn't long before students filled the class.

(time jump) The day went on in the exact same way. The guy had all the same classes as her. The only class he didn't have was drama. She tried to convince her drama instructor to do Romeo and Juliet, but was instead shot down. Instead they would be doing a piece called "God's Hands". She felt anger fuel her like nothing else. Just because they were in a Christian school didn't mean everything had to absolutely be God based. She just wanted to act. At lunch she ordered her regular, cheese pizza and a salad. She sat in a corner away from everyone. Her only friend was in an exchange student meeting with the principal. No doubt they were discussing the fact he spoke very little English.

"Jeez, today really sucks!" To make matters worse she could hear the more popular girls making remarks about her across the caf. They were THAT loud. "Damn cheer leaders."
Students came in and sat down one by one. Darian didn't do anything but stare at the people coming in the door but he did see a familiar face. Oh! It was the girl before. He didn't know that she was in his class. Yet again he never pays attention to who's in his class or what not. The teacher came in later as he did what he does all the time. Get on the computer, say "Hello Class" and reviews. Darian didn't do anything but ignore the teachers when they did reviews. Darian is like a sponge. He soaks up all the knowledge and then a year later he's dry. To make time pass by, he just sat there and balanced a pencil on his nose. In the corner of his eyes, there was a girl who glanced at him and started to straighten out her desk. He couldn't tell who it was since all he saw was the back of her head. He just shrugged and went back to his business on balancing the pencil.

Time went by and Darian noticed that the girl was in all his classes except his music class. He shrugged as he went on the grand piano and started to play a few chords for a song he wants to create. Darian got fustrated and just went on playing "River Flows In You" By Yiruma. As soon as he finishes it he crossed his arms and looked at the script for the drama club. Darian has to play the piano for "God's Hand" as the background music. Darian rolled his eyes. "How did an atheist get stuck in a Christian school?" He mumbled as he slammed the script on the floor.

Later at lunchtime, Darian always skips lunch. He never really found the food appetizing. Although, Darian was hungry. He just looked at the menu and shrugged. He doesn't really want anything. Darian just grabbed a drink and headed out to the court yard and sat down under his special tree. He hates being near people. Especially when it's loud and noisy. He pulled out his picture of Marble and held it close to his chest as he opened his bottle of Naked the strawberry and banana and took a drink of it. He laid down in the shade as he closed his eyes. "God damn I hate this stupid Christian school..."
Sick of being bullied she hurried away, out of the cafeteria. Aria hated today. She made her way towards the school's court yard. Aria stopped dead in the grass. Two guys and a girl from their class had followed her and called her name. She turned to look at them in time to be slapped to the ground by one of the guys. The three stood over her, leering. Her body trembled with anger and frustration. She had been told that she couldn't live with her Aunt and Uncle if she got into any fights, so she stayed down.

"Why do you even come to this school, ya little skank." the girl started. "You don't belong here. You're street trash. We can see you working to pay off your tuition. You don't belong here, Aria. Go to a public school, get yourself pregnant, and live your dirty little life."

Aria wanted to rise to her feet and punch in the girl's face. "You're the skank." she spat back. "What, you sleeping with both of these guys one at a time or do you prefer them both together."

"What'd you say!" the other boy hissed, picking her up by her collar.

"Just calling it as it is." Aria said, closing her eyes as she expected a fist to come slamming into her face.

Aria had been bullied before. It was usually other girls that started it. She was an attractive girl, other girls knew that well. Her first week at school it was the guys that approached her first. Now everyone believed she was a slut and would steal a person's lover at the drop of a hat. That wasn't at all true, however. Girls started it up to get their boy friends to avoid her as well as make her life hard. They had already made up rumors that she was hopping into bed with the new guy. They also made sure all the teachers had this knowledge and would intervene if they saw her getting too close to any of the boys on campus.
Darian heard commotion near him as he placed the picture of Marbles in his pocket as he listened. It was actually kinda interesting. He took another sip and sighed. He placed his drink under the shade and stood up, brushing off the dirt off his pants and shirt. He wanted to finish his cigarette so he placed it in his mouth and lit it. He walked up to the, in his opinion, loud people. He found that it was the girl and three other people. Now that wasn't fair.

