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Realistic or Modern The High School for Society's Rejects

Senka sits down beside the freaking out Berial, looking up at the clouds and watching the birds go by. Before standing up and pulling his katana out of the sheath. old and rusted the katana was, he sighed as he sheathed it again looking at a tree far off memorizing the school lay out.
Amy walks behind the flame headed boy before walking up beside him. "Don't mind if I walk with you do you? I would prefer to not be sitting alone on the first day, I understand if you don't though be it because of my power. A lot of people have mixed feelings about it." She says smiling a little at him.
" Hey Life." Loki's voice said startling me from the trance my teachers droning voice put my in. Is at up straighter answer. "What?"

"Do you want to merge? I figured if we are gonna be stuck here we might as well start with a bang"

"Do you even have to ask?" I said already planing the chaos we could cause.

" I knew there was a reason I loved you." He said looking through my plans making me pout.


Xavier jerked awake, almost flipping his desk over in the process when the bell woke him up. He yawned sleepily and stretched his arms letting everyone else leave before he got out of his seat and shouldered his bookbag. Pulling a strand of hair down to see, he noted that it was his natural white and mentally congratulated himself before slipping into the hall. Most of the time if he fell asleep while changing his appearence, he woke up with some very... Interesting results. Class didnt sound all that exciting, and he wasn't in the mood to deal with more people. Instead, he found a nice place to sit under a tree and relaxed, putting on headphones and turning his iPod on, spotting Berial a little ways away but ignoring her.

(Sorry for late reply. Was working.)
"What're you doing here, ninja-boy? Figured you'd be off hiding in the corners by now.." She murmured, not even bothering to be nice. She didn't really like him a whole lot. It might be been the whole "mysterious ninja that opens portals in freaking space practically" .
The ice-wielder walked through the halls, lunch would be great now that he was so hungry, and with the way people shrank under the scrutiny of his frozen gaze he'd have no problem with school. That was when he bumped into his brother, leaping back as the heat burned his icy chest, "Ow... God... Dammit... Where's your head, bro?!" He said as he pressed his cold hand against his burning skin, wincing as his brother spoke.

"My classmates numbed my skull with their antics... Apparently I scare people?" He turned to look at Amy, about to say he did mind when- "Of course he doesn't mind." The boy said to the stranger, knowing his brother was in a weird mood and that he might say something mean. "Nope, I don't." Zane spoke up, looking over at blood girl, "I honestly think your blood bending is cool~" He wiggled his fingers as he said 'blood bending'.
"Im memorizing the area, in-case you happen to get kidnapped il be able to find you easier. That is if you haven't already seduced the kidnapper." Senka says looking at the girl now. "Like me or not, your decision. But il protecting everyone I can at this school. Friend or foe." He says before turning towards the area again to examine it
Amy smiled as the two of them said they didn't mind. "Okay thanks." She said happily. "Are you two friends?" She asked as he eyes flicked between the two of them noting there similiar features. "No you're brothers aren't you." She said coming out of her shell a little. That's interesting one controls fire and the other ice. She thought to herself. "I'm Amy by the way." She says extending a hand to the ice boy.
Five minutes after class began the teacher got called out to the office leaving us alone.

'Perfect.' I thought standing up and leaving. I leaned against the wall outside a headache already starting as me and Loki merged truly becoming one. My breast grew and hair changed color as my body shifted and mind changed becoming one.

Five minutes later I opened my now mitch matched eyes and smirked mind already thinking up ways to improve some of my plans.
"Why do you insist on thinking I'm a slut? I don't try to seduce everyone I meet for gods sake." She brushed some hair out of her face, frustrated. "You know what? Never mind. I should be used to the comments by now."
"Never called you one, madam." Senka sighed showing a little emotion now. "I assumed you would be smart and use your power to get out of a kidnapping. But what ever makes you happy." He says sighing again before starting to walk away and examine the rest of the school area. Noting quick escape points and such.
"Is it-" The younger of the two punched the elder in the shoulder and finished the sentence, when they said things simultaneously it embarrassed him, "Is it that obvious?" The sophomore chuckled, smacking her hand in an icy cool high-five, "I'm Kane, yeah, I know, Kane and Zane, fire and ice. I better not discover some long lost earth and wind brothers that I'm magically related to." He joked, laughing before he thought about the possibility,

"Ow... Tch, yeah, we're brothers alright." He rubbed his shoulder, a dark mark where the ice had cooled his heated skin quickly disappearing.
"So now I'm not only a slut, I'm stupid? Thanks a lot." Berial knew she was overreacting and that this wasn't anything new. She had been called tons of awful things, but for whatever reason she didn't feel like hearing it from other 'freaks'.
Senka ignores the ignorant girl now opening a portal to the roof of the school and walking threw it. Closing the portal behind him and sitting on a bench on the roof looking out of the town before going into meditation again.