"D'awww... is someone ganging up on one person..?" Darian said as he wrapped his arms around the girl. "Three people versus one girl? Now that isn't fair now is it." He took the guy's hand off her collar. "I thought this was suppose to be a well mannered school. I guess it isn't since it's filled with shitty snobs." He rolled his eyes as he tucked the girls hair behind he ear. He took his hands off the girls and cracked his knuckles. He hasn't been in a fight for years but it would sure be fun to be in a fight again. But, he understands if they don't wanna fight him. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and breathed out the smoke in their face. "You guys should know your place or I'll show it to you," Darian glared at them with his cold gray eyes as he looked down at them. He threw the cigarette to the ground and stepped on it to stop it burning.

Darian was always the mischievous type. Always getting in trouble. But did Darian care? Of course not. Being in fights was something he loved. Win or lose, he doesn't care as long as he can beat the shit out of someone. Although, his parents hearing that he was being in fights was something they hated. Another reason why they put him in this school. If Darian gets in a fight, boy weren't they wrong.
The two guys immediately backed down. They didn't wanna mess with him. Honestly, the only reason they wanted to mess with Aria is because she was weaker than them. This guy, however, wasn't a sure win. They backed up, hands up submissively. They had nervous looks on their faces.

"Hey man, we don't want any trouble with you." one said.

"Yeah, you can have the little skank." the other said before they tore off.

The other girl looked frustrated but didn't stick around. She took off after them. Aria watched them flee like little chickens. She smirked and flipped them off as they ran. She then turned to her rescuer, Darian. She looked at him then felt embarrassed. She lowered her gaze immediately. If she were allowed to fight then she would have creamed them. They would be crying for mercy by now, but she couldn't. She sighed. Today sucked all the way around.

"Thanks for coming to my rescue. I'm sorry to be so much trouble." Her right cheek was obviously bruised from getting hit. "I appreciate your help though." she looked at her watch. "What do you have next period? We could skip and go down town for some actually good food. My treat?"
Darian scoffed as they ran off. He raised an eyebrow. "Well that wasn't much fun." He looked at Aria. "You're lucky that I was hear... He knows what would of happened to you," He smiled softly. "You should learn how to defend yourself sometimes... Imagine what would have happened if I wasn't here.." The only reason he mainly came was to have a little fun. Or was it really to save the girl? He doesn't know for sure. He looked up a the sky. The day sure did get a little bit brighter. He groaned softly since he hated being in the sun.

Hearing the girl thanking him, he turned his head towards her. "No problem. And it's fine, you weren't trouble at all." He bent down and looked at her cheek. "They sure did hit you hard didn't they..." He got back up and stood up straight. "My next period is study hall. I don't do much in that class anyway to be honest. But I would sure love to skip." He smiled. Darian never knew the girl was the type that would actually skip. In his opinion, he thought she was a goody-two-shoes since she was neat and such. "And sure, thanks." Darian said as he shoved his hands into his pockets. Darian was always low on cash since he was buying cigarettes. Although he has a job, he doesn't get paid much since he doesn't always go there. He's surprised that he didn't get fired yet.
"It doesn't hurt that bad. I've had worse....trust me, this little bruise is just an injury on my self esteem."

She shoved her bag into her locker and grabbed her purse. She was quick as she led him off campus, making sure they didn't get caught. She led him to the cross walk and as soon as they crossed they were home free. She led them down town from there. It was maybe a ten minute walk as the school was placed at the edge between the high class part of the city and the low class. She led him to a tiny little Mexican restaurant.

"Is this place ok? I can afford two meals and a desert here for a fair amount. If you don't like here we could try some other place...?"

(Sorry it's so short)

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