(When did he call her ether of those xD .)
Amy smiles watching the two brothers. "I guess you could call it blood bending." She says at his previous comment about her power. "I know a few people in that class probably would have thought it was creepy, that's what majority think of it." She says with her hands in her pockets. "Not really, I just sort of took a guess because you looked similar." She said.
She gave up and grabbed her bag, walking away. "Not staying at this stupid school. Screw this."

(Well he said she was always seducing people and he said he assumed she would be smart enough to use her abilities to get out of bad situations i.e. kidnapping. To someone who would actually have those issues and be called horrible names, they would think you're calling them a hoe and stupid.)
Straightening up I began walking through the halls stretching my inner energy so I could find out if any teachers are near. I stopped in shock though when I found the grey energy that I recognised vaguely as Senna on the roof.

"What's he doing up there?" I thought changing directions and heading towards him. Chaos can wait because now I'm curious.
"Wait, you can control blood? That's super chill, man!" Kane said, wondering how her powers work but not wanting to ask, "Good guess, by the way~"

"You mean cool? Shut up, I said what I meant, you butt! Butt? SHOOSH!" Zane laughed, finding his anger to be quite humorous, as per usual, "He's sooooooo 'chill', am I right?" He teased his brother.

"What happened to that chick that was pestering you? I want to be her friend if she bothers you that much~" The ice boy stuck out his tongue, which was so cold it was blue.
Xavier opened his eyes and looked over to see a very pissed off looking Berial and some kid walking away. Then the kid vanished or something along those lines and Berial stood up like she was going to storm off the campus. Sighing, Xavier slid his headphones down around his neck and stood up, leaving his back pack and walking to catch up with Berial. "Hey, wait up," he called out and quickly caught up to her. "Rough first hour?" He asked in a tone that was bordering on teasing, but not in a mean way.
Amy nodded at the younger brother. "Uh huh. I'm glad at least a few people think it's cool." She said smiling and couldn't help but laugh at the brother's bickering. "Do you always fight like this?" She asks a smile on her face enjoying the company on the brothers. "I think she threw a fit because your brother blew her off."
"Why should you care? Leave me alone. Not like I'm gonna come back to this stupid school, so don't worry about it." Berial didn't stop walking, not really in the mood to talk to anyone. It wasn't like this kid was gonna miss her. No one would. It was only the first day. Not like anyone gave a damn. Her parents sure as hell wouldn't. She doubted that they were ever sober long enough to realize that their daughter was a freak, hell, that they even had a daughter.
"Every day... of every week." Zane sighed, mood switching when Berial was brought up, wondering where that girl had gone. Last time he saw her she looked like she was ready to leave and he felt bad, was that his fault?

"Oh? Zane, since when do you blow people off?" The boy laughed.
Xavier didn't even pause and continued walking with Berial. "There's no reason I should care," he said and kicked at a rock on the ground, watching it bounce several feet ahead of them. "Why do I care is a better question, but I don't really have an answer as to why other than I just do. It's not good to stay pissed off at the world forever, or even for five minutes. More trohble than its worth," he said and kicked the rock as they passed it again.They were getting off the school grounds and he breifly closed his eyes, using his power to change his hair and eyes to brown.
Amy stands there. "Does every sibling fight like that?" She asks since she was an only child. "She has like some seduction power or something." Amy tells Kane. "And I think she might have been a little upset because it wasn't working. I guess." She says shrugging.
"Like I said, why do you care? It doesn't concern you if I stay pissed either. Not like my decisions affect you any. Just go back and be with the rest of those people. I'm going home." She didn't understand why he was 1. Following her still and 2. Trying to pretend like her choices were affecting him or other people.

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